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Major challenges exist in delineating bedrock fracture zones because these cause abrupt changes in geological and hydrogeological properties over small distances. Borehole observations cannot sufficiently capture heterogeneity in these systems. Geophysical techniques offer the potential to image properties and processes in between boreholes. We used three‐dimensional cross borehole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in a 9 m (diameter) × 15 m well field to capture high‐resolution flow and transport processes in a fractured mudstone contaminated by chlorinated solvents, primarily trichloroethylene. Conductive (sodium bromide) and resistive (deionized water) injections were monitored in seven boreholes. Electrode arrays with isolation packers and fluid sampling ports were designed to enable acquisition of ERT measurements during pulsed tracer injections. Fracture zone locations and hydraulic pathways inferred from hydraulic head drawdown data were compared with electrical conductivity distributions from ERT measurements. Static ERT imaging has limited resolution to decipher individual fractures; however, these images showed alternating conductive and resistive zones, consistent with alternating laminated and massive mudstone units at the site. Tracer evolution and migration was clearly revealed in time‐lapse ERT images and supported by in situ borehole vertical apparent conductivity profiles collected during the pulsed tracer test. While water samples provided important local information at the extraction borehole, ERT delineated tracer migration over spatial scales capturing the primary hydrogeological heterogeneity controlling flow and transport. The fate of these tracer injections at this scale could not have been quantified using borehole logging and/or borehole sampling methods alone.  相似文献   

A 3D ERT study of solute transport in a large experimental tank   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A high resolution, cross-borehole, 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) study of solute transport was conducted in a large experimental tank. ERT voxels comprising the time sequence of electrical images were converted into a 3D array of ERT estimated fluid conductivity breakthrough curves and compared with direct measurements of fluid conductivity breakthrough made in wells. The 3D ERT images of solute transport behaviour were also compared with predictions based on a 3D finite-element, coupled flow and transport model, accounting for gravity induced flow caused by concentration differences.The tank (dimensions 185×245×186 cm) was filled with medium sand, with a gravel channel and a fine sand layer installed. This heterogeneous system was designed to complicate solute transport behaviour relative to a homogeneous sand tank, and to thus provide a challenging but insightful analysis of the ability of 3D ERT to resolve transport phenomena. Four ERT arrays and 20 piezometers were installed during filling. A NaCl tracer (conductivity 1.34 S/m) was injected and intensively monitored with 3D ERT and direct sampling of fluid chemistry in piezometers.We converted the bulk conductivity estimate for 250 voxels in the ERT imaged volume into ERT estimated voxel fluid conductivity by assuming that matrix conduction in the tank is negligible. In general, the ERT voxel response is in reasonable agreement with the shape of fluid conductivity breakthrough observed in six wells in which direct measurements of fluid conductivity were made. However, discrepancies occur, particularly at early times, which we attribute to differences between the scale of the image voxels and the fluid conductivity measurement, measurement errors mapped into the electrical inversion and artificial image roughness resulting from the inversion.ERT images revealed the 3D tracer distribution at 15 times after tracer injection. The general pattern and timing of solute breakthrough observed with ERT agreed with that predicted from the flow/transport modelling. However, the ERT images indicate a vertical component of tracer transport and preferential flow paths in the medium sand. We attribute this to transient vertical gradients established during tracer injection, and heterogeneity caused by sorting of the sand resulting from the filling procedure. In this study, ERT provided a unique dataset of 250 voxel breakthrough curves in 1.04 m3. The use of 3D ERT to generate an array of densely sampled estimated fluid conductivity breakthrough curves is a potentially powerful tool for quantifying solute transport processes.  相似文献   

Delineating alluvial aquifer heterogeneity using resistivity and GPR data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Conceptual geological models based on geophysical data can elucidate aquifer architecture and heterogeneity at meter and smaller scales, which can lead to better predictions of preferential flow pathways. The macrodispersion experiment (MADE) site, with >2000 measurements of hydraulic conductivity obtained and three tracer tests conducted, serves as an ideal natural laboratory for examining relationships between subsurface flow characteristics and geophysical attributes in fluvial aquifers. The spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity measurements indicates a large degree of site heterogeneity. To evaluate the usefulness of geophysical methods for better delineating fluvial aquifer heterogeneities and distribution of preferential flow paths, a surface grid of two-dimensional ground penetrating radar (GPR) and direct current (DC) resistivity data were collected. A geological model was developed from these data that delineate four stratigraphic units with distinct electrical and radar properties including (from top to bottom) (1) a meandering fluvial system (MFS); (2) a braided fluvial system (BFS); (3) fine-grained sands; and (4) a clay-rich interval. A paleochannel, inferred by other authors to affect flow, was mapped in the MFS with both DC resistivity and GPR data. The channel is 2 to 4 m deep and, based on resistivity values, is predominantly filled with clay and silt. Comparing previously collected hydraulic conductivity measurements and tracer-plume migration patterns to the geological model indicates that flow primarily occurs in the BFS and that the channel mapped in the MFS has no influence on plume migration patterns.  相似文献   

An accurate prediction of solute infiltration in a soil profile is important in the area of environmental science, groundwater and civil engineering. We examined the infiltration pattern and monitored the infiltration process using a combined method of dye tracer test and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in an undisturbed field soil (1 m × 1 m). A homogeneous matrix flow was observed in the surface soil (A horizon), but a preferential flow along macropores and residual rock structure was the dominant infiltration pattern in the subsurface soil. Saturated interflow along the slopping boundaries of A and C1 horizons and of an upper sandy layer and a lower thin clay layer in the C horizon was also observed. The result of ERT showed that matrix flow started first in A horizon and then the infiltration was followed by the preferential flows along the sloping interfaces and macropores. The ERT did not show as much detail as the dye‐stained image for the preferential flow. However, the area with the higher staining density where preferential flow was dominant showed a relatively lower electrical resistivity. The result of this study indicates that ERT can be applied for the monitoring of solute transportation in the vadose zone. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Macropores are subsurface connected void spaces caused by processes such as fracture of soils, micro‐erosion, and fauna burrows. They are common near streams (e.g. hyporheic and riparian zones) and may act as preferential flow paths between surface and groundwaters, affecting hydrologic and biogeochemical processes. We tested the hydrologic function of macropores by constructing an artificial macropore within the saturated zone of a meander bend (open macropore, ‘OM’) and later filling its upstream end (partially filled macropore, ‘PFM’). For each treatment, we injected saline tracer at an upgradient monitoring well within the meander and monitored downgradient hydraulics and tracer transport. Pressure transducers in monitoring wells indicated hydraulic gradients within the meander were 32% higher perpendicular to and 6% higher parallel to the macropore for the OM than for the PFM. Additionally, hydraulic conductivities measured via falling head tests were 29 to 550 times higher along the macropore than in nearby sediment. We used electrical conductivity probes in wells and electrical resistivity imaging to track solute transport. Transport velocities through the meander were on average 9 and 21% higher (per temporal moment analysis and observed tracer peak, respectively) for the OM than for the PFM. Furthermore, temporal moments of tracer breakthrough analysis indicated downgradient longitudinal dispersion and breakthrough tracer curve tailing were on average 234% and 182% higher for the OM, respectively. This suggests the OM enabled solute transport at overall shorter timescales than the matrix but also increased tailing. Our results demonstrate the importance of macropores to meander bend hydrology and solute transport. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fractures in porous media have been documented extensively. However, they are often omitted from groundwater flow and mass transport models due to a lack of data on fracture hydraulic properties and the computational burden of simulating fractures explicitly in large model domains. We present a MATLAB toolbox, FracKfinder, that automates HydroGeoSphere (HGS), a variably saturated, control volume finite-element model, to simulate an ensemble of discrete fracture network (DFN) flow experiments on a single cubic model mesh containing a stochastically generated fracture network. Because DFN simulations in HGS can simulate flow in both a porous media and a fracture domain, this toolbox computes tensors for both the matrix and fractures of a porous medium. Each model in the ensemble represents a different orientation of the hydraulic gradient, thus minimizing the likelihood that a single hydraulic gradient orientation will dominate the tensor computation. Linear regression on matrices containing the computed three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity (K) values from each rotation of the hydraulic gradient is used to compute the K tensors. This approach shows that the hydraulic behavior of fracture networks can be simulated where fracture hydraulic data are limited. Simulation of a bromide tracer experiment using K tensors computed with FracKfinder in HGS demonstrates good agreement with a previous large-column, laboratory study. The toolbox provides a potential pathway to upscale groundwater flow and mass transport processes in fractured media to larger scales.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of experiments that tested the ability of the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method to locate correctly wet and dry fractures in a meso-scale model. The goal was to develop a method of monitoring the flow of water through a fractured rock matrix. The model was a four by six array of limestone blocks equipped with 28 stainless steel electrodes. Dry fractures were created by placing pieces of vinyl between one or more blocks. Wet fractures were created by injecting tap water into a joint between blocks. In electrical terms, the dry fractures are resistive and the wet fractures are conductive. The quantities measured by the ERT system are current and voltage around the outside edge of the model. The raw ERT data were translated to resistivity values inside the model using a three-dimensional Occam's inversion routine. This routine was one of the key components of ERT being tested. The model presented several challenges. First, the resistivity of both the blocks and the joints was highly variable. Second, the resistive targets introduced extreme changes the software could not precisely quantify. Third, the abrupt changes inherent in a fracture system were contrary to the smoothly varying changes expected by the Occam's inversion routine. Fourth, the response of the conductive fractures was small compared to the background variability. In general, ERT was able to locate correctly resistive fractures. Problems occurred, however, when the resistive fracture was near the edges of the model or when multiple fractures were close together. In particular, ERT tended to position the fracture closer to the model center than its true location. Conductive fractures yielded much smaller responses than the resistive case. A difference-inversion method was able to correctly locate these targets.  相似文献   

ERT and SP investigations were conducted in carbonate rocks of the Dinant Synclinorium (Walloon Region of Belgium) to find suitable locations for new water wells in zones with little hydrogeological data. Since boreholes information needed to be representative of the area, large fractured zones were searched for the drillings. Large ERT profiles (320 to 640 m) allowed us to image the resistivity distribution of the first 60 m of the subsurface and to detect and characterize (in terms of direction, width and depth) fractured zones expected to be less resistive. Data errors, depth of investigation (DOI) indexes and sensitivity models were analyzed in order to avoid a misinterpretation of the resulting images. Self-potential measurements were performed along electrical profiles to complement our electrical results. Some negative anomalies possibly related to preferential flow pathways were detected. A drilling campaign was conducted according to geophysical results. ‘Ground truth’ geological data as well as pumping tests information gave us a way to assess the contribution of geophysics to a drilling program. We noticed that all the wells placed in low resistivity zones associated with SP anomalies provide very high yields and inversely, wells drilled in resistive zones or outside SP anomalies are limited in terms of capacity. An apparent coupling coefficient between SP signals and differences in hydraulic heads was also estimated in order to image the water table.  相似文献   

We investigate the development of preferential flow paths and anomalous dispersion resulting from weak density contrasts in the course of tracer experiments in a tortuous natural fracture. The processes are first documented by the non-invasive measurement of the fracture aperture and of the time-resolved distribution of the tracer using Positron Emission Projection Imaging. Then, numerical simulations of the three-dimensional tracer transport in the fracture are performed to explore the parameters that control the development and the persistence of the tracer localization, as a function of the density contrast between the tracer and the resident solution. Results reveal that density contrasts representative of what could be expected in borehole and laboratory tracer tests can induce irreversible localization along preferential channels. As density contrast increases, the correlation between velocity and aperture distributions vanishes whereas (i) velocity field increasingly correlates with the fracture median plan elevation and (ii) the longitudinal dispersion coefficient increases. The anomalous velocity distribution may persist well after the injection stops due to the occurrence of tracer trapped zone.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize and understand the origin of the water losses problem in the Afamia B dam located at Al-Ghab basin in Syria. The survey involved various geophysical methods including a superficial electromagnetic (EM), an electrical sounding (ES) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Special considerations were focused on the lake of the dam, which is currently suffering serious water infiltration and leakage through its bedrocks. The application of the ERT technique was more effective and convenient. The analysis of the integrated results of the above mentioned methods revealed a vertical serious leakage which could take place in certain locations via fractures and faults that hit the main valley and pass through the dam lake. Additionally, the presence of an alternating lithological heterogeneity between permeable and impermeable layers may lead to infiltration through the geological formations of the basin. These processes are most likely causing hydraulic connections between the Neogene superficial deposits and the underlying Cretaceous fractured and karstified carbonates rocks. Consequently, such hydraulic connections may lead to water losses and leakage throughout the dam basin. Eventually, the presence of tens of drilled wells which penetrate the Neogene and Cretaceous formations, and the existence of numerous archeological graves and subsurface tunnels complicate the situation in the study area and cause more water leakage.  相似文献   

Water flooding disasters are one of the five natural coal-mining disasters that threaten the lives of coal miners. The main causes of this flooding are water-conducting fractured zones within coal seams. However, when resistivity methods are used to detect water-conducting fractured zones in coal seams, incorrect conclusions can be drawn because of electrical anisotropy within the water-conducting fractured zones. We present, in this paper, a new geo–electrical model based on the geology of water-conducting fractured zones in coal seams. Factors that influence electrical anisotropy were analyzed, including formation water resistivity, porosity, fracture density, and fracture surface roughness, pressure, and dip angle. Numerical simulation was used to evaluate the proposed electrical method. The results demonstrate a closed relationship between the shape of apparent resistivity and the strike and dip of a fracture. Hence, the findings of this paper provide a practical resistivity method for coal-mining production.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation of the effect of configurations of stochastically distributed fracture networks on hydraulic behaviour for fractured rock masses could provide either quantitative or qualitative correlation between the structural configuration of the fracture network and its corresponding hydraulic behaviour, and enhance our understanding of appropriate application of groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling in fractured rock masses. In this study, the effect of block sizes, intersection angles of fracture sets, standard deviations of fracture orientation, and fracture densities on directional block hydraulic conductivity and representative elementary volume is systematically investigated in two dimensions by implementing a numerical discrete fracture fluid flow model and incorporating stochastically distributed fracture configurations. It is shown from this investigation that the configuration of a stochastically distributed fracture network has a significant quantitative or qualitative effect on the hydraulic behaviour of fractured rock masses. Compared with the deterministic fracture configurations that have been extensively dealt with in a previous study, this investigation is expected to be more practical and adequate, since fracture geometry parameters are inherently stochastically distributed in the field. Moreover, the methodology and approach presented in this study may be generally applied to any fracture system in investigating the hydraulic behaviours from configurations of the fracture system while establishing a ‘bridge’ from the discrete fracture network flow modelling to equivalent continuum modelling in fractured rock masses. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and geoelectrical methods were used to find water-bearing fractures in the Scituate granite under the Central Landfill of Rhode Island. These studies were necessary to evaluate the integrity of the sanitary landfill and for planning safe landfill extensions. The most useful results were obtained with fracture trace analysis using Landsat and SLAR imagery in combination with ground-based resistivity measurements using Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings based on the assumption of horizontally layered strata. Test borings and packer tests confirmed, in the presence of a lineament and low bedrock resistivity, the probable existence of high bedrock fracture density and high average hydraulic conductivity. However, not every lineament was found to be associated with high fracture density and high hydraulic conductivity. Lineaments alone are not a reliable basis for characterising a landfill site as being affected by fractured bedrock. Horizontal fractures were found in borings located away from lineaments. High values of hydraulic conductivity were correlated with low bedrock resistivities. Bedrock resistivities between 60 and 700 Ω m were associated with average hydraulic conductivities between 4 and 60 cm/day. In some cases very low resistivities were confined to the upper part of the bedrock where the hydraulic conductivity was very large. These types of fractures apparently become narrower in aperture with depth. Bedrock zones having resistivities greater than 1000 Ω m showed, without exception, no flow to the test wells. Plots of bedrock resistivity versus the average hydraulic conductivity indicate that the resistivity decreases with increasing hydraulic conductivity. This relationship is inverse to that found in most unconsolidated sediments and is useful for estimating the hydraulic conductivity in groundwater surveys in fractured bedrock. In appropriate settings such as the Central Landfill site in New England, this electric-hydraulic correlation relationship, supplemented by lineament trace analysis, can be used effectively to estimate the hydraulic conductivity in bedrock from only a limited number of resistivity depth soundings and test wells.  相似文献   

从电阻率的角度研究岩石裂隙介质的各向异性特征是一种方便而有效的方法,但多限于空间单个点上的测量数据分析.通过在砂岩岩样上的饱水与排水实验以及同步进行的高密度电阻率成像监测,探讨了应用高密度电阻率成像法获得图像研究岩石各向异性特征的可能性,分析了饱水与排水过程中岩石电阻率在不同方向上的响应特性.结果表明,电阻率成像法在分析岩石裂隙介质的各向异性方面具有多方向成像和动态监测的优点,可以通过对不同方向上获得的电阻率图像的分析,提取出岩石沉积结构的空间分布模式,清晰地反映出岩石在饱水和排水过程中电阻率变化空间分布模式的各向异性特征.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to develop an integrated method of downhole fracture characterization using a tracer. The method presented can be used to locate water-bearing fractures that intersect the well, to determine the ambient fracture flow rate and hydraulic head, and to calculate fracture transmissivity. The method was tested in two fractured crystalline bedrock wells located at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. The method entails injecting a tracer (uranine dye) into the well, while at the same time water is pumped out of the well. After steady-state conditions are reached, a borehole tracer concentration profile is developed. The dilution of the tracer is used to locate the inflowing fractures and to determine their flow rate. The fracture flow rate, plus the drawdown in the well, is then used to determine the fracture hydraulic head, transmissivity, and ambient flow rate.  相似文献   

Two key challenges regarding the design and operation of aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR) systems are evaluating aquifer heterogeneity and understanding hydrochemical interactions. Uncertainty in this respect can impact the volume of recoverable water and the improvement in water quality. The objective of this research is to leverage the advantages of geophysical measurements and hydrochemical sampling to reveal the properties of an ARR site to inform current ARR system operations and future design decisions. Electrical resistivity tomography was used to image the subsurface below two key infiltration/extraction areas of an ARR site in Colorado, USA. Hydrochemical measurements on transects intersecting the geophysical measurements resolved bulk parameters (i.e., total organic carbon, nitrate, and major cations and anions) and trace organic chemicals (e.g., pharmaceuticals, personal care products). Conservative tracers were also used to estimate degrees of mixing and water travel times and to better assess the performance of the ARR site regarding water quality changes and water recovery. The electrical resistivity measurements suggest that certain areas of the infiltration basins have hydraulic connections to the extraction wells through preferential flow paths, compared with other infiltration basins that are separated by fine‐grained materials from their respective extraction wells. The hydrochemical results indicate that consistent improvements in water quality can be achieved in these preferential flow paths within relatively short travel times (<5 d) at this ARR site.  相似文献   

Hydrogeophysical surveys were carried out in a 3.2 km2 Scottish catchment where previous isotope studies inferred significant groundwater storage that makes important contributions to streamflow. We used electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to characterize the architecture of glacial drifts and make an approximation of catchment‐scale storage. Four ERT lines (360–535 m in length) revealed extensive 5–10 m deep drift cover on steeper slopes, which extends up to 20–40 m in valley bottom areas. Assuming low clay fractions, we interpret variable resistivity as correlating with variations in porosity and water content. Using Archie's Law as a first approximation, we compute likely bounds for storage along the ERT transects. Areas of highest groundwater storage occur in valley bottom peat soils (up to 4 m deep) and underlying drift where up to 10 000 mm of precipitation equivalent may be stored. This is consistent with groundwater levels which indicate saturation to within 0.2 m of the surface. However, significant slow groundwater flow paths occur in the shallower drifts on steeper hillslopes, where point storage varies between ~1000 mm–5000 mm. These fluxes maintain saturated conditions in the valley bottom and are recharged from drift‐free areas on the catchment interfluves. The surveys indicate that catchment scale storage is >2000 mm which is consistent with tracer‐based estimates. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT; non‐intrusive geophysical technique) was assessed to identify the hydrogeological conditions at a surface water/groundwater test site in the southern Black Forest, Germany. A total of 111 ERT transects were measured, which adopted electrode spacings from 0·5 to 5 m as well as using either Wenner or dipole‐dipole electrode arrays. The resulting two‐dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity distributions are related to the structure and water content of the subsurface. The images were interpreted with respect to previous classical hillslope hydrological investigations within the same research basin using both tracer methods and groundwater level observations. A raster‐grid survey provided a quasi 3D resistivity pattern of the floodplain. Strong structural heterogeneity of the subsurface could be demonstrated, and (non)connectivities between surface and subsurface bodies were mapped. Through the spatial identification of likely flow pathways and source areas of runoff, the deep groundwater within the steeper valley slope seems to be much more connected to runoff generation processes within the valley floodplain than commonly credited in such environmental circumstances. Further, there appears to be no direct link between subsurface water‐bodies adjacent to the stream channel. Deep groundwater sources are also able to contribute towards streamflow from exfiltration at the edge of the floodplain as well as through the saturated areas overlying the floodplain itself. Such exfiltrated water then moves towards the stream as channelized surface flow. These findings support previous tracer investigations which showed that groundwater largely dominates the storm hydrograph of the stream, but the source areas of this component were unclear without geophysical measurements. The work highlighted the importance of using information from previous, complementary hydrochemical and hydrometric research campaigns to better interpret the ERT measurements. On the other hand, the ERT can provide a better spatial understanding of existing hydrochemical and hydrometric data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Forced-gradient tracer tests in fractured aquifers often report low mass recoveries. In fractured aquifers, fractures intersected by one borehole may not be intersected by another. As a result (1) injected tracer can follow pathways away from the withdrawal well causing low mass recovery and (2) recovered water can follow pathways not connected to the injection well causing significant tracer dilution. These two effects occur along with other forms of apparent mass loss. If the strength of the connection between wells and the amount of dilution can be predicted ahead of time, tracer tests can be designed to optimize mass recovery and dilution. A technique is developed to use hydraulic tests in fractured aquifers to calculate the conductance (strength of connection) between well pairs and to predict mass recovery and amount of dilution during forced gradient tracer tests. Flow is considered to take place through conduits, which connect the wells to each other and to distant sources or sinks. Mass recovery is related to the proportion of flow leaving the injection well and arriving at the withdrawal well, and dilution is related to the proportion of the flow from the withdrawal well that is derived from the injection well. The technique can be used to choose well pairs for tracer tests, what injection and withdrawal rates to use, and which direction to establish the hydraulic gradient to maximize mass recovery and/or minimize dilution. The method is applied to several tracer tests in fractured aquifers in the Clare Valley, South Australia.  相似文献   

Variations in fluid density can greatly affect fluid flow and solute transport in the subsurface. Heterogeneities such as fractures play a major role for the migration of variable-density fluids. Earlier modeling studies of density effects in fractured media were restricted to orthogonal fracture networks, consisting of only vertical and horizontal fractures. The present study addresses the phenomenon of 3D variable-density flow and transport in fractured porous media, where fractures of an arbitrary incline can occur. A general formulation of the body force vector is derived, which accounts for variable-density flow and transport in fractures of any orientation. Simulation results are presented that show the verification of the new model formulation, for the porous matrix and for inclined fractures. Simulations of variable-density flow and solute transport are then conducted for a single fracture, embedded in a porous matrix. The simulations show that density-driven flow in the fracture causes convective flow within the porous matrix and that the high-permeability fracture acts as a barrier for convection. Other simulations were run to investigate the influence of fracture incline on plume migration. Finally, tabular data of the tracer breakthrough curve in the inclined fracture is given to facilitate the verification of other codes.  相似文献   

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