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陈道汉 《天文学进展》1999,17(2):178-184
综述了国际上进行太阳系空间探测的现状,着重介绍探测月球、火星、小行星和外行星的意义、目的、手段和成就。择要介绍美国宇航局(NASA)、欧洲空间局(ESA)、俄罗斯和日本近年来和下世纪初的空间计划。  相似文献   

吴光节  陈道汉 《天文学报》2001,42(3):225-239
阐述地外生命搜索的意义,手段和现状,地外生命搜索的SETI计划及其发展,并着重介绍太阳系外的行星系统的发现,它的目的,成果以及未来。太阳系外的行星系统的发展是当代天文学最时髦的,也将是未来21世纪成果最丰富的研究领域之一,从1992年第一个确认了脉冲星PSR 1257+12的行星系统以来,1995年确认主序星51Peg有一颗行星,至2001年5月,已经发现了60个太阳系外的行星系统,太阳系外的行星系统的发现与地外生命搜索研究是密不可分的,新的发现也提出了很多新的谜,这项研究近10年来发展很快,它的研究也促进了航天学,宇宙化学,天文生物学乃至哲学等其他学科的发展。  相似文献   

太阳系外行星探测方法及统计特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
太阳系外行星的探测和研究在过去十几年取得了重大进展,仅2007年就发现62颗太阳系外行星,随着行星物理学、天体生物学等学科的兴起,必将掀起对太阳系外行星研究的一次浪潮.简要回顾了太阳系外行星研究的发展历史,介绍了探测太阳系外行星的主要方法和手段,并对方法本身的特点展开分析论述,列出了各种方法应用的最新进展.对已发现的270多颗太阳系外行星进行了统计分析,得出了一些预见性的结论.  相似文献   

为什么要观测凌星? 当代天文学家对于在茫茫银河系内的千亿颗恒星周围寻找太阳系之外的行星(称“太阳系外行星”,后文简称“系外行星”),尤其是类似地球这样可能孕育生命的星球(类地行星)有着极高的兴趣和热情。这一方面得益于人类对于探索地外生命与文明的不懈追求,另一方面对这些系外行星的探测及其物理性质的分析,对深入理解行星系统(尤其是我们所处的太阳系)的形成与演化机制也有着重要作用。  相似文献   

太阳系外行星作为研究恒星演化重要的天体和探索生命起源的基础,多年来一直是天文学前沿研究的热点之一,目前已发展出近10种系外行星的探测方法.随着天文观测设备探测精度越来越高,自1992年至今,已发现4 000余颗系外行星.近几年天基天文观测手段日趋成熟,探测系外行星的精度与效率得到了极大提高,并带动着更多地基系外行星探测...  相似文献   

刘玉娟  赵刚 《天文学进展》2005,23(3):226-238
随着对外太空探索脚步的加快,人类开始对与太阳系具有相似结构的恒星行星系统越来越感兴趣,因为它们有可能也拥有智慧生命。简单介绍了目前地外恒星行星系统的探测情况,分析了现在比较常用的几种探测方法的可行性和适用范围,重点讨论了利用视向速度法得到的结果及其意义。近年来,各种探索地外行星的小卫星的升空以及探测技术的进步使得大批高质量数据获得成为可能。可以预见,在未来几年内,地外恒星行星系统的探索将会进入一个蓬勃发展阶段。  相似文献   

王素 《天文学报》2011,52(4):355-356
自从Maryor和Queloz于1995年在51Pegb周围发现了第1颗主序恒星系统内的行星以来,人类已经利用越来越精密的探测方法获得了更多的太阳系外行星系统的信息.截至2010年3月,人类已经探测到了431颗太阳系外行星,其中包含了45个多行星系统.从统计结果来看,系外行星系统的构型以及行星的特点与太阳系存在很多差异.研究这些系统的形成过程可以对太阳系的形成有更深刻的理解,并将推进行星系统形成理论的发展.  相似文献   

空间探测器的问世使人类可以近距离探测地外星球,甚至就地考察、取样返回、载人登陆,从而获得了大量有用信息。例如,进一步揭示地球、生命乃至太阳系的起源和演变:掌握太阳系内一些重要地外星球上的生命、地质、气候、重力、环境等,这对人类的科技发展和未来生存具有重要的长远意义。目前,全球已发射了多种空间探测器,它们相继考察了月球、水星、金丛、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、小行星和彗星等,并将探测冥王星。  相似文献   

前言 近年来,探测太阳系外行星的新发现层出不穷,不断吸引着公众的眼球:包含两颗地球大小行星的五行星系统、位于宜居带可能存在液态水的行星、围绕双星系统运动的行星……不仅仅是天文学家们在致力于系外行星的搜寻和研究,公众们同样对于系外行星、地外文明这一未知领域充满了浓厚的兴趣。  相似文献   

探测系外行星的最终目的是为了寻找系外生命和宣居行星,而系外行星大气是人们了解行星宜居特性的窗口,所以系外行星大气的研究至关重要。近10年来,系外行星大气的理论研究和观测都发展迅速。受观测技术限制,目前观测到大气的系外行星主要是用凌星法探测到的热木星和超级地球,还有用直接成像法探测到的离主星较远的年轻气态巨行星。力求在系外行星大气领域飞速发展之际,对该领域研究现状做简明介绍。首先介绍系外行星大气的观测方法,随后介绍热木星和超级地球的大气概况和研究现状,最后对系外行星大气探测的有关项目进行简要介绍,以展示未来系外行星大气研究的前景。  相似文献   

Compared with other planets, Mars is a planet most similar with the earth and most possible to find the extraterrestrial life on it, and therefore especially concerned about by human beings. In recent years, some countries have launched Mars probes and announced their manned Mars exploration programs. China has become the fifth country in the world to launch independently artificial satellites, and the third country able to carry out an independent manned space program. However, China is just at the beginning of deep space explorations. In 2007, China and Russia signed an agreement on a joint Mars exploration program by sending a Chinese micro-satellite Yinghuo-1 (YH-1) to the Mars orbit. Once YH-1 enters its orbit, it will carry out its own exploration, as well as the joint exploration with the Russian Phobos-Grunt probe. This paper summarizes the scientific background and objectives of YH-1 and describes briefly its payloads for realizing these scientific objectives. In addition, the main exploration tasks of YH-1 and a preliminary prospect on its exploration results are also given.  相似文献   

A novel type of colonisation of a basaltic rock, collected on the Arctic island of Svalbard, Norway, during the AMASE expedition in 2004, was characterised using Raman spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The sample contains two different types of extremophile communities, one occurring behind a radial white crystallisation and the other occurring inside a dark vacuole. Several types of minerals and microbial colonies have been identified by both Raman spectroscopy and SEM analyses. It is the first time that photosynthetic communities have been documented to colonise the inside of dark basaltic rocks. Our discovery has important implications for planetary exploration because it extends the analytical capability and our understanding of microbial rock colonisations to subaerial volcanic outcrops and has wide implications towards the search for life in extraterrestrial planets. In this work we also demonstrate that the use of different laser wavelengths for Raman spectroscopic studies and complementary microscopic analysis are critical for a comprehensive organic and inorganic compound identification.  相似文献   

Mars is characterized by geological landforms familiar to terrestrial geologists. It has a tenuous atmosphere that evolved differently from that of Earth and Venus and a differentiated inner structure. Our knowledge of the structure and evolution of Mars has strongly improved thanks to a huge amount of data of various types (visible and infrared imagery, altimetry, radar, chemistry, etc) acquired by a dozen of missions over the last two decades. In situ data have provided ground truth for remote-sensing data and have opened a new era in the study of Mars geology. While large sections of Mars science have made progress and new topics have emerged, a major question in Mars exploration—the possibility of past or present life—is still unsolved. Without entering into the debate around the presence of life traces, our review develops various topics of Mars science to help the search of life on Mars, building on the most recent discoveries, going from the exosphere to the interior structure, from the magmatic evolution to the currently active processes, including the fate of volatiles and especially liquid water.  相似文献   

NASA and ESA have outlined visions for solar system exploration that will include a series of lunar robotic precursor missions to prepare for, and support a human return to the Moon, and future human exploration of Mars and other destinations, including possibly asteroids. One of the guiding principles for exploration is to pursue compelling scientific questions about the origin and evolution of life. The search for life on objects such as Mars will require careful operations, and that all systems be sufficiently cleaned and sterilized prior to launch to ensure that the scientific integrity of extraterrestrial samples is not jeopardized by terrestrial organic contamination. Under the Committee on Space Research’s (COSPAR’s) current planetary protection policy for the Moon, no sterilization procedures are required for outbound lunar spacecraft, nor is there a different planetary protection category for human missions, although preliminary COSPAR policy guidelines for human missions to Mars have been developed. Future in situ investigations of a variety of locations on the Moon by highly sensitive instruments designed to search for biologically derived organic compounds would help assess the contamination of the Moon by lunar spacecraft. These studies could also provide valuable “ground truth” data for Mars sample return missions and help define planetary protection requirements for future Mars bound spacecraft carrying life detection experiments. In addition, studies of the impact of terrestrial contamination of the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts could provide valuable data to help refine future Mars surface exploration plans for a human mission to Mars.  相似文献   

Over the last twenty years, the search for extrasolar planets has revealed the rich diversity of outcomes from the formation and evolution of planetary systems. In order to fully understand how these extrasolar planets came to be, however, the orbital and physical data we possess are not enough, and they need to be complemented with information about the composition of the exoplanets. Ground-based and space-based observations provided the first data on the atmospheric composition of a few extrasolar planets, but a larger and more detailed sample is required before we can fully take advantage of it. The primary goal of a dedicated space mission like the Exoplanet Characterization Observatory (EChO) proposal is to fill this gap and to expand the limited data we possess by performing a systematic survey of extrasolar planets. The full exploitation of the data that space-based and ground-based facilities will provide in the near future, however, requires knowledge about the sources and sinks of the chemical species and molecules that will be observed. Luckily, the study of the past history of the Solar System provides several indications about the effects of processes like migration, late accretion and secular impacts, and on the time they occur in the life of planetary systems. In this work we will review what is already known about the factors influencing the composition of planetary atmospheres, focusing on the case of gaseous giant planets, and what instead still need to be investigated.  相似文献   

We present a new analysis of the expected magnetospheric radio emission from extrasolar giant planets (EGPs) for a distance limited sample of the nearest known extrasolar planets. Using recent results on the correlation between stellar X-ray flux and mass-loss rates from nearby stars, we estimate the expected mass-loss rates of the host stars of extrasolar planets that lie within 20 pc of the Earth. We find that some of the host stars have mass-loss rates that are more than 100 times that of the Sun and, given the expected dependence of the planetary magnetospheric radio flux on stellar wind properties, this has a very substantial effect. Using these results and extrapolations of the likely magnetic properties of the extrasolar planets, we infer their likely radio properties.
We compile a list of the most promising radio targets and conclude that the planets orbiting Tau Bootes, Gliese 86, Upsilon Andromeda and HD 1237 (as well as HD 179949) are the most promising candidates, with expected flux levels that should be detectable in the near future with upcoming telescope arrays. The expected emission peak from these candidate radio emitting planets is typically ∼40–50 MHz. We also discuss a range of observational considerations for detecting EGPs.  相似文献   

T L Schindler  J F Kasting 《Icarus》2000,145(1):262-271
NASA's proposed Terrestrial Planet Finder, a space-based interferometer, will eventually allow spectroscopic analyses of the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. Such analyses would provide information about the existence of life on these planets. One strategy in the search for life is to look for evidence of O3 (and hence O2) in a planet's atmosphere; another is to look for gases that might be present in an atmosphere analogous to that of the inhabited early Earth. In order to investigate these possibilities, we have calculated synthetic spectra for several hypothetical terrestrial-type atmospheres. The model atmospheres represent four different scenarios. The first two, representing inhabited terrestrial planets, are an Earth-like atmosphere containing variable amounts of oxygen and an early Earth-type atmosphere containing methane. In addition, two cases representing Mars-like and early Venus-like atmospheres were evaluated, to provide possible "false positive" spectra. The calculated spectra suggest that ozone could be detected by an instrument like Terrestrial Planet Finder if the O2 concentration in the planet's atmosphere is > or = 200 ppm, or 10(-3) times the present atmospheric level. Methane should be observable on an early-Earth type planet if it is present in concentrations of 100 ppm or more. Methane has both biogenic and abiogenic sources, but concentrations exceeding 1000 ppm, or 0.1% by volume, would be difficult to produce from abiogenic sources alone. High methane concentrations in a planet's atmosphere are therefore another potential indicator for extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

In the search for habitable planets, the ultimate aspiration is finding an extraterrestrial technical civilization. We already lost a half of century for an active search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Should we lose another half? If all civilizations in the Universe are only recipients and not message-sending civilizations, then no SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) searches make any sense. Detecting only leaked radio signals is a hard job with present resources. Fear from the extraterrestrials is unfounded, having in mind physical difficulties and requirements of the interstellar travel. If possible extraterrestrial civilizations are more advanced than ours then they can pick up life signs from Earth easier than we can from their planets at present. Here we propose a scientifically based METI (Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program.  相似文献   

A full understanding of the properties of substellar objects is one of the major challenges facing astrophysics. Since their discovery in 1995, hundreds of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets have been discovered. While these discoveries have enabled important comparisons with theory, observational progress has been much more rapid than the theoretical understanding of cool atmospheres. The reliable determination of mass, abundances, gravities and temperatures is not yet possible. The key problem is that substellar objects emit their observable radiation in the infrared region of the spectrum where our knowledge of atomic, molecular and line broadening data is poor. Here we report on the status of our PoSSO (Physics of SubStellar Objects) project. In order to understand brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets increasing more like those in our solar system, we are studying a wide range of processes. Here we give an update on the project and sketch an outline of atoms, molecules and processes requiring study. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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