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印度洋dipole事件的年际变化与ENSO事件的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对nino3指数和DMI序列的分析,发现两种物理现象都有4a左右的主要周期,而且印度洋偶极子事件还存在有2a左右的振荡周期,而厄尔尼诺事件在2a时间尺度上周期性不明显;对nino3指数和DMI进行年际时间尺度滤波,结果表明,在年际时间尺度上,两者的相关性比未滤波时有了一定的提高;对年际滤波之后的偶极子事件和ELNINO事件的相关分析可以发现,ELNINO对于印度洋偶极子事件的影响要大于IOD对于太平洋ENSO事件,显示了两者物理现象的影响不对称。  相似文献   

用Nino3指数、印度洋单极指数、偶极子指数描述热带太平洋、印度洋海表温度(SST)的年际异常,季节分析表明:冬季Nino3区与热带印度洋海表温度距平(SSTA)相互关系表现为单极,且1976年以后两者的相互关系减弱,其可能原因:一是冬季是ENSO(厄尔尼诺)事件的盛期;二是冬季西太平洋暖水区东移,造成两洋的垂直纬向环流耦合减弱。夏季两者相互关系表现为偶极,1976年以后两者的相互关系加强,其可能原因,一是夏季是偶极子盛期,ENSO事件的发展期;二是夏季西太平洋暖水区虽然东移,但暖水区位置偏北,且东南印度洋的上升支强度增大,造成两洋的.纬向环流耦合更强烈。  相似文献   

用Nino 3指数、印度洋单极指数、偶极子指数描述热带太平洋、印度洋海表温度 (SST)的年际异常 ,季节分析表明 :冬季Nino3区与热带印度洋海表温度距平 (SSTA)相互关系表现为单极 ,且 1976年以后两者的相互关系减弱 ,其可能原因 :一是冬季是ENSO(厄尔尼诺 )事件的盛期 ;二是冬季西太平洋暖水区东移 ,造成两洋的垂直纬向环流耦合减弱。夏季两者相互关系表现为偶极 ,1976年以后两者的相互关系加强 ,其可能原因 ,一是夏季是偶极子盛期 ,ENSO事件的发展期 ;二是夏季西太平洋暖水区虽然东移 ,但暖水区位置偏北 ,且东南印度洋的上升支强度增大 ,造成两洋的纬向环流耦合更强烈  相似文献   

利用甘肃省58个台站1961年12月~1991年2月的平均气温资料,采用旋转主分量分析方法,研究了甘肃省冬季月平均气温的时空特征。结果表明,30年来,全省有3个主要气温变化异常区,表现出不同的变化趋势  相似文献   

基于Google Earth Engine的红树林年际变化监测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感技术已广泛应用于红树林资源调查与动态监测中,但仍然存在遥感数据获取困难、数据预处理工作量大、监测时间长而周期过大等问题,影响了学者对红树林演变过程的精细刻画与理解。本文基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)云遥感数据处理平台,选取Landsat系列卫星数据,生成长时间序列年际极少云影像集(云量少于5%),利用3个红外波段反射率(NIR、SWIR1、SWIR2)和3个特征指数(NDVI、NDWI、NDMI)建立阈值规则集,实现对实验区越南玉显县红树林、红树林-虾塘、不透水面-裸地、水体4种目标地物的专家知识决策树分类和土地覆盖的制图,并基于分类结果监测该区域1993-2017年的红树林年际动态变化。结果表明:GEE平台可满足多云多雨地区红树林的长时间序列年际变化监测需求;本文阈值分类方法可以有效提取红树林及红树林-虾塘,实验区有86%年份的影像分类精度达到80%以上;年际变化监测可精细刻画实验区红树林面积先增后减再增的变化过程,也能准确反映红树林与红树林-虾塘养殖系统面积之间的负相关关系。红树林年际动态监测结果可以降低红树林演变分析的不确定性,并能更精细地量化红树林与其他土地覆盖类型的转化过程,从而评估经济发展、政策等因素对红树林演变的影响。  相似文献   

ENSO事件(包括厄尼诺,与其相反的拉尼娜以及南方涛动)不但影响赤道东太平洋海域的渔业生产,还和地球上许多地区的气候异常现象有关,进而影响到全球环境尤其是生态环境。有人认为ENSO是地球上对于生物界最巨大的一种扰动。本文介绍了1982~1983年与1997~1998年的ENSO事件对于世界各地生态环境的影响。  相似文献   

海洋初级生产力在海洋环境要素的驱动下,在不同海域呈现出不同的时空变化特征,这种时空演变特征在不同的ENSO事件类型下差异更为显著。本文基于1998年1月至2017年12月全球海洋初级生产力的卫星遥感数据集,通过改进海洋时空双约束聚类挖掘方法,挖掘了近20年海洋初级生产力的时空聚簇模式,并从时空分布和空间移动2个方面对比分析了海洋初级生产力时空演变簇与ENSO(El Niño-Southern Oscillation)事件之间的关系。结果表明:① 在EP(Eastern-Pacific)型El Niño事件期间,海洋初级生产力异常低值时空簇主要分布在赤道太平洋东部或中东部海域,异常高值时空簇主要分布在西太平洋和南太平洋中部海域;在CP(Central-Pacific)型El Niño事件期间,异常低值时空簇分布在太平洋中部,而异常高值时空簇分布在南太平洋与西太平洋海域;② 在EP型La Niña事件期间,赤道太平洋中部及东部、赤道大西洋与印度洋海域出现异常高值时空簇,南太平洋中东部海域出现异常低值时空簇;在CP型La Niña事件期间,赤道太平洋中部出现异常高值时空簇;南太平洋中西部海域出现异常低值时空簇;③ 发生在赤道太平洋的海洋初级生产力时空演变簇,在EP型ENSO事件期间具有东移特征,而在CP型ENSO事件期间,时空演变簇在赤道太平洋中部海域产生并消亡;④ ENSO事件中海洋初级生产力时空演变簇面积与MEI具有较强相关性。  相似文献   

通过东亚冬季风强度指数资料,进一步分析了东亚冬季风变化与ElNino(LaNina)之间的密切关系,1910~1990年20次ElNino事件,有14次对应前期强的东亚冬季风,15次LaNina事件,有9次对应前期弱的东亚冬季风。应用奇异值分解(SVD)技术,得到了前期东亚冬季风与后期ElNino海区海温的时间和空间结构及其相关关系,其第一模态之间具有明显相关,反映了前期东亚冬季风与后期ElNino海区海温的非同步关系。指出:前期东亚冬季风异常,通过对海温的影响,对ElNinio(LaNina)产生作用,强(弱)东亚冬季风有利于ElNino(LaNina)的发生发展。因此,东亚冬季风是一种预测短期灾害性气候异常的前兆信号。  相似文献   

本文对1949年以来出现的10次ENSO事件进行了分析,得出如下结果:开始於东太平洋增暖和中大平洋增暖的两类ENSO现象分别对应四川地区粮食产量的减产和增产。此结果对四川地区粮食生产政策的制定及产量的预测研究均有较重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

夏季黄海冷水团的多年际变化及原因浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于ROMS(the Regional Ocean Model System)模式,以等温线范围变化作为黄海冷水团范围变化的示性指标,采用谱分析及相关分析的方法,分析夏季黄海冷水团范围变化。结果表明:黄海冷水团范围的变化存在明显的年变化特征,与纬向风速和经向风速相关,风速大则范围就大;黄海冷水团的范围还存在着5年的周期变化特征,其与ENSO现象相关;厄尔尼诺年时,滞后17个月的黄海冷水团的分布范围一般会较小;而拉尼娜年时,滞后17个月的黄海冷水团的分布范围会比较大。  相似文献   

Interannual variations in the surface and subsurface tropical Indian Ocean were studied using HadISST and SODA datasets.Wind and heat flux datasets were used to discuss the mechanisms for these variations.Our results indicate that the surface and subsurface variations of the tropical Indian Ocean during Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD)events are significantly different.A prominent characteristic of the eastern pole is the SSTA rebound after a cooling process,which does not take place at the subsurface layer.In the western pole,the surface anomalies last longer than the subsurface anomalies.The subsurface anomalies are strongly correlated with ENSO,while the relationship between the surface anomalies and ENSO is much weaker.And the subsurface anomalies of the two poles are negatively correlated while they are positively correlated at the surface layer.The wind and surface heat flux analysis suggests that the thermocline depth variations are mainly determined by wind stress fields,while the heat flux effect is important on SST.  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) is an important natural mode of the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO). Sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) variations in the TIO are an essential focus of the study of the IOD. Monthly variations of air-sea heat flux, rate of change of heat content and oceanic thermal advection in positive/negative IOD events(pIODs/nIODs) occurring after El Ni?o/La Ni?a were investigated, using long-series authoritative data, including sea surface wind, sea surface flux, ocean current, etc. It was found that the zonal wind anomaly induced by the initial SSTA gradient is the main trigger of IODs occurring after ENSOs. In pIODs, SSTA evolution in the TIO is primarily determined by the local surface heat flux anomaly, while in nIODs, it is controlled by anomalous oceanic thermal advection. The anomalous southwestern anticyclonic circulation in pIODs enhances regional differences in evaporative capacity and latent heat, and in nIODs, it augments the east-west difference in the advective thermal budget. Further, the meridional anomaly mechanism is also non-negligible during the development of nIODs. As the SWA moves eastward, the meridional SWA prevails near 60°E and the corresponding meridional anomalous current appears. The corresponding maximum meridional thermal advection anomaly reaches 200 Wm~(-2) in September.  相似文献   

Based on a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, the response of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) mode to global warming is investigated with a six member ensemble of simulations for the period 1850–2100. The model can simulate the IOD features realistically, including the east-west dipole pattern and the phase locking in boreal autumn. The ensemble analysis suppresses internal variability and isolates the radiative forced response. In response to increasing greenhouse gases, a weakening of the Walker circulation leads to the easterly wind anomalies in the equatorial Indian Ocean and the shoaling thermocline in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO), and sea surface temperature and precipitation changes show an IOD-like pattern in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Although the thermocline feedback intensifies with shoaling, the interannual variability of the IOD mode surprisingly weakens under global warming. The zonal wind feedback of IOD is found to weaken as well, due to decreased precipitation in the EEIO. Therefore, the atmospheric feedback decreases much more than the oceanic feedback increases, causing the decreased IOD variance in this model.  相似文献   

Using data from Argo and simple ocean data assimilation (SODA), the role of the barrier layer (BL) in the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS: 60°E–75°E, 0°–10°N) is investigated during the development of positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events from 1960 to 2008. It is found that warmer sea surface temperature (SST) in the northern Indian Ocean appears in June in the SEAS. This warm SST accompanying anomalous southeastern wind persists for six months and a thicker BL and a corresponding thinner mixed layer in the SEAS contribute to the SST warming during the IOD formation period. The excessive precipitation during this period helps to form a thicker BL and a thinner mixed layer, resulting in a higher SST in the SEAS. Warm SST in the SEAS and cold SST to the southeast of the SEAS intensify the southeasterly anomaly in the tropical Indian Ocean, which transports more moisture to the SEAS, and then induces more precipitation there. The ocean-atmosphere interaction process among wind, precipitation, BL and SST is very important for the anomalous warming in the SEAS during the development of positive IOD events.  相似文献   

Based on the monthly average SST and 850 hPa monthly average wind data,the seasonal,interannual and long-term variations in the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool(EIWP) and its relationship to the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD),and its response to the wind over the Indian Ocean are analyzed in this study.The results show that the distribution range,boundary and area of the EIWP exhibited obviously seasonal and interannual variations associated with the ENSO cycles.Further analysis suggests that the EIWP had obvious l...  相似文献   

Time series of sea surface temperature (SST),wind speed and significant wave height (SWH) from meteorologicalbuoys of the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) are useful for studying the interannual variability and trend of these quantities at the buoy areas.The measurements from 4 buoys (B51001,B51002,B51003 and B51004) in the Hawaii area are used to study theresponses of the quantities to EI Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO).Long-term averages of these data reflect precise seasonaland climatological characteristics of SST,wind speed and SWH around the Hawaii area.Buoy observations from B51001 suggest asignificant warming trend which is,however,not very clear from the other three buoys.Compared with the variability of SST andSWH,the wind speeds from the buoy observations show an increasing trend.The impacts of El Nifio on SST and wind waves arealso shown.Sea level data observed by altimeter during October 1992 to September 2006 are analyzed to investigate the variabilityof sea level in the Hawaii area.The results also show an increasing trend in sea level anomaly (SLA).The low-passed SLA in theHawaii area is consistent with the inverse phase of the low-passed Sol (Southern Oscillation Index).Compared with the low-passedSOl and PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation),the low-passed PNA (Pacific-North America Index) has a better correlation with thelow-passed SLA in the Hawaii area.  相似文献   

利用中国西南地区多个站点1951~2008年夏季逐月降水资料,1951~2008年的厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)指数(Nino3.4),对西南地区夏季旱涝与厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)的相关联系进行了分析,得出以下结论:前期厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)指数与中国西南地区的夏季降水存在一定的相关关系,如云南的中部,西部和南部,广西的西北部和贵州中部,东南部呈弱的负相关,除这几个地区都是呈现正相关。整个西南地区的相关系数,南部呈负正负,北部呈正的强弱强分布。合成分析表明:厄尔尼诺或拉尼娜事件发生后的夏季,西南地区降水距平基本呈现相反的分布特征。厄尔尼诺事件发生后,西南地区夏季降水较多,易造成涝灾;拉尼娜事件后,西南地区夏季降水较少,易造成旱灾。  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Temperature data collected in the sections of 34°N, 35°N and 36°N in August from 1975 through 2003 were analyzed using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) to investigate interannual variability of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM). The first mode (EOF1) reveals variations of basin-wide thermocline depth, which is mainly caused by surface heating. The second mode (EOF2) presents fluctuations of vertical circulation, resulting mainly from interannual variability of cold front intensity. In addition, it is found that the upward extent of upwelling in the cold front is basically determined by wind stress curl and the zonal position of the warm water center in the southern Yellow Sea is correlated with spatial difference of net heat flux.  相似文献   

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