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Previous site-specific studies designed to assess the impacts of unsewered subdivisions on ground water quality have relied on upgradient monitoring wells or very limited background data to characterize conditions prior to development. In this study, an extensive monitoring program was designed to document ground water conditions prior to construction of a rural subdivision in south-central Wisconsin. Previous agricultural land use has impacted ground water quality; concentrations of chloride, nitrate-nitrogen, and atrazine ranged from below the level of detection to 296 mg/L, 36 mg/L, and 0.8 microg/L, respectively, and were highly variable from well to well and through time. Seasonal variations in recharge, surface topography, aquifer heterogeneities, surficial loading patterns, and well casing depth explain observed variations in ground water chemistry. This variability would not have been detected if background conditions were determined from only a few monitoring wells or inferred from wells located upgradient of the subdivision site. This project demonstrates the importance of characterizing both ground water quality and chemical variability prior to land-use change to detect any changes once homes are constructed.  相似文献   

The “Four Major Rivers Restoration Project” was conducted to secure sufficient water resources, introduce comprehensive flood control measures, improve water quality, and restore river ecosystems in Korea. As a part of the project, 16 sites were dredged and weirs were installed in the Han, Geum, Yeongsan, and Nakdong Rivers from late 2010 to early 2012. Groundwater data were obtained from 213 groundwater monitoring wells near the four major rivers to analyze the impacts of weir construction on the nearby groundwater flow system. The groundwater level and chemical characteristics were analyzed to investigate how the groundwater flow system and water quality changed following weir construction. Our results show that the groundwater level immediately increased with increased river levels following weir construction. In addition, the hydrologic condition of some rivers upstream of the weirs was changed from gaining to losing streams. Consequently, the direction of groundwater flow changed from perpendicular to parallel to the river, and groundwater downstream of the weir became recharged from the area upstream of the weir. This should affect groundwater quality, which should become similar to the river water; however, this change has not yet been observed. Therefore, both further monitoring of the groundwater quality and further hydrogeochemical analysis are required for quantitative evaluation of the effects of weir construction in the study area.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out as part of a complex survey of urban groundwater quality and quantity in Szeged, southeast Hungary. The concentrations of 12 inorganic contaminants in 28 shallow groundwater monitoring wells were determined over a 2-year period (2010–2012). The evaluation of concentrations indicates remarkable contamination all over the city. Discriminant analysis (DA) was used to evaluate the spatial changes of groundwater quality. The groundwater levels were measured over a 14-year period (2000–2013). The fractal properties of water level fluctuations time series characterizing the groundwater system and Tisza River were investigated using rescaled range (R/S) analysis. The resulting Hurst exponents clearly showed the persistency and thus long memory effects of both the groundwater and the river flow. Comparison of the results of DA with the results of R/S analysis thus implies that the geological conditions and the changing groundwater quantities are not related to groundwater quality.
EDITOR A. Castellarin

ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Fiori  相似文献   

Elevated levels of nitrate in groundwater are an important concern for health and the environment. The overapplication of nitrogen fertilizer to croplands is one of the major sources of high nitrate content in groundwater. In this study, we analyse the nitrate concentrations in Korean groundwater based on data from groundwater quality monitoring wells (n = 1,022–2,072), which were sampled twice annually over a recent 13‐year analysis period (2001–2013). We report that groundwater nitrate levels are decreasing, despite steadily increasing groundwater use. The maximum nitrate concentration decreased from 168.91 to 48.11 mg/L, whereas the mean values also show a gradual decreasing trend. Non‐parametric Mann–Kendall tests on nitrate concentrations also confirm the decreasing trend. The nitrate decrease is more clearly evident in agricultural groundwater as compared to domestic and drinking groundwaters. This decrease of nitrate in groundwater coincides with a large decline in nitrogen fertilizer application due to reduced cropland areas, more sustainable agricultural practices, and progressive improvement of sewage disposal services. This study proposes that the long‐term adoption of best practices in agriculture has had a positive impact on groundwater nitrate control.  相似文献   

Private wells in Cayuga and Orange counties in New York were sampled to determine the occurrence of pesticide contamination of groundwater in areas where significant pesticide use coincides with shallow or otherwise vulnerable groundwater. Well selection was based on local groundwater knowledge, risk modeling, aerial photo assessments, and pesticide application database mapping. Single timepoint samples from 40 wells in each county were subjected to 93‐compound chromatographic scans. All samples were nondetects (reporting limits ≤1 μg/L), thus no wells from either county exceeded any of 15 state groundwater standards or guidance values. More sensitive enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) found two wells with quantifiable atrazine in each county (0.1–0.3 μg/L), one well with quantifiable diazinon (0.1 μg/L) in Orange County, and one well with quantifiable alachlor (0.2 μg/L) in Cayuga County. Trace detections (<0.1 μg/L) in Cayuga County included atrazine (five wells), metolachlor (six wells), and alachlor (one well), including three wells with multiple detections. All 12 Cayuga County wells with ELISA detections had either corn/grain or corn/forage rotations as primary surrounding land uses (although 20 other wells with the same land uses had no detections) and all quantified detections and most trace detections occurred in wells up to 9‐m deep. Orange County trace (<0.1 μg/L) ELISA detections (atrazine three wells, diazinon one well, and metolachlor five wells) and quantified detections were only generally associated with agricultural land uses. Finding acceptable drinking water quality in areas of vulnerable groundwater suggests that water quality in less vulnerable areas will also be good.  相似文献   

Atrazine, cyanazine, alachlor, and metolachlor in the surface water of a recharge structure, which impounds runoff from row-cropped farmland in Nebraska, are transported with seepage to the shallow ground water flow system and to the locally confined regional aquifer. All wells in the shallow flow system and all those in the regional flow system impacted by seepage from the structure had detectable concentrations of at least one of the four pesticides.
The detectable concentrations of cyanzine, alachlor, and metolachlor in the two flow systems ranged from 0.1 to 0.9 ppb. These concentrations were an order of magnitude lower than those in the surface water. Concentrations in the regional aquifer clustered at the lower end of this concentration range. These three pesticides were not detected in the baseline study of the regional aquifer.
Unlike alachlor, cyanzine, and metolachlor, atrazine was always present in the wells impacted by seepage from the recharge structure. In the shallow flow system, concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 8.8 ppb and from 0.1 to 2.5 ppb in the regional aquifer. The average of the detectable atrazine concentrations in the baseline study was 0.04 ± 0.05 ppb.  相似文献   

Water samples from private water supply wells in five unsewered subdivisions were tested for nitrate-nitrogen to determine the possible impact of septic systems on ground water quality. Three subdivisions are located in Eau Claire County and two in LaCrosse County, Wisconsin.
The nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in the wells were analyzed in relation to ground water flow direction, the location of septic systems within the subdivision, and the hydrogeologic and physical characteristics of the subdivisions. A comparison of three nitrogen mass balance models helped to identify the possible sources of nitrate-nitrogen in the wells.
The results indicate that nitrogen from septic systems and lawn fertilizer cause nitrate-nitrogen to increase in the ground water beneath the downgradient side of the subdivisions. In three of the five subdivisions the highest nitrate-nitrogen value exceeds the drinking water standard of 10 mg/L.  相似文献   

Given the importance of groundwater temperature to the biogeochemical health of aquatic ecosystems, a floodplain study was implemented to improve understanding of rural land use impacts on shallow groundwater (SGW) temperature. Study sites included a historic agricultural field (Ag) and bottomland hardwood forest (BHF), each with nine piezometers in an 80 × 80 m grid. Piezometers were equipped with pressure transducers to monitor SGW temperature and level at 30 min intervals during the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 water years. The study is one of the first to utilize long‐term, continuous, automated, in situ monitoring to investigate rural land use impacts on shallow groundwater temperatures. Average SGW temperature during the study period was 11.1 and 11.2 °C at the Ag and BHF sites, respectively. However, temperature range at the Ag site was 72% greater than at the BHF site. Results indicate a greater responsiveness to seasonal climate fluctuations in Ag site SGW temperature related to absence of forest canopy. Patterns of intra‐site groundwater temperature differences at both study sites illustrate the influence of stream–aquifer thermal conduction and occasional baseflow reversals. Considering similar surface soil temperature amplitudes and low average groundwater flow values at both sites, results suggest that contrasting rates of plant water use, groundwater recharge, and subsurface hydraulic conductivity are likely mechanistic causes for the observed SGW temperature differences. Results highlight the long‐term impact of forest removal on subsurface hydrology and groundwater temperature regime. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, dramatic increases in water use caused over‐exploitation of groundwater resources and deterioration of water quality in Seoul metropolitan city. To monitor changes in quantity of groundwater resources and their quality, the metropolitan government established a local groundwater monitoring network in 1997 consisting of 119 monitoring wells. Groundwater resources in the urban area were affected by various human activities, including underground construction such as subways, pumping for public or private water use, leaky sewer systems and pavements. The variation patterns of the groundwater levels were mainly classified into four types, reflecting natural recharge due to rainfall events during the wet season, artificial recharge from leaky sewer or water supply systems, and heavy groundwater pumping for drainage or flood control purposes at underground construction sites. Significantly decreasing trends of groundwater levels in the suburbs of Seoul indicate groundwater use for various agricultural activities. Subway construction lowered the water level by an average of 25 m. Electrical conductivity values showed a wide range, from 100 to 1800 µS/cm (mean 470 µS/cm). Groundwater temperature generally showed a stable pattern, except for some sensitive increases at relatively shallow monitoring wells. Detailed analysis of the monitored groundwater data would provide some helpful implications for optimal and efficient management of groundwater resources in this metropolitan city. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream hydrology and water quality are highly interconnected and impacted by climate, land use and geology. We examined this connection using monitoring data from 2000 to 2019 for two streams with contrasting hydrological regimes—intermittent and regulated perennial—in subtropical Queensland, Australia. Our main objective was to evaluate relationships between groundwater levels, climate and flow regulation on the hydrology and water quality of an intermittent and a regulated subtropical stream. In intermittently flowing Lockyer Creek, flow was highly dependent on groundwater levels and occurred when the aquifer was recharged to elevations exceeding the upper 90-percentile value. With 9.4% of the catchment area in irrigated horticulture, flow in Lockyer Creek was also likely to be reduced by drawdown of the aquifer for irrigation, with no flow for 30% to 81% of days over the observation period for stations in Lockyer Creek. In contrast, flow in the mid-Brisbane River was continuous, regulated by discharge from a large upstream dam. Nutrient and suspended sediment concentrations in Lockyer Creek were generally higher than in the mid-Brisbane River, likely associated with runoff from agricultural areas adjacent to the stream, while the upstream dam likely reduced the concentration and variability of nutrients and suspended sediment in the mid-Brisbane River. During periods of low flow in the mid-Brisbane River, longitudinal changes in nutrient and suspended sediment concentrations occurred, notably a significant decrease in total and dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations downstream (p < 0.05), indicating a possible effect of in-stream algal uptake and denitrification. This study highlights the impact of human modifications on stream hydrology and water quality in the face of climate change. The findings can inform decision-making on groundwater irrigation or dam release control for water security.  相似文献   

This study reports the first comprehensive data set of characteristic concentrations of four artificial sweeteners: acesulfame (ACE), sucralose (SUC), saccharin (SAC), and cyclamate (CYC), and their ratios with nutrients, for untreated septic system wastewater. Samples were collected from the tanks of 19 different septic systems from across Ontario, Canada; these had a variety of usages, from single‐family cottages to multiple‐dwelling (campground or resort) facilities and had no additional treatment systems. The artificial sweetener concentrations and their relative proportions were highly variable in some cases, both temporally for several individual tanks and from site‐to‐site. Variability tended to be lower for multiple‐dwelling compared to single‐dwelling systems. This variability likely reflects differing use of artificial sweetener‐containing products. The median concentrations for the complete data set of all four artificial sweeteners (in a range of 10 to 60 μg/L) were of a similar order of magnitude, but slightly higher, than has generally been reported for wastewater treatment plant influent (though these vary substantially globally). Both SUC and ACE provided adequate positive linear relationships for dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the septic tanks, while a summation of ACE and SUC concentrations also gave a strong correlation. In contrast, CYC and SAC showed poor linear correlation with these nutrients. These reported ranges for artificial sweetener concentrations and ratios with nutrients may be used in future studies to estimate the contributions of nutrients or other wastewater constituents (e.g., pharmaceuticals, bacteria, and viruses) from domestic septic systems to groundwater, including water supply or irrigation wells, and nearby surface water bodies.  相似文献   

Lincolns municipal wellfield consists of 44 wells developed in an alluvial aquifer adjacent to the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska Induced recharge from the river is the primary source of water for the wellfield. Wafer samples were collected on a periodic basis from the Platte River arid two transects of monitoring wells. These samples were analyzed for the herbicide atrazine, which was used as a tracer of induced recharge in this stream-aquifer system. Atrazine concentrations in the river and aquifer were much less than 1.0 ppb during late fall and winter, but increased to as high as 18.9 ppb during spring and summer, associated with runoff from upgradient agricultural lands. There was approximately a 21-day lag time from the first detection of increasing atrazine concentration in the river to the first detection in monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river. This lag time was relatively constant throughout the year and from one year to the next, even with major fluctuations of river stage and wellfield production. This consistency of lag time indicated that the travel times from the river to the first set of monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river were fairly constant.
Paths of preferential flow were identified in the aquifer at a depth of 25 to 35 feet below land surface. This aquifer zone appeared to play a significant role in movement of water from beneath the river into the wellfield.
Aquifer dispersivity was calculated using a method described by Hoehn and Santschi (1987). Macrodispersivity (AL) was shown to increase linearly over the scale of the wellfield. Calculated values of AL were within limits of other reported values for this type of aquifer material and agreed well with values reported by Hoehn and Santschi (1987); These findings will be extremely beneficial for planning and management of the municipal wellfield.  相似文献   

The artificial sweetener acesulfame (ACE) is a potentially useful tracer of waste water contamination in groundwater. In this study, ACE concentrations were measured in waste water and impacted groundwater at 12 septic system sites in Ontario, Canada. All samples of septic tank effluent (n = 37) had ACE >6 µg/L, all samples of groundwater from the proximal plume zones (n = 93) had ACE >1 µg/L and, almost all samples from the distal plume zones had ACE >2 µg/L. Mean mass ratios of total inorganic nitrogen/ACE at the 12 sites ranged from 680 to 3500 for the tank and proximal plume samples. At five sites, decreasing ratio values in the distal zones indicated nitrogen attenuation. These ratios were applied to three aquifers in Canada that are nitrate‐stressed and an urban stream where septic systems are present nearby to estimate the amount of waste water nitrate contamination. At the three aquifer locations that are agricultural, low ACE values (<0.02‐0.15 µg/L) indicated that waste water contributed <15% of the nitrate in most samples. In groundwater discharging to the urban stream, much higher ACE values (0.2‐11 µg/L) indicated that waste water was the likely source of >50% of the nitrate in most samples. This study confirms that ACE is a powerful tracer and demonstrates its use as a diagnostic tool for establishing whether waste water is a significant contributor to groundwater contamination or not.  相似文献   

The Paul do Boquilobo is an important wetland ecosystem classified by Unesco as a MAB Biosphere reserve also awarded Ramsar site status, representing one of the most important habitats for the resident nesting colony of Cattle Egret (Bulbucus ibis). Yet owing to its location, it suffers from human induced impacts which include industrial and domestic effluent discharges as well as agricultural land use which have negatively impacted water quality. The current study reports the results obtained from the introductory monitoring programme of surface water quality in the Nature Reserve to emphasize the detrimental impact of the anthropogenic activities in the water quality of such an important ecosystem. The study involved physicochemical and biotic variables, microbial parameters and biological indicators. Results after 3 years of monitoring bring to evidence a poor water quality further impaired by seasonal patterns. Statistical analysis of data attributed water quality variation to 3 main parameters – pH, dissolved oxygen and nitrates, indicating heavy contamination loads from both organic and agricultural sources. Seasonality plays a role in water flow and climatic conditions, where sampling sites presented variable water quality data, suggesting a depurative function of the wetland.  相似文献   

The stable isotope ratios of groundwater sulfate (34S/32S, 18O/16O) are often used as tracers to help determine the origin of groundwater or groundwater contaminants. In agricultural watersheds, little is known about how the increased use of sulfur as a soil amendment to optimize crop production is affecting the isotopic composition of groundwater sulfate, especially in shallow aquifers. We investigated the isotopic composition of synthetic agricultural fertilizers and groundwater sulfate in an area of intensive agricultural activity, in Ontario, Canada. Groundwater samples from an unconfined surficial sand aquifer (Lake Algonquin Sand Aquifer) were analyzed from multi-level monitoring wells, riverbank seeps, and private domestic wells. Fertilizers used in the area were analyzed for sulfur/sulfate content and stable isotopic composition (δ18O and/or δ34S). Fertilizers were isotopically distinct from geological sources of groundwater sulfate in the watershed and groundwater sulfate exhibited a wide range of δ34S (−6.9 to +20.0‰) and δ18O (−5.0 to +13.7‰) values. Quantitative apportionment of sulfate sources based on stable isotope data alone was not possible, largely because two of the potential fertilizer sulfate sources had an isotopic composition on the mixing line between two natural geological sources of sulfate in the aquifer. This study demonstrates that, when sulfate isotope analysis is being used as a tracer or co-tracer of the origin of groundwater or of contaminants in groundwater, sulfate derived from synthetic fertilizer needs to be considered as a potential source, especially when other parameters such as nitrate independently indicate fertilizer impacts to groundwater quality.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) with activated persulfate is commonly used for the remediation of petroleum impacted soil and groundwater because of its proven efficiency and the perception that reaction end products are completely innocuous. While the reaction products are less hazardous compared to the contaminants being treated, they may inadvertently prolong site closure in areas that have adopted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels (SMCLs) as enforceable standards. This study examines the occurrence and persistence of iron, manganese, sulfate, sodium, and total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater following persulfate ISCO. The concentrations of these chemicals were observed remaining above their respective regulatory criteria almost 3 years following the chemical application. Background concentrations and mobilization due to the petroleum contamination and ISCO application are also evaluated. Baseline sampling revealed substantially higher iron and manganese concentrations inside the plume area compared to the upgradient and downgradient wells suggesting mobilization due to redox reactions occurring inside of the plume. Iron was not a component in the applied chemical formula, yet the iron concentration spiked by 366% in the key monitoring well during the first post-remediation monitoring event. Ionic interactions between the ISCO amendment and native soils are believed to be responsible for displacing significant quantities of iron from the soil. Sulfate, sodium, and TDS exceedances are primarily associated with decomposition products of the ISCO amendments. The iron, manganese, sulfate, sodium, and TDS concentrations are trending downward over time, but still exceed regulatory criteria or pre-ISCO concentrations.  相似文献   

The quality of the groundwater supplying drinking water to the Guadalajara metropolitan area has deteriorated due to both endogenic and exogenic processes. Previous studies of this complex neotectonic volcanic environment suggest that the sources of contamination here are underground fluids derived from an active volcanic center and surface wastewater derived from regional land‐use intensification. This study uses isotopic, gaseous, and chemical signatures to more comprehensively characterize this groundwater flow and its contamination paths. Groundwater is mainly recharged at the La Primavera Caldera to the west and is discharged into the Santiago River to the east. The exception to this trend is the Toluquilla area, where groundwater most likely represents rainfall originating from outside the basin limits. Evaporation affects groundwater in these areas, especially waters that have been affected by recycling below urban areas in the Atejamac area and by intensive agricultural activity in the Toluquilla area. Additionally, we present evidence that groundwater flow through alluvial sediments and tuffs in deeper wells mixes with a lower aquifer unit in basaltic‐andesitic rocks, which are in contact with hydrothermal fluids. Groundwater ages range from postbomb in the western and northwestern regions of the study area (i.e., the Atemajac aquifer unit) to Late Pleistocene in the southern and southeastern regions (i.e., the Toluquilla aquifer unit). Recently recharged water records little mixing and is located mostly in or near the La Primavera volcanic system. As groundwater undergoes gravitational flow towards discharge areas, it mixes with older water components. Chloride and sodium concentrations above natural background levels are primarily related to volcanic activity, nitrate is associated with human activities, and sulfate originates from both anthropogenic sources and water–rock interactions. Nitrate originating from land‐use activities (such as sewers, septic tanks, landfills, and agricultural fields) that is introduced into the deeper part of the groundwater system is expected to travel with the groundwater to the discharge areas because oxidizing conditions will prevent microbial reduction. See Supplementary Information.  相似文献   

Data substantiating perched conditions in layered bedrock uplands are rare and have not been widely reported. Field observations in layered sedimentary bedrock in southwestern Wisconsin, USA, provide evidence of a stable, laterally extensive perched aquifer. Data from a densely instrumented field site show a perched aquifer in shallow dolomite, underlain by a shale-and-dolomite aquitard approximately 25 m thick, which is in turn underlain by sandstone containing a 30-m-thick unsaturated zone above a regional aquifer. Heads in water supply wells indicate that perched conditions extend at least several kilometers into hillsides, which is consistent with published modeling studies. Observations of unsaturated conditions in the sandstone over a 4-year period, historical development of the perched aquifer, and perennial flow from upland springs emanating from the shallow dolomite suggest that perched groundwater is a stable hydrogeologic feature under current climate conditions. Water-table hydrographs exhibit apparent differences in the amount and timing of recharge to the perched and regional flow systems; steep hydraulic gradients and tritium and chloride concentrations suggest there is limited hydraulic connection between the two. Recognition and characterization of perched flow systems have practical importance because their groundwater flow and transport pathways may differ significantly from those in underlying flow systems. Construction of multi-aquifer wells and groundwater withdrawal in perched systems can further alter such pathways.  相似文献   

At a service station closed in 1993, groundwater contained benzene that persisted above the cleanup goal of 1 mg/L in zones depleted of background sulfate. The benzene and other petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) were present as much as 36 feet (11 m) below the water table and therefore remediation of a thick saturated zone interval was required. Microcosms using site sediments demonstrated that anaerobic benzene biodegradation occurred only if sulfate was added, suggesting sulfate addition as a remediation approach. Twenty-four boreholes (9.1″ diameter and 56′ deep) were drilled around four monitoring wells, in which benzene concentrations exceeded 1 mg/L. The boreholes were backfilled with a mixture of gravel and 15,000 pounds of gypsum (which releases sulfate as it dissolves) to create “Permeable Filled Borings” (PFBs). Concurrently, nine high pressure injections (HPIs) of gypsum slurry were conducted in other site locations (312 pounds of gypsum total). PFBs were expected to release sulfate for up to 20 years, whereas HPIs were expected to produce a short-lived plume of sulfate. Concentrations of benzene and sulfate in groundwater were monitored over a 3-year period in six monitoring wells. In two wells near PFBs, benzene concentrations dropped below the cleanup goal by two to three orders of magnitude; in one well, sulfate concentrations exceeded 500 mg/L for the most recent 18 months. Benzene concentrations in two other PFB monitoring wells declined by a factor of 2 to 4, but remained above 1 mg/L, presumably due to high-dissolved PHC concentrations and possibly greater residual PHC mass in adjacent sediments, and therefore greater sulfate demand. However, hydrogen and sulfur isotopic enrichment in benzene and sulfate, respectively, confirmed biodegradation of benzene and stimulation of sulfate-reducing conditions. Thus, it is hypothesized that the PHC mass in adjacent sediments will decline over time, as will dissolved PHC concentrations, and eventually benzene concentrations will decrease below the cleanup goal. Benzene in two HPI monitoring wells was below the cleanup goal for all but one sampling event before HPIs were conducted and remained below the cleanup goal after HPIs; there was no stimulation of sulfate-reducing conditions. It is concluded that sulfate released from PFBs contributed to declining benzene concentrations.  相似文献   

A useful tool for identifying the temporal and spatial ambient wellbore flow relationships near a dynamic river boundary is to monitor ambient vertical wellbore flow with an electromagnetic borehole flowmeter. This is important because the presence of the wellbore can result in significant mixing or exchange of groundwater vertically across the aquifer. Mixing or exchanging groundwater within the well-screen section can have significant impacts on the distribution of contaminants within the aquifer and adverse effects on the representativeness of groundwater samples collected from the monitoring well. Ambient monitoring data, collected from long screened wells at Hanford’s 300-Area Integrated Field Research Challenge site, located approximately 260 m from the Columbia River, demonstrate that vertical wellbore flow exhibits both a positive and inverse temporal relationship with periodic river-stage fluctuations that can change over short distances between wells. The spatial distribution of these vertical flows across the well field indicates two general regions of ambient wellbore flow behavior. The western region of the site is characterized by vertical flows that are positively related to river-stage fluctuations. In contrast, the eastern region of the site exhibits vertical flows that are inversely related to river-stage fluctuations. The cause of this opposite relationship is not completely understood; however, the positive relationships appear to be associated with high-energy Hanford formation flood deposits. These flood deposits have a well-defined northwest-southeast trend and are believed to coincide with a local paleochannel. The inverse relationships are attributed to an erosional, subsurface high in the Hanford/Ringold Formation contact between the site and the Columbia River. Under these complex hydrogeologic and hydrodynamic conditions, the behavior of ambient vertical wellbore flow in monitoring wells near a dynamic river boundary can have important implications for collecting groundwater-quality samples, for contributing to contaminant distribution within an aquifer system, and for implementing effective remediation strategies.  相似文献   

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