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能量传递率是衡量贯入类试验锤击效率的一个重要指标。国外对这一指标需要进行现场实测,进而修正贯入试验的锤击数,建立评价场地承载力、液化势等特性的标准化锤击数。国内规范中,则较少考虑贯入试验的锤击能量传递率的问题,且缺少现场试验测试数据,导致基于贯入类试验锤击数的地基评价方法难以与国外标准进行横向对比。为解决这一问题,选取川滇地区西昌地震实验场的3个勘察试验点。采用能量测试仪实测标准贯入试验能量传递率,研究我国常规SPT试验装置锤击效率,并评价其稳定性。试验实测结果显示,现场标准贯入试验的锤击能量传递率均值基本超过75%。能量传递率随着贯入深度的增加稍有增加,地表下20 m范围内增长幅值为10%左右。试验结果可为评价我国常规SPT试验设备的锤击效率提供依据。 相似文献
为了在国内岩土设计中很好利用英国标准(BS)标贯设备的试验结果,对英国标准和中国标准(GB)标贯设备及试验结果进行分析,研究相关性。BS和GB标贯设备主要的区别是前者的锤垫质量大于后者,造成试验时两者锤击能量有差别,因此,获得的标贯击数不同。通过采用标贯能量分析仪,测量配置不同直径钻杆的BS和GB设备试验时的实际锤击能量,计算两者不同的实际锤击能量与理论锤击能量的能量比,利用能量比的差别分析BS与GB标贯击数的相关性,建立相关公式。分析显示,试验时BS标贯设备比GB标贯设备的锤击传递能量要小,标贯击数要大;钻杆直径为50 mm比直径为42 mm传递的锤击能量略高,标贯击数略低。通过研究,最终建立了BS与GB标贯设备试验结果的相关关系,英标标贯设备获得的数据从而能更好运用于中国标准中,并提供符合中国利用标贯评价的岩土设计参数。 相似文献
近来地震液化灾害频发,再次成为研究重点,发展具有良好应用前景的基于静力触探试验(CPT)的液化判别方法对预防液化灾害具有重要意义。以Boulanger数据库171组数据为回归样本,分析既有方法存在的问题,提出了基于CPT液化判别的双曲线模型和计算公式,并通过提取2011年新西兰地震147组液化新数据,对该方法进行对比检验。研究表明,我国岩土工程勘察规范的CPT液化判别方法对浅埋砂层偏于保守,对深层土又明显偏于危险,而国际上具有代表性的Robertson方法,其液化临界线存在低烈度区不合理回弯、高烈度区又偏于保守的问题。提出的新公式在不同地震动强度和砂层埋深下均可给出合理判别结果,克服了国内外既有方法的缺点,并纳入到具有样板规范性质的《建筑工程抗震性态设计通则》修订稿中,可为我国相关规范修订和工程应用提供支持。 相似文献
2003年2月24日新疆巴楚-伽师地区发生的6.8级地震中出现了自1996年唐山大地震以来我国大陆境内最为严重的砂土液化现象。以此地震液化调查为基础,检验包括我国规范液化判别方法、Robertson方法和Olsen方法的国内外现有静力触探试验为指标的液化判别方法的适用性。结果表明,我国规范、Robertson方法、Olsen方法在对巴楚地震液化场地判别中,总体上非液化场地判别成功率高于液化场地判别成功率,非液化场地的判别成功率分别为88%、71%和88%,但对液化场地判别成功率分别为55%、73%和45%,明显偏于危险,原因需要进一步查明,建立适合局部地区的液化判别方法应是未来必须进行的工作。 相似文献
王磊 《水文地质工程地质》2012,39(2):85-87
铁路工程地质勘察钻探量巨大,钻探管理存在漏洞,导致许多假标贯击数,影响地质人员对地层的判断,造成不良后果。为提高工程地质勘察质量,以长益常城际铁路勘察为工程背景,用PDCA模式管理方法,对标准贯入试验进行过程控制。依据相关规范,比较标贯击数与土样液性指数所对应的塑性状态,真实度约为79.5%,该方法可供同类工程参考。 相似文献
Soil liquefaction susceptibility and hazard mapping in the residential area of Kütahya (Turkey) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This study presents the results of both field and laboratory tests that have been undertaken to assess liquefaction susceptibilities
of the soils in Kütahya city, located in the well-known seismically active fault zone. Liquefaction potentials of the sub-surface
materials at Kütahya city were estimated by using the geological aspect and geotechnical methods such as SPT method of field
testing. And, the data obtained have been mapped according to susceptibility and hazard. The susceptibility map indicated
“liquefable” and “marginally liquefable” areas in alluvium, and “non-liquefable” areas in Neogene unit for the magnitude of
earthquake of M=6.5; whereas, liquefaction hazard map produced by using of liquefaction potential index showed the severity categories from
“very low” to “high.” However, a large area in the study area is prone to liquefy according to liquefaction susceptibility
map; the large parts of the liquefable horizon are mapped as “low” class of severity by the use of the liquefaction potential
index. It can be said that hazard mapping of liquefaction for a given site is crucial than producing liquefaction susceptibility
map for estimating the severity. Both the susceptibility and hazard maps should be produced and correlated with each other
for planning in an engineering point of view. 相似文献
基于人工神经网络的砂土液化势评价 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文利用静力触探(CPT)场地液化数据,建立了液化势判定的反向传播神经网络模型,研究表明,同传统方法相比,人工神经网络方法在判别砂土液化势方面是可行的。 相似文献
The 1999 Kocaeli earthquake of Turkey (Mw = 7.4) caused great destruction to buildings, bridges and other facilities, and a death tall of about 20,000. During this earthquake, severe damages due to soil liquefaction and associated ground deformations also occurred widespread in the eastern Marmara Region of Turkey. Soil liquefaction was commonly observed along the shorelines. One of these typical sites is Sapanca town founded on the shore of Lake Sapanca. This study was undertaken as quantitative measurement of ground deformations induced by liquefaction along the southern shore of Lake Sapanca. The permanent lateral ground deformation was measured through the aerial photogrammetry technique at several locations both along the shoreline and in the town. In situ soil profiles and material properties at Sapanca area were obtained based on the data from 55 borings and standard penetration tests (SPT), and laboratory tests, respectively. The data and the empirical methods recommended by an NCEER workshop were employed to evaluate the liquefaction resistance of the soils. In addition, simple shaking tests on a limited number of samples were also performed. The permanent ground displacements were estimated from the existing empirical models, sliding block method and residual visco-elastic finite element methods. Then these estimations were compared with the observed ground displacements. The assessments suggested that liquefaction at Sapanca have occurred within Quaternary alluvial fan deposits at depths 1 and 14 m, and the major regions of liquefaction and associated ground deformations were located along the shore and creeks. The evaluations also indicated that for sites with no sand boils but with ground displacement greater than 1 m, thickness of the non-liquefiable layer was large. It is also noted that no liquefaction-induced ground surface disruption is expected at the site when the thickness of the liquefiable and non-liquefiable layers vary between 0.5 and 1.5 m, and 3.5 and 5.5 m, respectively. Except one model, all the empirical models employed in the study over-predicted the observed lateral ground displacements, while sliding block method and residual visco-elastic finite element methods yielded reasonably good results if the known properties of liquefied soils are used. 相似文献
地下浅层气的存在会对地铁项目的勘察、施工以及后期正常运营构成安全隐患。采用基于地质统计学和可靠性分析的概率方法,对杭州某地铁站场地的电阻率静力触探测试数据进行分析。通过回归分析移除电阻率数据的趋势项,以变差函数为工具,描述电阻率残差在竖向和水平向上的各向异性,采用克里格插值对未采样点参数值进行最优线性无偏估计,采用一阶可靠度方法获取基于电阻率的地下浅层气分布三维概率图。分析表明:电阻率残差具有显著的各向异性,在竖直和水平方向的自相关距离分别为5.1 m和55.6 m。在考虑不同土体电阻率背景值不同的前提下,采用一阶可靠度方法建立了浅层气三维概率分布图。该场地竖直方向上浅层气分布于25 m附近及30~35 m深度区间内,水平方向上则集中分布于RCPTU1点位附近。可基于该结果提出针对性的防治对策,为布设排气孔、浅层气监测等治理措施提供依据。 相似文献
标准贯入试验是现场测定土体工程性质的重要原位试验,是现场快速判定土体密实度的重要依据,具有及时、可靠、经济等特点,在地质勘察中被广泛的应用。本文通过介绍标准贯入试验的基本原理和设备,比较了英国规范、美国ASTM规范和我国岩土工程勘察规范之间标准贯入试验的差异,介绍了标准贯入试验所适用的经验公式,结合在美国ASTM规范指导下具体的工程实践结果,应用标准贯入试验的结果分析了苏丹国尼罗河Dagash流域内的土体工程性质,对比钻探所得土样和袖珍贯入测力计试验结果,验证了标贯结果的正确性。 相似文献
根据模型试验资料,提出由静力触探比贯入阻力Ps划分砂土密实度的界限值,为利用静力触探判定砂土密实度提供依据。 相似文献
圆锥动力触探试验(DCPT)是一种用来预测地基土相对密实度的方法。然而,现有的预测公式主要针对石英土。为解决这一问题,通过现场以及室内模型试验,得到了轻型动力触探贯入指标与钙质土相对密实度之间的关系。可知相比于石英土,粒径对钙质土贯入指标的影响较为显著。若采用现有公式计算钙质土的相对密实度,得到的数值偏大,结果偏于危险。为了便于工程应用,基于Butterfield改进的量纲分析理论,建立了一种可将不同形式DCPT的贯入指标进行相互转化的方法,实现了轻型与重型动力触探指标之间的相互转换,进而得到了重型动力触探贯入指标与钙质土相对密实度之间的关系。根据现场重型动力触探试验数据可知,上述关系的计算结果与现场实测结果吻合良好。 相似文献
One of the major causes of earthquake damage is liquefaction. However, it doesn't result in severe harm unless it leads to ground surface damage or ground failure. Therefore, prediction of potential for ground surface damage due to liquefaction is one of the important issues in microzonation studies for liquefaction-induced damage in areas with high seismicity. In 1985, based on a database compiled from Chinese and Japanese earthquakes, Ishihara considered the influence of the non-liquefied cap soil on the occurrence or non-occurrence of ground failure (mainly sand boiling), and proposed an empirical approach to predict the potential for ground surface damage at sites susceptible to liquefaction. However, some investigators indicated that this approach is not generally valid for sites susceptible to lateral spread or ground oscillation. In this study, a contribution to improve the approach by Ishihara is made. For the purpose, an index called liquefaction severity index (LSI) and data from two devastating earthquakes, which occurred in Turkey and Taiwan in 1999, were employed. The data from liquefied and non-liquefied sites were grouped and then analysed. Based on the observations reported by reconnaissance teams who visited both earthquake sites and the results of the liquefaction potential analyses using the filed-performance data, a chart to assess the potential for ground surface disruption at liquefaction-prone areas was produced. The analyses suggest that the procedure proposed by Ishihara is quite effective particularly for the occurrence of sand boils, while the bounds suggested in this method generally may not be valid for the prediction of liquefaction-induced ground surface disruption at sites susceptible to lateral spreading. The chart proposed in this study shows an improvement over the Ishihara's approach for predicting the liquefaction-induced ground surface damage. The microzonation maps comparing the liquefaction sites observed along the southern shore of Izmit Bay and in Yuanlin, and the surface damage and non-damage zones predicted from the proposed chart can identify accurately the liquefaction (sand boiling and lateral spreading) and no-liquefaction sites. 相似文献
This paper is a follow-up to a previous paper on the subject of liquefaction potential index (LPI), a parameter that is often used to characterize the potential for surface manifestation of liquefaction at a given site subjected to a given shaking level (represented by a pair of peak ground surface acceleration amax and moment magnitude Mw). In the previous paper by Juang and his coworkers, the LPI was re-calibrated for a piezocone penetration test (CPTU) model, and a simplified model based on LPI was created for computing the conditional probability of surface manifestation of liquefaction (PG). In this paper, the model for this conditional probability PG is extended into a complete framework for assessing the probability of surface manifestation of liquefaction in a given exposure time at a given site subjected to all possible ground motions at all seismic hazard levels. This new framework is formulated and demonstrated with an example site in 10 different seismic regions in the United States. 相似文献
Multilinear Regression Analysis for Seismic Response and Engineering Properties of Liquefiable Coromandel Coastal Soil Deposits 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S. Senthamilkumar C. Natarajan K. Muthukumaran 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2009,27(3):439-453
This paper investigates the seismic characteristics and geotechnical properties with respect to the liquefaction potential
of the deposits in the Coromandel coastal line of Nagapattinam town, Tamilnadu, India. A series of field tests were conducted
using standard penetration test, cone penetration test and plate load test. Laboratory tests were conducted on the collected
samples. From the results, a microzonation map was developed for the liquefaction potential and settlements. Some multilinear
regression models between permeability, fines content, relative density, coefficient of curvature, coefficient of uniformity,
mean particle size, factor of safety, settlement, standard penetration test values and cone penetration test values were developed.
The shear wave velocity and shear modulus were calculated from the field penetration tests and correlations between the normalized
values of peak ground accelerations, velocities and displacements, which were obtained from the equivalent linear ground motion
analysis using SHAKE software, with other parameters of soil. From the results, it was found that at some of the areas are
vulnerable to high amplification of waves even for small earthquake. 相似文献
Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
F. Pooya Nejad Mark B. Jaksa M. Kakhi Bryan A. McCabe 《Computers and Geotechnics》2009,36(7):1125-1133
In recent years artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to many geotechnical engineering problems with some degree of success. With respect to the design of pile foundations, accurate prediction of pile settlement is necessary to ensure appropriate structural and serviceability performance. In this paper, an ANN model is developed for predicting pile settlement based on standard penetration test (SPT) data. Approximately 1000 data sets, obtained from the published literature, are used to develop the ANN model. In addition, the paper discusses the choice of input and internal network parameters which were examined to obtain the optimum model. Finally, the paper compares the predictions obtained by the ANN with those given by a number of traditional methods. It is demonstrated that the ANN model outperforms the traditional methods and provides accurate pile settlement predictions. 相似文献
针对目前黏土结构性对孔压静力触探结果的影响及其机理尚不是很清楚的问题,首先在ABAQUS软件中对结构性剑桥模型进行了程序实现,然后建立了孔压静力触探贯入结构性黏土的数值模型,通过数值计算分析了黏土结构性对孔压静力触探结果的影响。数值计算结果表明:(1)黏土的结构性会导致锥尖周围土体的偏应力增大,由于锥尖附近土体的结构性损伤,最大偏应力出现在距锥尖一定距离的右下方;(2)表征结构性强度的参数——初始结构屈服应力$ p{\text{'}}_{ {\rm{yi}}} $越大,锥尖阻力qc越大,而表征结构性损伤速度的参数——结构性对流动法则影响参数ω越大,qc值越小;(3)$p\text{'}_{ {\rm{yi}}} $值越大,贯入停止时的超静孔隙水压力u越大,而ω值越大,贯入停止时的u值越小;(4)经验圆锥系数Nkt随$p\text{'}_{ {\rm{yi}}} $增大明显减小,随ω的增大略有减小。因此,黏土的结构性强度及其损伤会明显影响孔压静力触探的测量结果,基于锥尖阻力qc估算结构性黏土的不排水抗剪强度su时应采用考虑结构性影响的经验圆锥系数Nkt,否则将会低估结构性黏土的su。研究结果可为孔压静力触探结果的分析和应用提供参考。 相似文献
由于现有静力触探机械设备提供的动力有限,使得静力触探技术无法应用于较硬土层或较深土层中(应力较高)。保证探头顺利平稳地探入较硬土层,是触探技术应用于硬土层的前提条件。通过对旋压式触探时探头上的受力进行分析,推导了不考虑侧壁摩擦力的旋压式触探的总锥尖阻力和扭矩的理论模型,同时也推导了用旋压式触探测试成果计算锥土间摩擦系数的数学模型,并在室内旋压式触探仪上进行相应的试验,试验结果不仅验证了理论分析的正确性,而且试验结果表明:对同一土体制成不同含水率、干重度的试样进行相同的探入速度和旋转速度下的旋压式触探,所得的扭矩与总锥尖阻力呈线性关系。根据数学模型计算的锥土间摩擦系数要比土体的内摩擦系数大得多,但两者具有较明显的一致性。结合土层的各向异性的特点、锥土间的摩阻力的存在等因素分析了旋压式触探方式能够降低总锥尖阻力的原因 相似文献