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The oceanographic processes involved in marine fronts and their effects on the plankton are still a challenge in the understanding of marine ecosystems. This study examines the relationship of the three-dimensional distribution of larval fish assemblages (LFAs) with hydrography on a tidal-mixing surface thermal/chlorophyll front in the highly productive midriff archipelago of the Gulf of California during summer (August, 2005). Zooplankton samples were obtained on both sides of the front with an opening–closing net (505 μm) in 50-m strata from the surface to 200 m depth. The Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index defined three strata groups with different LFAs. On the cool side of the front, characterized by high chlorophyll, salinity, and dissolved oxygen, an LFA with the lowest larval abundance (97 larvae/10 m2) and low taxa number (44) was defined. On the warm side of the front, where the lowest concentrations of surface dissolved oxygen and surface chlorophyll were recorded, an LFA was defined on the pycnocline, with the highest mean larval abundance and number of taxa (927 larvae/10 m2 and 109 taxa); it was composed of epipelagic, mesopelagic, and demersal species. Also on the warm side of the front, but below the pycnocline, an LFA was observed with medium larval abundance and taxa number (126 larvae/10 m2 and 28 taxa), formed by mesopelagic species. This assemblage was absent from the cool area to the northwest of the front, mainly from 150 to 50 m depth, where maximum-salinity water from the Northern Gulf was found. We conclude that the surface thermal/chlorophyll front had a profound effect on LFAs distribution in the surface layer, while the southward intrusion of maximum-salinity water from the Northern Gulf bounded the LFAs distribution in the deeper layer under the pycnocline. Therefore, in addition to the surface thermal/chlorophyll front, the hydrographic processes associated with the Gulf's seasonal and thermohaline circulation affect the LFAs three-dimensional distribution. Similar relationships may occur in other ocean ecosystems.  相似文献   

老168平台丛式井组是2009年中石化及胜利油田的重点产能建设项目之一,平台上共部署58口海油陆采定向井。该丛式井组的施工主要有以下难点:井网密集,防碰工作量大;造斜点浅、井斜大、造斜困难;位移大、裸眼稳斜段长,稳斜难度大;钻井液技术必须考虑环境保护问题,可借鉴经验非常少。因此钻井施工难度极大,通过实施优化井场布局及井眼轨道技术、大井眼松软浅地层定向技术、高精度轨迹控制技术、大位移井安全钻进技术,优质无污染海水钻井液技术,最终实现了老168钻完井一体化作业,节约了成本,提高了效率,为今后胜利油田丛式井组施工提供了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

The effect of environmental variables on the vertical structure of larval fish assemblages in a tropical coastal lagoon was analyzed. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected from the near-bottom and surface strata near the mouth of a subtropical lagoon during contrasting seasonal conditions of temperature, photoperiod, light intensity, and tidal heights. During summer, larval fish assemblages had high species richness (R) and were dominated by tropical species. During winter, assemblages had lower R values and were dominated by subtropical and temperate species. Vertical distribution patterns of the taxa were determined by the interaction of environmental variables and behavior of each species to maintain their position in a stratum in the water column, or to achieve vertical migrations induced by environmental stimuli that, in this case, were thermal gradient, column water stratification, and intensity of light. Depth position and vertical migration of fish larvae, coupled with the flood and ebb tide conditions, played an important role in their retention and displacement toward the lagoon. Fish larvae with distribution restricted to the inner part of the inlet, such as Achirus mazatlanus, Etropus sp., and several gobies, were more abundant in the near-bottom stratum during the ebb tide, allowing them to avoid exportation, whereas those that could spawn outside, but depended on the inlet as a nursery area, were more abundant near the surface during flood tide, such as Abudefduf troschelii and Stegastes rectifraenum.  相似文献   

南堡35—2油田明化镇组储层为中高孔、中高渗疏松砂岩稠油油藏,需要压裂防砂来实现增产和防砂。根据端部脱砂压裂的原理,并结合南堡35—2油田A16井明化镇组储层特点,优选出适合该井压裂防砂的清洁压裂液、支撑剂和工具,针对井斜大的特点优化了压裂防砂工艺,采用一趟管柱对明化镇1油组和0油组成功进行了压裂防砂施工。压后油井产液量提高明显,且不出砂,证明压裂防砂达到了增产和防砂的双重作用,是开发疏松砂岩稠油油藏的一项进攻性措施。  相似文献   

A Natural active oil seepage occurs at the intersection of the NW-oriented rift coastal fault and a NE-oriented cross fault which bound the southwest dipping Little Zeit tilted fault block at the southwestern side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Detailed surface geological mapping followed by subsurface mapping using aeromagnetic, seismic and borehole data of Ras El Ush oilfield (the nearest oil field to the seepage) provide a reliable hydrocarbon migration pathway model of the area.The proposed model suggests that hydrocarbons migrated upward at the intersection of a NE-oriented and the NW-oriented rift coastal faults where they found their way to the surface. The Nubia Sandstone occurs south of Ras El Ush oilfield in a trap door structure and probably entrapped some of the migrating hydrocarbons while a probable oil-water-contact at −1000 m which resulted into the migration of hydrocarbon through the damage zone of the northeast fault.The original oil in place of the predicted reservoir is estimated to be more than 47.5 MMBO which encourages the design makers for more investigation of this reservoir to increase its certainty and putting it in the plan of the future investments.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of fish age and growth is crucial for species conservation and management of exploited marine stocks. In exploited species, age estimation based on otolith reading is routinely used for building growth curves that are used to implement fishery management models. However, the universal fit of the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) on data from commercial landings can lead to uncertainty in growth parameter inference, preventing accurate comparison of growth-based history traits between fish populations. In the present paper, we used a comprehensive annual sample of wild gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) in the Gulf of Lions (France, NW Mediterranean) to test a methodology improving growth modelling for exploited fish populations. After validating the timing for otolith annual increment formation for all life stages, a comprehensive set of growth models (including VBGF) were fitted to the obtained age–length data, used as a whole or sub-divided between group 0 individuals and those coming from commercial landings (ages 1–6). Comparisons in growth model accuracy based on Akaike Information Criterion allowed assessment of the best model for each dataset and, when no model correctly fitted the data, a multi-model inference (MMI) based on model averaging was carried out. The results provided evidence that growth parameters inferred with VBGF must be used with high caution. Hence, VBGF turned to be among the less accurate for growth prediction irrespective of the dataset and its fit to the whole population, the juvenile or the adult datasets provided different growth parameters. The best models for growth prediction were the Tanaka model, for group 0 juveniles, and the MMI, for the older fish, confirming that growth differs substantially between juveniles and adults. All asymptotic models failed to correctly describe the growth of adult S. aurata, probably because of the poor representation of old individuals in the dataset. Multi-model inference associated with separate analysis of juveniles and adult fish is then advised to obtain objective estimations of growth parameters when sampling cannot be corrected towards older fish.  相似文献   

Based on core observations, well logs and test results of siderite-bearing mudstone from the Benxi Formation to the Member 2 of the Shanxi Formations in the Linxing block, northeastern Ordos Basin, a logging identification model for siderite-bearing mudstone (key layer) was established. The porosity characteristics and sealing property were quantitatively evaluated by logging data. Sedimentary control on the formation of multi-superimposed gas-bearing system in the development of key layers in the sequence framework was also discussed. The results showed that the siderite-bearing mudstone has obvious logging response characteristics, e.g., high photoelectric absorption cross-section index (PE), high density (DEN), high amplitude natural gamma ray (GR), low acoustic (AC), low resistivity (M2RX) and low neutron porosity (CNCF). The quantitatively evaluated results of the porosity characteristics and sealing property for the key layer showed that the key layer has the characteristics of low porosity (with an average of 1.20 percent), low permeability (with an average of 2.29 × 10−8μm2), and high breakthrough pressure (with an average of 12.32 MPa) in the study area. This layer acts as an impermeable gas barrier in a multi-superimposed gas system. The results also indicated that the material composition of the multi-superimposed gas-bearing system can be established by the sequence stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary evolution results in a cyclic rhythm of material composition vertically. The spatial distribution of the corresponding transgressive event layer near the maximum flooding surface (MFS) in the sequence framework restricts the spatial distribution of the key layer with high breakthrough pressure and low porosity, which constitutes the gas-bearing system boundary. The siderite-bearing mudstone formed near the MFS in the second-order sequence and constitutes a stable comparison of the first-order gas-bearing system boundary, which has a wide range of regional distribution and stable thickness. The siderite-bearing mudstone formed near the MFS in the third-order sequence is often incompletely preserved due to the late (underwater) diversion channel erosion and cutting. This layer forms the coal-bearing reservoirs, which we termed as a second-order gas-bearing system in adjacent third-order sequences to form a uniform gas-bearing system.  相似文献   

Recent observations over the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico have revealed extremely energetic deep currents (near 1 m s−1), which are trapped along the escarpment. Both scientific interest and engineering needs demand dynamical understanding of these extreme events, and can benefit from a numerical model designed to complement observational and theoretical investigations in this region of complicated topography. The primary objective of this study is to develop a modeling methodology capable of simulating these physical processes and apply the model to the Sigsbee Escarpment region. The very steep slope of the Sigsbee Escarpment (0.05–0.1) limits the application of ocean models with traditional terrain-following (sigma) vertical coordinates, which may represent the very complicated topography in the region adequately, can result in large truncation errors during calculation of the horizontal pressure gradient. A new vertical coordinate system, termed a vanishing quasi-sigma coordinate, is implemented in the Navy Coastal Ocean Model for application to the Sigsbee Escarpment region. Vertical coordinate surfaces for this grid have noticeably gentler slopes than a traditional sigma grid, while still following the terrain near the ocean bottom. The new vertical grid is tested with a suite of numerical experiments and compared to a classical sigma-layer model. The numerical error is substantially reduced in the model with the new vertical grid. A one-year, realistic, numerical simulation is performed to simulate strong, deep currents over the Escarpment using a very-high-resolution nested modeling approach. The model results are analyzed to demonstrate that the deep-ocean currents in the simulation replicate the prominent dynamical features of the observed intense currents in the region.  相似文献   

Most fisheries in China do not have maximum sustainable yield(MSY) estimates due to limited and poor data.Therefore, finding a common method to estimate MSY or total allowable catch(TAC) for fishery management is necessary. MSYs of three important fisheries in the East China Sea were evaluated through a catch-based model.Estimates for intrinsic rate of increase(r) and five levels of process error were considered. Results showed hairtail Trichiurus japonicas(Temminck and Schlegel) and small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis(Bleeker) fisheries experienced overfishing from the mid-1990 s to the early 2000 s, and the suggested TACs were 55.8×10~4 t and9.06×10~4 t, respectively. Decades of overfishing in wintering and spawning grounds of large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea(Richardson) caused the fishery's collapse in the 1980 s, and it has not recovered until today.The Catch–MSY model generated similar estimated MSYs with other methods and may be a useful choice for the assessment of regional stocks in China.  相似文献   

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