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W. Stanek 《Solar physics》1972,27(1):89-106
It is well known to the observer of sunspots that the spots seem not to be randomly distributed on the solar surface but rather occur at an increased rate at distances of 180° of each other on the same hemisphere while northern and southern hemispheres are independent. The following investigation - based on observational data of rotations No. 1457–1568 (1962–1970) shows four main results:
  1. Northern and southern hemisphere behave independently.
  2. Each hemisphere can be divided in longitude into sections of 45° so that successive sections alternatively show higher and lower spot occurrence. In other words: maximum spot occurrence is found in intervals of about 90° and 180°.
  3. Second-order peaks can be found in intervals of 30° and multiples of it. The spot maxima explained above coincide with some of these second-order peaks.
  4. Areas of minimal spot occurrence can be traced over a long period of time. These areas can be understood as the center of long-living magnetic areas along the borders of which we find the so-called ‘streets of prominences’ with its spots. This theory of Stanek (1971) explains the occurrence of prominences. Because of the steep magnetic gradient along these streets the theory is expected to hold true even for spots. This leads to a better understanding of the pattern already known and now being generalized to ‘streets of activity’.

Celebrating the diamond jubilee of the Physics Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India, we look back over the last six decades in solar physics and contemplate on the ten outstanding problems (or research foci) in solar physics:
  1. The solar neutrino problem
  2. Structure of the solar interior (helioseismology)
  3. The solar magnetic field (dynamo, solar cycle, corona)
  4. Hydrodynamics of coronal loops
  5. MHD oscillations and waves (coronal seismology)
  6. The coronal heating problem
  7. Self-organized criticality (from nanoflares to giant flares)
  8. Magnetic reconnection processes
  9. Particle acceleration processes
  10. Coronal mass ejections and coronal dimming
The first two problems have been largely solved recently, while the other eight selected problems are still pending a final solution, and thus remain persistent Challenges for Solar Cycle 24, the theme of this jubilee conference.  相似文献   

A study of ephemeral active regions (ER) identified on good quality full-disk magnetograms reveals:
  1. On the average 373 and 179 ER were present on the Sun in 1970 and 1973 respectively. The number varies with the solar cycle.
  2. The median lifetime of ER depends on observation quality and selection rules but is estimated as about 12 hr for our data.
  3. The latitude distribution is very broad but not uniform. The distribution peaks near the equator and shows variations similar to distributions of large active regions.
  4. The longitude distribution is essentially homogeneous.
  5. The spatial orientation of ER is almost random. In 1973 there is a hint of an excess of new cycle orientations at high latitudes.
A comparison of parameters of ER and regular active regions suggests that ER are the small-scale end of a broad spectrum of active regions. The role of ER in the light of present theories of solar activity is investigated but is not yet clear. Heating of the chromosphere and corona may be significantly affected by ER.  相似文献   

The radio emission of a selected number of solar active regions has been investigated with high angular resolution at two frequencies: 10 and 17 GHz. By comparing the results of the two observations the following conclusions can be drawn:
  1. The brightness temperature distribution of an active region is often composed of very bright cores of small dimension (angular extent θ?20″) imbedded in extended halos of lower brightness.
  2. The radio emission of such structures as well as the degree of polarization can be explained with a thermal process. The halos can originate by pure thermal bremsstrahlung while in the case of the very bright cores found at 10 GHz (brightness temperature T b?1–9 × 106K) the emission at the harmonics of the gyrofrequency is needed.

Correlation and spectral analysis of solar radio flux density and sunspot number near the maximum of the sunspot cycle has indicated the existence of
  1. long period amplitude modulation of the slowly varying component (SVC) of radio emission
  2. coronal storage over a period of the order of three solar rotations
  3. fast decay (one solar rotation period or less) of gyromagnetic emissions from radio sources
  4. shift in location of chromospheric sources compared to those of either the upper corona or the photosphere.

The problem of (dc) magnetic field energy build up in the solar atmosphere is addressed. Although large-scale current generation may be due to large-scale shearing motions in the photosphere, recently a new approach was proposed: under the assumption that the magnetic field evolves through a sequence of force-free states, Seehafer (1994) found that the energy of small-scale fluctuations may be transferred into energy of large-scale currents in an AR (the α-effect). The necessary condition for the α-effect is revealed by the presence of a predominant sign of current helicity over the volume under consideration. We studied how frequently such a condition may occur in ARs. On the basis of vector magnetic field measurements we calculated the current helicity B z · (▽ × B) z in the photosphere over the whole AR area for 40 active regions and obtained the following results:
  1. In 90% of cases there existed significant excess current helicity of some sign over the active region area. So one can suggest that the build up of large-scale currents in an active region due to small-scale fluctuations may be typical in ARs.
  2. In 82.5% of cases, the excess current helicity in the northern (southern) hemisphere was negative (positive).
The method proposed can be applied to those ARs where the determination of the predominant sign of current helicity by traditional visual inspection of Hα-patterns is not reliable.  相似文献   

In order to establish some regularities or variations in the distribution of widths and intensities of the coronal line profiles λ 5303 and λ 6374 depending upon the solar activity, a statistical analysis was made for more than 3000 profiles (the data covering the period 1966–1972). The following results obtained:
  1. The distribution of coronal line profile widths changes depending upon the solar activity phase.
  2. The character of the relation between the intensities and widths varies with variation of the solar activity phase.

Four consecutive years of a quasi-continuous survey of the solar Lα line are presented. Absolute calibration and aging correction are evaluated producing higher quality measurements which are:
  • -the total Lα flux,
  • -the central Lα flux,
  • -the blue wing flux at 0.33 Å from the center,
  • -the slope of the blue wing at the same location.
  • Empirical laws are deduced from this large amount of data giving a relation between these different parameters and the flux integrated over the whole line. Furthermore, other empirical laws are obtained between the total Lα flux and two solar activity indices. These relations give a possibility of evaluating the solar Lα flux even when no observation is available and, as previously found by Prinz (1974), show that to a first approximation the solar Lα flux is composed of a quiet and of an active component. The active component changes with the 27 days period; the quiet one with the 11 yr solar cycle.  相似文献   

    Statistical properties of solar active regions (AR) have been studied. In particular, (1) the distribution of ARs by their areas and importances using normal and lognormal distribution laws; (2) it was checked whether the distribution of the ARs' birth sites satisfies the Poisson distribution law (the so-called ‘law of rare events’). Observational data of 1979–1982 have been used and our conclusions are as follows:
    1. As regards the areas, the distribution of the ARs that emerged near or on the borders of the large-scale background fields is normal or lognormal.
    2. As regards the importances, the distribution of all ARs is lognormal.
    3. The distribution of ARs that emerged far from background field borders is not normal.
    4. ARs are not casual or rare events on the Sun.

    Using eighteen years of observations at Big Bear, we summarize the development of δ spots and the great flares they produce. We find δ groups to develop in three ways: eruption of a single complex active region formed below the surface, eruption of large satellite spots near (particularly in front of) a large older spot, or collision of spots of opposite polarity from different dipoles. Our sample of twenty-one δ spots shows that once they lock together, they never separate, although rarely an umbra is ejected. The δ spots are already disposed to their final form when they emerge. The driving force for the shear is spot motion, either flux emergence or the forward motion of p spots in an inverted magnetic configuration. We observe the following phenomena preceding great flares:
    1. δ spots, preferentially Types 1 and 2.
    2. Umbrae obscured by Hα emission.
    3. Bright Hα emission marking flux emergence and reconnection.
    4. Greatly sheared magnetic configurations, marked by penumbral and Hα fibrils parallel to the inversion line.
    We assert that with adequate spatial resolution one may predict the occurrence of great flares with these indicators.  相似文献   

    A clarification and discussion of the energy changes experienced by cosmic rays in the interplanetary region is presented. It is shown that the mean time rate of change of momentum of cosmic rays reckoned for a fixed volume in a reference frame fixed in the solar system is 〈p〉 =p V·G/3 (p=momentum,V is the solar wind velocity andG=cosmic-ray density gradient). This result is obtained in three ways:
    1. by a rearrangement and reinterpretation of the cosmic-ray continuity equation;
    2. by using a scattering analysis based on that of Gleeson and Axford (1967);
    3. by using a special scattering model in which cosmic-rays are trapped in ‘magnetic boxes’ moving with the solar wind.
    The third method also gives the rate of change of momentum of particles within a moving ‘magnetic box’ as 〈pad = ?p ?·V/3, which is the adiabatic deceleration rate of Parker (1965). We conclude that ‘turnaround’ energy change effects previously considered separately are already included in the equation of transport for cosmic rays.  相似文献   

    To gain insight into the relationships between solar activity, the occurrence and variability of coronal holes, and the association of such holes with solar wind features such as high-velocity streams, a study of the period 1963–1974 was made. This period corresponds approximately with sunspot cycle 20. The primary data used for this work consisted of X-ray and XUV solar images obtained from rockets. The investigation revealed that:
    1. The polar coronal holes prominent at solar minimum, decreased in area as solar activity increased and were small or absent at maximum phase. This evolution exhibited the same phase difference between the two hemispheres that was observed in other indicators of activity.
    2. During maximum, coronal holes occurred poleward of the sunspot belts and in the equatorial region between them. The observed equatorial holes were small and persisted for one or two solar rotations only; some high latitude holes had lifetimes exceeding two solar rotations.
    3. During 1963–74 whenever XUV or X-ray images were available, nearly all recurrent solar wind streams of speed ?500 km s?1 were found associated with coronal holes at less than 40° latitude; however some coronal holes appeared to have no associated wind streams at the Earth.

    It has been shown by Molodensky (1973), that precise measurements of the position of the plane of polarization in the corona may allow us to observe overthermal electrons in the solar corona. For such measurements during the eclipse of 10 July 1972, a method based on the photographic recordings of the corona by means of a cineset and with an automatically rotating polaroid has been developed. A technique has also been developed for determining the position of the plane of polarization by means of isophotes obtained with polarization filters. This technique uses the photometric data for determining phase shifts between the apparent intensity variation curve and a similar curve expressing the rotation phase of the polaroid. The results of the measurements for h/r =0.5 to 0.9 allow us to conclude that:
    1. The plane of polarization (E-vector position) coincides very exactly with the tangential direction in the region of N-W limb. The maximum deviations of this plane amounts to 1–1.5°, and the mean-square deviations in this region amount to ~0,3° at h/R ≈1. This coronal region was the least active one and there were no spots there.
    2. The corona near the E limb consisted of two ‘fans’ divided by a thin beam. In that region some deviations of the plane of polarizarion from the tangential direction were revealed. Those deviations were of the order of 3°. During the time of the eclipse there were some groups of spots behind the E limb (but close to this limb). The observed deviations were apparently connected with those groups.
    3. Calculations have been made of the turn of the plane of polarization caused by an inhomogeneity in the radiation field from the photosphere and due to the presence of spots. The effect qualitatively coincided with that shown by the measurements.

    We examine the propagation of Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere. The principal theoretical virtues of this work are: (i) The full wave equation is solved without recourse to the small-wavelength eikonal approximation (ii) The background solar atmosphere is realistic, consisting of an HSRA/VAL representation of the photosphere and chromosphere, a 200 km thick transition region, a model for the upper transition region below a coronal hole (provided by R. Munro), and the Munro-Jackson model of a polar coronal hole. The principal results are:
    1. If the wave source is taken to be near the top of the convection zone, where n H = 5.2 × 1016 cm?3, and if B = 10.5 G, then the wave Poynting flux exhibits a series of strong resonant peaks at periods downwards from 1.6 hr. The resonant frequencies are in the ratios of the zeroes of J 0, but depend on B , and on the density and scale height at the wave source. The longest period peaks may be the most important, because they are nearest to the supergranular periods and to the observed periods near 1 AU, and because they are the broadest in frequency.
    2. The Poynting flux in the resonant peaks can be large enough, i.e. P ≈ 104–105 erg cm?2s?1, to strongly affect the solar wind.
    3. ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ also display resonant peaks.
    4. In the chromosphere and low corona, ¦δv ≈ 7–25 kms?1 and ¦δB¦ ≈0.3–1.0 G if P ≈104-105 erg cm?2s?1.
    5. The dependences of ¦δv¦ and ¦δB¦ on height are reduced by finite wavelength effects, except near the wave source where they are enhanced.
    6. Near the base, ¦δB¦ ≈ 350–1200 G if P ~- 104–105. This means that nonlinear effects may be important, and that some density and vertical velocity fluctuations may be associated with the Alfvén waves.
    7. Below the low corona most wave energy is kinetic, except near the base where it becomes mostly magnetic at the resonances.
    8. ?0 < δv 2 > v A or < δB 2 > v A/4π are not good estimators of the energy flux.
    9. The Alfvén wave pressure tensor will be important in the transition region only if the magnetic field diverges rapidly. But the Alfvén wave pressure can be important in the coronal hole.

    The results of the total solar eclipse of November 12, 1966, observed at 8 different wave-lengths between 3 and 21 cm, are studied and the spectrum of two active regions present on the disk is deduced. It is shown that the observed increase of the flux of the most intense source in the range 3–10 cm is due to geometrical effects. Neglecting the influence of the magnetic field, the following quantities are deduced.
    1. the mean and central temperature of the coronal condensation.
    2. the corona N 2dh (N = electron density).
    Both these quantities are in good agreement with optical observations.  相似文献   

    Coordinates of polar faculae have been measured and processed using daily photoheliograms of the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo observatory with the final goal of studying their latitude distribution during the solar cycles 20–21. The results obtained are as follows:
    1. The first polar faculae emerge immediately after the polarity inversion of the solar magnetic field at the latitudes from 40° to 70° with the average ?-55°.
    2. The zone of the emergence of polar faculae migrates poleward during the period between the neighbouring polarity inversions of the solar magnetic field. This migration is about 20° for 8 years, which corresponds to a velocity of 0.5 m s-1.
    3. The maximum number of polar faculae was reached at the activity minimum (1975–1976).
    4. The last polar faculae were observed in the second half of 1978 at the latitudes from 70° to 80°.

    It is confirmed that the creation of stars in spiral (and perhaps also Irri) galaxies requires a physical parameter (X factor) additional to gas density. Consequently theX factor is an essential feature of stellar patterns and perhaps of stellar systems (spiral and other disk and spheroidal systems, globular clusters) and may be the key to the origin of the few, yet remarkably varied Hubble system of galaxies.
    1. It is shown that theX factor is organized over the whole galaxy and is a function of azimuth φ as well as radiusr. Only a galaxy-wide force field seems capable of explaining such anX(r, φ) factor either magnetic or gravitational in origin.
    2. If gravitational in origin, theX factor must be a shock wave, but a survey of observations in eight galaxies, including our own, shows no large-scale shocks associated with star creation. This provides further strong evidence against the density-shock theory of twin spiral arms.
    3. It is confirmed that galaxies of different Hubble types did not evolve from one another, so that each protogalaxy must possess a genetic factor which predetermines its evolution, and in particular its stellar systems. Thus the protogalactic genetic factor may be identical with theX factor.
    4. The case for a primordial magnetic field is strengthened, and it is shown that in our Galaxy and some others the field must be generally oblique to the disk. Such a field can explain theX(r, φ) factor in terms of a magneto-gravitational mechanism of gas clumping.
    5. An earlier, hydromagnetic theory of the Hubble types and of radio galaxies is extended by including theX factor to explain the various stellar systems observed in spiral, elliptical, lenticular and irregular galaxies.

    An observational study of maps of the longitudinal component of the photospheric fields in flaring active regions leads to the following conclusions:
    1. The broad-wing Hα kernels characteristic of the impulsive phase of flares occur within 10″ of neutral lines encircling features of isolated magnetic polarity (‘satellite sunspots’).
    2. Photospheric field changes intimately associated with several importance 1 flares and one importance 2B flare are confined to satellite sunspots, which are small (10″ diam). They often correspond to spot pores in white-light photographs.
    3. The field at these features appears to strengthen in the half hour just before the flares. During the flares the growth is reversed, the field drops and then recovers to its previous level.
    4. The magnetic flux through flare-associated features changes by about 4 × 1019 Mx in a day. The features are the same as the ‘Structures Magnétiques Evolutives’ of Martres et al. (1968a).
    5. An upper limit of 1021 Mx is set for the total flux change through McMath Regions 10381 and 10385 as the result of the 2B flare of 24 October, 1969.
    6. Large spots in the regions investigated did not evince flux changes or large proper motions at flare time.
    7. The results are taken to imply that the initial instability of a flare occurs at a neutral point, but the magnetic energy lost cannot yet be related to the total energy of the subsequent flare.
    8. No unusual velocities are observed in the photosphere at flare time.

    We use vector spherical harmonics for a kinematic analysis of the proper motions of stars from the Hipparcos, Tycho-2, and UCAC3 catalogues in the northern and southern Galactic hemispheres. We have found that the statistically reliable values of the Ogorodnikov-Milne model parameters M 32 + and M 32 ? have different signs in different hemispheres. This is a consequence of the Galaxy??s rotational retardation with distance from the principal Galactic plane. Based on various samples of stars from the above catalogues, we have obtained the following estimate for the magnitude of the vertical gradient of Galactic rotation velocity in the solar neighborhoods: (20.1 ± 2.9) < |?V??/?z| < (49.2 ± 0.8) km s?1 kpc?1. Another result that is revealed by our analysis of the parameters M 13 ? and M 13 + in different Galactic hemispheres is that the vertical gradient of expansion velocity for the stellar system ?V R /? z is positive in the northern hemisphere and negative in the southern one. This suggests that the expansion velocity V R increases with distance fromthe Galactic plane. We show that both these gradients give rise to an apparent acceleration of the solar motion along the x and y axes of the rectangular Galactic coordinate system. Our analysis of the parameters M 21 ? and M 12 + shows no significant differences in both hemispheres and has allowed us to determine the Oort parameters, to estimate the Galactic rotation velocity and period in the solar neighborhood, and to calculate the ratio of the epicyclic frequency to the angular velocity of Galactic rotation in the solar neighborhood. The derived diagonal elements of the velocity field deformation tensor suggest that the orientation of the rectangular Galactic coordinate system in space must be determined by taking into account not only the geometrical factors but also the dynamical ones. All these results agree well with these quantities estimated over the entire sphere by various authors.  相似文献   

    The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) gave us the highest EUV spatial resolution and the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectrometric Imager (RHESSI) gave us the highest hard X-ray and gammaray spectral resolution to study solar flares. We review a number of recent highlights obtained from both missions that either enhance or challenge our physical understanding of solar flares, such as:
    1. Multi-thermal Diagnostic of 6.7 and 8.0 keV Fe and Ni lines
    2. Multi-thermal Conduction Cooling Delays
    3. Chromospheric Altitude of Hard X-Ray Emission
    4. Evidence for Dipolar Reconnection Current Sheets
    5. Footpoint Motion and Reconnection Rate
    6. Evidence for Tripolar Magnetic Reconnection
    7. Displaced Electron and Ion Acceleration Sources.

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