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Control of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment in the Eastern Bering Sea involves complex interactions between bottom-up and top-down processes, although the mechanisms are poorly understood. We used statistical models to test the leading hypotheses linking recruitment variability to biotic and abiotic factors. Consistent with a “cold-pool hypothesis”, recruitment of pollock was significantly stronger if winters preceding the larval (age-0) and juvenile stages (age-1) were mild. However, our results did not support the proposed top-down mechanism (cannibalism) underlying this hypothesis. Several empirical relationships support an “oscillating control hypothesis”. As predicted by it, the effect of ice conditions on survival during the larval and early juvenile stages was modified by the abundance of adult pollock, implying stronger bottom-up control when adult abundance (hence cannibalism) was low. The proposed bottom-up mechanism predicts that the survival of pelagic-feeding walleye pollock (benthic-feeding yellowfin sole), should be higher during years with an early (late) ice retreat, which was confirmed by our analysis. Our results also provide additional evidence for a “larval transport hypothesis”, which states that cannibalism of larval and juvenile pollock is reduced in years when strong northward advection separates juveniles from cannibalistic adults.In addition to testing existing hypotheses, we identified new relationships between spawner-to-recruit survival rates of walleye pollock and several indicators of mixed layer dynamics during the spring and summer. Survival rates and recruitment were significantly reduced when larval or early juvenile stages experienced a delay in the (non-ice-associated) spring bloom as a result of stormy spring conditions, suggesting that the timing of the spring bloom is critical to both first-feeding larvae and age-1 juveniles. Furthermore, a dome-shaped relationship between pollock survival and summer wind mixing at the early juvenile stage is consistent with modeling and laboratory studies showing an increase in survival at low to moderate levels of wind mixing, but a decrease in feeding success at high levels of wind mixing.Top-down controls also regulate recruitment of walleye pollock. At least one-third of the variability in spawner-to-recruit survival could be accounted for by predation mortality at the early juvenile stage (age-1). Predation of juvenile pollock can be attributed largely to cannibalism, which varies with the abundance of adult pollock and with the availability of juveniles to adult predators. A simple index reflecting the spatial overlap between juvenile and adult pollock explained 30–50% of the overall variability in recruitment, similar to the variability explained by the best environmental predictors. Although environmental effects are difficult to separate from the effects of predation, we conclude that bottom-up and top-down processes are equally important in controlling the survival of pollock from spawning to recruitment at age 2. However, the magnitude of top-down control is itself modified by environmental factors that control the availability of juvenile pollock to adults (through impacts on spatial distribution) and the abundance of adult predators (through effects on productivity and carrying capacity).  相似文献   

To determine the effect of low water temperature on development, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) eggs from the Bering Sea were reared at −0.6°C, 0.4°C, 2.0°C, and 3.8°C. One group of eggs was reared at 3.9°C under a diel light cycle (14 h light, 10 h dark) to observe the effect of light on development and hatching. Development was normal for all temperatures except −0.6°C; abnormal development of the tail and lack of development of eyes occurred in some embryos. Time to 50% hatch was 820, 620, and 424 h at 0.4°C, 2.0°C, and 3.8°C. Eggs incubated in diel light at 3.9°C developed at the same rate as eggs incubated in constant dark at 3.8°C, but required an additional 72 h to reach 50% hatch. A piece-wise regression model was generated to predict egg age for incubation temperatures of −0.6°C to 3.8°C. For temperatures recorded in the southeastern Bering Sea 1995–1998, the model predicted incubation periods for walleye pollock eggs that varied by 13 days between the warmest and coldest years.Walleye pollock eggs from Shelikof Strait, Alaska, were incubated at 0.2°C, 1.8°C, and 2.8°C. Development was normal for all temperatures. A piece-wise regression model (as above) was generated for incubation temperatures 0.2–2.8°C. When the regression models were compared, Bering Sea eggs (1.4–1.7 mm in diameter), required more time for development prior to hatch than Shelikof Strait eggs (1.2–1.3 mm in diameter) at 1.8°C and 2.8°C. However, for temperatures 0.2–2.0°C, Bering Sea walleye pollock began hatching earlier and at a developmentally younger age than Shelikof Strait walleye pollock.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to assess the role of trophic relations of the dominant pelagic fishes capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea with regard to distribution and accessibility as prey for the Atlantic cod in warm years (2004–2005). Unlike in the previous period, during these warm years a dramatic increase of the polar cod population resulted in a northwards expansion of the feeding grounds where overlapping of polar cod and capelin concentrations was observed. This caused an increased competition for copepods, which are the main food item for young fish. In the areas dominated by polar cod the shortage of copepods forced immature capelin to switch to the chaetognath Sagitta, which affected their fatness negatively.During the warm years the feeding grounds of Atlantic cod also expanded, to a large degree caused by the shortage of their main food, the capelin. In 2004–2005 the cod formed feeding concentrations in the north and northeast Barents Sea where they fed on the capelin. In this area the consumption of polar cod by cod increased, and in some local areas the polar cod practically replaced the capelin in the diet of cod. In general polar cod in the diet of Atlantic cod were more important in the northern than in the southern part of the Barents Sea. The fatness of cod was extremely low during the whole spring–summer period (until August), and after the feeding period the fatness index of the Atlantic cod became lower than the average long-term autumn value.  相似文献   

利用2014年3–4月北象海豹携带的自动温盐深仪(CTD-SRDL)在阿拉斯加湾东部陆坡海域上采集到的温盐剖面数据,分析了该海域逆温现象的空间分布和演变过程。结果显示,研究海域存在明显的逆温现象,逆温幅度和逆温厚度范围分别介于0.2~1.6˚C和20~280 m之间,前者沿陆坡向北幅度逐渐增大,后者在50˚~58˚N间往北逐渐变厚,在58˚N以北海域平均厚度较薄。3月25日至4月22日,逆温层处于衰退阶段。逆温层下界温度不断下降,逆温幅度呈变弱趋势,逆温厚度呈变薄趋势。一维扩散模型模拟结果表明,湍扩散作用下,观测期间海表受热导致混合层上部位温升高,但底部仍保持低温,因此逆温层上界温度变化并不明显。次表层由于具有强的位温梯度,湍扩散导致逆温层下界温度显著降低,是观测期间逆温衰退的主要原因。湍扩散作用导致次表层水体温盐属性趋于均匀,这一过程对于阿拉斯加湾逆温现象的形成及演变研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The waters around the Pribilof Islands, in the southeast Bering Sea, are a main nursery area for age-0 pollock. Each summer, the islands are surrounded by a well-mixed inshore region, separated from a stratified offshore region by a frontal zone. To study the spatial distribution of age-0 pollock around this frontal structure in relation to physical and biological factors that are likely to influence it, such as advection, age-0 pollock feeding, and predation, samples were collected during September of four consecutive years, 1994–97, along two transects. Samples collected included water column hydrography and currents, acoustic backscatter, and groundfish predator density.Our analysis suggested that different mechanisms may be involved in controlling age-0 pollock distribution north and south of the islands. On the shelf area north of the islands, high age-0 pollock density was significantly associated with areas of high potential for growth only in years or portions of the frontal transect in which predator numbers were relatively low, indicating the importance of predation in controlling fish distribution in this area. In contrast, south of the islands, age-0 pollock distribution was associated more with prey availability, which appeared to be determined by vertical spatial overlap between predators and prey. Moreover, south of the islands, the stronger geostrophic currents, typical of the slope region, were more likely to affect the overall standing biomass of juvenile pollock, by constantly advecting fish away from the area.  相似文献   

A relationship between body size and time of spawning has often been described for both pelagic and non-pelagic fish species that migrate for the purpose of spawning. The present study investigates this relationship for capelin (Mallotus villosus), a pelagic smelt-like species that spawns on the beaches of Newfoundland. Simple linear regressions were carried out separately for three groups of capelin: ovid females, spent females and males in three successive years (1982–1984). Bigger fish arrived near the spawning grounds first, for all three groups in all three years and was most obvious for female capelin. Analyses of stomach contents of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), an important predator of capelin in the Newfoundland area, showed a similar decrease in mean size of capelin throughout the capelin spawning season in June, July and August. Furthermore, analyses strongly suggest that early in the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was high, cod selected for bigger capelin, whereas towards the end of the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was low, cod did not show any size preference.  相似文献   

1 Introduction R ed tide is a global m arine ecological calam ity.In recentyears, there has been an increase in frequen-cy, affected area and extentof injury of red tide out-breaks in the coastalw aters ofour country.A ccordingto China M arine D isaster B ulletin issued by the StateO ceanic A dm inistration of C hina, harm ful red tideshad occurred up to 119 tim es in 2003, w hich w as 40tim es m ore than thatin 2002. O w ing to the w orsenedcultural environm ent and increased nutrient en…  相似文献   

Nutrient surveys of the Gulf of Alaska, from 1997 through 1999, show that coastal waters of British Columbia and southern Alaska experienced nitrate depletion each spring and summer. Through the 1997–1998 El Niño, waters with less than 1 μM NO3 covered 250,000 km2 area greater than 1999. Silicate levels as low as 0.2 μM were observed in coastal waters, suggesting that diatom growth may have been nutrient limited both in 1998 and 1999. Detailed sampling off the southern coast of British Columbia revealed that 1998 nitrate levels were only half the average of that during the 1970s winter, were depleted 1 month earlier in spring and remained low throughout the summer. Satellite images show that, compared to 1997 and 1999, chlorophyll levels were much lower in the spring of 1998 throughout the coastal waters of the Gulf of Alaska. Conditions changed dramatically during the 1999 La Niña, with ocean-mixed layer depths increasing by 20 m in winter and 40 m in spring when compared to that during 1997–1998 El Niño. Winter nutrient levels increased and summer upwelling returned. Over the past several decades, a trend towards greater stratification of coastal waters appears to be affecting the supply of nutrients to the mixed layer. The effects of stratification were especially obvious during the 1998 El Niño.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution of Ibla cumingi DARWIN on different types of hard substrata along 30 km of coast in the Gulf of Elat was studied. I. cumingi was found among and underneath Tetraclita squamosa rufotincta , in oyster beds, underneath slabs of beachrock, and in fissures in igneous rocks. In the Tetraclita belt, I. cumingi is most frequent in empty shells of dead Tetraclita while in the oyster bed it is common inside the meshwork made by the oysters. The distribution is regarded as clustered distribution. The density and size of the clusters of I. cumingi is determined by the available sheltered space within the midlittoral zone. The form of the habitat determines the shape of the animals. Those found in the oyster bed and fissures are usually longer than those found in the Tetraclita belt due to the depth of the fissures or to the bigger spaces within the oyster bed. I. cumingi is orientated so that the capitulum with the cirri is projecting towards the open water, and the water current. It is concluded that I. cumingi can withstand the physical stress encountered in a tropical intertidal zone, but that the distribution pattern is caused by predation.  相似文献   

Differences in the biological and ecological strategies of two tropical flatfishes, Etropus crossotus (fringed flounder) and Citharichthys spilopterus (bay whiff) are discussed. The comparative analysis was based on the seasonal distribution of relative abundance of the two species and flatfish movements utilizing estuarine plume influenced areas as part of their life cycles. Growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy equation and recruitment were estimated (FISAT software) to compare life cycle patterns. The recruitment patterns illustrate the key difference between “estuarine-dependent” and “estuarine-related” nekton strategies. Both species have a short life cycle with a continuous recruitment activity. E. crossotus is an estuarine-related species, with two recruitment pulses (winter frontal season), in the estuarine plume on the shelf. C. spilopterus is an estuarine-dependent species, with a main recruitment pulse during the rainy season in the estuarine plume, and a residual secondary pulse inside the adjacent estuarine system (Terminos Lagoon). The results show that the ecological success of these tropical coastal marine flatfish, with similar biological patterns, is based upon the sequential use (in time and space) of estuarine plume influenced habitats, suggesting that fish migration to shallow waters is related to food availability changes as a strategy towards optimum recruitment.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the first study on the ichthyoplankton community structure in the Gulf of Sirte and its spatial distribution in relation to environmental conditions and zooplankton abundance. The results make an important contribution to the future management of fisheries in this unexplored, but much exploited, area. Biological samples were collected in July 2008 using a Bongo40 net. In total, 1914 larvae were found and 1652 of these were identified. In particular, bathypelagic taxa were the most abundant, followed by demersal, mesopelagic, pelagic and epipelagic taxa. The ichthyoplankton community had a patchwork distribution influenced by oligotrophic conditions, the bottom depth and oceanographical features. The results suggest that environmental forcings were able to transport the ichthyoplankton to productive areas. Indeed, maximum fish egg densities were found in coastal stations in correspondence with the Atlantic Tunisian Current inflow, whereas larvae were mainly concentrated in the east side of the Gulf, probably as a result of advection by the anticyclonic circulation. Additionally, the distribution patterns of the total larvae density and the different assemblages were well matched with the abundance of the zooplankton, probably determining final larval survival, growth and recruitment.  相似文献   

Annual production was calculated for the dominant ampeliscid amphipod Ampelisca mississippiana [Soliman, Y., Wicksten, M., 2007. Ampelisca mississippiana a new species (Amphipoda: Gammaredea) dominated the head of the Mississippi Canyon (Northern Gulf of Mexico). Zootaxa, submitted] at the head of the Mississippi Canyon in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Average densities were 12,094±2499 ind m−2, with secondary production of 6.93 g dry wt m−2 yr−1, based on the “size-frequency method” [Hynes-Hamilton, H.B.N., Coleman, M., 1968. A simple method for assessing the annual production of stream benthos. Limnology and Oceanography 13, 569–573; Menzies, C.A., 1980. A note on the Hynes-Hamilton method of estimating secondary production. Limnology and Oceanography 25(4), 770–773], with a production/biomass (P/B) ratio of 3.11. Growth rates of this magnitude are comparable to available data for freshwater and shallow marine ampeliscids, but are unexpectedly high for deep-ocean habitats. Growth efficiency appeared to be approximately 35% (Growth/Assimilation×100).  相似文献   

Abstract. Vertical profiles of temperature, nutrients (silicate, phosphate, and nitrate), chlorophyll a and phytoplankton abundance are given for six stations located in the Gulf of California, June 1982, above 1 % of light intensity. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton was related to the water column structure: stratified stations had a defined nutricline and subsurface chlorophyll and phytoplankton abundance maxima were present, which were found to be related to the depth of the principal thermocline; vertical distribution of taxa was not uniform and low affinity values (< 0.5) were calculated among depths at these stations. Despite the irregular vertical distribution of chlorophyll and cell number, there was a great affinity in the species composition throughout the euphotic zone at well-mixed or weakly stratified stations. Nanoplankton organisms, mainly coc-colithophorids, were the most important numerical contributors at the chlorophyll maxima, except when this was superficial, in which case diatoms were the most numerous group. Some patterns of the vertical distribution of the main phytoplankton groups ( e.g. , diatoms, dinoflagellates, and microflagellates) are shown. The spectrum of diversity in the water column was useful only for mixed-waters. The relationship between stability, nutrients, and phytoplankton - regarding their vertical distribution - and the importance of physical and biological processes on phytoplankton ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

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