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2016年12月8日,新疆呼图壁县发生6.2级地震,造成3人轻伤。地震灾区主要涉及昌吉回族自治州昌吉市、呼图壁县、玛纳斯县等市、县的共25个乡、镇(团场)及呼图壁县城、玛纳斯县城等城市的部分区域,灾区面积12450km2。本文在概述震区地震构造环境及地貌特点的基础上,依据《地震现场工作(第4部分):灾害直接损失评估》等规范,介绍了各结构类型房屋和生命线系统的破坏情况及震区地震地质灾害的类型,分析表明此次地震直接经济损失以土木结构和砖木结构的破坏为主,安居富民工程在地震中起到了关键的减灾作用。  相似文献   

Based on the field investigation of 182 seismic hazard survey sites,combined with analysis of the aftershock sequence, focal mechanism, and seismo-tectonic background, we produced the seismic intensity map of the Hutubi M_S6.2 earthquake. The seismic intensity of the magistoseismic area is degree Ⅷ,with the orientation of long axis of isoseismic contour lines east-west. The Qingshuihezi fault is considered as the seismogenic fault of Hutubi M_S6.2 earthquake  相似文献   

根据182个烈度调查点的结果,结合余震序列分布、震源机制解和地震构造分析,编制呼图壁MS 6.2地震烈度图。极震区烈度为Ⅷ度,等震线长轴走向为EW向,发震构造为清水河子断裂。  相似文献   

2016年12月8日呼图壁县发生MS6.2地震,由于初始定位误差较大,余震序列分布离散,对呼图壁地震的发震断层尚不清楚。本研究采用CAP方法反演主震及余震中MS ≥ 3.5地震的震源机制解,并采用双差定位方法对余震进行重定位,得到了637个地震的震源参数。结果显示,呼图壁地震主震的最佳双力偶节面解为:节面Ⅰ走向82°,倾角18°,滑动角61°;节面Ⅱ走向292°,倾角74°,滑动角98°。其中节面Ⅱ为本次地震的破裂面。重定位后,主震的震源位置被重定为(86.36°E,43.79°N),震源深度14 km,根据余震的分布特点、震源机制解特征和区域构造特征,呼图壁地震的发震断层并不是南倾的准噶尔南缘断裂,而是在其北边的霍尔果斯-玛纳斯-吐谷鲁断裂带上的一个反冲断层。在北天山区域内,由于构造反转的作用,存在诸多倾角在45°~55°之间的北倾的断层。根据GPS的资料显示,天山北部地区的应力在新生代晚期已开始积累,这增加了天山北部前缘的发震概率。  相似文献   

The mainshock and aftershocks of the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake on December 8, 2016 were relocated by applying the double difference method, and we relocated 477 earthquakes in the Hutubi region.The earthquake relocation results show that the aftershocks are distributed in the east-west direction towards the north side of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin fault, and are mainly distributed in the western region of the mainshock. The distance between the mainshock after relocation and the southern margin of the Junggar Basin fault is obviously shortened. Combined with the focal mechanism and the spatial distribution of the mainshock and aftershocks, it is inferred that the southern margin of the Junggar Basin fault is the main seismogenic structure of the Hutubi earthquake.  相似文献   

Based on the field investigation of the building types and damage caused to them by the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake on December 8, 2016, we analyzed the damage characteristics and causes for different types of buildings. In conclusion we put forward some suggestions for the restoration and reconstruction in the earthquake affected area in future.  相似文献   

本文选取呼图壁气枪发射台周边流动台记录的2016年6月至2017年12月气枪震源信号和背景噪声信号,分别采用互相关时延检测法和移动窗互谱法研究2016年12月呼图壁6.2级地震前后波速变化特征,得到以下初步结果:呼图壁6.2级地震前后,距6.2级地震60 km的流动台记录的气枪震源信号未发现明显的波速变化,距6.2级地...  相似文献   

对2016年12月8日新疆呼图壁6.2级地震灾区范围内不同结构类型房屋的震害资料进行了整理,分析了震害原因,探讨了该次地震中房屋震害的特征,得到了一些初步结论,并对地震灾区的恢复和重建提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

利用北天山地区的钻孔应变观测资料,分析2016年呼图壁M6.2地震同震应变阶跃的张、压性特征。结合余震精定位方法等给出的震源参数,基于弹性位错理论,模拟不同震源参数下的同震应变阶跃的张、压性特征。通过对钻孔应变张、压性的模拟值与实测值进行对比分析,研究呼图壁M6.2地震的发震断层。结果表明:(1)震中附近4个四分量钻孔应变台站数据自检性能较好,且多记录到明显的同震应变阶跃,其中,呼图壁、石场、巴伦台应变阶跃较为明显,张、压性变化最大值分别达2.5×10-8和-3.4×10-8;(2)在地震震源参数为293°/64°/90°(走向/倾角/滑动角)、发震断层面倾向北时,钻孔应变张、压性的模拟值与实测值最为吻合,呼图壁M6.2地震的发震断层极有可能为一条倾向北的高角度逆冲型盲断层。本文结果为认识呼图壁M6.2地震的发震构造提供重要力学依据。  相似文献   

对意大利国家强震台网在2016年8月24日获得的其中部拉齐奥大区阿库莫利市发生的MW6.2地震强震动三分向记录进行处理和分析。完成原始数据基线校正、滤波等基本数据处理,回归此次地震动幅值衰减规律,发现其整体与ITA08及BA08的衰减趋势一致,但远场实际值低于预测值,不同场地条件下的衰减特性与ITA10一致,近震源幅值较大,且方向性明显;计算并回归分析几种持时,与全球经验预测方程均基本吻合;比较4个幅值较大的近震源台站的反应谱,发现其明显高于欧洲抗震设计规范中的设计反应谱。结合此次震害特点,该地区在实际建设中仍需提高抗震设防能力,以确保安全性等级。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the basic parameters, focal mechanism solutions and earthquake sequence characteristics of the Kalpin MS5.3 earthquake sequence of December 1, 2013, and analyzed seismic activity before the earthquake, the adjacent tectonic features and the precursory anomaly at fixed points within a range of 200km. Research indicates:(1) The earthquake occurred on Kalpin fault, the source rupture type is thrust faulting with sinistral strike-slip component. (2) The earthquake sequence is mainshock-aftershock type, with the aftershock distribution attenuating quickly and trending NE. (3) Abnormal seismic activity before the earthquake was characterized by seismically nesting quiescence of MS2.0-4.0 earthquakes, seismic quiescence of MS4.0 earthquakes and seismic belts of MS3.0 earthquakes in the Kalpin block, abnormal enhancement zone of moderate earthquakes on Puchang fault and seismological parameters. (4) Anomalies of precursory observation data at fixed stations are mainly characterized by mutation. Apart from the borehole tiltmeter in Halajun, the spatial distribution of other abnormal precursors showed a phenomenon of migration from the near field to far field and from the epicenter to the peripheries.  相似文献   

通过分析墨江5.9级地震前预测意见和预测资料,认为云南地区M≥5.5地震平静异常突出,M≥5.0地震连续间隔时间达200天以上,通海2次5.0级地震震级偏小是震前地震活动异常的显著特征;通海地震的指示意义、前兆异常M≥5.7地震中期和M≥5.0地震短临综合预测指标是判断地震短期可能性的主要依据;1900年以来,通海50km范围内M≥5.0地震后云南地区发生M≥5.0地震优势对应关系和GNSS表征的区域面应变变化特征为地点判定提供了线索。墨江5.9级地震的预测经验及资料的论证丰富了对地震孕育复杂性的认识,为震例积累了新的资料。  相似文献   

2018年9月4日新疆伽师发生MS5.5地震,震中处于塔里木地块西北缘,位于1997~1998年伽师强震群震区内。此次伽师地震前发生了MS4.7前震,截至9月30日最大余震震级为MS4.6(ML5.0),初步判定为前-主-余型地震序列。序列精定位结果显示,余震沿近NE向展布,主震震源深度与1997~1998年伽师强震主震基本一致,发震断层陡立。本文从区域的构造环境、地震震源机制解和余震分布特征等方面分析认为,地震发生在伽师隐伏断裂东南端部,为1997~1998年伽师强震群震区的一次新的构造活动。序列参数、视应力等计算结果显示,伽师MS5.5地震的预测最大余震震级与最大余震震级MS4.6接近,表明序列最大余震已经发生。  相似文献   

The distribution of the intensity of the Mojiang M_S5.9 earthquake in Yunnan Province is expounded, and the damage characteristics of buildings and the damage ratio and seismic damage index of various building structures in each intensity area are compared with those of The Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale. The main basis and method of seismic intensity assessment are discussed in this paper. It is concluded that: ① The seismic intensity should be based on the earthquake damage of the housing structure, which takes up a high ratio in the seismic intensity assessment. It is recommended that seismic intensity is estimated by calculating the average seismic damage index. ② The highest intensity of the Mojiang M_S5.9 earthquake is Ⅷ degrees, with the long axis trending in the north-west direction. The area above Ⅶ degrees is 5,180 km~2. ③ The intensity distribution of the Mojiang M_S5.9 earthquake meets the national standard and the distribution law of seismic intensity in Yunnan.  相似文献   

In this study,data from the Xinjiang regional network and IRIS shared global stations are used to relocate the Akto M_S6. 7 earthquake sequence on November 25,2016 by using double difference location method. Three earthquakes of M_S4. 8,M_S6. 7 and M_S5. 0 are inverted by using the g CAP method,and the focal mechanism solutions are obtained.According to the results of relocating,the location of the main shock is 39. 22°N,73. 98°E,the distribution of the earthquake sequence is about 70 km in length,and the focal depth is mainly within the range of 5-20 km. The plane and depth profiles of the earthquake sequence show that aftershocks extended in SEE direction after the main shock and the dip angle of fault plane is steep. Focal mechanism results show that the three earthquakes are characterized by strike-slip movement. Based on the results of field geological investigation,it is inferred that the seismogenic fault of the Akto earthquake is Muji fault,which is located at the northernmost end of the Kongur extensional system.The possible cause of this earthquake is that the Indian Plate continues to push northward,and during this compression process,the Indian Plate is affected by the clockwise rotation of the Tarim basin,which causes the accumulation of right-lateral action of the Muji fault,resulting in this earthquake.  相似文献   

On October 12~(th),2019,a M_S5.2 earthquake occurred in Beiliu City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China,with a focal depth of 10 km. The epicenter is located in the junction of Guangxi and Guangdong where the moderate-strong earthquakes are relatively active. The highest intensity of this earthquake is estimated up to Ⅵ besides the isoseismic line showed an ellipse shape with a long axis trend in the NW direction.The aftershocks are not evenly distributed. The parameters of the focal mechanism solutions are: strike 346°,dip 85°,rake 19° for the nodal planeⅠ,and strike 254°,dip 71°,rake 175° for the nodal planeⅡ. The type of the coseismic fault is strikeslip. After analyzing these results above and the active faults near the epicenter,we get that the nodal planeⅠ is interpreted as the coseismic rupture plane and the BamaBobai Fault is a seismogenic structure of M_S5.2 Beiliu earthquake.  相似文献   

2016年新疆呼图壁6.2级地震前b值异常特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2009年以来中国地震台网中心地震编目资料,以2016年新疆呼图壁6.2级地震作为研究对象,采用最大似然法进行b值空间扫描计算,获取震前震中及其邻区地震b值的空间图像。研究结果显示,2016年呼图壁6.2级地震发生在震前显著低b值区域,该异常特征可能反映了地震孕育的应力积累过程,印证了b值的物理意义。  相似文献   

2020年6月26日新疆于田6.4级地震发生在2020年度全国地震危险区内,震前作出了较好的中期(年度)和短期(月尺度和周尺度)预测,是少有的地球物理观测能力较低地区的强震前中期和短临预测较好震例。本文梳理了中期和短期预测的主要依据及其预测效能,研究表明,震前中期异常主要有流动地磁、多方法组合、5.0级地震平静打破、6.0级地震的准周期活动等;短期异常有4.0级地震活动图像、中源地震影响、于田垂直摆倾斜EW、于田GNSS基准站EW位移、和田GNSS基准站EW位移等。在总结震前分析预测过程的基础上,提出针对地球物理观测密度低地区的地震危险区论证和短临跟踪的建议,为该类地区的地震危险区判定及跟踪工作提供宝贵经验。  相似文献   

利用2022年9月5—12日震相报告中的P波和S波到时资料,采用双差定位方法对四川泸定MS6.8地震序列的主震和余震进行重定位。重新定位后地震序列较重新定位之前震中分布更加集中,线性趋势更加明显。余震主要分布在鲜水河断裂以西地区,总体沿着鲜水河断裂呈NW向展布,余震区长轴约为65km。根据重定位结果,发震断层为鲜水河断裂磨西—石棉段,该断裂走向为331°~340°,倾角较陡。受SW向海螺沟段断裂影响,余震区具有明显的分段特征,总体上呈现北浅南深的特征。随时间的演化,余震区中南段震源深度逐渐变浅,且地震频次逐渐衰减,而北段震源深度变化不大,频次也未明显减弱。不同时段的余震活动表明,本次地震的初始破裂方向为SE向,该破裂随后触发了与主断裂共轭的SW向分支断裂,余震沿这两个方向逐步扩展,最后达到稳定状态。  相似文献   

2022年1月8日青海省海北州门源县发生MS6.9地震,震中距离2016年1月21日门源MS6.4地震震中约33km,两次门源地震均发生在冷龙岭断裂附近,但在震源机制、主发震断层破裂过程及地震序列余震活动等方面显著不同。针对两次门源地震序列的比较分析,对研究冷龙岭断裂及其附近区域强震序列和余震衰减特征等具有重要研究意义。通过对比分析2022年门源MS6.9地震和2016年门源MS6.4地震余震的时空演化特征,发现二者在震源过程和断层破裂尺度上存在明显差异,前者发震断层破裂充分,震后能量释放充分,余震丰富且震级偏高;而后者发震断层未破裂至地表,余震震级水平偏低。综合分析两次门源地震序列表现出来的差异性,认为其可能与地震发震断层的破裂过程密切相关,且同时受到区域构造环境的影响。  相似文献   

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