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Aquifer Test Analysis in Fractured Rocks with Linear Flow Pattern   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Determining aquifer type, unconfined, semi‐confined, or confined, by drilling or performing pumping tests has inherent problems (i.e., cost and complex field issues) while sometimes yielding inconclusive results. An improved method to cost‐effectively determine aquifer type would be beneficial for hydraulic mapping of complex aquifer systems like fractured rock aquifers. Earth tides are known to influence water levels in wells penetrating confined aquifers or unconfined thick, low‐porosity aquifers. Water‐level fluctuations in wells tapping confined and unconfined aquifers are also influenced by changes in barometric pressure. Harmonic analyses of water‐level fluctuations of a thick (~1000 m) carbonate aquifer located in south‐central Oklahoma (Arbuckle‐Simpson aquifer) were utilized in nine wells to identify aquifer type by evaluating the influence of earth tides and barometric‐pressure variations using signal identification. On the basis of the results, portions of the aquifer responded hydraulically as each type of aquifer even though there was no significant variation in lithostratigraphy. The aquifer type was depth dependent with confined conditions becoming more prevalent with depth. The results demonstrate that harmonic analysis is an accurate and low‐cost method to determine aquifer type.  相似文献   

The nonhorizontal‐model‐layer (NHML) grid system is more accurate than the horizontal‐model‐layer grid system to describe groundwater flow in an unconfined sloping aquifer on the basis of MODFLOW‐2000. However, the finite‐difference scheme of NHML was based on the Dupuit‐Forchheimer assumption that the streamlines were horizontal, which was acceptable for slope less than 0.10. In this study, we presented a new finite‐difference scheme of NHML based on the Boussinesq assumption and developed a new package SLOPE which was incorporated into MODFLOW‐2000 to become the MODFLOW‐SP model. The accuracy of MODFLOW‐SP was tested against solution of Mac Cormack (1969). The differences between the solutions of MODFLOW‐2000 and MODFLOW‐SP were nearly negligible when the slope was less than 0.27, and they were noticeable during the transient flow stage and vanished in steady state when the slope increased above 0.27. We established a model considering the vertical flow using COMSOL Multiphysics to test the robustness of constrains used in MODFLOW‐SP. The results showed that streamlines quickly became parallel with the aquifer base except in the narrow regions near the boundaries when the initial flow was not parallel to the aquifer base. MODFLOW‐SP can be used to predict the hydraulic head of an unconfined aquifer along the profile perpendicular to the aquifer base when the slope was smaller than 0.50. The errors associated with constrains used in MODFLOW‐SP were small but noticeable when the slope increased to 0.75, and became significant for the slope of 1.0.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers are highly productive groundwater systems often associated with conduit flow. These systems can be highly vulnerable to contamination, resulting in a high potential for contaminant exposure to humans and ecosystems. This work develops statistical models to spatially characterize flow and transport patterns in karstified limestone and determines the effect of aquifer flow rates on these patterns. A laboratory‐scale Geo‐HydroBed model is used to simulate flow and transport processes in a karstic limestone unit. The model consists of stainless steel tanks containing a karstified limestone block collected from a karst aquifer formation in northern Puerto Rico. Experimental work involves making a series of flow and tracer injections, while monitoring hydraulic and tracer response spatially and temporally. Statistical mixed models (SMMs) are applied to hydraulic data to determine likely pathways of preferential flow in the limestone units. The models indicate a highly heterogeneous system with dominant, flow‐dependent preferential flow regions. Results indicate that regions of preferential flow tend to expand at higher groundwater flow rates, suggesting a greater volume of the system being flushed by flowing water at higher rates. Spatial and temporal distribution of tracer concentrations indicates the presence of conduit‐like and diffuse flow transport in the system, supporting the notion of both combined transport mechanisms in the limestone unit. The temporal response of tracer concentrations at different locations in the model coincide with, and confirms the preferential flow distribution generated with the SMMs used in the study.  相似文献   

Neighboring springs draining fractured‐rock aquifers can display large differences in water quality and flow regime, depending on local variations of the connectivity and the aperture size distribution of the fracture network. Consequently, because homogeneous equivalent parameters cannot be assumed a priori for the entire regional aquifer, the vulnerability to pollution of such springs has to be studied on a case by case basis. In this paper, a simple lumped‐parameter model usually applied to estimate the mean transit time of water (or tracer) is presented. The original exponential piston‐flow model was modified to take land‐use distribution into account and applied to predict the evolution of atrazine concentration in a series of springs draining a fractured sandstone aquifer in Luxembourg, where despite a nationwide ban in 2005, atrazine concentrations still had not begun to decrease in 2009. This persistence could be explained by exponentially distributed residence times in the aquifer, demonstrating that in some real world cases, models based on the groundwater residence time distribution can be a powerful tool for trend reversal assessments as recommended for instance by current European Union guidelines.  相似文献   

In west-central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, population growth and expanded agricultural activities over recent decades have resulted in significant increases in distributed groundwater withdrawals. The growth of the extensive well network and anecdotes of water shortages (dry wells) have raised concerns over the region's groundwater sustainability. We developed an unsteady, three-dimensional (3D) groundwater flow model to describe system dynamics over the last 50 years and evaluate long-term impacts of groundwater use. Simulating this large aquifer system was challenging; the site is characterized by strong, spatially distributed, and statistically nonstationary heterogeneity, making it difficult to avoid over-parameterization using traditional approaches for conceptualizing and calibrating a flow model. Moreover, traditional pumping and water level data were lacking and prohibitively expensive to collect given the large-scale and long-term nature of this study. An integrated, stochastic-deterministic approach was developed to characterize the system and calibrate the flow model through innovative use of high-density water well datasets. This approached allowed (1) implementation of a “zone-based,” nonstationary stochastic approach to conceptualize complex spatial variability using a small set of geologic material types; (2) modeling the spatiotemporal evolution of many water well withdrawals across several decades using sector-based parameterization; and (3) critical analysis of long-term water level changes at different locations in the aquifer system for characterizing the system dynamics and calibrating the model. Results show the approach is reasonably successful in calibrating a complex model for a highly complex site in a way that honors complex distributed heterogeneity and stress configurations.  相似文献   

We have investigated non‐Darcian flow to a vertical fracture represented as an extended well using a linearization procedure and a finite difference method in this study. Approximate analytical solutions have been obtained with and without the consideration of fracture storage based on the linearization procedure. A numerical solution for such a non‐Darcian flow case has also been obtained with a finite difference method. We have compared the numerical solution with the approximate analytical solutions obtained by the linearization method and the Boltzmann transform. The results indicate that the linearized solution agrees generally well with the numerical solution at late times, and underestimates the dimensionless drawdown at early times, no matter if the fracture storage is considered or not. When the fracture storage is excluded, the Boltzmann transform solution overestimates the dimensionless drawdown during the entire pumping period. The dimensionless drawdowns in the fracture with fracture storage for different values of dimensionless non‐Darcian hydraulic conductivity β approach the same asymptotic value at early times. A larger β value results in a smaller dimensionless drawdown in both the fracture and the aquifer when the fracture storage is included. The dimensionless drawdown is approximately proportional to the square root of the dimensionless time at late times.  相似文献   

Inflow to a tunnel is a great public concern and is closely related to groundwater hydrology, geotechnical engineering, and mining engineering, among other disciplines. Rapid computation of inflow to a tunnel provides a timely means for quickly assessing the inflow discharge, thus is critical for safe operation of tunnels. Dewatering of tunnels is another engineering practice that should be planned. In this study, an analytical solution of the inflow to a tunnel in a fractured unconfined aquifer is obtained. The solution takes into account either the spherical or slab-shaped matrix block and the unsteady state interporosity flow. The instantaneous drainage water table and anisotropic hydraulic conductivities of the fractures network are also considered. Both uniform flux and uniform head boundary condition are considered to simulate the constant head boundary condition in the tunnel. The effects of the hydraulic parameters of the fractured aquifer on the inflow variation of the tunnel are explored. The application of the presented solution to obtain the optimum location and discharge of the well to minimize the inflow to a tunnel is illustrated.  相似文献   

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