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Radon-222 Concentration and Aquifer Lithology in North Carolina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of the radioactive gas radon (Rn-222) in many ground water supplies is a potentially significant source of public exposure to ionizing radiation. A wide range of radon concentrations has been measured in ground water in North Carolina, including some far in excess of national average concentrations. North Carolina is, however, geologically complex and ground water radon concentrations vary considerably among the state's aquifers. The highest average radon concentrations occur in areas underlain by granites (geometric mean 5910 pCi/l), and the lowest occur in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region (48 pCi/l). Average radon levels intermediate between these extremes are characteristic of the large areas of North Carolina underlain by gneisses, schists and metavolcanic rocks. Relative average radon concentrations in ground water from the rock types surveyed are consistent with relative abundances of uranium, the parent element of radon, in these rocks. Although other geologic and hydrologic factors also have an effect, aquifer lithology is a useful predictor of the concentration of radon in ground water. The occurrence of high radon concentrations in certain aquifer types; such as granites, shows that geologic factors should be considered in estimates of population exposure to radon, and that knowledge of aquifer geology can help to predict ground water radon concentrations in areas where field sampling has not been done.  相似文献   

In the Long Valley caldera, where seismicity has continued essentially uninterrupted since mid-1980 and uplift is documented, samples of water from hot, warm, and cold springs have been collected since September, 1982, and their222Rn concentrations analyzed. Concurrently, rocks encompassing the hydrologic systems feeding the springs were analyzed for their radioelement contents, because their uranium is the ultimate source of the222Rn in the water.The222Rn concentration in the springs varies inversely with their temperature and specific conductance. High concentrations (1500 to 2500 picocuries per liter) occur in dilute cold springs on the margins of the caldera, while low contents (12 to 25 pCi/l) occur in hot to boiling springs. Springwater radon concentrations also correlate slightly with the uranium content of the encompassing rocks.A continuous monitoring system was installed in August, 1983, at a spring issuing from basalt, to provide hourly records of radon concentration. A gamma detector is submerged in a natural pool, and we have observed that the radioactivity measured in this manner is due almost entirely to the222Rn concentration of the water. Initial operation shows diurnal and semidiurnal variations in the222Rn concentration of the springwater that are ascribed to earth tides, suggesting that those variations are responding to small changes in stress in the rocks encompassing the hydrologic system.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a Rn222 survey in wells of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) and observed considerable variations in concentrations. Simple models show that flow-rate plays an important part in the Rn222 content of each well, as it directly affects the fluid transit time in the reservoirs. Rn222 has been sampled from two wells of the Serrazzano area during flow-rate drawdown tests. The apparent volume of the steam reservoir of each of these two wells has been estimated from the Rn222 concentration versus flow-rate curves.List of symbols Q Flow-rate (kg h–1) - Decay constant of Rn222 (=7.553×10–3 h–1) - Porosity of the reservoir (volume of fluid/volume of rock) - 1 Density of the fluid in the reservoir (kg m–3) - 2 Density of the rock in the reservoir (kg m–3) - M Stationary mass of fluid filling the reservoir (kg). - E Emanating power of the rock in the reservoir (nCi kg rock –1 h–1). - P Production rate of Rn222 in the reservoir: number of atoms of Rn222 (divided by 1.764×107) transferred by the rock to the mass unit of fluid per unit time (nCi kg fluid –1 h–1). - N Specific concentration of Rn222 in the fluid (nCi kg–1) - Characteristic time of the steam reservoir at maximum flow-rate (=M/Q)  相似文献   

The design and planning of soil vapor sampling for vapor intrusion assessment require an estimate of the time for vapor migration from the contamination source to reach steady state prior to vapor sampling and analysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This study presents the model derivation, analytical solutions, as well as the assumptions and limitations of a one-dimensional VOC vapor transport model based on diffusion in porous media and equilibrium partitioning of VOCs in solid, aqueous, and vapor phases. The model assumes a finite domain with boundary conditions that represent the scenarios of vapor migration in the real environment. The derivation of the conceptual model is presented along with its practical use and implications as illustrated through case examples. Consideration of the upper (or exit) boundary condition along with the distance between the source and the applicable boundary, rather than the distance from the source to the measurement point, are shown to be critical in the time estimates as compared to an expression typically used and cited in guidance documents. The study reveals the importance of defining a conceptual model and relevant boundaries in assessing near steady state conditions, and suggests a tiered approach in refining the estimate with increasing level of effort for practical applications in vapor assessment.  相似文献   

The concentrations of222Rn and226Ra in the water column and in the sediments of Santa Barbara and San Nicolas Basins have been measured semi-annually over the last four years. Approximately one-third of excess radon profiles obtained in the water column in these basins can be adequately fit with a one-dimensional eddy diffusion-decay model. Exponential profiles in the center of San Nicolas Basin yield a vertical eddy diffusivity of 26±16 cm2/s and 3.4±1.0 cm2/s for Santa Barbara Basin. The application of a two-dimensional eddy diffusion-decay model to profiles obtained in the center and on the margins of San Nicolas Basin produces a better fit than is found using a one-dimensional vertical eddy diffusivity. The two-dimensional model for San Nicolas Basin predicts a vertical eddy diffusivity of 17 cm2/s and a horizontal eddy diffusivity of 105 cm2/s. These values are in reasonable agreement with those predicted from the vertical buoyancy gradient and the horizontal length scale.The vertically integrated radon excess (standing crop) in the water column of Santa Barbara Basin averages 53±23 atoms/m2 s. This is in good agreement with the flux across the sediment-water interface of 60±15 atoms/m2 s, calculated by measuring radon emanation in the sediments as a function of depth and applying a molecular diffusion-reaction model. Hence, one-dimensional molecular diffusion accurately predicts the flux of radon from the laminated Santa Barbara Basin sediments. In San Nicolas Basin the integrated radon excess in the water column is 376±143 atoms/m2 s, but the diffusive randon flux from San Nicolas Basin sediments averages only 190±53 atoms/m2 s. This descrepancy indicates that a non-diffusive process, probably macrofaunal irrigation, supplies much of the flux of radon from San Nicolas Basin sediments.  相似文献   

Javad Ashjari 《Ground water》2013,51(1):122-127
An aquifer test is used mostly to determine the storage coefficient and transmissivity. Although residual drawdown data are widely used in estimating the transmissivity of aquifers, the estimation of storage coefficients with recovery data is controversial. Some researchers have proposed methods to estimate storage coefficients with recovery data by assuming equality of storage coefficients for the recovery and pumping periods (S = S′). The aim of this study is to determine storage coefficients without such an assumption, that is, S≠S′. The method is a modified version of Banton‐Bangoy's method without considering drawdown data due to pumping. Drawdown is plotted vs. the logarithmic ratio (t′/t) or time since pumping stopped to the duration of pumping and the ratio of storage coefficient during recovery to the storage coefficient from the pumping period (S′/S). The method is verified with one case study and two synthetic examples. Thus, it is possible to determine storage coefficient of pumping period accurately without any data from pumping period by recovery data.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analytic element modeling approach implemented in the software AnAqSim for simulating steady groundwater flow with a sharp fresh‐salt interface in multilayer (three‐dimensional) aquifer systems. Compared with numerical methods for variable‐density interface modeling, this approach allows quick model construction and can yield useful guidance about the three‐dimensional configuration of an interface even at a large scale. The approach employs subdomains and multiple layers as outlined by Fitts (2010) with the addition of discharge potentials for shallow interface flow (Strack 1989). The following simplifying assumptions are made: steady flow, a sharp interface between fresh‐ and salt water, static salt water, and no resistance to vertical flow and hydrostatic heads within each fresh water layer. A key component of this approach is a transition to a thin fixed minimum fresh water thickness mode when the fresh water thickness approaches zero. This allows the solution to converge and determine the steady interface position without a long transient simulation. The approach is checked against the widely used numerical codes SEAWAT and SWI/MODFLOW and a hypothetical application of the method to a coastal wellfield is presented.  相似文献   

Permafrost covers approximately 24% of the Northern Hemisphere, and much of it is degrading, which causes infrastructure failures and ecosystem transitions. Understanding groundwater and heat flow processes in permafrost environments is challenging due to spatially and temporarily varying hydraulic connections between water above and below the near-surface discontinuous frozen zone. To characterize the transitional period of permafrost degradation, a three-dimensional model of a permafrost plateau that includes the supra-permafrost zone and surrounding wetlands was developed. The model is based on the Scotty Creek basin in the Northwest Territories, Canada. FEFLOW groundwater flow and heat transport modeling software is used in conjunction with the piFreeze plug-in, to account for phase changes between ice and water. The Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) flow model is used to calculate ground temperatures and surface water balance, which are then used as FEFLOW boundary conditions. As simulating actual permafrost evolution would require hundreds of years of climate variations over an evolving landscape, whose geomorphic features are unknown, methodologies for developing permafrost initial conditions for transient simulations were investigated. It was found that a model initialized with a transient spin-up methodology, that includes an unfrozen layer between the permafrost table and ground surface, yields better results than with steady-state permafrost initial conditions. This study also demonstrates the critical role that variations in land surface and permafrost table microtopography, along with talik development, play in permafrost degradation. Modeling permafrost dynamics will allow for the testing of remedial measures to stabilize permafrost in high value infrastructure environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, frictional strength of hard solids, such as rock–rock sliding surfaces, is studied as a function of waiting time and shearing velocity. A one dimensional spring–mass sliding system is numerically simulated under the quasistatic condition using the rate and state dependent friction model. It is established that frictional strength varies linearly with the logarithm of waiting time (also known as time of stationary contact or relaxation time, etc.) as well as logarithm of shearing velocity. Analytical expression developed for frictional strength is found to be valid only in the case of high stiffness of the connecting spring. In the steady relaxation simulation, a steadily sliding mass is suddenly brought to zero velocity and relaxation of the interfacial stress and corresponding velocity at the sliding interface is studied as a function of relaxation time in the velocity strengthening regime of friction. A mathematical relation is derived between state variable and waiting time using the concept of steady relaxation. The relaxation model is also compared with the experimental data from the literature. Finally, the present study enables one to unify the slide–hold–slide friction experiments.  相似文献   

前言地震破坏的动态模拟是地震学研究的老课题 ,其本质就是研究弹性体力学的初期值和边界值。关键是它涉及了几个方面 :“如何解方程式——方法”;“如何给出作为初始条件、边界条件的摩擦定律”。根据上世纪 80年代有关摩擦定律的实验、理论研究方面的进展和 90年代通过地震波反演对震源图像的详细探明 ,由事先假设破坏的形态和运动的运动学模式的方式转向没有解析解的、破坏自发进行的方式 (即地震破坏过程非常复杂 ,很难从物理的、定量的角度对它加以解释 !)。这次 ,我们以断层附近的地震动为研究对象 ,观察它是为什么、怎么样产生破坏的…  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide injection into deep saline formations may induce large‐scale pressure increases and migration of native fluid. Local high‐conductivity features, such as improperly abandoned wells or conductive faults, could act as conduits for focused leakage of brine into shallow groundwater resources. Pressurized brine can also be pushed into overlying/underlying formations because of diffuse leakage through low‐permeability aquitards, which occur over large areas and may allow for effective pressure bleed‐off in the storage reservoirs. This study presents the application of a recently developed analytical solution for pressure buildup and leakage rates in a multilayered aquifer‐aquitard system with focused and diffuse brine leakage. The accuracy of this single‐phase analytical solution for estimating far‐field flow processes is verified by comparison with a numerical simulation study that considers the details of two‐phase flow. We then present several example applications for a hypothetical CO2 injection scenario (without consideration of two‐phase flow) to demonstrate that the new solution is an efficient tool for analyzing regional pressure buildup in a multilayered system, as well as for gaining insights into the leakage processes of flow through aquitards, leaky wells, and/or leaky faults. This solution may be particularly useful when a large number of calculations needs to be performed, that is, for uncertainty quantification, for parameter estimation, or for the optimization of pressure‐management schemes.  相似文献   

We present transient streaming potential data collected during falling‐head permeameter tests performed on samples of two sands with different physical and chemical properties. The objective of the work is to estimate hydraulic conductivity (K) and the electrokinetic coupling coefficient (Cl) of the sand samples. A semi‐empirical model based on the falling‐head permeameter flow model and electrokinetic coupling is used to analyze the streaming potential data and to estimate K and Cl. The values of K estimated from head data are used to validate the streaming potential method. Estimates of K from streaming potential data closely match those obtained from the associated head data, with less than 10% deviation. The electrokinetic coupling coefficient was estimated from streaming potential vs. (1) time and (2) head data for both sands. The results indicate that, within limits of experimental error, the values of Cl estimated by the two methods are essentially the same. The results of this work demonstrate that a temporal record of the streaming potential response in falling‐head permeameter tests can be used to estimate both K and Cl. They further indicate the potential for using transient streaming potential data as a proxy for hydraulic head in hydrogeology applications.  相似文献   

张斌伟  严松宏 《地震工程学报》2018,40(3):473-479,489
传统通过p-y曲线法分析强震状态下黄土中桩基动力性状时未进行桩基结构模拟,获取的强震状态下黄土中桩基动力的相关动力参数不准确。本文提出新的强震状态下黄土中桩基动力性状分析方法,依据HS硬化模型设计HSS本构模型,通过模型获取强震状态下黄土中桩基动力的相关参数,以此为基础采用PLAXIS软件构建黄土中桩基有限元模型;通过两种模型从耦合荷载作用下的桩基桩身水平位移响应、桩身内力响应两方面对强震状态下黄土桩基动力性状展开实验分析。实验结果表明,所提方法可对强震状态下黄土中桩基动力性状进行准确分析。  相似文献   

贮灰场子坝粉煤灰动力特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
贮灰场子坝冲填粉煤灰的动力特性是评估挡灰坝在地震作用下动力稳定性的关键因素。为探究冲填粉煤灰的动力变形和强度特性,利用液压控制振动三轴试验仪测试饱和沉积灰和冲填灰两类试样在偏压固结条件下的动应力-动应变关系、动强度、阻尼比和动孔隙水压力。结果表明:试样骨干曲线均表现出应变硬化特征,可近似描述为双曲线型关系。此外,循环振次增大导致试样动强度降低,且主要与动黏聚力降低有关,受内摩擦角影响较小。双对数坐标轴下,无量纲处理后的阻尼比与动剪切模量近似呈线性关系,且与围压关系不显著。不同围压下动孔压水平随破坏振次增大仅在较窄范围内变化,为简便计算,可忽略围压和循环振次对动孔压水平的影响。据此,可采用Finn公式描述偏压固结下粉煤灰试样的动孔隙水压力特征。  相似文献   

Integrated modeling of basin- and plume-scale processes induced by full-scale deployment of CO2 storage was applied to the Mt. Simon Aquifer in the Illinois Basin. A three-dimensional mesh was generated with local refinement around 20 injection sites, with approximately 30 km spacing. A total annual injection rate of 100 Mt CO2 over 50 years was used. The CO2-brine flow at the plume scale and the single-phase flow at the basin scale were simulated. Simulation results show the overall shape of a CO2 plume consisting of a typical gravity-override subplume in the bottom injection zone of high injectivity and a pyramid-shaped subplume in the overlying multilayered Mt. Simon, indicating the important role of a secondary seal with relatively low-permeability and high-entry capillary pressure. The secondary-seal effect is manifested by retarded upward CO2 migration as a result of multiple secondary seals, coupled with lateral preferential CO2 viscous fingering through high-permeability layers. The plume width varies from 9.0 to 13.5 km at 200 years, indicating the slow CO2 migration and no plume interference between storage sites. On the basin scale, pressure perturbations propagate quickly away from injection centers, interfere after less than 1 year, and eventually reach basin margins. The simulated pressure buildup of 35 bar in the injection area is not expected to affect caprock geomechanical integrity. Moderate pressure buildup is observed in Mt. Simon in northern Illinois. However, its impact on groundwater resources is less than the hydraulic drawdown induced by long-term extensive pumping from overlying freshwater aquifers.  相似文献   

为了提高地震信息网络数据存储的效率和稳定性,本文提出一种地震信息网络数据的动态储存方法。首先,设计和分析地震信息网络数据的动态存储系统中的硬件部分,基于Hadoop的分布式集群大数据动态存储系统,整合多台存储服务器,为一个集群系统,并平衡存储服务器负载情况,获取性能指标的比例值,通过加权公式获取综合性能参数,根据综合负载指标和服务器综合指标参数获取最佳存储服务器。对本文系统、高速数据存储系统和网络编码云存储系统进行大数据动态存储对比实验。实验结果表明:地震信息网络数据的动态存储耗时最短,存储效率最快;具有较高存储稳定性,且不会出现过载问题。  相似文献   

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