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本文采用landsat陆地资源卫星数据和中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冰川矢量编目数据和气象观测数据为数据源,利用GIS空间分析方法和气候统计方法,提取并分析了1987~2014年西藏年楚河流域冰川及冰川湖变化特征。结果表明:1987年年楚河流域内共有冰川82条,1987~2014年冰川总面积呈减少趋势,冰川面积减小18.386km2(8.34%),变化率为-5.23km2/10a;1987年流域内面积大于0.2km2的冰湖共有8个,1987~2014年,冰湖总面积呈增加趋势,冰湖面积增加1.489km2(7.06%),变化率为0.323km2/10a;年楚河流域年降水量变化不明显,年平均气温整体呈上升趋势(0.28℃/10a)。降水对冰川和冰湖变化影响较小,温度的持续升高是冰川和冰湖变化的主要因素。   相似文献   

本文结合多模式遥感数据及产品对西藏年楚河流域上游地区10年间(2005~2015年)的冰川变化进行了监测分析。基于支持向量机(SVM)的分类结果表明:冰川面积减少了21.7km2,退化率(PAC)为16.94%,年退化率(APAC)为1.69%。冰川厚度变化监测采用了两期遥感数字表面模型(DSM)差值法,结果表明冰川厚度减少了5.20m。冰川体积变化用厚度变化与面积变化的乘积计算。结果表明,10年间研究区内冰川体积减少了0.71km3。以上分析结果表明,研究区冰川在此10年间出现了重度退化。   相似文献   

塔里木河流域冰川洪水对全球变暖的响应   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 塔里木河流域近50 a来气温主要呈波动上升趋势, 平均上升约0.3℃,其中山区平均升高0.6℃。随着气候变暖,不稳定天气出现的频率增多,冰川退缩,冰雪融水增大,使冰川泥石流和冰川突发洪水等冰雪灾害的发生频率呈上升趋势。在20世纪80年代以来的剧烈增温过程中,冰川消融加剧,冰温升高,冰川流速加快,从而造成冰湖增多和库容增大,冰湖溃决洪水的发生呈增加的趋势。建议加强气候变化对水资源和洪水影响的监测和评估。  相似文献   

托木尔型冰川融水对气候变化敏感性的模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以度日因子模型为基础,建立了一个简单的分布式模型,评估不同气候条件下托木尔型冰川融水径流的变化。模型分别考虑了冰雪、表碛、冰崖等复杂冰川下垫面的产流过程,并利用线性水库原理对冰川汇流进行参数化。结果显示,模型能够较好地对冰川融水径流进行模拟。敏感性分析表明,平均气温的变化对于融水径流有重要影响:当平均气温升高1℃时,融水径流将增加22.5%;而当气温升高2℃时,径流的增加幅度将达到45.0%。相反,当气温降低1℃和2℃时,融水径流分别减小20.6%和37.6%。比较而言,降水的变化对冰川融水径流的影响较小。  相似文献   

冰川变化与气候变化关系的若干探讨   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
冰川变化是气候变化的产物,但它与气候参数的关系表现出不稳定。本文通过理论分析发现:对以上的冰川进退基本上决定于温度变化,与降水的关系不大。对10^1年以内的冰川波动,其大范围的总体特征亦基本上决定于温度变化。个别冰川则比较复杂,但在冰川上部无消融区的物质平衡基本上决定于降水。  相似文献   

选取多种卫星探测数据和站点观测资料,利用ENVI和ArcGIS软件提取湖泊和冰川面积信息,分析1973~2020年青藏高原西部昂拉仁错和仁青休布错两大湖泊与东部隆格尔山脉冰川的时空演变特征及其与气象要素的关系。结果表明:近48a,昂拉仁错湖面面积总体上趋于萎缩,2000年之前呈显著减少趋势,2000~2010年呈增加趋势,2010年之后呈弱增加趋势;仁青休布错湖面面积总体上略有扩张,1993年之前呈减少趋势,1993年之后呈增加趋势;隆格尔山脉冰川总体上显著退缩,2000年之前的消融速度较2000年之后的更快;隆格尔山脉冰川面积变化在不同海拔高度存在差异,5500~6000m的冰川面积呈显著减少趋势,6000~6500m的冰川面积呈增长趋势,6500m以上的冰川面积基本不变;昂拉仁错湖面面积与降水量的相关性最好,与气温次之;仁青休布错湖面面积与地温和气温的相关性最好,与蒸发量次之;隆格尔山脉冰川面积则与蒸发量的相关性最好。   相似文献   

李豪  刘双  胡凯衡 《高原气象》2023,(6):1518-1528
强降雨和高温是冰川泥石流的主要诱发因素,深入理解小流域冰川泥石流的孕灾气象条件变化规律,可为冰川泥石流的预警预判和灾害防治等工作提供依据和基础数据。基于中国区域地面气象要素驱动数据集(1979-2018年),利用Sen’s斜率法、 Mann-Kendall趋势及突变检验法、滑动t检验法、 Morlet小波变换法、变异系数(CV)和降雨集中指数(PCI)多种方法和指标,详细分析了藏东南典型冰川泥石流流域卡达沟的降雨量、气温和极端气候指数近40年的变化特征。结果表明:(1)年均气温和暖昼日数分别以0.05℃·a-1和1.46 d·a-1的速率显著上升,暖昼日数年际波动极大。两者均具有32 a准周期以及中短尺度周期。(2)春、夏、秋、冬季气温分别以0.044℃·a-1、 0.039℃·a-1、 0.049℃·a-1和0.06℃·a-1的速率显著上升。所有月份气温均呈显著升高趋势,其中3月和11月气温波动极大。(3)年降雨量下降趋势不显著。极端降雨日数无明显变化趋...  相似文献   

IPCC SROCC和AR6对高山区气候变化的评估表明,近期全球山地增暖速率提高,1980年代以来亚洲高山区增暖速率明显高于全球平均和其他高山区同期水平。各山地增暖普遍具有海拔依赖性,但机制复杂且区域差异大,除落基山脉未来气温增幅随海拔降低外,其余山地均随海拔有不同程度的升高。全球山地年降水在过去几十年没有明显趋势;预计未来北半球许多山地年降水将增加5%~20%,但极端降水变化的区域和季节差异较大,其中青藏高原喜马拉雅山脉极端降水频次和强度都将增大。山地年最大雪水当量的减少在固-液态降水转化的海拔高度带更强,未来山地降雪和积雪变化不仅与排放情景有关,而且与海拔高度密切相关。2010—2019年全球山地冰川物质亏损较有观测记录以来的任何一个10年都多,亚洲高山区虽然冰川物质亏损速率较小,但每年亏损的冰量在全球四大高山区中仅次于安第斯山脉南段。预计山地冰川将持续退缩数十年或数百年,未来亚洲高山区冰川退缩对海平面上升的贡献将居全球四大高山区之首。山地多年冻土温度升高、厚度减薄,预计未来多年冻土将加速退化,即使在低温室气体排放情景下,21世纪末青藏高原多年冻土面积预计也将减少13.4%~27.7%。从评估的完整性和信度水平来看,山地观测和研究仍存在巨大差距。  相似文献   

祁连山老虎沟12号冰川近地层微气象特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2009年9月1日-2010年8月31日祁连山老虎沟12号冰川海拔4 550m气象观测资料,分析并讨论了气温、降水、比湿、气压、风速、风向、总辐射、感热和潜热通量的变化特征。结果表明,在冰川下垫面影响下,气温的逐时变化呈现出升温比降温要快,但季节变化则相反,气温变化的位相比风速要超前;降水主要集中在5~9月,占全年降水的68.1%;冬季平均风速最大,夏季最小,春季高于秋季,春、秋季冰川风的强度要大于谷风,夏季则相反,冬季冰川风占绝对主导地位,且冰川风对地气间的能量交换有重要影响;全年感热通量日平均值大部分都为正值,而潜热通量基本都为负值,在气温较高、风速较大的情况下二者均有明显的增加;夏季感热和潜热通量的绝对值都比冬季要大。  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区河谷局地环流特征观测分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙方林  马耀明 《高原气象》2007,26(6):1187-1190
利用中国科学院珠穆朗玛峰大气与环境综合观测研究站的大气边界层塔站数据分析了珠峰北面一处河谷中局地环流的日变化特征.发现该河谷中的局地环流主要受山谷风和冰川风的影响,后者自影响主要集中在下午和傍晚,冰川风强度较大,地面最大风速达到10 m·s-1.冰川风开始出现的时间通常是气温达到一天中最高的时刻,这表明冰川风气流温度较低,带来了降温.另外,对空气湿度变化的分析中也能发现冰川风气流的影响.  相似文献   

 Current glacier recession under the global warming has aroused world-wide attention. Initiated from 1958, the observations of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 at the headwaters of Urumqi River in eastern Tianshan promise the best datasets of the glacier and the climate changes in China. Taking Urumqi Glacier No. 1 as an example, we analyzed the response of the glacier to the climate change. The results show that over the past 50 years, the glacier has changed remarkably in the aspects of snow-firn stratigraphy, ice formation zone, ice temperature, area and terminus position, etc. These changes are apparently the results of temperature rise in this area. The glacier recession continued throughout the entire observed time period, and showed an accelerated tendency since 1985. Meltwater runoff also increased 84.2% over the last 20 years.  相似文献   

Correlation census shows that the correlation between the tree-ring chronologies in the Urumqi River Basin and precipitation during July in the last year to February in the concurrent year is significant,and the best single correlation coefficient is 0.74,with significance level of 0.0001.Using two residual chronologies collected from west Baiyanggou and Boerqingou,precipitation for 348 years can be reconstructed in the North Slope of middle Tianshan Mountains,its explained variance is 62%.According to much verification from independent precipitation data,historical climate records,glacier and other data.it shows that the reconstructed precipitation series of 348 years is reliable.Analysis of precipitation features indicates that there were three wet periods occurring during 1671-1692,1716-1794 and 1825-1866 and three dry periods during 1693-1715,1795-1824 and 1867-1969.Two wet periods,during 1716-1794 and 1825-1866,correspond to the times of the second and the third glacial terminal moraine formation,which is infront of No.1 glacier in Urumqi River source.According to computation,corresponding annual precipitation amounts are 59mm and 30mm more than now.The reconstructed precipitation series has a significant drying trend from 1716 to 1969.and has better representativeness to the precipitation of Urumqi and Changji Prefecture on the North Slope of Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

This article reviews evidence for 16th century glacial fluctuations in the western Swiss and the French Alps. Previously available sources and new historical sources, as well as dendrochronological investigations of larches that were destroyed by glacier advances (Great Aletsch Glacier), have shed much light in recent years on glacial movements in the 16th century. Many of the earliest know Records for glacial activity in the Western Alps date from the end of the 16th century and refer to outbursts of glacier dammed lakes (Allalin Glacier, Giétro Glacier, Rutor Glacier). Only few but very important evidence in the first half of the 16th century refer directly to glacial extension as in the case of the Lower Grindelwald Glacier and the Rhone Glacier. The drastic change in climate starting in 1565 which cause the remarkable advance of Alpine glaciers can be easily seen in the tree-ring curves (maximum density, tree ring width) of larches (Larix decidua Mill.) in the Alps.  相似文献   

 A seasonally and regionally differentiated glacier model is used to estimate the contribution that glaciers are likely to make to global sea level rise over a period of 70 years. A high resolution general circulation model (ECHAM4 T106) is used to estimate temperature and precipitation changes for a doubled CO2 climate and serves as input for the glacier model. Volume-area relations are used to take into account the reduction of glacier area resulting from greenhouse warming. Each glacieriated region has a specified glacier size distribution, defined by the number of glaciers in a size class and a mean area. Changes in glacier volume are calculated by a precipitation dependent mass balance sensitivity. The model predicts a global sea level rise of 57 mm over a period of 70 years. This corresponds to a sensitivity of 0.86 mm yr−1K−1. Assuming a constant glacier area as done in earlier work leads to an overestimation of 19% for the contribution to sea level rise. Received: 16 August 2000 / Accepted: 21 May 2001  相似文献   

Historical and proxy records document that there is a substantial asynchronous development in temperature, precipitation and glacier variations between European regions during the last few centuries. The causes of these temporal anomalies are yet poorly understood. Hence, highly resolved glacier reconstructions based on historical evidence can give valuable insights into past climate, but they exist only for few glaciers worldwide. Here, we present a new reconstruction of length changes for the Glacier des Bossons (Mont Blanc massif, France), based on unevaluated historical material. More than 250 pictorial documents (drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, maps) as well as written accounts have been critically analysed, leading to a revised picture of the glacier’s history, especially from the mid-eighteenth century up to the 1860s. Very important are the drawings by Jean-Antoine Linck, Samuel Birmann and Eugène Viollet-le Duc, which depict meticulously the glacier’s extent during the vast advance and subsequent retreat during the nineteenth century. The new glacier reconstruction extends back to AD 1580 and proves maxima of the Glacier des Bossons around 1610/1643, 1685, 1712, 1777, 1818, 1854, 1892, 1921, 1941, and 1983. The Little Ice Age maximum extent was reached in 1818. Until the present, the glacier has lost about 1.5 km in length, and it is now shorter than at any time during the reconstruction period. The Glacier des Bossons reacts faster than the nearby Mer de Glace (glacier reconstruction back to AD 1570 available). The Mont Blanc area is, together with the valley of Grindelwald in the Swiss Alps (two historical glacier reconstructions available back to AD 1535, and 1590, respectively), among the two regions that are probably best-documented in the world regarding historical glacier data.  相似文献   

Evidence of climate change within the Adamello Glacier of Italy   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We analyze a daily series of rainfall, snowfall, air temperature, and snow water equivalent at fixed dates from 40 high-altitude stations on the Adamello Glacier area (Italian Alps), for the period 1965–2007. Purposes of the study are (1) to investigate significant variation in time, (2) to evaluate effect of temperature changes on cryospheric water cycle, and (3) to evaluate underlying climate patterns and the most significant variables for climate change studies. We detect the presence of a trend using linear regression, moving window average and Mann Kendall test. Linear dependence of water related variables on temperatures is assessed. We find substantially unchanged atmospheric water input along with increasing temperature and rainfall, decreasing snowfall and snow water equivalent at thaw, and shortening of snow cover extent and duration. We carry out a principal components analysis which highlights patterns of precipitation distribution resulting from local temperature and external forcing. A set of the most representative variables for climate and glacier studies is then assessed. A comparison with three nearby Southern Alpine glacierized areas in Italy and Switzerland shows substantial agreement. In spite of the relative shortness of the series, the results here are of interest and can be used as a benchmark for climate change impact assessment for the Adamello Glacier area and southern Alps.  相似文献   

Glaciers around the world retreated as the climate warmed substantially. For the majority of alpine and arctic areas, however, the lack of meteorological data over a long period makes it difficult to build long-term climate and glacial fluctuation relationships, emphasizing the importance of natural proxy archives. Here we use the 230-year record of stem radial growth of birch trees (Betula ermanii) from the treeline forests above the receding glaciers in eastern maritime Kamchatka to analyse temporal variations of climate as well as glacial advance and retreat. Glaciers in Kamchatka Peninsula represent the southern limit of glaciation in far eastern Eurasia, which makes them prone to global warming. Using instrumental climate data (1930–1996) from local meteorological stations, we find that the July temperature had most prominent positive impact on birch growth. On the contrary, smaller ring increments are associated with the positive summer and net annual ice mass balance of Koryto Glacier. The prevailing trend of higher summer temperatures and lower snowfall over the past 70 years has enhanced tree growth while causing the glacier’s surface to lower by about 35 m and its front to retreat by about 490 m. Assuming these same relationships between climate, tree growth, and glacier mass balance also existed in the past, we use tree rings as a proxy record of climatically induced temporary halts in the glacier’s retreat over the past two centuries, which in total was over 1,000 m. Both direct observations and tree ring proxies indicate several prolonged warm periods (1990s, 1960s, 1930–1940s, 1880–1900s) interspersed with cooler periods (1984–1985, 1970–1976, 1953–1957, 1912–1926, 1855–1875, 1830–1845, 1805–1820 and 1770–1780) when the glacier re-advanced, creating several consecutive terminal moraine ridges. We conclude that birch tree-rings are suitable for assessing tree growth/climate/glacial relationships over a longer timescale in maritime Kamchatka.  相似文献   

Current glacier recession under the global warming has aroused world-wide attention.Initiated from 1958,the observations show that over the past 50 years,the glacier has changed remarkably in the aspects of snow-firn stratigraphy,ice formation zone,ice temperature,area and terminus position,etc.These changes are apparently the results of temperature rise in this area.The glacier recession continued throughout the entire observed time period,and showed an accelerated tendency since 1985.Meltwater runoff also increased 84.2% over the last 20 years.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河源地气候与冰川变化特征及其对径流的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据位于乌鲁木齐河源地大西沟气象站40年(1958-1998年)气候资料,分析了温度、降水量分布规律与冰川变化特征,得出气候、冰川的变化对径流量影响的几点结论。表明,在全球性气候变暖背景下,中天山高山区呈变暖,自然降水(雪)资源增多,冰川资源减少趋势;继续发展,将会严重影响冰川的调节功能。  相似文献   

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