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The astrometric application of the Wide Field Camera and the Planetary Camera is reviewed. It is shown that the digital image centering algorithms can yield a positional accuracy of 0.1 milli-arcsecond. Deconvolution of CCD's sensitivity, non-flatness of the filters, and crinkling of the CCD surface may limit the positional accuracy to 1 milli-arcsecond.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978.  相似文献   

从基本天体测量的主要任务出发,介绍了绝对测定和相对测量之间的区别和不同用途,并针对河外射电源参考架和依巴谷参考架的高精度的不足之处,说明了地面光学天体测量的长期性和灵活性等优势正是克服这些不足之处所必须的,但这不应是传统的已有精度下的地面光学天体测量,而应是与空间测量精度可比的要求下的地面测量,两者配合起来,将能促进本学科和相关学科的发展。  相似文献   

主要评述依巴谷卫星的成功与不足,评价近年来一系列新的空间天体测量技术,着重评 默计划和波因次计划的新进展。  相似文献   

We present initial results from a Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet imaging survey of stars known to have hot white dwarf companions which are unresolved from the ground. The hot companions, discovered through their EUV or UV emission, are hidden by the overwhelming brightnesses of the primary stars at visible wavelengths. Out of 17 targets observed, we have resolved eight of them with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, using various ultraviolet filters. Most of the implied orbital periods for the resolved systems are hundreds to thousands of years, but in at least three cases (56 Persei, ζ Cygni and RE J1925−566) it should be possible to detect the orbital motions within the next few years, and they may eventually yield new dynamically determined masses for the white dwarf components. The 56 Persei and 14 Aurigae systems are found to be quadruple and quintuple, respectively, including the known optical components as well as the newly resolved white dwarf companions. The mild barium star ζ Cygni, known to have an 18-year spectroscopic period, is marginally resolved. All of these newly resolved Sirius-type binaries will be useful in determining gravitational redshifts and masses of the white dwarf components.  相似文献   

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), a large optical telescope having an aperture of 2.4 meters and a length of 8.8 meters, is being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This telescope will be placed into earth orbit by the space shuttle. Astrometric observations with the HST are made using a Fine Guidance Sensor which is capable of measuring the position of one object relative to another with an accuracy of ±0.002 arcseconds. The astrometric user of HST will be provided with an Astrometric Data Reduction Software package (ADRS). The variety of astrometric problems to be investigated with HST is discussed.  相似文献   

The Hubble Space Telescope has been the most successful space astronomy project to date, producing images that put the public in awe and images and spectra that have produced many scientific discoveries. It is the natural culmination of a dream envisioned when rocket flight into space was first projected and a goal set for the US space program soon after NASA was created. The design and construction period lasted almost two decades and its operations have already lasted almost as long. The capabilities of the observatory have evolved and expanded with periodic upgrading of its instrumentation, thus realizing the advantages of its unique design. The success of this long-lived observatory is closely tied to the availability of the Space Shuttle and the end of the Shuttle program means that the end of the Hubble program will follow before long.  相似文献   

An interferometric astrometric mission, aiming at accuracies at around the10 microarcsec level, was recommended as a high priority concept within thenew ESA Horizon 2000+ scientific programme. The original outline concept forsuch a mission, GAIA, presented its general feasibility but did not addressmany questions of implementation or optimisation. Another concept of aninterferometer for a scanning astrometric satellite is presented. It containsa simpler optical telescope and a more efficient detector system. The designutilizes the full resolution of all light in the dispersed fringes of aFizeau interferometer. A preliminary optimization of the satellite indicatesthat two telescope units with a baseline of 100 cm will achieve a precisionof 3, 8, 22, 68, 302 microarcsec for parallaxes of stars with V = 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 mag, respectively, from a 5 year mission. Simultaneousspectrophotometry of the entire spectrum of each star will be obtained with aresolution corresponding to intermediate band photometry. The expectedprecision of this photometry is about 0.003 mag for V = 16. The performance is good in crowded fields, at least up to one star per 5 arcsec2. A Hipparcos-type beam combiner of 150 cm width is placed in front of atelescope with 4 square apertures of 50 cm. The assumed focal length is f = 60 m and the field 0.5 degree diameter. The detector consists of CCDs used for time delayed integration (drift-scan.)  相似文献   

The design life time of the Hubble Space Telescope will nominally end in 2005. Even though it might be possible to extend the operational life beyond that date it is evident that a successor to Hubble must be planned for now. Based on the report ‘HST and Beyond’ (Dressler 1996)) and aligned with the NASA ‘Origins’ program a study has been initiated to explore options for a telescope with an aperture of larger than 4 meters and possibly as large as 8 meters, optimized for the near infrared (≈ 1-5 micron) to be placed in an orbit far from Earth. The study started in December 1995 and has been proceeding with considerable momentum. At the current time three studies have been completed (NASA in-house, TRW, and Lockheed), which are being used to explore technological and programmatic challenges. The studies are to be merged. It is impressive to see what can be done with existing technology and within the capabilities of existing organizational arrangements. The goal is to complete the study within one year with the goal of entering into phase A as soon as possible. Formal agreements between ESA and NASA will have to be negotiated if Europe is to play a meaningful role in this exercise. Without such agreements, it is clear that European astronomers will not have access to the NGST in the way that they currently enjoy the opportunities provided by the HST. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) models have been developed to describe the acceleration and collimation of stellar jets, in the framework of an infall/outflow process. Thanks to high angular resolution instrumentation, such as the one on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we are finally able to test observationally the proposed ideas. We present the results obtained by us from the first 0”.1 resolution spectra of the initial portion (within 100–200 AU from the source) of the outflows from visible T Tauri stars, taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). We obtain the jet morphology, kinematics and excitation in different velocity intervals, and we derive the jet mass and momentum fluxes. These results confirm the predictions of magneto-centrifugal models for the jet launch. Recently we have also found indications for rotation in the peripheral regions of several flows. The derived rotational motions appear to be in agreement with the expected extraction of angular momentum from the star/disk system caused by the jet, which in turn allows the star to accrete up to its final mass. Improvements to resolution are expected from observations with STIS in the ultraviolet, and with the forthcoming AMBER spectrometer to be mounted at the VLTI.  相似文献   

The Karin cluster is one of the youngest known families of main-belt asteroids, dating back to a collisional event only 5.8±0.2 Myr ago. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope we have photometrically sampled the thermal continua (3.5-22 μm) of 17 Karin cluster asteroids of different sizes, down to the smallest members discovered so far, in order to make the first direct measurements of their sizes and albedos and study the physical properties of their surfaces. Our targets are also amongst the smallest main-belt asteroids observed to date in the mid-infrared. The derived diameters range from 17.3 km for 832 Karin to 1.5 km for 75176, with typical uncertainties of 10%. The mean albedo is pv=0.215±0.015, compared to 0.20±0.07 for 832 Karin itself (for H=11.2±0.3), consistent with the view that the Karin asteroids are closely related physically as well as dynamically. The albedo distribution (0.12?pv?0.32) is consistent with the range associated with S-type asteroids but the variation from one object to another appears to be significant. Contrary to the case for near-Earth asteroids, our data show no evidence of an albedo dependence on size. However, the mean albedo is lower than expected for young, fresh “S-type” surfaces, suggesting that space weathering can darken main-belt asteroid surfaces on very short timescales. Our data are also suggestive of a connection between surface roughness and albedo, which may reflect rejuvenation of weathered surfaces by impact gardening. While the available data allow only estimates of lower limits for thermal inertia, we find no evidence for the relatively high values of thermal inertia reported for some similarly sized near-Earth asteroids. Our results constitute the first observational confirmation of the legitimacy of assumptions made in recent modeling of the formation of the Karin cluster via a single catastrophic collision 5.8±0.2 Myr ago.  相似文献   

With the advent of virtual observatories, most astrometry-oriented projects being currently developed—and those to come in the near future—will be greatly enriched. Among these projects it is worth mentioning double stars and multiple systems, proper-motion detections, identification of lost high-proper-motion stars, a detailed census of open cluster members, and precovery of natural satellites, minor planets and comets. A brief discussion of some of these studies is presented. To accomplish the goals proposed by the virtual observatories concept, a massive amount of high-quality astrometric data is needed in advance. It is shown that today's astrometry is about to ready to face these new challenges.  相似文献   

We calculate the expected mid-infrared (MIR) molecular hydrogen line emission from the first objects in the Universe. As a result of their low masses, the stellar feedback from massive stars is able to blow away their gas content and collect it into a cooling shell where H2 rapidly forms and IR roto-vibrational (as for example the rest-frame 2.12 μm) lines carry away a large fraction (up to 10 per cent) of the explosion energy. The fluxes from these sources are in the range 10−21–10−17 erg s−1 cm−2 . The highest number counts are expected in the 20-μm band, where about 105 sources deg−2 are predicted at the limiting flux of 3×10−18 erg s−1 cm−2. Among the planned observational facilities, we find that the best detection perspectives are offered by the Next Generation Space Telescope ( NGST ), which should be able to reveal about 200 first objects in one hour observation time at its limiting flux in the above band. Therefore, mid-IR instruments appear to represent perfect tools to trace star formation and stellar feedback in the high ( z ≳5) redshift Universe.  相似文献   

Minor planets have been observed in the last few years for physical properties using photometry, polarimetry and IR-radiometry. Using the Faint Object Camera (FOC) of the Space Telescope (ST) it will be possible for the first time to observe a large number of asteroids with direct imaging systems.We propose to use the FOC with high resolution mode to examine minor planets with respect to (a) diameters and shapes, (b) surface and detail studies, (c) densities and (d) possible binary nature of selected asteroids.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

空间太阳望远镜的星上数据处理系统需要对高速、海量的科学数据流进行实时处理,选择合适的空间数据总线解决方案至关重要.SpaceWire是由欧空局提出的一种新型高速串行数据总线标准,已经应用并计划用于ESA和NASA等多个任务中.在空间太阳望远镜项目中,Spacewire将负责在五个载荷仪器和科学处理单元(SDPU)之间组建网络,完成高速数据传输的任务.通过对SpaceWire协议进行分析,设计了基于SpaceWire的双冗余总线的容错方案.建立了基于DSP+FPGA结构的通信测试平台,并分别给出软硬件设计及测试结果.  相似文献   

The design, in-orbit functioning, and projected performance of the Space Telescope are discussed.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionYonseiUniversity ,theoldestandoneofthefinestuniversitiesinKorea ,ismakinganim portantleaptowardspcace basedastronomy .Withamassivelong termsupportfromtheKoreanMinistryofScienceandTechnology ,Yonseihasrecentlyformedanewresearchinstitutionfo cu…  相似文献   

Wavelet Analysis of Space Solar Telescope Images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The scientific satellite SST (Space Solar Telescope) is an important research project strongly supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Every day, SST acquires 50 GB of data (after processing) but only 10GB can be transmitted to the ground because of limited time of satellite passage and limited channel volume. Therefore, the data must be compressed before transmission. Wavelets analysis is a new technique developed over the last 10 years, with great potential of application. We start with a brief introduction to the essential principles of wavelet analysis, and then describe the main idea of embedded zerotree wavelet coding, used for compressing the SST images. The results show that this coding is adequate for the job.  相似文献   

Accreting WDs are very important for the studies of binary evolution,binary population synthesis and accretion physics.So far,there are a lot of accreting WD binaries with low accretion rates,such as cataclysmic variables,detected by different surveys.However,few accreting WD binaries with high accretion rates have been detected.In this paper,we studied the spectrum properties of accreting WD binaries and investigated whether accreting WD binaries with high accretion rates can be detected by the...  相似文献   

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