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Abstract The D'Entrecasteaux Islands of eastern Papua New Guinea consist of a number of active metamorphic core complexes formed under an extensional tectonic setting related to sea-floor spreading in the west Woodlark Basin. The complexes are defined by mountainous domes (>2500 m high) of fault-bounded, high-grade metamorphic rocks (including eclogite facies) intruded by 2–4-Ma granodiorite plutons. Garnet–clinopyroxene exchange thermometers indicate that the temperature of equilibration of the eclogites was 730–900° C. The jadeite component of omphacite indicates minimum pressure of 21 kbar, suggesting depths of >70 km. The metamorphic rocks have undergone widespread retrogression to amphibolite facies. Retrogression of the metamorphic basement is associated with shearing and formation of the metamorphic core complexes. P–T conditions in the early stages of shear zone activity, determined using the garnet–biotite exchange thermometer and the GASP and GRIPS barometers, were 570–730° C and 7–11 kbar. A second phase of re-equilibration at much lower pressures appears to be related to the widespread intrusion of granodiorite plutons. One re-equilibrated gneiss indicated maximum temperature of 730° C at estimated pressures of approximately 4 kbar. This late, high-temperature metamorphism is also indicated by reactions involving the production of hercynite and corundum in aluminous gneisses and formation of sillimanite at the expense of kyanite. Two major episodes of granodiorite intrusion occurred during uplift and exhumation of the core complexes. Both closely coincide spatially with high-temperature metamorphic rocks, the onset of deformation in extensional shear zones and subsequent uplift of the metamorphic basement. These observations indicate a fundamental link between uplift and granodiorite intrusion during continental extension and the formation of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands metamorphic core complexes.  相似文献   

王舫  刘福来  刘平华 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3280-3294
片麻岩是点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带最常见的岩石类型,主要由夕线石榴黑云二长片麻岩、石榴黑云斜长片麻岩以及含十字石蓝晶夕线石榴片麻岩所组成,其原岩的化学成分与华北克拉通典型孔兹岩系十分相似.岩相学、成因矿物学和变质反应性质研究以及温压条件估算结果表明,研究区片麻岩类岩石变质峰期的温压条件为T=700~770℃,P=0.5~0.8GPa,已达到或接近麻粒岩相变质,晚期退变质阶段的温压条件为T=600~650℃,P=0.35~0.45GPa.片麻岩变质演化的P-T轨迹具有顺时针型式.在麻粒岩相变质阶段,片麻岩类岩石普遍发生深熔作用,主要表现为含水矿物黑云母的脱水熔融和长英质矿物的部分熔融.该项研究对于进一步揭示青藏高原东南缘点苍山-哀牢山造山带的变质演化深熔作用机理及动力学过程具有重要的科学意义.  相似文献   

The Mogok metamorphic belt of Palaeogene age, which records subduction‐ and collision‐related events between the Indian and Eurasian plates, lies along the western margin of the Shan plateau in central Myanmar and continues northwards to the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Reaction textures of clinohumite‐ and scapolite‐bearing assemblages in Mogok granulite facies metacarbonate rocks provide insights into the drastic change in fluid composition during exhumation of the collision zone. Characteristic high‐grade assemblages of marble and calcsilicate rock are clinohumite+forsterite+spinel+phlogopite+pargasite/edenite+calcite+dolomite, and scapolite+diopside+anorthite+quartz+calcite respectively. Calculated petrogenetic grids in CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 and subsets of this system were employed to deduce the pressure–temperature–fluid evolution of the clinohumite‐ and scapolite‐bearing assemblages. These assemblages suggest higher temperature (>780–810°C) and [=CO2/(CO2+H2O) >0.17–0.60] values in the metamorphic fluid for the peak granulite facies stage, assuming a pressure of 0.8 GPa. Calcite grains commonly show exsolution textures with dolomite particles, and their reintegrated compositions yield temperatures of 720–880°C. Retrograde reactions are mainly characterized by a reaction zone consisting of a dolomite layer and a symplectitic aggregate of tremolite and dolomite grown between clinohumite and calcite in marble, and a replacement texture of scapolite by clinozoisite in calcsilicate rock. These textures indicate that the retrograde reactions developed under lower temperature (<620°C) and (<0.08–0.16) conditions, assuming a pressure of 0.5 GPa. The metacarbonate rocks share metamorphic temperatures similar to the Mogok paragneiss at the peak granulite facies stage. The values of the metacarbonate rock at peak metamorphic stage are, however, distinctly higher than those previously deduced from carbonate mineral‐free paragneiss. Primary clinohumite, phlogopite and pargasite/edenite in marble have F‐rich compositions, and scapolite in calcsilicate rock contains Cl, suggesting a contrast in the halogen compositions of the metamorphic fluids between these two lithologies. The metamorphic fluid compositions were probably buffered within each lithology, and the effective migration of metamorphic fluid, which would have extensively changed the fluid compositions, did not occur during the prograde granulite facies stage throughout the Mogok metamorphic belt. The lower conditions of the Mogok metacarbonate rocks during the retrograde stage distinctly contrast with higher conditions recorded in metacarbonate rocks from other metamorphic belts of granulite facies. The characteristic low conditions were probably due to far‐ranging infiltration of H2O‐dominant fluid throughout the middle segment of the Mogok metamorphic belt under low‐amphibolite facies conditions during the exhumation and hydration stage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Metabasalts and metasedimentary rocks of the Devonian Central Metamorphic Belt comprise the lower plate of the east-dipping Trinity thrust system in the Klamath province. An inverted metamorphic gradient is preserved in the Central Metamorphic Belt; metamorphic conditions decrease from amphibolite facies adjacent to the Trinity thrust, through albite-epidote amphibolite facies, to upper greenschist facies at the base of the Central Metamorphic Belt. Mineral chemistry, mineral assemblages and limited geothermometry suggest that peak metamorphic conditions decrease structurally downward from 650 ± 50° C at the Trinity thrust to 500 ± 50° C at the base of the Central Metamorphic Belt, under pressures of 5 ± 3 kbar. Synmetamorphic Ab + Qtz veins, up to 1 m thick, increase in abundance towards the Trinity thrust. Infiltration of H2O-CO2 fluids derived from prograde devolatilization reactions in the Central Metamorphic Belt caused extensive hydration and metasomatism of the Trinity peridotite; the hanging wall block of the Trinity thrust zone. Geological relationships and the preserved inverted metamorphic gradient suggest that the Central Metamorphic Belt formed in an east-dipping Devonian subduction zone in an oceanic environment. The Central Metamorphic Belt appears to represent a discrete slice of accreted oceanic crust several km thick, rather than progressively accreted material. Metamorphic pressures recorded by the Central Metamorphic Belt are intermediate between the ∼2 kbar pressures recorded in dynamothermal aureoles beneath obducted ophiolites and the 7–10 kbar preserved in subduction-related inverted metamorphic gradients. The lack of blueschist facies mineral assemblages in the Central Metamorphic Belt may possibly be explained by an anomalously warm geotherm prior to subduction or early shear heating prior to the arrival of wet rocks at depth.  相似文献   

New data on the metamorphic petrology and zircon geochronology of high‐grade rocks in the central Mozambique Belt (MB) of Tanzania show that this part of the orogen consists of Archean and Palaeoproterozoic material that was structurally reworked during the Pan‐African event. The metamorphic rocks are characterized by a clockwise P–T path, followed by strong decompression, and the time of peak granulite facies metamorphism is similar to other granulite terranes in Tanzania. The predominant rock types are mafic to intermediate granulites, migmatites, granitoid orthogneisses and kyanite/sillimanite‐bearing metapelites. The meta‐granitoid rocks are of calc‐alkaline composition, range in age from late Archean to Neoproterozoic, and their protoliths were probably derived from magmatic arcs during collisional processes. Mafic to intermediate granulites consist of the mineral assemblage garnet–clinopyroxene–plagioclase–quartz–biotite–amphibole ± K‐feldspar ± orthopyroxene ± oxides. Metapelites are composed of garnet‐biotite‐plagioclase ± K‐feldspar ± kyanite/sillimanite ± oxides. Estimated values for peak granulite facies metamorphism are 12–13 kbar and 750–800 °C. Pressures of 5–8 kbar and temperatures of 550–700 °C characterize subsequent retrogression to amphibolite facies conditions. Evidence for a clockwise P–T path is provided by late growth of sillimanite after kyanite in metapelites. Zircon ages indicate that most of the central part of the MB in Tanzania consists of reworked ancient crust as shown by Archean (c. 2970–2500 Ma) and Palaeoproterozoic (c. 2124–1837 Ma) protolith ages. Metamorphic zircon from metapelites and granitoid orthogneisses yielded ages of c. 640 Ma which are considered to date peak regional granulite facies metamorphism during the Pan‐African orogenic event. However, the available zircon ages for the entire MB in East Africa and Madagascar also document that peak metamorphic conditions were reached at different times in different places. Large parts of the MB in central Tanzania consist of Archean and Palaeoproterozoic material that was reworked during the Pan‐African event and that may have been part of the Tanzania Craton and Usagaran domain farther to the west.  相似文献   

Eclogite fades rocks in this area are diverse in rock type. The field occurrence and rock-chemistry reflect theirin-situ origin. Based on their regional geology and field occurrence, two groups of eclogites are divided in terms of their peak temperature of metamorphism. Medium-temperature eclogites (MT), as Group B, occur in the Dabie Group. They were formed from epidote-amphibolite facies. The metamorphism of eclogite facies has two stages: the coesite eclogite facies stage (the peak condition:T = 600 -700°C,P = 2.7-3.0 GPa) and the glaucophane eclogite facies stage (the pressure decreases, may be lower than 2.5 GPa while the temperature has little change). Low temperature eclogites (LT), as Group C, occur in the Qijiaoshan Formation. They were formed from blue schist facies (the peak condition:T = 490–560°C,P< 1.5 GPa). The appearance of hydrous minerals in the eclogites indicates the important role of water in metamorphism. Medium-temperature eclogites are different from low-temperature ones in metamorphism. At last, the evolution of the high-pressure metamorphic belt is discussed as well. This research project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49372100).  相似文献   

The high- pressure(HP) and ultrahigh- pressure(UHP)metamorphic rocks developed in the Tongbai- Dabie Mountainswere the products of oblique collision between the Yangtzeand Sinokorean cratons in the Triassic.Yetthere are still lotsof controversies about the present tectonic distribution of theHP and U HP metamorphic rocks and their petrogenetic rela-tionships which are crucial to the understanding of the form a-tion and exhumation of the Tongbai- Dabie collisional orogenicbelt(Cong and W…  相似文献   

There are two extensional systems in the Xiaoqinling metamorphic core complex (XMCC). One is the detachment fault system developed along the peripheries of the XMCC, which extended in an ESE-WNW direction and whose upper plate moved towards the WNW. The other extensional system includes the retrograde shear zones and normal faults developed within the XMCC, which represent the collapse of the XMCC. Ar-Ar and K-Ar dating shows that the extension of the detachment fault system continued from 135 to 123 Ma, i.e. in the late stage of its evolution at about 127 Ma. The collapse represented by the extensional system within the XMCC was operative during 120(106 Ma, and its main activity occurred about 116 Ma ago. These suggest that the XMCC experienced two extensional stages in its evolution, i.e., the syn-orogenic regional extension and post-orogenic collapse extension.  相似文献   

豫西东秦岭造山带低压变质带的变质变形和变质反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
豫西西峡北部低压变质带受到4次变形改造。低压变质作用主要发生在D1和D2变形间期,形成黑云母-红柱石、石榴石-红柱石、十字石-红柱石和堇青石-红柱石4个递增变质带。由矿物变质反应识别出堇青石-红柱石带p-T趋势具有减压增温特点,这一演化特征可能反映变质作用具有地壳拉张的地球动力学特点。  相似文献   

A combined study of major and trace elements, fluid inclusions and oxygen isotopes has been carried out on garnet pyroxenite from the Raobazhai complex in the North Dabie Terrane (NDT). Well‐preserved compositional zoning with Na decreasing and Ca and Mg increasing from the core to rim of pyroxene in the garnet pyroxenite indicates eclogite facies metamorphism at the peak metamorphic stage and subsequent granulite facies metamorphism during uplift. A PT path with substantial heating (from c. 750 to 900 °C) after the maximum pressure reveals a different uplift history compared with most other eclogites in the South Dabie Terrane (SDT). Fluid inclusion data can be correlated with the metamorphic grade: the fluid regime during the peak metamorphism (eclogite facies) was dominated by N2‐bearing NaCl‐rich solutions, whereas it changed into CO2‐dominated fluids during the granulite facies retrograde metamorphism. At a late retrograde metamorphic stage, probably after amphibolite facies metamorphism, some external low‐salinity fluids were involved. In situ UV‐laser oxygen isotope analysis was undertaken on a 7 mm garnet, and impure pyroxene, amphibole and plagioclase. The nearly homogeneous oxygen isotopic composition (δ18OVSMOW = c. 6.7‰) in the garnet porphyroblast indicates closed fluid system conditions during garnet growth. However, isotopic fractionations between retrograde phases (amphibole and plagioclase) and garnet show an oxygen isotopic disequilibrium, indicating retrograde fluid–rock interactions. Unusual MORB‐like rare earth element (REE) patterns for whole rock of the garnet pyroxenite contrast with most ultra‐high‐pressure (UHP) eclogites in the Dabie‐Sulu area. However, the age‐corrected initial εNd(t) is ? 2.9, which indicates that the protolith of the garnet pyroxenite was derived from an enriched mantle rather than from a MORB source. Combined with the present data of oxygen isotopic compositions and the characteristic N2 content in the fluid inclusions, we suggest that the protolith of the garnet pyroxenite from Raobazhai formed in an enriched mantle fragment, which has been exposed to the surface prior to the Triassic metamorphism.  相似文献   

The present-day observable tectonic framework of the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic belts in the Dabie-Sulu region was dominantly formed by an extensional process, mostly between 200 and 170 Ma, following the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. The framework that controls the present spatial distribution of UHP and HP metamorphic rocks in particular displays the typical features of a Cordilleran-type metamorphic core complex, in which at least four regional-scale, shallow-dipping detachment zones are recognized. Each of these detachment zones corresponds to a pressure gap of 0.5 to 2.0 GPa. The detachment zones separate the rocks exposed in the region into several petrotectonic units with different P-T conditions. The geometry and kinematics of both the detachment zones and the petrotectonic units show that the exhumation of UHP and HP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu region was achieved, at least in part, by non-coaxial ductile flow in the mul  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of rocks cropping out near Stoer, within the Assynt terrane of the central region of the mainland Lewisian complex of NW Scotland, is investigated using phase equilibria modelling in the NCKFMASHTO and MnNCKFMASHTO model systems. The focus is on the Cnoc an t’Sidhean suite, garnet‐bearing biotite‐rich rocks (brown gneiss) with rare layers of white mica gneiss, which have been interpreted as sedimentary in origin. The results show that these rocks are polymetamorphic and experienced granulite facies peak metamorphism (Badcallian) followed by retrograde fluid‐driven metamorphism (Inverian) under amphibolite facies conditions. The brown gneisses are inferred to have contained an essentially anhydrous granulite facies peak metamorphic assemblage of garnet, quartz, plagioclase and ilmenite (±rutile, K‐feldspar and pyroxene) with biotite, hornblende, muscovite, chlorite and/or epidote as hydrous retrograde minerals. P–T constraints imposed by phase equilibria modelling imply conditions of 13–16 kbar at >900 °C for the Badcallian granulite facies metamorphic peak, consistent with the field evidence for partial melting in most lithologies. The white mica gneiss comprises a muscovite‐dominated matrix containing porphyroblasts of staurolite, corundum, kyanite and rare garnet. Previous studies have suggested that staurolite, corundum, kyanite and muscovite all grew at the granulite facies peak, with partial melting and melt loss producing a highly aluminous residue. However, at the inferred peak P–T conditions, staurolite and muscovite are not predicted to be stable, suggesting they are retrograde phases that grew during amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism. The large proportion of mica suggests extensive H2O‐rich fluid‐influx, consistent with the retrograde growth of hornblende, biotite, epidote and chlorite in the brown gneisses. P–T conditions of 5.0–6.5 kbar at 520–550 °C are derived for the Inverian event. In situ dating of zircon from samples of the white mica gneiss yield apparent ages that are difficult to interpret. However, the data are permissive of granulite facies (Badcallian) metamorphism having occurred at c. 2.7–2.8 Ga with subsequent fluid driven (Inverian) retrogression at c. 2.5–2.6 Ga, consistent with previous interpretations.  相似文献   

The Susunai Complex of southeast Sakhalin represents a subduction-related accretionary complex of pelitic and basic rocks. Two stages of metamorphism are recognized: (1) a local, low- P / T  event characterized by Si-poor calcic amphiboles; (2) a regional, high- P / T  event characterized by pumpellyite, actinolite, epidote, sodic amphibole, sodic pyroxene, stilpnomelane and aragonite. The major mineral assemblages of the high- P / T  Susunai metabasites contain pumpellyite+epidote+actinolite+chlorite, epidote+actinolite+chlorite, epidote+Na-amphibole+Na-pyroxene+chlorite+haematite. The Na- amphibole is commonly magnesioriebeckite. The Na-pyroxene is jadeite-poor aegirine to aegirine-augite. Application of empirically and experimentally based thermobarometers suggests peak conditions of T  =250–300 °C, P= 4.7–6 kbar. Textural relationships in Susunai metabasite samples and a petrogenetic grid calculated for the Fe3+-rich basaltic system suggest that pressure and temperature increased during prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

Two high-grade gneissic complexes of the Western Sudetes, the Góry Sowie Block and the Śnieżnik area complex, contain small, predominantly felsic granulitic inliers with minor Cpx-bearing intercalations. The P–T  conditions of the granulite facies events and of the subsequent re-equilibration are estimated using the ternary feldspar thermometer and the Geo-Calc computer program (version TWQ, Jan 92).
In the Góry Sowie granulites, the peak granulitic event occurred at c . 18–20 kbar and 900 °C, and the late decompressive re-equilibration within a range of 4–10 kbar and temperatures decreasing to 600–700 °C. The latter event is thought to have coincided with the main metamorphic phase in the surrounding gneisses.
The P–T  estimates are more scattered in the Śnieżnik granulites, but the peak conditions for the granulitic event are estimated at pressure over 22 kbar (possibly around 30 kbar) and temperature exceeding 900 °C. The analysed samples from the Śnieżnik area bear no significant evidence of lower-pressure re-equilibration.
Integrating the thermobarometric data and some age constraints indicates that the Góry Sowie granulites belong to the early stage 'type I' granulites of the Variscan Belt ( c . 400 Ma old), which are interpreted as fragments of continental crustal materials subducted to mantle depths in the earliest stages of the Variscan orogeny. The Śnieżnik granulites are more problematic; they may belong to a 'younger high- P suite' ( c . 350 Ma old), widespread in the southern and eastern parts of the Bohemian Massif, and possibly related to the climax of the Variscan continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

构造分析结合变质作用PTt轨迹和同位素年代学资源指出,现今观察到的大别-苏鲁超高压-高压变质带区域构造框架,主要是在印支期中-朝与扬子克拉通斜向碰撞及超高压-高压变质作用期后伸展体制下形成的(200-170Ma)。构造样式类似于北美科迪勒拉型变质核杂岩并发育多层低缓角度地壳尺度的伸展拆离带。几何形态表现为大型穹窿或小型穹窿群。区域伸展构造叠加于先期碰撞或挤压构造之上,控制了超高压和高压变质岩石的空间分布。大规模的近水平韧性伸展流动,是在超高压-高压变质岩石从地幔深处折返到中、下地壳层次及角闪岩相环境下发生的。广泛的减压部分熔融作用反映的壳-幔动力学过程和地壳热结构的变化,是促使造山带从挤压体制向伸展体制转换的因素之一。证明造山带尺度的地壳伸展和薄化作用,在超高压和高压变质岩石折返到地表动力学过程中,曾起过重要作用。  相似文献   

The Main Zone of the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt is an uplifted crustal section of island-arc type. The crust was formed during early Tertiary time, as a result of collision between two arc–trench systems of Cretaceous age. The crustal metamorphic sequence is divided into four metamorphic zones (I–IV), in which zone IV is in the granulite facies. A detailed study of the evolution of the Hidaka Belt, based on a revised P–T–t analysis of the metamorphic rocks, notably a newly found staurolite-bearing granulite, confirms a prograde isobaric heating path, after a supposed event of tectonic thickening of accretionary sedimentary and oceanic crustal rocks. During the peak metamorphic event (c. 53 Ma), the regional geothermal gradient attained 33–40° C km?1, and the highest P–T condition obtained from the lowest part of the granulite unit is 830° C, 7 kbar. In this part, XH2O of Gt–Opx–Cd gneiss is about 0.15 and that of Gt–Cd–Bt gneiss is 0.4. The P–T–XH2O condition of the granulite unit is well within a field where fluid-present partial melting of pelitic and greywacke metamorphic rocks takes place. This is in harmony with the restitic nature of the Gt–Opx–Cd gneiss in the lowest part of the granulite unit. The possibility that partial melting took place in the Main Zone is significant for the genesis of the peraluminous (S-type) granitic rocks within it. The S-type granitic rocks in this zone are Opx–Gt–Bt tonalite in the granulite zone, Gt–Cd–Bt tonalite in the amphibolite zone, and Cd–Bt–Mus tonalite in the Bt–Mus gneiss zone. The mineralogical and chemical nature of these strongly peraluminous tonalitic rocks permit them to be regarded as having been derived from S-type granitic magma generated by crustal anatexis of pelitic metamorphic rocks in deeper crust.  相似文献   

苏鲁高压—超高压变质带的折返构造及折返机制   总被引:77,自引:8,他引:77  
苏鲁高压—超高压变质带的折返构造是由韧性剪切叠覆构造岩片组成,具NWW-SEE向剪切矢量及SEE向NWW的剪切指向,与折返构造伴随的高压和超高压退变质反应过程与石英从高温—中温—低温的组构模式吻合。150~100Ma期间的伸展事件包含了北界韧性伸展转换性剪切带及莱阳盆地的形成、苏鲁高压—超高压变质带北部花岗岩侵位、折返面理弯曲形成背形构造及伴随的韧—脆性正滑构造。多学科的综合研究表明,240~220Ma扬子板块巨量物质往北深俯冲于北中国板块之下,220~200Ma高压—超高压变质岩石整体快速折返,折返板片中保存的自上而下变质岩石单元序列与剪切叠覆构造岩片的物质组成序列基本一致。提出苏鲁高压—超高压变质折返板片呈上拱的舌形体,变形分解表明苏鲁高压—超高压变质板片是在“挤出”机制下折返及受后期伸展事件的改造。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The High Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) of SE Zanskar consist of biotite paragneisses, of orthogneisses that derive from early-Palaeozoic granitoids, of minor metabasics and of post-metamorphic leucogranites of Miocene age. Two main metamorphic events have been documented in the HHC. The first event occurred at P= 12.0 ± 0.5 kbar and T= 750 ± 50° C in rare metabasics intruded by early-Palaeozoic granitoids. In the biotite paragneisses, thermobarometric estimates of the first event point to comparable T at P 4–5 kbar lower. The first event is followed by a pervasive syn-tectonic crystallization characterized by lower P and T. On the basis of the cooling ages of the metamorphic minerals and on the geological evidence, the second event is referred to the Tertiary Himalayan crystallization. Further petrological and geochronological studies are necessary to prove whether a few mineral relics ascribed to the first event define a polyphase Himalayan evolution or if they record the incomplete obliteration of an older history during the Himalayan event. The HHC of SE Zanskar show a decrease in metamorphic grade from the middle structural levels upward, close to the Kade unit, and downward, close to the Lesser Himalaya (from sillimanite-K-feldspar-biotite-bearing assemblages to kyanite-staurolite-muscovite-bearing assemblages). This metamorphic zonation is probably a consequence of the polyphase history of intracontinental thrusts and of the tectonic emplacement of hot crustal slabs within shallower and colder thrust sheets at relatively late stages of the continental collision between India and Eurasia.  相似文献   

出露于康定跑马山、丹巴格宗、公差等地的变质核杂岩地层,原岩为中酸性—中基性火山岩及沉积岩,经混合岩化及花岗岩化作用,形成一套正片麻岩及副片麻岩地层。获得1585—2341Ma原岩成岩同位素年龄值。应属康定群,时代为中元古代—太古代,为康滇地轴扬子地台结晶基底向北露头的延伸。  相似文献   

The Vincent thrust of the San Gabriel Mountains, southern California, separates eugeoclinal Pelona Schist from overlying Precambrian to Mesozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks of North American continental affinity. The thrust is generally considered to be synmetamorphic because of similarity in structural orientations and mineral assemblages between the Pelona Schist and mylonites at the base of the upper plate. In this study, compositions of calcic amphibole and plagioclase in the upper plate and structurally high Pelona Schist were compared to further test this interpretation. Amphibole in the schist is mostly actinolite to actinolitic hornblende with high Na/Al ratio, indicating relatively high-P/low-T metamorphism. Individual grains are zoned, with concentrations of both Na and Al decreasing from cores to rims. Premylonitic amphibole in the upper plate is hornblende, tschermakite and pargasite with compositions indicative of low- or medium-P metamorphism. During mylonitization, this amphibole was replaced by actinolite to actinolitic hornblende with a similar range of Na and Al as amphibole rims in the Pelona Schist, but with slightly lower Na/Al ratio. This is consistent with the decrease of Na/Al up-section previously noted within the Pelona Schist of this area, and is considered to be the result of an inverted thermal gradient during thrusting. Convergence of composition between schist and upper plate also occurs for K and Ti contents of amphibole and An content of plagioclase. These features provide strong evidence that mylonitization of the upper plate is closely related in space and time to metamorphism of the Pelona Schist and therefore that the Vincent thrust is a remnant of the primary fault along which the Pelona Schist and correlative units were subducted beneath North America. Nonetheless, very fine-scale differences in amphibole composition between the schist and upper plate may indicate that metamorphic re-equilibration could not quite keep pace with movement on the fault.  相似文献   

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