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Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an established tracer for use in managed aquifer recharge projects. SF6 exsolves from groundwater when it encounters trapped air according to Henry's law. This results in its retardation relative to groundwater flow, which can help determine porous media saturation and flow dynamics. SF6 and the conservative, nonpartitioning tracer, bromide (Br added as KBr), were introduced to recharge water infiltrated into stacked glacial aquifers in Thurston County, Washington, providing the opportunity to observe SF6 partitioning. Br, which is assumed to travel at the same velocity as the groundwater, precedes SF6 at most monitoring wells (MWs). Average groundwater velocity in the unconfined aquifer in the study area ranges from 3.9 to 40 m/d, except in the southwestern corner where it is slower. SF6 in the shallow aquifer exhibits an average retardation factor of 2.5 ± 3.8, suggesting an air-to-water ratio on the order of 10−3 to 10−2 in the pore space. Notable differences in tracer arrival times at adjacent wells indicate very heterogeneous conductivity. One MW exhibits double peaks in concentrations of both tracers with different degrees of retardation for the first and second peaks. This suggests multiple flowpaths to the well with variable saturation. The confining layer between the upper two aquifers appears to allow intermittent connection between aquifers but serves as an aquitard in most areas. This study demonstrates the utility of SF6 partitioning for evaluating hydrologic conditions at prospective recharge sites.  相似文献   

Studies investigating the effects of inland recharge on coastal groundwater dynamics were carried out typically in unconfined aquifers, with few in confined aquifers. This study focused on the groundwater dynamics in confined aquifers with seasonally sinusoidally fluctuated inland groundwater head and constant sea level by numerical simulations. It is known that the mixing zone (MZ) of saltwater wedge in response to the seasonal oscillations of inland groundwater head swings around the steady-state MZ. However, our simulation results indicate that even the most landward freshwater-saltwater interface over a year is seaward from the steady-state location when the hydraulic conductivity K is ≤10−4 m/s under certain boundary conditions with given parameter values. That is, seasonal oscillations of inland groundwater head may reduce seawater intrusion in confined coastal aquifers when K ≤ 10−4 m/s. Sensitivity analysis indicates that for aquifers of K ≤ 10−4 m/s, the larger the inland head fluctuation amplitude is, the less the seawater intrudes. This is probably due to the reason that the seawater intrusion time decreases with the increase of fluctuation amplitude when K ≤ 10−4 m/s. Numerical simulations demonstrate that seasonal inland groundwater head oscillations promote the annual averaged recirculated seawater discharge across the seaward boundary.  相似文献   

The bomb tritium (3H) distribution patterns in the aquifer beneath an abandoned landfill at the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden, Ontario, and in a sandy aquifer at Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishments (WNRE) Pinawa, Manitoba, all in Canada, were delineated in great detail. A sampling and monitoring network of multilevel samplers and bundle piezometers were used. The directions of groundwater flow were established, and the boundary between the tritiated and non-tritiated zones of the two aquifers were closely demarcated. Using a cumulative mass balance method, the3H input mass into the aquifers was compared with the3H mass in groundwater storage to estimate the percentages of annual groundwater recharge from 1953 to 1978. Two recharge calculations for theeffective recharge zone and thetotal recharge area of the aquifers as established from the flownet analysis, and the distributions of dissolved geochemical constitutents showed that theeffective recharge zone calculations gave higher values of 30.6 cm/yr for CFB Borden and 20.1 cm/yr for WNRE while thetotal recharge areas gave lower values of 19.1 and 10.1 cm/yr for the Borden and WNRE aquifers respectively. The two recharge values provide possible minimum and maximum recharge estimates for the two study areas.  相似文献   

A direct-drive high-resolution passive profiler (HRPP) was developed to quantify and delineate concentrations of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), geochemical indicators and CVOC-degrading microorganisms/genes, as well as to perform compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) of CVOCs and estimate interstitial velocity at <30-cm resolution. The profilers can be coupled together to provide a continuous sample interval and advanced to depths up to approximately 9 m below-ground surface (bgs) within saturated media where direct-push techniques are feasible. The HRPP was field tested in a previous dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone at the former Naval Air Station in Alameda, CA. HRPP data sets were compared to the following traditional groundwater data sets: CVOC and anion concentrations in standard and multilevel monitoring well water samples, CVOC concentrations in soil core samples, qualitative contaminant profiles delineated with a membrane interface probe (MIP), microbial community and CSIA profiles from Bio-Traps® deployed in wells, groundwater velocity from passive flux meters (PFMs), lithologic profiles correlated with MIP electrical conductivity (EC), and velocity estimates based on permeability profiles measured with a Geoprobe hydraulic profiling tool (HPT). In some cases, the HRPP data were equivalent to traditional techniques and, in other cases, the HRPP data were more representative of local variability rather than bulk aquifer conditions. Overall the results support the use of the HRPP to provide high-resolution data on concentrations, velocity, and microbial activity in temporary direct-push deployments without well installation, providing a new tool to better assess source zones and contaminated groundwater plumes, even in low permeability media, and to increase the fidelity of site transport models.  相似文献   

Flow in many bedrock aquifers is through fracture networks. Point to point tracer tests using applied tracers provide a direct measure of time of travel and are most useful for determining effective porosity. Calculated values from these tests are typically between 10−4 and 10−2 (0.01% to 1%), with these low values indicating preferential flow through fracture and channel networks. Tracer tests are not commonly used in site investigations, and specific yield is often used as a proxy for effective porosity. The most popular methods have used centrifuge measurements, water table fluctuations, pumping tests, and packer tests. Specific yield varies substantially with the testing method. No method is as reliable as tracer testing for providing estimates of effective porosity, but all methods provide complementary insights on aquifer structure. Temporal and spatial scaling effects suggest that bedrock aquifers have hierarchical structures, with a network of more permeable fractures and channels, which are connected to less permeable fractures and to the matrix. Consequences of the low effective porosities include groundwater velocities that often exceed 100 m/d and more frequent microbial contamination than in aquifers in unconsolidated sediments. The large uncertainty over the magnitude of effective porosity in bedrock aquifers makes it an important parameter to determine in studies where time of travel is of interest.  相似文献   

The isotopic chemistry of alluvial groundwaters from two adjacent valleys are described and hydrological processes within related aquifers are identified as evidenced by oxygen-18, deuterium, tritium and chloride data. A plot of δ18O against δD values reveals isotopic enrichment of the groundwater by the recycling of spray irrigation water. A plot of tritium versus chloride concentrations displays separate linear correlations for alluvial groundwaters within the two valleys. The salinity has a common source, therefore the separate correlations are interpreted as the past transfer of low salinity groundwater from the alluvial aquifers in one valley to the underlying sandstone aquifers.  相似文献   

Analyses (n = 525) of chloride (Cl), bromide (Br), nitrate as nitrogen (NO3-N), sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+) and potassium (K+) in stream water, tile-drain water and groundwater were conducted in an urban-agricultural watershed (10% urban/impervious, 87% agriculture) to explore potential differences in the signature of Cl originating from an urban source as compared with an agricultural source. Only during winter recharge events did measured Cl concentrations exceed the 230 mg/L chronic threshold. At base flow, nearly all surface water and tile water samples had Cl concentrations above the calculated background threshold of 18 mg/L. Mann–Whitney U tests revealed ratios of Cl to Br (p = .045), to NO3-N (p < .0001), to Ca2+ (p < .0001), and to Na+ (p < .0001) to be significantly different between urban and agricultural waters. While Cl ratios indicate that road salt was the dominant source of Cl in the watershed, potassium chloride fertilizer contributed as an important secondary source. Deicing in watersheds where urban land use is minimal had a profound impact on Cl dynamics; however, agricultural practices contributed Cl year-round, elevating stream base flow Cl concentrations above the background level.  相似文献   

We use particle tracking to determine contributing areas (CAs) to wells for transient flow models that simulate cyclic domestic pumping and extreme recharge events in a small synthetic watershed underlain by dipping sedimentary rocks. The CAs consist of strike-oriented bands at locations where the water table intersects high-hydraulic conductivity beds, and from which groundwater flows to the pumping well. Factors that affect the size and location of the CAs include topographic flow directions, rock dip direction, cross-bed fracture density, and position of the well relative to streams. For an effective fracture porosity (ne) of 10−4, the fastest advective travel times from CAs to wells are only a few hours. These results indicate that wells in this type of geologic setting can be highly vulnerable to contaminants or pathogens flushed into the subsurface during extreme recharge events. Increasing ne to 10−3 results in modestly smaller CAs and delayed well vulnerability due to slower travel times. CAs determined for steady-state models of the same setting, but with long-term average recharge and pumping rates, are smaller than CAs in the models with extreme recharge. Also, the earliest-arriving particles arrive at the wells later in the steady-state models than in the extreme-recharge models. The results highlight the importance of characterizing geologic structure, simulating plausible effective porosities, and simulating pumping and recharge transience when determining CAs in fractured rock aquifers to assess well vulnerability under extreme precipitation events.  相似文献   

Groundwater-surface water interactions (GSI) connect rivers and streams with riparian areas and the adjacent aquifer. Although these interactions exert a substantial control of quantity and quality of both groundwater and surface water, knowledge on GSI along rivers at the regional scale, particularly for inland waterways, is still limited. We investigated GSI along the river Moselle, an important federal inland waterway in Germany, by using radon and tritium to identify gaining (water flux from the aquifer to the surface water) and losing (water flux from the surface water to the aquifer) stream conditions, respectively. Gaining stream conditions were identified by continuously measuring radon along the river during boat surveys with a high spatial resolution (every 2 km) during intermediate (October 2020) and near low flow conditions (August/September 2021). The tritium concentrations in surface water and groundwater and the resulting tritium inventories were used to characterize losing stream conditions Monthly tritium inventories from 2017 to 2022 revealed a mean loss for the whole period of 20.3 % and a mean gain of 21.8%. Both were probably triggered by a combination of losing stream conditions and flood-induced mass transfer of water from the aquifer back into the river as well as discharge fluctuations. At the investigated site Lehmen there were direct indications of an influence of surface water due to elevated tritium concentrations in the groundwater (up to 13.3 Bq L−1). Using radon mass balance modelling, good agreements of simulated versus measured radon data with respect to two groundwater end-member scenarios were obtained during intermediate flow (Spearman's ρ: 0.97 and 0.99; MAE: 10.1 and 3.4 Bq L−1) and near low flow (Spearman's ρ: 0.97 and 0.99; MAE: 11 and 6.5 Bq L−1). Considerable groundwater inflow was limited to the meander of Detzem, where cumulated groundwater inflow of about 19 m3 s−1 (9.5% of total discharge) and 4.2 m3 s−1 (3.8% of total discharge) was simulated during intermediate and near low flow, respectively. However, the groundwater inflow was relatively low compared to alpine streams, for example. The study will help to better identify and quantify GSI at the regional scale and provide methodological guidance for future studies focusing on inland waterways.  相似文献   

Predicting and quantifying impacts of potential carbon dioxide (CO2) leakage into shallow aquifers that overlie geologic CO2 storage formations is an important part of developing reliable carbon storage techniques. Leakage of CO2 through fractures, faults or faulty wellbores can reduce groundwater pH, inducing geochemical reactions that release solutes into the groundwater and pose a risk of degrading groundwater quality. In order to help quantify this risk, predictions of metal concentrations are needed during geologic storage of CO2. Here, we present regional-scale reactive transport simulations, at relatively fine-scale, of CO2 leakage into shallow aquifers run on the PFLOTRAN platform using high-performance computing. Multiple realizations of heterogeneous permeability distributions were generated using standard geostatistical methods. Increased statistical anisotropy of the permeability field resulted in more lateral and vertical spreading of the plume of impacted water, leading to increased Pb2+ (lead) concentrations and lower pH at a well down gradient of the CO2 leak. Pb2+ concentrations were higher in simulations where calcite was the source of Pb2+ compared to galena. The low solubility of galena effectively buffered the Pb2+ concentrations as galena reached saturation under reducing conditions along the flow path. In all cases, Pb2+ concentrations remained below the maximum contaminant level set by the EPA. Results from this study, compared to natural variability observed in aquifers, suggest that bicarbonate (HCO3) concentrations may be a better geochemical indicator of a CO2 leak under the conditions simulated here.  相似文献   

The stream tracer technique and transient storage models (TSMs) have become common tools in stream solute and hyporheic exchange studies. The expense and logistics associated with water sample collection and analysis often results in limited temporal resolution of stream tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs). Samples are often collected without a priori or real‐time knowledge of BTC information, which can result in poor sample coverage of the critical shoulder (initial rise) and tail (post‐steady state fall) of the BTC. We illustrate the use of specific conductance (SC) measurements as a surrogate for conservative dissolved tracer (Br) samples. The advantages of collecting SC data for use in the TSM are (1) cost, (2) ease of data collection, and (3) well‐defined breakthrough curves, which strengthen TSM parameter optimization. This method is based on developing an ion concentration (IC)–SC relationship from limited discrete tracer solute samples. SC data can be collected on a more frequent basis at no additional analysis cost. TSM simulations can then be run for the conservative tracer data derived from SC breakthrough curves and the IC–SC relationship. This technique was tested in a 120 m reach of stream (2–60 m subreaches) in the Maimai M15 catchment, New Zealand during baseflow recession. Dissolved LiBr was injected for 12·92 h, with Br as the conservative ion of interest. Four TSM simulations using the OTIS model are optimized using UCODE to fit (1) Br data derived from the Br–SC relationship (n = 1307 observations at each of two stream sampling sites), (2) all stream Br data collected (n = 58 in upper reach, n = 60 in lower reach), (3) half of the stream Br data collected, and (4) 20 stream Br samples from each site. No two simulations resulted in the same optimal parameter values. Results suggest that the greater the frequency of observations, the greater the confidence in estimated parameter values. Br–SC simulations resulted in the best overall model fits to the data, with the lowest calculated error variance of 6·37, narrowest 95% parameter estimate confidence intervals, and the highest correlation coefficient of 0·99 942, among the four simulations. This is largely due to the improved representation of the shoulder and tail of the BTC with this method. The IC–SC correlation method is robust in situations in which (1) changes in background SC data can be accounted for, and (2) the data used to define the IC–SC relationship are representative of the range of data collected. This method provides more efficient sample analysis, improved data resolution, and improved model results compared to the alternative stream tracer data gathering methods presented. Additionally, we describe a new parameterization of the cross‐sectional area of the stream during flow recession, as a function of discharge, based on a stream hydraulic geometry relationship. This variant of the OTIS model provides a more realistic representation of stream dynamics during unsteady discharge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The distribution of major geological units, static water level data, water chemistry data, and observations of surface features influenced by groundwater seepage were used to ascertain the nature of groundwater occurrence and flow pattern in the Enugu coal field, Nigeria. Considerations of the geological units, the static groundwater levels and groundwater seepages in the mines indicate that the coal sequence is a multiaquifer system in which sandstone and coal aquifers alternate with shale aquitards. Based on the hydraulic head data, the groundwater flow is predominantly downwards. Groundwater velocity calculation across the multiaquifer system using the Darcy equation gave a flow velocity of about 1 m day?1. For groundwater systems, such a calculated velocity is considered high. The high velocity is most probably due to the high fracture porosity as well as the presence of other stratigraphic and structural features such as alluvial fills that provide high hydraulic conductivity pathways across the aquifer system. The pattern of groundwater inflow into the mines is also influenced by these stratigraphie and structural features.  相似文献   

Understanding groundwater–surface water exchange in river banks is crucial for effective water management and a range of scientific disciplines. While there has been much research on bank storage, many studies assume idealized aquifer systems. This paper presents a field‐based study of the Tambo Catchment (southeast Australia) where the Tambo River interacts with both an unconfined aquifer containing relatively young and fresh groundwater (<500 μS/cm and <100 years old) and a semi‐confined artesian aquifer containing old and saline groundwater (electrical conductivity > 2500 μS/cm and >10 000 years old). Continuous groundwater elevation and electrical conductivity monitoring within the different aquifers and the river suggest that the degree of mixing between the two aquifers and the river varies significantly in response to changing hydrological conditions. Numerical modelling using MODFLOW and the solute transport package MT3DMS indicates that saline water in the river bank moves away from the river during flooding as hydraulic gradients reverse. This water then returns during flood recession as baseflow hydraulic gradients are re‐established. Modelling also indicates that the concentration of a simulated conservative groundwater solute can increase for up to ~34 days at distances of 20 and 40 m from the river in response to flood events approximately 10 m in height. For the same flood event, simulated solute concentrations within 10 m of the river increase for only ~15 days as the infiltrating low‐salinity river water drives groundwater dilution. Average groundwater fluxes to the river stretch estimated using Darcy's law were 7 m3/m/day compared with 26 and 3 m3/m/day for the same periods via mass balance using Radon (222Rn) and chloride (Cl), respectively. The study shows that by coupling numerical modelling with continuous groundwater–surface water monitoring, the transient nature of bank storage can be evaluated, leading to a better understanding of the hydrological system and better interpretation of hydrochemical data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High arsenic (As) groundwater is frequently found in inland basins, but little is known about As pools in sediments and their influences on aqueous As distributions. The Hetao Basin is a typical inland basin, where groundwater As concentrations generally increase from alluvial fans to flat plain. Two sites are only 1700 m apart, but groundwater As concentrations at the depth range of 15 to 80 m are quite different, ranging from 7.0 to 31.7 μg/L at site B1 and from 5.2 to 99.8 μg/L at site B2. Sediment geochemistry and groundwater hydrochemistry at two sites were characterized. No distinct differences were observed in the bulk geochemistry of sediments. Sequential extractions of 39 sediments were conducted to determine why As was easily released to groundwater at one site and not the other. Results showed that at site B1 most of solid As was associated with amorphous Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides, whereas at site B2 the strong adsorption pool dominated. Furthermore, higher dissolved Fe2+ and lower ORP in groundwater at site B2 suggested more strongly reducing conditions compared to site B1. High concentrations of NH4+ and HCO3 at site B2 were consistent with As release coupled to microbially induced reductive dissolution of Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides. Other processes, such as the competitive adsorption of HCO3, As desorption under weakly alkaline pH conditions, may also influence the partitioning of As between groundwater and sediments. This study highlights the differences in how As is associated with sediments between high and low As aquifers and the contribution of chemical characteristics to As release.  相似文献   

As a continuation of previous studies of 3H, δ2H, δ18O, Ar, 40Ar/36Ar, and 234U/238U isotope systems, data of uranium-helium dating of groundwater at the radioactive waste repository of Siberian Chemical Works are quantitatively interpreted. The interpretation is based on analytical models taking into account the inflow of deep-earth helium and the diffusion-advection exchange between layers. Estimated flow velocities in reservoir beds and buffer horizons are in agreement with previous hydrodynamic estimates. The obtained velocities of horizontal mass transfer were used to evaluate the age of groundwater in sampling points. Water age varies from 7 to 14 (with a mean of ~9) in the lower (II and III) aquifers, into which the radioactive wastes are pumped, from 2 to 4 in buffer horizon IV, and from 1 to 2 thousand years in the upper V horizon.  相似文献   

Conservative solute injections were conducted in three first-order montane streams of different geological composition to assess the influence of parent lithology and alluvial characteristics on the hydrological retention of nutrients. Three study sites were established: (1) Aspen Creek, in a sandstone–siltstone catchment with a fine-grained alluvium of low hydraulic conductivity (1·3×10−4 cm/s), (2) Rio Calaveras, which flows through volcanic tuff with alluvium of intermediate grain size and hydraulic conductivity (1·2×10−3 cm/s), and (3) Gallina Creek, located in a granite/gneiss catchment of coarse, poorly sorted alluvium with high hydraulic conductivity (4·1×10−3 cm/s). All sites were instrumented with networks of shallow groundwater wells to monitor interstitial solute transport. The rate and extent of groundwater–surface water exchange, determined by the solute response in wells, increased with increasing hydraulic conductivity. The direction of surface water–groundwater interaction within a stream was related to local variation in vertical and horizontal hydraulic gradients. Experimental tracer responses in the surface stream were simulated with a one-dimensional solute transport model with inflow and storage components (OTIS). Model-derived measures of hydrological retention showed a corresponding increase with increasing hydraulic conductivity. To assess the temporal variability of hydrological retention, solute injection experiments were conducted in Gallina Creek under four seasonal flow regimes during which surface discharge ranged from baseflow (0·75 l/s in October) to high (75 l/s during spring snowmelt). Model-derived hydrological retention decreased with increasing discharge. The results of our intersite comparison suggest that hydrological retention is strongly influenced by the geologic setting and alluvial characteristics of the stream catchment. Temporal variation in hydrological retention at Gallina Creek is related to seasonal changes in discharge, highlighting the need for temporal resolution in studies of the dynamics of surface water–groundwater interactions in stream ecosystems. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glacial aquifers are an important source of groundwater in the United States and require accurate characterization to make informed management decisions. One parameter that is crucial for understanding the movement of groundwater is hydraulic conductivity, K. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging measures the NMR response associated with the water in geological materials. By utilizing an external magnetic field to manipulate the nuclear spins associated with 1H, the time-varying decay of the nuclear magnetization is measured. This logging method could provide an effective way to estimate K at submeter vertical resolution, but the models that relate NMR measurements to K require calibration. At two field sites in a glacial aquifer in central Wisconsin, we collected a total of four NMR logs and obtained measurements of K in their immediate vicinity with a direct-push permeameter (DPP). Using a bootstrap algorithm to calibrate the Schlumberger-Doll Research (SDR) NMR-K model, we estimated K to within a factor of 5 of the DPP measurements. The lowest levels of accuracy occurred in the lower-K (K < 10−4 m/s) intervals. We also evaluated the applicability of prior SDR model calibrations. We found the NMR calibration parameters varied with K, suggesting the SDR model does not incorporate all the properties of the pore space that control K. Thus, the expected range of K in an aquifer may need to be considered during calibration of NMR-K models. This study is the first step toward establishing NMR logging as an effective method for estimating K in glacial aquifers.  相似文献   

A typical area, Gaomi City in China, was chosen to discuss the enrichment process of groundwater fluorine in sea water intrusion area. The groundwater had fluorine levels of 0.09–10.99 mg/L, with an average concentration of 1.38 mg/L. The high-fluorine groundwater was mainly distributed in the unconsolidated Quaternary sediments, where concentrations in 83.6% of the samples exceeded the national limit of 1.0 mg/L. The groundwater in the Quaternary sediments also had higher levels of Cl, TDS, Mg2+, and pH and lower levels of Ca2+, Co, Ni, and Cu than that in the bedrock. The groundwater fluorine levels in the Quaternary sediments are positively correlated with Cl, TDS, Mg2+, pH, and negatively correlated with Ca2+, γCa2+/γMg2+, Co, Ni, Cu. Geochemical indices of Cl and TDS indicate sea water intrusion in the Quaternary high-fluorine groundwater area (F > 1.0 mg/L), while they do not indicate any intrusion in the bedrock area. The chemical weathering of minerals was intensified with the intrusion of sea water. Cation exchange was confirmed to occur in the Quaternary sediments and was promoted by sea water intrusion. Cation exchange consumes part of groundwater Ca2+ and permits more F dissolving. Consequently, in the Quaternary sediments, the groundwater was supersaturated with CaF2 minerals and undersaturated with MgF2 minerals when F > 1.0 mg/L, while CaF2 and MgF2 minerals both are undersaturated when F < 1.0 mg/L. Thus, the chemical weathering of minerals and cation exchange caused by sea water intrusion are the crucial processes controlling the groundwater fluorine levels, which should be considered when the groundwater fluorine enrichment mechanism is discussed along coastal zones.  相似文献   

High transmissivity aquifers typically have low hydraulic gradients (i.e., a flat water table). Measuring low gradients using water levels can be problematic because measurement error may be greater than the true difference in water levels (i.e., a low signal-to-noise ratio). In this study, the feasibility of measuring a hydraulic gradient in the range of 10−6 to 10−5 m/m was demonstrated. The study was performed at a site where the depth to water from land surface ranged from 40.1 to 94.2 m and the aquifer transmissivity was estimated at 41,300 m2/d (hydraulic conductivity of 18,800 m/d). The goals of the study were to reduce measurement error as much as practicable and assess the importance of factors affecting water level measurement accuracy. Well verticality was the largest source of error (0.000 to 0.168 m; median of 0.014 m), and geodetic survey of casing elevations was the next most important source of error (0.002 to 0.013 m; median of 0.005 m). Variability due to barometric pressure fluctuations was not an important factor at the site. Hydraulic heads were measured to an accuracy of ±0.0065 m, and the average hydraulic gradient was estimated to be 8.0 × 10−6 (±0.9 × 10−6) m/m. The improvement in accuracy allowed for two reversals in the groundwater flow direction to be identified, after which the gradient averaged 2.5 × 10−5 (±0.4 × 10−5) m/m. This study showed it is possible to sufficiently control sources of error to measure hydraulic gradients in the 10−6 to 10−5 m/m range.  相似文献   


An innovative methodology that combines an indirect physiography-based method for determining the runoff coefficient at a sub-basin scale and a water balance model applied on a daily time scale was developed to calculate the natural groundwater recharge in three watersheds within the Oum Zessar arid area, Tunisia. The effective infiltration was calculated as part of the water surplus by considering the average available water content (AWC) of soil and an average runoff coefficient for each sub-basin. The model indicates that the sub-basins covered mainly by the “artificial” soils of tabias and jessour, characterized by average AWC values greater than 150 mm, did not contribute to natural groundwater recharge over the 10-year period (2003–2012) considered. The estimated volume for the Triassic aquifer amounted to about 4.5 hm3 year?1, which is consistent with previous studies. For the Jurassic and Cretaceous aquifers, the estimated volumes amounted to about 200 dm3 year?1.  相似文献   

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