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The sedimentary history of Kachchh offshore (central western Indian margin), especially since the eruption of the Deccan Traps (∼65 Ma), has remained scantily studied despite an area with promising resource potential. Of late, new marine surveys combined with industrial drilling along the Kachchh shelf are beginning to elucidate the depositional history of this region. Here, we attempt to synthesize interpretation of new offshore seismic data, along with borehole information and long-term sea-level variations to provide a coherent sedimentological and lithostratigraphic framework over the past ∼65 Ma in this area.  相似文献   

The Kachchh sedimentary basin in the western continental margin of India is a peri-cratonic rift basin which preserves a nearly complete rock record from Middle Jurassic to Recent, punctuated by several stratigraphic breaks. The Cenozoic sediments exposed in the western part of the Kachchh mainland extend offshore into the present-day continental shelf. The unique feature of the outcropping area is a nearly complete, richly fossiliferous and easily accessible Cenozoic succession. Detailed field mapping and litho-biostratigraphic studies have made it possible to identify the chronostratigraphic units, map them in the field and extend the correlation into the offshore, aided by the development of continuously recognizable key biostratigraphic horizons and time boundaries. Detailed field mapping of key sections integrated with the litho-biostratigraphic information has helped in working out a sequence stratigraphic framework for the Cenozoic succession in the basin. The succession comprises a first-order passive margin sequence. Excellent biostratigraphic control has enabled identification of unconformities of various magnitudes which in turn have helped in mapping 5 second-order and four third-order sequences. Each sequence is discussed with respect to its extent, nature of sequence boundaries, sedimentary fill, key sequence stratigraphic surfaces and depositional setup, to understand the Cenozoic sequence stratigraphic architecture of the basin.  相似文献   

A vertically integrated model has been used to study the tidal circulation and currents in the Gulf of Kachchh along the west coast of India. The model is fully nonlinear and uses a semiexplicit finite difference scheme to solve the basic hydrodynamic equations on a staggered grid. The model is forced by prescribing the tides along the open boundary of the model domain. The flow is simulated both with and without the presence of the proposed tidal barrage across the Hansthal Creek in the Gulf of Kachchh. The results show a considerable change in the behavior of the tidal flow in the presence of the barrage.  相似文献   

A depth-averaged numerical model has been developed to study tidal circulation and suspended sediment transport in the Gulf of Kachchh including Kandla creek, west coast of India. The resolution of the model is taken as 750 m × 750 m, which is found to be adequate for the gulf region. However, this resolution could not produce the realistic circulation pattern and suspended sediment concentration in the Kandla creek region. There is a major seaport at Kandla which serves as the sea gate to northwest India. Therefore, a 2-D fine resolution (75 m × 75 m) model for Kandla creek has been developed and coupled with the coarser gulf model to compute the flow features in the creek region. The model dynamics and basic formulation remain the same for both the gulf model and the creek model. The models are barotropic, based on shallow water equations, and neglect horizontal diffusion and wind stress terms in the momentum equations. The models are fully nonlinear and use a semiexplicit finite difference scheme to solve mass, momentum, and advection-diffusion equations in a horizontal plane. The tide in the gulf is represented in the model by the semidiurnal M2 constituent mainly. In this study, no fresh water discharge conditions have been considered so the results are appropriate for the dry season. Numerical experiments are carried out to study the circulation and suspended sediment concentrations in the gulf and the creek regions. The computed results are validated with the available observations.  相似文献   

As the Mesozoic sediments contribute most of the oil and gas reserves of the world, we present an integrated interpretation approach using magnetotellurics (MT) and surface geochemical prospecting studies to demarcate hydrocarbon prospective Gondwana (Mesozoic) formations underneath the Deccan flood basalts of Late Cretaceous age across Narmada-Tapti rift (between Bhusawal and Barwah) in Central India. The MT interpretation shows deep (∼5 km) basement structure between southern and central part of the MT profile however, it gradually becomes shallower to either ends of the profile with a predominant basement depth reduction in the northern end compared to the southern end. The geophysical results suggest thick (2-3.5 km) Mesozoic sediments in the area characterized by deep basement structure. The geochemical analysis of the near surface soil samples indicate higher concentrations of light gaseous hydrocarbons constituents over the area marked with thick sub-basalt Mesozoic formations. Analyses of the geochemical data imply that these hydrocarbons are genetically related, generated from a thermogenic source and these samples fall in the oil-producing zone. The temperature-depth estimations in the region supports favorable temperature conditions (80-120 °C) for oil generation at basement depths.  相似文献   

A depth-averaged numerical model has been developed to study tidal circulation and suspended sediment transport in the Gulf of Kachchh including Kandla creek, west coast of India. The resolution of the model is taken as 750 m × 750 m, which is found to be adequate for the gulf region. However, this resolution could not produce the realistic circulation pattern and suspended sediment concentration in the Kandla creek region. There is a major seaport at Kandla which serves as the sea gate to northwest India. Therefore, a 2-D fine resolution (75 m × 75 m) model for Kandla creek has been developed and coupled with the coarser gulf model to compute the flow features in the creek region. The model dynamics and basic formulation remain the same for both the gulf model and the creek model. The models are barotropic, based on shallow water equations, and neglect horizontal diffusion and wind stress terms in the momentum equations. The models are fully nonlinear and use a semiexplicit finite difference scheme to solve mass, momentum, and advection-diffusion equations in a horizontal plane. The tide in the gulf is represented in the model by the semidiurnal M2 constituent mainly. In this study, no fresh water discharge conditions have been considered so the results are appropriate for the dry season. Numerical experiments are carried out to study the circulation and suspended sediment concentrations in the gulf and the creek regions. The computed results are validated with the available observations.  相似文献   

海底热液成因含金属沉积物广泛分布于全球各大洋与弧后活动扩张中心、大洋玄武岩上覆沉积层的底部以及板内火山的顶部等区域.块状硫化物烟囱体经氧化蚀变发生再沉积作用、热液羽流的扩散和沉降作用或低温弥散流的直接沉淀均可形成含金属沉积物.尽管不同热液区的含金属沉积物在矿物和化学组成上具有一定的差异,但其相对正常远洋沉积物均表现为富...  相似文献   

This study presents the modelling of 2-D and 3-D wide-angle seismic data acquired on the complex, volcanic passive margin of the Vøring Plateau, off Norway. Three wide-angle seismic profiles were shot and recorded simultaneously by 21 Ocean Bottom Seismometers, yielding a comprehensive 3-D data set, in addition to the three in-line profiles. Coincident multi-channel seismic profiles are used to better constrain the modelling, but the Mesozoic and deeper structures are poorly imaged due to the presence of flood basalts and sills. Velocity modelling reveals an unexpectedly large 30 km basement high hidden below the flood basalt. When interpreted as a 2-D structure, this basement high produces a modelled gravity anomaly in disagreement with the observed gravity. However, both the gravity and the seismic data suggest that the structure varies in all three directions. The modelling of the entire 3-D set of travel times leads to a coherent velocity structure that confirms the basement high; it also shows that the abrupt transition to the slower Cretaceous basin coincides in position and orientation with the fault system forming the Rån Ridge. The positive gravity anomaly over the Rån Ridge originates from the focussed and coincident elevation of the high velocity lower crust and pre-Cretaceous basement. Although the Moho is not constrained by the seismic data, the gravity modelled from the 3-D velocity model shows a better fit along the profiles. This study illustrates the interest of a 3-D acquisition of wide-angle seismic over complex structures and the benefit of the subsequent integrated interpretation of the seismic and gravity data.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中大部分甲烷会通过甲烷厌氧氧化作用(anaerobic oxidation of methane, AOM)而被消耗。早期研究表明,AOM可与硫酸盐、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的还原作用相耦合,从而有效减少甲烷向大气的排放。最近,金属依赖型AOM(metal-AOM,活性金属氧化物还原反应驱动的AOM)被证实存在于自然界沉积物和富集培养的样品中。但是,目前仍未从自然海洋环境中分离获得能够介导metal-AOM的微生物。对海洋沉积物中metal-AOM的研究大多聚焦于热液或冷泉等海洋特殊生境,一系列研究表明地质流体在这些海底化能自养生态系统的维持和演化方面起到了重要作用,并深刻影响全球地球化学循环,因此,该科学问题研究吸引了越来越多的注意力。本文讨论了可能参与海洋沉积物中metal-AOM的微生物类群及其地球化学证据,并在前人工作基础上,以冲绳海槽冷泉-热液共生区为例,提出一种新的metal-AOM作用机制。认为在全球冷泉-热液系统相互作用地区的调查有助于更好地探讨metal-AOM的发生机制及微生物在深海生境中分布的连通性问题。  相似文献   

The study of 134 subsurface sediment samples from three cores collected along the Coast of Kachchh, off Gujarat Province, NW India, shows the presence of 151 foraminifer species. Q-mode cluster analysis on foraminifer data for each core and radiocarbon dating at ten different downcore depths reveal an inverted sequence, with fine-grained sediments and small foraminifers sandwiched between normal detrital sediments at water depths of 10–20 m. It is postulated that ∼8,000 years B.P., sediments ranging in age from ∼10,000 to ∼12,000 years B.P. were eroded from deeper offshore deposits by storm/tsunami(s), and were subsequently transported and redeposited in shallow regions, resulting in an inverted sequence, followed by a normal detrital sequence deposited between ∼8,000 and ∼7,000 years B.P. A second, similar event resulted in the deposition of ∼10,000 year old sediments over a normally deposited, ∼7,000 year old sequence. The second inverted sequence was subsequently overlain by a normal sequence. It is hypothesised that the erosion and transportation of fine-grained sediments from deeper water, and their deposition in shallower water against the rule of gravity, are the result of storm/tsunami influence.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the accumulation of small plastic debris in the intertidal sediments of the world's largest ship-breaking yard at Alang-Sosiya, India. Small plastics fragments were collected by flotation and separated according to their basic polymer type under a microscope, and subsequently identified by FT-IR spectroscopy as polyurethane, nylon, polystyrene, polyester and glass wool. The morphology of these materials was also studied using a scanning electron microscope. Overall, there were on average 81 mg of small plastics fragments per kg of sediment. The described plastic fragments are believed to have resulted directly from the ship-breaking activities at the site.  相似文献   

深圳湾海域表层和柱样沉积物中的重金属分布特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分析深圳湾表层沉积物中锌、铬、镉、镍、铅、铜等6种重金属元素的含量发现它们的浓度均值已全部超过广东省海岸带沉积物背景值。根据潜在生态危害法,在6种重金属中镉造成的污染最严重,从潜在的生态危害指数评价看镉的含量已达到很高的污染水平。从面状分布看,重金属污染危害指数值在深圳河口区最低,在蛇口段居中等水平,在深圳湾内侧的近岸水域最大。柱样沉积物的浓度变化以1950年为界划分为两部分:1950年以来的现代沉积物中有较强的人类活动干扰痕迹,表现为重金属元素的浓度增长幅度大,且浓度很高,其均值全部大于广东省海岸带的背景值;1950年以前的近代沉积物中有稍弱的人类活动干扰痕迹。研究认为沉积物粒度特征、沉积速率、人类活动与重金属在沉积物中的浓度高低有直接相关关系,并直接影响到重金属在沉积物中的污染水平。  相似文献   

The concentration of zinc, chromium, cadmium, nickel, lead and copper was measured on both surface sediments and core sediments in the Shenzhen Bay. The average contents of all metals have exceeded the background values in the coastal zone of Guangdong Province. Cadmium is a heavy pollution matter which indicates a strong pollution level according to the ecological risk coefficient method. The ecological risk index of the whole area is 299 which belongs to middle and strong level. The area with strong pollution level is the near shore area closing to the inside of Shenzhen Bay, Shakou area is in the middle level while the weak pollution level occurs in Shenzhenhe Estuary according to ecological risk index. The four sediment cores can be divided into two parts based on lead-210 dating, sediments size analysis and economic development period in surrounding areas since 1950 with strong human intervention. The sediment size, deposition rate and human activities have positive relationship with the contents of heavy metals which directly impact the pollution level of heavy metals in sediments in Shenzhen Bay.  相似文献   

红树林生态系统处于海洋与陆地的动态交界面,遭受海水周期性浸淹,因而在结构与功能上具有既不同于陆地生态系统,也不同于海洋生态系统的特性。红树林作为初级生产者,为林区动物、微生物提供食物与营养,为鸟类、昆虫、鱼虾等提供栖息、繁衍场所。因此,红树植物对维护生态平衡、保护海岸生态系统起着重要的作用[1-2]。近年来由于工农业的发展,沿海城市人口与经济的增长,大量的污染物汇集于河口、海湾区,使这些地区的重金属污染日趋严重,特别是在直接向红树林区倾污排废的地区更是如此。  相似文献   

多参数生物标记物法已被广泛用于重建浮游植物生产力和种群结构,研究了2003年夏季我国二次北极考察时采集的楚科奇海表层沉积物样品中浮游植物生物标志物的比例变化及其作为浮游植物种群结构替代指标的潜力。观测海区表层沉积物中菜子甾醇、甲藻甾醇、长链烯酮的总含量为20~3149 ng/g,平均值为1 010 ng/g,生物标志物总量分布表明南部的楚科奇陆架海域生产力明显高于北部海台区,不同站位的菜子甾醇和甲藻甾醇相对比例有明显变化,但都显示菜子甾醇占优势,楚科奇海陆架的站位中都是硅藻为主,菜子甾醇占生物标志物总量的比例为42%~74%,甲藻甾醇占生物标志物总量的比例为17%~37%,在海台区仍然是硅藻占优势,但是甲藻和颗石藻的比例有了很大的提高,加拿大海盆的4个站位中以甲藻和颗石藻为主,硅藻并非加拿大海盆的优势种群。这与用显微镜下鉴定得到的硅藻和甲藻分布趋势相似。研究结果为生物标志物作为浮游植物种群结果替代指标并为利用柱状样中的生物标志物研究古生态提供现代依据。  相似文献   

Based on a quantitative analysis of foraminifera in 39 surface samples of the Bering andChukchi Seas, the nearly absence of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments can be related to the low surface primary productivity and strong carbonate dissolution in the study area. It has been revealed that the surface primary productivity, and carbonate dissolution and properties of water masses related to the water depth mainly control the distribution of benthic foraminifera. The shelf of the Chukchi Sea is dominated by the Elphidium spp. assemblage and Nonionella robusta assemblage with low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, which is controlled by the coastal water mass of the Arctic Ocean. The slope of the Bering Sea is dominated by the Uvigerina peregrina - Globobulimina affinis assemblage with abundant N. robusta, and relatively high foraminiferal abundance and diversity, which is controlled by the intermediate and deep water masses of the Pacific Ocean. However, the Bering Sea has relatively sha  相似文献   

Subsurface Upper Triassic sediments of northern Jordan represent part of a regressive evaporitic-clastic succession that marks the shrinkage phase of the Late Triassic basin in the northern parts of the Arabian Plate. Sabkhas developed along the basin margin, whereas, oolitic shoals formed on the deeper parts of the carbonate platform. The basin reached a drewdown stage in the Risha, Palmyra and parts of northern Iraq, where halite was precipitated. Local shales, marls and argillaceous limestones are the major source rocks. The total organic content values of the shales and carbonates range between 0.5–1.9%. The main reservoir rocks are the oolitic limestones with porosities of 8–20% and permeabilities that range between 0.01–80 md. Regional swells and troughs that were cut by normal and strike-slip faulting are the main structural styles in the area. Favourable conditions for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation may be found under the Hauran Basalts in NE Jordan.  相似文献   

通过对取自渤海湾唐山港海域的161个站位的表层沉积物进行粒度和黏土矿物组成及分布特征分析,探讨不同区域沉积物物质来源及其控制因素。研究结果表明,唐山港海域表层沉积物平均粒径(Mz)为1.4~7.7 Φ,主要由粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂以及少量的砂和黏土组成。根据粒度参数特征和端元模型分析,研究区沉积物可以分为3个区和EM1—EM4四个端元:东北部以EM3端元砂和粉砂质砂为主,分选较差、正偏态,沉积环境动力强;中部曹妃甸深槽区以EM4端元砂质粉砂和粉砂质砂为主,分选差、正偏态,沉积环境动力强;南部和北部唐山港附近区域以EM1和EM2端元粉砂为主,分选中等—较差,沉积动力环境较弱。黏土矿物组成主要是伊利石(72%)和蒙脱石(12%),其次是绿泥石(8%)和高岭石(8%)。物源分析表明,渤海湾唐山港海域表层沉积物中细颗粒组分来源主要是黄河-海河混合来源的陆源碎屑物质,研究区东北部和曹妃甸深槽区可能有部分古滦河三角洲粗颗粒物质的加入。渤海环流和潮余流控制着本区细颗粒沉积物主要向南部和唐山港附近运移,粗颗粒物质向东北部和中部曹妃甸区搬运沉积。  相似文献   

以中国大洋第34航次在西南印度洋龙旂与断桥热液区采集的洋底表层沉积物样品为研究对象,为洋中脊热液硫化物勘查重砂找矿工作提供一定的理论与工作基础,开展了沉积物自然重砂矿物的相关研究。绘制了研究区重砂矿物分布图,并根据研究区已探明热液矿体(喷口)的位置,对沉积物重分散晕的形成与分布规律进行了分析;从研究区沉积物的34种矿物中,筛选出3种沉积物重砂找矿的指示性矿物(重砂总量、黄铜矿、黄铁矿)及5种参考性矿物指标(帘石类矿物、透闪石、磁铁矿、铬铁矿、钛铁矿);运用统计学方法,建立了沉积物中指标矿物含量与矿源距离之间的线性方程,提出了根据测站沉积物中指标矿物含量,初步推算矿源距离的方法。  相似文献   

白令海和楚科奇海表层沉积中的有孔虫及其沉积环境   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
通过对白令海和北冰洋楚科奇海39个表层沉积样品中有孔虫的定量分析,发现表层沉积中浮游有孔虫稀少可能与该区表层生产力低、碳酸盐溶解作用较强有关,而底栖有孔虫的分布则主要受表层初级生产力以及与水深相关的碳酸盐溶解作用和水团性质所控制,其中北冰洋楚科奇海陆架区有孔虫以Elphidium spp.组合和Nonionella robusta组合为主,丰度和分异度低,受北冰洋沿岸水团控制;白令海陆坡区有孔虫以Uvigerina peregrina-Globobulimina affinis组合为主,含N.robusta较多,丰度和分异度相对高,受太平洋中层和深层水团控制,但该区碳酸盐溶跃层和补偿深度(CCD)相对浅,约分别位于2000和3800m处.此外,白令海陆坡上部表层沉积中含有北冰洋陆坡区典型深水底栖有孔虫种Stetsonia arctica,说明白令海峡两侧的海区曾有深部水交流.  相似文献   

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