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When studying the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) local structure, it is not unusual to find wide HCS crossings. In this paper, we present one crossing that appears to have a complex internal structure composed of three parallel sheets and several possible HCS crossings that are consecutive and are on the order of minutes. Depending on their origin, different scenarios can explain multiple current sheets such as complex structures of helmet streamer at the Corona flowing into the solar wind, local waviness in the HCS structure, local oscillations of the HCS, and inverted magnetic fields or planar magnetic structures (PMS) close to the HCS. Distinguishing among these scenarios using just one observational point is very difficult because all of them are 3D structures. Nevertheless, we think that nearly parallel sheets are more likely in the first and in the last scenarios, i.e. multiple helmet streamer structure and PMS. In order to make the distinction between them, we have studied the possible reversal in the Qe·B sign for every event. Our results suggest that the existence of not-wide HCS composed of multiple parallel sheets cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Attention is paid to the generation of the Katrine hurricane with destructive consequences during the geomagnetic extrastorm of August 24, 2005, at a repeated crossing of the strongly disturbed IMF sector boundary. This fact is discussed in the light of the Eigenson-Usmanov hypothesis that solar activity can affect generation of hurricanes. According to the law of enhancement, solar activity and corresponding geomagnetic disturbances increase baric contrasts in the lower atmosphere over oceans on the Earth’s dayside hemisphere and decrease background pressure at tropical latitudes. It has been assumed that this can be one of the factors facilitating triggering of the positive feedback mechanisms necessary for generation and maintenance of hurricanes according to the Golitsyn [1999] model.  相似文献   

Following a given classification of geomagnetic activity, we obtained aa index values for the Maunder minimum (1645–1715). It is found that the recurrent and fluctuating activities were not appreciable and that the shock activity levels were very low. The aa index level was due almost entirely to the quiet days. Calculated average solar-wind velocities were 194.3 km s–1 from 1657 to 1700 and 218.7 km s–1 from 1700 onwards. Also, the coronal magnetic field magnitude and southward interplanetary magnetic field component Bz were lower. It is concluded that the nearly absent levels of geomagnetic activity during this period were due to lower coronal and Bz magnetic field magnitudes as well as to the continuous impinging on the Earth of a slow wind.  相似文献   

Various models that describe the dependence of pulsation amplitude A on the solar wind velocity V are discussed. Phenomenological considerations and experimental data count in favour of a model of the form A/A0=(V/V0) exp (-V0/V). The linear model A=a+bV which is common in the literature gives negative values of amplitude as V->0, which is strange from the physical point of view. The possibility of modifying the linear model by including critical phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of Magnetic Clouds (MCs) on the Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) local structure is yet an open question. Although it is widely accepted that a magnetic cloud has an important effect on the HCS shape, their structural relation, either the MC is part of the HCS or not, is not completely solved. Moreover, the problem grows up when trying to investigate three dimensional structures using one single observation point. We propose an approach to the MC–HCS study using magnetic models for the MC and local HCS structures, which are able of determining their relative orientation from one single spacecraft data. Three events have been selected in which an MC passage was observed close to HCS crossings. The results confirm the strong effect of MC passage on the HCS local orientation and they seem to be consistent with MCs propagating out of the HCS at 1 AU.  相似文献   


本文利用信使号飞船2011-2015年期间在轨磁场数据对水星磁尾电流片的磁场结构分布特征进行了统计分析.为探究磁场结构分布随水星径向距离的变化, 电流片划分为近磁尾(-1.5RM > X > -2.0RM)和远磁尾(-2.0RM > X > -2.5RM)两个区域.所得结果表明:(1)无论是近磁尾还是远磁尾, 电流片中的磁场都以+Bz分量为主, 磁场方向几乎与磁赤道面垂直.(2)相比近磁尾, 远磁尾电流片中磁场强度、Bz分量较弱, By分量较强, 而且-Bz信号出现概率相对较大, 这表明电流片中磁活动相对容易在远磁尾中发生.(3)磁场强度以及Bz分量在晨昏方向上的分布存在晨昏不对称性—在方位角120°~190°范围内相对较弱.弱Bz数据点(Bz < 5 nT)也在昏侧(Y>0)发生较为频繁.(4)与Bz分布相反, 磁场强By分量(|By|>5 nT)倾向于在晨侧(Y < 0)发生.统计分析还表明, 磁场By分量与行星际磁场By分量并无明显的相关性.对比地球磁尾电流片, 我们对水星磁尾电流片Bz分量、强By分量的晨昏不对称起源机制作了探讨分析.





Wickramage  C. H.  Wang  Weiqiang  Arulananthan  K.  Jayathilake  Ruchira 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(11-12):1051-1067
Ocean Dynamics - Shipboard velocity profiles collected in July 2018 are used to study coastal current in the south of Sri Lanka during the summer monsoon. The observations reveal that there is a...  相似文献   

Nothing indeed demonstrates more forcefully the extent to which Dutch water management corresponds to the nature and the needs of the Dutch people and their land, and how it has emerged there from in a natural fashion than the fact that the revolutionaries of 1795, despite being so intoxicated by their unexpected victory and sudden power that they overturned everything … nonetheless refrained from laying hands on institutions whose extreme antiquity would in those days have provided more of an excuse to abolish than to preserve them (J.W. Welcker, De Noorder-Lekdijk Bovendams en de doorsteking van den Zuider-Lekdijk bij Culemborg 1803-1813. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van den Nederlandschen Waterstaat geschetst en met onuitgegeven stukken toegelicht (‘s-Gravenhage: 1880), p. 2).  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this paper, the heliolatitude dependence of the anisotropy of hourly interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations under conditions characteristic of low solar activity...  相似文献   

京津冀城市群地区夏季低层大气风速谱特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用京津冀城市群地区6个观测站风廓线雷达夏季一个月同步观测资料,对其进行了风功率谱和小波分析.越接近地面,测站之间风的周期变化特征差异越明显,离地面越远,差异不显著.各站大于1天周期的频谱特征差异小,而小于1天周期的频谱特征差异大.各站频谱在几百米高度有明显日变化.不同位置的测站其日变化周期信号随高度分布表现为不同程度的地形影响效应.部分测站1 km高度以下风功率谱在大于1天高频区近似满足-5/3幂分布规律.降水过程风频谱在低层普遍有小于1天的高频周期,这与降水过程高低空风速起伏和变化密切相关.各站平均风矢量日变化在5:00—6:00、20:00—21:00有明显风速变化和风向转换,1500 m以下风向变化差异显著,偏南风出现时间及影响高度与该地区的山谷风和海陆风相联系.各站之间风速相关系数随高度分布呈现出低层低、上层高的特点.最后还给出了风廓线雷达布网建议.  相似文献   

The residual flow in the inlets of Venice lagoon subject to Bora and Sirocco winds has been studied. Current velocities have been monitored since 2001 using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) installed on the beds of the inlets that connect the lagoon to the Adriatic Sea; these inlets are Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia. Wind velocity data have also been continuously measured at an oceanographic platform 14.8 km offshore from the lagoon; these data were subsequently decomposed into Principal Components, which are associated with Bora and Sirocco wind directions. Analyses show that the inflow in Lido inlet is strongly related to the Bora wind. The outflow in Chioggia inlet occurs during Bora events but shows a slightly weaker correlation with the wind speed, while Malamocco inlet shows little or no influence of Bora winds on flow patterns. A net residual inflow through Lido and Malamocco inlet was found, while outflow prevails in Chioggia inlet. During Bora events, the average residual inflow increased three-fold in Lido inlet, whereas the outflow in Chioggia inlet doubled. The current velocities in Lido and Chioggia inlets are best described by an exponential function of wind velocity with exponents of −0.1187 and −0.0924, respectively. The response to Sirocco events was evident mainly in Chioggia inlet. Specifically, there was a slow down of the outflow in linear proportion to wind speed. In excess of 10 m/s a complete current reversal was observed. Lido and Malamocco inlets showed little or no response to Sirocco winds, except during rare cases when wind speeds exceeded 15 m/s.  相似文献   

Pure and Applied Geophysics - Vertical profiles of ozone concentration and temperature for various wind velocities were determined at a lighthouse in the North Sea. Determination of the ozone flux...  相似文献   


本文基于1987—2017年南极点的无线电探空数据,研究了地面至30 km海拔高度的气温、风向和风速的垂直分布及变化趋势.多年平均的逐月数据表明,气温在各高度上均具有显著的季节变化,南半球夏季(冬季)对流层低层温度最高达-25℃(最低达-60℃),分别出现于1月(7月)地面以上约500 m(近地面).近30年来,年平均地面气温呈0.3℃/10a的增加趋势,增温趋势总体上随高度增加而减缓,至对流层上层的气温变化趋势为负,约为-0.25℃/10a.对于对流层整层平均气温,秋季上升趋势在四季中最为明显,达0.55℃/10a,而年平均气温的趋势约为0.3℃/10a.近地面全年盛行东北风,风速大多在2~10 m·s-1范围内;对流层的低层(高层)为西北风(西南风),在海拔6~9 km处,对流层急流可达25 m·s-1;而平流层低层(高层)为南风(东南风),最大风速可超过30 m·s-1.风速和温度梯度变化特征在地面至10 km(10~30 km)高度段表现为负相关(正相关).近30年近地面呈现北风增加东风减少的趋势,而高空南风减少,东风和北风增多.对流层整层平均风速显示,各季节平均风速均呈增加趋势,并且与温度类似,秋季的增加趋势最显著,达0.59 m·s-1/10a,而春季趋势最为平缓,仅0.05 m·s-1/10a.对流层整层年平均风速的线性趋势为0.24 m·s-1/10a,地面年平均风速呈0.05 m·s-1/10a的增加趋势.


太阳高能粒子(SEP)事件是一类重要的空间天气灾害性事件,如能准确预报SEP事件,人们便可以采取必要的防护措施,保障卫星、星载设备以及航天员的安全,尽可能地降低经济损失.因此,其数值预报研究在空间天气预报研究中占有很重要的地位.SEP事件中的高能粒子在不同的时间尺度内被耀斑过程或者CME驱动的激波加速,并且在被扰动后的行星际太阳风中传输,这些过程都紧紧依赖于太阳风背景场.因此获取更加接近物理真实的太阳风背景场是模拟SEP事件的重要部分,也是提高SEP物理模式的关键因素之一.我们目前的工作基于张明等发展的SEP在行星际空间传播的模型,尝试将Parker太阳风速度解及WIND飞船观测的磁场实时数据融入模型中,研究不同的太阳风速度以及真实磁场分布对SEP在行星际空间中传播的影响.通过求解聚焦传输方程,我们的模拟结果表明:(1)快太阳风条件下,绝热冷却效应项发挥了更大的作用,使粒子能量衰减的更快,而慢太阳风对粒子的通量变化没有显著影响;(2)加入观测的磁场数据时,粒子的全向通量剖面发生了比较明显的变化,具体表现在:通量峰值推迟到达、出现多峰结构、各向异性也发生一些改变.分析表明真实磁场的极性对粒子在行星际空间中传播有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

利用CHAMP卫星磁场数据分析研究了2004年11月7日至8日巨磁暴(DstH和AE指数对比分析得出,早上扇区的大尺度电流片的分布特征更多地受到亚暴活动的影响,而下午扇区的电流片分布则明显反映出磁暴环电流活动的特征.  相似文献   

利用CHAMP卫星磁场数据分析研究了2004年11月7日至8日巨磁暴(Dst<-200 nT)期间大尺度场向电流的分布特征.把方向相同且时间连续的一段场向电流定义为一个电流片,分析结果表明,伴随磁暴的发展,在卫星飞过的两个扇区(早上扇区0200-0400MLT及下午扇区1400-1600MLT)中的大尺度场向电流分布呈现不同的纬向分布特征:随着地磁扰动的增强,早上扇区电流片分布范围向高纬扩展;而下午扇区电流片分布范围则显著地向低纬扩展.与地磁活动SYM-H和AE指数对比分析得出,早上扇区的大尺度电流片的分布特征更多地受到亚暴活动的影响,而下午扇区的电流片分布则明显反映出磁暴环电流活动的特征.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic disturbances in the Canadian region are compared with their solar and heliospheric sources during the decline phase of solar activity, when recurrent solar wind streams from low-latitude coronal holes were clearly defined. A linear correlation analysis has been performed using the following data: the daily and hourly indices of geomagnetic activity, solar wind velocity, and coronal hole area. The obtained correlation coefficients were rather low between the coronal hole areas and geomagnetic activity (0.17–0.48), intermediate between the coronal hole areas and the solar wind velocity (0.40–0.65), and rather high between the solar wind velocity and geomagnetic activity (0.50–0.70). It has been indicated that the correlation coefficient values can be considerably increased (by tens of percent in the first case and about twice in the second case) if variations in the studied parameters related to changes in the ionosphere (different illumination during a year) and variations in the heliolatitudinal shift of the coordinate system between the Earth, the Sun, and a spacecraft are more accurately taken into account.  相似文献   

The observation of extreme waves at FINO 1 during storm Britta on the 1st November 2006 has initiated a series of research studies regarding the mechanisms behind. The roles of stability and the presence of the open cell structures have been previously investigated but not conclusive. To improve our understanding of these processes, which are essential for a good forecast of similarly important events offshore, this study revisits the development of storm Britta using an atmospheric and wave coupled modeling system, wind and wave measurements from ten stations across the North Sea, cloud images and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. It is found here that a standard state-of-the-art model is capable of capturing the important characteristics of a major storm like Britta, including the storm path, storm peak wind speed, the open cells, and peak significant wave height (H s ) for open sea. It was also demonstrated that the impact of the open cells has negligible contribution to the development of extreme H s observed at FINO 1. At the same time, stability alone is not sufficient in explaining the development of extreme H s . The controlling conditions for the development of Britta extreme H s observed at FINO 1 are the persistent strong winds and a long and undisturbed fetch over a long period.  相似文献   

The distribution of the P and S velocities in the Benioff zone of central Kamchatka during the period of aftershocks (1997–2004) of the disastrous Kronotskii earthquake of 1997 (M = 7.9, MW = 7.7) has been determined. Based on the data for the foreshock period immediately preceding the earthquake (1991–1997), a sharp increase in the body wave velocities in the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula (up to 9.5–9.7 km/s for V P and 5.1–5.3 km/s for V S) has been determined at depths of 55–140 km in the subvertical region. Based on observations during the period of aftershocks comparable with the last period of foreshocks (about 7 years), it has been established that the body wave velocities calculated for the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula returned to the initial values typical of the beginning of that period. This indicates that stresses relaxed around the head part of the Kronotskii earthquake rupture zone after its origination. This conclusion is confirmed by a sharp decrease in the number of earthquakes with M = 2.3–4.9 in the Benioff zone below the Kronotskii Peninsula. Moreover, taking the velocity distribution during the period of aftershocks into account, it has been determined that a second stress relaxation zone is located at the southwestern flank of the Kronotskii earthquake rupture zone where the largest (M = 6.7) aftershock occurred. According to these data, it is concluded that two stress concentration centers could have existed during the preparation of the Kronotskii earthquake.  相似文献   

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