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鲍海英  李飞  瞿旻  卜玉菲 《中国地震》2019,35(2):327-336
利用江苏地电台站的地电场和地磁数据,计算各个台站的极化方位角和渗流方位角,其中,渗流方位角分别采用谐波振幅和峰谷值2种方法进行计算,并对计算结果进行分析。结果表明:(1)新沂台和南京台由于台站覆盖层较浅,极化方位角存在线性极化和较多的非线性极化现象;而高邮台和海安台由于覆盖层较厚,极化方位角多数存在非线性极化现象。(2)用峰谷值法与用谐波振幅法计算所得的渗流方位角,两者相差不大,与理想模型间的差距也较小;而极化方位角与模型差距较大。因此,用渗流方位角尝试进行地震映震关系研究是基本可靠的。(3)高邮台的渗流方位角与高邮-宝应M_S4.9地震间具有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

针对台站地电观测外线路在非观测期间遭到破坏或失窃不易被及时发现的情况,研制了JKY-1地电外线路断线实时监控报警仪,并对该仪器的性能特点、设计思路、电路原理及发展前景和作用作了介绍。  相似文献   

甘肃大地电场的变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对甘肃省平凉、松山、古丰、山丹、高台、嘉峪关、瓜州7个台站的地电场分钟值、小时值的日变特征进行了对比,对2012年3月地电场小时值进行了频谱分析,同时结合地磁场H分量、分量应变(固体潮)进行了对比分析。结果表明:1地电场静日的日变化都很明显,呈明显"双峰"和"单谷"形态,并且NS向与EW向变化形态基本相同;各台站同测向及相互之间的自相关系数基本在0.85;不同台站之间同测向的相关系数多数在0.75以上;这是地磁场H分量与固体潮共同影响的结果。2通过频谱分析各台站的优势周期主要以12h和8h为主,但存在差异性,谱值最大相差20倍。3各台站的日变幅也不尽相同,其中,差异性主要表现为与地磁场和固体潮影响量的差异性,并与台站的位置、地质构造、电性结构、浅层电阻率等有很大关系。  相似文献   

地电绘图软件是为满足地电观测资料评比要求而研发的一款专业绘图软件。文中详细介绍了该软件系统的主要应用模块和具体的使用方法,并以地电评比所要求的标准图件为实例进行说明。经其他地震台站试用,该软件对地电评比图件绘制的标准化和专业化有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

上海地表软土层、细砂层的地震波反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
0 引言国内外许多地震学家和工程地震学家就墨西哥地震 ( 1 985年 9日 1 9日 ,MS8 1 )、日本阪神地震 ( 1 995年 1月 1 7日 ,MS7 4 )等造成如此巨大的伤亡和财产损失进行研究 ,发现地表软土覆盖层引起地震动明显放大 ,使振型频率落在地震动放大频段内的建筑物遭受的破坏比基岩处大得多。在国外 ,研究软土覆盖层地震波反应的有 :日本的神山和柳泽 (安艺敬一 ,1 989)用日本1 1 7份强地面运动中 2 0gal以上的记录求出 2 6个观测点的场地放大因子 ;美国的Tuker和King(安艺敬一 ,1 989)曾到前苏联加尔姆作过调查 ,对 2 0 0ga…  相似文献   

Electrical resistance heating (ERH) experiments were performed in a two‐dimensional water‐saturated porous medium comprising an electrically conductive, low‐permeability clay lens embedded within a less electrically conductive, higher permeability silica sand. These were compared to experiments performed in homogeneous silica sand. All experiments were performed in the absence of a non‐aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) or dissolved volatile organic compound (VOC). Temperature monitoring showed preferential heating in the clay lens and higher overall heating rates throughout the test cell compared to the homogeneous case. Gas production was localized around the sand–clay interface due to high temperature and low capillary displacement pressure. Above the clay lens, unexpected temperature plateaus were observed, similar to those observed in previous experiments during NAPL–water co‐boiling. A conceptual model based on the consumption of thermal energy as latent heat of vaporization in the highly localized heating and gas production region adjacent to the clay lens is proposed to explain the temperature plateaus. Supporting data is drawn from images of the gas phase and electric current measurements. These results show that the use of co‐boiling plateaus as an indicator of NAPL–water co‐boiling could be misleading during applications of ERH at sites containing electrically conductive, low‐permeability clay lenses embedded within less electrically conductive, higher‐permeability sands.  相似文献   

In cases when an equivalent porous medium assumption is suitable for simulating groundwater flow in bedrock aquifers, estimation of seepage into underground mine workings (UMWs) can be achieved by specifying MODFLOW drain nodes at the contact between water bearing rock and dewatered mine openings. However, this approach results in significant numerical problems when applied to simulate seepage into an extensive network of UMWs, which often exist at the mine sites. Numerical simulations conducted for individual UMWs, such as a vertical shaft or a horizontal drift, showed that accurate prediction of seepage rates can be achieved by either applying grid spacing that is much finer than the diameter/width of the simulated openings (explicit modeling) or using coarser grid with cell sizes exceeding the characteristic width of shafts or drifts by a factor of 3. Theoretical insight into this phenomenon is presented, based on the so-called well-index theory. It is demonstrated that applying this theory allows to minimize numerical errors associated with MODFLOW simulation of seepage into UMWs on a relatively coarse Cartesian grid. Presented examples include simulated steady-state groundwater flow from homogeneous, heterogeneous, and/or anisotropic rock into a vertical shaft, a horizontal drift/cross-cut, a ramp, two parallel drifts, and a combined system of a vertical shaft connected to a horizontal drift.  相似文献   

本文是作者2003年底提交的2篇内部报告之一. 文中指出我国冕宁台(DDC-2仪器)等可用的地电台, 自1994年前后出现了长趋势、大范围、具有同步转折的规律性地电阻率震兆性异常变化, 并于1999-2000年前后发生第2次同步转折或加速下降, 根据这些地电前兆变化求得2000年以来, 台站地下数百米深处的加强应力场的主压应力方向, 发现其分布有规律, 与周围板块运动有关. 参照1976年唐山大地震的地电前兆经验, 认为我国(含海域和台湾), 特别是西部地区(在冕宁台周围二、三百公里范围内), 近期(未来1~3年)存在发生7级或7级以上乃至8级特大地震的可能①.建议在川、滇地区增设地电台站, 引进抗电磁干扰极强的新型仪器, 开展短临预测新方法的实验, 捕捉短临前兆. 地震局特批"川滇地区地电强化测试项目", 在冕宁、红格等4个台使用了新型抗干扰的PS-100仪器系统, 捕捉地震短临前兆. 至2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前, 仍在运转的红格台(距微观震中465 km;距宏观震中北川640 km)难能可贵地记录到汶川地震的HRT波短临地震前兆, 表明地震的可预测性.  相似文献   

地磁与地电混合观测台地磁的地电测数干扰处理方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国地震前兆观测台网中地磁与地电观测仪器经常相距很近。 而地电台每小时加电观测一次, 由于电磁感应, 使得地磁观测资料有间隔为1小时的高频干扰, 使得地震前兆信息或其他地球物理过程产生的异常信息在地磁数据分析中难以分辨。 经过分析这些干扰信息特点, 提出了采用Fourier变换在频率域中将高频干扰进行滤除和采用与典型干扰波形相关的方法去除地电测数干扰, 该文对安徽蒙城地震台的观测资料的处理结果表明了方法的有效性。 很多中国大陆地震前兆观测台具有类似的干扰, 因此该方法具有一定推广价值。  相似文献   

In situ treatment usually requires contact between an injected reagent and target contaminant to realize mass removal from source zones and plumes. Despite significant site characterization efforts, unknown heterogeneities that exist at all spatial scales often hinder prediction of the distribution of injected reagents. To provide remediation practitioners with additional information on the distribution of injected reagents, a prototype real-time monitoring probe was designed and tested. This new probe comprises a two-wire resistivity circuit, hence the designation dipole resistivity probe (DRP). The low-cost DRPs were built to be attached as arrays to a central stalk, and installed by direct-push techniques. An installed network of multilevel DRPs can be used to detect the arrival, persistence, and relative concentration of a high-conductivity reagent solution in real-time across a zone of interest. Static cell and sandbox experiments were conducted to test and refine the DRP design before field testing. Static cell experimental results indicated that the DRP was sensitive to solution electrical conductivity (EC), and that the probe response and EC relationship is nonlinear and dependent on the fixed resistor used. The choice of fixed resistor can be adjusted to optimize the DRP response over a critical EC range of interest. Under dynamic conditions in the sandbox, the DRP was able to reproduce breakthrough profiles collected by a commercial EC sensor. The results from two field studies demonstrated the utility of the DRPs to generate information regarding the arrival and persistence of reagents in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The first field study used a network of DRPs to monitor the land application of a sodium sulfate solution, and the second field study employed DRPs to monitor the distribution and longevity of a persulfate solution. While additional field testing is warranted, the results presented are encouraging and suggest that this low-cost system can be used to improve our understanding of the detailed migration of injected reagents in treatment zones.  相似文献   

含弱渗透性覆盖层饱和砂土地震液化特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对含弱渗透性覆盖层的饱和砂土地基进行一组离心机振动台试验,并采用OpenSees对试验模型进行数值模拟。通过模型试验与数值模拟结果对比讨论OpenSees对于饱和砂土地基地震液化模拟的精度;采用水平方向的Arias强度表示传入某一位置的地震动强度,并以液化时水平方向Arias强度作为该土层的抗液化强度;采用OpenSees计算不同地震动输入时饱和砂土的反应,以此检验Arias强度作为抗液化强度的准确性。结果表明,引起饱和砂土液化所需要的地震动强度随深度增加而增加;当传入的地震强度达到砂土发生液化所需要的地震强度时,该层砂土将会发生液化。  相似文献   

The study analyzes data from high-precision measurements of the apparent resistivity by a stationary multielectrode vertical electric sounding (VES) system including 12 current and 4 potential lines spaced 2–650 m apart. Observations had been being carried out at the Garm test area on a daily basis for 12 years in an earthquake prediction experiment. The use of special technical methods during measurements ensured an instrumental error of about 0.01%. The virtual error of each individual measurement of apparent resistivity (taking into account all possible noise) was 0.1–0.2%. The availability of more than 3000 VES curves measured in different seasons allows us to propose a new approach to constructing a geoelectric section model. To solve the inverse VES problem, a set of 36 averaged 10-day VES curves was analyzed, each of which was obtained by averaging approximately 100 individual VES curves accumulated in the same 10-day period of the annual (seasonal) cycle in different years. Comparative analysis of these curves made it possible to calculate and include corrections for stationary geological noise in the model. As a result, it was possible to substantially reduce (by an order of magnitude) the discrepancies in fitting the curves and dramatically narrow the equivalence domain. Based on the results of our analysis, we have constructed a model of a four-layer horizontally layered geoelectric section of the Khazor-Chashma depression to adequately describe not only the averaged section, but also its seasonal variations throughout the year. The stability in estimating the model parameters is studied. To further reduce the equivalence domain, we propose that the layer thicknesses be fixed. This model can be used not only to study the aforementioned characteristics of the section, but also to monitor time variations of resistivity in individual layers of the section. This will significantly improve the resolving power of systems for detecting time variations in geoelectric sections, including when searching for earthquake precursors.  相似文献   

新疆泥火山群地震前兆异常实时监测与预报的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于网络技术的视频监控服务,实现了对新疆北天山地区3个泥火山点的实时监测,可在线实时查看泥火山活动情况,分析预报人员依据泥火山活动图像可开展地震预测研究。新疆艾其沟泥火山网络视频监控服务系统扑捉到了2次6级地震前火山液面明显的宏观异常变化现象,这说明基于宽带网络技术的网络视频监控服务,可实现互联网用户使用客户端远程软件连接服务器,实现在线实时查看泥火山活动情况的监控画面,并依据泥火山群地震观测网,捕捉泥火山群地震前兆异常。  相似文献   

本文基于我国2015—2018年间地电暴事件,通过对筛选的数据曲线变化特征归纳分析,总结出以下快速准确判断地电暴事件的依据:(1)地电暴发生时,会压制地电场六道观测数据正常日变形态,且变幅是正常日变幅值2倍以上或更大;(2)地电暴事件具有广域同步性,可通过多台观测数据对比判断;(3)地电暴和地磁暴具有同源性,可通过地磁观测来判断;(4)经过上述初判后,还应排除观测系统、自然环境、人为干扰、场地环境事件影响,才能确认为单一地电暴事件。通过对地电暴波形特征的分析,发现一般情况下地电暴变幅与地磁磁情指数—K指数呈正比关系,但是同一台站地电暴变幅在同一K指数下差异较大。不同台站对同一地电暴事件幅度响应不同,仅从变幅来看纬度效应不明显,有局部区域性特点,可能与台站台址条件\,地电场布极方式方位等因素均有关。  相似文献   

地下连续墙在成槽施工中粉砂层特别容易发生局部失稳现象,针对粉砂层在承压水作用的出现失稳破坏问题,通过建立粉砂层三维滑动体稳定性分析模型,基于极限平衡原理,提出槽壁稳定性安全系数计算公式,并结合实际工程案例进行理论验证分析以及槽壁稳定性影响因素分析.研究结果表明:提出的粉砂层槽壁稳定性安全系数计算公式基本是可靠的,可为后...  相似文献   

对C-ATS地电仪系统构成、工作原理和特点进行了介绍,结合维护检修经验对C-ATS地电仪常见故障的原因进行了详细分析,对故障的排除方法进行阐述,检查维护仪器的方法经验,对其它地电台站有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

The earthquake real-time monitoring system of the Chinese National Digital Seismic Network has been in operation since "the Ninth Five-year Plan" period, and the stability of the system has been well tested. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of monitoring technology and increase of public demands, the original real-time monitoring system needs to be upgraded and improved in terms of timeliness, stability, accuracy and ease of operation. Therefore, by accessing a total of more than 1,000 seismic stations, reducing the seismic trigger threshold of the monitoring system, eliminating the false trigger stations and optimizing the seismic waveform display interface, the current earthquake monitoring demands can be satisfied on the basis of ensuring the stable operation of the system.  相似文献   

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