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The rapid neutron capture process (r-process) is one of the major nucleosynthesis processes responsible for the synthesis of heavy nuclei beyond iron. Isotopes beyond Fe are most exclusively formed in neutron capture processes and more heavier ones are produced by the r-process. Approximately half of the heavy elements with mass number A > 70 and all of the actinides in the solar system are believed to have been produced in the r-process. We have studied the r-process in supernovae for the production of heavy elements beyond A = 40 with the newest mass values available. The supernova envelopes at a temperature >109 K and neutron density of 1024 cm?3 are considered to be one of the most potential sites for the r-process. The primary goal of the r-process calculations is to fit the global abundance curve for solar system r-process isotopes by varying time dependent parameters such as temperature and neutron density. This method aims at comparing the calculated abundances of the stable isotopes with observation. We have studied the r-process path corresponding to temperatures ranging from 1.0 × 109 K to 3.0 × 109 K and neutron density ranging from 1020 cm?3 to 1030 cm?3. With temperature and density conditions of 3.0 × 109 K and 1020 cm?3 a nucleus of mass 273 was theoretically found corresponding to atomic number 115. The elements obtained along the r-process path are compared with the observed data at all the above temperature and density range.  相似文献   

The present work studies the hydrodynamic process of thermonuclear explosion of hydrostatic equilibrium, degenerate carbon-oxygen cores withM C=1.40M with different values of central densityϱ c within the interval 2 × 109 <ϱ c < 3 × 1010 g cm−3. The initial temperature distribution has been determined by the preceding thermal stage of explosion. The calculations successively include the kinetics of thermonuclear burning, the kinetics of β-processes, and neutrino energy losses. By considering the neutrino mechanism of heating and carbon ignition we obtained in our numerical hydrodynamic calculations two characteristic versions of the development of an explosion: (a) at 2 × 109 <ϱ c < 9 × 109 g cm−3 there is disruption of the whole star with either complete or partial burning of the carbon and a 1050–1051 erg kinetic energy; and (b) at 9 × 109 <ϱ c < 3 × 1010 g cm−3 the stellar core collapses into a neutron star with partial outburst of the outer envelope with a smaller kinetic energy of 1049–1050 erg. The paper proposes and details a hypothesis (the scenario of supernovae and the formation of neutron stars) on the first version of explosion, corresponding to SNII, and on the second, supplemented by some mechanism of slow energy release into the envelope expelled from the newly formed neutron star, corresponding to SNI. On the basis of the proposed hypothesis a satisfactory agreement with the observed masses and energies of the supernovae envelope, their light curves and spectra, as well as with the data on their chemical composition has been obtained. For this agreement we must assume that type I pre-supernovae are almost bare compact carbon-oxygen stellar cores, and that type II presupernovae are red supergiants. It is most probable that the evolution of type I pre-supernovae occurs in close binaries while the evolution of type II pre-supernovae seems to be very similar to the evolution of a single star.  相似文献   

The radio recombination line intensities of heavy elements of helium, carbon and oxygen are calculated with accounting for dielectronic recombination. Dielectronic recombination rates are determined accurate to the second order of a perturbation theory and the rates are described as function of principal quantum number for helium-like atom or ion. Balance equations are solved for the departure coefficients from LTE bn. The collision and spontaneous transition rates are accounted for the balance equations, in which non-equilibrium distribution source is dielectronic recombination. Non-equilibrium amplification coefficients are found as functions of a medium temperature, density and ion charge z = 1–3 for radio recombination lines. Optical depths are calculated for the heavy element low-frequency lines with the numbers 300 > n > 1200. For the chosen electronic temperatures and densities Te = 0.8× 104–10× 104 K, Ne = 0.05–0.1 cm−3 the line optical depth is determined by the values τL∼ 0.1× 10−4–100× 10−4. Calculated for free-free transition rates, the optical depth is given by using the value τff∼ 10−2τL.  相似文献   

In the present article, a family of static spherical symmetric well behaved interior solutions is derived by considering the metric potential g 44=B(1−Cr 2)n for the various values of n, such that (1+n)/(1−n) is positive integer. The solutions so obtained are utilised to construct the heavenly bodies’ like quasi-black holes such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, quarks etc., by taking the surface density 2×1014 gm/cm3. The red shifts at the centre and on the surface are also computed for the different star models. Moreover the adiabatic index is calculated in each case. In this process the authors come across the quarks star only. Least and maximum mass are fond to be 3.4348M Θ and 4.410454M Θ along with the radii 21.0932 km and 23.7245 km respectively.  相似文献   

Optical CCD imaging with Hα and [SII] filters and spectroscopic observations of the galactic supernova remnant G85.9-0.6 have been performed for the first time. The CCD image data are taken with the 1.5 m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT150) at TüBİTAK National Observatory (TUG) and spectral data are taken with the Bok 2.3 m telescope on Kitt Peak, AZ. The images are taken with narrow-band interference filters Hα, [SII] and their continuum. [SII]/Hα ratio image is performed. The ratio obtained from [SII]/Hα is found to be ∼0.42, indicating that the remnant interacts with HII regions. G85.9-0.6 shows diffuse-shell morphology. [SII]λ λ6716/6731 average flux ratio is calculated from the spectra, and the electron density N e is obtained to be 395 cm−3. From [OIII]/Hβ ratio, shock velocity has been estimated, pre-shock density of n c =14 cm−3, explosion energy of E=9.2×1050 ergs, interstellar extinction of E(BV)=0.28, and neutral hydrogen column density of N(HI)=1.53×1021 cm−2 are reported.  相似文献   

We have theoretically studied the influence of a far-infrared radiation (FIR) field from Hπ region on the cooling by C and O atoms, C+ ion and CO molecule in a photodissociation region, and a molecular cloud associated with Hπ region (hereinafter referred as HI region) at low temperatures (T k≤200 K). Comparisons have been made for cooling with and without FIR for two extreme abundances (10−4 and 10−7) of the mentioned species for temperatures ranging between 10 and 200K and an hydrogen particle density range 10 cm−3n o≤ 107 cm3. The cooling by the species with low line-splitting (CI, Cπ and CO) is significantly influenced by the radiation field for temperaturesT k < 100 K while the effect of radiation field on cooling by OI is significant even at higher temperatures (T k > 100 K). The effect of FIR field on the cooling of CO from low rotational transitions is negligibly small, whereas it is considerable for higher transitions. In general, the cooling terms related to the short-wavelength transitions are more affected by FIR than those related to longer wavelengths. It is also demonstrated here that in the determination of thermal structure of an HI region the dust grains play an important role in the heating of gas only through photoelectron emission following irradiation by far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation, as the infrared radiation from the dust is too small to have substantial effect on the cooling. It is found that in the Hπ /HI interface the FIR field from grains in the Hπ region is not capable of modifying the temperature of the warmest regions but does so in the inner part where the temperature is low enough.  相似文献   

The production of X-rays and gamma-rays in bursts is believed to be due to the rapid burning of matter accreted onto a neutron star surface from its companion, most probably a giant star. The accreted matter consists mainly of hydrogen and helium and a very small amount of heavy elements. Due to the infall of matter, the temperature at the bottom layers is raised to a value of the order of 108 K. The neutron star surface density is>107 g cm–3. As hydrogen burning is a slow process under any temperature and density conditions, we consider the helium-burning reactions as the source of gamma-rays in the neutron star surface. Under high-density conditions the ordinary laboratory reaction rates should become modified. At high-density conditions, the strong screening effect due to the polarising cloud of electrons around the ions become important and enhances the reaction rates considerably. The helium-burning reactions are calculated under such conditions. The abundances of helium-burning products such as12C, 116O, and20Ne, etc., are computed. Under high-density and temperature conditions carbon is found to be more abundant than oxygen. Neon is completely absent in almost all the relevant physical conditions in which a strong screening effect is operative. It is suggested that explosive burning of accreted helium of 10–13 M will account for the observed energy of gamm-ray burst.  相似文献   

If massive sterile neutrinos exist, their decays into photons and/or electron-positron pairs may give rise to observable consequences. We consider the possibility that MeV sterile neutrino decays lead to the diffuse positron annihilation line in the Milky Way center, and we thus obtain bounds on the sterile neutrino decay rate Γ e ≥10−28 s−1 from relevant astrophysical/cosmological data. Also, we expect a soft gamma flux of 1.2×10−4–9.7×10−4 ph cm−2 s−1 from the Milky Way center which shows up as a small MeV bump in the background photon spectrum. Furthermore, we estimate the flux of active neutrinos produced by sterile neutrino decays to be 0.02–0.1 cm−2 s−1 passing through the earth.  相似文献   

We model thermal evolution of magnetars with a phenomenological heat source in a spherical internal layer and compare the results with observations of persistent thermal radiation from magnetars. We show that the heat source should be located in the outer magnetar’s crust, at densities ρ≲5×1011 g cm−3, and the heating rate should be ∼1020 erg cm−3 s−1. Heating deeper layers is extremely inefficient because the thermal energy is mainly radiated away by neutrinos and does not warm up the surface to the magnetar’s level. This deep heating requires too much energy; it is inconsistent with the energy budget of neutron stars.   相似文献   

Observations of the H272α recombination line towards the galactic centre show features near VLSR= 0, −50 and + 36 kms−1. We have combined the parameters of these features with the available H166α measurements to obtain the properties of the ionized gas present along the line of sight and also in the ‘3 kpc arm’. For the line-of-sight ionized gas we get an electron density around 7 cm−3 and a pathlength through it ∼ 10–60 pc. The emission measure and the electron temperature are in the range 500–2900 pc cm−6 and 2000–6000 K. respectively. The ionized gas in the 3 kpc arm has an electron density of 30 cm−3 and extends over 9 pc along the line of sight if we assume an electron temperature of 104 K. Using the available upper limit to the intensity of the H351α recombination line, we show that the distributed ionized gas responsible for the dispersion of pulsar signals should have a temperature >4500 K. and a minimum filling factor of 20 per cent. We also show that recombination lines from the ‘warm ionized’ gas proposed by McKee & Ostriker (1977) should be detectable in the frequency range 100–150 MHz towards the galactic centre with the sensitivity available at present.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of X-ray irradiation on the vertical structure of the outer accretion disk in low-mass X-ray binaries by performing a self-consistent calculation of the vertical structure and X-ray radiation transfer in the disk. Penetrating deep into the disk, the field of scattered X-ray photons with energy E ≳ 10 keV exerts a significant influence on the vertical structure of the accretion disk at a distance R ≳ 1010 cm from the neutron star. At a distance R ∼ 1011 cm, where the total surface density in the disk reaches Σ0 ∼ 20 g cm−2, X-ray heating affects all layers of an optically thick disk. The X-ray heating effect is enhanced significantly in the presence of an extended atmospheric layer with a temperature T atm ≈ (2–3) × 106 K above the accretion disk. We have derived simple analytic formulas for the disk heating by scattered X-ray photons using an approximate solution of the transfer equation by the Sobolev method. This approximation has a ≲10% accuracy in the range of X-ray photon energies E < 20 keV.  相似文献   

The properties of superdense matter in neutron star (NS) cores control NS thermal states by affecting the efficiency of neutrino emission from NS interiors. To probe these properties we confront the theory of thermal evolution of NSs with observations of their thermal radiation. Our observational basis includes cooling isolated NSs (INSs) and NSs in quiescent states of soft X-ray transients (SXTs). We find that the data on SXTs support the conclusions obtained from the analysis of INSs: strong proton superfluidity with T cp max ≳109 K should be present, while mild neutron superfluidity with T cn max ≈2×(108−−109) K is ruled out in the outer NS core. Here T cn max  and T cp max  are the maximum values of the density dependent critical temperatures of neutrons and protons. The data on SXTs suggest also that: (i) cooling of massive NSs is enhanced by neutrino emission more powerful than the emission due to Cooper pairing of neutrons; (ii) mild neutron superfluidity, if available, might be present only in inner cores of massive NSs. In the latter case SXTs would exhibit dichotomy, i.e. very similar SXTs may evolve to very different thermal states.   相似文献   

Abstract— We examine quantitatively the suggestion that the heavy anomalous isotopes of Xe-HL found in meteoritic diamonds were produced by a short intense neutron burst and then implanted into the diamonds. Using a large nuclear reaction network we establish one (out of many) neutron irradiation histories that successfully reproduces the heavy isotopes of Xe-HL, and then evaluate what that same history would produce in every heavy element. This has become more relevant following recent measurement of anomalous Ba and Sr in those same diamond samples. Therefore we offer these calculations as a guide to the anomalies to be expected in all elements if this scenario is correct. We also discuss several other aspects of the problem, especially the established contradictions for Ba, the observed Kr pattern, the near normalcy of 129Xe, and some related astrophysical ideas. In particular we argue from p-process theory that the observed deficit of 78Kr in correlation with 124–126Xe excess implicates Type II supernovae as the diamond sources. However, our more complete astrophysical conclusions will be published elsewhere. This present work is offered as computational expectation for this class of models and as a guide to considerations that may accelerate the digestion of new experimental results in the diamonds.  相似文献   

We have studied the synthesis of26Al during combined hydrogen and helium-burning processes in high temperature and density conditions. The possible sites for these processes are believed to be the neutron star surfaces where the density ranges from =104–107 g cm–3 and temperature range from 108–8×108 K. The screening effect which leads to an enhancement of nuclear reaction rates is taken into account whenever necessary. A detailed calculation of the abundances of26Al and27Al isotopes is presented here. Finite amounts of26Al is found to be produced atT=2×108 K and =108 g cm–3 due to these combined reactions. This situation is likely to be realized during the -ray burst events on neutron star surface. The amount of material processed in the burst sources is very little compared to the amount of material processed in Novae or Supernovae. Thus it is suggested that rather than contributing to the overall amount of26Al, -ray bursts are likely to contribute more significantly to the inhomogeneity of26Al distribution in interstellar medium.  相似文献   

The population synthesis method is used to study the possibility of explaining the appreciable fraction of the intergalactic type-Ia supernovae (SN Ia), 20 −15 +12 %, observed in galaxy clusters (Gal-Yam et al. 2003) when close white dwarf binaries merge in the cores of globular clusters. In a typical globular cluster, the number of merging double white dwarfs does not exceed ∼10−13 per year per average cluster star in the entire evolution time of the cluster, which is a factor of ∼3 higher than that in a Milky-Way-type spiral galaxy. From 5 to 30% of the merging white dwarfs are dynamically expelled from the cluster with barycenter velocities up to 150 km s−1. SN Ia explosions during the mergers of double white dwarfs in dense star clusters may account for ∼1% of the total rate of thermonuclear supernovae in the central parts of galaxy clusters if the baryon mass fraction in such star clusters is ∼0.3%.  相似文献   

During the formation of heavy elements in the neutron star merger (NSM) scenario with a fairly long duration of the r-process, most of the seed nuclei rapidly burn out at the initial stage. The nucleosynthesis wave rapidly reaches the region of actinoids, where beta-delayed, neutron-induced, and spontaneous fission are the main reaction channels. The fission products of transuranium elements are again drawn into the r-process as new seed nuclei to form the yields of elements with mass numbers A > 100. The contribution from the various types of fission to the formation of heavy and superheavy nuclei is investigated. The proposed r-process model applied to the NSM scenario describes well the observed abundances of chemical elements, which confirms the formation of the main r-process component in the NSM scenario. Simple extrapolations of the spontaneous fission half-lives are shown to be inapplicable for the region of nuclei with N ∼ 184, because the formulas do not reflect the increase in half-life when the shell structure changes as the number of neutrons approaches 184. The formation of superheavy elements in the r-process is possible, but their survival depends to a large extent on how reliable the predictions of nuclear parameters, including the half-lives of the forming nuclei from the island of long-lived isotopes, are. The contributions from various types of fission—neutron-induced, beta-delayed, and spontaneous one—to the formation of heavy elements in the main r-process have been determined.  相似文献   

We discuss the behavior of density fluctuations in an expanding universe and show that these should lead to the early formation of pregalactic hydrogen-helium stars of several hundred to several thousand solar masses. These stars flood the universe with radiation having a color temperature ≳105 K; this terminates star formation but permits galaxy formation to continue. About 10−2 of the mass of the galaxies is converted into heavy elements by pregalactic nucleosynthesis, with an error factor of a few.  相似文献   

One of the important problems in astrophysics is the determination of the abundances of the helium isotopes 3He and 4He in various regions of the universe, since those abundances can provide evidence of the intensities of various possible processes of the production and decay of light elements and can thereby reflect their history. In this paper we describe the procedure and results of the first determination by a direct method of the abundances of helium isotopes in the local interstellar medium surrounding the solar system. The experiment was carried out on the piloted MIR station by the prolonged exposure in open space of specimens of metallic foil with their subsequent return to earth and detailed laboratory mass-spectrometric analysis. As a result, we were able to obtain estimates of the 4He density (about 7.5·10-3 cm-3) and the 3He/4He isotopic ratio (about 1.7·10-4) for the local interst ellar medium.  相似文献   

We determine the atmospheric parameters of the secondary in the close binary system FF Aqr and analyze its chemical composition. A series of high-resolution spectra are taken at different orbital phases using the coude echelle spectrometer of the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT150). We show that the absorption line intensity of heavy elements varies with phase due to the spotty nature of the cool component. We determine the abundances of heavy elements in the star’s atmosphere by modelling the synthetic spectra and performing a differential analysis of the chemical composition of FF Aqr relative to the solar composition. Our analysis of the averaged spectrum of FF Aqr yielded 539 abundance estimates for 21 chemical elements. We found the metallicity of the star ([Fe/H] = −0.11 ± 0.08) to be close solar, in agreement with the hypothesis that FF Aqr should belong to the Galactic disk. The inferred chemical composition of the objects exhibits no anomalous abundances of the α-, r-, and s-process elements like those earlier found in other systems (IN Com, LW Hya, V471 Tau). The lack of such anomalies in FF Aqr must be due to the fact that the elements heavier than 16 O cannot be synthesized in the core of the primary during the last stages of its evolution.  相似文献   

We report XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic supernova remnant G296.8-0.3, together with complementary radio and infrared data. The spatial and spectral properties of the X-ray emission, detected towards G296.8-0.3, was investigated in order to explore the possible evolutionary scenarios and the physical connexion with its unusual morphology detected at radio frequencies. G296.8-0.3 displays diffuse X-ray emission correlated with the peculiar radio morphology detected in the interior of the remnant and with the shell-like radio structure observed to the northwest side of the object. The X-ray emission peaks in the soft/medium energy range (0.5–3.0 keV). The X-ray spectral analysis confirms that the column density is high (N H∼0.64×1022 cm−2) which supports a distant location (d>9 kpc) for the SNR. Its X-ray spectrum can be well represented by a thermal (PSHOCK) model, with kT∼0.86 keV, an ionization timescale of 6.1×1010 cm−3 s, and low abundance (∼0.12 Z ). The 24 μm observations show shell-like emission correlated with part of the northwest and southeast boundaries of the SNR. In addition a point-like X-ray source is also detected close to the geometrical center of the radio SNR. The object presents some characteristics of the so-called compact central objects (CCO). Its X-ray spectrum is consistent with those found at other CCOs and the value of N H is consistent with that of G296.8-0.3, which suggests a physical connexion with the SNR.  相似文献   

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