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《Marine Policy》1998,22(3):197-207
This paper concentrates on the past and present interaction between the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Com- mission, donor organisations and developing countries in the development of regional programmes for creating and supporting marine science capabilities. The Global Ocean Observing System and Integrated Coastal Zone Management in relation to fisheries, marine pollution and climate/sea level changes require regional input which depends on South-South and North South cooperation. The Indian Ocean with the Eastern African region, serve as an example for an ongoing process of capacity building and growing partnership in marine science. Through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, a strong and very beneficial cooperation was established, with several donors, in particular with the Swedish Agency for Research Co- operation with Developing Countries. This tripartite partnership of (a) a regional body with a regionally driven programme, (b) a global coordination mechanism in the form of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and (a) a multi-lateral donor in the form of the Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing Countries is in fact a model for regional development aid. The need for strong leadership of regional bodies is emphasised including a formal intersessional mechanism in the form of a bureau.  相似文献   

今天与尊谋面的《海洋科学》已非昨日那个二十年如一日的双月刊,而是崭新的月刊了。这在国内海洋科技期刊,尤其是排名在500家“中国自然科学核心期刊”里的海洋期刊中,恐怕暂时也算鲜见。促动我们下决心实施这一举措的,固然是历史潮流的涌动,是为了祖国海洋科研创新事业的进步所致,但大部分原因还在于自身生长的需要,遵循适正道者而生存的自然法则吧。这是实话实说,为了勿需再向读者诸君做更多的表白,以求能博得看者多多少少的理解和支持。不管是少部分的原因还是大部分的缘由,我们最终的目的是要把刊物办好,而不是将这个月刊办…  相似文献   

李军  祁自忠 《海洋与湖沼》1998,29(6):667-670
BRIEFINTRODUCTIONONTHECHINESECENTEROFMARINEBIOTECHNOLOGY/UNESCOLIJunQIZi-zhong(CollegeofMarineLife,OceanUniversityofQingdao,Qingdao,266003)1995年初,联合国教科文组织生物工程委员会决定在世界范围内挑选和资助建立5个地区性“植物与水生生物工程中。乙”,以促进发展中国家的科学发展与进步。联合国教科文组织生物工程委员会主席DrIndfaKVasil教授通知青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院徐怀恕教授提交工作计划。联合国教科文组织生命学部召开会议讨论通过了中国的活动计划书,决定在青岛海洋大学成立…  相似文献   

针对移动 Agent的可靠消息传递问题 ,提出 1种基于 Agent位置透明及消息缓冲体的消息传递机制 ,并从 Agent命名、Agent服务注册和消息缓冲几个方面 ,给出消息传递机制的具体实现算法。与现有通信机制相比 ,较好解决了 Agent在移动前后及移动过程中的消息传递问题。  相似文献   

李丹  刘惠  关一 《海洋技术学报》2011,30(2):113-117
消息中间件技术是近几年来比较热门的技术.采用面向服务体系的架构与消息中间件相结合的技术,在船载监控系统中设计一种标准的集成框架结构,使用异步消息传送机制,保证消息可靠同步的同时,降低分布式系统各部分之间的耦合度,提高船载监控系统集成的可扩展性及系统展示的多样性.  相似文献   

基于"北斗"卫星导航系统的长报文通信协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"北斗"卫星导航系统已经广泛应用在海洋、气象、水利和农业等领域中,利用短报文方式传输各类观测数据。文中介绍了一个基于"北斗"卫星导航系统的长报文通信协议,很好地解决了利用"北斗"卫星导航系统长报文传输时存在的数据丢包问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the use and non-use values of coral reefs as applied to the Tubbataha Reefs UNESCO World Heritage Site. Results from various studies indicate that economic benefits/values from conservation far exceed the costs of conservation. Mechanisms on how such economic values have been and can be captured are discussed. It is noted that non-use values could provide huge capturable economic values.  相似文献   

介绍了由多种AIS监测平台获取船舶信息的方法,探讨基于AIS的海洋环境目标监测技术。介绍了AIS信息获取和融合技术,提出了同类传感器多源融合与异类传感器多源融合的模型,描述了船只目标信息提取与应用技术。通过收集处理AIS信息,可以大大扩展船舶的监视范围,对于提高船舶动态的监控能力和海上安全的保障能力具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

为探讨位置追踪定位机制,根据移动Agent的定位、消息传递、迁移是该新型分布式网络技术重要组成部分,提出了基于蜂窝式通讯模式的方式,并给出了移动Agent定位、消息传递、迁移算法,该算法具有简单性、稳定性、可靠性等特点。  相似文献   

Flow patterns and positions of the Kuroshio in the vicinity of the Izu Ridge are clarified by analyzing hydrographic observations and daily mean sea levels at Hachijo-jima, Miyake-jima and Oshima in the period from 1964 to 1981.Correlations are calculated between differences of dynamic depth anomaly at the surface refered to 1,000 db and differences of daily mean sea level between the two islands. The datum line of the tidal station at Hachijo-jima is about 90 cm higher than that at Miyake-jima, and about 20 cm higher than that at Oshima. A clear correlation is found between the cross-section transport of the Kuroshio and the mean sea-level difference between Hachijo-jima and Miyake-jima. The sea-level difference of the flow pattern without meander off Enshu-nada (type N) tends to be larger than that of the flow patterns with meander (type A and type B). This seems to indicate that the volume transport of the Kuroshio in the meandering period is smaller than that during the straight path period. Large sudden increases or decreases in the mean sea-level difference occur when the flow pattern changes and the Kuroshio axis shifts. The frequency of occurrence of quiet periods in the sea-level difference reflect the flow pattern of the Kuroshio.  相似文献   

The Northern Iberian margin is a typical example of a continental margin subjected to seasonal highly energetic regime (waves and tides) and receiving inputs of continental sediments via riverine discharges. The principal goal of this study has been to use clay minerals as indicators of sedimentary dynamics in the open shelf system. The distributions of clay mineral in the top layer of the sedimentary cover are shown to be related to their continental sources, but also reflect the influences of winter storms and longshore currents in determining the pathways of sediment transport.The mineralogical composition of the material issuing from the rivers is very similar to the general mineralogical composition of the fine fractions of the seabed sediments. Those deposits that are directly influenced by riverine discharges have higher contents of kaolinite (>20%), whereas those that are not have higher contents of illite (>80%). The available data indicate no significant quantities of terrigenous particles are being discharged from the Spanish rias. Therefore, we conclude that physical processes are controlling the clay mineral distributions and that, despite contributions from the Minho River, the main source of fine detrital particles to the shelf region is the Douro River discharge. These particles settle on the middle shelf, below the 60 m isobath. During storm events these particles are re-suspended and advected northwards to the Galician shelf or into deeper domains. Thus the distributions of the clays indicate there is a net transport of fine sediments both northwards and off-shelf.  相似文献   

The purpose of our work was to obtain the most possible detailed information about the composition, concentration, and structural features of the magnetic minerals contained in the rock to reveal the differences in the magnetic properties of the peridotites under various circumstances of the mantle magmatism and different conditions of metamorphism. To do this, we examined and analyzed the magnetic and petrographic characteristics of four collections of oceanic and alpinotype spinel peridotites. The main object for comparing the magnetic characteristics was the Gorringe ridge, which lies in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The peridotite samples from the Gorringe ridge differ from the other collections in many magnetic parameters: I n , χ, Q, I rs /I s , H c , H cr , and H m . The principal question of our work was to clarify the nature of the Earth’s crust where the Gorringe ridge formed. This subject was studied many times in the literature, but the researchers did not reach a common opinion. In accordance with our data, the spinel peridotites from the Gorringe ridge represent a subcontinental lithosphere mantle of the Iberian continental margin. During the metamorphism, the formation of magnetite occurred in the peridotites of the Gorringe ridge in several stages and had a regressive character. Our investigations explain the results of the analysis of the anomalous magnetic field over the Gorringe ridge, which is characterized by sharp roughness and high intensity of the local signchanging anomalies.  相似文献   

Three aspects of marine technology are discussed. First is the unsolved problem of how to monitor the condition of a multi-strand strain wire. Second is the development of a piece of hardware for picking wire up off the sea floor and third is the conduct of an actual instrument retrieval operation at sea.  相似文献   

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