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Sediment contamination and toxicity were monitored at 14 sites in San Francisco Bay between 1991 and 1996. Sediment contamination patterns were different in the major reaches of the Bay, and at each site. Several contaminants were consistently above concentrations previously associated with toxicity at most sites. Bulk sediment bioassays using the amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius and sediment elutriate bioassays using larval bivalves (Mytilus spp., Crassostrea gigas) also indicated different patterns of sediment toxicity in space and time. Sediments were most toxic to the amphipods at Redwood Creek (90% of the tests), and were toxic in at least half the tests conducted at five other sites. Sediment elutriates severely reduced normal bivalve larval development at the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers in all samples, but toxicity occurred in less than a third of the tests in the Central and South Bays. Toxicity could not be statistically related to seasonal freshwater flow or rainfall in the Bay, but seasonal variation in contaminant concentrations and toxicity was observed. Amphipod toxicity was inversely and significantly related to the mean effects range-median quotient, suggesting that cumulative concentrations of several contaminants were related to toxicity. Further analysis identified suites of specific contaminants at each site that were variably related to amphipod toxicity at each site. Chlordanes, cadmium, and silver were significantly related to amphipod survival in the North Bay. Seasonal patterns in low, and high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were related to toxicity at Alameda, and metals and PAHs were related to toxicity at Castro Cove. Larval bivalve toxicity was associated with metals in bulk sediments, but elutriate chemistry was not measured, and relationships with toxicity could not be examined. Hypotheses about effective concentrations of several individual contaminants and mixtures of contaminants were posed.  相似文献   

The speciation of lead at a site in the South San Francisco Bay was determined using a combination of physical size fractionation and electrochemical analyses. The ‘ total dissolvable ’ Pb was 8·1 nM from analysis of an acidified unfiltered sample. The ‘ dissolved ’ Pb was equal to 0·20 nM (41 ng l−1), only 2·5% of the ‘ total dissolvable ’ Pb. The difference yielded the ‘ particulate ’ Pb equal to 7·9 nM (1·6 μg l−1). Results from crossflow ultrafiltration indicated that almost all (0·19 nM) of the dissolved Pb was ‘ in solution ’ [<10K nominal molecular weight (MW)] and that colloidal Pb (10K MW to 0·2 μm)accounted for onlyc. 1% of the dissolved Pb at this station. This small concentration (0·01 nM) of colloidal Pb may be attributed to the low amount of organic carbon associated with colloid size fraction as determined by dissolved organic carbon analyses.The chemical speciation of lead was determined in the dissolved sample and ultrafiltered sub-sample. Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) on a thin mercury film (TMF) rotating glassy carbon disk electrode (RGCDE) was used to distinguish the kinetically labile inorganic species (Pb′) from the Pb-chelated by organic ligands (PbLi). Lead titration results were similar for both samples revealing that Pb′, PbLiand excess unbound ligands were present primarily in the ultrafiltrate, rather than in the colloidal phase. The titration data can be interpreted as dissolved Pb being influenced by two classes of Pb-binding ligands. In the dissolved sample, the concentration of the stronger class of ligands was [L1]=0·89±0·35 nM, with a conditional stability constant ofKcondL1,Pb=3±1×1010M−1. The weaker class was [L2]=12·8±1·9 nM, withKcondL1,Pb=4±1×108 M−1. The presence of these ligands, in excess of the dissolved Pb, resulted in [Pb′]=7±2 pM and [Pb2+]=0·3 pM (62 pg l−1). While less than 2·4% of the ambient Pb was ‘ in solution ’, it existed chiefly in the form of organic complexes with [PbL1]=0·15 nM and [PbL2]=0·03 nM. More significantly, there were large concentrations of unchelated Pb-binding ligands, (Li′), available to buffer the free Pb2+concentration in the event of perturbations in dissolved Pb.  相似文献   

Our study investigates biomarker responses and survival of Macoma nasuta exposed to sediments collected from six locations in northern San Francisco Bay. Biomarkers analyzed were stress proteins (hsp70) in gill, mantle and digestive gland, lysosomal membrane damage and histopathologic lesions. Sediments and clam tissues were analyzed for a comprehensive suite of heavy metals and trace organic pollutants. Sediment grain size and organic carbon content were determined. Clams accumulated metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and p,p(')-DDT and its metabolites p,p(')-DDD and p,p(')-DDE). Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis revealed that mortality, hsp70 in gill and histopathologic lesion scores in gonads, and lysosomal membrane damage were significantly correlated with tissue concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites. Tissue concentrations of metals, in particular nickel, chromium, and copper, were associated with macrophage aggregates in digestive gland and germ cell necrosis. Cadmium was linked to mortality and lysosomal membrane damage.  相似文献   

Dissolved trace element (copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc, cobalt, and iron) concentrations were measured in surface water samples collected from 27 stations in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento—San Joaquin Delta during April, August and December of 1989. The trace element distributions were relatively similar for all three sampling periods, and evidenced two distinct biogeochemical regimes within the estuarine system. The two regimes were comprised of relatively typical trace element gradients in the northern reach and anthropogenically perturbed gradients in the southern reach of the estuary. These dichotomous trace element distributions were consistent with previous reports on the distributions of nutrients and some other constituents within the estuary.In the northern reach, trace element and dissolved phosphate concentrations were non-conservative. Simple estuarine mixing models indicated substantial internal sources of dissolved copper (46–150%), nickel (250–500%) and cadmium (630–780%) relative to riverine inputs in April and August, and sizable internal sinks for dissolved cobalt (> 99%) and iron (> 70%) during the same periods. Dissolved zinc fluxes varied temporally, with a relatively large (135%) internal source in April and a relatively small (29%) internal sink in August.Concentrations of many trace elements (copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc, and cobalt) in the southern reach were anomalously high relative to concentrations at comparable salinities in the northern reach. Mass balance calculations indicated that those excesses were primarily due to anthropogenic inputs (waste-water discharges and urban runoff) and diagenetic remobilization from benthic sediments. The magnitude of these excesses was amplified by the long hydraulic residence time of dissolved constituents within the South Bay.The influence of other factors was evident throughout the system. Notably, upwelling appeared to elevate substantially dissolved cadmium concentrations at the mouth of the estuary and authigenic flocculation appeared to dominate the cycling of dissolved iron in both the northern and southern reaches of the system. Biological scavenging, geochemical scavenging and diagenic remobilization were also found to be important in different parts of the estuary. Additional complementary information is required to quantify accurately these processes.  相似文献   

Our study investigates biomarker responses and survival of Macoma nasuta exposed to sediments collected from six locations in northern San Francisco Bay. Biomarkers analyzed were stress proteins (hsp70) in gill, mantle and digestive gland, lysosomal membrane damage and histopathologic lesions. Sediments and clam tissues were analyzed for a comprehensive suite of heavy metals and trace organic pollutants. Sediment grain size and organic carbon content were determined. Clams accumulated metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and p,p-DDT and its metabolites p,p-DDD and p,p-DDE). Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis revealed that mortality, hsp70 in gill and histopathologic lesion scores in gonads, and lysosomal membrane damage were significantly correlated with tissue concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites. Tissue concentrations of metals, in particular nickel, chromium, and copper, were associated with macrophage aggregates in digestive gland and germ cell necrosis. Cadmium was linked to mortality and lysosomal membrane damage.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in the upper reach of the northern San Francisco Bay estuary are usually characterized by low biomass dominated by microflagellates or freshwater diatoms in winter, and high biomass dominated by neritic diatoms in summer. During two successive years of very low river discharge (the drought of 1976-77), the summer diatom bloom was absent. This is consistent with the hypothesis that formation of the diatom population maximum is a consequence of the same physical mechanisms that create local maxima of suspended sediments in partially-mixed estuaries: density-selective retention of particles within an estuarine circulation cell. Because the estuary is turbid, calculated phytoplankton growth rates are small in the central deep channel but are relatively large in lateral shallow embayments where light limination is less severe. When river discharge falls within a critical range (100–350 m3 s?1) that positions the suspended particulate maximum adjacent to the productive shallow bays, the population of neritic diatoms increases. However, during periods of high discharge (winter) or during periods of very low discharge (drought), the suspended particulate maximum is less well-defined and is uncoupled (positioned downstream or upstream) from the shallow bays of the upper estuary, and the population of neritic diatoms declines. Hence, the biomass and community composition of phytoplankton in this estuary are controlled by river discharge.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable eutrophication level forecasting models are necessary for characterizing complicated water quality processes in bays. In this study, the ability of coupled discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with artificial neural network (ANN) and multi linear regression (MLR) (WANN and WMLR), ANN, MLR and genetic algorithm-support vector regression (GA-SVR) models for chlorophyll-a level forecasting applications were considered. The data used to develop and validate the models were monthly chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) data recorded from January 1994 to December 2013 were obtained from the NO.36 station located in the South San Francisco bay, USA. In the proposed WANN and WMLR models, the observed time series of Chl-a were decomposed to sub time series at different scales by DWT. Afterwards, the sub time series were used as input data to the ANN and MLR systems to predict the 1 month ahead Chl-a. Also the genetic algorithm was linked to SVR models to search for the optimal SVR parameters. The relative performance of the proposed models was compared together and the results showed that the WANN models were found to provide more accurate monthly Chl-a forecasts compared to the other models. The determination coefficient was 0.87, −0.04, 0.31, −2.36 and 0.24 for the WANN, WMLR, ANN, MLR and GA-SVR models, respectively. In addition, the WANN model predicted extreme Chl-a values precisely. The results indicate that the WANN models are a promising new method for eutrophication level forecasting in bays such as those found in South San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

As part of a study of estuarine selenium cycling, we measured the concentration, chemical form (speciation), and distribution of particulate selenium under various river flow conditions in the North San Francisco Bay (from the Golden Gate to the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers). We also conducted laboratory studies on the accumulation of selenium by phytoplankton, the critical first step in the transformation of dissolved to particulate selenium. Total particulate selenium concentration in the North SF Bay was relatively constant between high and low flow periods, ranging spatially from 0.05 to 0.35 nmol l−1 and comprising between 5 and 12% of the total water column selenium inventory. Mean concentrations were generally highest in the Carquinez Strait–Suisun Bay region (salinity 0–17) and lowest in Central Bay. However, selenium content of suspended particles varied with river flow, with higher content during low flow (9.76 ± 4.17 nmol g−1; mean ± sd; n = 67) compared to high flow (7.10 ± 4.24 nmol g−1; n = 39). Speciation analyses showed that most particulate selenium is organic selenide (45 ± 27%), with a smaller proportion (typically <30%) of adsorbed selenite + selenate and a varying proportion (35 ± 28%) of elemental selenium. Based on the amount of elemental selenium in the seston (total suspended material), we calculate that resuspension of estuarine sediments could contribute 29–100% of particulate selenium in the water column. While selenium content of SF Bay seston (>0.4 μm) is relatively unenriched compared to phytoplankton (13.6–155 nmol g−1 dry weight) on a mass basis, when normalized to carbon or nitrogen, seston contains a similar selenium concentration to SF Bay sediments or phytoplankton cultures. SF Bay seston is thus comprised of selenium-rich phytoplankton and phyto-detritus, but also inorganic clay mineral particles that effectively “dilute” total particulate selenium. Selenium concentrations in algal cultures (11 species) exposed to 90 nmol l−1 selenite show relatively large differences in selenium accumulation, with the diatoms, chlorophytes and cryptophytes generally having lower selenium cell content (3.8 ± 2.7 × 10−9 nmol selenium cell−1) compared to the dinoflagellates (193 ± 73 × 10−9 nmol selenium cell−1). Because phytoplankton are such a rich (but variable) source of selenium, their dynamics could have a profound effect on the particulate selenium inventory in the North SF Bay.  相似文献   

Water level observations from tide stations and current observations from current-meter moorings in South San Francisco Bay (South Bay), California have been harmonically analysed. At each tide station, 13 harmonic constituents have been computed by a least-squares regression without inference. Tides in South Bay are typically mixed; there is a phase lag of approximately 1 h and an amplification of 1·5 from north to south for a mean semi-diurnal tide. Because most of the current-meter records are between 14 and 29 days, only the five most important harmonics have been solved for east-west and north-south velocity components. The eccentricity of tidal-current ellipse is generally very small, which indicates that the tidal current in South Bay is strongly bidirectional. The analyses further show that the principal direction and the magnitude of tidal current are well correlated with the basin bathymetry. Patterns of Eulerian residual circulation deduced from the current-meter data show an anticlockwise gyre to the west and a clockwise gyre to the east of the main channel in the summer months due to the prevailing westerly wind. Opposite trends have been observed during winter when the wind was variable.  相似文献   

Analyses of sea level and current-meter data using digital filters and a variety of statistical methods show a variety of phenomena related to non-local coastal forcing and local tidal forcing in the northern reach of San Francisco Bay, a partially mixed estuary. Low-frequency variations in sea level are dominated by non-local variations in coastal sea level and also show a smaller influence from tidally induced fortnightly sea level variations. Low-frequency currents demonstrate a gravitational circulation which is modified by changes in tidal-current speed over the spring-neap tidal cycle. Transients in gravitational circulation induce internal oscillations with periods of two to four days.  相似文献   

Analysis of four historical bathymetric surveys over a 132-year period has revealed significant changes to the morphology of the San Francisco Bar, an ebb-tidal delta at the mouth of San Francisco Bay estuary. From 1873 to 2005 the San Francisco Bar vertically-eroded an average of 80 cm over a 125 km2 area, which equates to a total volume loss of 100 ± 52 million m3 of fine- to coarse-grained sand. Comparison of the surveys indicates the entire ebb-tidal delta contracted radially, with the crest moving landward an average of 1 km. Long-term erosion of the ebb-tidal delta is hypothesized to be due to a reduction in the tidal prism of San Francisco Bay and a decrease in coastal sediment supply, both as a result of anthropogenic activities. Prior research indicates that the tidal prism of the estuary was reduced by 9% from filling, diking, and sedimentation. Compilation of historical records dating back to 1900 reveals that a minimum of 200 million m3 of sediment has been permanently removed from the San Francisco Bay coastal system through dredging, aggregate mining, and borrow pit mining. Of this total, ∼54 million m3 of sand-sized or coarser sediment was removed from central San Francisco Bay. With grain sizes comparable to the ebb-tidal delta, and its direct connection to the bay mouth, removal of sediments from central San Francisco Bay may limit the sand supply to the delta and open coast beaches.  相似文献   

Particulate nitrogen was measured by both the ultra-violet light-catalyzed peroxide method and the high temperature combustion method. The difference between values obtained with the two methods (combustion minus UV) was found to be linearly correlated with the concentration of total suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the sample. The slope of this correlation was taken to be the concentration of refractory nitrogen associated with the suspended matter, which may be ammonium ions fixed in lattices of clay minerals or organic nitrogen compounds did not vary significantly with SPM, location, water depth or salinity. Refractory nitrogen concentration were possibly related to concentrations of chlorophyll a and to cruise date, but in neither case was the evidence conclusive. Based on the indirect evidence presented, the UV method appears to provide a good measure of biologically reactive nitrogen in this system.  相似文献   

Studies of shoreline progradation along low-energy vegetated shorelines have been limited, as these environments are generally experiencing erosion rather than deposition, with extreme erosion rates frequently found. This study examined yearly changes along a vegetated shoreline at Calaveras Point Marsh, South San Francisco Bay, California, using aerial photography, to determine the roles of climatic, watershed, and coastal process in driving shoreline changes. In addition, sediment accumulation was monitored on a yearly basis at 48 locations across the marsh to determine the role of geomorphic factors in promoting accumulation. Calaveras Point Marsh was found to have expanded from 49.26 ± 5.2 to 165.7 ± 4.7 ha between 1975 and 2005. Although the rate of marsh expansion was not positively correlated with yearly variability in precipitation, local streamflow, delta outflow, water level observations, population growth, or ENSO indices, marsh growth was greater during years of higher than average temperatures. Warmer temperatures may have promoted the recruitment and growth of Spartina foliosa, a C4 grass known to be highly responsive to temperature. Other factors, such as the formation of a coastal barrier, a recent change in the location of the mouth of the Guadalupe River, and channel readjustment in response to diking are credited with driving the bulk of the marsh expansion. Sediment accumulation was found to be high closest to channels and to the shoreline, at low elevations and in recently vegetated marsh. Globally, the pace of sea level rise exerts the primary control on wetland development and persistence. However, at local geographic scales, factors such as tectonic events, modifications to natural sediment transport pathways or land use changes may overwhelm the effects of regional sea level rise, and allow for wetlands to develop, expand and persist despite rapid sea level rise.  相似文献   

Differences in macroinvertebrate community structure and composition were examined from April 1980 to March 1981 in three potholes that had been ditched for mosquito control and three natural (i.e. unditched) potholes, which are located in a San Francisco Bay, California, U.S.A. salt marsh. Measurements of incipient tidal flooding into potholes (i.e. pothole inundation threshold) indicated that these sites comprise a gradient of tidal influences. Exponential decreases in the frequency and duration of tidal inundation corresponded to linear increases in inundation threshold. Since ditched study sites had low thresholds they tended to be more uniformly and regularly influenced by tides, were less saline, had less variable temperature regimens, and supported less filamentous algae than natural potholes. Habitat conditions were generally more similar among ditched than unditched potholes, but environmental conditions were most severe at natural sites near the upper limit of the inundation threshold gradient, where some potholes desiccate during the dry season each year.Differences in macroinvertebrate communities corresponded to differences in habitat conditions. Species richness and diversity (Simpson's Index) were generally highest near the middle of the inundation threshold gradient, which is a pattern predicted by the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. Analysis of faunal composition using discriminant functions indicated more similarity among potholes located at the lowest positions of the inundation gradient than among potholes with intermediate thresholds. Since ditching lowers the inundation thresholds of potholes, it reduces species richness and diversity, while increasing faunal similarity. As a result, extensive ditching to control salt marsh mosquitoes can reduce the overall complexity of lentic macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Epifaunal invertebrate species, such as amphipods and isopods, have been shown to play key but varying roles in the functioning of seagrass habitats. In this study, we characterized patterns in the poorly known epifaunal communities in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in San Francisco Bay as a first step in understanding the individual and collective importance of these species, while testing predictions on spatial patterns derived from previous studies in other regions. Surveys conducted at five beds across multiple time periods (April, June, August and October 2007) showed that San Francisco Bay eelgrass beds varied strongly in epifaunal community composition, total, and relative abundance, and that abundance differed markedly among time periods. In contrast to findings by others, morphologically complex flowering shoots frequently harbored greater numbers of epifauna (>2× and up to 10× more individuals) than vegetative shoots, but not different species assemblages. Similar to previous studies, several abiotic factors did not explain patterns in distribution and abundance among beds. The proportion of introduced species was very high (>90% of all individuals), a finding unique among seagrass epifaunal studies to date. Defining numerical patterns in epifaunal communities will inform related efforts to understand effects of epifaunal species and assemblages on eelgrass growth dynamics, seed production, and higher order trophic interactions over space and time.  相似文献   

This study offers a new method for estimating High-Frequency (HF) radar surface current velocity error in data comparisons with other types of instrumentation. A new method is needed in order to remove the zero-mean random spatial and temporal fluctuations present in surface-current measurements from all sensors. Conventional methods for calculating radar error when comparing with another instrument have included their root mean square differences and scatter plots that provide correlation coefficient and slope/intercept of the regression line. It seems that a meaningful estimate of radar error should attempt to remove both sensors’ zero mean random fluctuations, inasmuch as possible. We offer and compare a method that does this. The method was tested on data collected in the Central San Francisco Bay, where GPS surface-drifter deployments were conducted within the coverage of four 42 MHz radars over six days in October of 2008. Drifters were continuously deployed in these areas over the sampling days, providing 525 usable drifter measurements. Drifter and radar measurements were averaged into thirty-minute time bins. The three-day long-term averages from the sampling areas were then subtracted from the thirtyminute averages to remove biases associated with comparisons done with short, disjoint time-sample periods. These were then used to develop methods that give radar error or bias after the random fluctuations have been removed. Results for error estimates in this study are commensurate with others where random fluctuations have been filtered, suggesting they are valid. The estimated error for the radars in the SF Bay is low, ranging from ?7.57 cm/s to 0.59 cm/s.  相似文献   

Particulate nitrogen (PN) and chlorophyll a (Chla) were measured in the northern reach of San Francisco Bay throughout 1980. The PN values were calculated as the differences between unfiltered and filtered (0·4 μm) samples analyzed using the UV-catalyzed peroxide digestion method. The Chla values were measured spectrophotometrically, with corrections made for phaeopigments. The plot of all PNChla data was found to be non-linear, and the concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was found to be the best selector for linear subsets of the data. The best-fit slopes of PNChla plots, as determined by linear regression (model II), were interpreted to be the N: Chla ratios of phytoplankton. The Y-intercepts of the regression lines were considered to represent easily-oxidizable detrital nitrogen (EDN). In clear water ( < 10 mg l?1 SPM), the N: Chla ratio was 1·07 μg-at N per μg Chla. It decreased to 0·60 in the 10–18 mg l?1 range and averaged 0·31 in the remaining four ranges (18–35, 35–65, 65–155, and 155–470 mg l?1). The EDN values were less than 1 μg-at N l?1 in the clear water and increased monotonically to almost 12 μg-at N l?1 in the highest SPM range. The N: Chla ratios for the four highest SPM ranges agree well with data for phytoplankton in light-limited cultures. In these ranges, phytoplankton-N averaged only 20% of the PN, while EDN averaged 39% and refractory-N 41%.  相似文献   

Stress proteins (heat shock proteins, hsps) form part of the cellular protein repair system, and are induced by a wide variety of Stressors. To determine their suitability as tools for assessing sublethal sediment toxicity, we measured levels of members of the stress protein families hsp60 and hsp70 in benthic estuarine amphipods (Ampelisca abdita) exposed to sediments from 23 different sampling sites in San Francisco Bay for 10 d. Concentrations of sediment-associated xenobiotics were determined. Per cent survival was recorded and surviving animals were analysed for stress proteins using western blotting techniques. An inverse correlation (r2 = 0.44) was seen between amphipod survival and hsp64 levels, and hsp64 levels were positively correlated with concentrations of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (r2 = 0.5). Principal component analysis revealed that amphipod mortality was linked to a combination of several PAHs (phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)pyrene) and di-n-butylphthalate at southern San Francisco Bay sites. At northern San Francisco Bay sites, negative correlations were found between hsp64 levels and organotin compounds (MBT, DBT, TBT), and between hsp71 levels and the PAHs, benzo (b,k)fluoranthene and benzo(G,H,I)perylene, suggesting an inhibitory effect of these compounds on stress protein expression.  相似文献   

Analysis of suspended-sediment concentration data in San Francisco Bay is complicated by spatial and temporal variability. In situ optical backscatterance sensors provide continuous suspended-sediment concentration data, but inaccessibility, vandalism, and cost limit the number of potential monitoring stations. Satellite imagery reveals the spatial distribution of surficial-suspended sediment concentrations in the Bay; however, temporal resolution is poor. Analysis of thein situ sensor data in conjunction with the satellite reflectance data shows the effects of physical processes on both the spatial and temporal distribution of suspended sediment in San Francisco Bay. Plumes can be created by large freshwater flows. Zones of high suspended-sediment concentrations in shallow subembayments are associated with wind-wave resuspension and the spring-neap cycle. Filaments of clear and turbid water are caused by different transport processes in deep channels, as opposed to adjacent shallow water. Crown  相似文献   

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