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This study investigates the marginal subglacial bedrock bedforms of Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland, in order to examine the processes governing bedform evolution in ice stream and ice sheet areas, and to reconstruct the interplay between ice stream and ice sheet dynamics. Differences in bedform morphology (roche moutonnee or whaleback) are used to explore contrasts in basal conditions between fast and slow ice flow. Bedform density is higher in ice stream areas and whalebacks are common. We interpret that this is related to higher ice velocities and thicker ice which suppress bed separation. However, modification of whalebacks by plucking occurs during deglaciation due to ice thinning, flow deceleration, crevassing and fluctuations in basal water pressure. The bedform evidence points to widespread basal sliding during past advances of Jakobshavns Isbrae. This was encouraged by increased basal temperatures and melting at depth, as well as the steep marginal gradients of Jakobshavns Isfjord which allowed rapid downslope evacuation of meltwater leading to strong ice/bedrock coupling and scouring. In contrast to soft-bedded ice stream bedforms, the occurrence of fixed basal perturbations and higher bed roughness in rigid bed settings prevents the basal ice subsole from maintaining a stable form which, coupled with secondary plucking, counteracts the development of bedforms with high elongation ratios. Cross-cutting striae and double-plucked, rectilinear bedforms suggest that Jakobshavns Isbrae became partially unconfined during growth phases, causing localised diffluent flow and changes in ice sheet dynamics around Disko Bugt. It is likely that Disko Bugt harboured a convergent ice flow system during repeated glacial cycles, resulting in the formation of a large coalesced ice stream which reached the continental shelf edge.  相似文献   

Relative sea level (RSL) data derived from isolation basins at Innaarsuit, a site on the south shores of the large marine embayment of Disko Bugt, West Greenland, record rapid RSL fall from the marine limit (ca. 108 m) at 10,300-9900 cal yr B.P. to reach the present sea level at 3500 cal yr B.P. Since 2000 cal yr B.P., RSL rose ca. 3 m to the present. When compared with data from elsewhere in Disko Bugt, our results suggest that the embayment was deglaciated later and more quickly than previously thought, at or slightly before 10,300 cal yr B.P. The northern part of Disko Bugt experienced less rebound (ca. 10 m at 6000 cal yr B.P.) compared with areas to the south. Submergence during the late Holocene supports a model of crustal down-warping as a result of renewed ice-sheet growth during the neoglacial. There is little evidence for west to east differences in crustal rebound across the southern shores of Disko Bugt.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages and the sedimentology of two cores (POR20 and POR21) from eastern Disko Bugt, west Greenland, are used to identify environmental changes in the area over the past c. 2200 years. Changes in the sediment flux supplied to the core sites from Jakobshavn Isbrae are used to assess the relative position of the calving margin. An Atlantic water influence as strong as, or slightly stronger than, present prevailed at c. 2200 cal. yr BP. A trend of increasing Atlantic water influence then culminated in peak warm and saline hydrographic conditions c. 1664-474 cal. yr BP encompassing the 'Medieval Warm Period'. This period was marked by a retreat of the calving front of Jakobshavn Isbrae and was followed by a marked cooling in hydrographic conditions relating to an increase in the influence of the East Greenland Current in the West Greenland Current corresponding to the climatic episode the 'Little Ice Age'. A rise in sedimentation rate over this period relates to the well-documented advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae. The record from Disko Bugt shows good agreement with the temperature record from the Greenland ice cores and other climatic and oceanographic reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

Shells were collected from marine sediments in the area youth of Disko Bugt from various altitudes up to 50 m. Radiocarbon dates showed that only some of the shells were from sands and gravels formed at or near sea level and could be used to date the land/sea level changes. The shell dates show a regression from about 43 m at 7000 B.P. to about 8 m at 4000 B.P. All sediments with shells are Holocene in age, the oldest date being nearly 9000 B.P. The date of the Fjord Stage moraine in Orpigsoq is estimated at about 8000 B.P. on the basis of the altitude of the marine limit at 62 m. Extrapolations dated the older marine limits, falling from an altitude of 130 m to 80 m, at about 11,000 B.P. to 9000 B.P. These are approximate dates for the deglaciation of the area outside the Fjord Stage moraine. The distribution of shells in the sediments was shown to be largely dependent on habitat and water depth. At least some changes ill fauna were caused by a decrease of water depth due to the relative uplift of land. No tilting or warping of the land surface could he detected in the at-ea about 100 km long from the coast towards the Inland Ice.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation into Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) change, isostatic rebound and ice sheet dynamics in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Data collected from nine isolation basins on Arveprinsen Ejland, east Disko Bugt, show that mean sea level fell continuously from ca. 70 m at 9.9 ka cal. yr BP (8.9 ka 14C yr BP) to reach a minimum of ca. −5 m at 2.8 ka cal. yr BP (2.5 ka 14C yr BP), before rising to the present day. A west–east gradient in isostatic uplift across Disko Bugt is confirmed, with reduced rebound observed in east Disko Bugt. However, RSL differences (up to 20 m at 7.8 ka to 6.8 ka cal. yr BP (7 ka to 6 ka 14C yr BP)) also exist within east Disko Bugt, suggesting a significant north–south component to the area’s isostatic history. The observed magnitude and timing of late Holocene RSL rise is not compatible with regional forebulge collapse. Instead, RSL rise began first in the eastern part of the bay, as might be expected under a scenario of crustal subsidence caused by neoglacial ice sheet readvance. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of isolation basin data for local and regional RSL studies in Greenland, and the importance of avoiding data compilations from areas where the isobase orientation is uncertain. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sulphide separates from mineralisation in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic host rocks of the Disko Bugt area, central West Greenland, have been analysed for trace elements and Pb isotopes. Isotopic compositions of lead from sulphide separates of Archaean supracrustal rocks show wide variations. Archaean semi-massive sulphides and sulphides separated from felsic metavolcanites yield an errorchron age of 2821 +77/−82, with a model μ1 value of 7.36; this is comparable to the estimated age of the supracrustal rocks. The two most prominent mineralised sites, the Andersen and Eqip prospects, have their own unique Pb isotope pattern; the Andersen prospect is considered to represent the result of an upper crust of Palaeoproterozoic process. The sulphide separates of Palaeoproterozoic epigenetic mineralisation hosted in shear and fault zones in the supracrustal rocks has a common origin, e.g. linked to a metamorphic peak and/or hydrothermal alteration. Gold-bearing samples indicate a local origin for associated sulphides; no regional processes seem to be involved in the formation of the gold occurrences. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

A new centennial scale benthic foraminiferal record of late Holocene climate variability and oceanographic changes off West Greenland (Disko Bugt) highlights substantial subsurface water mass changes (e.g. temperature and salinity) of the West Greenland Current (WGC) over the past 3.6 ka BP. Benthic foraminifera reveal a long-term late Holocene cooling trend, which may be attributed to increased advection of cold, low-salinity water masses derived from the East Greenland Current (EGC). Cooling becomes most pronounced from c. 1.7 ka BP onwards. At this point the calcareous Atlantic benthic foraminiferal fauna decrease significantly and is replaced by an agglutinated Arctic fauna. Superimposed on this cooling trend, centennial scale variability in the WGC reveals a marked cold phase at c. 2.5 ka BP, which may correspond to the 2.7 ka BP cooling-event recorded in marine and terrestrial archives elsewhere in the North Atlantic region. A warm phase recognized at c. 1.8 ka BP is likely to correspond to the ‘Roman Warm Period’ and represents the warmest bottom water conditions. During the time period of the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’ we observe only a slight warming of the WGC. A progressively more dominant cold water contribution from the EGC on the WGC is documented by the prominent rise in abundance of agglutinated Arctic water species from 0.9 ka BP onwards. This cooling event culminates at c. 0.3 ka BP and represents the coldest episode of the ‘Little Ice Age’.Gradually increased influence of cold, low-salinity water masses derived from the EGC may be linked to enhanced advection of Polar and Arctic water by the EGC. These changes are possibly associated with a reported shift in the large-scale North Atlantic Oscillation atmospheric circulation pattern towards a more frequent negative North Atlantic Oscillation mode during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Jakobshavn Isbræ is one of the largest ice streams in the Greenland Ice Sheet, presently draining c. 6.5% of the Inland Ice. Here we present high‐resolution Chirp and Sparker sub‐bottom profiles from a seismic survey conducted just outside of the Jakobshavn Isfjord, which provides detailed insight into the glacimarine sedimentary history of the Jakobshavn ice stream during the Holocene. We observe acoustically stratified and homogeneous sediments that drape an irregular substratum and were deposited between ~10 and c. 7.6k cal a BP. The stratified lower units are interpreted as the product of ice‐proximal glacimarine sedimentation deposited rapidly when the grounded ice margin was located close to depositional basins on topographic highs. The upper acoustically homogenous units reflect suspension settling of fine‐grained material and gravitational flows that were extruded from an increasingly unstable ice margin as the ice retreated into the fjord. Proximity to the ice margin and bedrock topography were the dominant controls on sediment accumulation during deglaciation although the 8.2‐ka cooling event probably influenced the position of the ice margin at the fjord mouth. The post‐glacial sedimentary record is characterized by glacimarine and hemipelagic rainout with an increased ice‐rafted detritus fraction that records sedimentation following ice stream retreat into Jakobshavn Isfjord sometime after c. 7.8k cal a BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Kuannersuit Glacier surged 11 km between 1995 and 1998. The surge resulted in the formation of an ice cored thrust moraine complex constructed by subglacial and proglacial glaciotectonic processes. Four main thrust zones are evident in the glacier snout area with phases of compressional folding and thrusting followed by hydrofracture in response to the build-up of compressional stresses and the aquicludal nature of submarginal permafrost and naled. Various types of stratified debris-rich ice facies occur within the marginal zone: The first (Facies I) comprises laterally continuous strata of ice with sorted sediment accumulations, and is reworked and thrust naled ice. The second is laterally discontinuous stratified debris-rich ice with distinct tectonic structures, and is derived through subglacial extensional deformation and localised regelation (Facies II), whilst the third type is characterised by reworked and brecciated ice associated with the reworking and entrainment of meteoric ice (Facies III). Hydrofracture dykes and sills (Facies IV) cross-cut the marginal ice cored thrust moraines, with their sub-vertically frozen internal contact boundaries and sedimentary structures, suggesting supercooling operated as high-pressure evacuation of water occurred during thrusting, but this is not related to the formation of basal stratified debris-rich ice. Linear distributions of sorted fines transverse to ice flow, and small stratified sediment ridges that vertically cross-cut the ice surface up-ice of the thrust zone relate to sediment migration along crevasse traces and fluvial infilling of crevasses. From a palaeoglaciological viewpoint, marginal glacier tectonics, ice sediment content and sediment delivery mechanisms combine to control the development of this polythermal surge valley landsystem. The bulldozing of proglacial sediments and the folding and thrusting of naled leads to the initial development of the outer zone of the moraine complex. This becomes buried in bulldozed outwash sediment and well-sorted fines through surface ablation of naled. Up-ice of this, the heavily thrust margin becomes buried in sediment melted out from basal debris-rich ice and subglacial diamicts routed along thrusts. These mechanisms combine to deliver sediment to supraglacial localities, and promote the initial preservation of structurally controlled moraines through insulation, and the later development of kettled dead ice terrain.  相似文献   

The macrofossils, lithology and chronology of two lake basins on Disko in central West Greenland have been investigated. Both lakes were isolated from the sea in the mid-Holocene as a result of relative land uplift. A marine-brackish-limnic sequence was recovered from the Qivittut Lake. The marine fauna is unusually diverse, whereas the brackish water fauna consists only of few species. Immediately after isolation the lake passed through a short-lived eutrophic phase, after which stable, mesotrophic conditions were established. From the second lake basin, the Fortunebay Lake, only limnic sediments were recovered. This lake record demonstrates that rather stable conditions have persisted since mid-Holocene times. Both lakes show anomalously high accumulation rates.  相似文献   

In West Greenland, early and mid Holocene relative sea level (RSL) fall was replaced by late Holocene RSL rise during the Neoglacial, after 4–3 cal. ka BP (thousand calibrated years before present). Here we present the results of an isolation basin RSL study completed near to the coastal town of Sisimiut, in central West Greenland. RSL fell from 14 m above sea level at 5.7 cal. ka BP to reach a lowstand of ?4.0 m at 2.3–1.2 cal. ka BP, before rising by an equivalent amount to present. Differences in the timing and magnitude of the RSL lowstand between this and other sites in West and South Greenland record the varied interplay of local and non‐Greenland RSL processes, notably the reloading of the Earth's crust caused by a Neoglacial expansion of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) and the subsidence associated with the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet forebulge. This means that the timing of the sea level lowstand cannot be used to infer directly when the GIS advanced during the Neoglacial. The rise in Late Holocene RSL is contrary to recently reported bedrock uplift in the Sisimiut area, based on repeat GPS surveys. This indicates that a belt of peripheral subsidence around the current ice sheet margin was more extensive in the late Holocene, and that there has been a switch from subsidence to uplift at some point in the last thousand years or so. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The frontal positions of glaciers in fiords, sounds and larger valleys during the glaciation maximum around 10,000 B.P. and the extent of ice-free areas at that time are shown, together with an isobase map of the altitude of the contemporaneous (or younger) marine limit. A number of 14C and some Amino Acid datings related to the glacial advance, culmination and retreat are presented. Some time after a Middle Weichselian period with restricted glaciation the glaciers advanced and stood at their maximum positions at about 10,300 B.P., in some areas remaining there until about 9500 B.P., at which time sizeable lowland areas outside the ice-fronts were unglaciated and a large number of nunataks of various types occurred. The retreat of the glaciers started about 10,300 B.P. in the south, but seems to have been delayed towards the north. However, by 9000 B.P. all outer parts of the fiords were deglaciated and their central parts by 8500 B.P. The marine limit synchronous with this glaciation maximum and the deglaciation sinks from a southern maximum value of about 110 m to about 55 m in the north, reflecting a decreasing amplitude of the glacial advance.  相似文献   

Geomorphological analysis of a digital elevation model reveals an extensive zone with uniformly oriented elongated landforms in the middle and eastern Wielkopolska Lowland, directly to the north of the maximum extent of the Weichselian Ice Sheet. Individual linear landforms are up to 10 km long, a few hundred metres wide, and with only a few metres of relief. The belts of linear landforms visible on the surfaces of the uplands are disrupted by subglacial channels and younger river valleys. The character and distribution of both landform types, in relation to the outlines of marginal zones of the Weichselian ice lobes, indicate that their origin was subglacial. The elongated landforms are interpreted as mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) characteristic of palaeo-ice stream zones. The MSGLs occur in a zone 70 km long and 80 km wide and are distinctly divergent towards the maximum extent of the ice sheet. This arrangement demonstrates that they are the record of the terminal zone of the ice stream, whose full size was likely in the order of a few hundred kilometres in length.  相似文献   

The paper describes studies of glacial deposits and raised beaches on the island of Disko. West Greenland. Two stades in the glacial history are defined, the Godhavn stade, which represents the last major glaciation on Disko, and the Disko stade, which defines a Preboreal readvance. During the Godhavn stade, only eastern and southern Disko were affected by the extended Inland Ice, while glaciation on western and northern Disko was local in character. In connection with the deglaciation, the sea transgressed to the marine limit at c. 9,250-9,000 BP. Immediately before, tentatively culminating around 9,300 BP, a significant readvance of glaciers on eastern Disko occurred. The marine limit rises on a transect from northwest to southeast across Disko from 60 m a.s.l. to 90 m. The paper discusses changes in equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during the deglaciation, and explains the Disko stade readvance in terms of variations in upper-air wind conditions.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian glaciation history of the northern North Sea   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on new data from the Fladen, Sleipner and Troll areas, combined with earlier published results, a glaciation curve for the Late Weichselian in the northern North Sea is constructed. The youngest date on marine sedimentation prior to the late Weichselian maximum ice extent is 29.4 ka BP. At this time the North Sea and probably large parts of southern Norway were deglaciated (corresponding to the Alesund interstadial in western Norway). In a period between 29.4 and c. 22 ka BP, the northern North Sea experienced its maximum Weichselian glaciation with a coalescing British and Scandinavian ice sheet. The first recorded marine inundation is found in the Fladen area where marine sedimentation started close to 22 ka BP. After this the ice fronts receded both to the east and west. The North Sea Plateau, and possibly parts of the Norwegian Trench, were ice-free close to 19.0 ka, and after this a short readvance occurred in this area. This event is correlated with the advance recorded at Dimlington, Yorkshire, and the corresponding climatostratigraphic unit is denoted the Dimlington Stadial (18.5 ka to 15.1 ka). The Norwegian Trench was deglaciated at 15.1 ka in the Troll area. The data from the North Sea, together with the results from Andwa, northern Norway (Vorren et al . 1988; Møller et al . 1992), suggest that the maximum extent of the last glaciation along the NW-European seaboard from the British Isles to northern Norway was prior to c . 22 ka BP.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the processes governing bedrock bedform evolution in ice sheet and ice stream areas in central West Greenland, and explores the evidence for a cross‐shelf ice stream at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). To the east of Sisimiut the formation of streamlined bedforms with high elongation ratios and high bedform density has been controlled by geological structure and topography in slow‐flowing ice sheet areas. At the coast, the effects of regional flow convergence, caused by coastal fjord orientation, routed ice into the Sisimiut/Itilleq area where it formed an ice stream onset zone. This funnelled ice into an offshore trough (Holsteinsborg Dyb), resulting in a southwesterly regional ice flow direction and the formation of a topographically routed ice stream (Holsteinsborg Isbrae). To the south of this, striae and bedform evidence show that local valley glaciers initially flowed east to west across the coast, but were later redirected by the Itilleq Fjord ice which turned southwestward due to diffluent flow and deflection by Holsteinsborg Isbrae. Roches moutonnées in this area have low elongation ratios and high bedform density, but do not provide unequivocal support for ice streaming, as they are a product of both bedrock structure and changes in ice flow direction, rather than enhanced flow velocities. Cosmogenic surface exposure ages limit maximum ice sheet surface elevation to ca. 755–810 m above sea level in this region. Such ice thickness enabled Holsteinsborg Isbrae to reach the mid/outer continental shelf during the LGM, and to contribute to the formation of a trough mouth fan and the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Initial deglaciation across this region was driven by rising sea level and increasing air temperatures prior to the Bølling Interstadial at ca. 14.5 cal. ka BP. Between 12 and 10 cal. ka BP both increased air and ocean temperatures post the Younger Dryas, and peak sea‐level rise up to the marine limit, caused accelerated thinning and marginal retreat through calving, although dating evidence suggests ice streams remained along the inner shelf/coast boundary until at least ca. 10 cal. ka BP, their longevity maintained by increased ice thickness and ice discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The position of the Inland Ice margin during the late Wisconsin-Würm glaciation (ca. 15,000 yr BP) is probably marked by offshore banks (submarine moraines?) in the Davis Strait. The history of the Inland Ice since the late Wisconsin-Würm can be divided into four principal phases: (1) Relatively slow retreat from the offshore banks occurred at an average rate of approximately 1 km/100 yr until ca. 10,000 yr BP (Younger Dryas?) when the Taserqat moraine system was formed by a readvance. (2) At ca. 9500 yr BP, the rate of retreat increased markedly to about 3 km/100 yr, and although nearly 100 km of retreat occurred by ca. 6500 yr BP, it was punctuated by frequent regional reexpansions of the Inland Ice that formed extensive moraine systems at ca. 8800-8700 yr BP (Avatdleq-Sarfartôq moraines), 8400-8100 yr BP (Angujârtorfik-Fjord moraines), 7300 yr BP (Umîvît moraines), and 7200-6500 yr BP (Keglen-Mt, Keglen moraines). (3) Between 6500 and 700 yr BP, discontinous ice-margin deposits and ice-disintegration features were formed during retreat, which may have continued until the ice margin was near or behind its present position by ca. 6000 yr BP. Most of the discontinuous ice-margin deposits occur within 5–10 km of the present ice margin, and may have been formed by two main phases of readvance at ca. 4800-4000 yr BP and 2500-2000 yr BP. (4) Since a readvance at ca. 700 yr BP, the Inland Ice margin has undergone several minor retreats and readvances resulting in deposition of numerous closely spaced moraines within about 3 km of the present ice margin. The young moraines are diffieulto to correlate regionally, but several individual moraines have the following approximate ages: A.D. 1650, 1750, and 1880–1920.Inland Ice fluctuations in West Greenland were very closely paralleled by Holocene glacial events in East Greenland and the eastern Canadian Aretic. Such similarity of glacier behavior over a large area strongly suggests that widespread climatic change was the direct cause of Holocene glacial fluctuations. Moreover, historical advances of the Inland Ice margin followed slight temperature decreases by no more than a few decades, and 18O data from Greenland ice cores show that slight temperature decreases occurred frequently throughout the Holocene. Therefore, we conclude that construction of the major Holocene moraine systems in West Greenland was caused by slight temperature decreases, which decreased rates of ablation and thereby produced practically immediate advances of the ice sheet margin, but did not necessarily affect the long-term equilibrium of the ice sheet.  相似文献   

Interpretation of Transient ElectroMagnetic (TEM) data and wire-line logs has led to the delineation of an intricate pattern of buried tunnel valleys, along with new evidence of glaciotectonically dislocated layers in recessional moraines in the central part of Vendsyssel, Denmark. The TEM data have been compared with recent results of stratigraphical investigations based on lithological and biostratigraphical analyses of borehole samples and dating with Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon. This has provided an overview of the spatial distribution of the late Quaternary lithostratigraphical formations, and the age of the tunnel valleys has been estimated. The tunnel valleys are typically 5–10 km long, 1 km wide and are locally eroded to depths of more than 180 m b.s.l. The valleys are interpreted to have been formed by subglacial meltwater erosion beneath the outermost part of the ice sheet during temporary standstills and minor re-advances during the overall Late Weichselian recession of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. The formation of the tunnel valleys occurred after the retreat of the Main ice advance c . 20 kyr BP and before the Lateglacial marine inundation c . 18 kyr BP. Based on the occurrence of the tunnel valleys and the topography, four ice-marginal positions related to the recession of the northeastern Main advance and seven ice-marginal positions related to the recession from the following eastern re-advance across Vendsyssel are delineated. All the tunnel valleys were formed within a time interval of a few thousand years, giving only a few hundred years or less for the formation of the tunnel valleys at each ice-marginal position.  相似文献   

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