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The cyclicity of weak local and strong large-scale components of the low-latitude solar magnetic field during the last three cycles of solar activity is studied using the average monthly values for the total area of sunspots and general magnetic field of the sun as a star. A local decrease in the value of magnetic flux is found for both components of the magnetic field in the phase of growing solar activity. This decrease coincides in time with the intervals of monopolarity for the polar magnetic field of the sun.  相似文献   

In the quasi-linear theory of pitch angle scattering the power spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations is related to the shape of the pitch angle diffusion coefficient D(), the absolute value of the mean free path , and the rigidity dependence of the mean free path (R). We discuss these relations in detail during the solar particle event of 11 April, 1978 which was observed on HELIOS-2 at a distance of 0.49 AU from the Sun. Magnetic field measurements obtained during the time of the event are used as a basis for the layer model in which the method of particle trajectories in an actually measured field is used to simulate pitch angle diffusion. The values of D() and based on the trajectory simulation for 100 MeV protons (field approach) are compared with results obtained from solar proton data (particle approach) and with predictions from quasi-linear theory based on the additional assumption of the slab model for magnetic field fluctuations (QLT approach). The time of the event is characterized by a high level of field fluctuations, the observed mean free path of about 0.03 AU for 100 MeV protons is smaller than the average value near 1 AU. Results from the field and particle approaches agree surprisingly well. The remaining difference in the mean free path of about a factor of 2 could be due to tangential discontinuities which are measured by the magnetometer, but not seen by the real particles traveling along the average field. The results from the field and QLT approaches based on the same set of magnetic field measurements differ by about a factor of 4. One of the reasons for this discrepancy is that the conditions for resonance scattering are only marginally valid. In addition, the wave vectors representing Alfvén-type fluctuations may not be totally field aligned. This deviation from the slab model would cause an increase of the theoretically predicted mean free path and lead to better agreement with the other two approaches.  相似文献   

S. R. Kane  M. Pick 《Solar physics》1976,47(1):293-304
Hard X-ray and radio observations lead to the conclusion that production of non-thermal electrons is a common phenomenon of the active Sun. A preliminary analysis of three hard X-ray bursts observed with the OGO-5 satellite and the radio observations reported in the literature indicates that non-thermal particles are present in the flare region prior to the impulsive (flash) phase and also during the gradual rise and fall (GRF) bursts which are usually explained in terms of purely thermal radiation. The principal difference between the non-thermal electrons observed before the flash phase and during the flash phase appears to be in their total number rather than in the hardness of their energy spectrum. This indicates that the basic characteristics of the two acceleration processes are probably similar although the total energy converted into non-thermal electrons is considerably larger in the flash phase than in the build-up phase. Transient absorbing H features and filament activations are discussed in terms of their ability to produce energetic particle events and magnetic energy release.Presently at the Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley and Institute of Plasma Research, Stanford University, Stanford, California.  相似文献   

Coordinates of polar faculae have been measured and processed using daily photoheliograms of the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo observatory with the final goal of studying their latitude distribution during the solar cycles 20–21. The results obtained are as follows:
  1. The first polar faculae emerge immediately after the polarity inversion of the solar magnetic field at the latitudes from 40° to 70° with the average ?-55°.
  2. The zone of the emergence of polar faculae migrates poleward during the period between the neighbouring polarity inversions of the solar magnetic field. This migration is about 20° for 8 years, which corresponds to a velocity of 0.5 m s-1.
  3. The maximum number of polar faculae was reached at the activity minimum (1975–1976).
  4. The last polar faculae were observed in the second half of 1978 at the latitudes from 70° to 80°.

An analysis of the Lowell Observatory photographic plates of Saturn gave the following results: (1) ring A and B show peculiar brightness distributions around the planet, from which we conclude that both are composed of particles in synchronous rotation. (2) The leading side of the particles in ring A is brighter than the trailing side by about 4%, which may indicate an interaction between such particles and the interplanetary medium. (3) Scans of the rings across the major axis show a small (~0.3″) region of enhanced brightness, from which we derive a value ofT s =10h13 . m 8±5 . m 4 for the actual planetary rotational period of Saturn. (4) In order to explain the synchronous rotation, the particles in ring A have to be at least 42 m in diameter.  相似文献   

We offer an interpretation of the now widely discussed protracted onset of the epoch of solar activity minimum after cycle 23. The interpretation appeals to the Gnevyshev-Ohl rule, but in the context of a new statistical quantity-the product of the cycle amplitude by its duration. Considering this quantity, which has the same physical meaning as that of the integrated characteristic used by Gnevyshev and Ohl, yields a probable estimate for the onset of the minimum of the current cycle in the interval 2009.0–2012.4.  相似文献   

Low noise photoelectric measurements of the line profile of the g = 0 Fe line gl 5576.097 combined with determinations of the wavelength shift of its centre calibrated by use of an I 2 absorption tube are reported. Measurements taken at various limb distances (1.0 cos 0.2) and along 4 different diameters of the Sun are used to investigate the behaviour of the line asymmetry (C-shape) and wavelength shift of the line centre as functions of cos and of latitude and to search for possible pole-equator differences.An accuracy of approx. 0.8 mÅ r.m.s. is achieved for the determination of the centre of the solar line relative to the iodine lines and of 0.3 mÅ to 1 mÅ r.m.s. for the relative variations of the C-shape. The analysis shows a significant difference between the limb-effect curves along polar and equatorial diameters for cos 0.4 and changes of the C-shape for 0.9 cos 0.6 with a rather strong indication of a latitude dependence of the C-shape. This latitude dependence may account for the so-called ears observed by Howard et al. (1980) who used the well-known Doppler compensator method which integrates the line asymmetry from the line wings to the core.Mitteilungen aus dem Kiepenheuer-Institut Nr. 207.  相似文献   

We studied the dependence of the A p -index describing the geomagnetic disturbance on the Moon’s phase. We processed available data for cycles 20–23 of the solar activity by the epoch super-position method. We discovered that, in the declining branch of the solar cycle, the highest values of the A p -index relative to an average value are observed near new moon. The difference of the A p -index values for new moon and full moon is approximately 18%. In the branch of increase and maximum of the solar cycle, we observed minimum values of the A p -index during several days before full moon, and maximum values of the A p -index take place during several days after full moon. The conclusion follows from this that the mechanism of the Moon’s effect on the earth’s magnetosphere is different essentially for intervals near new moon and full moon.  相似文献   

A new crossing method for the study of turbulent velocities in solar and stellar photospheres is considered. The method does not need knowledge of the abundance and oscillator strengths for determining the microturbulent velocity, if the macroturbulent velocity is adopted; or it allows investigation of the micro- and macro-velocities simultaneously, if the abundance and oscillator strengths are known. Using the crossing method for 200 lines of neutral iron we obtain microturbulent velocities for a large range of depths in the solar photosphere. The distribution of macroturbulent velocities with depth is also investigated. The total velocity field calculated from the obtained micro- and macro-velocities agrees with previous results from independent methods. This demonstrates the reliability of using the crossing method for separate determination of the micro- and macroturbulent velocities in solar and stellar atmospheres.  相似文献   

Predictions of the strength of solar cycles are important and are necessary for planning long-term missions.A new solar cycle 25 is coming soon,and the amplitude is needed for space weather operators.Some predictions have been made using different methods and the values are drastically different.However,since 2015 July 1,the original sunspot number data have been entirely replaced by the Version 2.0 data series,and the sunspot number values have changed greatly.In this paper,using Version 2 smoothed sunspot numbers and aa indices,we verify the predictions for cycles 18–24 based on Ohl’s Precursor Method.Then a similar-cycles method is used to evaluate the aa minimum of 9.7(±1.1)near the start of cycle 25 and based on the linear regression relationship between sunspot maxima and aa minima,our predicted Version 2maximum sunspot number for cycle 25 is 121.5(±32.9).  相似文献   

Poincaré surface of section technique is used to study the evolution of a family ‘f’ of simply symmetric retrograde periodic orbits around the smaller primary in the framework of restricted three-body problem for a number of systems, actual and hypothetical, with mass ratio varying from 10−7 to 0.015. It is found that as the mass ratio decreases the region of phase space containing the two separatrices shrinks in size and moves closer to the smaller primary. Also the corresponding value of Jacobi constant tends towards 3.  相似文献   

Nesis  A.  Hammer  R.  Roth  M.  Schleicher  H.  Soltau  D.  Staiger  J. 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):11-22
The emergence and evolution of large granules shows thegranular dynamics particularly well. We therefore investigate the time dependence of the convective flows within a regular and an exploding granule. The observational material for this study was taken at the center of the solar disk with the German VTT in Izaña (Tenerife, Spain) during an observing campaign in the year 1994. It consists of series of spectrograms of high spatial resolution, which were digitized and processed with wavelet techniques. Among other features, our data show the dynamical portrait of a regular and an exploding granule. We can follow their temporal evolution over more than 12 min. Using absorption lines of different strength we are able to see the dynamical change of both granules at several heights within the first 200 km above 5000=1. The observations reveal significant changes of the convective flow of both granules over time as well as over height, which are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the presence and temporal evolution of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) time-series and three solar parameters, namely the daily sunspot number, the coronal green line and the 10.7 cm solar radio flux over the period 1996–2003 by the wavelet technique. A number of short- and intermediate-term quasi-periodicities were also detected in both GCR and solar parameters. For the short-term range, we have identified quasi-periods of 16–30 days, 40–55 days, 60–70 days, 80–90 days and 80–100 days. In the case of intermediate range, the significant periods were 120–140 days, 150–170 days, 190–210 days, 240–260 days, ≈1.09 yr. and ≈1.23 yr. The wavelet power spectra show that all the above-mentioned periods are intermittent in nature and occurred in different time-series in different intervals. The result exhibits that the well-known “Rieger period” of (150–160 days) was prominent in both GCR and solar data sets during the ascending phase of cycle 23. Possible reasons behind the observed periods were discussed with the help of previous results and existing numerical models.  相似文献   

The restricted problem of the motion of a point of negligible mass (asteroid) in anN-planetary system is considered. It is assumed that all the planets move about the central body (Sun) along circular orbits in the same plane and the mean motions of the asteroid and the planets are incommensurable. The asteroid orbit evolution is described as a first approximation by secular equations with the perturbing function averaged by the mean longitudes of the asteroid and the planets. For small values of the asteroid orbit eccentricity an expression for the secular part of the perturbing function has been obtained. This expression holds for the arbitrary values of the asteroid orbit semiaxis which are different from those of the planet orbit radii. The stability of the asteroid circular orbits in a linear approximation with respect to the eccentricity is studied. The critical inclinations for a Solar system model are calculated.  相似文献   

Correlation analysis of the mean longitude distribution of sunspot groups (taken from the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results) and high-speed solar wind streams (inferred from the C9 index for geomagnetic disturbances) with the Bartels rotation period P = 27.0 days shows anti-correlation for individual cycles.In particular, the longitudes of post-maximum stable streams of cycle 18 and 19 are well anticorrelated with the preferred longitudes of sunspot groups during the maximum activity periods of these cycles. This is further analyzed using the daily Zürich sunspot number, R, between 1932 and 1980, which reveals a conspicuous similarity of cycle 18 and 19 as well as cycle 20 and 21.We conclude that there is a solar memory for preferred longitudes of activity extending at least over one, probably two cycles (i.e. one magnetic cycle of 22 years). We conjecture that this memory extends over longer intervals of time as a long-term feature of solar activity.  相似文献   

A. M. Uralov 《Solar physics》1996,168(2):311-329
An attempt is made to impart a constructive character to the concept of the solar flaremagnetospheric substorm analogy. An idealized scheme for a two-ribbon solar flare in the originally closed magnetosphere of the active region is discussed. The basis is formed by a terrestrial substorm scenario with two active phases (Mishin et al., 1992). While a quadrupole magnetic configuration turns out to be a solar analog of the Earth's magnetosphere. A physical mechanism that sustains the preflare storage phase, is provided by an instability like a stretching instability of the closed geomagnetotail. The storage process is attributed to the emergence into the corona of closed magnetic flux lines in adjacent (to the location of the would-be flare) regions. The flare flash-phase is determined by the change-over of the stretching instability to a disruption instability of a nonstationary (not neutral) current sheet inside the storage zone. The final recovery phase corresponds to the wellknown Pneuman-Kopp model.  相似文献   

Wavelengths and bisector indices (a special measure for the asymmetry of a line near its bottom) are determined for 70 lines in each of 47 high-dispersion spectra. The spectra were obtained with the Fourier Transform Spectrograph connected to the McMath Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory; they all cover the same spectral range from 3200 to 4000 Å and concern either the full disk (19 disk spectra), or the disk center (9 center spectra), or two areas at sin = 0.85 on the west- and east-side of the disk (19 limb spectra). The main observing seasons were June 1986, June 1987, April and June/July 1988. The - relative - position of an individual line in one spectrum can be established with a precision of about 4 m s-1, the precision of one bisector index is 1–2 m s-1.Wavelengths and bisector indices show of course the typical characteristics which result from the familiar effects known as blueshift, limb effect and line asymmetry. However, concerning their variations in time, unexpected results are obtained:(1) Even in disk spectra the time-scales of the wavelength variations are often in the order of one hour or less. (2) For all 3 types of spectra (disk, center, limb) the variations depend not only on the known parameters such as line depth and - occasionally - excitation potential, but also - often even primarily - on wavelength. (3) In center spectra, the wavelength differences between strong and faint lines can vary by as much as 500 m s-1, in disk spectra short-time variations of wavelength differences can amount to more than 50 m s-1. (4) For most spectra there is not only a very pronounced and narrow correlation between line shift and line temperature (a special measure for the line depth), but also a significant correlation between line shift and variation of the bisector index.Clearly, the observed effects must be attributed to variations of the velocity fields in the upper photosphere/lower chromosphere (super-granulation cells, overshooting, oscillations), which either influence the line wavelengths directly via the Doppler-effect, or indirectly by changing the contrast between the blue-shifted granules and the red-shifted intergranular lanes. Because of the snapshot character of the observations, no reliable conclusions can be drawn on the actual time-dependency.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of the polarization properties of a Zeiss-type coelostat is presented and discussed in detail. The Muller matrix describing the modification of the Stokes vector of the incident radiation as a result of the multiple reflections on the coelostat mirrors is derived as a function of the solar coordinates, the geometrical configuration of the coelostat, and the parameters defining the optical properties of the mirrors. These parameters, or more particularly, the index of refraction n and the extinction coefficient k, have been evaluated by means of laboratory measurements performed on a series of specimens having characteristics similar to those of the coelostat mirrors. The geometry of the coelostat configuration is described in full detail. The theoretical model has been then particularized to the case of the Donati Solar Tower in Arcetri, and some experimental measurements have been performed to check the correctness of the model. These measurements show the basic adequacy of the mathematical model, although some offset terms are found in the Stokes parameters U and V.  相似文献   

P. Hoyng 《Solar physics》1996,169(2):253-264
Dicke (1978) has argued that the phase of the solar cycle appears to be coupled to an internal clock: shorter cycles are usually followed by longer ones, as if the Sun remembers the correct phase. The data set is really too short to demonstrate the presence of a phase memory, but phase and amplitude of the cycle are strongly correlated for 300 yr or more. It is shown that this memory effect can be explained by mean field theory in terms of fluctuations in , which induce coherent changes in the frequency and amplitude of a dynamo wave. It is concluded that there is neither a strong observational indication nor a theoretical need for an extra timing device, in addition to the one provided by dynamo wave physics.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   

From theuvby photometry and proper motions for about 5500 nearby F stars we have found the following: (i) F stars, taken in narrow ranges of metallicity, show at [Fe/H]<0 rather distinct cut-off in their distribution along the Main Sequence (MS) at the blue side, which is suggested to be an indication for the MS turn-off in stellar groups of fixed metallicity; (ii) the corresponding turn-off age from theoretical isochrones strongly correlates with the mean peculiar velocity of the turn-off stars; (iii) the sub-groups of stars of different colours have essentially the same mean peculiar velocity at low metallicity, but at high metallicity the velocities of the red subgroups are much larger than those of the blue ones. We argue that these properties of F stars lead to a two-dimensional age-metallicity relation with the following main features: (i) a very large spread of metal abundance for old stars, (ii) narrowing of the metallicity range toward younger ages, (iii) increase of mean metallicity toward younger ages. This AMR seems to require a major revision of current models of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy: it suggests that the spatial distribution of metal abundance in the interstellar medium was initially highly inhomogeneous, the inhomogeneities being smoothed out and the mean metallicity being increased as the time went on.We also find an evidence for the evolution of the gaseous matter, from which the open clusters are formed, to be somehow decoupled from the evolution of the overall ISM.  相似文献   

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