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In this paper, the transmitted part of the incident wave is considered to revise Taylor’s solution, which is used to extend its application for analytical models to predict the response of the plate with different material properties. The influence of the material properties and the boundary condition of the plate on fluid and structural dynamics is systematically investigated. The analytical results are compared with those of detailed dynamic FE simulations and the two are in good agreement. The results indicate that the analytical method is valid and suitable for the plates with different material properties subjected to underwater explosion. It is found that Taylor’s results of the plate with small impedance are invalid, which indicates a potential application field for the analytical method.  相似文献   

被动声纳中,目标定位的测定只能利用目标声源发出的信号或噪声,爆炸声源与常用的电声式脉冲声纳发射器比较起来,具有某些明显的优点,可代替发射换能器来实现距离和方位的测定.针对水下爆炸声源,采用三元标量阵进行研究,通过确定信号到达各个阵元的时延信息来测定其目标方位和距离,并利用内插方法提高定位精度.实验结果表明,不同位置处爆...  相似文献   

水声通信及组网的现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水声通信是海洋中无线信息传输的主要技术手段。水声通信技术在海洋环境监测、水下航行器/载人潜水器作业等方面有着广泛应用。同时,水声信道传输状态多变、海洋作业环境恶劣,对通信算法和设备可靠性有较高要求,水声通信及组网成为目前的研究热点。文中面向海洋环境监测领域,从水声通信物理层技术、网络技术及组网应用等方面进行介绍,并对未来技术趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

首先介绍了水下导航算法,采用GPS和水下参量测算相结合的方案,即当运行器在水下运行时,利用电子罗盘测量运行器的相对航向,水流传感器测算运行器的相对速度大小,利用学习阶段计算出海水流速,在水下运行器潜行时进行船位推算导航,用GPS精准的定位信号进行导航误差的校正。此算法精度的高低很大程度上取决于用来进行水下参量测算的传感器和用来方位校准的GPS。文中从各个传感器的误差着手,通过模拟仿真详细分析了电子罗盘、水流传感器和GPS的误差对导航精度的影响,对工程应用具有实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

水下滑翔器浮力驱动机构布局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下滑翔器是一种新型海洋测量平台,它采用浮力驱动方式,并依靠调整重心实现姿态控制.文中从研究水下滑翔器纵垂面内滑翔运动的平衡状态入手,通过对将浮力驱动机构布置在滑翔器的艏部和艉部时的平衡状态受力进行对比分析,指出将浮力驱动机构布置在艏部可以有效缩短重心调节重物的移动距离.并分析了两种布局方式的优缺点,为水下滑翔器的结构设计和控制系统设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

水声导航、定位技术发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水声导航、定位技术在海洋科学和海洋工程中有着广泛的应用,近年来已逐渐向高精度、多传感器、多手段融合的方向发展.本文以导航、定位声纳的发展为关注对象,概述了水声导航、定位技术在技术前沿上的发展状况,提炼出其技术发展趋势,并介绍了水声导航、定位技术的应用前景.  相似文献   

水下加筋圆柱壳结构声散射特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用有限元/边界元(FEM/BEM)方法对水下加筋圆柱壳结构的声散射特性进行分析。考虑入射声场激发弹性结构振动产生二次辐射声场,总声场为入射场与散射场之和。基于Mindlin理论建立结构受迫振动的有限元模型,考虑入射声场为简谐激励,采用模态叠加法求出结构振动表面速度。根据声学边界元相关理论,利用有限元方法计算得出的弹性结构表面动力相应,可求出弹性结构的散射声场。研究结果表明,在同一波数下,不加筋结构后向散射强于加筋结构;加筋结构的散射指向性图案分叉较为明显;同种结构在波数增加的时候后向散射强度逐渐增大,前向散射强度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

在考虑羽流阻力的情况下,采用拉格朗日控制单元积分法建立了羽流动力学模型,并采用数值技术对水下溢油羽流动力学特性进行了模拟,详细分析了释放角对羽流运动的影响。模拟结果及分析表明,当释放方向不同时,浮力在羽流轴线上的投影分量不同。在不同的浮力分量作用下,羽流的运动轨迹及羽流速度、浓度和半径随着流程的变化会呈现不同的特点。羽流的这些运动特点可能会使得溢油到达水面的时间及位置随释放角的不同而发生变化。  相似文献   

The propagation,shoaling and breaking of solitary waves on mild slopes are simulated byboundary element method.In this paper,the criterion of breaking solitary waves on mild slopes is discussed.The criterion is that the ratio of horizontal velocity of water particles on the wave crest to wave celerity equalsone.However,the case that the ratio of horizontal velocity of water particles on the wave crest to wave ce-lerity is below one but the front face of wave profile becomes vertical is also considered as a breaking criteri-on.According to the above criteria,the breaking index for slopes 1:10 to 1:25 is studied.The result is com-pared to other researchers'.The deformation of solitary waves on slopes is discussed and the distribution offluid velocities at breaking is shown.  相似文献   

利用LabVIEW软件,通过8通道数据采集卡和均匀圆阵对水下目标的噪声进行采集和处理。结合一维直线阵波束形成理论,实现了对水下目标二维方向角估计实验研究和算法验证。实验证明利用虚拟仪器方便地实现了对水声信号的采集、处理,以及在方位估计时,为传感器布阵和算法的确定提供参考。  相似文献   

正压冲固平台是一种采用短桩加固基础的新型海洋采油平台,对于这种新型的平台结构,在结构分析和构件强度校核中必须考虑其有限元模型的基础边界条件处理问题。本文提出了正压冲固平台有限元计算模型中基础边界条件的一种简化方法,将两个水平方向的扭转自由度简化为扭转弹簧边界元,其余自由度简化为固定约束。通过计算分析得到了不同的边界约束刚度系数的取值对平台总体位移和强度校核应力的影响及变化趋势。结论是,平台结构对约束刚度系数K的反应在10^4~10^4之间时比较明显,对K的敏感度最为强烈:在此范围之外,平台反应分别接近于简支约束情况和刚性约束情况。尤其对于接近约束边界的单元,其应力变化最敏感。  相似文献   

Coupled BEM-FEM Analysis of the Large-Diameter Cylinder Structure System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method of coupled BEM-FEM analysis for the elastic spatial structure system is presented. It can be applied to the calculation of the stress and deformation of the large-diamater cylinder structure system and it is suitable for symmetric or non-symmetric structures under the distributed or concentrated load. Numerical examples show that the proposed method and computer program BEFEM are quite efficient in the analysis of the large-diameter cylinder structure problems in ocean engineering.  相似文献   

混合驱动自主潜航器融合了自主潜航器机动灵活和水下滑翔机续航能力强的优点,针对自身携带能源有限的问题,对在两种工作模式下如何实现最大航行距离进行了研究.从航行过程中的能源消耗入手,得出航行距离与速度、电子设备功率等的关系,通过理论分析和仿真手段得出最大续航能力的实现方法.在螺旋桨驱动模式下,当以经济航速航行时,可以达到最大航行距离;在浮力驱动模式下,当以最大滑翔效率航行时,水平方向上的滑翔距离最大,并且水平方向上的滑翔距离随着剖面深度的增大而增大,当剖面深度大到一定程度之后,最大滑翔距离趋于恒定.该研究方法可为类似水下航行器电源管理系统的能源分配提供参考,也可为航行器外形的设计和传感器的选型提供理论指导.  相似文献   

基于有限深两层流体KdV(Korteweg-de Vries)、eKdV(extended KdV)和MCC(Miyata-Choi-Camassa)理论,以内孤立波诱导上下层深度平均水平速度为入口边界条件,采用理想流体完全非线性欧拉方程,建立了两层流体中内孤立波生成的CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)数值模拟方法。以系列数值模拟结果为依据,结合内孤立波非线性和色散参数的组合条件,给出了选择合适内孤立波理论解作为CFD数值模拟入口边界条件的方法,从而实现了振幅与波形可控的内孤立波完全非线性数值模拟。  相似文献   

通过在珠江黄茅海河口进行的25 h定点连续观测,分析了潮流底边界层在憩流时刻的动力特征。结果表明,憩流期非恒定性增强,改变了平均流和湍流结构。主要表现:1)平均流结构出现三种不同类型,分别是对数分布(摩擦力主导)、垂向均匀分布(惯性主导)和过渡状态(摩擦力和惯性力平衡);2)湍流各向异性增强,湍谱惯性子区带宽减小。各湍流特征参数在转流时刻达到最小值,表明惯性作用抑制了湍流的发育。  相似文献   

The interaction of surface water waves with submerged breakwaters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper concerns the behaviour of nonlinear regular waves interacting with rectangular submerged breakwaters. A new series of experimental results is presented and compared with numerical calculations based upon a Boundary Element Method (BEM) that utilises multiple fluxes to deal with the discontinuities encountered at the corners of the domain. Specifically, comparisons concern both the spatial water surface profiles at various times and the spatial evolution of the harmonics generated by the breakwaters, the latter being an important focus for the paper. The BEM is shown to accurately model both the water surface profile and the harmonic generation, provided the breakwater width is sufficient to ensure that flow separation is not a controlling influence. Furthermore, evidence is provided to confirm that reflection from rectangular submerged breakwaters is fundamentally a linear phenomenon.  相似文献   

针对现有拖曳式水下潜器控制机构复杂、航向与姿态不容易稳定的缺陷,提出和设计了一种具有航向与姿态稳定的多自由度可控制拖曳式水下潜器样机。该样机主要由鱼雷状浮体、固定水平主翼、转角可控制襟翼、立式翼型主体等部分组成,潜器的深度控制通过控制襟翼的偏转来诱导固定水平主翼攻角的改变来实现;潜器的横荡运动操纵以通过控制两个作为转艏控制器的导管螺旋桨的转向与转速、诱导立式翼型主体产生诱导力矩使其产生横向偏转来进行。文中所提出和设计的样机具有运动过程中自我稳定能力强、航向稳定性好、控制机构简单并具有较高实用价值的特点。  相似文献   

In this work, a combined immersed boundary (IB) and volume of fluid (VOF) methodology is developed to simulate the interactions of free-surface waves and submerged solid bodies. The IB method is used to account for the no-slip boundary condition at solid interfaces and the VOF method, utilizing a piecewise linear interface calculation, is employed to track free surfaces. The combined model is applied in several case studies, including the propagation of small-amplitude progressive waves over a submerged trapezoidal dike, a solitary wave traveling over a submerged rectangular object, and wave generation induced by a moving bed. Numerical results depicting the free-surface evolutions and velocity fields are in good agreement with either experimental data or numerical results obtained by other researchers. In addition, the simplification of the initial free-surface deformation used in most tsunami earthquake source study is justified by the present model application. The methodology presented in the paper serves as a good tool for solving many practical problems involving free surfaces and complex boundaries.  相似文献   

In the present study,a numerical wave tank is developed to simulate the nonlinear wave-current interactions based on High Order Spectral(HOS) method.The influences of current on wave focusing are investigated by use of numerical model.The current is assumed to be constant in space.Focused waves with different amplitudes and frequency spectra are simulated with and without current.The focused wave characteristics,such as surface elevation,the maximum crest and frequency spectrum,with different current are compared.The results show that the opposing current increases the maximum crest and the energy transform during wave focusing process,and vice versa for the following current.  相似文献   

船舶含气泡尾迹的光学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于充分挖掘卫星遥感应用于海洋监测能力的需求,通过海上试验测量船舶含气泡尾迹海水的物理、光学特征,研究气泡群对不同水体光学特征的影响,例如离水辐亮度、遥感反射率.这些工作可为通过星载光学传感器遥感获取船舶尾迹信息提供理论依据.试验证明在可见光和近红外波段船舶含气泡尾迹相对于背景海水的离水辐亮度、遥感反射率都不同程度地得到了增强,并且在一类水体中含气泡尾迹的光谱后向散射无论是相对增幅还是绝对增幅都要远大于二类水体中的.  相似文献   

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