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提高全民海洋意识对于建设海洋强国具有重要意义,在全民海洋意识教育中,大学生作为海洋强国梦的重要建设力量,提高大学生群体的海洋意识非常重要。文章在分析大学生群体海洋意识教育现状的基础上,提出了加强海洋通识教育课程建设、利用快速发展的计算机技术创新海洋通识教育形式、培育师资力量、加大网络教育资源建设、利用重大活动及纪念日和社团提高参与度等相关对策。  相似文献   

随着海洋强国和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”建设的稳步推进,培养并提升当代大学生的海洋意识成为我国高等教育的重要任务,且具有重大的现实意义。推进海洋强国建设需要人才支撑,而人才培养需要海洋高等教育的创新与发展,且在当前国际战略环境下,提升大学生海洋意识刻不容缓。国内高校是海洋意识培养的“主阵地”,高校教师是执行主体。文章在分析我国大学生海洋意识现状和海洋强国建设进程的基础上,建议加大政府的重视程度与支持力度,发挥高校教师和课程思政建设的引导作用,大力建设高校海洋知识文化软、硬件设施,形成加快建设海洋强国的强大推动力,提升海洋强国“软实力”,为国家加快实现涉海战略目标奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

海洋生态文明是习近平生态文明理念在海洋领域的具体体现,也是我国发展海洋强国的基础性要求。近年来,我国海洋生态环境保护仍面临严峻威胁,海洋生态文明素养培育迫在眉睫。本文通过分析海洋生态文明素养培育的重要性、教育现状和存在问题,提出了加强全民海洋意识教育顶层设计与监督管理,进一步发挥海洋生态文明示范区的示范带头作用及海洋意识教育基地辐射作用,结合学校及地方公共图书馆开展丰富多彩的海洋阅读推广服务活动,打造线上线下一体化全方位渗透的海洋科普教育平台,从而形成纵向贯通、横向融通的海洋生态文明素养培育体系等对策建议,为海洋生态文明建设的职能部门、教育部门和海洋科技教育人员进一步推动海洋生态文明的文化建设提供参考。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告提出了建设海洋强国的战略部署。文章针对我国海洋文化现状,以及我国长期形成农耕文化传统和几百年来闭关锁国造成的海洋意识淡漠,提出应该确立海洋文化的应有地位,发挥海洋文化在建设海洋强国中的作用。中国的和平崛起已经成为不可逆转的历史潮流,建设海洋强国是实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要历史任务和必由之路,建设和弘扬海洋文化将对中华民族的伟大复兴具有明确的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

为全面发展我国海洋事业和加快我国海洋强国建设,文章概述海洋战略情报的定义、作用及其重要性,分析目前我国发展海洋战略情报存在的局限性,并具体介绍青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室发展海洋战略情报的优势和举措。研究结果表明:海洋战略情报涉及众多海洋学科领域,对于我国加快建设海洋强国具有重要意义;面对目前我国海洋战略情报发展中存在的问题,青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室在定位和体制机制等方面具有独特优势,近年来通过编译国际海洋战略报告、实施蓝色智库重点项目和筹建海洋战略研究中心等举措,加快海洋战略情报研究工作,为满足国家战略需求提供服务。  相似文献   

现代世界强国都从战略全局上高度重视海洋,海洋在政治、经济、军事和全球环境方面都具有重要的战略意义.文章从近代中国几代领导人对海洋的基本认识入手,针对性地提出制定海洋战略,建设海洋强国的若干对策及措施,阐述了我国实施海洋强国战略的意义.  相似文献   

为全面、及时地掌握日本海洋战略发展态势,为我国加快建设海洋强国和海洋立法提供借鉴和经验,文章对日本三期《海洋基本计划》进行对比研究。研究发现,三期《海洋基本计划》普遍关注海洋资源与保护的平衡、海洋安全保障等问题;第二期计划重点强调海洋产业发展、海洋安全保障、海洋科技发展;第三期计划更加突出保卫海洋安全,包括北极开发、离岛管理等。为此,我国应加快海洋立法、坚持海洋卫国、统筹海洋发展、培养海洋意识。  相似文献   

海南陵水县区位和资源优势明显,在海洋经济发展和海洋生态文明建设中优势独特。文章在分析海南陵水建设海洋强县的优势条件的基础上,指出了建设海洋强县存在的问题,最后为加快实现海洋大县向海洋强县的跨越,从如下几个方面探讨了建设海洋强县的对策措施:陆海统筹,科学开发利用蓝色国土空间;发展壮大海洋渔业,构建现代渔业格局;充分利用独特的海洋资源环境,发展滨海旅游业;加强新村港整治,充分发挥国家级中心渔港的综合效益;加强海洋生态环境保护力度,推进海洋生态文明建设;加强海洋管理,提高海洋综合管控能力;实施科技兴海战略,提高海洋经济的质量和效益;加强海洋文化建设,提高海洋意识。  相似文献   

英国海洋综合能力建设状况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高战朝 《海洋信息》2004,(3):29-30,24
英国是世界上的海洋强国之一,自古以来就十分重视海洋的综合利用和资源开发。近年来,其又加强了海洋综合能力的建设。本文简介了英国在海洋管理、海洋科技、海洋军事等方面的能力建设。  相似文献   

文章以北极航线战略作为中国海洋强国建设的切入点,在分析主要海权国家海运航线战略以及北极航线战略在政治、经济、军事、文化对海洋强国建设的影响的基础上,着重从5个方面探讨了北极航线战略对我国海洋强国建设的催化作用实质:一是中国对北极地区的科学考察,有助于深入海洋认知和强化海洋生态保护;二是中国商船在北极航线的安全通行,有助于提高海洋利用水平;三是中国对外贸易潜力的增长,有助于推动海洋经济发展;四是中国对外关系的发展,有助于进一步营造和谐海洋局面;五是中国对北极航线战略通道的利用,有助于加快建设海洋强国的步伐。  相似文献   

This key note presentation opened the conference. It provides a context to deliberations and discussions, and it sets out a range of options to help make better progress in the effective management and protection of the ocean. These range from improving the quality of protection through to how technology and new approaches can be used to ignite a broader interest and engagement with ocean conservation.  相似文献   

本文系将我国几十年来在黄海、渤海和东海北部,开展海洋环境调查的情况与主要结果,作一简要回顾。  相似文献   

人类对海洋的青睐和倚重日益凸显为实现海洋未来可持续发展建立海洋保护区是一种有效的预防性海洋综合管理方式。文章根据日照海洋保护区当前发展状况,分析保护区发展中存在的问题,并相应的提出相关建议及对策。希望这些对策能够进一步提高保护区的保护价值。  相似文献   

在广东实现“四个走在全国前列”的时代需求下,茂名应着力建设现代化海洋经济体系。近年来,茂名海洋经济总量快速增长、海洋经济体系基本形成、海洋创新成果初具规模、海洋生态建设成效显著、海洋管理能力不断增强,奠定了建设现代化海洋经济体系的基础,但也面临着海洋经济规模偏小且结构不够合理、现代化海洋产业进程缓慢、现代化海洋经济发展动力不足且受到制约和缺乏保障等问题。未来应从加快供给侧改革、实施创新驱动、推进开放合作、优化海洋生态系统和完善体制机制等方面寻求茂名建设现代化海洋经济体系的路径策略。  相似文献   

Measuring the ‘level of compliance’ has emerged as a key performance indicator for MPA success internationally. Accurate interpretation of quantitative and qualitative compliance data is critical for determining which compliance activities contribute to specific management outcomes. To demonstrate the value of enforcement data in effective MPA management, more than 5000 enforcement actions from 2007 to 2013 from five New South Wales (NSW) Marine Parks were analysed. Specifically, it was tested whether through time: (i) the number of enforcement actions standardised by surveillance effort declined-indicating that ‘general deterrence’ was being achieved; (ii) the number of repeat offenders decreased-indicating that ‘specific deterrence’ was being achieved; (iii) the number of ‘local community’ enforcement actions standardised by surveillance effort declined-indicating growing support for marine parks was being achieved at the community level; and (iv) the percentage of young offenders (<25 yr) had declined-indicating that education programs targeting young adults were successful. Results indicated that general deterrence was not being achieved, with offence rates being relatively stable between years. In contrast, compliance measures were achieving individual deterrence, with the percentage of repeat offenders being very low (0.13–0.83%). Although compliance strategies may be making some progress in improving local compliance in some marine parks, the overall offence rate of local communities was concerning. The data suggested that there were major differences in compliance rates among age groups of offenders over time, although the percentage of young offenders declined over time in three marine parks. Over the six-year data collection period, there was no discernable improvement in compliance rates in most NSW Marine Parks. Overall, the significant value of collecting and analysing information on enforcement activities for MPAs was demonstrated, an often neglected aspect of their management world-wide.  相似文献   

海洋资源资产负债表编制初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
编制自然资源资产负债表是生态文明体制改革的重要内容。海洋自然资源是支撑海洋生态文明建设和海洋强国战略顺利实施的基础。编制海洋自然资源资产负债表编制对摸清海洋家底,促进海洋经济绿色可持续发展具有重要意义。文章研究了海洋资源资产负债表编制的意义,分析了目前编制海洋资源资产负债表中内涵不明确、分类体系不完善等问题,在此基础上,从海洋资源资产负债表编制的目标,核算方法及编制对象等方面探讨海洋资源资产负债表的编制方法。  相似文献   

The world׳s oceans are currently undergoing an unprecedented period of industrialisation, made possible by advances in technology and driven by our growing need for food, energy and resources. This is placing the oceans are under intense pressure, and the ability of existing marine governance frameworks to sustainably manage the marine environment is increasingly being called into question. Emerging industries are challenging all aspects of these frameworks, raising questions regarding ownership and rights of the sea and its resources, management of environmental impacts, and management of ocean space. This paper uses the emerging marine renewable energy (MRE) industry, particularly in the United Kingdom (UK), as a case study to introduce and explore some of the key challenges. The paper concludes that the challenges are likely to be extensive and argues for development of a comprehensive legal research agenda to advance both MRE technologies and marine governance frameworks.  相似文献   

There is an on-going process to establish Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in England, to form part of a coherent and representative network of marine protected areas under national and EU legislation. From 2009 to 2011, the MCZ process included strong participatory elements. Four regional multi-sector stakeholder groups developed MCZ recommendations collaboratively, in line with ecological guidance provided by the Government's nature conservation advisers. This guidance was based on Government policy principles, including that MCZs should be designated based on ‘best available evidence’. This paper analyses the multi-dimensional conflicts that emerged within the stakeholder group in south-west England, which were magnified by uncertainty about future MCZ management. In September 2011, after working through these conflicts through trade-offs and negotiations, the stakeholder groups jointly recommended 127 MCZs to Government. The process subsequently shifted to a top-down approach, with further stakeholder engagement limited to bilateral consultation. There was a concurrent shift in policy, from a broad-scale network-level focus towards single-feature conservation. A lengthy series of evidence reviews concluded that the existing evidence at the time was insufficient to progress with the designation of most sites, marking a clear departure from the policy principle of proceeding with the designation of a representative network based on ‘best available evidence’, and effectively undermining the work carried out by stakeholder groups. Though MCZ designation was originally timetabled for 2012, in November 2013 just 27 of the recommended 127 MCZs were designated in a first tranche. At the time, no clear timetable was in place for subsequent tranches.  相似文献   

Marine legislation is becoming ever more complex, so new cost-effective ways of obtaining and processing increasingly large data sets are required to support evidence-based policy making. Citizen science is one solution, but the uptake of the evidence generated by citizens among policy makers is often limited. Here, the importance of citizen science in delivery of the evidence-base that underpins marine policy was assessed using a series of case-studies. There was no consistent rationale for developing policy-relevant citizen science, but drivers included: lack of existing data, difficulty in collecting data by other means, the use of citizen science data by other organisations, and the capabilities of volunteers. Challenges to the uptake of marine citizen science were identified from policy-maker, scientist and citizen perspectives, and these related to data quality, data access, motivation of volunteers, and physical location. Citizen science has good potential to contribute to the evidence-base alongside traditional monitoring, remote sensing, and modelling, but only if outputs from citizen science projects are judged individually on quality. If this is the case, citizen science has an important role in delivery and understanding of future marine policy, but is only one part of an integrated solution.  相似文献   

文章通过梳理山东省海洋主体功能区规划的编制背景,以及山东省海域的概况,分析了山东省海洋开发方面存在的问题,对山东省海洋主体功能区规划编制的程序和方法进行阐述,并对各类主体功能区的划定及划定过程中的技术问题进行了探讨和研究,以期为山东省海洋开发和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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