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地理信息系统存在隐私问题。本文梳理美国的隐私保护法律体系,分析美国与欧盟关于隐私法律保护法律模式的差异,研究安全港框架及相关原则对数据跨境流转的作用,期望对我国地理信息系统的法律制度构建有比较法意义。  相似文献   

朱长青  任娜 《测绘通报》2015,(11):112-114
地理信息安全政策和法律对于保护地理信息安全至关重要。本文首先对地理信息的安全现状进行了论述,然后对地理信息安全的政策和法律研究现状进行了梳理,最后分析了我国地理信息安全政策和法律中存在的问题。  相似文献   

邱越 《中国测绘》2011,(2):86-86
法国的隐私保护监管部门近日表示.由于谷歌街景地图服务违反了法国的隐私保护法律.因此将对谷歌罚款10万欧元。  相似文献   

吴卫东 《测绘通报》2013,(2):109-112,115
市场经济体制改革启动以来,我国测绘地理信息知识产权保护取得一定成绩,但还存在理论研究滞后、法律制度过于笼统、司法维权意识弱、从业单位申报知识产权的积极性不高、不同类型的市场主体对知识产权的保护严重不均衡、行政监管缺失等问题.加强测绘地理信息知识产权保护,必须一手抓法制,一手抓监管.在完善法制方面,要坚持传承和发展并重,突出完善制度和强化责任两个方面;在加强测绘地理信息产权监管方面,要从体制机制人手,着力形成符合行业特点的工作制度和措施.  相似文献   

大规模移动对象轨迹数据的采集、发布及分析挖掘,为诸如交通路况分析、城市规划及社区发现等各类应用提供了有效的支撑。然而,如果不加保护地直接发布这些轨迹数据,恶意的攻击推理将对个体隐私带来严重的威胁。因此,兼顾用户高隐私保护度和数据高可用性的隐私保护技术是轨迹数据发布研究中的核心内容。首先,介绍了轨迹数据发布的场景、架构以及隐私保护的目标;然后,阐述了近年来国内外该领域中主要的隐私保护技术及相应的度量标准;最后,展望了该领域的未来研究工作。  相似文献   

在移动轨迹数据发布场景中,由于攻击者所拥有的背景知识及攻击模型的差异,使得无法对不同隐私保护机制的隐私保护度和数据可用性进行统一评价。针对该问题,提出了一个顾及用户、攻击者和隐私保护机制的度量框架。定义了一个融合攻击者背景知识和攻击方法等因素的隐私度量指标U_m,使得不同的隐私保护机制在统一度量下能够进行有效性比较,有助于数据发布方选择合适的隐私保护机制以获取隐私保护和数据可用性之间的均衡。在两个真实轨迹数据集上进行的实验验证了该框架以及度量指标的有效性。  相似文献   

地理信息数据是国家重要的信息资源,在数字经济发展中发挥着重要作用。通过总结梳理我国政府部门地理信息数据开放现状,分析了其中存在的问题和不足,为提升我国政府部门地理信息数据开放水平提供参考和借鉴。利用文献调研的研究方法,调研了我国有关政府部门地理信息数据开放现状以及发达国家政府部门地理信息数据开放的有益经验,分析了我国政府部门地理信息数据开放面临的新形势。建议通过建立健全有关体制机制和有关法律标准规范,有序开放相关部门数据,增加社会参与度,推动我国政府部门地理信息数据开放。  相似文献   

分析地理信息主管这一高层次复合型人才提出的背景,介绍地理信息主管的性质和职责及其在美国的发展。在对国内外地理信息相关人才培养情况的分析基础上,指出我国地理信息主管人才培养的必要性,并对我国地理信息主管人才培养进行思考。最后,提出我国地理信息主管人才培养的大致思路:着重对人才进行基本技术的培养和管理能力的培养。  相似文献   

目前 ,世界上许多国家都从战略上大力研究地理信息。本文阐述并比较了澳大利亚、美国、荷兰和英国等 4个国家的地理信息政策。  相似文献   

本文通过舆情大数据对我国及美国使用的8款疫情地理信息应用程序进行疫情防控、疫情地理信息应用之间的关系分析,形成了3方面的认识:①测绘地理信息在疫情防控中具有比较重要的作用;②与美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学疫情地图相比,我国的疫情地图网站、APP应用程序等仍是获取国内疫情地理信息的主要渠道;③由企业提供的疫情地理信息应用比由政府部门提供的疫情地理信息应用影响广、应用深。  相似文献   

As this article is published, the U.S. Census Bureau is completing work for the twenty third decennial census of the United States. Once again, the MAF/TIGER system served as the geospatial infrastructure supporting numerous census operations and data collection, tabulation, and dissemination activities. From data collection to data dissemination we trace the recent activities of the 2010 Decennial Census of the United States to illustrate the role maps and geospatial data play in an increasing variety of public and private sector activities across the nation. To ensure a successful 2010 Census, millions of maps had to be created. This article will give an overview of the automated mapping system designed to create these maps. This includes a discussion about associated software needed and the variety of map types that were developed. Finally, future map production and geospatial activities at the Census Bureau will be discussed.  相似文献   

汇集和分析了地址数据标准化在国外的发展现状。结合美国目前地址标准化的进展,分析了美国邮政及民政部门的地址编码技术特点,介绍了地址数据标准化的需求及其在空间信息整合方面的作用。讨论了地址数据标准化的内涵、方法和一些热点问题。  相似文献   

本文从三个方面对美国GPS现代化战略进行分析研究。首先对美国GPS现代化的内外环境因素进行剖析,指出美国GPS现代化战略的实质;其次对美国GPS现代化的内容进行评析,指出了其计划过程及推进情况;最后对美国国家安全空间战略和太空政策对GPS现代化的影响进行讨论。本文对我国北斗卫星系统的发展具有一定的指导意义。   相似文献   

This article describes the Cancer Atlas Viewer: free, downloadable software for the exploration of United States cancer mortality data. We demonstrate the software by exploring spatio-temporal patterns in colon cancer mortality rates for African-American and white females and males in the southeastern United States over the period 1970–1995. We compare the results of two cluster statistics: the local Moran and the local G*, through time. Overall, the two statistics reach similar conclusions for most locations. Where they disagree reveals functional differences in the kinds of local spatial variation to which the statistics are sensitive and identifies some interesting patterns in the data. There are only two persistent clusters of colon cancer mortality through time, and these are clusters of low values.This project was funded by grant CA92669 from the National Cancer Institute to BioMedware, Inc. The perspectives stated in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute. Constructive criticism from Heidi Durbeck of BioMedware, Peter Rogerson of SUNY-Buffalo, and three anonymous reviewers helped us improve the interpretation and presentation of these results.  相似文献   

王任享 《测绘科学》2013,38(1):5-7,43
本文介绍了天绘一号卫星立项前的预先研究和试验工作、摄影测量研究历程框架以及关键的学术思想。EFP多功能光束法平差结果表明:无地面控制点目标定位精度达到工程技术指标,并与美国SRTM相对精度相当。此外,笔者还简要地介绍了国外主要传输型卫星无地面控制点摄影测量历程。  相似文献   


This paper covers the development of a GIS instructional module centered on the reintroduction of the Mexican Gray Wolf in the Southwest, United States. This module is used in an undergraduate geography course on the United States. The paper also reports on how forty‐one students applied the module in trying to find an appropriate location to reintroduce the wolf.  相似文献   

In this study, an empirical assessment approach for the risk of crop loss due to water stress was developed and used to evaluate the risk of winter wheat loss in China, the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. We combined statistical and remote sensing data on crop yields with climate data and cropland distribution to model the effect of water stress from 1982 to 2011. The average value of winter wheat loss due to water stress for the three European countries was about ?931 kg/ha, which was higher than that in China (?570 kg/ha) and the United States (?367 kg/ha). Our study has important implications for the operational assessment of crop loss risk at a country or regional scale. Future studies should focus on using higher spatial resolution remote sensing data, combining actual evapotranspiration to estimate water stress, improving the method for downscaling of statistical crop yield data and establishing more sophisticated zoning methods.  相似文献   

This article describes the Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) service being developed in the United States and the enormous benefits to federal agencies, state governments, and the general public. ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Massive social media data produced from microblog platforms provide a new data source for studying human dynamics at an unprecedented scale. Meanwhile, population bias in geotagged Twitter users is widely recognized. Understanding the demographic and socioeconomic biases of Twitter users is critical for making reliable inferences on the attitudes and behaviors of the population. However, the existing global models cannot capture the regional variations of the demographic and socioeconomic biases. To bridge the gap, we modeled the relationships between different demographic/socioeconomic factors and geotagged Twitter users for the whole contiguous United States, aiming to understand how the demographic and socioeconomic factors relate to the number of Twitter users at county level. To effectively identify the local Twitter users for each county of the United States, we integrate three commonly used methods and develop a query approach in a high-performance computing environment. The results demonstrate that we can not only identify how the demographic and socioeconomic factors relate to the number of Twitter users, but can also measure and map how the influence of these factors vary across counties.  相似文献   

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