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The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 recovered a continuous sedimentary sequence since Miocene at Site 1148 in the northern South China Sea (SCS), which provided a unique record for better understanding the tectonic, environmental and climatic evolution of the SCS. In this study, we report a detailed paleomagnetic study on 881 discrete samples from the upper 460 m cores of Hole 1148A through stepwise alternating field demagnetization (AF) or thermal demagnetization (TD). Rock magnetic results from isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition, temperature dependence magnetic susceptibility (κ-T) and hysteresis loop parameters of representative samples indicate that the main magnetic mineral is low coercivity pseudo-single domain magnetite. The characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) with moderate downward or upward inclinations was identified after removing a low-stability drilling-induced remanence with steep downward inclinations. A new 23 Myr magnetostratigraphic time framework was established by correlating the magnetic polarity sequence to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale 2012 (GPTS 2012; Ogg, 2012) in combination with biostratigraphic data. The mean sediment accumulation rates for lithostratigraphic Units V and IV, Unit III and lower Unit II, upper Unit II, Unit IB and Unit IA are calculated as ∼20.8 m/Myr, ∼15–17 m/Myr, 24.18 m/Myr, 17.07 m/Myr and 49.01 m/Myr, respectively.  相似文献   

Tectonically, the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) is located at the junction between three micro-plates, i.e., the Indochina, South China and Zhongsha-Xisha micro-plates, and involves three basins, i.e., the Yinggehai Basin, the Qiongdongnan Basin and Xisha Trough in the east, and the Zhongjiannan Basin in the south. Since the Pliocene (5.3 Ma), the Yinggehai Basin has experienced repeated accelerating subsidence, high thermal fluid, and widely developing mud-rich overpressure chambers, abundant mud diapers and crust-mantle mixed CO2. While a large central canyon was developed in the Qiongdongnan Basin, new rift occurred in the Xisha ~rough. These characteristics demonstrate a single tectonic unit for the northwestern SCS, for which we have undertaken stress field modeling to understand its plate deformations and sedimen- tary responses. Our results demonstrate that an extension tectonic event occurred after 5.3 Ma in theYingge- hal-Qiongdongnan-Xisha trough area, which is characterized by thinner crust C〈16000 m), half-graben or graben structural style and thicker sedimentary sequences (〉3 500 m). A new rift system subsequently was developed in this area; this event was mainly driven by the combined effects of different movement veloc- ity and direction of the three micro-plates, and the far-field effect of the continental collision between the Indian Plate and the Tibetan Plateau, and subduction of the Pacific Plate underneath the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

中国加入国际大洋钻探计划的4年回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际大洋钻探计划(ODP,1985-2003)及其前身深海钻探计划(DSDP,1968-1983),是20世纪地球科学规模最大、历时最久的国际合作研究计划,30余年来一直是推动学科发展的前沿,导致了学科的一场革命。我国经国务院领导批准于1998年春正式加入大洋钻探计划,年付50万美金,成为第一个“参与成员”(Associated Member)。4年来,已经取得重大进展。(1)成功地在南海实施了ODP184航次。这次在我国科学家建议、设计和主持下的航次在南海二、三千米深水区的6个站位取岩心5000多米,实现了中国海大洋钻探零的突破,使我国一举进入国际深海研究的前沿。在航次结束后的研究中,我国取得的成果也遥遥领先,不仅在不同时间尺度上取得了西太平洋区迄今为止最佳的深海沉积记录,而且在气候演变周期性、亚洲季风变迁和南海盆地演化等方面也获得了大量创新成果,其中包括学术上的突破性进展,目前正在逐步向国际学术界展示中。(2)促进了我国深海基础研究及其基地建设。加入ODP4年来,我国深海基础研究迅速发展,继国家自然科学基金重大项目(东亚古季风的海洋记录)后,又于2000年底启动了国家重点基础研究规划项目(地球圈层相互作用中的深海过程和深海记录),并实现了“深海“973”项目和“大洋专项”的相互结合,已有教育部、中科院、海洋局、国土资源部等10多个实验室或研究所在不同程度上加入深海基础研究,其中包括至少6所重点大学,已经初步建成了以深海研究为重要目标的重点实验室,初步涌现出一批有成就的青年科学家。(3)啊我国在有关国际学术界的地位。尽管我国支付的成员费只占ODP整个预算的百分之一强,但是,4年来所起的作用已远不以此为限,特别在筹备新的“整合大洋钻探”计划中,我国代表在有关专业组中的席位已应邀由2个增至4个,仅2001年春以来一年内就有3次大洋钻探的国附我国举行。4年来,在ODP和筹备中的IODP方面,至少有6批共数十人次访华,是20世纪90年代新加入ODP成员中最为活跃的一个。大洋钻探是一项长周期、高层次的国际科研计划,4年来我国以南海航次为中心的研究成果刚开始产出,预计近两年内将达到高潮,而随此建立起来的队伍和基地也可望在未来几年在更大领域范围内进入国际前沿,取得新的重大进展。  相似文献   

南海海表温时空演变与南海夏季风爆发早晚相关性初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
齐庆华  蔡榕硕 《海洋学报》2014,36(3):94-103
利用我国近海1986-2008年间的海温再分析资料,分析了南海海温异常的时空变化,重点揭示了南海夏季风爆发前后(4-6月)南海表层海温异常的时空演变特征,并探讨了其与南海夏季风爆发早晚的相关关系。结果显示,南海夏季风爆发前后南海表层海温异常存在一个显著时空演变模态,4月南海全域海表温度异常几呈负位相态势,其中正值信号首先出现于巴拉望岛以西海域,随后逐步向西向北扩展,5月南海大部已被海表温异常正位相控制,6月南海表层海温异常完成负-正位相转换。分析表明,南海表层海温异常时空演变的年际差异与南海夏季风爆发的早晚存在显著相关。综合已有研究认为,南海海表温异常时空演变所形成的季节内尺度的热力差异(主要包含演进趋势、速度和幅度等)可能是影响南海夏季风爆发早晚的一个重要因子,据此建立了海表温温差异常指标,其对南海夏季风爆发早晚具有较好的反映能力。此外,南海海表温异常时空演变与南海暖池的变化紧密关联。相关分析还发现,南海夏季风爆发前期南海暖池与印度洋暖池的海表温差异常存在显著正相关关系,而与西太平洋暖池为负相关关系。南海海表温异常季节内演变在印-太暖池区海表热力格局及差异形成背景下或可通过影响大尺度经向和纬向环流而引发南海夏季风爆发早晚之年际异常。  相似文献   

构造沉降史分析有助于认识盆地的形成演化过程,是盆地分析的重要基础。为对比分析南海西南次海盆两侧陆缘新生代构造演化特征,本文选取了横穿南海西南次海盆两侧陆缘的多道地震剖面测线,其中NH973-3测线横跨西南次海盆北侧陆缘中-西沙地块,NH973-1+SO27-04联合剖面跨越西南次海盆南侧陆缘南沙地块,在地震地层解释的基础上,采用回剥法和平衡剖面技术分析了西南次海盆两侧陆缘构造沉降特征及伸展过程。分析结果表明:(1)西南次海盆两侧陆缘的构造沉降曲线特征表现为裂陷初始期曲线斜率平缓,裂陷强烈期和末期曲线斜率较陡,断-拗转换期和拗陷期曲线斜率又回归相对平缓的反“S”形多段式特征;(2)两侧陆缘的构造沉降具有一定的延迟滞后性,造成此现象的原因可能与西南次海盆两侧陆缘岩石圈的分层差异伸展及南海西缘断裂的右旋走滑活动有关,且南海西缘断裂的右旋走滑活动造成两侧陆缘的构造沉降中心向南迁移;(3)两侧陆缘盆地主要形成于晚渐新世,北侧陆缘因受晚渐新世南海西缘断裂右旋走滑活动的改造影响而形成伸展-走滑相关的沉积盆地,南侧陆缘在早中新世因受到挤压碰撞的改造影响而形成伸展-挠曲复合型沉积盆地。这些研究成果可为南海西南次海盆两侧陆缘沉积盆地的油气和天然气水合物的勘探开发提供重要的科学背景支持。  相似文献   

论南海新生代的构造运动   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
白垩纪末和新生代之交的构造运动揭开了新生代南海多旋回构造运动的序幕,自此之后整个南海的地壳开始进入总体受张性背景区域构造应力场控制、以张性沉降为主要特征的地质发展时期.七次区域性的构造运动和沉积作用具有多旋回、周期性振荡式发生的特点,其中尤以白垩纪末和老第三纪初、晚始新世和中渐新世及中中新世和晚中新世之间的三次构造运动表现最为强烈,形成了南海最为重要的三个区域性构造界面.南海地壳运动是欧亚、太平洋和印度—澳大利亚三大板块相互作用效应的结果和缩影,是跨越太平洋和印度—澳大利亚两大板块更大范围的岩石圈和软流圈流动(运动)方向、速度和强度的周期性振荡式改变所导致的.  相似文献   

The northeastern part of the South China Sea is a special region in many aspects of its tectonics. Both recent drilling into the Mesozoic and new reflection seismic surveys in the area provide a huge amount of data, fostering new understanding of the continental margin basins and regional tectonic evolution. At least four half-grabens are developed within the Northern Depression of the Tainan Basin, and all are bounded on their southern edges by northwestward-dipping faults. One of the largest half-grabens is located immediately to the north of the Central Uplift and shows episodic uplift from the late Oligocene to late Miocene. Also during that period, the Central Uplift served in part as a material source to the Southern Depression of the Tainan Basin. The Southern Depression of the Tainan Basin is a trough structure with deep basement (up to 9 km below sealevel or 6 km beneath the sea bottom) and thick Cenozoic sedimentation (>6 km thick). Beneath the Southern Depression we identified a strong landward dipping reflector within the crustal layer that represents a significant crustal fault. This reflector coincides with a sharp boundary in crustal thicknesses and Moho depths. We show that the northeasternmost South China Sea basin, which may have undergone unique evolution since the late Mesozoic, is markedly different from the central South China Sea basin and the Huatung Basin, both geologically and geophysically. The Cenozoic evolution of the region was largely influenced by pre-existing weaknesses due to tectonic inheritance and transition. The South China Sea experienced multiple stages of Cenozoic extension.  相似文献   

通过对南海南部2个代表13万a以来柱状沉积样品高分辨率的黏土矿物组成分析,认为所研究的黏土矿物主要为陆源碎屑成因,埋藏过程中的成岩变化或黏土矿物自生特征不明显,而以采样点南面加里曼丹岛、菲律宾东、西两侧的火山群岛和湄公河流域为主要陆源的地质条件、风化环境及物质迁移途径的差异控制了南海南部沉积物中黏土矿物组成的空间和时间变化.研究发现,沉积物样品中较高的蒙皂石含量对应于地质历史上的暖期,而较低的蒙皂石含量对应于冷期.伊利石的行为及其古海洋指示意义则与蒙皂石相反.将柱状沉积物样品上高分辨率的黏土矿物组成分析作为一种研究方法,有助于研究晚第四纪以来南海陆源碎屑物的源区特征、迁移途径及海区古环境演变.  相似文献   

The tectonic movement taking place at the end of Cretaceous and the beginning of Cenozoic had opened the Cenozoic phase of polycyclic tectonic movements, then the whole crust of the South China Sea had been mainly subjected to the regional stress field of tectonic tension, which was characterized by rifting depression. Seven times of regional tectonic movement and sedimentation had been assembled into a geological development history of polycyclic oscillation. Especially, the tectonic movements were strongly intensified at the end of Cretacious and the beginning of Paleagene, between Late Eocene and MidOligocene, during Mid and Late Miocene. These three times of tectonic movement had built the most important regional tectonic interfaces in the South China Sea. Crust movements of the South China Sea were the result and epitome of interaction of the Eurasia, Pacific and IndoAustralia plates, that is, they were introduced by polycyclic changes of directions, rates and strengths of lithospheric movements and asthenospheric flows across the Pacific and IndoAustralia plates.  相似文献   

裂谷盆地构造热演化的数值模型及在南海北部的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在沉积盆地的定量模拟研究中,建立各种数值模型是研究的基础。由于裂谷盆地在科学研究和油气勘探上的重要性,对其数值模型的研究一直受到高度重视,提出了众多理论模型。本文选择影响较大的或对南海被动陆缘研究有重要作用的数值型进行介绍,包括最基础的McKenzie瞬时拉伸模型,以及后来发展起来的限时拉伸模型、单剪伸展模型、挠曲悬臂梁模型、伸展随深度变化的模型和多幕拉伸模型。重点介绍各个模型的基本假设、应用条件、盆地演化的数学表达式,分析各模型之间的异同点和相互关系。文中还列举了南海北部的一些研究实例,以帮助深入理解不同数值模型的方法和应用。  相似文献   

对南海S08-57站柱样岩心的CaCO3、SiO2、Al2O3、TFe2O3、MgO、CaO、Na2O、K2O、TiO2、P2O5、MnO、Cu、Pb、Zn、Co、Ni、Ba、Sr、Rb、V、Cr、La、Ce和Ta的含量变化进行了分析;根据CaCO3含量变化建立了碳酸钙地层时标,提出了南海碳酸钙地层学的SB4.0事件,进一步完善了南海标准碳酸钙地层学时标;讨论了沉积物地球化学特征及古海洋学意义。结果表明,S08-57柱样岩心的SB3.33m事件附近存在一次强碳酸盐沉积,Al2O3、TiO2、Nb、SiO2、K2O、Ta、La、Rb、Ce、MgO、Zn、TFe2O3、Na2O、V、Pb和Cr的沉积曲线与CaCO3近似呈镜像关系。  相似文献   

Variations in clay mineral composition of sediment cores from the margin and continental slope of the Sunda Shelf (southern South China Sea, SE Asia) covering the past 17,000 yr reflect changing influences of sediment sources together with clay mineral partitioning processes in shallow waters. We identify the deglacial sea level rise as the principal factor driving these changes. During the late glacial, high values of kaolinite are interpreted to reflect a higher contribution of clays from soils that have formed on the exposed Sunda Shelf and in the southern archipelagos of Indonesia. At this time core sites were located in close proximity to the mouths of the Sunda Shelf palaeo-drainage systems on the emerged shelf (“Sundaland”). The progressive landward displacement of the coastline and breakdown of these vast drainage systems during deglaciation led to a decrease in influence of the kaolinite-rich southern sources. When the coastline had retreated closely to its present-day position in mid-Holocene times, the former dominance of southern sources was replaced by a stronger influence of illite-rich sources (e.g. Borneo). The overriding control of sea level changes on the clay mineral distribution patterns precludes a definite climatic interpretation of clay mineral data in terms of climatic/monsoonal changes in such highly dynamic sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

南海北部新生代的构造运动特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
新生代以来,南海北部陆架陆坡区及其邻区的地壳构造运动是在统一的区域构造应力场和总体区域性张裂沉降背景之下发生的,构造运动具有多旋回振荡式发生的特点,并贯穿了晚白垩世末之后的整个新生代.它的发生与太平洋板块的构造运动密切相关,这是由于太平洋板块之下的软流层流动方向和强度的振荡式改变而引发的.  相似文献   

基于南黄海盆地历年来的地震资料解释成果和下扬子海陆对比,分析了南黄海盆地印支期以来的主要构造变形特征。认为其构造变形主要有3期:晚印支-早燕山期的前陆变形、燕山中期黄桥事件的转换变形和喜马拉雅晚期三垛事件的断坳变形。并控制前陆、断陷和坳陷3期盆地的形成。盆地演化经历了挤压褶断、碰撞造山,压、张脉动和走滑,拉张块断和反转,挤压收敛等发展过程。盆地构造变形机制主要受扬子和华北板块漂移碰撞、古太平洋板块活动特征和大型走滑断裂应力环境等影响。南黄海盆地构造变形具有规律性:平面上,以NE、NEE、近EW、NW向为主。从西往东,构造的走向为NEE向→近EW向→NW向;从北往南,构造变形具有强→弱→强特征和分带性,构造的走向为NEE向→近EW向。纵向上,海-陆相盆地活动展示了早期褶皱逆冲和晚期伸展断陷的“跷跷板”变形格局,并具有早期“北强南弱的不均衡对冲”和晚期“北深南浅断陷”的构造格局。海相盆地上构造层比海相下构造层冲断变形强。崂山隆起南部的高石稳定带为南北不均衡对冲的弱变形区和应力释放区,中-古生界受后期改造作用较弱,是油气勘探的有利地区。  相似文献   

Numerous elongated mounds and channels were found at the top of the middle Miocene strata using 2D/3D seismic data in the Liwan Sag of Zhujiang River Mouth Basin(ZRMB) and the Beijiao Sag of Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB). They occur at intervals and are rarely revealed by drilling wells in the deepwater areas. Origins of the mounds and channels are controversial and poorly understood. Based on an integrated analysis of the seismic attribute, palaeotectonics and palaeogeography, and drilling well enco...  相似文献   

In the present study, the coal-rock organic facies of Oligocene Yacheng Formation of the marginal basin in the South China Sea were classified and divided. In addition, through the correlations of the large-scale coal-bearing basins between the epicontinental sea and the South China Sea, it was concluded that the coal forming activities in the South China Sea presented particularity and complexity. Furthermore, the coal forming mechanisms also presented distinctiveness. The marginal basins in th...  相似文献   

南海中部地震反射波特征及其地质解释   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
刘建华 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):73-80
20世纪70年代以来,在南海中部海区开展了各种地震调查,为研究盖层和基底发育、断裂和岩浆活动、海盆成生演化提供了重要依据。在对南海中部海区4112km48道反射地震资料解释的基础上,识别出了T1,T2,T4,T6,Tg等五个反射界面;识别出了I~V五套地震反射层组,推测时代分别为上新世-第四纪、中新世晚期、中新世早-中期、渐新世和前渐新世。层组I~Ⅱ全区广布。在陆坡、岛坡区,层组Ⅲ以下层组主要见于断陷中;在深海盆,层组Ⅲ分布仍较广,除了在深海盆北段见到层组Ⅳ外,在西南次海盆剖面两缘也见到该层组。在东部次海盆剖面中还不同程度见到了双程反射时间为8.4~8.7s的莫霍面反射,埋深为10~12km,地壳厚度为6~8km.西南次海盆水深和新生界基底埋深均比深海盆北段除外的东部次海盆深,分别为4000-4300和5200~5500m.根据年龄和基底深度关系经验公式,计算西南次海盆基底年龄为距今51~39Ma.地震反射层组解释和年龄一基底深度关系计算表明,西南次海盆形成并非晚于东部次海盆,而是同时或早于东部次海盆。  相似文献   

南沙海区万安盆地构造演化与成因机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于地震、钻井和区域地质资料,运用回剥法和平衡剖面技术定量研究了万安盆地的构造沉降和伸展程度,重建盆地的构造演化史并探讨其成因机制。模拟结果表明,万安盆地构造沉降曲线为多段式,其南北部构造沉降差异明显,且沉降中心逐渐向南发展的趋势。晚始新世-渐新世(37.8~23.03 Ma BP)盆地中、北部快速沉降,存在两个沉降中心;早中新世(23.03~16.0 Ma BP)盆地南部也发生快速沉降,整个盆地存在3个沉降中心;中中新世(约16.0~11.63 Ma BP)沉降作用减弱,盆地进入裂后热沉降期。万安盆地的伸展和形成演化呈现北早南晚的特征,与南海海底扩张密切相关,同时受控于万安断裂带交替地右旋-左旋走滑作用,是伸展和走滑双重作用的结果。盆地的构造演化过程可细分为4个阶段:初始裂谷期、主要裂谷期、走滑改造期和裂后加速沉降期。  相似文献   

南海北部深水区东西构造差异性及其动力学机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海北部深水区位于南海洋陆转换带,构造运动活跃,构造特征复杂。同时,南海北部深水区石油、天然气、天然气水合物等矿产资源丰富。因此,加强南海北部深水盆地构造特征分析,揭示南海北部陆缘构造属性与南海形成演化机制,对于南海深部过程演变研究、油气资源评价与地质灾害防治等具有重要的意义。本论文通过对南海北部深水区陆架-陆坡结构、盆地构造特征与演化规律的分析,指出研究区东西存在明显的构造差异性,并分析了其动力学机制。南海北部深水区东部陆架-陆坡结构为宽洼窄隆型,而西部为窄洼宽隆型。东部珠江口盆地深水凹陷均为半地堑结构,剖面上呈不对称的箕状;西部琼东南盆地除北礁凹陷为南段北超的小型半地堑外,其它凹陷均为地堑结构,为南北双断式沉积体系。在构造演化方面,东部中中新世末结束裂后期进入新构造活动期,白云凹陷构造活动性增强,表现为快速的沉降和显著的晚期断裂作用;而西部晚中新世末才进入新构造活动期,深水区表现为快速沉积作用,断裂活动较弱。  相似文献   

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