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An attempt is made to infer the structure of the solar convection zone from observedp-mode frequencies of solar oscillations. The differential asymptotic inversion technique is used to find the sound speed in the solar envelope. It is found that envelope models which use the Canuto-Mazzitelli (CM) formulation for calculating the convective flux give significantly better agreement with observations than models constructed using the mixing length formalism. This inference can be drawn from both the scaled frequency differences and the sound speed difference. The sound speed in the CM envelope model is within 0.2% of that in the Sun except in the region withr > 0.99R . The envelope models are extended below the convection zone, to find some evidence for the gravitational settling of helium beneath the base of the convection zone. It turns out that for models with a steep composition gradient below the convection zone, the convection zone depth has to be increased by about 6 Mm in order to get agreement with helioseismic observations.  相似文献   

H. C. Spruit 《Solar physics》1974,34(2):277-290
A model of the convection zone is presented which matches an empirical model atmosphere (HSRA) and an interior model. A mixing length formalism containing four adjustable parameters is used. Thermodynamical considerations provide limits on two of these parameters. The average temperature-pressure relation depends on two or three combinations of the four parameters. Observational information on the structure of the outermost layers of the convection zone, and the value of the solar radius limit the range of possible parameter combinations. It is shown that in spite of the remaining freedom of choice of the parameters, the mean temperature-pressure relation is fixed well by these data.The reality of a small density inversion in the HSRA model is investigated. The discrepancy between the present model and a solar model by Mullan (1971) is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Disturbances in the heat flow in the solar convection zone are calculated with a turbulent thermal diffusion coefficient based on a mixing length approximation. As a consequence of the radiative boundary condition at the surface and the strong increase of the diffusion coefficient with depth, the convection zone resembles a thermally superconducting shell enclosed between a thin surface layer and an interior core of low thermal conductivity. Thermal disturbances originating in the convection zone do not penetrate into the interior, and penetrate only weakly through the solar surface. A thermally isolating obstacle buried entirely in the convection zone casts a shadow of reduced temperature at the solar surface; the brightening surrounding this shadow is undetectable. The shadow is weak unless the object is located close to the surface (less than 2000 km). Assuming a sunspot to be an area of reduced thermal conductivity which extends a finite depth into the convection zone, the heat flow around this obstacle is calculated. The heat flux blocked below the spot (missing flux) spreads over a very extended area surrounding the spot. The brightening corresponding to this missing flux is undetectable if the reduction of the thermal conductivity extends to a depth greater than 1000 km. It is concluded that no effect other than a decrease of the convective efficiency is needed to explain the temperature change observed at the solar surface in and around a sunspot. The energy balance is calculated between magnetic flux tubes, oriented vertically in the solar surface, (magnetic elements in active regions and the quiet network) and their surroundings. Near the visible surface radiation enters the tube laterally from the surrounding convection zone. The heating effect of this influx is important for small tubes (less than a few arcseconds). Due to this influx tubes less than about 1 in diameter can appear as bright structures irrespective of the amount of heat conveyed along the tube itself. Through the lateral influx, small tubes such as are found in the quiet network act as little leaks in the solar surface through which an excess heat flux escapes from the convection zone.  相似文献   

Kuzanyan  Kirill  Bao  Shudong  Zhang  Hongqi 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):231-246
An attempt to extract maximum information on signatures of the alpha-effect from current helicity and twist density calculations in the solar photosphere is carried out. A possible interpretation of the results for developing the dynamo theory is discussed. The analysis shows that the surface magnetic current helicity is mainly negative/positive in the northern/southern hemispheres of the Sun. This indicates the actual alpha-effect at the photospheric level to be positive/negative, respectively. However, at the bottom of the convection zone, we may assume this effect to change the sign to negative/positive. We reveal some quantities related to the alpha-effect and discuss its spatial and temporal distribution. It is also found that there are a small number of active regions where the sign of the alpha-effect is opposite to that in most active regions. Such exceptional active regions seem to localize at certain active longitudes. We compare the determined regularities with theoretical predictions of the alpha-effect distribution in the solar convection zone.  相似文献   

Turbulent convection models (TCMs) based on hydrodynamic moment equations are compared with the classical mixing-length theory (MLT) in solar models. The aim is to test the effects of some physical processes on the structure of the solar convection zone, such as the dissipation, diffusion and anisotropy of turbulence that have been ignored in the MLT. Free parameters introduced by the TCMs are also tested in order to find appropriate values for astrophysical applications. It is found that the TCMs usually give larger convective heat fluxes than the MLT does, and the heat transport efficiency is sensitively related to the dissipation parameters used in the TCMs. As a result of calibrating to the present solar values, our solar models usually have rather smaller values of the mixing length to local pressure scaleheight ratio than the standard solar model. The turbulent diffusion is found to have important effects on the structure of the solar convection zone. It leads to significantly lowered and expanded profiles for the Reynolds correlations, and a larger temperature gradient in the central part of the superadiabatic convection region but a smaller one near the boundaries of the convection zone. It is interesting to note that, due to a careful treatment of turbulence developing towards isotropic state, our non-local TCM results in radially dominated motion in the central part and horizontally dominated motion near the boundaries of the convection zone, just as what has been observed in many 3D numerical simulations. Our solar models with the TCMs give small but meaningful differences in the temperature and sound speed profiles compared with the standard solar model using the MLT.  相似文献   

The condition of minimum total dissipation is used to derive stationary rotation and azimuthal magnetic field distributions in the bulk of the solar convection zone with an upper boundary at which the relative radius is r/R=0.95. General equilibrium con figurations with symmetric and antisymmetric (about the equator) angular-velocity and field components are determined. The calculated rotation law matches the observed one in general parameters, but the decrease in angular velocity at high latitudes in theory is larger than that in observations. Besides, there are additional sharp variations in the rotation and field distributions in the theoretical curves near the generation zone of solar torsional waves. The possible cause of the latter discrepancy is discussed. The change in equilibrium distributions due to the presence of an inverse molecular-weight gradient at the base of the convection zone is also studied. This gradient is known to be produced by accelerated gravitational helium settling in the convection zone.  相似文献   

R. H. Dicke 《Solar physics》1988,115(1):171-181
It has previously been shown that the statistics of the phase fluctuation of the sunspot cycle are compatible with the assumption that the solar magnetic field is generated deep in the Sun by a frequency stable oscillator and that the observed substantial phase fluctuation in the sunspot cycle is due to variation in the time required for the magnetic field to move to the solar surface (Dicke, 1978, 1979). It was shown that the observed phase shifts are strongly correlated with the amplitude of the solar cycle. It is shown here that of two empirical models for the transport of magnetic flux to the surface, the best fit to the data is obtained with a model for which the magnetic flux is carried to the surface by convection with the convection velocity proportional to a function of the solar cycle amplitude. The best fit of this model to the data is obtained for a 12-yr transit time. The period obtained for the solar cycle is T = 22.219 ± 0.032 yr. It is shown that the great solar anomaly of 1760–1800 is most likely real and not due to poor data.  相似文献   

Frank Hill 《Solar physics》1990,128(1):321-331
The first map of the horizontal flows as a function of depth and heliocentric position in the solar convection zone is presented. The map is inferred from a least-squares smoothness-constrained inversion of velocities measured from ring diagrams of the solar p-mode oscillations. The data provide information in four longitude regions at a latitude just south of the solar equator. The presence of several features is suggested by the results:
(1)  A prograde directed longitudinal jet between the hydrogen and first helium ionization zone, reversing direction to retrograde below the second helium ionization zone.
(2)  A equatorward directed latitudinal flow above the second helium ionization zone.
(3)  A poleward latitudinal flow below the second helium ionization zone, but only in one of the four longitude bands. A large active region was present in this band, but not in two of the other bands, suggesting a possible relationship between the activity and the different flow pattern.
The magnitude of the flows is substantial, reaching some 450 m s–1 for the longitudinal jet, and 150 m s–1 for the latitudinal flow. Possible systematic errors and the physical consequences of the flows are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of two simulations of the convection zone, obtained by solving the full hydrodynamic equations in a section of a spherical shell. The first simulation has cylindrical rotation contours (parallel to the rotation axis) and a strong meridional circulation, which traverses the entire depth. The second simulation has isorotation contours about mid-way between cylinders and cones, and a weak meridional circulation, concentrated in the uppermost part of the shell.
We show that the solar differential rotation is directly related to a latitudinal entropy gradient, which pervades into the deep layers of the convection zone. We also offer an explanation of the angular velocity shear found at low latitudes near the top. A non-zero correlation between radial and zonal velocity fluctuations produces a significant Reynolds stress in that region. This constitutes a net transport of angular momentum inwards, which causes a slight modification of the overall structure of the differential rotation near the top. In essence, the thermodynamics controls the dynamics through the Taylor–Proudman momentum balance . The Reynolds stresses only become significant in the surface layers, where they generate a weak meridional circulation and an angular velocity 'bump'.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the dependence on depth and latitude of the solar angular velocity produced by a meridian circulation in the convection zone, assuming that the main mechanism responsible for setting up and driving the circulation is the interaction of rotation with convection. We solve the first order equations (perturbation of the spherically symmetric state) in the Boussinesq approximation and in the steady state for the axissymmetric case. The interaction of convection with rotation is modelled by a convective transport coefficient k c = k co + ?k c2 P 2(cos θ) where ? is the expansion parameter, P 2 is the 2nd Legendre polynomial and k c2 is taken proportional to the local Taylor number and the ratio of the convective to the total fluxes. We obtain the following results for a Rayleigh number 103 and for a Prandtl number 1:
  1. A single cell circulation extending from poles to the equator and with circulation directed toward the equator at the surface. Radial velocities are of the order of 10 cm s?1 and meridional ones of the order of 150 cm s?1.
  2. A flux difference between pole and equator at the surface of about 5 percent, the poles being hotter.
  3. An angular velocity increasing inwards.
  4. Angular velocity constant surfaces of spheroidal shape. The model is consistent with the fact that the interaction of convection with rotation sets up a circulation (driven by the temperature gradient) which carries angular momentum toward the equator against the viscous friction. Unfortunately also a large flux variation at the surface is obtained. Nevertheless it seems that the model has the basic requisites for correct dynamo action.

Magnetic buoyancy is thought to play an important role in the dynamical behavior of the Sun's magnetic field in the convection zone. Magnetic buoyancy is commonly thought to cause inescapable rapid loss of toroidal flux from much of the convection zone, thereby suppressing effective operation of a solar dynamo. This paper re-examines the detailed character of magnetic buoyancy, especially as it is influenced by the magnetic field's effect on heat transport and temperature gradients in the convection zone. It is suggested that suppression of convective heat transport across strong magnetic flux tubes can alter the temperature within the tubes and can subdue, or even reverse, the effect of magnetic buoyancy.  相似文献   

It is shown from the statistical analysis of the sunspot data and solar neutrino data that both the data exhibits 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 months period and these periods may be g-mode oscillation of the core associated with the solar activity.  相似文献   

The stability of the solutions of the mean-field theories of turbulent media is questioned. It is done here for the model equations for the solar convection zone which have been used, in particular, to explain the differential rotation. We present an approximation valid for axisymmetric, short-wave disturbances. A critical local Rayleigh number can be defined - involving eddy diffusivities - above which the stratification becomes unstable. For mixing-length models of the solar convection zone we always find sub-critical Rayleigh numbers. One must be careful, however, with other theoretical models. Those we have considered do not reach sufficiently high surface pressure values so that there the associated Rayleigh numbers exceed their critical limits. In the outermost layers in such models, therefore, the solutions could really be unstable.  相似文献   

Horizontal large-scale velocity field describes horizontal displacement of the photospheric magnetic flux in zonal and meridian directions. The flow systems of solar plasma, constructed according to the velocity field, create the large-scale cellular-like patterns with up-flow in the center and the down-flow on the boundaries. Distribution of the largescale horizontal eddies (with characteristic scale length from 350 to 490 Mm) was found in the broad equatorial zone, limited by 60‡ latitude circles on both hemispheres. The zonal averages of the zonal and meridian velocities, and the total horizontal velocity for each Carrington rotation during the activity cycles no. 21 and 22 varies during the 11-yr activity cycle. Plot of RMS values of total horizontal velocity is shifted about 1.6 years before the similarly shaped variation of the magnetic flux.  相似文献   

The influence of the basic rotation on anisotropic and inhomogeneous turbulence is discussed in the context of differential rotation theory. An improved representation for the original turbulence leads to a Λ‐effect which complies with the results of 3D numerical simulations. The resulting rotation law and meridional flow agree well with both the surface observations (∂Ω/∂r < 0 and meridional flow towards the poles) and with the findings of helioseismology. The computed equatorward flow at the bottom of convection zone has an amplitude of about 10 m/s and may be significant for the solar dynamo. The depth of the meridional flow penetration into the radiative zone is proportional to ν0.5core, where νcore is the viscosity beneath the convection zone. The penetration is very small if the tachocline is laminar. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Short-term variations of the last solar activity cycle were studied by the flare and coronal indices using Gleissberg method. Systematic short-term variations are found from their course during the 21st solar activity cycle. Comparison of their autocorrelograms constructed by the new set of data obtained from the magnitude of the fluctuations showed us the existence of the phase shift between the temporal variations of the two indices.  相似文献   

Systematic measurements of the differential Doppler velocity of the Sun have been performed in Crimea from 1974 through 1988 (total 987 days, 6197 hours of observations). They confirm the presence of a long-term phase-coherent solar pulsation with a period of 160.010 min. On the other hand, the analysis of new data suggests that solar 160 min pulsation might, in frequency, have a multiplet fine structure. In particular, large changes of amplitude and phase of the pulsation over the years 1982–1986 may indicate that during the last few years we have been observing the solar 160 min oscillation of the second portion of the 22 year solar cycle.It is further noted that the beat period of the two closely spaced frequencies (periods are 160.0101 and 160.0126 min) equals 19.5 ± 1.1 year, which is in good agreement with the average length of the solar magnetic activity cycle, 20–22 years. Being verified, this unpredicted property of the pulsation can offer a novel possibility for probing the Sun's interior and perhaps for the study of the internal rotation and 11(22) year cycle of a star.  相似文献   

In this study, we look for the mid‐term variations in the daily average data of solar radius measurements made at the Solar Astrolabe Station of TUBITAK National Observatory (TUG) during solar cycle 23 for a time interval from 2000 February 26 to 2006 November 15. Due to the weather conditions and seasonal effect dependent on the latitude, the data series has the temporal gaps. For spectral analysis of the data series, thus, we use the Date Compensated Discrete Fourier Transform (DCDFT) and the CLEANest algorithm, which are powerful methods for irregularly spaced data. The CLEANest spectra of the solar radius data exhibit several significant mid‐term periodicities at 393.2, 338.9, 206.5, 195.2, 172.3 and 125.4 days which are consistent with periods detected in several solar time series by several authors during different solar cycles. The knowledge relating to the origin of solar radius variations is not yet present. To see whether these variations will repeat in next cycles and to understand how the amplitudes of such variations change with different phases of the solar cycles, we need more systematic efforts and the long‐term homogeneous data. Since most of the periodicities detected in the present study are frequently seen in solar activity indicators, it is thought that the physical mechanisms driving the periodicities of solar activity may also be effective in solar radius variations (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We show that smoothed time series of 7 indices of solar activity exhibit significant solar cycle dependent differences in their relative variations during the past 20 years. In some cases these observed hysteresis patterns start to repeat over more than one solar cycle, giving evidence that this is a normal feature of solar variability. Among the indices we study, we find that the hysteresis effects are approximately simple phase shifts, and we quantify these phase shifts in terms of lag times behind the leading index, the International Sunspot Number. Our measured lag times range from less than one month to greater than four months and can be much larger than lag times estimated from short-term variations of these same activity indices during the emergence and decay of major active regions. We argue that hysteresis represents a real delay in the onset and decline of solar activity and is an important clue in the search for physical processes responsible for changing solar emission at various wavelengths. The High Altitude Observatory is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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