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农户层面农村宅基地流转研究进展与述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农户层面研究对解析人地关系特别是农户与地理环境的相互作用所凸显的优越性与实践性收到学界的广泛推崇,成为当前学者研究农村发展与土地利用问题的重要手段。采用文献回顾法、归纳法,本文对国内外农户层面农村宅基地流转研究进行了归纳与对比分析。研究表明,国内外学者对宅基地流转的讨论对象与研究热点差异明显,研究方法与视角等也略有差异。国外学者对宅基地流转研究的关注度尚不多,已有成果主要集中在20世纪80 年代以前,研究多基于农户层面的问卷调查展开,偏重对流转过程中农户流转行为,流转区位选择,流转与逆城市化带来的影响展开;国内学者对宅基地流转的关注日益提升,研究内容涉及流转中农户权益保障的政策讨论,农户心理与行为响应分析,农户需求与收益分配研究,流转政策实施评价等方面,研究以经济地理学、行为经济学、社会学等理论为指导,以探求农户需求与保障农户权益为出发点展开讨论,大量运用调查数据展开实证讨论。今后研究应加强对流转过程中各个主体需求的讨论,并注重对农户生存与经济、社会与精神等需求层面关注,加强地理空间信息与社会经济环境相结合的研究,加强对农户模型与计量经济学方法的系统运用与校验。  相似文献   

城镇化进程中农户宅基地退出的决策行为及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
于伟  刘本城  宋金平 《地理研究》2016,35(3):551-560
探讨农户宅基地退出的行为规律及影响因素,对于提高土地资源利用效率,推进城镇化进程具有重要意义.基于山东省的农户问卷调查数据,运用Probit模型揭示了农户宅基地退出的决策行为及其影响因素.研究表明:① 在给予退出补偿的前提下,愿意进城落户的农户占63.67%,愿意退出宅基地的农户占47.66%.愿意进城落户的农户中同时愿意退出宅基地的占58.90%,占全部愿意退出宅基地农户的78.69%.② 补偿方式,转户进城意愿是正向影响农民宅基地退出决策最重要的因素,揭示了"退有所居"是进城落户农民退出宅基地时关注的核心问题,也说明农户的城镇化意愿与宅基地退出意愿存在正向互馈关系.职业类型,家庭年收入,宅基地面积等指标也具有明显的正向作用.③ 家庭人口数量对农户宅基地退出的决策行为具有显著负向影响.针对愿意转户进城农户,宅基地多置和超标占地农户和非农户,从有偿使用,退出补偿等视角提出了宅基地退出的政策建议.  相似文献   

农户耕地保护意愿影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以福建厦门、福州、南平为例,通过对627户农户的问卷调查,全面比较分析不同经济发展水平地区农户耕地保护意愿的影响因素,结果表明:(1)家庭特征是影响各地区农户耕地保护意愿的基础与普遍性因素;(2)经济价值认知是影响经济欠发达地区农户耕地保护意愿的核心因素;(3)用途转换收益是影响经济发达地区农户耕地保护意愿的关键因素;(4)政策相关特征是农户耕地保护意愿的导向性因素。为提升农户耕地保护意愿、守住耕地资源红线,建议结合地方经济水平,制定出符合当地实际的耕地保护政策;尊重农户意愿,合理调整耕地保护政策执行方式;建立符合市场经济要求的农村土地流转机制,推进耕地集中经营。  相似文献   

农户参与意愿是影响生态补偿的重要因素,为了探索农户生态补偿参与意愿的影响因素及其重要程度,寻找提高生态补偿实施绩效的对策措施,以宁夏盐池县为例进行研究。盐池县地处我国北方农牧交错生态脆弱带,承担着区域重要生态系统服务功能,在此背景下选取8个典型乡镇、26个行政村调研,基于279份农户调查数据,构建结构方程模型,分析盐池县农户生态补偿参与意愿的影响因素。结果表明:(1)农户家庭特征正向影响生态补偿参与意愿,它还通过自然资本拥有量、环境感知及政策认知,继而间接影响生态补偿参与意愿。(2)自然资本拥有量对生态补偿参与意愿产生直接显著的负向影响。(3)环境感知直接影响农户生态补偿参与意愿,且影响效应最小。(4)政策认知直接正向影响农户生态补偿参与意愿,且影响效应最大。最后,基于影响盐池县农户生态补偿参与意愿的关键因素,提出了完善生态补偿机制的对策建议。  相似文献   

为深入探究影响农村宅基地一户多宅行为的主要因素,明确一户多宅整治工作的重点方向,以地处黄淮海平原的河北省曲周县前河道村为典型案例,通过农户调查获取样本农户数据,运用二元Logistic回归分析法对影响一户多宅行为的主要农户特征进行了研究。结果表明:农业生产规模的提升会降低农户新辟宅基地建房的意愿,农户居住需求的提升促进了一户多宅行为,农户对相关政策认知水平的提升抑制了一户多宅行为,农户发生一户多宅行为与对原有居住环境不满意密切相关。宅基地的社会保障功能使得一户多宅行为的产生并不受制于农户自身的经济条件。  相似文献   

基于黑龙江省粮食主产区950户农户调查数据,从理论上揭示农户生计策略转型对农地流转的作用机理,并运用Logistic和多元线性回归模型分析农户生计策略转型对农地流转意愿、流转方式、流转程度的影响。结果表明:(1)选择多样化生计策略的农户流转农地意愿比非农主导小农户和农业主导大农户高。(2)农业主导大农户和多样化生计中农户倾向转入农地,而非农主导小农户和多样化生计小农户倾向转出农地。(3)农户转出农地面积比例与其生计策略呈“U”型关系,农户非农程度越高,转出农地面积比重越大。提出了根据农户生计策略转型制定不同的农地流转政策的建议。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原农区农户空心村整治意愿及影响因素实证研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王介勇  刘彦随  陈玉福 《地理科学》2012,(12):1452-1458
开展空心村整治是中国现代化建设中破解土地供需矛盾,推进新农村建设,促进城乡协调发展的重大战略。空心村整治必须以农户的广泛参与为基础,农户意愿是决定空心村整治成败的根本因素。以山东省禹城市为案例区,基于高分辨率航空影像和农户抽样调查数据,定量分析了空心村整治的农户意愿及其影响因素。抽样调查显示:27.1%农户无条件赞成空心村整治,59.9%农户表示依政府补偿而定,7.1%农户不赞成,5.9%持无所谓态度。农户空心村整治意愿影响因素的Logistic回归分析表明,农户意愿选择与户主的年龄、家庭子女情况、家庭收入构成、房屋建设年限、房屋建设面积、居住区位、承包耕地面积及村庄空废宅基地比例显著相关。农户的家庭特征是农户意愿选择考虑最多的因素;除农户户主年龄之外,户主自身的其他特征对意愿选择影响不显著;空心化程度越严重的村庄,农户赞成整治的可能性越大,而其他村庄环境因素影响不显著。传统农区空心村整治,应建立区域土地统筹配置机制,显化传统农区农村土地价值,减轻空心村整治给农户带来的经济负担;完善农户家庭利益保障机制,最大限度保护农户合法利益,消除农户的后顾之忧;制定空心村整治中长期规划,充分尊重农户意愿,分片区有序推进空心村整治。  相似文献   

农村居民点整合作为乡村治理的重要内容,在时间上,既要与农村居民点建设相联系,又要真实反映未农户的居住意愿、需求与偏好;在空间上,既要满足不同农户的生产、生活需求,还要考虑农户所在村落的空间层次;尊重农户的整合意愿与发挥农村居民点整合效应间的耦合,已成为农村居民点整合和解决民生的重心。研究选取重庆市沙坪坝区曾家镇白林村为样点,采取“PRA(Participatory Rural Appraisal)+3S(GIS+RS+GPS)”的方法建立“农户—土地”空间特征与属性特征一体化数据库,按农户生计资产配置结构和未来生计发展趋势,剖析不同类型农户对农村居民点整合的意愿及其驱动机制。结果表明:农户农村居民点整合意愿各异,非农专业化发展型(72.82%)>非农多样化发展型(49.66%)>兼业发展型(44.44%)>农业专业化发展型(36.84%)>农业多样化发展型(37.33%)。农户农村居民点整合意愿受家庭经济、居住环境、社会交往及政策等多种因素的影响,而农户后顾生计来源及其收入变化、居住条件、邻里关系、社会地位感知是农户农村居民点整合意愿形成的重要驱动机制。  相似文献   

尹珂  肖轶 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1123-1129
针对农户开发利用消落带耕地对三峡库区的环境影响,从意愿角度对重庆市涪陵区、丰都区247户农户进行实地调研,采用多项Logistic回归模型分析法,定量分析农户对生态休耕经济补偿需求的影响因素,为构建三峡库区环境保护经济补偿机制提供建议。研究结果表明:① 农户的经济补偿需求意愿存在较大差异;② 生态休耕比较效益、家庭人口数、家庭年人均纯收入、生态休耕意愿指数、经济补偿期望值对农户生态休耕经济补偿需求影响显著。研究结论:三峡库区消落带的受访农户对生态休耕经济补偿的需求意愿较强,构建适当的经济补偿机制满足该地区农户的补偿诉求势在必行。  相似文献   

尹珂  肖轶 《地理科学》2015,(9):1123-1129
针对农户开发利用消落带耕地对三峡库区的环境影响,从意愿角度对重庆市涪陵区、丰都区247户农户进行实地调研,采用多项Logistic回归模型分析法,定量分析农户对生态休耕经济补偿需求的影响因素,为构建三峡库区环境保护经济补偿机制提供建议。研究结果表明:1农户的经济补偿需求意愿存在较大差异;2生态休耕比较效益、家庭人口数、家庭年人均纯收入、生态休耕意愿指数、经济补偿期望值对农户生态休耕经济补偿需求影响显著。研究结论:三峡库区消落带的受访农户对生态休耕经济补偿的需求意愿较强,构建适当的经济补偿机制满足该地区农户的补偿诉求势在必行。  相似文献   

河西走廊中部山丹县农地规模经营意愿及其影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农地规模经营是解决三农问题的有效途径。利用河西走廊216户农户的调查数据,构建了Binary Logistic回归模型,分析农户的土地规模经营意愿及其影响因素。研究表明:36.57%的农户有土地规模经营意愿,31.48%的农户希望缩小规模,25.93%的农户保持不变;农业经营者妇女化和老龄化、较高的非农收入比例弱化了规模经营意愿;优惠政策有助于推进规模经营;较高的机械化水平和科技水平是技术基础。  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization and the socio-economic transformation,cultivated land protection has gradually become a major concern in China. The economic compensation plays a crucial role in promoting cultivated land protection and improving the utilization ratio of cultivated land. Farmer household's satisfaction has a great influence on the effectiveness of compensation. Therefore,households' willingness to select the economic compensation pattern for cultivated land protection has been considered and re-examined. By employing Participatory Rural Appraisal method (PRA),3 villages and 392 households were investigated and sampled in mesa and hilly areas of Chongqing. Then a quantitative analysis framework of household livelihood hexagon has been developed to quantify the livelihood assets of different farmer households. Finally,the Gray Relation Model and Probit Regression Model have been employed to explore the coupling relationship between the household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern options. The results show that there are both qualitative and spatial heterogeneity in household livelihood assets. We found that the inequality of livelihood assets is evident for five household types. There is a spatial trend that the higher the elevation,the less livelihood assets are. In addition,their options of economic compensation pattern vary from Chengdu Pattern to Foshan Pattern due to their difference in livelihood assets and difference in location. In detail,there is a coupling relationship between household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern;negative correlation is observed between natural assets value and household pattern options,while the other livelihood assets have positive impacts on compensation pattern in varying degrees,which from the top are psychological assets,human assets,physical assets,financial assets,and social assets respectively. A conceptual compensation pattern system has been designed to meet the demands for farmer households mainly according to their shortage in livelihood assets. In addition,compensation method,compensation standard,the basis of compensation and the source of compensation funds have been proposed accordingly.  相似文献   

Ecological compensation plays an important role in promoting ecological protection. Identifying factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation has become a focus of ecological economics. The Qianxi traditional chestnut agricultural heritage system is a typical agroforestry system in China and adapts the local environment well. However, local farmers concentrate on chestnut monocultures, driven by short-term profits. The local ecological environment is very fragile. We surveyed 100 local rural households. Based on face-to-face interviews and questionnaires and model assessment, we analyzed factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation in the Qianxi chestnut agroforestry system of Hebei. We found that many factors influence farmer willingness to accept, including education level, household income, environmental awareness, environmental protection practices and knowledge of ecological compensation. This research provides helps clarify the mechanism of farmer participation in eco-compensation and provides a basis for further development of compensation standards that benefit the local environment.  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization and the socio-economic transformation, cultivated land protection has gradually become a major concern in China. The economic compensation plays a crucial role in promoting cultivated land protection and improving the utilization ratio of cultivated land. Farmer household's satisfaction has a great influence on the effectiveness of compensation. Therefore, households' willingness to select the economic compensation pattern for cultivated land protection has been considered and re-examined. By employing Participatory Rural Appraisal method(PRA), 3 villages and 392 households were investigated and sampled in mesa and hilly areas of Chongqing. Then a quantitative analysis framework of household livelihood hexagon has been developed to quantify the livelihood assets of different farmer households. Finally, the Gray Relation Model and Probit Regression Model have been employed to explore the coupling relationship between the household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern options. The results show that there are both qualitative and spatial heterogeneity in household livelihood assets. We found that the inequality of livelihood assets is evident for five household types. There is a spatial trend that the higher the elevation, the less livelihood assets are. In addition, their options of economic compensation pattern vary from Chengdu Pattern to Foshan Pattern due to their difference in livelihood assets and difference in location. In detail, there is a coupling relationship between household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern; negative correlation is observed between natural assets value and household pattern options, while the other livelihood assets have positive impacts on compensation pattern in varying degrees, which from the top are psychological assets, human assets, physical assets, financial assets, and social assets respectively. A conceptual compensation pattern system has been designed to meet the demands for farmer households mainly according to their shortage in livelihood assets. In addition, compensation method, compensation standard, the basis of compensation and the source of compensation funds have been proposed accordingly.  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization and the socio-economic transformation, cultivated land protection has gradually become a major concern in China. The economic compensation plays a crucial role in promoting cultivated land protection and improving the utilization ratio of cultivated land. Farmer household's satisfaction has a great influence on the effectiveness of compensation. Therefore, households' willingness to select the economic compensation pattern for cultivated land protection has been considered and re-examined. By employing Participatory Rural Appraisal method (PRA), 3 villages and 392 households were investigated and sampled in mesa and hilly areas of Chongqing. Then a quantitative analysis framework of household livelihood hexagon has been developed to quantify the livelihood assets of differ- ent farmer households. Finally, the Gray Relation Model and Probit Regression Model have been employed to explore the coupling relationship between the household livelihood assets and their compensation pattern options. The results show that there are both qualitative and spatial heterogeneity in household livelihood assets. We found that the inequality of livelihood assets is evident for five household types. There is a spatial trend that the higher the eleva- tion, the less livelihood assets are. In addition, their options of economic compensation pat- tern vary from Chengdu Pattern to Foshan Pattern due to their difference in livelihood assets and difference in location. In detail, there is a coupling relationship between household live- lihood assets and their compensation pattern; negative correlation is observed between natural assets value and household pattern options, while the other livelihood assets have positive impacts on compensation pattern in varying degrees, which from the top are psy- chological assets, human assets, physical assets, financial assets, and social assets respec- tively. A conceptual compensation pattern system has been designed to meet the demands for farmer households mainly according to their shortage in livelihood assets. In addition, compensation method, compensation standard, the basis of compensation and the source of compensation funds have been proposed accordingly.  相似文献   

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