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INTRODUCTIONAsandduneisanyaccumulationofsand grainsshapedintoamoundorridgebythewindunderthein fluenceofgravity .Sanddunesarecomparabletootherformsthatappearwhenafluidmovesoveraloosebed .Dunesarefoundwhereverloosesandiswindblown(Bagnold ,196 0 ) .MostofIraqianlandsareaffectedbywinderosion ,theformationandmovementofsanddunes ,particularlyinthemiddleandsouthofIraq .Thetotalareacoveredbysanddunesisapproximately 2mil lionshectares ,andthreatensmanyothermillionshectares (DougramejiandKaul,197…  相似文献   

We investigated the role of beach grooming in the loss of coastal strand ecosystems. On groomed beaches, unvegetated dry sand zones were four times wider, macrophyte wrack cover was >9 times lower, and native plant abundance and richness were 15 and >3 times lower, respectively, compared to ungroomed beaches. Experimental comparisons of native plant performance were consistent with our survey results: although initial germination was similar, seed bank, survival, and reproduction were significantly lower in groomed compared to ungroomed plots. Rates of aeolian sand transport were significantly higher in groomed plots, while native plants or wrack placed in that zone reduced sand transport. Our results suggest beach grooming has contributed to widespread conversion of coastal strand ecosystems to unvegetated sand. Increased conservation of these threatened coastal ecosystems could help retain sediment, promote the formation of dunes, and maintain biodiversity, wildlife, and human use in the face of rising sea levels.  相似文献   

After conducting many laboratory and field experiments, several key technical issues related to the construction of China’s Taklamakan Desert Highway have been satisfactorily resolved. In particular, considerable progress has been made on the dry compaction of a sand sub-base, road design parameters, the creation of a structure that combines a sub-grade and asphalt pavement, analysis of the stability of a sand sub-base strengthened with geotextiles, and on the development of a complete set of construction techniques. The achievements of this research were successfully applied for the first time in the Taklamakan Desert, where the environmental conditions are extremely harsh. The results suggest that the construction of this highway was economical and that the simple construction methods produced a reliable highway. The resulting highway is believed to be the world’s first long-distance graded highway running through a huge desert with migrating dunes.  相似文献   

Serious hazards have taken place in urban areas and road construction in Saudi Arabia because of the presence of accumulations of drifting sand dunes. Several researches, which carried out investigative work to solve this problem, were reviewed. Three locations of dune fields along the area between Jeddah and Al-Lith were investigated. The dune forms was identified. Detailed field investigations showed that barchan dunes are dominant in the area. The sands from the studied locations were found to be similar in grain size and shape parameters. Mineralogically, the sand reflects the composition of the surrounding igneous and metamorphic rocks. Regression analyses were performed and empirical relationships between dune height, width, windward length, slip-face length, and rate of movements were developed. Relatively strong relations exist between these parameters. The most important geometric parameter controlling dune movement with wind speed and direction is determined to be the dune height. A reasonable similarity occurs between the barchan dunes in the study area and those existing in Al Nufud, Al Jafurah sand seas, and Khulays area. The studied dune fields pose some natural hazards on the roads, and the surrounding buildings and constructions in the villages along the area between Jeddah and Al-Lith, especially during wind storms.  相似文献   

About half of the arid and semi-arid lands in the world are deserts that comprise various types of aeolian sand dunes deposits. In Shaanxi Province, aeolian sand dunes cover considerable areas of the Yulin desert and northern Jinbian. Sand dunes are moving in the main wind direction and converting some agricultural area to wasteland. Remote sensing of sand dunes helps in the understanding of aeolian process and desertification. Remote sensing data combined with field studies are valuable in studying sand dunes, regional aeolian depositional history. In particular, active and inactive sand dunes of the north Shaanxi Province were studied using remote sensing and geographic information system. In this study, we describe the Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images, covering north Shaanxi Province, which were used to study the distribution, shape, size, trends, density and movement of sand dunes and their effect on desertification of cultivated lands. Estimation was made depending on soil erodibility factor (Ⅰ) and local climatic factor (C) during the period (June to September). The result indicates that soil erosion caused sand drift of 8.957 5, 7.03 ton for Yulin and Jinbian, respectively. The mean sand dunes movement rate were 4.37, 3.11 m, whereas, monthly sand dune advance rate were 1.092 5, 0.777 5 m, for the two locations, respectively. The study reveals that cultivated lands extended obliquely to the direction of sand dune movement are extremely affected, while other segments that extend parallel to the direction of the movement are not affected. Accordingly the north Shaanxi Province was divided into areas of different classes of potential risk. Moreover, blown sands and sand movement from neighboring highlands also affect the area of western desert.  相似文献   

There are two different dune systems in central Australia; regional quartz dunefields and transverse gypsiferous dunes associated with playa lakes. These two systems, especially gypsiferous dunes at Lake Amadeus, the largest playa in central Australia, provide a sedimentary, geomorphological and environmental history of the region during the late Quaternary. The gypsifierous dunes consist of a surficial gypcrete overlying an aeolian sediment sequence below, a mixture of gypsum sand and quartz sand. No clay pellets have been found in the dune sequence, in significant contrast to the gypsiferous clay dunes in other parts of Australia. Three possible models of the environmental controls of gypsiferous dune formation are discussed. The most plausible one suggests simultaneous gypsum precipitation and deflation. Sandsized gypsum was precipitated in a groundwater-seepage zone around the playa margin during seasonally high water-tables and these crystals were deflated onto land during dry intervals, forming the marginal gypsiferous dunes. These processes require conditions of high regional water-table, strong climatic seasonality and probably a windier and overall wetter climate. At least two separate gypsiferous-duneforming episodes can be recognized. The age of formation of the younger one has been dated by thermoluminescence at 44–54 ka. The gypcrete crust capping the dunes is characterized by intergrown microcrystalline gypsum crystals, showing evidence of leaching, dissolution and recrystallization. It is interpreted as a pedogenic product formed during a stable period after accumulation of the gypsiferous dune. After the construction of the younger gypsiferous dune, there was a major episode of activation of regional quartz dunefields which formed thick quartz sand mantles overlying gypsiferous dunes on both playa margins and the dune islands within the playa. An equivalent aeolian sand layer was deposited within the playa. Soil structures in this unit indicate that the sand sheet over the playa was later colonized by vegetation. Activation of the regional dunefields suggests a major period of dry climate, which, although not dated, may correlate with the last glacial maximum identified as a period of maximum aridity from 25 to 18 ka at other sites in Australia.  相似文献   

A new method was developed for the measurement of relative density in natural sand deposits. The method is based on hardening sand in the field, so that undisturbed samples can be obtained, and the later removal of the organic hardener in the laboratory. In the study of two coastal dunes use was made of “peels” which reveal in detail the internal structure of the sand. A definite relationship was established between relative density of the dune sand, its internal structure and mode of deposition. Very high relative densities, approaching and even exceeding 100%, were found in sand deposited by accretion on the top of the dunes. Low to very low relative densities were measured in slip deposits formed by avalanching of sand on the leeward slope of the dunes. High densities in accretion deposits are attributed to sand movement by saltation taking place during the accumulation of the sand and the very high kinetic energies expended during this transportation process. Low densities in the slip deposits are attributed to the process of avalanching which involves minimum energy expenditure. A more or less constant relative density of around 80% was found in the stretch of beach sand studied.  相似文献   

A distinct suite of sand bedforms has been observed to occur in laboratory flows with limited sand supply. As sand supply to the bed progressively increases one observes sand ribbons, discrete barchans and, eventually, channel spanning dunes; but there are relatively few observations of this sequence from natural river channels. Furthermore, there are few observations of transitions from limited sand supply to abundant supply in the field. Bedforms developed under limited, but increasing, sand supply downstream of the abrupt gravel–sand transition in the Fraser River, British Columbia, are examined using multi‐beam swath‐bathymetry obtained at high flow. This is an ideal location to study supply‐limited bedforms because, due to a break in river slope, sand transitions from washload upstream of the gravel–sand transition to bed material load downstream. Immediately downstream, barchanoid and isolated dunes are observed. Most of the bedform field has gaps in the troughs, consistent with sand moving over a flat immobile or weakly mobile gravel bed. Linear, alongstream bedform fields (trains of transverse dunes formed on locally thick, linear deposits of sand) exhibit characteristics of sand ribbons with superimposed bedforms. Further downstream, channel spanning dunes develop where the bed is composed entirely of sand. Depth scaling of the dunes does not emerge in this data set. Only where the channel has accumulated abundant sand on the bed do the dunes exhibit scaling congruent with previous data compilations. The observations suggest that sediment supply plays an important, but often overlooked, role in bedform scaling in rivers.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Badain Jaran Desert, located in western Inner Mongolia, China, has a unique landscape containing 144 lakes (72 of which are still watery) with a total water area of about 23 km2, and the world’s highest stationary sand dunes with a height between 200 m and 500 m. Much attention has been paid to the water recharge of the desert in the past decade. Investigations on the resources of water system there have been performed continuously since the early 1990s, which lead to th…  相似文献   

Radiocarbon‐dated palaeontological remains and bedding features suggests that climatic changes in the northern Taklimakan Desert since the beginning of the Holocene can be divided into four stages: (i) 12 000–10 000 BP, a cool–to temperate–dry climate resulting in apparent alluvial–fluvial and weak aeolian activities; (ii) 10 000–8000 BP, a dry cold climate, resulting in large‐scale sand dune activity under regional desert expansion; (iii) 8000–3000 BP dry, warm climate, with a decreased area of shifting sand and the fixation of many sand dunes; (iv) 3000 BP to present, rising aeolian activity resulting in sandstorms, under the combined influence of climatic warming and excessive exploitation of land and water resources. Holocene deposits from profiles in the Northern Taklimakan Desert consist mainly of fine‐grained aeolian sand and silty clay. The fine aeolian sand was formed from re‐sorting of aeolian sand during the cold period of the Holocene, while the silty clay was formed by flood deposition in the Holocene warm period. The desert and desert steppe arboreal species and high CaCO3 content of the warm period strata suggest that the Holocene climate in the area, although generally dry, varied between warm/dry and cold/dry, and, especially in recent times, has become increasingly dry. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONLargeareasofaridandsemiaridregionsoftheworldareaf fectedbywinderosion .Approximately 2 8.4%ofthisareaareaffectedbysevereandveryseverewinderosion (Katesetal.,1977) .InIraq ,thearidandsemiaridregionsrepresentnearly 75%ofthetotalland .5 0 %ofthislandissubjec…  相似文献   

Drinking water treatment residuals (alum) are waste products of water purification that have potential for environmental remediation as a soil amendment and a potential plant growth medium. In this study, the influence of added Drinking water treatment residuals on the extractability and availability of phosphorus to plants; determination of the agronomic rate of alum to different agricultural soils and evaluation of the alum as ameliorating material for soil conditions and plant growth were investigated. In all studied soils, increasing drinking water treatment residuals rate up to 30 g/kg significantly increased dry matter yield. Application of 10, 20 and 30 g/kg alum significantly increased plant P concentrations in the plant materials (shoots and roots) taken from clay, sandy and calcareous soils. Further increase in alum application rate has resulted in negative significant impact on plants P concentration, especially in clay and calcareous soils, but in sandy soils the increase in phosphorusconcentration extended to 40 g/kg alum rate. Application of alum at rates up to 30 g/kg significantly increased available phosphorus concentrations of the three studied soils. However, application of alum at a rate of 40 g/kg to clay and calcareous soils significantly decreased available phosphorus concentrations. Combined analyses of all soils and alum rates studied clearly indicated significant relationship between available phosphorus concentration and phosphorus uptake (r = 0.87, P < 0.001). Based on our experiment results, the rate of 30 g/kg is considered the best application rate of alum because of its positive effects on plant dry matter. Our study clearly demonstrates that alum has potential as a soil amendment to increase plant growth; however, more research is needed to determine beneficial and / or detrimental aspects of this practice under field conditions.  相似文献   

胡明鉴  张晨阳  崔翔  李焜耀  唐健健 《岩土力学》2019,40(11):4157-4164
钙质砂是指富含碳酸钙或其他难溶碳酸盐类的海洋成因的特殊介质,具有形状不规则、多孔隙且富含内孔隙等特点;土体因孔隙特性而存在广泛的毛细现象,植物根茎内的导管有如极细的毛细管,能由此吸收土壤里的水分,故钙质砂地层毛细水上升高度研究对岛礁生态研究有重要的意义。采用竖管法研究级配、粒径、干密度、盐度等因素对钙质砂毛细水上升高度的影响,结果显示:细颗粒含量越多、级配越好的连续级配钙质砂试样毛细水上升高度越高;单一粒径钙质砂试样毛细水上升高度随粒径的增大而减小;随着钙质砂干密度增加,粒径小于0.075 mm时毛细水上升高度逐渐减小,而粒径为0.075~0.250 mm时毛细水上升高度逐渐增大;与淡水相比,在低盐度下NaCl溶液对毛细水上升有抑制作用,海水对毛细水上升有促进但效果微弱。钙质砂中毛细水上升高度随时间变化关系符合双对数坐标下的二次多项式关系,其参量与钙质砂的物理性质以及溶液类型相关。  相似文献   

The combination of wind measurements and remotely sensed geomorphometry indices provides a valuable resource in the study of desert landforms, because arduous desert environments are difficult to access. In this research, we couple wind data and geomorphometry to separate and classify different sand dunes in Kashan Erg in central Iran. Additionally, the effect of sand-fixing projects on sand dune morphology was assessed using geomorphometry indices (roughness, curvature, surface area, dune spacing and dune height). Results showed that a Digital Elevation Model of the National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC DEM) with 10-m resolution and accuracy of 54% could discriminate geomorphometry parameters better than the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data with 30-m resolution and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data with 90-m resolution and 45.2 and 1.6% accuracy, respectively. Low classification of SRTM DEM was associated with too many non-value points found in the DEM. Accuracy assessment of comparison ground control points revealed that ASTER DEM (RMSE = 4.25) has higher accuracy than SRTM and NCC DEMs in this region. Study of curvature showed that transverse and linear sand dunes were formed in concave topography rather than convex. Reduced slopes in fixed sand dunes were established due to wind erosion control projects. Measurements of dune height and spacing show that there is significant correlation in compound dunes (R 2 = 0.546), linear dunes (R 2 = 0.228) and fixed dunes (R 2 = 0.129). In general, the height of dunes in Kashan Erg increases from the margin of the field to the center of the field with a maximum height of 120 m in star dunes. Analysis of wind data showed that sand drift potential is in low-medium class in Kashan Erg. Linear sand dunes in Kashan Erg show that they are following a global trend in forming of these. Finally, established of geomorphometry method in dune classification will help researchers to identify priority of land management and performance assessment of sand dunes fixing projects in arid arduous environment.  相似文献   

Although limited in coverage, perched sand dunes situated on high coastal bluffs are considered the most prized of Great Lakes dunes. Grand Sable Dunes on Lake Superior and Sleeping Bear Dunes on Lake Michigan are featured attractions of national lakeshores under National Park Service management. The source of sand for perched dunes is the high bluff along their lakeward edge. As onshore wind crosses the bluff, flow is accelerated upslope, resulting in greatly elevated levels of wind stress over the slope brow. On barren, sandy bluffs, wind erosion is concentrated in the brow zone, and for the Grand Sable Bluff, it averaged 1 m3/yr per linear meter along the highest sections for the period 1973–1983. This mechanism accounts for about 6,500 m3 of sand nourishment to the dunefield annually and clearly has been the predominant mechanism for the long-term development of the dunefield. However, wind erosion and dune nourishment are possible only where the bluff is denuded of plant cover by mass movements and related processes induced by wave erosion. In the Great Lakes, wave erosion and bluff retreat vary with lake levels; the nourishment of perched dunes is favored by high levels. Lake levels have been relatively high for the past 50 years, and shore erosion has become a major environmental issue leading property owners and politicians to support lake-level regulation. Trimming high water levels could reduce geomorphic activity on high bluffs and affect dune nourishment rates. Locally, nourishment also may be influenced by sediment accumulation associated with harbor protection facilities and by planting programs aimed at stabilizing dunes.  相似文献   

Geomorphology of desert sand dunes: A review of recent progress   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Through the 1980s and 1990s studies of the geomorphology of desert sand dunes were dominated by field studies of wind flow and sand flow over individual dunes. Alongside these there were some attempts numerically to model dune development as well as some wind tunnel studies that investigated wind flow over dunes. As developments with equipment allowed, field measurements became more sophisticated. However, by the mid-1990s it was clear that even these more complex measurements were still unable to explain the mechanisms by which sand is entrained and transported. Most importantly, the attempt to measure the stresses imposed by the wind on the sand surface proved impossible, and the use of shear (or friction) velocity as a surrogate for shear stress also failed to deliver. At the same time it has become apparent that turbulent structures in the flow may be as or more important in explaining sand flux. In a development paralleled in fluvial geomorphology, aeolian geomorphologists have attempted to measure and model turbulent structures over dunes. Progress has recently been made through the use of more complex numerical models based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Some of the modelling work has also suggested that notions of dune ‘equilibrium’ form may not be particularly helpful. This range of recent developments has not meant that field studies are now redundant. For linear dunes careful observations of individual dunes have provided important data about how the dunes develop but in this particular field some progress has been made through ground-penetrating radar images of the internal structure of the dunes.

The paradigm for studies of desert dune geomorphology for several decades has been that good quality empirical data about wind flow and sand flux will enable us to understand how dunes are created and maintain their form. At least some of the difficulty in the past arose from the plethora of undirected data generated by largely inductive field studies. More recently, attention has shifted–although not completely–to modelling approaches, and very considerable progress has been made in developing models of dune development. It is clear, however, that the models will continue to require accurate field observations in order for us to be able to develop a clear understanding of desert sand dune geomorphology.  相似文献   

Five dust storms that occurred in 2008 (15 March, 11 April, 28 April, 25, May and 26 June) in addition to the many sand dunes disseminated in the Western Desert of Iraq are sampled. The worse dust storm that occurred in Iraq in 11 April, 2008 covered 75% of the Iraq area and deposited 6.9?million tons approximately as a total weight of fallout during just 8?h, declining temperature 6°C. During the episodes of dust storms, visibility decreased enormously, no more than 30?m. Many people were taken to hospitals after sustaining breathing problems. Some of them died. Clay fraction is the dominant part in the dust storms forming 70% besides a little silt (20.6%) and sand (9.4%), then classified as mature arkose of clay to sandy clay, whereas sand dunes are formed from 72.7% sand, 25.1% silt and 2.19% clay, then classified as mature arkose of silty sand. Sand dunes have much maturity. Mineralogical composition of dust storms and sand dunes are Quartz (49.2%, 67.1%), feldspar (4.9%, 20.9%), calcite (38%, 5%), gypsum (4.8%, 0.4%), dolomite (0.8%, 1%) and heavy minerals (3.2%, 6.6%), respectively. Heavy mineral suites in the dust storms are represented by zircon, pyroxene, hornblende, chlorite and magnetite; whereas the sand dunes are represented by zircon, tourmaline, garnet and pyroxene, concentrated within sand fraction. Heavy minerals according to satellite images revealed the dry land of Sahara Desert in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula as well as Syria and Jordan were a major source of the dust storms that have occurred in Asia, including Iraq.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from the surfaces of four types of typical dunes in order to identify variations in textural characteristics over their bodies. These dunes are barchan, climbing dune, falling dune, and nabkha. Statistical parameters vary from position to another and show that each dune has its own characteristics. It is well recognized that all the sediments of the studied dunes tend to be finer from borders toward the mid dune. Histograms and bivariate diagrams successfully differentiate between different localities within all studied dunes. The climbing dune shows high uniformity where medium sand represents the mean grain size of 91% of collected samples. Samples from barchan and falling dune show lowest variability in statistical parameter values compared to other dunes. On the other hand, nabkha sediments are more variable and show higher values of average statistical parameters. All studied dunes are coarser than surrounding dunes in regional areas and other comparable dunes. But particularly, the barchan sediments in Kuwait are characterized by larger grain size, better sorting than other comparable dunes in the upwind (Iraq) and downwind (Saudi Arabia) and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

 The properties of soils on previously dated sand dunes from Robe to Naracoorte in South Australia were examined. In these areas younger sand dunes are composed of fresh sand, but older sand dunes are composed of calcarenited sand. The soils on the sand dunes developed successionally by the age of sand dunes. The soil properties of these sand dunes differ depending on the ages of the sand dunes. The properties of sand particles in soils are as follows: (1) On the sand dunes of 4300 years B.P., A/C profile developed (Rendzina). On the sand dunes older than 125 000 years B.P. and on the plateau of Tertiary limestone, soil profiles of A1/AB/B/C on the sand dunes of 83 000 years B.P. and A1/A3/B1/B2/C (Terra rossa) are well developed. (2) Within the sand of A/C horizons of the sand dunes with the age of 4300 year B.P., the calcite grain content is about 64%, and the quartz content is about 35%. Within the B horizons of soils on the dunes from 83 000 years B.P. to 347 000 years B.P., the calcite grain content is only 1–2%; however, the quartz grain content is about 92%. In the B2 horizons of soils on the dune of 690 000 years B.P. and on the Tertiary plateau, there are some calcite grains but the quartz grain content is about 96%. (3) The average size of quartz grains in the soils on the sand dunes from 4300 B.P. to 347 000 years B.P. is generally smaller, but the average size of quartz on the sand dunes of 690 000 year B.P. becomes larger and the grains are well rounded. On the Tertiary limestone plateau, the average quartz size becomes again smaller, and the grains are more rounded. (4) Fet in B2 horizon of the soil profiles increases clearly corresponding to the age. Iron activity expressed by Feo/Fed also shows a close relation to the chronological sequence. The B horizon of the soil profiles shows a drastic decrease of Feo/Fed according to the age. Iron crystalinity, (Fed-Feo)/Fet, has a tendency for a positive relation with increasing age. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   

青海共和盆地多石在沟河道沙丘现代风水交互过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
选择青海共和盆地多石在沟河道中6道新月形沙丘链作为研究对象,采用Trimble4700DGPS与常规测量手段,结合野外风沙观测与自动气象站数据,初步观测分析了2006年多石在沟河道沙丘在不同季节的形态变化过程,计算出2006年风季前比雨季后多石在沟河道沙丘体积减小了548.3m3,风积量为2351m3,流水的蚀平量为2899m3,2006年风水两相营力对河道沙丘的侵蚀贡献率约为45%∶55%,流水的搬运作用强于风力的堆积作用。但从较长的时间尺度来看,研究区的风力侵蚀作用强于流水侵蚀作用,河道沙丘不断增大。多石在沟河道沙丘是一个典型的风水交互作用系统,河道成为风力与流水交互作用的"中转站",在风水的交替作用下,沉积物由风积环境进入流水环境中。  相似文献   

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