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Physical oceanography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper reports on the application of coastal radar systems operating in the short-wave frequency band (wavelengths from 10 to 100 m), designed to determine the parameters of wind fields over the sea surface, as well as those of waves and currents. The regularities of radar signal generation by the sea surface and the propagation of short-frequency radiowaves are discussed. The possibility of employing radars in oceanography (including CODAR systems), using ionospheric and ground beams, is considered.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Ocean dynamical processes exist over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Remotely stationed acoustic devices are being used to "sense" the interior of the oceans at previously unattainable scales. The method is similar to computer-aided tomography (CAT) scans of the brain, but the measurement difficulties are far more severe. The results of a demonstration experiment are reviewed and some directions for acoustic oceanography are discussed.  相似文献   


Studies on coastal physical oceanography

These reflections on past and present trends in international cooperation in marine sciences are dedicated to Gerold Siedler, the former President of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). Over the years Gerold Siedler promoted international cooperation on various scales. Inter alia he was in charge of the bilateral Brazilian–German Programme in Marine Science in the 1970s, and he was deeply involved in the planning of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment WOCE and in its execution, particularly in the South-western Atlantic (Siedler et al., 1996) as well as in the formation of the marine science sector of the Framework Programmes of the European Union. Apart from his leading role in international committees he has countless personal links over the oceans and across political borders. There are always foreign students around him in Kiel, and more than once he has made good-will tours to coastal states bordering the South Atlantic in order to pave the way for Meteor cruises in their EEZs and to encourage their local scientists to join those cruises.Gerold Siedler is one of the leading oceanographers devoted to the idea of the global community of oceanographers. He puts much effort in establishing new and maintaining old contacts between scientists in various parts of the World and he pushes for joining forces in cooperative programmes wherever individual research vessels and institutes cannot solve problems of the understanding, prediction and sustainable exploitation of the oceans and their coastal seas.My contribution to this Festschrift is heavily biassed towards biological oceanography in the Atlantic and to the European and German part in international cooperation. The biological inclination originates from my personal background, the geographical bias pays tribute to the fact that Gerold Siedler is a global minded German European who has mainly worked in the Atlantic. I will concentrate on some historical reflections, on the growing collaboration in Europe and on North–South partnerships.  相似文献   

舒王欣泽  孙军 《海洋通报》2020,39(5):581-593
iPath 是一个用于细胞路径可视化和代谢途径分析的免费网页应用程序。iPath 中的路径是通过交互式浏览器查看的,它提供各种代谢途径的直接导航,使人们能够方便地访问相关的化合物和酶。本文简要介绍了最新的 iPath3.0 版本 (http://pathways.embl.de) (基于 4 个 KEGG 的全局地图,158 个传统的 KEGG 路径图,192 个 KEGG 模板,以及其他代谢元素,组成了一个相互连接、手工绘制的代谢网络),并举例说明其在生物海洋学研究中的应用,以期引起国内学者对此工具的重视,促进其在生物海洋学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

On low-pass digital filters in oceanography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
-Two types of filters are widely used to remove semidirunal and diurnal tidal signals and other high frequency noises in oceanography. The first type of filters uses moving average with weights in time domain, and can be easily operated. Some data will be lost at each end of the time series, especially for the low low-pass filters. The second type of filters uses the discrete Fourier transform filter (DFTF) which operates in the frequency domain, and there are no data loss at the ends for the forward transform. However, owing to the Gibbs phenomenon and the discrete sampling (Nyquist effect) , ringing appears in the inverse transformed data, which is especially serious at each end. Thus some data at the ends are also discarded. The present study tries to find out what causes the ringing and then to seek for methods to overcome the ringing. We have found that there are two kinds of ringings, one is the Gibbs phenomenon, as defined before. The other is the "Nyquist"ringing due to sampling Nyquist critical  相似文献   


This document presents fundamental terms describing the transfer of radiative energy and relevant optical properties of natural waters. These are primarily based upon the terminology of the “Système International d'Unités (SI)”; and the “International Commission on Illumination (CIE).’’ Quantities and Symbols as proposed in the present terminology follow and extend the terminology that was recommended by the Committee on Radiant Energy in the Sea (of the International Association of Physical Oceanography, IAPO), as published by Jerlov (1968, Optical Oceanography Elsevier Oceanography Series, Vol. 5; 1976, Marine Optics Elsevier Oceanography Series, Vol. 14).  相似文献   

The September 2003 ICES Annual Science Conference was held inTalinn, Estonia, and Theme Session V was "Mixed and multi-stockfisheries – challenges and tools for assessments, prediction,and management." The theme session brought together researchersfrom the salmonid and marine fishery fields to address commonproblems faced when multiple fleets harvest a common stock,  相似文献   

Fisheries in boreal ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

推进广东省渔业高质量发展是推进渔村振兴战略,建设广东海洋强省的重要支撑。文章从优化渔业发展战略布局、提升养殖和资源环境的协调可持续发展、统筹海洋渔业资源开发、推动渔业全产业链的融合4个角度提出了促进广东省渔业高质量发展的路径和建议,为广东省渔业发展提供决策建议。研究表明,夯实渔业生产基础,实施质量兴渔战略,构建渔村产业融合发展体系,是推进广东省现代海洋渔业发展重要内容。结合广东省未来经济社会发展战略,未来广东省要进一步优化渔业发展空间战略格局,打造珠三角都市特色养殖区、粤东西特色鱼虾养殖区和北部生态特色养殖区3个各具特色的养殖区,建设沿海海水养殖优势带、西江和北江下游淡水养殖优势带、东江下游淡水养殖优势带。科学划定禁养区、限养区和养殖区,强化渔业养殖、加工和贸易协调发展。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(1):1-7
Empowerment is both a condition and a goal of fisheries co-management. In this paper I attempt to explain what empowerment means, what it requires, and what can be expected from it. The concept emphasizes psychological as well as sociological factors. It works at an individual and a collective level. For fisheries co-management to become sustainable, empowerment must occur at both levels. Thus, co-management entails more than institutional design and participatory democracy. It also requires capacity enhancement. The good news is that these processes are mutually dependent and reinforcing. They should therefore proceed hand in hand, and it does not matter very much which of them is undertaken first.  相似文献   

This paper describes the main elements of fisheries management in Iceland and its development in recent years. The system of fishery management has failed to prevent serious depletion of the cod stock. The comprehensive ITQ system in Iceland seems to be functioning well and has led to increased economic efficiency. The authorities have taken the crisis in the cod-fishery seriously and reduced the catches substantially. They have introduced a TAC rule that will lead to a recovery of the cod stock and to an optimal exploitation, providing that the authorities are prepared to persevere with the system.  相似文献   

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