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江苏省矿产品进出口贸易对我省国民经济的发展起着十分重要的作用。分析了江苏省矿产产品进行出口贸易现状、供需形势、加入世界贸易组织的影响,提出了我省能源、钢铁等矿产品存在资源紧缺、供需矛盾较突出的严峻问题,为政府对矿产品进出口政策作出调整提供依据。  相似文献   

据《中国有色金属报》消息:今年以来,我国矿产品产量快速增长,矿产品进出口贸易健康发展,矿业经济迈进快速平稳运行轨道。  相似文献   

席卷全球的金融危机正在疯狂肆虐,矿业也难以独善其身。金融危机导致矿产品价格全线跳水、矿业公司股价大幅下跌、矿产品需求下降。矿产品价格大幅下跌是矿产品价格在挤出泡沫之后的一种理性回归。矿业发展自身的规律与百年不遇的金融危机的相互叠加、相互影响,加速了此轮矿业繁荣周期的终结并开始了走向下行期的步伐。金融危机给矿业带来了挑战与机遇,但机遇远大于挑战。对此提出如下建议:改善中国矿业投资环境,调整矿产品进出口政策;培育大型跨国矿业公司,提高竞争力;建立国外资源储备基地,吸引海外地质勘查人才;重新审视和再认识地勘基金的定位;抓住有利时机整合资源,促进矿业结构调整。  相似文献   

金融危机对矿业的影响及分析预测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
席卷全球的金融危机正在疯狂肆虐,矿业也难以独善其身.金融危机导致矿产品价格全线跳水、矿业公司股价大幅下跌、矿产品需求下降.矿产品价格大幅下跌是矿产品价格在挤出泡沫之后的一种理性回归.矿业发展自身的规律与百年不遇的金融危机的相互叠加、相互影响,加速了此轮矿业繁荣周期的终结并开始了走向下行期的步伐.金融危机给矿业带来了挑战与机遇,但机遇远大于挑战.对此提出如下建议:改善中国矿业投资环境,调整矿产品进出口政策;培育大型跨国矿业公司,提高竞争力;建立国外资源储备基地,吸引海外地质勘查人才;重新审视和再认识地勘基金的定位;抓住有利时机整合资源,促进矿业结构调整.  相似文献   

中钢集团天津地质研究院有限公司成立于1972年,是中国中钢股份有限公司的全资子公司,主要从事矿产地质勘查与科学研究、矿产品加工技术的科研与开发、进出口矿产品商检和黄金饰品无损检测、珠宝玉石的教学科研与鉴定、珠宝饰品的加工与销售等。中钢地质院具有合理的技术人才队伍和完善的研究开发设施,拥有理学硕士学位授予权,编辑出版公开发行的地学科技期刊《地质找矿论丛》。  相似文献   

中钢集团天津地质研究院成立于1972年,现隶属于中国中钢集团公司。主要从事矿产地质科学研究、矿产品加工技术的科研与开发、进出口商品检验和黄金无损检测、珠宝玉石的教学科研与鉴定、珠宝饰品的加工与商贸等。  相似文献   

中钢集团天津地质研究院成立于1972年,隶属于中国中钢集团公司。主要从事矿产地质科学研究、矿产品加工技术的科研与开发、进出口商品检验和黄金无损检测、珠宝玉石的教学科研与鉴定、珠宝饰品的加工与商贸等。具有合理的技术人员队伍和完善的研究开发设施。  相似文献   

钢铁、黄金、稀贯金属、非常规能源……哪些是未来新宠?哪些将四面楚歌?2014中国国际矿业大会的矿产品专题论坛,虽然没有上年那般热闹场面,但5场分论坛听下来,明显感到大会对矿产品的关注点做了调整,提高了内容的“技术含量”,矿产品形势分析聚焦如何找出路,新技术介绍更重视实效性。  相似文献   

正国土资源部部长姜大明9月23日表示,过去五年,中国地质勘查投入累计5682亿元,新发现大中型矿产地730多处,新增一批亿吨级油田和千亿方级气田。五年来,中国地质找矿取得重要成果,国内矿产资源供应能力稳步提高,一次能源总产量117亿吨标准煤、铁矿石总产量68亿吨、10种有色金属总产量2亿吨,矿产对外贸易持续发展,矿产品进出口  相似文献   

当前全球矿业形势分析与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球矿业发展与工业化进程密切相关,具有与全球经济发展周期基本一致的显著的周期性特征。在同一个周期内,各种资源需求在时间上具有波次(递进)性,它决定着矿业的持续与繁荣。从2003开始全球矿业进入了第3个周期,其特征包括矿业产业集中度加剧、垄断特征更加显著、矿产品低成本时代终结等。同时,这一时期出现了大量国际金融资本进入矿产品市场的现象,使得矿产品价格体系趋于复杂化。从中长期来看,中国、印度、非洲等新兴经济体工业化、城镇化进程不会停滞,刚性资源需求将推动此轮超级周期继续前行。从中短期来看,欧美债务危机继续升级恶化,中东格局正发生着重大变化,全球经济二次探底风险愈发增大。在全球经济增长不如预期、矿产品需求下降、新增矿山产能释放和矿产品价格进入新一轮调整阶段的情况下,未来一段时期内,全球矿业形势将表现为"需求放缓、价格高位、震荡加剧"。  相似文献   

笔者把井底破岩过程看作一个叫做“黑箱”的控制系统,它的输入(P、n、Q等)和输出(扭矩M,功率N等)之间的规律性,可借助计算机拟合出来。笔者通过大量实验建立的功率公式可用于预测和控制。多次试验表明,若井底破岩功率超过了预测区间的上限(95%可信度),则烧钻很快发生。  相似文献   

我国直接为农业服务的磷、硫、钾矿资源总体形势不容乐观。针对各自资源特点,应采取不同的发展战略:磷——立足国内,有进有出,南出北进;硫——立足国内,适当进口,调整结构,必要储备;钾——稳定进口,国外开发,国内开发,国内找矿,四位一体,分三步走。为此建议:将磷、硫、钾纳入战略性矿产资源的范畴进行管理和规划;强化地勘队伍,加大找矿力度;增加投入,寻求新的突破;加大“走出去”的步伐;规范进出口秩序;国家在更高的层面进行宏观调控;拓宽为农业服务的新领域。  相似文献   

The impact of trade on the environment and the climate has become a focus of attention. Tending to develop industries with higher added values, developed countries rely on importing high energy consumption goods from developing countries, and however, some CO2 emissions are embodied in the process of import. Currently, the accounting method of the territorial responsibility used to get the international data of greenhouse gas inventories ignores the difference between domestic consumption and export demands. Thus, developing countries bear the responsibility of pollution emissions from the export. The steel industry is an important basic industry of China’s national economy as well as a vital part in the industrial system. With the expansion of trade scale, the impact of the export and import of China’s steel on CO2 emissions is growing. This paper studied the embodied CO2 emissions in the trade of China’s steel from 2005 to 2014, using the input–output model and the trade data of the China’s steel imports and exports. The results indicate that (1) the complete CO2 emissions of China’s steel industry are high. (2) The increase in the export scale makes the embodied CO2 emissions in the trade of China’s steel export increase, and (3) China is a net exporter of CO2 emissions in the steel trade. Especially after 2007, the value of China’s steel exports has been larger than that of China’s steel imports, so China had borne much CO2 emissions responsibility in the trade of China’s steel. Therefore, this paper puts forward that, in the future, the export structure of goods should be optimized into the high-tech products with the high added value, low energy consumption and low carbon emissions, and meanwhile, service industry is promoted to improve technical support to reduce CO2 emissions in the steel industry.  相似文献   

中国西北地区的生态足迹   总被引:130,自引:11,他引:130  
可持续发展指标体系的研究是可持续发展研究领域的一个重点问题 .在介绍生态足迹理论的基础上 ,应用中国西北五省区的截面统计资料对该区域 1999年的发展状况进行了评价 .结果发现 ,陕、甘、宁、青、新的生态足迹都呈现赤字 (分别为 0 .1119、0 .3995、0 .42 42、0 .0 6 1、0 .886 3hm2 ·人 -1) ,这表明我国西北五省区的消费模式是不可持续的 ;还发现各省区的人均生态足迹需求的GDP产出系数呈现出陕 >宁 >青 >甘 >新 ,这反映出五省区的资源消耗产出效率的差异 .最后对生态足迹理论尚待进一步深入研究的几个方面进行了简要的评述 .  相似文献   

West Falmouth Harbor, a shallow lagoon on Cape Cod, has experienced a threefold increase in nitrogen load since the mid- to late 1990s due to input from a groundwater plume contaminated by a municipal wastewater treatment plant. We measured the exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus between the harbor and the coastal waters of Buzzards Bay over several years when the harbor was experiencing this elevated nitrogen load. During summer months, the harbor not only retained the entire watershed nitrogen load but also had a net import of nitrogen from Buzzards Bay. During the spring and fall, the harbor had a net export of nitrogen to Buzzards Bay. We did not measure the export in winter, but assuming the winter net export was less than 112 % of the load, the harbor exported less than half of the watershed nitrogen load on an annual basis. For phosphorus, the harbor had a net import from coastal waters in the spring and summer months and a net export in the fall. Despite the large increase in nitrogen load to the harbor, the summertime import of phosphorus from Buzzards Bay was sufficient to maintain nitrogen limitation of primary productivity during the summer. Our findings illustrate that shallow systems dominated by benthic producers have the potential to retain large terrestrial nitrogen loads when there is sufficient supply of phosphorus from exchange with coastal waters.  相似文献   

国内外铁矿石市场形势分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈甲斌  许敬华 《江苏地质》2007,31(2):151-156
铁矿石是钢铁工业稳健发展的基石。长期以来,我国铁矿石都处于供不应求状态,目前已经成为国际市场的最大买主,被号称为“全球吸铁石”。由于我国在国际市场上大量采购铁矿石,使得近年铁矿石价格变得扑朔迷离,为此付出了沉重的经济代价。为了更好地利用国外铁矿资源,更加理性地看待国内外铁矿石的供需问题,对国内外铁矿石的供需状况、进出口贸易及价格走势等市场方面的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional, vertically integrated, nonlinear numerical model was applied to investigate the tide-driven bed load transport of sediments and morphodynamics in the shallow coastal lagoon of Yavaros, located in the southeastern part of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Satellite imagery exposes strong sediment dynamics in this coastal region. The dynamics in the lagoon were forced by 13 tidal constituents at the open boundary. Tides are of a mixed character and they are predominantly semidiurnal. The calculations showed areas of intense tidal currents and considerable water exchange with the Gulf of California. Numerical experiments revealed an ebb-dominant tidal distortion and a net export of sediment from the lagoon to the Gulf of California. A simulation of 20 years showed that the lagoon exported about 1,600 m3 of sediment; however, the daily oscillating exchange of sediment reached values of around 8 m3. The daily averaged flux of export–import sediments oscillates principally with semiannual, monthly and fortnightly periods. By applying a threshold velocity, a variable friction coefficient and the calculated amplitude of tidal velocities, it was possible to determine that morphological changes occur in zones of sharp topographic gradients and to explain the effect of friction on the export–import process of sediments. A 10-year simulation revealed that accumulation of sediment (~20 cm) occurred in small areas, whereas erosion occurred in larger areas but with less intensity (~8 cm). Besides the importance for the morphodynamics, these kinds of erosion–accretion processes may be relevant for the marine ecology.  相似文献   

Ryan E. Galt   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1378-1392
The environmental impact of agro-export production in developing countries remains an important research topic. The political economy-inspired literature on developing country agro-exports maintains that export crops are pesticide intensive – or, more generally, environmentally destructive – while local and national market crops are less pesticide intensive, or environmentally benign. If used to draw conclusions about the impact of national market versus export market expansion, this view has significant limitations, most importantly the comparison of high-commodity value export crops with low-commodity value crops for national market. To overcome this and other limitations of prior analyses, this paper addresses the question: how does market orientation influence pesticide intensity where the same crops are grown for both the national market and for export? Data from a survey of Costa Rican vegetable farmers are used to compare pesticide intensity of 27 vegetable crops, five of which are produced for both national and export markets. The general pattern that emerges is that national market vegetables are more pesticide intensive than export vegetables in the area. Yet, controlling more for the crop variable is important, and specific comparisons of the five vegetables grown for both markets – carrot, chayote, corn, green beans, and squash – illustrate that market orientation alone does not determine pesticide intensity, but that it is jointly influenced by regulatory risk, crop value, and pest susceptibility, among other factors. Continued attention to both political economy and ecological processes in “second nature” will allow political ecology to make important contributions to understanding pesticide problems and implementing agroecological solutions.  相似文献   

水足迹与主成分分析法耦合的新疆水资源承载能力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于钋  尚熳廷  姚梅  刘佩贵 《水文》2021,41(1):49-54,34
通过耦合水足迹理论与主成分分析方法,构建基于水足迹的新疆地区水资源承载力评价指标体系,分析研究区2010~2015年间水资源承载能力变化情况.结果表明:2010~2015年间新疆地区的水资源承载力呈先增大后减小的现象,2014年水资源承载力最差,供水压力最大.其中,研究区的承载力主要受水资源和社会因素以及进出口贸易中虚...  相似文献   

综合地质数据库系统的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对地质数据数量庞大、数据分布散乱、数据种类繁多、数据格式复杂等特点,根据线分类方法,对综合地质数据进行分类,提出了地质数据树的概念,运用了综合地质数据模型,采用关系数据库技术,建立了综合地质数据库.同时利用系统导入导出功能,从地质工作的角度实现数据的备份与恢复.将基于角色的资源访问控制(RBAC)思想引入到系统的权限...  相似文献   

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