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本文针对渤海JZ20-2MUQ导管架式海洋平台,进行比例为1:10的模型结构的振动台试验研究.首先,根据原结构的基本参数,确定试验模型的几何参数,并通过试验结构的扫频分析,确定其基本力学性能以及隔震层的相关设计参数;其次,对模型结构进行数值计算分析,以确定磁流变阻尼器的基本参数;最后,对模型结构进行振动台试验研究,分别考察3种地震作用下的结构反应.试验结果证明:导管架式海洋平台结构的磁流变阻尼隔震方案对于减少导管架结构的振动、平台甲板的加速度和隔震层相对位移是非常有效的.  相似文献   

导管架式海洋平台结构阻尼隔振体系及其减振效果分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
导管架式海洋平台结构是当前应用最广的一种平台结构形式。本文研究导管架式海洋平台结构阻尼隔振体系及其减振效果。针对导管架式海洋平台结构的型式与特点,为了充分发挥阻尼器的耗能减振作用,提出了在平台结构导管架端帽和甲板之间设置柔性阻尼层的新型阻尼隔振方案。针对渤海JZ20-2MUQ平台结构,建立了海洋平台结构阻尼隔振体系简化计算模型,研究了隔振层参数与结构阻尼比的关系以及它们对结构整体和隔振层层间相对位移的控制效果;进行了多种冰荷载工况和地震工况的数值模拟。结果表明,阻尼隔振方案是导管架式海洋平台结构的一种有效的减振措施。  相似文献   

介绍了海洋固定平台抗震的研究现状、国内外现阶段采用的平台抗震规范以及目前平台抗震中存在的若干紧迫的问题.以锦州某WHPC导管架式海洋固定石油平台为例,对具有相同峰值加速度的美国API规范谱和通过地震安全性评价得到的场地谱以及我国<海上固定平台入级与建造规范>给出的规范谱分别拟合一组时程进行平台结构的地震时程分析,计算结果表明,对研究的该平台,在相同的峰值加速度条件下,安评场地谱时程输入得到的平台顶层甲板位移和柱腿单元最大弯曲应力大于船检局规范谱时程输入的结果,但两者均小于美国API规范谱时程输入的结果.实际平台抗震设防不能简单套用API规范.  相似文献   

提出了应用磁流变阻尼装置的多自由度结构顶层隔振控制方法.首先,以大质量比TMD控制的减振机理为基础,对顶层隔振结构的动力特性进行研究,建立合理的顶层隔振结构体系;然后,采用磁流变阻尼器对顶层隔振结构的隔振层进行被动和半主动控制,以避免其控制范围较窄的缺点;最后,对三自由度结构进行顶层隔振控制时程分析,得到了比较理想的控制效果.  相似文献   

本文对一种新型形状记忆合金阻尼器——锥形形状记忆合金阻尼器的性能进行了数值分析和试验研究。基于形状记忆合金的超弹性双线型本构模型,利用非线性有限元方法分析了锥形形状记忆合金阻尼器的滞回性能,并且用大型能用程序ANSYS进行了验证,得出锥形形状记忆合金阻尼器的滞回模型可简化为分段线性滞回模型,试验包括形状记忆合金丝的本构试验、疲劳试验阳阻尼器的性能试验.试验结果与数值分析结果基本吻合,形状记忆合金表现出良好的超弹性。  相似文献   

考虑到多维地震输入对网架结构的不利影响,基于形状记忆合金超弹性,研制出一种兼具自复位、高耗能及放大功能于一体的形状记忆合金复合黏滞阻尼器(Hybrid Shape Memory Alloy Viscous Dampers,简称HSMAVD),并通过试验研究该阻尼器在循环荷载作用下的力学性能;然后以平面四角锥网架模型为基础,将该阻尼器替换部分网架结构杆件,并分析该阻尼器减震控制效果。结果表明形状记忆合金与黏滞阻尼器复合后具有良好的协同工作能力,可有效发挥形状记忆合金的超弹性和黏滞阻尼器的速度相关特性,使其具有稳定的滞回性能和良好的耗能能力;采用阻尼杆件替换原杆件的方法既能对结构进行有效的减震控制,又不改变原有的结构形式,是一种优越的减震控制方法,并为HSMAVD被动控制系统在结构抗震中的实际应用提供新思路。  相似文献   

TLD对海洋平台地震反应控制的简化计算方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
调频液体阻尼器(Tune Liquid Damper,简称TLD)对地面结构位移反应与加速度反应的较好控制作用已得到理论与试验的验证。本文在此基础上研究了TLD对海洋平台动力反应控制的简化计算方法。计算中,TLD中液体的控制力采用较精确的数值计算法和简化计算法两种方法,通过对海洋平台地震反应计算的结果表明,该简化计算方法具有很高的精度,其结果对海洋平台的抗震设计具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

损伤和缺陷对海洋平台抗冰抗震性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现役导管架式海洋平台可能会存在裂纹、凹痕、腐蚀等缺陷和损伤,并可能受到海洋生物附着及地基土冲刷的影响,这些问题将减小构件强度或者放大荷载作用.取一座导管架海洋平台为例,应用动力时程及整体推进法进行分析,对比损伤前后动冰力作用下结构响应、结构抗冰能力曲线及剩余强度储备系数,并取3个地震波对损伤前后结构的地震响应、抗震能力曲线、抗震安全裕度系数进行对比.结果显示损伤和缺陷极大地降低了海洋平台抗冰抗震性能,对现役海洋平台的检测和维修也有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

在大震或特大震下,黏滞阻尼器可能因某个极限状态的出现而发生破坏。现有在斜拉桥上设置黏滞阻尼器的研究多集中在阻尼器的参数优化上,很少考虑到阻尼器失效对斜拉桥抗震性能的影响。针对这一问题,以某三塔斜拉桥为背景,利用OpenSees平台建立斜拉桥有限元模型和可以考虑承载力及行程极限的黏滞阻尼器模型;分析黏滞阻尼器的阻尼系数和阻尼指数对斜拉桥地震响应的影响,确定阻尼器参数的取值;对不安装阻尼器、安装不考虑极限状态及考虑极限状态阻尼器等多种工况的斜拉桥进行非线性时程分析,对比各工况斜拉桥的地震响应。分析结果表明,在大震下,考虑极限状态阻尼器的耗能能力及减震效果将显著降低;不考虑阻尼器达到极限状态后失效的情况将高估耗能减震设计斜拉桥的抗震能力。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of seismic isolation in protecting structural and non‐structural elements from damage has been assessed in an extensive programme of shaking‐table tests, carried out on four identical 1/3.3‐scale, two‐dimensional, reinforced concrete (R/C) frames. Four different isolation systems were considered, namely: (i) rubber‐based, (ii) steel‐based, (iii) shape memory alloy (SMA)‐based and (iv) hybrid, i.e. based on both SMA and steel components, isolation systems. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the main results of the experimental tests on base‐isolated models, whose structural response is described through: (i) maximum base displacements; (ii) maximum interstorey drifts; (iii) maximum storey accelerations and (iv) maximum storey shear forces. The evolution of the fundamental frequency of vibration of the R/C frame during the tests is also described. The beneficial effects of using base isolation resulted in no or slight damage, under strong earthquakes, to both structural and non‐structural members, as well as to the internal content of the building. The comparison with the experimental results obtained in shaking‐table tests on similar fixed‐base models emphasizes these positive aspects. Finally, advantages and drawbacks related to the use of each isolation system are discussed in the paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

滑移摩擦隔震系统在多向地面运动作用下的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
基础隔震通常只考虑隔离水平地面运动,而对竖向地面运动的影响注意不够,本文进行了滑移摩擦隔震系统的振动台房屋模型试验,研究多向地面运动输入时上部结构反应和隔震系统的性能,试验中分别对模型输入了不同方向的地震动,其中包括水平单向、水平双向、水平和竖向及三向地震动输入,对试验结果进行了分析比较,结果表明竖向地震动输入对上部结构的水平地震反应有显著影响,同时在橡胶隔震支座中产生了竖向拉力。  相似文献   

In this study, the effectiveness of a tuned liquid column-gas damper, TLCGD, on the suppression of seismic-induced vibrations of steel jacket platforms is evaluated. TLCGD is an interesting choice in the case of jacket platforms because it is possible to use the structural elements as the horizontal column of the TLCGD. The objective here is to find the optimum geometric parameters, namely orientation and configuration of vertical columns, length ratio, and area ratio of the TLCGD, considering nonlinear damping of the TLCGD and water-structure interaction between the jacket platform and sea water. The effects of different characteristics of ground motion such as PGA and frequency content on the optimum geometry are also investigated and it is observed that these features have some influence on the optimum area ratio. Finally it is observed that pulse arrangement of ground acceleration is one of the most important parameters affecting the efficiency of a TLCGD. In other words, it is found that the TLCGD’s capability to reduce the RMS responses depends only on the frequency content of the ground acceleration, but its capability to reduce the maximum responses depends on both the frequency content and the pulse arrangement of the ground acceleration.  相似文献   

An extensive experimental program of shaking table tests on reduced‐scale structural models was carried out within the activities of the MANSIDE project, for the development of new seismic isolation and energy dissipation devices based on shape memory alloys (SMAs). The aim of the experimental program was to compare the behaviour of structures endowed with innovative SMA‐based devices to the behaviour of conventional structures and of structures endowed with currently used passive control systems. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the main results of the shaking table tests carried out on the models with and without special braces. Two different types of energy dissipating and re‐centring braces have been considered to enhance the seismic performances of the tested model. They are based on the hysteretic properties of steel elements and on the superelastic properties of SMAs, respectively. The addition of passive control braces in the reinforced concrete frame resulted in significant benefits on the overall seismic behaviour. The seismic intensity producing structural collapse was considerably raised, interstorey drifts and shear forces in columns were drastically reduced. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shaking table tests are performed on a one‐bay one‐story steel frame with superelastic Cu–Al–Mn shape memory alloy (SMA) tension braces. The frame is subjected to a series of scaled ground motions recorded during the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan. The test results demonstrate that the SMA braces are effective to prevent residual deformations and pinching. It is also shown that the time history responses observed from the shaking table tests agree well with the numerical predictions using a rate‐independent piecewise‐linear constitutive model calibrated to the quasi‐static component tests of the SMA braces. This suggests that the loading rate dependence of Cu–Al–Mn SMAs as well as the modeling error due to the piecewise linear approximation can be neglected in capturing the global response of the steel frame. Numerical simulations under a suite of near‐fault ground motion records are further performed using the calibrated analytical models to demonstrate the effectiveness of the SMA braces when the variability of near‐fault ground motions is taken into account. A stopper, or a deformation restraining device, is also proposed to prevent premature fracture of SMA bars in unexpectedly large ground motions while keeping the self‐centering capability in moderate to large ground motions. The effectiveness of the stopper is also demonstrated in the quasi‐static component and shaking table tests. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一种SMA复合摩擦阻尼器的设计与性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用形状记忆合金(SMA)的超弹性特性,将SMA丝与摩擦阻尼器复合,提出了一种SMA复合摩擦阻尼器,给出了SMA复合摩擦阻尼器的工作机理和设计方法,建立了其理论模型,确定了SMA复合摩擦阻尼器的力-位移滞回曲线,并对一SMA复合摩擦阻尼器控震单自由度体系在地震作用下的动力响应进行了数值模拟。结果表明,提出的SMA复合摩擦阻尼器具有优良的耗能减振性能。  相似文献   

Given their excellent self‐centering and energy‐dissipating capabilities, superelastic shape memory alloys (SMAs) become an emerging structural material in the field of earthquake engineering. This paper presents experimental and numerical studies on a scaled self‐centering steel frame with novel SMA braces (SMAB), which utilize superelastic Ni–Ti wires. The braces were fabricated and cyclically characterized before their installation in a two‐story one‐bay steel frame. The equivalent viscous damping ratio and ‘post‐yield’ stiffness ratio of the tested braces are around 5% and 0.15, respectively. In particular, the frame was seismically designed with nearly all pin connections, including the pinned column bases. To assess the seismic performance of the SMA braced frame (SMABF), a series of shake table tests were conducted, in which the SMABF was subjected to ground motions with incremental seismic intensity levels. No repair or replacement of structural members was performed during the entire series of tests. Experimental results showed that the SMAB could withstand several strong earthquakes with very limited capacity degradation. Thanks to the self‐centering capacity and pin‐connection design, the steel frame was subjected to limited damage and zero residual deformation even if the peak interstory drift ratio exceeded 2%. Good agreement was found between the experimental results and numerical simulations. The current study validates the prospect of using SMAB as a standalone seismic‐resisting component in critical building structures when high seismic performance or earthquake resilience is desirable under moderate and strong earthquakes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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