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A discrete element model is used to investigate progressive cover deformation above a steep (70°), basement normal fault. The cover materials are homogenous with frictional material behavior. In the model shown here both normal and reverse faults in the cover accommodate displacement on the underlying basement fault. The earliest faults are curved, reverse faults which propagate upwards from the basement fault tip into the proto hanging wall. These are replaced, progressively towards the footwall, by subvertical to steep normal faults and finally by a normal fault which dips at an angle predicted by Mohr-Coulomb theory. Thus, most early, secondary structures are located in the hanging-wall of the final, through-going, fault. This structural evolution produces an asymmetric, triangular zone of deformation above the basement fault tip which superficially resembles that associated with trishear; however, its progressive development is quite different. Results also emphasize that the occurrence of reverse faults in extensional settings is not diagnostic of inversion.  相似文献   

Growth faults in gravity-driven extensional provinces are dominated by coast-parallel trends, but coast-perpendicular (transverse) trends are far less documented. The Clemente–Tomas fault in the inner Texas shelf has corrugations that are transverse to the fault and that plunge downdip. A large (8500 km2), high-quality, 3D seismic survey allows a uniquely encompassing perspective into hanging-wall deformation above this corrugated fault surface. Synextensional strata in the hanging wall are folded into alternating transverse ridges and synclines, typically spaced 10 km apart. Forward modelling in dip profiles of an extensional fault having three ramps produces ramp basin-rollover pairs that compare with the seismically revealed ridges and synclines. As they translated down the undulose fault plane, ramp basins and rollovers were juxtaposed along strike, forming the hanging-wall ridges and synclines observed offshore Texas. Fault-surface corrugations correlate broadly with footwall structure. We infer that corrugations on the Clemente–Tomas fault formed by evacuation of an allochthonous salt canopy emplaced in the late Eocene to early Oligocene. Early salt evacuation (Oligocene) created an undulose topography that influenced incipient Clemente-Tomas fault segments as they merged to form an inherently undulose fault. Late salt evacuation (early Miocene) further deformed this fault surface.  相似文献   

In fold-and-thrust belts, shortening is mainly accommodated by thrust faults which are preferential zones for recrystallisation and mass transfer. This study focuses on a detachment fault related to the emplacement of the Monte Perdido thrust unit in the southern Pyrenees. The studied fault zone consists of a 10 m thick intensively foliated phyllonite developed within the Millaris marls, of Eocene age. The lithological homogeneity of the hanging wall and footwall allows us to compare the Millaris marls outside the fault zone with the highly deformed marls located in the fault zone and to quantify the chemical, mineralogical and volumetric changes related to deformation processes along the fault.The Millaris marls are composed of detrital quartz, illite, chlorite, minor albite and pyrite, in a micritic calcite matrix. In the fault zone, the cleavage planes are marked by clay minerals and calcite ± chlorite veins attest to fluid–mineral interactions during deformation.The mineral proportions in all samples from both the fault zone and Millaris marls have been quantified by two methods: (1) X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement, and (2) bulk chemical analyses as well as microprobe analyses to calculate modal composition. The excellent agreement between the results of these two methods allows us to estimate mineralogical variations using a modification of the Gresens' equation. During fault activation, up to 45 wt% of calcite was lost while the amounts of quartz and chlorite remained unchanged. Illite content remained constant to slightly enriched. The mineralogical variations were coupled with a significant volume loss (up to 45%) mostly due to the dissolution of micritic calcite grains. Deformation was accompanied by pressure solution and phyllosilicates recrystallisation. These processes accommodated slip along the fault. They required fluids as catalyst, but they did not necessitate major chemical transfers.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of the faults and their internal structure in Zhu I Depression, it is found that the internal structure of the late fault is obviously segmented vertically. It develops unitary structure(simple fault plane) in shallow layers, binary structure(induced fracture zone in hanging wall and sliding fracture zone in footwall) in middle, layers and ternary structure(induced fracture zone in hanging wall and sliding fracture zone in middle,and induced fracture zone in footwall) in deep layers. Because the induced fracture zone is a high porosity and permeability zone, and the sliding fracture zone is a low porosity and ultra-low permeability zone, the late fault in middle layers has the character of "transporting while sealing". The late fault can transport hydrocarbon by its induced fracture zone in the side of the hanging wall and seal hydrocarbon by its sliding fracture zone in the side of the footwall. In deep layers, the late fault has the character of "dual-transportation", induced fracture zones in both sides of hanging wall and footwall can transport hydrocarbon. The early fault that only developed in the deep layers is presumed to be unitary structure, which plays a completely sealing role in the process of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation due to inactivity during the hydrocarbon filling period. Controlled by hydrocarbon source, early/late faults, sand bodies and traps, two reservoir-forming models of "inverted L" and "stereo-spiral"can be proposed in middle layers, while two reservoir-forming models of "cross fault" and "lateral fault sealing"are developed in the deep layers of Zhu I Depression.  相似文献   

Salt tectonics at passive margins is currently interpreted as a gravity-driven process but according to two different types of models: i) pure spreading only driven by differential sedimentary loading and ii) dominant gliding primarily due to margin tilt (slope instability). A comparative analysis of pure spreading and pure spreading is made using simple mechanics as well as available laboratory experiments and numerical models that consider salt tectonic processes at the whole basin scale. To be effective, pure spreading driven by sedimentary loading requires large differential overburden thicknesses and therefore significant water depths, high sediment density, low frictional angles of the sediments (high fluid pore pressure) and a seaward free boundary of the salt basin (salt not covered by sediments). Dominant gliding does not require any specific condition to be effective apart from the dip on the upper surface of the salt. It can occur for margin tilt angles lower than 1° for basin widths in the range of 200-600 km and initial sedimentary cover thickness up to 1 km, even in the absence of abnormal fluid pressure. In pure spreading, salt resists and sediments drive whereas in dominant gliding both salt and sediments drive. In pure spreading, extension is located inside the prograding sedimentary wedge and contraction at the tip. Both extension and contraction migrate seaward with the sedimentary progradation. Migration of the deformation can create an extensional inversion of previously contractional structures. In pure spreading, extension is located updip and contraction downdip. Extension migrates downdip and contraction updip. Migration of the deformation leads to a contractional inversion of previously extensional structures (e.g. squeezed diapirs). Mechanical analysis and modelling, either analogue or numerical, and comparison with margin-scale examples, such as the south Atlantic margins or northern Gulf of Mexico, indicate that salt tectonics at passive margins is dominated by dominant gliding down the margin dip. On the contrary, salt tectonics driven only by differential sedimentary loading is a process difficult to reconcile with geological evidence.  相似文献   

The Abadan plain in southwestern Iran has important petroleum reservoir potential but poorly defined structural setting. It is located at the Mesopotamian foredeep basin, bounded by the Arabian plate and the Dezful Embayment. The main reservoir in this field is the Fahliyan formation, composed of reef carbonates. Most of the Abadan area is flat and covered by recent alluvial deposits with no outcrops. Studies of the structures in this area have provided information about the structural history and allowed better reservoir and drilling management. Seismic spectral decomposition techniques have been utilized as a quick and effective interpretation tool. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) have been used to convert time to frequency domain, and have been applied to detect fault systems in the reservoir. Application of the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) indicate that the Abadan reservoir consists normal extensional system of the reservoir which display paralleling of contour common depth in two sides of extensional system in some regions and large displacement between two sides of contours indicate that system is normal in which hanging wall moved over footwall. Various displacements between sides indicate parallel strike-slip movements which are associated with reverse faulting and inversion tectonics.  相似文献   

The shallow-marine carbonate rocks of the Jandaíra Formation have been subject to significant permeability variations through time due to various events of fracturing and calcite cementation. As a consequence, the Jandaíra Formation accommodated fluid flow only during specific moments in time. We reconstructed these episodes of fluid flow based on isotope characterizations and microscope characteristics of calcite veins and host rock cements. The Jandaíra Formation, which belongs to the post-rift sequence of the Potiguar Basin in northeast Brazil, was deposited from the Turonian onward until a marine regression exposed it in the Campanian. Due to the subaerial exposure, meteoric waters flushed out marine connate waters, leading to an event of early diagenesis and full cementation of the Jandaíra Formation. Fluid flow through the resulting impermeable carbonate formation appears to be closely related to fracturing. Fracturing in the Late Cretaceous induced a drastic increase in permeability, giving rise to extensive fluid circulation. Host rock dissolution associated to the circulating fluids led to calcite vein cementation within the fracture network, causing it to regain an impermeable and sealing character. In the research area, fluid flow occurred during early burial of the Jandaíra Formation at estimated depths of 400–900 m. This study documents the first application of fluid inclusion isotope analysis on vein precipitates, which allowed full isotopic characterization of the paleo-fluids responsible for calcite vein cementation. The fluid inclusion isotope data indicate that upwelling of groundwater from the underlying Açu sandstones provided the fluids to the fracture network. In Miocene times, renewed tectonic compression of a lower intensity created a secondary fracture network in the Jandaíra Formation. The density of this fracture network, however, was too low to induce a new episode of fluid circulation. As a result, this tectonic event is associated with the development of barren extensional fractures.  相似文献   

Halokinesis causes a dynamic structural evolution with the development of faults and fractures, which can act as either preferential fluid pathways or barriers. Reconstructing reactive fluid flow in salt dome settings remains a challenge. This contribution presents for the first time a spatial distribution map of diagenetic phases in a salt dome in northern Oman. Our study establishes a clear link between structural evolution and fluid flow leading to the formation of diagenetic products (barite and calcite) in the salt dome roof strata. Extensive formation of diagenetic products occurs along NNE-SSW to NE-SW faults and fractures, which initiated during the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) and were reactivated in the Miocene, but not along the E-W fault, which was generated during Early Paleocene time. We propose that the diagenetic products formed by mixing of a warm (100 °C) saline (17 wt% NaCl eq.) 87Sr enriched (87Sr/86Sr: 0.71023) fluid with colder (35 °C) meteoric fluid during Miocene to Pleistocene. The stable sulphur and strontium isotope composition and fluid inclusion data indicate that a saline fluid, with sulphate source derived from the Ara Group evaporite and Haima Supergroup layers, is the source for barite formation at about 100 °C, predominantly at fault conjunctions and minor faults away from the main graben structure in the dome. In the Miocene, the saline fluid probably ascended along a halokinesis-related fault due to fluid overpressure (due to the rising salt and impermeable layers in the overlying stratigraphic sequence), and triggered the formation of barite due to mixing with barium-rich fluids, accompanied by a drop in temperature. Subsequently, evolving salt doming with associated fault activity and erosion of the Jebel allows progressively more input of colder meteoric fluids, which mix with the saline warmer fluid, as derived from stable isotope data measured in the progressively younger barite-associated calcite, fault zone calcite and macro-columnar calcite. The reconstructed mixing model indicates a 50/50 to 90/10 meteoric/saline fluid mixing ratio for the formation of fault zone calcite, and a 10 times higher concentration of carbon in the saline fluid end member compared to the meteoric fluid end member. The presented mixing model of salt-derived fluids with meteoric fluids is suggested to be a general model applicable to structural diagenetic evolution of salt domes world wide.  相似文献   

Faults and their associated damage zones in sedimentary basins can be sealing, impeding fluid flow and creating permeability barriers, or open, creating fluid pathways. This impacts the reservoir potential of rocks in fault damage zones. Stylolitization and fracturing severely impacted permeability through compartmentalization and cementation of Apium-1, an exploration hole drilled in the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Apium-1 is located 1 km into the hanging wall block damage zone of a major NNW-trending normal fault. The drill core consists of fine- to medium-grained quartz arenite overlain by a coarse-grained lag and capped by impermeable shale. It was quantitatively characterized by sedimentary and structural logging, and microstructural and porosity-permeability analysis. Fractures and stylolites in the damage zone of the major fault are shown to have been sealed. Extensional cracks have been sealed by quartz precipitation; shear fractures that locally preserve brecciation are always quartz and siderite cemented; stylolites are common and contain halos of quartz cementation. In each case, porosity was reduced to approximately 1%, with concomitant reduction of permeability to <<0.01 mD. These structures are observed to be interconnected in the core and are likely to form a larger-scale 3D network of steeply-dipping fractures and shallowly-dipping stylolites. The bulk permeability of the damage zone would reflect the permeability of the fractures and stylolites, compartmentalizing the Mesozoic rocks in the northern Perth Basin into elongate NW-SE trending blocks if the magnitude of stress does not exceed the cemented rock strength.  相似文献   

Understanding the late Mesozoic tectonic origin and structural patterns of the Bohai Bay Basin (BBB) is of growing importance for its buried-hill petroleum exploration. This study revealed, based on 3D seismic and borehole data, that the Raoyang Sag in the Jizhong Depression, western BBB, was dominated by a crustal detachment system during the late Jurassic to the early Cretaceous. It was characterized by the WNW-dipping low-angle detachment fault F0 (namely Cangxi Fault), the structural dome cored by Archean Basement rocks at the footwall and supradetachment basins on the hanging wall. We suggested the late Mesozoic volcanic materials and coarse deposits accumulated in the supradetachment basins had locally diminished the petroleum prospect, but the syndetachment deformation and denudation had contributed to it by means of promoting petroleum migration from source rocks to reservoirs and improving porosity and permeability of the reservoir rocks by karstification and structural fracturing.  相似文献   

Fault patterns at outer trench walls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Profiles across subduction-related trenches commonly show normal faulting of the outer trench wall. Such faulting is generally parallel or sub-parallel to the trench and is ascribed to tension in the upper part of the oceanic plate as it is bent into the subduction zone. A number of authors have noted that outer trench wall faulting may involve re-activation of the oceanic spreading fabric of the subducting plate, even when the trend of this fabric is noticeably oblique to the extensional stress direction. However, one previous review of outer trench wall fault patterns questioned the occurrence of a consistent link between fault orientation and such controlling factors. This latter study predated the widespread availability of swath bathymetry and longrange sidescan sonar data over trenches. Based only on profile data, it was unable to analyse fault patterns with the accuracy now possible. This paper therefore re-examines the relationship between outer trench wall faulting and the structure of the subduction zone and subducting plate using GLORIA and Seabeam swath mapping data from several locations around the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The principal conclusions is that the trend of outer trench wall faults is almost always controlled by either the subducting slab strike or by the inherited oceanic spreading fabric in the subducting plate. The latter control operates when the spreading fabric is oblique to the subducting slab strike by less than 25–30°; in all other cases the faults are parallel to slab strike (and parallel or sub-parallel to the trench). Where the angle between spreading fabric and slab strike is close to 30°, two fault trends may coexist; evidence from the Aleutian Trench indicates a gradual change from spreading fabric to slab strike control of fault trend as the angle between the two increases from 25 to 30°. The only observed exception to the above rule of fault control comes from the western Aleutian Trench, where outer trench wall faults are oblique to the slab strike, almost perpendicular to the spreading fabric, and parallel to the convergence direction. Re-orientation of the extensional stress direction due to right-lateral shear at this highly oblique plate boundary is the best explanation of this apparently anomalous observation.  相似文献   

Cenozoic structures in the Bohai Bay basin province can be subdivided into eleven extensional systems and three strike-slip systems. The extensional systems consist of normal faults and transfer faults. The normal faults predominantly trend NNE and NE, and their attitudes vary in different tectonic settings. Paleogene rifting sub-basins were developed in the hanging walls of the normal faults that were most likely growth faults. Neogene–Quaternary sequences were deposited in both the rifting sub-basins and horsts to form a unified basin province. The extensional systems were overprinted by three NNE-trending, right-lateral strike-slip systems (fault zones). Although the principal displacement zones (PDZ) of the strike-slip fault zones are developed only in the basement and lower basin sequences in some cross sections, the structural deformation characteristics of the upper basin sequences also indicate that they are basement-involved, right-lateral strike-slip fault zones. According to the relationships between faults and sedimentary sequences, the extensional systems were mainly developed from the middle Paleocene to the late Oligocene, whereas the strike-slip systems were mainly developed from the Oligocene to the Miocene. Strike-slip deformation was intensified as extensional deformation was weakened. Extensional deformation was derived from horizontal tension induced by upwelling of hot mantle material, whereas strike-slip deformation was probably related to a regional stress field induced by plate movement.  相似文献   

莱州湾西构造带断裂特征及其对油气成藏的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受古近纪莱州湾凹陷大规模断陷、郯庐断裂右旋走滑和垦东凸起大规模隆升三方面因素共同作用,莱州湾西构造带断裂系统发育,根据断裂性质及发育规模将断裂划分为3组不同方向的断裂组合,对油气的运移、聚集及保存都产生重要影响。根据莱州湾地区油气成藏规律并结合渤海其他区域近年勘探成果综合分析,莱北1号断层、斜坡区东西向反向正断层和走滑末端雁行式断层三类大规模调节断层对于油气成藏影响作用较大,这三类断层所控制的圈闭也是莱州湾凹陷及围区下一步勘探获得突破的重点区域。  相似文献   

Thermal history, petroleum system, structural, and tectonic constraints are reviewed and integrated in order to derive a new conceptual model for the Norman Wells oil field, and a new play type for tectonically active foreland regions. The thermal history recorded by Devonian rocks suggests that source rocks experienced peak thermal conditions in the Triassic–Jurassic, during which time oil was likely generated. After initial oil generation and expulsion, the Canol Formation oil shale retained a certain fraction of hydrocarbons. The shallow reservoir (650–350 m) is a Devonian carbonate bank overlain by the Canol Formation and resides within a hanging wall block of the Norman Range thrust fault. Both reservoir and source rocks are naturally fractured and have produced high API non-biodegraded oil. Thrust faults in the region formed after the Paleocene, and a structural cross-section of the field shows that the source and reservoir rocks at Norman Wells have been exhumed by over 1 km since then.The key proposition of the exhumation model is that as Canol Formation rocks underwent thrust-driven exhumation, they crossed a ductile–brittle transition zone and dip-oriented fractures formed sympathetic to the thrust fault. The combination of pore overpressure and new dip-directed subvertical fractures liberated oil from the Canol Formation and allowed for up-dip oil migration. Reservoir rocks were similarly fractured and improved permeability enhanced charging and pooling of oil. GPS and seismicity data indicate that strain transfer across the northern Cordillera is a response to accretion of the Yakutat terrane along the northern Pacific margin of North America, which is also the probable driving force for foreland shortening and rock exhumation at Norman Wells.  相似文献   

南沙群岛海域断裂体系构造特征及其形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南沙地块从中生代晚期开始裂离华南陆缘,在其向南运动的过程中受到欧亚板块、太平洋-菲律宾海板块和印度-澳大利亚板块等几大板块的联合作用,导致该区断裂构造较为复杂。通过对南沙群岛海域地震资料的综合解释并结合前人的研究成果,认为南沙群岛海域断裂构造可分为伸展断裂系、走滑断裂系和逆冲断裂系3类。伸展断裂遍布全区,主要受SE—近S-N向拉张作用,经历两大期次的构造活动;走滑断裂主要分布于南沙地块的周缘,受周缘地块与南沙地块相对运动控制,经历三期构造活动;逆冲断裂主要分布于南沙地块的南缘,受古南海俯冲和逆时针旋转控制,经历三期构造活动。从不同断裂体系的活动期次可见,南沙群岛海域应力系统主要经历了3个演化阶段:早期主要受拉张作用控制,中期主要受拉张和走滑应力控制,而晚期主要受压剪应力控制。  相似文献   

Shallow marine carbonate sedimentation dominated during the Albian in the western part of the Basque Cantabrian Basin in Northern Spain, forming the large Ramales Platform. This platform originated on a less subsiding tectonic block facing deeper and more subsiding areas to the south and east, which were created by tectonic activity in the Basin. Fracture-related hydrothermal dolomites hosted in these Albian carbonates are well exposed in the Asón valley area. Mapping in the studied area revealed several dolomite bodies related to main faults that cut the stratification almost at right angles. The bodies show a vertical development along fault-strike up to 900 m thick from which kilometre-scale branches expand following the stratification. Dolomitization is pervasive and independent of the limestone facies. Main dolomite facies are fine replacive, sucrosic and saddle. Petrography, C, O and Sr isotopes and fluid-inclusion analysis support a polyphase hydrothermal dolomitization at fluid temperatures between 75 °C and 240 °C and highly variable salinity of up to 22 wt.% NaCl. Fine dolomite replaced limestone first and then, sucrosic and saddle dolomites replaced part of the first dolomite and cemented newly created fracture porosity together with different calcite cements. Zebra dolomites and hydroclastic breccias are products of this later stage. Burial analysis of the host rock supports maximum burial temperatures of 80 °C and intense tectonic activity from the Albian to Turonian with a latest Albian peak subsidence. Albian stretching of the crust and subsequent ascent of the isotherms in the area is suggested to have produced sufficient heat to the dolomitizing fluids. The structural analysis indicates a strong transtensional tectonic activity in the studied area during Albian to Turonian time with the creation of an overstep between W–E trending and N–S trending faults. Fluids moved from subsiding areas to fractured uplifted parts of the Ramales Platform, enhanced by diapiric activity.  相似文献   

The Jiaolai Basin (Fig. 1) is an under-explored rift basin that has produced minor oil from Lower Cretaceous lacustrine deltaic sandstones. The reservoir quality is highly heterogeneous and is an important exploratory unknown in the basin. This study investigates how reservoir porosity and permeability vary with diagenetic minerals and burial history, particularly the effects of fracturing on the diagenesis and reservoir deliverability. The Laiyang sandstones are tight reservoirs with low porosity and permeability (Φ < 10% and K < 1 mD). Spatial variations in detrital supply and burial history significantly affected the diagenetic alterations during burial. In the western Laiyang Sag, the rocks are primarily feldspathic litharenites that underwent progressive burial, and thus, the primary porosity was partially to completely eliminated as a result of significant mechanical compaction of ductile grains. In contrast, in the eastern Laiyang Sag, the rocks are lithic arkoses that were uplifted to the surface and extensively eroded, which resulted in less porosity reduction by compaction. The tectonic uplift could promote leaching by meteoric water and the dissolution of remaining feldspars and calcite cement. Relatively high-quality reservoirs are preferentially developed in distributary channel and mouth-bar sandstones with chlorite rims on detrital quartz grains, which are also the locations of aqueous fluid flow that produced secondary porosity. The fold-related fractures are primarily developed in the silt–sandstones of Longwangzhuang and Shuinan members in the eastern Laiyang Sag. Quartz is the most prevalent fracture filling mineral in the Laiyang sandstones, and most of the small-aperture fractures are completely sealed, whereas the large-aperture fractures in a given set may be only partially sealed. The greatest fracture density is in the silt–sandstones containing more brittle minerals such as calcite and quartz cement. The wide apertures are crucial to preservation of the fracture porosity, and the great variation in the distribution of fracture-filling cements presents an opportunity for targeting fractures that contribute to fluid flow.  相似文献   

Fluid flow in fractures and host rocks has been investigated in shallow buried Miocene alluvial fan deposits. A structural, petrographical (optical, CL, SE microscopes and XRD) and geochemical (microprobe and δ18O-δ13C stable isotopes) study has been performed in normal faults affecting Serravalian-Tortonian siliciclastic rocks of the Vallès-Penedès basin. These faults formed during the development of the Vallès-Penedès fault-related syncline, which caused the rotation of the earliest fractures. Faulting occurred continuously before, during and after host rock cementation. Rocks affected by faulting are represented by clay-rich gouges, which formed thanks to the high phyllite clast content within the otherwise clean and mature sandstones and conglomerates. Despite the low permeability of these rocks, cross-fault and fault-parallel fluid flows occurred in most of the faults.Host rocks and veins were cemented by two generations of calcite, i.e. Cc1 and Cc2. Cc1 precipitated from meteoric waters at shallow burial conditions whereas Cc2 precipitated from meteoric waters in a confined aquifer.Palygorskite has been identified in shear zones within the gouges indicating their later formation by interaction of Mg-rich fluids with previous smectites. These fluids probably derived from Miocene seawater expelled from the underlying Transitional–Marine Complex “TMC” by compaction.Sedimentation, fracturing and cementation occurred in a very short lapse time of about 6–7 Ma, between the Serravalian-Tortonian age of the sediments and the end of the extensional tectonics in the Vallès-Penedès fault (Pliocene).  相似文献   

From outcrops located in Provence (South-East France), we describe the distribution, the microstructures, and the petrophysical properties of deformation band networks related to both contractional and extensional tectonic events. In contraction, pervasively distributed networks of reverse-sense compactional shear bands are observed in all folded sand units of the foreland, whereas localized networks of clustered reverse-sense shear bands are only observed close to a large-scale thrust. In extensional setting, networks of clustered normal-sense shear bands are generally observed adjacent to map-scale faults (100 m–10 km scale), although some randomly distributed bands are also observed between these faults. Normal-sense cataclastic faults, i.e. zone of deformation bands containing a localized slip-surface, are also observed to be restricted to sand units, suggesting that faults initiated in the sands during extension, but not during contraction. Shear bands and faults show cataclastic microstructures with high-permeability reduction whereas compactional shear bands show crush microbreccia or protocataclastic microstructures with moderate permeability reduction. This basin-scale analysis underlines the major role of tectonic settings (thrust-fault versus normal-fault andersonian-stress regime) and the influence of inherited large-scale faults on the formation/localization of low-permeability shear bands. We also provide a geometrical analysis of the band network properties (spacing, thickness, shear/compaction ratio, degree of cataclasis, petrophysical properties) with respect to the median grain size, porosity and grain sorting of host sand. This analysis suggests that grain size, although less important than stress-state conditions and the presence of large-scale faults, has a non-negligible effect on band network geometry. No correlations are observed between the grain sorting, porosity and band network geometry.  相似文献   

A discrete element model is used to investigate the progressive deformation of a thin basaltic cover overlying a pre-existing, blind, normal fault as it propagates to the surface. The cover materials representing basalt are homogeneous, strong and display elastic-brittle material behaviour. Cover deformation is seen to evolve through a series of distinct stages. Initial displacement on the underlying fault produces a very gentle, monoclinal, flexure. With continued displacement, open fractures develop at the monocline surface and propagate downwards, whilst the deeper fault propagates upwards. Simultaneously, a series of fractures, in the future hanging-wall of the main fault, develop in the upper part of the cover. The monoclinal flexure is then cut by these structures, producing a surficial fault- and fracture-bounded wedge. Finally, a prominent surface fracture and the upward-propagating fault link, cutting the entire cover sequence. This fault is dilatant in the upper c. 100 m of the cover, has a significant surface aperture and forms a prominent fault scarp. Many of the key model results are strikingly similar to those seen in natural settings, and emphasise that the occurrence of dilatant faults, open fractures and cavities/caves in extensional settings is not necessarily restricted to the very shallow section but can extend to several hundred metres depth. Therefore, the results have implications for permeability and fluid flow in such settings. Comparison is also made with a weak cover experiment, using granular materials with no cohesion or tensile strength, similar to the dry sand used in many analogue modelling studies.  相似文献   

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