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From 1979 to 1989, the current Qingshuigou course of the Huanghe River formed a sub - delta which resembles a beak extending into the Laizhou Bay. It covers 618 km2 in area. To meet the needs of developing and constructing the Huanghe River Delta and under the presupposition of keeping the current course for 15-20 a, we forecast mainly by using the OM (1, 1) model that the front border of the sub-delta will be close to 119°30'E and its area will become 923 km2by the end of the year 2000. The Huanghe River will make land 760 km2 in area.  相似文献   

Amodelofprofileevolutiononwave-dominatedmudcoastZhangYong,YuZhiyingandJinLiu(ReceivedJuly23,1996;acceptedOctober..8,1996)Abst...  相似文献   

The modern change and evolution tendency of sand coast in the eastern area of Liaodong GulfMiaoFengmin;BiZhaoqi;LiShuyuan;Xia...  相似文献   

Amodeloftheformationanddevelopmentofoceanshearwave¥QiaoFangliandZhangQinghua(FirstInstituteofOceanography,stateoceanicAdminis...  相似文献   

A two-layers model for the summer circulation of the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atwo-layersmodelforthesummercirculationoftheEastChinaSea¥LiangXiangsanandSuJilan(SecondInstituteofOceanography,StateOceanicAd...  相似文献   

Euniphysa, originally a genus of the family Eunicidae, was erected by Wesenberg-Lund in 1949, and for a longtime there has been only one species in this genus. The present report is based on our samples collected from the South China Sea, and we consider that the differences between Euniphysa and Eunice are very significant: Five occipital tentacles distributed unequidistantly; the jaw consists of 6 pairs of maxillary plates; the body may be divided into anterior region and posterior region, etc. Therefore we suggest that Euniphysa should be separated from Eunicidae, and become a new family Euniphysi-dae. At present this family includes 3 genera, namely, Euniphysa , Paraeuniphysa and 1 new genira Heterophysa; Totally there are 7 species, including 3 new species and 1 new combination species.  相似文献   

Most of the hydrocarbon fields in the oceanic and thinned suboceanic crust are associated with deep-seated faults. This fact might be caused by methane formation under the serpentinization of the upper mantle rocks and its transfer to the sedimentary cover with hydrotherms. The northern part of the Indian Ocean deformation zone may be of considerable promise for the formation of deposits of such genesis. This is favored by the occurrence of the long-living hydrothermal activity over the deep-seated faults and by quite the thick sedimentary cover (over 1 km). In the course of cruise 32 of the R/V Akademik Kurchatov, a buried anticline formation with an acoustic anomaly of the bright-spot type was discovered 450 km southwards from Sri Lanka Island. This may point to the presence of a hydrocarbon accumulation in the sedimentary cover.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe SoUth China Sea (SCS) is the largest coastal sea of China. It is of great interestto researchers because of its abundant resources and geographical location. The SCS is inthe tropicaI and sub-tropical monsoon wind zone of the north-western Pacific and isSurrounded by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. lt has a complicatedRecclved 2 l March 200ltoPograPhy and is cormected with the Peeific through thc Bashi Channel which has a dePthof over 3…  相似文献   

The deep-water area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea has received much scientific attention since the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 in 1999 due to its potential economic prospects and distinct tectono-sedimentary evolutionary processes. In this study, we present the composition of major and trace elements from two newly sampled deep-water boreholes (BY6 and LW3) in the Baiyun Sag of the southern Pearl River Mouth Basin. The geochemical evolution in the Oligocene–Middle Miocene, as well as potential controlling factors, are investigated based on a comparative study with previous data from ODP site 1148 and borehole PY33. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and A–CN–K plot reveal that the observed weathering trends are not compatible for the four discussed boreholes. Sedimentary sorting is primarily observed in borehole PY33, where data trend away from the A apex to the feldspar join in the A–CN–K plot and show a spread of Al2O3/SiO2 and Nb/Zr ratios. Compared to chemical weathering and hydrodynamic sorting, provenance has a greater impact on sediment composition of the deep-water area. From the north, the Pearl River was the primary sediment supply. However, a positive Eu anomaly and the provenance discrimination diagrams (i.e., La/Th versus Th/Yb and Zr/Co versus Th/Co) reveal the mafic nature of borehole BY6 sediments in the Zhuhai–Lower Zhujiang (32.0–18.5 Ma) and Upper Hanjiang (13.8–10.5 Ma) formations. These compositions are unusual and differ from the well-defined felsic sources in the majority of the Baiyun Sag; these discrepancies are likely related to multistage magmatism. The sediments at site 1148 are characterized by slightly enriched heavy rare earth elements and relatively high Zr/Co ratios, which could possibly be caused by zircon enrichment from local sources.  相似文献   

Variations of monsoon wind field in the sea area along the southeastern coast of China during the ENSO events and its influence on the sea level and sea surface temperature (SST) are explored mainly on the basis of the data of monthly mean wind at 850 hPa and five coastal stations during 1973-1987. The results from the analyses of the data and theoretical estimation show that the southwest wind anomalies appeared in the study area during the events, and northeast wind anomalies occurred in general before the events. With the coastline of the area being parallel basically to the direction of the wind, an Ekman transport will result in an accumulation of the water near the coast or a departure of the water from the coast. As a result , the sea level and SST there will be affected markedly. During the events, southwest wind will intensify in the summer, and northeast wind will weaken in the winter. Their total effect is that a large negative anomaly of the sea level and SST will occur. The estimations indi  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species have been established on the basis of three specimens collected from Fujian's coastal zone in China. This new genus is named Laevispinereis. Its brief characters are as follows: oral ring of proboscis has papillae, maxillary ring has conical paragnaths; the peristomium greatly expands into a collar; notosetaes are homogomph spinigers, neurosetaes are homogomph spinigers and homogomph falcigers; tip of spinigers setae with minute serratures and smooth on side. The type of genus is Laevispinereis fujianensis sp. nov., it has conical paragnaths on maxillary ring of proboscis: I has Ⅰ; Ⅱ has 6-7: Ⅲ has 12;Ⅳ has 6-7.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInteractionsbetweenorganismsandtheirbioticandabioticenvironmentalcharacteristicsstronglyinfluencethespatialoccupancyoflivingorganism (Brosseetal .,1 999) .Modelingandsimulationareusefultoolstoroughlymimictheecosystembuttheirabilitytomodeltheeco…  相似文献   

In this paper the impacts of the anomalous SST in the warm pool area of the Western Equatorial Pacific on the winter time circulation and the East Asian monsoon are studied by using the NCAR CCM. It is found that the abnormal heating in the warm pool area will change the strength and the position of the Walker Cell in the Equatorial Pacific and the anti-Walker Cell in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Both the Walker and anti-Walker Cells are strengthened. The local Hadley Cells over two hemispheres near the warm pool are also strengthened. The subtropical highs in two hemispheres become stronger and move poleward slightly. The westerly jets in the extratropical regions have similar changes as the subtropical highs. The winter monsoon in South-East Asia is weakened by the abnormal heating in the warm pool. The experiment also show that there are wave trains emanating from surrounding areas of the warm pool to the high latitudes, causing various changes in circulations and local weather.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the structural development of the Gunsan Basin in the central Yellow Sea, based on multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and exploratory well data. The basin comprises three depressions (the western, central, and eastern subbasins) filled with a thick (ca. 6000 m) Cretaceous to Paleogene nonmarine succession. It was initiated in the early Cretaceous due to intracontinental extension caused by oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate under the Eurasian plate and sinistral movement of the Tan-Lu fault. The basin appears to have undergone transtension in the late Cretaceous–Eocene, caused by dextral movement of the Tan-Lu and its branching faults. The transtension was accommodated by oblique intra-basinal normal faults and strike-slip (or oblique-slip) movement of a NE-trending bounding fault in the northern margin of the central subbasin. The entire basin was deformed (NE–SW contraction) in the Oligocene when tectonic inversion occurred, possibly due to the changes in strike-slip motion, from right- to left-lateral, of the Tan-Lu fault. During the early Miocene, extension resumed by reactivation of the pre-existing normal and transpressional faults. A combination of extension, uplift, and erosion resulted in differential preservation of the early Miocene succession. At the end of the early Miocene, extension ceased with mild contraction and then the basin thermally subsided with ensued rise in sea level.  相似文献   

The studied area is a 130 km long fast spreading graben in Central Greece. Its complex geodynamical setting includes both the presence of a subduction slab at depth responsible for the recent (Quaternary) volcanic activity in the area and the western termination of a tectonic lineament of regional importance (the North-Anatolian fault). A high geothermal gradient is made evident by the presence of many thermal springs with temperatures from 19 to 82 °C, that discharge along the normal faults bordering the graben.In the period 2004–2012, 58 gas and 69 water samples were collected and their chemical and isotopic analysis revealed a wide range of compositions.Two main groups of thermal waters can be distinguished on the basis of their chemical composition. The first, represented by dilute waters (E.C. <0.6 mS/cm) of the westernmost sites, is characterised by the presence of CH4-rich and mixed N2–CH4 gases. The second displays higher salinities (E.C. from 12 to 56 mS/cm) due to mixing with a modified marine component. Reservoir temperatures of 150–160 °C were estimated with cationic geothermometers at the easternmost sites.Along the graben, from west to east, the gas composition changes from CH4- to CO2-dominated through mixed N2–CH4 and N2–CO2 compositions, while at the same time the He isotopic composition goes from typical crustal values (<0.1 R/RA) up to 0.87 R/RA, showing in the easternmost sites a small (3–11%) but significant mantle input. The δ13C values of the CO2-rich samples suggest a mixed origin (mantle and marine carbonates).  相似文献   

Dynamics of picoplankton in the Nansha Islands area of the South China Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dynamics of major picoplankton groups, Synechococcus (Syn), Prochlorococcus (Pro), picoeukaryotes (Euk) and heterotrophic bacteria (Bact) was investigated by flow cytometry for the first time in the Nansha Islands area in the South China Sea. Averaged over the whole investigation area, depth-weighted integrated cell abundance (DWA) of Syn, Pro, Euk and Bact was 1.6 (0.4-5.7)×103, 5.4 (0.1-7.3)×104, 0.7 (0.2-2.2)×103, and 2.3 (1.4-3.2)×105 cells/mL respectively. Picoautotrophic cell abundance was low in the northwest part of the Nansha Islands where surface water temperature was low and the upper mixed layer was shallow. Concurrently, a surface maximum vertical distribution pattern was observed in this area. While in the southeast and east zones where temperatures were relatively higher and nitraclines were deeper, picoplankton is abundant and a subsurface maximum around 50-75 m is observed. Coupling of horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of picoplankton abundance and hydrological status wa  相似文献   

- A modified space beam element is presented in this paper to consider the local joint flexibility of T, Y tubular joints subjected to axial forces and in- plane bending moments for analysis of platforms. Two numerical examples are shown to verify the efficiency and validity of the method presented here.  相似文献   

On the basis of the wave energy balance equation, the response model of mean directions of locally wind-generated waves in slowly turning wind fields has been derived. The results show that in a homogeneous field, the time scale of the response is not only related to the rate of wave growth, but also to the directional energy distribution and the angle between the wind direction and the mean wave direction. Furthermore, the law of change in the mean wave direction has been derived. The numerical computations show that the response of wave directions to slowly turning wind directions can be treated as the superposition of the responses of wave directions to a series of sudden small-angle changes of wind directions and the turning rate of the mean wave direction depends on the turning rate and the total turning angles of the wind direction. The response of wave directions is in agreement with the response for a sudden change of wind directions if the change in wind directions is very fast. Based on the no  相似文献   

Based on the feature of the growth and the local limitation of the Nansha reef's closed atoll, also the relatedremote sensing information of it, the composite analysis is made. The closed atoll conception remote sensing system is constructed through the formation mechanism, development law and the space-time distribution of the closed atoll. Solution of the equation consisting of information function value and isostatic value of closed atoll and half-closed atoll using this system, and topologic analysis on the two kinds of atoll's morphologic growth are the basic foundation for the research of their evolutionary comparative model.  相似文献   

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