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In this paper we explore the differences between a warm dark matter (WDM) model and a cold dark matter (CDM) model where the power on a certain scale is reduced by introducing a narrow negative feature ('dip'). This dip is placed in a way so as to mimic the loss of power in the WDM model: both models have the same integrated power out to the scale where the power of the dip model rises to the level of the unperturbed CDM spectrum again.
Using N -body simulations we show that some of the large-scale clustering patterns of this new model follow more closely the usual CDM scenario while simultaneously suppressing small-scale structures (within galactic haloes) even more efficiently than WDM. The analysis in the paper shows that the new Dip model appears to be a viable alternative to WDM, but it is based on different physics. Where WDM requires the introduction of a new particle species, the Dip model is based on a non-standard inflationary period. If we are looking for an alternative to the currently challenged standard ΛCDM structure formation scenario, neither the ΛWDM nor the new Dip model can be ruled out based on the analysis presented in this paper. They both make very similar predictions and the degeneracy between them can only be broken with observations yet to come.  相似文献   

Observations on galactic scales seem to be in contradiction with recent high-resolution N -body simulations. This so-called cold dark matter (CDM) crisis has been addressed in several ways, ranging from a change in fundamental physics by introducing self-interacting cold dark matter particles to a tuning of complex astrophysical processes such as global and/or local feedback. All these efforts attempt to soften density profiles and reduce the abundance of satellites in simulated galaxy haloes. In this paper, we explore a different approach that consists of filtering the dark matter power spectrum on small scales, thereby altering the formation history of low-mass objects. The physical motivation for damping these fluctuations lies in the possibility that the dark matter particles have a different nature, i.e. are warm (WDM) rather than cold. We show that this leads to some interesting new results in terms of the merger history and large-scale distribution of low-mass haloes, compared with the standard CDM scenario. However, WDM does not appear to be the ultimate solution, in the sense that it is not able to fully solve the CDM crisis, even though one of the main drawbacks, namely the abundance of satellites, can be remedied. Indeed, the cuspiness of the halo profiles still persists, at all redshifts, and for all haloes and sub-haloes that we investigated. Despite the persistence of the cuspiness problem of DM haloes, WDM seems to be still worth taking seriously, as it alleviates the problems of over-abundant sub-structures in galactic haloes and possibly the lack of angular momentum of simulated disc galaxies. WDM also lessens the need to invoke strong feedback to solve these problems, and may provide a natural explanation of the clustering properties and ages of dwarfs.  相似文献   

Using N -body simulations of flat, dark energy-dominated cosmologies, we show that galaxies around simulated binary systems resembling the Local Group (LG) have low peculiar velocities, in good agreement with observational data. We have compared results for LG-like systems selected from large, high-resolution simulations of three cosmologies: a ΛCDM model, a ΛWDM model with a 2-keV warm dark matter candidate, and a quintessence (QCDM) model with an equation-of-state parameter   w =−0.6  . The Hubble flow is significantly colder around LGs selected in a flat, Λ-dominated cosmology than around LGs in open or critical models, showing that a dark energy component manifests itself on the scales of nearby galaxies, cooling galaxy peculiar motions. Flows in the ΛWDM and QCDM models are marginally colder than in the ΛCDM one.
The results of our simulations have been compared to existing data and to a new data set of 28 nearby galaxies with robust distance measures (Cepheids and surface brightness fluctuations). The measured line-of-sight velocity dispersion is given by  σH= (88 ± 20  km s−1) × ( R /7 Mpc)  . The best agreement with observations is found for LGs selected in the ΛCDM cosmology in environments with  −0.1 < δρ/ρ < 0.6  on scales of 7 Mpc, in agreement with existing observational estimates on the local matter density. These results provide new, independent evidence for the presence of dark energy on scales of a few megaparsecs, corroborating the evidence gathered from observations of distant objects and the early Universe.  相似文献   

We use very large cosmological N -body simulations to obtain accurate predictions for the two-point correlations and power spectra of mass-limited samples of galaxy clusters. We consider two currently popular cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, a critical density model ( τ CDM) and a flat low density model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). Our simulations each use 109 particles to follow the mass distribution within cubes of side 2  h −1 Gpc ( τ CDM) and 3  h −1 Gpc (ΛCDM) with a force resolution better than 10−4 of the cube side. We investigate how the predicted cluster correlations increase for samples of increasing mass and decreasing abundance. Very similar behaviour is found in the two cases. The correlation length increases from     for samples with mean separation     to     for samples with     The lower value here corresponds to τ CDM and the upper to ΛCDM. The power spectra of these cluster samples are accurately parallel to those of the mass over more than a decade in scale. Both correlation lengths and power spectrum biases can be predicted to better than 10 per cent using the simple model of Sheth, Mo & Tormen. This prediction requires only the linear mass power spectrum and has no adjustable parameters. We compare our predictions with published results for the automated plate measurement (APM) cluster sample. The observed variation of correlation length with richness agrees well with the models, particularly for ΛCDM. The observed power spectrum (for a cluster sample of mean separation     ) lies significantly above the predictions of both models.  相似文献   

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) has measured lower amplitudes for the temperature quadrupole and octopole anisotropies than expected in the best fitting (concordance) Λ-dominated cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. Some authors have argued that this discrepancy may require new physics. However, the statistical significance of this result is not clear. Some authors have applied frequentist arguments and claim that the discrepancy would occur by chance about 1 time in 700, if the concordance model is correct. Other authors have used Bayesian arguments to claim that the data show marginal evidence for new physics. I investigate these confusing and apparently conflicting claims in this Letter using a frequentist analysis and a simplified Bayesian analysis. On either analysis, I conclude that the WMAP results are consistent with the concordance ΛCDM model.  相似文献   

We consider the sensitivity of the circular-orbit adiabatic contraction approximation to the baryon condensation rate and the orbital structure of dark matter haloes in the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) paradigm. Using one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations including the dark matter halo mass accretion history and gas cooling, we demonstrate that the adiabatic approximation is approximately valid even though haloes and discs may assemble simultaneously. We further demonstrate the validity of the simple approximation for ΛCDM haloes with isotropic velocity distributions using three-dimensional N -body simulations. This result is easily understood: an isotropic velocity distribution in a cuspy halo requires more circular orbits than radial orbits. Conversely, the approximation is poor in the extreme case of a radial orbit halo. It overestimates the response of a core dark matter halo, where radial orbit fraction is larger. Because no astronomically relevant models are dominated by low angular momentum orbits in the vicinity of the disc and the growth time-scale is never shorter than a dynamical time, we conclude that the adiabatic contraction approximation is useful in modelling the response of dark matter haloes to the growth of a disc.  相似文献   

We investigate the topology of the new Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSCz) of IRAS galaxies by means of the genus statistic. The survey maps the local Universe with approximately 15 000 galaxies over 84.1 per cent of the sky, and provides an unprecedented number of resolution elements for the topological analysis. For comparison with the PSCz data we also examine the genus of large N -body simulations of four variants of the cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogony. The simulations are part of the Virgo project to simulate the formation of structure in the Universe. We assume that the statistical properties of the galaxy distribution can be identified with those of the dark matter particles in the simulations. We extend the standard genus analysis by examining the influence of sampling noise on the genus curve and introducing a statistic able to quantify the amount of phase correlation present in the density field, the amplitude drop of the genus compared to a Gaussian field with identical power spectrum. The results for PSCz are consistent with the hypothesis of random-phase initial conditions. In particular, no strong phase correlation is detected on scales ranging from 10 to 32 h −1 Mpc, whereas there is a positive detection of phase correlation at smaller scales. Among the simulations, phase correlations are detected in all models at small scales, albeit with different strengths. When scaled to a common normalization, the amplitude drop depends primarily on the shape of the power spectrum. We find that the constant-bias standard CDM model can be ruled out at high significance, because the shape of its power spectrum is not consistent with PSCz. The other CDM models with more large-scale power all fit the PSCz data almost equally well, with a slight preference for a high-density τCDM model.  相似文献   

We create mock pencil-beam redshift surveys from very large cosmological N -body simulations of two cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, an Einstein–de Sitter model ( τ CDM) and a flat model with Ω0=0.3 and a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). We use these to assess the significance of the apparent periodicity discovered by Broadhurst et al. Simulation particles are tagged as 'galaxies' so as to reproduce observed present-day correlations. They are then identified along the past light-cones of hypothetical observers to create mock catalogues with the geometry and the distance distribution of the Broadhurst et al. data. We produce 1936 (2625) quasi-independent catalogues from our τ CDM (ΛCDM) simulation. A couple of large clumps in a catalogue can produce a high peak at low wavenumbers in the corresponding one-dimensional power spectrum, without any apparent large-scale periodicity in the original redshift histogram. Although the simulated redshift histograms frequently display regularly spaced clumps, the spacing of these clumps varies between catalogues and there is no 'preferred' period over our many realizations. We find only a 0.72 (0.49) per cent chance that the highest peak in the power spectrum of a τ CDM (ΛCDM) catalogue has a peak-to-noise ratio higher than that in the Broadhurst et al. data. None of the simulated catalogues with such high peaks shows coherently spaced clumps with a significance as high as that of the real data. We conclude that in CDM universes, the regularity on a scale of ∼130  h −1 Mpc observed by Broadhurst et al. has a priori probability well below 10−3.  相似文献   

Extensive measurements of the X-ray background (XRB) yield a reasonably reliable characterization of its basic properties. Having resolved most of the cosmic XRB into discrete sources, the levels and spectral shapes of its main components can be used to probe both the source populations and also alternative cosmological and large-scale structure models. Recent observations of clusters seem to provide evidence that clusters formed earlier and are more abundant than predicted in the standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. This motivates interest in alternative models that predict enhanced power on cluster scales. We calculate predicted levels and spectra of the superposed emission from groups and clusters of galaxies in ΛCDM and in two viable alternative non-Gaussian  (χ2)  and early dark energy models. The predicted levels of the contribution of clusters to the XRB in the non-Gaussian models exceed the measured level at low energies and levels of the residual XRB in the 2–8 keV band; these particular models are essentially ruled out. Our work demonstrates the diagnostic value of the integrated X-ray emission from clusters, by considering also its dependences on different metallicities, gas and temperature profiles, Galactic absorption, merger scenarios and on a non-thermal pressure component. We also show that the XRB can be used for an upper limit for the concentration parameter value.  相似文献   

Using a suite of N -body simulations in different cold dark matter (CDM) scenarios, with cosmological constant (ΛCDM) and without (OCDM, SCDM), we study the Hubble flow (σH) in Local Volumes (LV) around Local Group (LG) like objects found in these simulations, and compare the numerical results with the most recent observations. We show that ΛCDM and OCDM models exhibit the same behaviour of σH. Hence, we demonstrate that the observed coldness of the Hubble flow is not likely to be a manifestation of the dark energy, contrary to previous claims. The coldness does not constitute a problem by itself but it poses a problem to the standard ΛCDM model only if the mean density within the LV is greater than twice the mean matter cosmic density. The lack of blueshifted galaxies in the LV, outside of the LG can be considered as another manifestation of the coldness of the flow. Finally, we show that the main dynamical parameter that affects the coldness of the flow is the relative isolation of the LG, and the absence of nearby Milky Way like objects within a distance of about  3 Mpc  .  相似文献   

Using high-resolution simulations within the cold dark matter (CDM) and warm dark matter (WDM) models, we study the evolution of small-scale structure in the local volume, a sphere of 8-Mpc radius around the Local Group. We compare the observed spectrum of minivoids in the local volume with the spectrum of minivoids determined from the simulations. We show that the ΛWDM model can easily explain both the observed spectrum of minivoids and the presence of low-mass galaxies observed in the local volume, provided that all haloes with circular velocities greater than 20 km s−1 host galaxies. On the contrary, within the ΛCDM model the distribution of the simulated minivoids reflects the observed one if haloes with maximal circular velocities larger than  35 km s−1  host galaxies. This assumption is in contradiction with observations of galaxies with circular velocities as low as 20 km s−1 in our local Universe. A potential problem of the ΛWDM model could be the late formation of the haloes in which the gas can be efficiently photoevaporated. Thus, star formation is suppressed and low-mass haloes might not host any galaxy at all.  相似文献   

We present a comparison of the properties of substructure haloes ( subhaloes ) orbiting within host haloes that form in cold dark matter (CDM) and warm dark matter (WDM) cosmologies. Our study focuses on selected properties of these subhaloes, namely their anisotropic spatial distribution within the hosts; the existence of a 'backsplash' population; the age–distance relation; the degree to which they suffer mass loss; and the distribution of relative (infall) velocities with respect to the hosts. We find that the number density of subhaloes in our WDM model is suppressed relative to that in the CDM model, as we would expect. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that backsplash subhaloes exist in both the WDM and CDM models. Indeed, there are no statistically significant differences between the spatial distributions of subhaloes in the CDM and WDM models. There is evidence that subhaloes in the WDM model suffer enhanced mass loss relative to their counterparts in the CDM model, reflecting their lower central densities. We note also a tendency for the (infall) velocities of subhaloes in the WDM model to be higher than in the CDM model. Nevertheless, we conclude that observational tests based on either the spatial distribution or the kinematics of the subhalo population are unlikely to help us to differentiate between the CDM model and our adopted WDM model.  相似文献   

We study the geometry and topology of the large-scale structure traced by galaxy clusters in numerical simulations of a box of side 320 h −1 Mpc, and compare them with available data on real clusters. The simulations we use are generated by the Zel'dovich approximation, using the same methods as we have used in the first three papers in this series. We consider the following models to see if there are measurable differences in the topology and geometry of the superclustering they produce: (i) the standard cold dark matter model (SCDM); (ii) a CDM model with Ω0 = 0.2 (OCDM); (iii) a CDM model with a 'tilted' power spectrum having n  = 0.7 (TCDM); (iv) a CDM model with a very low Hubble constant, h  = 0.3 (LOWH); (v) a model with mixed CDM and HDM (CHDM); (vi) a flat low-density CDM model with Ω0 = 0.2 and a non-zero cosmological Λ term (ΛCDM). We analyse these models using a variety of statistical tests based on the analysis of: (i) the Euler–Poincaré characteristic; (ii) percolation properties; (iii) the minimal spanning tree construction. Taking all these tests together we find that the best-fitting model is ΛCDM and, indeed, the others do not appear to be consistent with the data. Our results demonstrate that despite their biased and extremely sparse sampling of the cosmological density field, it is possible to use clusters to probe subtle statistical diagnostics of models, which go far beyond the low-order correlation functions usually applied to study superclustering.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented for the post-collapse equilibrium structure of virialized objects that condense out of a low-density cosmological background universe, either matter-dominated or flat with a cosmological constant. This generalizes the model we derived previously for an Einstein–de Sitter (EdS) universe. The model is based upon the assumption that cosmological haloes form from the collapse and virialization of 'top-hat' density perturbations, and are spherical, isotropic and isothermal. This leads to the prediction of a unique, non-singular, truncated isothermal sphere (TIS), a particular solution of the Lane–Emden equation (suitably modified when Λ≠0) . The size and virial temperature are unique functions of the mass and redshift of formation of the object for a given background universe. The central density is roughly proportional to the critical density of the universe at the epoch of collapse. This TIS model is in good agreement with observations of the internal structure of dark-matter-dominated haloes on scales ranging from dwarf galaxies to X-ray clusters. It also reproduces many of the average properties of haloes in simulations of the cold dark matter (CDM) model to good accuracy, suggesting that it is a useful analytical approximation for haloes that form from realistic initial conditions. Our TIS model matches the density profiles of haloes in CDM N -body simulations outside the innermost region, while avoiding the steep central cusp of the latter which is in apparent conflict with observations. The TIS model may also be relevant to non-standard CDM models, such as that for self-interacting dark matter, recently proposed to resolve this conflict.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in spatially flat cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies with and without a cosmological constant (Λ) are described. A simple star formation algorithm is employed and radiative cooling is allowed only after redshift z =1 so that enough hot gas is available to form large, rapidly rotating stellar discs if angular momentum is approximately conserved during collapse. The specific angular momenta of the final galaxies are found to be sensitive to the assumed background cosmology. This dependence arises from the different angular momenta contained in the haloes at the epoch when the gas begins to collapse and the inhomogeneity of the subsequent halo evolution. In the Λ-dominated cosmology, the ratio of stellar specific angular momentum to that of the dark matter halo (measured at the virial radius) has a median value of ∼0.24 at z =0. The corresponding quantity for the Λ=0 cosmology is over three times lower. It is concluded that the observed frequency and angular momenta of disc galaxies pose significant problems for spatially flat CDM models with Λ=0 but may be consistent with a Λ-dominated CDM universe.  相似文献   

Alignments of galaxy clusters (the Binggeli effect), as well as of galaxies themselves have long been studied both observationally and theoretically. Here, we test the influence of large-scale structures and tidal fields on the shapes and alignments of cluster-size and galaxy-size dark matter haloes. We use a high-resolution N -body simulation of a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe, together with the results of Colberg, Krughoff & Connolly, who identified filaments connecting pairs of clusters. We find that cluster pairs connected by a filament are strongly aligned with the cluster–cluster axis, whereas unconnected ones are not. For smaller, galaxy-size haloes, there also is an alignment signal, but its strength is independent of whether the halo is part of an obvious large-scale structure. Additionally, we find no measurable dependence of galaxy halo shape on membership of a filament. We also quantify the influence of tidal fields and find that these do correlate strongly with alignments of haloes. The alignments of most haloes are thus caused by tidal fields, with cluster-size haloes being strongly aligned through the added mechanism of infall of matter from filaments.  相似文献   

We study the mass assembly history (MAH) of dark matter haloes. We compare MAHs obtained using (i) merger trees constructed with the extended Press–Schechter (EPS) formalism, (ii) numerical simulations and (iii) the Lagrangian perturbation code pinocchio . We show that the pinocchio MAHs are in excellent agreement with those obtained using numerical simulations, while the EPS formalism predicts MAHs that occur too late. pinocchio , which is much less CPU intensive than N -body simulation, can be run on a simple personal computer, and does not require any labour intensive post-simulation analysis, therefore provides a unique and powerful tool to investigate the growth history of dark matter haloes. Using a suite of 55 pinocchio simulations, with 2563 particles each, we study the MAHs of 12 924 cold dark matter (CDM) haloes in a ΛCDM concordance cosmology. This is by far the largest set of haloes used for any such analysis. For each MAH we derive four different formation redshifts, which characterize different epochs during the assembly history of a dark matter halo. We show that haloes less massive than the characteristic non-linear mass scale establish their potential wells much before they acquire most of their mass. The time when a halo reaches its maximum virial velocity roughly divides its mass assembly into two phases, a fast-accretion phase which is dominated by major mergers, and a slow-accretion phase dominated by minor mergers. Each halo experiences about 3 ± 2 major mergers since its main progenitor had a mass equal to 1 per cent of the final halo mass. This major merger statistic is found to be virtually independent of halo mass. However, the average redshift at which these major mergers occur is strongly mass dependent, with more massive haloes experiencing their major mergers later.  相似文献   

We present the Millennium-II Simulation (MS-II), a very large N -body simulation of dark matter evolution in the concordance Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. The MS-II assumes the same cosmological parameters and uses the same particle number and output data structure as the original Millennium Simulation (MS), but was carried out in a periodic cube one-fifth the size  (100  h −1 Mpc)  with five times better spatial resolution (a Plummer equivalent softening of  1.0  h −1 kpc  ) and with 125 times better mass resolution (a particle mass of  6.9 × 106  h −1 M  ). By comparing results at MS and MS-II resolution, we demonstrate excellent convergence in dark matter statistics such as the halo mass function, the subhalo abundance distribution, the mass dependence of halo formation times, the linear and non-linear autocorrelations and power spectra, and halo assembly bias. Together, the two simulations provide precise results for such statistics over an unprecedented range of scales, from haloes similar to those hosting Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies to haloes corresponding to the richest galaxy clusters. The 'Milky Way' haloes of the Aquarius Project were selected from a lower resolution version of the MS-II and were then resimulated at much higher resolution. As a result, they are present in the MS-II along with thousands of other similar mass haloes. A comparison of their assembly histories in the MS-II and in resimulations of 1000 times better resolution shows detailed agreement over a factor of 100 in mass growth. We publicly release halo catalogues and assembly trees for the MS-II in the same format within the same archive as those already released for the MS.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of 1D flux 'voids' (connected regions in the flux distribution above the mean-flux level) by comparing hydrodynamical simulations of large cosmological volumes with a set of observed high-resolution spectra at z ∼ 2. After addressing the effects of box size and resolution, we study how the void distribution changes when the most significant cosmological and astrophysical parameters are varied. We find that the void distribution in the flux is in excellent agreement with predictions of the standard Λcold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology, which also fits other flux statistics remarkably well. We then model the relation between flux voids and the corresponding 1D gas-density field along the line of sight and make a preliminary attempt to connect the 1D properties of the gas-density field to the 3D dark matter distribution at the same redshift. This provides a framework that allows statistical interpretations of the void population at high redshift using observed quasar spectra, and eventually it will enable linking the void properties of the high-redshift universe with those at lower redshifts, which are better known.  相似文献   

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