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The Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea has accumulated >2 km of Eocene sediments in its deep basin, and has become the exploration focus due to the recent discoveries of the HZ25-7 oil field in the Eocene Wenchang (E2w) Formation. In this study, the geochemical characteristics of potential source rocks and petroleum in the HZ25-7 oil field are investigated and the possible origins and accumulation models developed. The analytical results reveal two sets of potential source rocks, E2w and Enping (E2e) formations developed in the study area. The semi-deep-to-deep lacustrine E2w source rocks are characterized by relatively low C29 steranes, low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (<0.6), low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C30 hopane (<0.1), low trans-trans-trans-bicadinane (T)/C30 hopane (most <2.0), and high C30 4-methyl sterane/ΣC29 sterane (>0.2) ratios. In contrast, the shallow lacustrine and deltaic swamp-plain E2e source rocks are characterized by relatively high C29 steranes, high C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (>0.6), high C24 tetracyclic terpane/C30 hopane (>0.1), variable yet overall high T/C30 hopane, and low C30 4-methyl sterane/ΣC29 sterane (<0.2) ratios. The relatively low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane ratios (mean value: 0.39), low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C30 hopane ratios (mean value: 0.07), high C30 4-methyl sterane/ΣC29 sterane ratios (mean value: 1.14), and relatively high C27 regular sterane content of petroleum in the HZ25-7 oil field indicate that the petroleum most likely originated from the E2w Formation mudstone in the Huizhou Depression. One stage of continuous charging is identified in the HZ25-7 oil field; oil injection is from 16 Ma to present and peak filling occurs after 12 Ma. Thin sandstone beds with relatively good connectivity and physical properties (porosity and permeability) in the E2w Formation are favorable conduits for the lateral migration of petroleum. This petroleum accumulation pattern implies that the E2w Formation on the western and southern margins of the Huizhou Depression are favorable for petroleum accumulation because they are located in a migration pathway. Thus exploration should focus in these areas in the future.  相似文献   

The discovery of the giant Daqing oil field in the Songliao Basin led to the realisation of the significant petroleum potential of non-marine basins. In order to reconstruct the basin evolution and oil formation, an integrated organic geochemical-basin modelling study along a regional transect across the Songliao Basin was conducted. It provided a regional heat flow evolution model, and revealed post-orogenic or late syn-orogenic maturation in the Central Depression and pre-orogenic maturation in the Southeast Uplift Zone. Kinetic parameters of petroleum generation for the lacustrine source formations are the basis for the simulation of oil generation and migration in the Songliao Basin. Using the principle activation energy peaking at 54 kcal/mol and a pre-exponential factor of about 4.2·1027 Ma−1, the simulation obtained a relatively good match with the measured transformation ratios. The Qingshankou Formation in the West and East Central Depressions constituted the major source in the basin. Major oil generation, migration and accumulation occurred during the Early Tertiary. In the West Central Depression, the generated oils migrated upwards into the Yaojia Formation followed by the updip migration into the Daqing Anticline and towards the local structural high along the West Slope. In contrast, the oil migration in the East Central Depression was dominated by the downward movement from the lower member of the Qingshankou Formation followed by the updip migration towards the Caoyang Anticline. The simulated oil accumulations are in good agreement with discovered oil fields, implying a potential application of the model for prediction and evaluation of new exploration targets in the basin.  相似文献   

通过系统收集和分析库泰盆地钻井岩屑样品及野外露头样品,首次对下中新统海相油气系统进行了评价。结果发现该区域以生物礁碳酸盐岩为标志层,发育多套海相沉积旋回,海相沉积油气系统具有自生自储自封堵特征:暗色海相泥岩为主力烃源岩,海相砂岩为有利储层,同时,海相泥岩作为有效盖层。下中新统海相烃源岩样品有机质类型为Ⅱ/Ⅲ型,以Ⅱ型为主,总有机碳质量分数(TOC)平均值1.92%,有机质处于低熟-成熟阶段,为有效烃源岩,烃源岩厚度较大,指示良好的生烃潜力;储层多期发育,具有低阻特征。自西向东,库泰盆地油气成藏系统时代变新、层系变浅:①盆地东部望加锡海峡深水-半深水区域以上中新统-上新统深水沉积成藏系统为主;②中部马哈坎三角洲-浅海区域以中中新统三角洲相成藏组合为主;③马哈坎褶皱带以下中新统海相成藏组合为主;④盆地西部以渐新统-始新统裂谷期成藏组合为主。新层段海相油气成藏系统的发现,揭示了库泰盆地有利成藏组合的分带规律,指明了库泰盆地中西部区域的未来油气勘探方向。  相似文献   

低勘探程度盆地模拟研究——以南黄海盆地北部坳陷为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盆地模拟已成为当前沉积盆地研究的重要工具。南黄海盆地北部坳陷自裂陷期演化以来沉积了巨厚的中-新生代碎屑沉积,近年来的地质调查获取的数据为其盆地模拟研究提供了条件,本次研究在收集相关基础数据的基础上,首先对盆地构造热演化史进行了模拟,重建了盆地热史,模拟结果显示其古热流在中-晚侏罗世平均值约为61mW/m2,在约145-74Ma间不断上升至约80 mW/m2,随后缓慢下降至65 mW/m2,并持续到渐新世末期,据此将盆地演化阶段划分为裂前期、裂陷期及裂后期。盆地模拟结果显示北部坳陷在白垩纪逐步进入强裂陷演化阶段并经历快速沉积过程,至晚白垩纪裂陷发育程度中等,在此基础上,对研究区进行了三维盆地模拟,结果显示北部坳陷生烃门限深度大致位于古近系阜宁组顶部,下伏的侏罗系及白垩系烃源岩基本完成生排烃过程,其中侏罗系烃源岩生排烃主要发生在盆地发育的裂陷期及裂后期,而白垩系及古近系烃源岩生排烃主要发生在裂后期。尽管研究区尚处在低勘探程度阶段,但盆地模拟结果已能为研究区下一步的勘探提供重要的信息,此外,本次研究对模拟过程中的主要不确定性也进行了分析。  相似文献   

The Shijiutuo uplift is an oil enriched uplift in the offshore Bohai Bay Basin. Petroleum migration is a key factor for oil enrichment in Neogene reservoirs far away from the hydrocarbon kitchen. In this article, an integration of geological, geophysical and geochemical analyses are employed to investigate the petroleum migration and accumulation on the Shijiutuo uplift. Hydrocarbons in the QHD32-6 and QHD33 oilfields are mainly originated from the third (E2s3) and first (E2s1) member of the Shahejie Formation. The shallow traps have significant contributions of late-stage E2s1-derived oil. Lateral petroleum migration is a major mechanism forming large oilfields on the Shijiutuo uplift. The large oilfields have multiple hydrocarbon kitchens, multiple source rocks, and numerous preferential petroleum migration pathways (PPMPs). Once petroleum arrives at the structural highs on the Shijiutuo uplift through the Guantao Formation (N1g) carrier-beds, neotectonic faults cutting through Guantao (N1g) and Minghuazhen (N1mL) formations could serve as effective conduits for vertical petroleum migration. Neotectonic faults have experienced polycyclic fault activities. Fluid inclusions indicate episodic hydrocarbon charging. Crude oils display duplex properties of biodegradation and non-biodegradation, which is strong evidence for multiple and episodic oil charging on the Shijiutuo uplift. Finally, episodic petroleum charging along polycyclic neotectonic faults causes the late-stage E2s1-derived oils to occur in the shallow reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Shoushan Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in the Western Desert, Egypt, but the origin of the hydrocarbons is not fully understood. In this study, organic matter content, type and maturity of the Jurassic source rocks exposed in the Shoushan Basin have been evaluated and integrated with the results of basin modeling to improve our understanding of burial history and timing of hydrocarbon generation. The Jurassic source rock succession comprises the Ras Qattara and Khatatba Formations, which are composed mainly of shales and sandstones with coal seams. The TOC contents are high and reached a maximum up to 50%. The TOC values of the Ras Qattara Formation range from 2 to 54 wt.%, while Khatatba Formation has TOC values in the range 1-47 wt.%. The Ras Qattara and Khatatba Formations have HI values ranging from 90 to 261 mgHC/gTOC, suggesting Types II-III and III kerogen. Vitrinite reflectance values range between 0.79 and 1.12 VRr %. Rock−Eval Tmax values in the range 438-458 °C indicate a thermal maturity level sufficient for hydrocarbon generation. Thermal and burial history models indicate that the Jurassic source rocks entered the mature to late mature stage for hydrocarbon generation in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Hydrocarbon generation began in the Late Cretaceous and maximum rates of oil with significant gas have been generated during the early Tertiary (Paleogene). The peak gas generation occurred during the late Tertiary (Neogene).  相似文献   

Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Mukalla, Harshiyat and Qishn formations from three wells in the Jiza sub-basin were studied to describe source rock characteristics, providing information on organic matter type, paleoenvironment of deposition and hydrocarbon generation potential. This study is based on organic geochemical and petrographic analyses performed on cuttings samples. The results were then incorporated into basin models in order to understand the burial and thermal histories and timing of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion.The bulk geochemical results show that the Cretaceous rocks are highly variable with respect to their genetic petroleum generation potential. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents and petroleum potential yield (S1 + S2) of the Cretaceous source rocks range from 0.43 to 6.11% and 0.58–31.14 mg HC/g rock, respectively indicating non-source to very good source rock potential. Hydrogen index values for the Early to Late Cretaceous Harshiyat and Qishn formations vary between 77 and 695 mg HC/g TOC, consistent with Type I/II, II-III and III kerogens, indicating oil and gas generation potential. In contrast, the Late Cretaceous Mukalla Formation is dominated by Type III kerogen (HI < 200 mg HC/g TOC), and is thus considered to be gas-prone. The analysed Cretaceous source rock samples have vitrinite reflectance values in the range of 0.37–0.95 Ro% (immature to peak-maturity for oil generation).A variety of biomarkers including n-alkanes, regular isoprenoids, terpanes and steranes suggest that the Cretaceous source rocks were deposited in marine to deltaic environments. The biomarkers also indicate that the Cretaceous source rocks contain a mixture of aquatic organic matter (planktonic/bacterial) and terrigenous organic matter, with increasing terrigenous influence in the Late Cretaceous (Mukalla Formation).The burial and thermal history models indicate that the Mukalla and Harshiyat formations are immature to early mature. The models also indicate that the onset of oil-generation in the Qishn source rock began during the Late Cretaceous at 83 Ma and peak-oil generation was reached during the Late Cretaceous to Miocene (65–21 Ma). The modeled hydrocarbon expulsion evolution suggests that the timing of oil expulsion from the Qishn source rock began during the Miocene (>21 Ma) and persisted to present-day. Therefore, the Qishn Formation can act as an effective oil-source but only limited quantities of oil can be expected to have been generated and expelled in the Jiza sub-basin.  相似文献   

Identification of the main hydrocarbon source rocks of the large Puguang gas field (northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwest China) has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. A key aspect has been the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the development of hydrocarbon source rocks of the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, which had been thought to contain mainly coal seams and thick carbonate layers. In this paper, based on geological data from more than ten wells and outcrops and their related mineralogy and geochemistry, we investigated the depositional environment and main factors controlling organic matter enrichment in the Longtan Formation. We propose a model which combines information on the geological environment and biological changes over time. In the model, organic matter from prolific phytoplankton blooms was deposited in quiescent platform interior sags with rising sea-levels. During the Longtan period, the area from Bazhong to Dazhou was a platform interior sag with relatively deep water and a closed environment, which was controlled by multiple factors including syngenetic fault settling, isolation of submarine uplifts and rising sea-levels leading to water column stratification. Although the bottom water was anoxic, the phytoplankton were able to bloom in the well-lit upper euphotic zone thus giving rise to a set of sapropelic black shales and marlstones containing mostly algal organic matter with minor terrestrial contributions. As a consequence, these rocks have a high hydrocarbon generation potentials and can be classified as high-quality source rocks. The area from Bazhong to Dazhou is a center of hydrocarbon generation, being the main source of reservoired paleo-oils and presently discovered as pyrobitumen in the Puguang gas field. The identification of these source rocks is very important to guide future petroleum exploration in the northeastern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

High sedimentation rates (as much as 2500 m/Ma) during Pliocene-Pleistocene, with a resultant undercompacted section as thick as 10,000 m, and lower than normal geothermal gradients are the main characteristics which have created all the means for generation and preservation of oil at deep layers in the Lower Kura Depression.Oils collected from eight different oil fields for analyses seem to have originated from a common source rock which probably is clastic, deposited in relatively subanoxic to suboxic transitional marine environment receiving low to moderate input of terrestrial organic matter.Oils from shallow (< 3000 m) and cold (< 70–80°C) reservoirs have been altered to various extent by bacterial activity.A computer-aided basin modeling study has been carried out to outline the spatial variation of the oil window and thus help in further identification of possible source rocks for the reservoired oil in the Lower Kura Depression. Results suggest that the potential hydrocarbon source horizons of the Miocene and Pliocene Red Bed Series of the so called Productive Succession are, even at depocenter areas, immature with respect to oil generation, and thus, are very unlikely to have been source rocks for the reservoired oils. However, the Oligocene-Lower Miocene Maykop rocks are marginally mature to mature depending on locality and the Eocene and older rocks are mature with respect to oil generation at all representative field locations. Oil generation commenced at the end of Pliocene and continues at present at depths between 6000 and 12,000 m.An unusually deep (> 10,000 m) oil window in the depocenter areas has been caused by the depressed isotherms due to extremely high sedimentation rates (up to 3000 m/Ma) for the last two million years. The main phase of oil generation is taking place at depths greater than what most of the wells in the study are have reached.  相似文献   

The identification of a deeply-buried petroleum-source rock, owing to the difficulty in sample collection, has become a difficult task for establishing its relationship with discovered petroleum pools and evaluating its exploration potential in a petroleum-bearing basin. This paper proposes an approach to trace a deeply-buried source rock. The essential points include: determination of the petroleum-charging time of a reservoir, reconstruction of the petroleum generation history of its possible source rocks, establishment of the spatial connection between the source rocks and the reservoir over its geological history, identification of its effective source rock and the petroleum system from source to trap, and evaluation of petroleum potential from the deeply-buried source rock. A case study of the W9-2 petroleum pool in the Wenchang A sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea was conducted using this approach. The W9-2 reservoir produces condensate oil and gas, sourced from deeply-buried source rocks. The reservoir consists of a few sets of sandstone in the Zhuhai Formation, and the possible source rocks include an early Oligocene Enping Formation mudstone and a late Eocene Wenchang Formation mudstone, with a current burial depth from 5000 to 9000 m. The fluid inclusion data from the reservoir rock indicate the oil and the gas charged the reservoir about 18–3.5 Ma and after 4.5 Ma, respectively. The kinetic modeling results show that the main stages of oil generation of the Wenchang mudstone and the Enping mudstone occurred during 28–20 Ma and 20–12 Ma, respectively, and that the δ13C1 value of the gas generated from the Enping mudstone has a better match with that of the reservoir gas than the gas from the Wenchang mudstone. Results from a 2D basin modeling further indicate that the petroleum from the Enping mudstone migrated upward along the well-developed syn-sedimentary faults in the central area of the sag into the reservoir, but that the petroleum from the Wenchang mudstone migrated laterally first toward the marginal faults of the sag and then migrated upward along the faults into shallow strata. The present results suggest that the trap structure in the central area of the sag is a favorable place for the accumulation of the Enping mudstone-derived petroleum, and that the Wenchang mudstone-derived petroleum would have a contribution to the structures along the deep faults as well as in the uplifted area around the sag.  相似文献   

Stress, fluid and temperature are three of the major factors that impact natural gas migration and accumulation. In order to study the influences of tectonic stress field on natural gas migration and accumulation in low-permeability rocks, we take the Kuqa Depression as an example and analyze the evolution of the structure and tectonic stress field at first. Then we study the influences of tectonic stress field at different tectonic episodes on fractures and fluid potentials through the numerical simulation method on the section across the KL2 gas field. We summarize two aspects of the impact of the tectonic stress field on natural gas migration and accumulation. Firstly, under the effects of the tectonic stress field, the rock dilation increases with the added stress and strain, and when the shear stress of rock exceeds its shear strength, the shear fractures are well developed. On one hand, the faults which communicate with the hydrocarbon source rocks become the main pathways for natural gas migration. On the other hand, these positions where fractures are well developed near faults can become good reservoirs for natural gas accumulation. Secondly, because fluid potentials decrease in these places near the faults where fractures are well developed, natural gas can migrate rapidly along the faults and accumulates. The impact of tectonic stress fields on natural gas migration and accumulation allows for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the low-permeability rocks in an active tectonic compressive setting.  相似文献   

Sedimentary heterogeneities are ubiquitous in nature and occur over a range of scales from core, reservoir to basin scales. They may thus exert significant influences on hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation. The sedimentary heterogeneities of the Permian Shanxi Formation in the Ordos Basin, China were modelled using Sedsim, a stratigraphic forward modelling program. The simulation results were then used to construct a 3D petroleum system model using PetroMod. The effects of sedimentary heterogeneities on hydrocarbon accumulations were evaluated by comparing the integrated Sedsim-PetroMod model with the classic 3D basin model. The Sedsim simulation shows that considerable sedimentary heterogeneities are present within the Shanxi Formation, as a result of the interplay of the initial topography, tectonic subsidence, base level change and sediment inputs. A variety of lithologies were developed both laterally and vertically within the Shanxi Formation at kilometre and metre scales, respectively, with mudstones mainly developed in the depositional centre, while sandstones developed in the southern and northern margin areas. A typical source-ward retrogradation is well developed within the Lower Shanxi Formation.A base-case classic 3D basin model was constructed to quantify the Permian petroleum system in the Ordos Basin. The geological and thermal models were calibrated using Vr and borehole temperature data. The source rocks of the Upper Paleozoic became mature (Ro > 0.5%) and high mature (Ro > 1.2%) in the late Triassic and late Jurassic, respectively, in the central and southern areas. During the Early Cretaceous, a tectonically induced geothermal event occurred in the southern Ordos Basin. This caused the source rocks to reach over maturity (Ro > 2.0%) quite rapidly in the early Late Cretaceous in the central and southern areas. All the source rock transformation ratios (TR) at present are greater than 70% in the P1 coal and P1 mudstone layers with TR values approaching 100% in the central and southern areas. The transformation ratios of the P1 limestone are close to 100% over the entire interval.In the base-case model, a large amount of hydrocarbons appear to have been expelled and migrated into the Shanxi Formation, but only a minor amount was accumulated to form reservoirs. In the model, the Shanxi Formation sandstone layer was set to be homogeneous vertically and there was no regional seal rocks present at the top of the Shanxi Formation. Therefore hydrocarbons could not be trapped effectively with only minor accumulations in some local structural highs where hydrocarbons are trapped both at the top and in the up-dip direction by the adjacent mudstone facies. In contrast, the integrated Sedsim-PetroMod model takes into account of the internal lithological and sedimentary facies heterogeneities within the Shanxi Formation, forming complex contiguous sandstone-mudstone stacking patterns. Hydrocarbons were found to have accumulated in multiple intervals of lithological traps within the Shanxi Formation. The results indicate that lithological distinctions, controlled by sedimentary heterogeneities in three dimensions can provide effective sealing in both the top and up-dip directions for hydrocarbon accumulations, with gas being mainly accumulated near the depocentre where lithological traps usually formed due to frequent oscillations of the lake level.  相似文献   

The origin of the fourteen major oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin was studied based on the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis on more than 700 samples and biomarker analysis on 61 source rock samples and 87 oil samples. The three possible source rock intervals have different biomarker assemblages and were deposited in different environments. The third member of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (E3d3, 32.8–30.3 Ma in age) is characterized mainly by high C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (>0.75), high C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane (>2.5), low gammacerane/αβ C30 hopane (<0.15) and low 4-methyl steranes/ΣC29 steranes (<0.15) ratios, and was deposited in sub-oxic to anoxic environments with significant terrigenous organic matter input. The first (E2s1, 35.8–32.8 Ma) and third (E2s3, 43.0–38.0 Ma) members of the Eocene Shahejie Formation have low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane and low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane ratios and were deposited in anoxic environments with minor terrestrial organic matter input, but have different abundances of 4-methyl steranes and gammacerane. The hydrocarbon-generating potential and biomarker associations of these three source rock intervals were controlled by tectonic evolution of the sub-basin and climate changes. Three oil families derived from E2s3, E2s1 and E3d, respectively, and three types of mixed oils have been identified. All large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin display considerable heterogeneities in biomarker compositions and originated from more than one source rock interval, which suggests that mixing of oils derived from multiple source rock intervals or multiple generative kitchens, and/or focusing of oils originated from a large area of a generative kitchen, is essential for the formation of large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin. E2s3- and E2s1-derived oils experienced relatively long-distance lateral migration and accumulated in traps away from the generative kitchen. E3d3-derived oils had migrated short distances and accumulated in traps closer to the generative kitchen. Such a petroleum distribution pattern has important implications for future exploration. There is considerable exploration potential for Dongying-derived oils in the Bozhong sub-basin, and traps close to or within the generative kitchens have better chance to contain oils generated from the Dongying Formation.  相似文献   

为明确南海西南部西纳土纳盆地油气资源潜力,基于最新的地震、测井、地化和油气藏储量等数据,结合盆地构造—沉积演化和油气成藏地质条件的综合研究成果,从盆地含油气系统、成藏组合特征研究等方面开展系统的描述、刻画和分析,从而预测盆地资源潜力和评价地质风险,优选勘探有利区。研究表明,西纳土纳盆地发育4套含油气系统,分别对其中6个具有商业油气价值的已证实和远景成藏组合采用蒙特卡洛模拟法和资源面积丰度类比法计算待发现资源量,最终预测盆地待发现油气总资源量890.16MMboe,其中Penyu次盆Penyu组成藏组合内资源量(587.22MMboe),占全盆地总资源量的66%。参考烃源岩、储集层、圈闭、运移、盖层和保存等成藏要素的评价结果,应用资源—地质风险概率双因素法优选出1个Ⅰ类成藏组合,1个Ⅱ类成藏组合,2个Ⅲ类成藏组合和2个Ⅳ成藏组合。应用成藏组合范围叠合法,综合分析认为Anambas地堑西北部Arang组构造—地层成藏组合是盆地最有利勘探区。首次应用的盆地演化—含油气系统—成藏组合递进研究思路和成藏组合评价方法对东南亚陆内裂谷盆地油气资源潜力研究具借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   

The Vallecitos syncline is a westerly structural extension of the San Joaquin Basin. The Vallecitos oil field, comprised of eight separate areas that produce from Cretaceous and Paleogene reservoirs, accounted for 5.4 MMB of oil and 5.6 BCF associated of gas through 2010. However, exploration for oil and gas in the Vallecitos area is challenging due to structural complexity and limited data. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether source rocks are actively generating petroleum in the Vallecitos syncline and to improve our understanding of burial history and timing of hydrocarbon generation. We conducted biomarker analysis on twenty-two oil samples from the Vallecitos syncline. Source-related biomarkers show two genetic groups of oil, which originated from two different source rocks. These results differ from earlier published interpretations in which the Kreyenhagen Formation is the only source rock in the Vallecitos syncline, and suggest that the Cretaceous Moreno Formation in the syncline also is an active source rock.Stratigraphic evidence and modeling suggest that late Cenozoic episodes of erosion due to folding and uplift removed significant overburden on the flanks of the syncline. To better understand the petroleum systems and clarify the total active source rocks in the area, 2D burial histories were generated through the Vallecitos syncline. A published cross-section through the deepest part of the syncline was selected to conduct thermal history, basin evolution, and migration analyses. The 2D model results indicate that the lower Kreyenhagen Formation has various maturities within the formation at different locations in the present-day syncline. The basal part of the Kreyenhagen Formation is in the dry gas window and maturity decreases away from the central part to the flanks. It remains immature along shallow portions of the present-day flanks. In contrast, the basal part of the Moreno Formation achieved extremely high maturity (past the gas generation zone) but is in the oil generation zone on the flanks of the syncline at shallow depth. All of our geochemical and 2D model results suggest that there are two active source rocks in the Vallecitos syncline. Accordingly, we propose that there are two active petroleum systems in the Vallecitos syncline.  相似文献   

The discovery of the Bozhong 19-6 gas field, the largest integrated condensate gas field in the eastern China in 2018, opened up a new field for the natural gas exploration deep strata in the Bohai Bay Basin, demonstrating there is a great potential for natural gas exploration in oil-type basins. The ethane isotope of the Bozhong 19-6 condensate gas is heavy, showing the characteristics of partial humic gas. In this paper, aimed at the source rocks of the Bozhong 19-6 gas field in the Bohai Bay Basin, the characteristics of the source rocks in the Bozhong 19-6 structural belt were clarified and the reason are explained from impact of microorganism degradation on hydrocarbon generation of source rocks why the condensate oil and gas had heavy carbon isotope and why it showed partial humic characteristics was explored based on the research of parent materials. The following conclusions were obtained: The paleontology of the Bozhong 19-6 structural belt and its surrounding sub-sags is dominated by higher plants, such as angiosperm and gymnosperm. During the formation of source rocks, under the intensive transformation of microorganism, the original sedimentary organic matter such as higher plants was degraded and transformed by defunctionalization. Especially, the transformation of anaerobic microorganisms on source rocks causes the degradation and defunctionalization of a large number of humic products such as higher plants and the increase of hydrogen content. The degradation and transformation of microorganism don’t transform the terrestrial humic organic matter into newly formed “sapropel” hydrocarbons, the source rocks are mixed partial humic source rocks. As a result, hydrogen content incrased and the quality of source rocks was improved, forming the partial humic source rocks dominated by humic amorphous bodies. The partial humic source rocks are the main source rocks in the Bozhong 19-6 gas field, and it is also the internal reason why the isotope of natural gas is heavy.  相似文献   

The petroleum charge history of the Barrandian basin was investigated by analysing quartz and calcite and organic phases that occur in veins and fractures cutting dolerite sills within the Liteň Formation (Silurian). The geochemical characteristics of fluid inclusions trapped in vein quartz and calcite, vein bitumens and adjacent potential source rocks when combined with burial and thermal history data reflect the presence of at least three separate hydrocarbon charge episodes. Solid highly reflecting (Rmax = 0.92–1.49%) bitumen provides information on the first and oldest episode of oil migration. The precursor oil was probably derived relatively early during diagenesis from nearby organic-rich sediments and was subsequently thermally altered to form the solid bitumen.  相似文献   

The mainpurpose of this article is to demonstrate the utility of stratal slice images for exploring the sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology of complex depositional systems. A seismic sedimentological study was performed to map sediment dispersal characteristics of the Neogene Shawan Formation in the Chepaizi Uplift of the Junggar Basin, China. The Chepaizi Uplift is developed on the Carboniferous igneous rock basement that lies at the western boundary of the Junggar Basin. The data sources primarily include lithology, well-logging and seismic data. In the main target strata, the Neogene Shawan Formation can be divided into three fourth-order sequences (SQN1s1, SQN1s2, and SQN1s3), and the sequence SQN1s1 is subdivided into three fifth-order sequences (SQN1s11, SQN1s12, and SQN1s13). Based on the established fine-sequence stratigraphic framework, the sedimentary facies types have been identified, they are shallow braided-river deltas, fan deltas, littoral and sublittoral lakes, braided rivers, and terminal fans. Then, stratal slices have been used to clearly depict the boundaries of sedimentary facies. Accurate results have been obtained that characterize braided river channels, terminal fans, littoral and sublittoral lake beaches, and subaqueous distributary channels in the braided-river delta front. Additionally, this seismic sedimentology study reflects variations in source area and evolution history.  相似文献   

With the aid of seismic geomorphology method, depositional systems such as fluvial-delta and turbidity current of the Cretaceous Quantou-Nenjiang Formations in Sangliao Basin were studied in detail as well as the morphology, dimension, depositional structures and boundaries of these sedimentary bodies. A geological model of a point bar in a fluvial system and the method to identify paleocurrent direction were proposed. The delta of Yaojia Formation with a gentle slope less than 1.4‰ in trangressive system tract (TST) was controlled by lake waves. Subaqueous distributary channels were widely developed in large-scale delta front with a width more than 16 km. Fluvial-dominated deltas with leaf and bird's foot shapes were widespread in highstand system tract (HST) of Qinshankou and Nengjiang Formation with moderately high slope gradients of 4‰ and 6.7‰.The width of the leaf-like and bird's foot delta front ranges from 1 km to 4 km and 3 km–5 km respectively. The mouth bar were well preserved due to the poorly developed widely distributed subaqueous distributary channels and the delta plains having widths of 9 km–15 km, 16 km-25 km respectively. Many turbidity current systems were recognized in the TST of the first member of Nengjiang Formation and the distribution area is about 10,000 km2. Fourteen sublacustrine fans with different dimension were formed by ten fluvial-delta systems extending 30 km–70 km toward the lake from the west and south. With the application of seismic geomorphology, the analysis of fluvial system, delta system and turbidity current system could switch from approximation to quantitative analysis. Sedimentary model proposed for point bars and the quantitative analysis of delta system could provide new technical support for exploration and drilling plan. The research on turbidity current systems will also be beneficial for new exploration targets.  相似文献   

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