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A study on quality of aquatic environment in Tumen River Area   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ASTUDYONQUALITYOFAQUATICENVIRONMENTINTUMENRIVERAREA①ZhuYanming(朱颜明)ChangchunInstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,...  相似文献   

The dunes in estuary of Tumen River in China lie to the area between the Jiushaping and Fangchuan in the left bank of Tumen River (Fig.1). The dis-tance is about 15~20 km between the dunes and the coast. It ranges from China to D. P. R. Korea and Russia. The range of the height of dunes is about 15~20 m and the width is 100~200 m. By the re-connaissance, we protracted 9 section planes of the dunes and collected 40 sand samples of the dunes, and identified the sedimentary environment …  相似文献   

The average size of the sand of dune in the vicinity of Tumen River is 0.12~0.30 mm, its standard deviation is 0.45~0.99 φ and the frequency cumulative distribution curve is divided into the single peak and the double peak. The Ski of the single peak is negative and the double peak is positive. There are two different areas in the plot of the Ski versus σi* It is shown that the sedimentary environment of the dunes is neritic deposit by the expressions of the grain-size parameters. All of the characters show that the sand dunes in Estuary of Tumen River may be the dunes of sea facies which were changed again by weathering and fluvialaction.  相似文献   

The Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is the rapid economic development region in China since the opening and reform door policy was carried out in 1978. Being the rapid development of industry and city, the impact on the aquatic environmental quality was significant. The pollution caused the water quality descended and the ecological system degraded, and also impeded the economic development. The characteristics and problems of the aquatic environment are: the capacity of aquatic environment is large but hasn’t been utilized rationally, the water quality is influenced by saline sea water and tide current, the main pollutants are organic matter and the pollution is going heavier, the concentration of pollutants change seasonally. The countermeasures of aquatic environmental protection are: carrying out the environmental functional regionalization and controlling the total amount of pollutant discharge, revising the industrial structure and making a rational industrial arrangement, raising the rate of waste water treatment and making a full assessment of the water conservancy project.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONUrbanizationisaprocessthatallowspopulationandindustrytohighlyconcentrate.Itisinevitablethatthiskindofprocesswillhavedeepimpactsoneco-environment.TheTumenRiverisaninternationalwaterbody.ScopeoftheTumenRiverBasin(TRB)canbedefinedas(only  相似文献   

The influence of land-based source pollutants to marine ecological environment is principally in coastal or enclosed sea wates. Flux of land-based source pollutants into the sea will be effected due to social and economic development in the Tumen River basin. Pollutant type and primary pollution factor of the Tumen River in Northeast China is described by weighted coefficient method in this paper. The results indicate that the river is organic pollution type and primary pollution factor is COD. Fresh water fraction proves that the estuary is not affected by tide cycle. COD annual flux entering the Sea of Japan calculated by zero-dimension model in 1993 was 90.50 × 103 tons. It is estimated with emission coefficient method that the COD will be 176.4 × 103 and 458.6 × 103 tons for the years of 2000 and 2010 respectively. This work is sponored by the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory on Environmental Aquatic Chemistry.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTION“Agenda21”recognizestheimportanceoflandbasedsourcepolutantstomarinepolution.Coastalwaterisofgreatsignificance...  相似文献   

随着国家对黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划的批复,如何加强黄河入海流路管理及其范围内土地开发,既要符合国家对河口治理的综合规划和土地规划,又能促进黄河三角洲高效生态经济快速发展,已成为突出问题。文章对黄河入海河口基本情况及如何管理和对其范围内土地进行合理利用开发提出了建议和意见。  相似文献   

Embedded ArcGIS Engine can improve development efficiency of environmental information system. The authors designed the structure, functions and database of the Yongjiang River Basin Water Environment Management Information System (YRBWEMIS) through the integration of ArcGIS Engine software with VC. The spatial data and attribute data in the YRBWEMIS are stored and managed separately. The system functions include display, query, statistics, spatial analysis and thematic mapping for water pollution sources, water quality, water function regionalization and catchments region.  相似文献   

Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin. It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify the load, especially in modeling nonpoint source. In this study a revised model was established by integrating point and nonpoint sources into one-dimensional Streeter-Phelps (S-P) model on the basis of real-time hydrologic data and surface water quality monitoring data in the Jilin Reach of the Songhua River Basin. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH_3-N) loads were estimated. Results showed that COD loads of point source and nonpoint source were 134 958 t/yr and 86 209 t/yr, accounting for 61.02% and 38.98% of total loads, respectively. NH_3-N loads of point source and nonpoint source were 16 739 t/yr and 14 272 t/yr, accounting for 53.98% and 46.02%, respectively. Point source pollution was stronger than nonpoint source pollution in the study area at present. The water quality of upstream was better than that of downstream of the rivers and cities. It is indispensable to treat industrial wastewater and municipal sewage out of point sources, to adopt the best management practices to control diffuse pollutants from agricultural land and urban surface runoff in improving water quality of the Songhua River Basin. The revised S-P model can be successfully used to identify pollution source and quantify point source and nonpoint source loads by calibrating and validating.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONSeverewaterpolutionandwaterresourcesshortageshavebecometwokeyobstructionstorealizesustainableutilizationofwate...  相似文献   

为了建立一种对多项指标都能普遍适用的大气环境质量评价模型,利用反馈式突变进化算法对幂函数加和型指数评价公式中参数进行优化,并用优化后的综合评价指数公式对大气环境进行综合评价。通过对武汉市大气环境质量状况的评价实例研究,表明了综合指数公式的实用性和可行性。  相似文献   

生态环境状况评价是区域生态环境保护与管理的重要基础,脆弱生态区则是当前关注的热点区域。该文选择黄河三角洲脆弱生态核心区,利用3S(RS、GIS、GPS)数据、统计数据、野外实测数据等多元数据,构建并提取了7个反映生态环境状况的评价指标,用层次分析法确定各指标权重,以200m边长网格作为评价单元,通过指标叠加获取各单元分值,进而将生态环境状况划分为优、良、中、差、劣6个等级,得到了垦利区生态环境状况的评价结果,并进行了生态环境分区与分析。结果显示,垦利区的生态环境状况总体较差,生态环境状况优、良的比例仅占7.7%,差、劣的等级则占61.5%,生态环境状况从东北沿海向西南内陆呈变好趋势。与利用国家规程的评价结果相比,该研究能更加细致合理反映研究区生态环境等级变化。垦利区生态环境划分为稳定区、过渡区和脆弱区3个区,各区主要土地利用类型分别为耕地、盐荒地和滩涂,占各区面积的36.84%、31.85%和47.37%,生态环境稳定区要强化农田基本建设,控制建设用地规模,同时加强区内盐荒地的开发利用;生态环境过渡区应提高耕地集约化利用程度,加大土壤盐渍化改良力度,提高地表植被覆盖;生态环境脆弱区应适度水产养殖规模,防止海水侵蚀,加强天然林草地的保护。  相似文献   

Embedded ArcGIS Engine can improve development efficiency of environmental information system. The authors designed the structure, functions and database of the Yongjiang River Basin Water Environment Management Information System (YRBWEMIS) through the integration of ArcGIS Engine software with VC. The spatial data and attribute data in the YRBWEMIS are stored and managed separately. The system functions include display, query., statistics, spatial analysis and thematic mapping for water pollution sources, water quality, water function regionalization and catchments region.  相似文献   

During the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China,urban agglomeration in river basin areas raises the problems of over-use of water resources and pollution of the water environment.Related research in China has mainly focused on the conflicts among economic growth,urban expansion and water resource shortages within admin-istrative boundaries.However,water environments are much more dependent on their physical boundaries than their administrative boundaries.Consistent with the nature of water environment,this study aims at analyzing coordination relationships between urban development and water environment changes within physical river basin boundaries.We chose the Shayinghe River Basin,China,as our case study area which is facing serious challenges related to water en-vironment protection.Then we classified 35 county-level administrative units into upstream,midstream and down-stream regions based on their physical characteristics;analyzed the coordination degree of urban agglomeration using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method;and constructed cooperative models using the Linear Programming (LP function) to simulate four scenarios of the coordination relationship be-tween urban population increase and water environment protection based on existing water resources and water pollu-tion data.The results show that the present coordinative situation in Shayinghe River Basin is not sustainable.In gen-eral,more than 50% administrative units are in the bad coordinative situation.In particular,the downstream region is under worse condition than the upstream and midstream regions.Cooperative models in scenario analyses indicate that the population scale set in existing urban master plannings is not coordinated with the water environment protection.To reach the goal of regional sustainable development,the total population needs to be controlled such that it will re-main at 4.5×10 7 or below by 2020 given the capacity of water environment.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区靠近渤海湾,遍布滩涂湿地资源,生态环境比较复杂。该文通过建立“生态敏感性生态压力度”概念模型,构建生态环境脆弱性评价指标体系,通过数据标准化将指标统一量纲,最后根据数学模型计算评价区生态环境脆弱性指数,并分为5个等级。经计算,西北部沿海地区生态环境脆弱性等级较高,主要指湿地及盐渍化比较集中的东营市北部地区,南部地区相对较低,尤其是远离海岸线的地区。并针对评价中存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Hydrology plays a dominant role in wetland plant distribution and microbial composition, but few studies explicitly attempted to relate the linkage between wetland vegetation and microbial community. The present study consisted of five wetland plant communities along three adjacent flood gradients zones (zone 1 dominated by Carex appendiculat, zone 2 dominated by Eleocharis ovate, and zone 3 dominated by Phragmites australis/Bidens pilosa/Calamagrostis angustifolia, which formed separate, monoculture patches). Gram negative and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) are more abundant in the site with short flooding period (zone 3) than in the site with long flooding period (zone 1), and they are also different in the P. australis, B. spilosa and C. angustifolia of zone 3. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the flooding period could explain 92.4% of variance in microbial composition. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) showed that available nitrogen (AN), total nitrogen (TN) and soil organic matter (SOM) could explain the 79.5% of variance in microbial composition among E. ovata, P. australis, B. pilosa and C. angustifolia. Results demonstrated that flooding period was the main factor in driving the microbial composition and plant-derived resources could influence soil microbial composition in the seasonally flooded zones.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲是中国唯一一块保存最完整、最典型、最年轻的湿地生态系统,由于其地理位置优越、自然资源丰富等特点,在国际上备受关注。该文在已有资料分析、现场地质调查、遥感数据分析的基础上,构建了黄河三角洲湿地资源地质环境评价指标体系,采用定量与定性相结合的方法,将黄河三角洲湿地地质环境质量分为5个等级(优、良、一般、较差和差),研究结果表明,该地区19个县(市、区)中湿地地质环境资源质量为良的有8个,质量一般的为11个,总体处于健康-疾病的临界状态。并基于以上研究成果,针对性地提出了黄河三角洲湿地资源保护对策。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONInrecentyearstheecoenvironmentoftheChangjiangRiverbasinsufferedfromseveredestruction,sedimentcontentintheriverwatergreatlyincreased,thedownstreamcoursewasseriouslysiltedupandfloodcontrolcapacitywasweakened.Thesimilarsituationalsooccu…  相似文献   

THEEFFECTSOFTHETHREEGORGESPROJECTONECOLOGYANDENVIRONMENTXiaYicheng(夏宜铮)(InstituteofHydrobiology,theChineseAcademyofSciences,W...  相似文献   

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