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A new mechanism is proposed for stabilization of the scalar dilaton field within the framework of lowenergy string gravitation with loop corrections to the dilaton coupling functions. It is based on the assumption that the loop corrections generate a kinetic dilaton function, which is singular for some finite value of the dilaton field. For a nongravitational source of the barotropic type, the system of equations describing the evolution of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models is represented in the form of a thirdorder, autonomous, dynamical system. The behavior of the general solution in the vicinity of singularities of the dilaton coupling function is investigated by methods of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. It is shown that there is a class of solutions, different from solutions of the general theory of relativity, with a constant dilaton. The conditions under which these solutions are an attractor for a general solution with a variable dilaton are determined. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 123-136, January–March, 2000.  相似文献   

A mechanism for stabilization of the dilaton field within the framework of low-energy string gravitation with loop corrections to the dilaton coupling function was proposed in the first part of this paper. The mechanism is based on the assumption that loop corrections generate a singular dilaton kinetic function for a certain value of the dilaton field. For a nortgravitational source with a constant barotropic index, the system of cosmological equations reduces to an autonomous, third-order dynamical system. The behavior of the general solution in the vicinity of singularities of the dilaton coupling function is investigated by methods of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems for different values of the singularity index. The conditions under which solutions with a constant dilaton are attractors for a general solution with a variable dilaton are determined. The evolution of models is considered, the corresponding phase diagrams are constructed, and the question of the effectiveness of dilaton stabilization is investigated. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 313–324, April–June, 2000.  相似文献   

Astrophysical limits on massive dark matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annihilations of weakly interacting dark matter particles provide an important signature for the possibility of indirect detection of dark matter in galaxy haloes. These self-annihilations can be greatly enhanced in the vicinity of a massive black hole. We show that the massive black hole present at the centre of our galaxy accretes dark matter particles, creating a region of very high particle density. Consequently the annihilation rate is considerably increased, with a large number of e+e pairs being produced either directly or by successive decays of mesons. We evaluate the synchrotron emission (and self-absorption) associated with the propagation of these particles through the galactic magnetic field, and are able to constrain the allowed values of masses and cross sections of dark matter particles.  相似文献   

We study the distribution function (DF) of dark matter particles in haloes of mass range  1014–1015 M  . In the numerical part of this work we measure the DF for a sample of relaxed haloes formed in the simulation of a standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. The DF is expressed as a function of energy E and the absolute value of the angular momentum L , a form suitable for comparison with theoretical models. By proper scaling we obtain the results that do not depend on the virial mass of the haloes. We demonstrate that the DF can be separated into energy and angular momentum components and propose a phenomenological model of the DF in the form     . This formulation involves three parameters describing the anisotropy profile in terms of its asymptotic values (β0 and  β  ) and the scale of transition between them ( L 0). The energy part   f E ( E )  is obtained via inversion of the integral for spatial density. We provide a straightforward numerical scheme for this procedure as well as a simple analytical approximation for a typical halo formed in the simulation. The DF model is extensively compared with the simulations: using the model parameters obtained from fitting the anisotropy profile, we recover the DF from the simulation as well as the profiles of the dispersion and kurtosis of radial and tangential velocities. Finally, we show that our DF model reproduces the power-law behaviour of phase-space density   Q =ρ( r )/σ3( r )  .  相似文献   

The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-Burgers (KPB) equation is derived for coupled drift acoustic shock waves in a partially ionized non-uniform pair-ion-electron (PIE) plasma in the presence of both density and temperature gradients respectively. Both linear and nonlinear studies are presented. The nonlinear KPB equation is derived in the small amplitude approximation method and its solution is found using the tanh method. The numerical calculations also presented for PIE plasmas of fullerene plasma for illustration keeping in view the recent experiments. The effect of density and temperature inhomogeneities on the nature of the shock is also highlighted. The role of the velocity of the nonlinear structure with regard to the density and temperature gradients driven drift velocities is also pointed out and the effect of ion-neutral collision frequency is also investigated. This work may be useful for future laboratory experimental investigations on pair-ion-electron plasmas.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(4-6):329-334
Heavy element abundances derived from high-quality ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectroscopic observations of low-metallicity blue compact galaxies (BCGs) with oxygen abundances 12+log O/H between 7.1 and 8.3 are discussed. None of the heavy element-to-oxygen abundance ratios studied here (C/O, N/O, Ne/O, Si/O, S/O, Ar/O, Fe/O) depend on oxygen abundance for BCGs with 12+log O/H≤7.6 (ZZ/20). This constancy implies that all these heavy elements have a primary origin and are produced by the same massive (M≥10 M) stars responsible for O production. The dispersion of the C/O and N/O ratios in these galaxies is found to be remarkably small, being only ±0.03 dex and ±0.02 dex respectively. This very small dispersion is strong evidence against any time-delayed production of C and primary N in the lowest-metallicity BCGs, and hence against production of these elements by intermediate-mass (3 MM≤9 M) stars at very low metallicities, as commonly thought.In higher metallicity BCGs (7.6<12+log O/H<8.2), the Ne/O, Si/O, S/O, Ar/O and Fe/O abundance ratios retain the same constant value they had at lower metallicities. By contrast, there is an increase of the C/O and N/O ratios along with their dispersions at a given O. We interpret this increase as due to the additional contribution of C and primary N production in intermediate-mass stars, on top of that by high-mass stars. BCGs show the same O/Fe overabundance with respect to the Sun (∼0.4 dex) as galactic halo stars, suggesting the same chemical enrichment history.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the mechanism of dilaton stabilization proposed in Part I of the present work, an analysis of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models of low-energy string gravitation with loop corrections is continued. The behavior of models with curved space is investigated by methods of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems for different values of the singularity index of the dilaton kinetic function and the barotropic index of nongravitational matter. The conditions under which dilaton stabilization occurs as a result of cosmological expansion are determined, and the corresponding phase diagrams are constructed.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of observing the products of the dark matter annihilation that was going on in the early Universe. Of all the particles that could be generated by this process, we consider only photons, as they are both uncharged and easily detectable. The younger the Universe was, the higher the dark matter concentration n and the annihilation rate (proportional to n 2) were. However, the emission from the very early Universe cannot reach us because of the opacity. The main part of the signal was generated at the moment the Universe had just become transparent for the photons produced by the annihilation. Thus, the dark matter annihilation in the early Universe should have created a sort of relic emission. We obtain its flux and the spectrum.
If weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) constitute dark matter, it is shown that we may expect an extragalactic gamma-ray signal in the energy range 0.5–20 MeV with a maximum near 8 MeV. We show that an experimentally observed excess in the gamma-ray background at 0.5–20 MeV could be created by the relic signal from the annihilation of WIMPs only if the dark matter structures in the Universe had appeared before the Universe became transparent for the annihilation products  ( z ≃ 300)  . We discuss in more detail physical conditions whereby this interpretation could be possible.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of a rotating star with a mass of 16M and an angular momentum of 3.25 × 1052 g cm2 s?1, along with the hydrodynamic transport of angular momentum and chemical elements in its interiors. When the partial mixing of matter of the turbulent radiative envelope and the convective core is taken into account, the efficiency of the angular momentum transport by meridional circulation in the stellar interiors and the duration of the hydrogen burning phase increase. Depending on the Schmidt number in the turbulent radiative stellar envelope, the ratio of the equatorial rotational velocity to the circular one increases with time in the process of stellar evolution and can become typical of early-type Be stars during an additional evolution time of the star on the main sequence. Partial mixing of matter is a necessary condition under which the hydrodynamic transport processes can increase the angular momentum of the outer stellar layer to an extent that the equatorial rotational velocity begins to increase during the second half of the evolutionary phase of the star on the main sequence, as shown by observations of the brightest stars in open star clusters with ages of 10–25 Myr. When the turbulent Schmidt number is 0.4, the equatorial rotational velocity of the star increases during the second half of the hydrogen burning phase in the convective core from 330 to 450 km s?1.  相似文献   

The discoveries of binary asteroids have opened an important new field of research concerning the calculation of potential generated by irregular bodies.Some of them have an elongated shape.A simple model to describe the motion of a test particle in that kind of potential requires consideration of a finite homogeneous straight segment.We construct this model by adding an inhomogeneous distribution of mass. To be consistent with the geometrical shape of the asteroid,we explore a parabolic profile of the dens...  相似文献   

The effect of an oscillating massive particle on the motion of stars in a spherical Plummer gravitational system is examined for chaotic behaviour for ratios of satellite to parent galaxy masses ranging from .001 to .15. Thee-folding times for chaos are calculated for non-zero angular momentum orbits and discussed in relation to the time-scales for dynamical friction.  相似文献   

Cosmological evolution is investigated within the framework of low-energy string gravitation with higher-loop corrections to the dilaton coupling functions in the presence of a dilaton potential and a nongravitational source. It is shown that for homogeneous and isotropic models with a flat space, the cosmological system of equations reduces to an autonomous, third-order, dynamical system. Subclasses of models with a constant dilaton, which provide the basis for various cosmological mechanisms of dilaton stabilization, are considered. A class of solutions is distinguished with asymptotic scaling behavior of the energy density of the dilaton field.  相似文献   

The equations of motion for steady-state spherical symmetric flow of matter into or out of a condensed object (e.g. neutron stars, black holes, etc.) are displayed and solved for simple polytropic gases. It appears that infalling matter may be heated as hot as 1012K and that X-ray luminosities of the order of 1037 erg s–1 could result. The two fluid (electrons and ions separately) approach is also examined and it is shown that electrostatic fields of the order of 105 V m–1 are required near the surface of the object. Such fields are not strong enough to significantly modify the space-time metric.  相似文献   

The effects of formation of a binary black hole in a dense star cluster are found to have significant effects on the dynamics of the cluster. Tidal destruction of stars captured into bound orbits during the formation of the black hole binary provide a sizeable source of very high temperature thermal radiation as well as a source of radially outward moving clouds of gas. The efficiency of subsequently accreted matter onto the binary components as an energy source is investigated and suggestive evolutionary models of the dynamics of the binary system are presented. Lifetimes of the system are shown to be compatible with contemporary estimates. It is suggested that the high-density cluster core provides a suitable environment for the operation of a number of models for the core of active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of stellar models in the tidal field of a massive black hole is calculated numerically under certain simplifying assumptions. It is found that solar type stars are totally disrupted only when falling toward a black hole whose mass does not exceed 106–107 M . Red giants lose their entire envelope for all black hole masses studied.Our findings strengthen the view that tidal disruption is not an important source of gas in AGN's.  相似文献   

We investigate the production of26Al during hydrogen burning and its ejection by massive single and binary stars. Effects of convection and rotation are studied. We discuss the importance of RSGs, LBVs and WR stars to the total Galactic26Al production, and the detection probability of the26Al decay in individual objects as P Cygni, Velorum and Carinae.  相似文献   

The large amounts of dust detected in sub-millimeter galaxies and quasars at high redshift pose a challenge to galaxy formation models and theories of cosmic dust formation. At z>6 only stars of relatively high mass (>3 M) are sufficiently short-lived to be potential stellar sources of dust. This review is devoted to identifying and quantifying the most important stellar channels of rapid dust formation. We ascertain the dust production efficiency of stars in the mass range 3–40 M using both observed and theoretical dust yields of evolved massive stars and supernovae (SNe) and provide analytical expressions for the dust production efficiencies in various scenarios. We also address the strong sensitivity of the total dust productivity to the initial mass function. From simple considerations, we find that, in the early Universe, high-mass (>3 M) asymptotic giant branch stars can only be dominant dust producers if SNe generate ≲3×10−3 M of dust whereas SNe prevail if they are more efficient. We address the challenges in inferring dust masses and star-formation rates from observations of high-redshift galaxies. We conclude that significant SN dust production at high redshift is likely required to reproduce current dust mass estimates, possibly coupled with rapid dust grain growth in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

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