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We present near-infrared photospectroscopy in the H and K bands of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi. The observations cover the period between 1 and 94 d after the eruption. The near-infrared light curve is presented. An extensive set of spectra is presented, lines identified and the general characteristics of the spectra discussed. Analysis of the H  i line profiles shows the presence of broad wings on both flanks of a strong central component indicating the presence of a bipolar velocity flow in the ejecta. Such a flow is kinematically consistent with the bipolar structure that the object displays in high-resolution spatial images. We discuss the behaviour and origin of the Fe  ii lines at 1.6872 and 1.7414 μm that are prominently seen throughout the span of the observations. It is examined and shown that Lyman α and Lyman continuum fluorescence are viable mechanisms to excite these lines. We draw upon the result, that collisional excitation can also contribute in exciting and significantly enhancing the strength of these Fe  ii lines, to propose that these lines originate from a site of high particle density. Such a likely site could be the high-density, low-temperature contact surface that should exists in the shock front in between the shocked ejecta and red giant wind. Recombination analysis of the H  i lines indicates deviations from case B conditions during most of the span of our observations indicating optical depth effects. It appears likely that the breakout of the shock front had not yet occurred till the end of our observations. An analysis is made of the temporal evolution of the [Si  vi ] 1.9641 μm coronal line and another coronal line at 2.0894 μm which is attributed to [Mn  xiv ]. Assuming collisional effects to dominate in the hot coronal gas, estimates are made of the ion temperature in the gas.  相似文献   

Low-resolution spectra, taken at La Silla (ESO), identify the old nova RS Car (1895) as a ∼18 mag star located 7 arcsec southwest from the previous published position. This suggests a much brighter absolute magnitude of the old nova, M v ∼5.4, than previously suspected. The spectrum reveals a continuum energy distribution typical of optically thick accretion discs and quite a high excitation state of the gas. The possible detection of the AlO λ 4843 emission band is discussed.  相似文献   

The amplitude of the ellipsoidal variability, the mass function and the evolutionary limits on the component masses have been used to constrain the binary system parameters of T Coronae Borealis. Contrary to all previous studies, our analysis shows that the mass ratio of T CrB is q ≡ M g/ M h≈0.6, which implies a low-mass binary system, with the stellar masses M g∼0.7 M⊙ for the red giant and M h∼1.2 M⊙ for the hot companion. This result strongly supports the thermonuclear runaway model for this recurrent nova, and solves all controversies about the nature of the hot component and the physical causes of its eruptions.  相似文献   

We have detected coherent oscillations, at multiple frequencies, in the line and continuum emission of the eclipsing dwarf nova V2051 Ophiuchi using the 10-m Keck II telescope. Our own novel data acquisition system allowed us to obtain very fast spectroscopy using a continuous readout of the CCD on the LRIS spectrograph. This is the first time that dwarf nova oscillations have been detected and resolved in the emission lines. The accretion disc is highly asymmetric with a stronger contribution from the blueshifted side of the disc during our observations. The disc extends from close to the white dwarf out to the outer regions of the primary Roche lobe.
Continuum oscillations at 56.12 s and its first harmonic at 28.06 s are most likely to originate on the surface of a spinning white dwarf with the fundamental period corresponding to the spin period. Balmer and helium emission lines oscillate with a period of 29.77 s at a mean amplitude of 1.9 per cent. The line kinematics and the eclipse constraints indicate an origin in the accretion disc at a radius of 12±2 R wd. The amplitude of the emission-line oscillation modulates (0–4 per cent) at a period of 488 s, corresponding to the Kepler period at R =12 R wd. This modulation is caused by the beating between the white dwarf spin and the orbital motion in the disc.
The observed emission-line oscillations cannot be explained by a truncated disc as in the intermediate polars. The observations suggest a non-axisymmetric bulge in the disc, orbiting at 12 R wd, is required. The close correspondence between the location of the oscillations and the circularization radius of the system suggests that stream overflow effects may be of relevance.  相似文献   

The latest outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph occurred in 2006 February. Photometric data presented here show evidence of the resumption of optical flickering, indicating re-establishment of accretion by day 241 of the outburst. Magnitude variations of up to 0.32 mag in V band and 0.14 mag in B band on time-scales of 600–7000 s are detected. Over the two-week observational period, we also detect a 0.5 mag decline in the mean brightness, from   V ≈ 11.4  to 11.9, and record   B ≈ 12.9 mag  . Limits on the mass accretion rate of     are calculated, which span the range of accretion rates modelled for direct wind accretion and Roche lobe overflow mechanisms. The current accretion rates make it difficult for thermonuclear runaway models to explain the observed recurrence interval, and this implies average accretion rates are typically higher than seen immediately post-outburst.  相似文献   

We performed simultaneous observations in 3 bands (U BV) of the flickering variability of the recurrent novae RS Oph and T CrB at quiescence. Using new and published data, we compare the colours of the flickering in cataclysmic variables and symbiotic recurrent novae. We find a difference between the colours of the flickering source in these two types of accreting white dwarfs. The detected difference is highly significant with p ‐values ≈2 x 10–6 for the distributions of (UB)0 colour and p ≈ 3 x 10–5 on an (UB) versus (BV) diagram. The possible physical reasons are briefly discussed. The data are available upon request from the authors. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The 2006 outburst of GK Persei differed significantly at optical and ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths from typical outbursts of this object. We present multiwavelength (X-ray, UV and optical) Swift and AAVSO data, giving unprecedented broad-band coverage of the outburst, allowing us to follow the evolution of the longer-than-normal 2006 outburst across these wavelengths. In the optical and UV we see a triple-peaked morphology with maximum brightness ∼1.5 mag lower than in previous years. In contrast, the peak hard X-ray flux is the same as in previous outbursts. We resolve this dichotomy by demonstrating that the hard X-ray flux only accounts for a small fraction of the total energy liberated during accretion, and interpret the optical/UV outburst profile as arising from a series of heating and cooling waves traversing the disc, caused by its variable density profile.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy of the eclipsing recurrent nova U Sco. The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the primary star was found to be     from the motion of the wings of the He  ii λ 4686-Å emission line. By detecting weak absorption features from the secondary star, we find its radial velocity semi-amplitude to be     . From these parameters, we obtain a mass of     for the white dwarf primary star and a mass of     for the secondary star. The radius of the secondary is calculated to be     , confirming that it is evolved. The inclination of the system is calculated to be     , consistent with the deep eclipse seen in the light-curves. The helium emission lines are double-peaked, with the blueshifted regions of the disc being eclipsed prior to the redshifted regions, clearly indicating the presence of an accretion disc. The high mass of the white dwarf is consistent with the thermonuclear runaway model of recurrent nova outbursts, and confirms that U Sco is the best Type Ia supernova progenitor currently known. We predict that U Sco is likely to explode within ∼700 000 yr.  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of a 25.5-min superhump period for the suspected helium dwarf nova system KL Draconis in a high state. The presence of superhumps combined with the previously observed helium spectrum and large-amplitude photometric variations confirm that KL Dra is an AM CVn system similar to CR Bootis, V803 Cen and CP Eridani. We also find a low-state photometric period at 25.0 min that we suggest may be the orbital period. With this assumption, we estimate   q =0.075  ,   M 1=0.76 M  and   M 2=0.057 M  .  相似文献   

Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas) was an archetypical dust-forming nova. It displayed a deep minimum in the visual light curve, and spectroscopic evidence for carbon, hydrocarbon and silicate dust. We report the results of fitting the infrared (IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) with the dusty code, which we use to determine the properties and geometry of the emitting dust. The emission is well described as originating in a thin shell whose dust has a carbon:silicate ratio of 2:1 by number (  ∼1.26:1  by mass) and a relatively flat size distribution. The 9.7- and 18-μm silicate features are consistent with freshly condensed dust and, while the lower limit to the grain size distribution is not well constrained, the largest grains have dimensions  ∼0.06 μm  ; unless the grains in V705 Cas were anomalously small, the sizes of grains produced in nova eruptions may previously have been overestimated in novae with optically thick dust shells. Laboratory work by Grishko & Duley may provide clues to the apparently unique nature of nova unidentified infrared (UIR) features.  相似文献   

An analysis of the UV oscillations in WZ Sge is presented, in which we obtain the oscillation amplitude spectra. We find a strong 27.9-s oscillation in our Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) UV and zeroth-order light curves as well as weaker oscillations at 28.4 s in the UV and 29.1 s in the zeroth order. We find that the main oscillation amplitude spectrum can be fitted with static white dwarf spectra of about 17 000 K, an accretion hotspot of only a few 100 K hotter than the underlying white dwarf temperature or a variety of cool (<14 500 K) white dwarf pulsation amplitude spectra. A pulsating white dwarf can also explain the very blue colour of oscillations of different periods previously found in the optical. Comparing our results with those of Welsh et al., we see that the amplitude spectra of the main oscillations in WZ Sge measured with different periods in data sets from different epochs are similar to each other. Our results raise questions about using the magnetically accreting rotating white dwarf model to explain the oscillations. We suggest that the pulsating white dwarf model is still a viable explanation for the oscillations in WZ Sge.  相似文献   

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