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欢休 《海洋世界》2013,(3):12-13
工业革命之前,鲭鱼在欧洲根本上不了人们的餐桌。因为在当时,鲭鱼因为数量庞大易捕捞,被视作一种廉价的鱼类。渔民们常会把它们倒回海里去,或者让它腐烂掉。随着生活水平的提高,人们发现鲭鱼是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、富含欧米伽3多不饱和脂肪酸之类的营养物质,因此其商业市场开始迅速发展,经济价值甚至超过鳕鱼。  相似文献   

对选取的东海区8个沿海城市的滨海旅游业消费环境不同年度、不同城市进行纵向和横向的比较是沿海城市滨海旅游业发展重要的研究,文章从自然消费环境、经济消费环境、社会消费环境、生态消费环境以及政治消费环境5个视角,运用统计学的方法对东海区8个沿海城市2014—2016年滨海旅游业消费环境状况进行比较分析。结果显示,(1)上海的经济和社会消费环境较强,自然和生态消费环境较弱,尤其空气质量和城市绿化率需要改善。(2)福州、泉州和厦门自然消费环境较有优势,有较为庞大的海域资源。(3)宁波和温州整体状况较良。(4)连云港和南通整体情况较差。(5)沿海城市之间既有竞争,还有合作,两者是相辅相成、互惠互利的。(6)考虑到东海区沿海城市地理位置优越,有发展国际、国内贸易地域及政策上的优势,建议加快完善东海区沿海城市旅游消费环境基础设施建设,重点加大对交通基础设施的投入力度。  相似文献   

西方现代工业革命和20世纪巨大物质文明引发的世界性人口膨胀、资源危机和环境恶化已成为影响社会发展、威胁人类生态的三大难题,并有进一步加剧的态势。开发海洋,无疑是解决这些困境的重要途径,“21世纪是海洋的世纪”已成为人们的普遍共识。然而,近20年实际表明,沿海国家和地区在海洋开发与保护方面开发力度有余,保护投入不足,近海生态环境受到严重的污染破坏,已成为各国社会关注的重大环境问题之一,迫使人们不得不去寻找一条既能发展经济又能保护环境、经济发展和社会进步相统一的发展道路。 “可持续发展论”作为一种新…  相似文献   

发展休闲渔业是推进现代渔业建设的重要内容,既有助于进一步拓展渔业功能,促进渔业增效和渔民增收,又是实施乡村振兴战略和建设海洋经济强国的重要举措。研究通过文献计量分析与文献梳理,整理回顾了国内外休闲渔业经济研究进展,结果表明:(1)当前国内外休闲渔业经济研究的规模较小,尚未形成显著的研究热点;(2)国内外休闲渔业经济研究在研究主题、研究方法、研究尺度与数据来源等多方面存在显著差异。国际研究主要关注休闲渔业产业的经济与社会影响,并主要通过旅游资源价值评估法与投入产出分析法来评估休闲渔业活动带来的经济和社会价值。国内研究尚未形成专题研究,也没有主流的研究方法,多为定性研究。国内休闲渔业研究应借鉴国际研究方向,逐渐展开对地区休闲渔业产业活动的实证研究。对比不同区域休闲渔业产业发展的差异,并量化休闲渔业产业的经济与社会影响,从而为政府决策提供科学依据,提高中国休闲渔业产业发展水平。  相似文献   

藻类的种类繁殉,而目前商业应用的仅为10-20种藻,现就一些有商业价值的藻的生产,市场等方面进行简要叙述。  相似文献   

海洋文化产业与旅游产业融合探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章分析海洋文化产业与旅游产业的融合过程,主要包括融合动因、融合产业、融合障碍和融合对策。以舟山市为例,对海洋文化产业与旅游产业融合的意义、适宜度和障碍进行问卷调查,结果表明:受众认为海洋文化产业与旅游产业融合的意义主要是带动海洋经济增长、增加就业机会和促进沿海地区发展;海洋农业文化业、海洋公共文艺业、海洋商业演艺业和海洋传媒业与旅游产业的融合适宜度较高;市场是产业融合的主要障碍,保护和发展的矛盾也是重要障碍。基于调查和研究结论,提出促进海洋文化产业与旅游产业融合的建议,即发展海洋文化旅游产业链、政府和市场联动以及加强海洋生态文明建设。  相似文献   

为提高海洋生产要素配置效率以及实现海洋资源高效开发利用,推动我国海洋经济的高质量发展,文章基于门槛效应机制分析和检验,从非线性效应角度分析海洋资源要素对海洋经济增长的影响。研究结果表明:海洋资源要素对海洋经济增长存在显著的门槛效应;海洋资源的扩张消费具有一定的经济代价,在不同的门槛区间,海洋资源要素消费的经济代价程度不一;吸引社会资本进入海洋领域、提高海洋科技水平以及促进产业结构升级优化都将显著降低海洋资源消耗的经济代价;亟须通过政企合作、培育优势海洋新兴产业集群式发展以及促进海洋科技进步和成果转化等方式,突破海洋资源约束"瓶颈",提高海洋资源要素的投入报酬率,加快海洋经济增长方式向集约型转变。  相似文献   

海洋经济高质量发展是在贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展背景下提出的协同发展战略,现代金融业能为海洋经济高质量发展提供强大的动力支撑和重要的资金保障,金融发展与海洋经济高质量发展密不可分。文章选取2006-2017年沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)的面板数据,从新发展理念出发构建海洋经济高质量发展指标体系,从金融规模、金融结构和金融效率3个视角构建金融发展指标体系,基于PLS-SEM模型研究金融发展对海洋经济高质量发展的影响路径。实证结果表明:金融发展能够促进海洋经济创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享发展,但对于这5个维度的影响程度不同,影响程度由高到低依次为:开放、协调、共享、绿色、创新;海洋机构研究经费收入、海洋第三产业GOP值、单位煤炭消耗生产GDP值、外商直接投资FDI值、城镇居民人均消费支出、股票市场总市值等因素在金融发展对海洋经济高质量发展的影响路径中起着关键性作用。  相似文献   

综合物流时代中国港口发展的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1.综合物流及其特点 社会经济活动的空间独占性和关联性,即生产和消费、供给和需求普遍存在并在空间上分离决定了空间运输的普遍存在性,从区域的角度分析,一个区域无论是宏观还是微观,其空间组织如何完备,都不可能是一个完全封闭的独立空间,必然与其它区域有物质、能量、信息的交流,从这个意义上来讲,交通运输在任何时候都是国民经济的基础产业部门。但是自二战以来,集装箱运输的兴起、经济全球化进程的加快、网络经济的不断发展给运输提出了更高的要求。现代的货物运输已不再是简单的物质在空间上的位移,人类社会已进入了综合…  相似文献   

判断我国海洋经济-社会-生态系统耦合协调发展态势对促进我国海洋经济高质量发展具有重要的战略决策参考价值。文章运用耦合协调度模型测度2006—2019年我国海洋经济-社会-生态系统耦合协调度水平,并采用障碍度模型分析其主要障碍因子。研究发现:我国海洋经济子系统和社会子系统综合发展指数均呈显著上升趋势,生态子系统综合发展指数最高但未表现出显著增长态势;2006—2019年我国沿海地区整体耦合协调度水平呈上升趋势,耦合协调等级由勉强协调上升为中度协调,三大海洋经济圈耦合协调度水平由高到低依次为东部海洋经济圈、北部海洋经济圈和南部海洋经济圈;海洋劳动生产率、居民人均消费支出、海洋专业专科及以上在校学生数和治理废水项目完成投资额等是制约我国海洋经济-社会-生态系统耦合协调发展的主要障碍因子。  相似文献   

China is one of the most significant country with regard to underwater cultural heritage (UCH). One prominent feature of the Chinese regime on UCH protection is that the government has played a dominant and leading role. This paper first surveys this State-led working model and typical cases and then points out this model's major problems, including lack of staff and funds, the threat of looting and destruction, and the pressure from neighboring countries. Possible solutions consistent with the basic principles of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage are explored. It is argued that China shall strengthen preservation in situ as the first option. Considering the limitations of preservation in situ, an appropriate approach to excavation is also required, and a two-tier system of excavation is proposed. Under the proposed system, all sites of UCH should be protected; however, the government should concentrate its resources on the most significant UCH sites. For other sites, commercial involvement may be introduced in rescue excavation. Economic income from deposition and exhibition may provide the main incentive to salvage corporations. Nevertheless, the sale of artifacts recovered should be strictly forbidden.  相似文献   

The California spiny or red rock lobster, Panulirus interruptus, is an ecologically and economically important species that has been exploited since the 1800s. No previous study in California has assessed the impacts of the recreational or commercial lobster harvest. Before the 2003–04 commercial and recreational lobster seasons, we conducted a fishery‐independent trap survey at Santa Catalina Island to document the impact of the lobster fisheries on the size structure, abundance, and sex ratios of mature P. interruptus (>65 mm carapace length (CL)). We concurrently sampled a predominantly commercially fished area, a recreationally fished area, and a 23‐year‐old invertebrate no‐take (INT) reserve. Relative to the INT reserve, legal‐size lobsters in the recreational area were similar in CL, but 31% less abundant. Legal‐size lobsters in the commercial area were 8% smaller and 70% less abundant than those in the INT reserve. The sex ratio of legal‐size lobsters, although near 50:50 in the recreational and INT reserve areas, was male‐dominated (67:33) in the commercial area. Differences in CPUE and mean CL of sub‐legal lobsters in the recreational and commercial areas suggest that factors in addition to harvesting pressure may affect these populations. Total biomass of mature lobsters in the recreational and commercial areas was 92% and 45%, respectively, of biomass in the INT reserve. Fecundity in the recreational and commercial areas was 83% and 42%, respectively, of fecundity in the INT reserve. This study provides preliminary data for future ecological studies and fisheries management evaluations.  相似文献   

The results from a survey of Swedish commercial fishers on regulation compliance and attitudes to control and restrictions are reported. According to the responding fishers, 90% of all Swedish catches are reported, in spite of limited control efforts. From an economic perspective we would expect substantially lower levels of compliance. The results also show that the majority of Swedish fishers are in favour of co-management on a regional basis. However, on this and other management issues opinions divert significantly between large vessel operators and small vessel operators, which reveals conflicting interests for such and similar changes in Swedish management of fisheries.  相似文献   

Southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) support significant commercial and recreational fisheries in Tasmania, Australia. Since the mid 1990s the number of persons holding recreational lobster licences increased by over 80%, with c. 15 500 persons licensed in 2002/03. Assessment of the recreational fishery has been undertaken periodically since 1996 using a telephone‐diary survey method. The fishery was concentrated off the south‐east and east coasts of Tasmania and characterised by strong seasonality in catch and effort, which peaked markedly early in the fishing year (November‐January). Although pots were the most popular fishing method, daily catch rates by divers were more than double those for pots. Divers selectively harvested larger lobsters than those taken by pots and more frequently attained the daily bag limit of 5 lobsters. The estimated recreational harvest increased significantly since 1996/97 and in 2002/03 effectively reached a management trigger level of 10% of the total allowable commercial catch, flagging a review of recreational management arrangements.  相似文献   

The identification of boundaries of genetic demes is one of the major goals for fishery management, and few Mediterranean commercial species have not been studied from a genetic point of view yet. The deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) is one of the most important components of commercial landings in Mediterranean, its fishery aspects have received much attention, regrettably without any concern for the genetic architecture of its populations. The population structure in the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea (captures from six Italian and two Greek landings) has been analysed on the basis of surveys carried out with mitochondrial and AFLP markers. Data revealed the presence of a gradual discrepancy along a west–east axis. This species, occurring mainly at a depth of between 100 and 400 m, is not strongly confined in isolated demes, but it demonstrates an ‘Isolation By Distance’ model, within the Mediterranean Sea, which includes geographical areas with a some degree of isolation. The role of hydrodynamic forces, such as currents, water fronts, is discussed; and a further evidence of the ‘Levantine isolation’ within Mediterranean basin is shown.  相似文献   

为分析全国海水浴场、贝类增养殖区人类肠道腺病毒的污染状况,采用超滤浓缩方法,TaqMan探针实时定量PCR技术对其进行了定量。结果表明,全国10个海水浴场表层海水中腺病毒的阳性检出率为35%,含量为1.1×107~2.8×107 copies/L。在离岸100m和1 000m处腺病毒的分布无显著差别(p0.05);在调查的162份贝类样品中,腺病毒的阳性检出率为11.7%,含量为2.4×104~3.1×105 copies/g。6类经济贝类中牡蛎带病毒量最高。由此可见,全国范围内海水浴场表层海水和主要增养殖区经济贝类中腺病毒污染比较普遍,尤其以山东、辽宁和浙江三省最为严重,给洗浴者和消费者健康造成潜在威胁。人类肠道腺病毒可以很好地指示粪便污染,调查其在海水浴场和经济贝类中的分布,可以帮助公众预警胃肠道病毒的暴发流行,本研究为开展全国腺病毒的环境风险评估和分子流行病学调查奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

根据塞拉利昂近海 16条生产船一年的生产日志资料 (1995年 7月~ 1996年 6月 ) ,分析了近海渔场渔区产值分布 ,指出 2区、4 4区、84区、97区为主要的经济渔区 ,主要渔汛时间为 6~ 8月。同时 ,还对渔获物的结构组成及渔轮的月平均单船产值进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

北部湾主要经济鱼类资源变动分析及保护对策探讨   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
运用北部湾历史上几次底拖网渔业资源调查资料.对14种主要经济鱼类的资源变动情况进行综合分析。结果表明.曾是20世纪60年代底拖网渔获优势种的红笛鲷(Lutjanus sanguineus))、鯻(Therapon theraps)、长棘银鲈(Gerres filamentosus)、黑印真鲨(Carcharhinus menisorrah)和灰裸顶鲷(Gymnocranius griseus)等资源已严重衰竭;二长棘鲷(Parargyrops edita)、长尾大眼鲷(Priacanthus tayenus)、短尾大眼鲷(Priacanthus macracanthus)、白姑鱼(Argyrosomus argentatus)、蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)、竹荚鱼(Trachurus japonicus)等种类的资源密度的波动较大:带鱼(Trichiurus haumela)、花斑蛇鲻(Saurida undosquamis)、刺鲳(Psenopsis anomala)等资源虽呈衰退趋势.但资源密度相对较为稳定。并探讨了过度捕捞对不同种类资源变动的影响及渔业资源的保护对策。  相似文献   

Marine genetic resources both within and beyond national jurisdiction have been the focus of international negotiations in a range of forums in recent years. One recurrent theme throughout these discussions has been the absence of detailed information upon which policy responses to the emerging issue of the conservation and sustainable use of marine genetic resources (especially in areas beyond national jurisdiction) could be based. In an effort to address some of these knowledge gaps, this article examines the level and nature of scientific and commercial interest in marine genetic resources, including in areas beyond national jurisdiction. It also examines the changing perspectives of the scientific community in relation to the potential of marine genetic resources.  相似文献   

The availability of resources and their suitability for subsistence and small-scale commercial fishers in South Africa were assessed and appropriate options for the management of resources recommended. Assessment of current resource utilization and recommendations for future subsistence and/or small-scale commercial use were based on information gathered during a nationwide survey of 144 subsistence fishing communities in South Africa and a review of relevant published and unpublished literature. Current patterns of resource use in three regions of the coast (West, South and East coasts) revealed that most true subsistence fisheries occur in the eastern half of the country. These fisheries are primarily focused on invertebrate species found on intertidal rocky shores and sandy beaches, or in estuaries. Fish are harvested by rod or handline, netting or traditional fishing methods (fishtraps, spearing, baited baskets). No "new" or previously underutilized resources were identified as suitable for subsistence fishing in any of the three regions. The potential for several new small-scale commercial fisheries was identified, but the need to retain certain resources for subsistence fisheries (rather than converting them to small-scale commercial fisheries) was evident in certain areas. Resources with high commercial value were not considered suitable for subsistence fishing, but rather for the introduction of small-scale commercial fisheries. The overall management strategy for the subsistence sector, which is currently in the process of being developed, must ensure sufficient flexibility to be able to take into account regional and site-specific requirements. It will also need to develop co-management structures, protect traditional fishing practices, avoid user conflict and provide for no-take areas, all within the framework of sustainable resource utilization.  相似文献   

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