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M. C. Tom Kuo 《Ground water》2022,60(4):510-517
Few published data are available for two-phase flow in fractures from field studies. All measurements of relative permeability reported in the literature were done in laboratory-scale. The in situ water saturations are normally not known for multiphase flow in natural fractures; therefore, the direct measurements of relative permeability are difficult in field-scale. With the help of a case study before and after the 2008 Mw 5.4 Antung earthquake, groundwater radon was used as a tracer to determine the gas and water saturations in a small naturally fractured aquifer. Well tests were also conducted to estimate aquifer transmissivity before and after the 2008 Antung earthquake. Anomalous declines in both groundwater radon concentration and transmissivity were observed precursory to the 2008 Antung earthquake. Both declines are two precursory phenomena having a common effect of gas bubbles. Using the data from well tests and radon tracer, one data point of water relative permeability can be obtained for in situ fractures. This data point reveals strong phase interference between water and gas bubbles for multiphase flow in natural fractures. Both the data of well tests and radon tracer are essential to gain an improved understanding of mass transfer behavior of groundwater-dissolved gases between water and gas phases.  相似文献   

Electrical Imaging of Fractures Using Ground-Water Salinity Change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have enabled hydrocarbon recovery from unconventional reservoirs, but led to natural gas contamination of shallow groundwaters. We describe and apply numerical models of gas‐phase migration associated with leaking natural gas wells. Three leakage scenarios are simulated: (1) high‐pressure natural gas pulse released into a fractured aquifer; (2) continuous slow leakage into a tilted fractured formation; and (3) continuous slow leakage into an unfractured aquifer with fluvial channels, to facilitate a generalized evaluation of natural gas transport from faulty natural gas wells. High‐pressure pulses of gas leakage into sparsely fractured media are needed to produce the extensive and rapid lateral spreading of free gas previously observed in field studies. Transport in fractures explains how methane can travel vastly different distances and directions laterally away from a leaking well, which leads to variable levels of methane contamination in nearby groundwater wells. Lower rates of methane leakage (≤1 Mcf/day) produce shorter length scales of gas transport than determined by the high‐pressure scenario or field studies, unless aquifers have low vertical permeabilities (≤1 millidarcy) and fractures and bedding planes have sufficient tilt (~10°) to allow a lateral buoyancy component. Similarly, in fractured rock aquifers or where permeability is controlled by channelized fluvial deposits, lateral flow is not sufficiently developed to explain fast‐developing gas contamination (0‐3 months) or large length scales (~1 km) documented in field studies. Thus, current efforts to evaluate the frequency, mechanism, and impacts of natural gas leakage from faulty natural gas wells likely underestimate contributions from small‐volume, low‐pressure leakage events.  相似文献   

The vertical portion of a shale gas well, known as the “tophole” is often drilled using an air‐hammer bit that may introduce pressures as high as 2400 kPa (350 psi) into groundwater while penetrating shallow aquifers. A 3‐D TOUGH2 model was used to simulate the flow of groundwater under the high hydraulic heads that may be imposed by such trapped compressed air, based on an observed case in West Virginia (USA) in 2012. The model realizations show that high‐pressure air trapped in aquifers may cause groundwater to surge away from the drill site at observable velocities. If dissolved methane is present within the aquifer, the methane can be entrained and transported to a maximum distance of 10.6 m per day. Results from this study suggest that one cause of the reported increase in methane concentrations in groundwater near shale gas production wells may be the transport of pre‐existing methane via groundwater surges induced by air drilling, not necessarily direct natural gas leakage from the unconventional gas reservoir. The primary transport mechanisms are advective transport of dissolved methane with water flow, and diffusive transport of dissolved methane.  相似文献   

— The internal structure of rock samples studied in laboratory experiments can be described by a variety of physical parameters. Some of them, like the velocity of acoustic waves, enhanced velocity or quality factor can be reconstructed by means of ultrasonic tomography. This article presents the results of classical velocity tomography imaging, accompanied by the results of attenuation tomography and recently introduced enhanced velocity tomography obtained for a Lac Du Bonnet granite sample subjected to thermal stresses. To invert acoustic data recorded during six heating cycles, a Bayesian inversion scheme accompanied by a genetic algorithm optimization approach and the robust Cauchy norm have been used. To obtain the highest possible spatial resolution of images the inversion was performed in two steps. In the first step a crude parameterization of the sample was used. The result of this stage was next taken as an a priori model for a final inversion with refined parameterization. The choice of parameterization (cell sizes) and damping parameters at both stages was based on an analysis of the resolution operator. Both velocity and enhanced velocity tomography accurately imaged changes in the rock microstructure caused by thermal stresses. However, enhanced velocity tomography gave a much better spatial resolution than velocity tomography. On the other hand, attenuation tomography based on inversion of pulse rise times was able to image only a rough structure of the sample and it has difficulty with reasonable imaging of the crack formed in the sixth heating cycle.  相似文献   

Optimization of Surface Wave Identification and Measurement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—?Accurate and reliable measurement of surface waves is important to Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) monitoring because the M s :m b discriminant and its regional variants can in many cases unambiguously identify events as earthquakes or explosions. Surface wave processing at the International Data Center (IDC) is designed to be completely automated and is performed using the program Maxsurf. Maxsurf searches for surface wave characteristics in the expected surface wave arrival time window for all continuous long-period and broadband data in the IDC processing stream. The Prototype IDC GSETT3 Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) now contains a very large and growing data set of surface wave measurements. Users of this data set need to be aware of processing changes and calibration errors in the GSETT3 experimental bulletin. The prototype International Monitoring System (IMS) surface wave detection threshold is approximately one magnitude unit lower than the detection threshold of other global networks that use visual identification of surface waves. Surface wave identification and measurement can be improved through development of regionalized earth models, phase-matched filtering and the use of path corrected spectral magnitudes in place of M s . Regionalized earth models are developed through tomographic inversion of a very large data set of phase and group velocity dispersion measurements. Discrimination capability can be improved through the use of maximum likelihood magnitudes and maximum likelihood upper bounds.  相似文献   

— A series of experiments was conducted where rock core specimens were cyclically loaded to 50?MPa uniaxial stress while P waveforms were pulsed along the core axis. Some of these specimens were intact while others were prepared with a single through-going tensile fracture oriented perpendicular to the core axis. Recorded data was processed to determine Q, velocity and fracture closure. Results indicated that Q was constant over the studied bandwidth and Q for the fractured specimens decreased relative to the intact specimens as fracture stress decreased. Observed variations in static fracture stiffness among the tested specimens did not result in corresponding variations in Q. Velocity results showed similar trends. This work was done to provide comparative data for related field studies examining the feasibility of using attenuation measurements in comparable frequency bands to indicate the potential for roof failure during excavation in fractured rock masses.  相似文献   

An optical chemical sensor (optode) is proposed for the kinetic determination of nitrite ion. The optode was fabricated by the immobilization of methyl violet on a triacetylcellulose polymeric membrane. Methyl violet is covalently bonded to a transparent triacetylcellulose film. By immersion of the sensor into an acidic nitrite solution, the absorbance of the sensor at 596 nm decreases with time that is due to the reaction of nitrite with the immobilized methyl violet. A fixed time method of 15 min was used to monitor the reaction. The linear range for the determination of nitrite was 0.20–8.00 µg mL?1 and the limit of detection was 0.08 µg mL?1. The optodes were one‐shot, they had durability more than 2 months and were easily prepared. The optode was successfully applied to the determination of nitrite ion in spring water and sewage samples.  相似文献   

A portable gas chromatograph was used to screen 32 ground water samples for volatile organic compounds. Seven screened samples were positive; four of the seven samples had volatile organic substances identified by second-column confirmation. Four of the seven positive, screened samples also tested positive in laboratory analyses of duplicate samples. No volatile organic compounds were detected in laboratory analyses of samples that headspace screening indicated to be negative. Samples that contained volatile organic compounds, as identified by laboratory analysis, and that contained a volatile organic compound present in a standard of selected compounds were correctly identified by using the portable gas chromatograph. Comparisons of screened-sample data with laboratory data indicate the ability to detect selected volatile organic compounds at concentrations of about 1 microgram per liter in the headspace of water samples by use of a portable gas chromatograph.  相似文献   

During thermally enhanced in situ remediation of soils and ground water, gas streams are generated with varying temperatures, moisture content, and organic compound concentrations. In this study, we evaluated the performance of tin dioxide sensors for measuring trichloroethylene (TCE) concentrations in gas streams from a thermally enhanced soil vapor extraction system. Temperature, pressure, moisture content, and vapor flow rates affected the resistivity of the sensors, and thus the signal. When fluctuations in these parameters were eliminated by condensing excess water and healing to a constant temperature prior to measurement, the sensors provided reliable in-line measurement of TCE concentrations. Gas tracers such as methane were easily monitored in-line, providing quick and inexpensive data on subsurface vapor flow velocities and direction.  相似文献   

In the exploration of the hidden Haihe fault, radon and mercury in soil gas were measured by using FG-3017 radon detector and XG-4 mercury analyzer. In this paper, based on the measurement results of 12 fault gas profiles, and integrating with the exploration results of artificial seismic prospecting, the relationship between anomalous site of fault gas and fault location is analyzed. Using the relationship between anomalous strength of fault gas and fault activity, the activity of Haihe fault is studied, thus the location and activity segmentation of the Haihe fault in Tianjin region are presented. This study shows that the method of fault gas detection can not only identify the preliminary location of fault, but also make preliminary segmentation of fault activity. The fault detected by the method of fault gas measurement is shown as a band. Through contrasting with exploration results of artificial seismic prospecting and analyzing, we find that the fault is located inside the band. According to the measurements of soil gas radon, the Haihe fault can be divided into east and west segments and the activity of the east segment of Haihe fault is stronger than that of the west segment. This is only a relative result, and it is difficult to judge whether the fault is active or not with this result.  相似文献   

多孔介质中甲烷水合物边界的CT图像识别技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用X射线计算机断层扫描(X-CT)技术观测多孔介质中天然气水合物的生成和分解过程,具有实时、直观和无损等优点。由于颗粒物边缘图像容积效应和X-CT分辨率的限制,多孔介质体系中不同物质的边界域难以确定,从而影响对多孔介质中水合物赋存状态的准确判断。利用Matlab平台图像处理软件中的开闭运算、多值化、梯度图像提取和边缘检测等方法,对实验获得的多孔介质中甲烷水合物的CT图像进行优化处理,获得了更清晰的图像,可有效地提高多孔介质中不同物质边界域的识别效果,有利于准确判断甲烷水合物在多孔介质中的赋存状态。  相似文献   

Efflux of CO2 above releases of petroleum light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) has emerged as a critical parameter for resolving natural losses of LNAPLs and managing LNAPL sites. Current approaches for resolving CO2 efflux include gradient, flux chamber, and mass balance methods. Herein a new method for measuring CO2 efflux above LNAPL bodies, referred to as CO2 traps, is introduced. CO2 traps involve an upper and a lower solid phase sorbent elements that convert CO2 gas into solid phase carbonates. The sorbent is placed in an open vertical section of 10 cm ID polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe located at grade. The lower sorbent element captures CO2 released from the subsurface via diffusion and advection. The upper sorbent element prevents atmospheric CO2 from reaching the lower sorbent element. CO2 traps provide integral measurement of CO2 efflux based over the period of deployment, typically 2 to 4 weeks. Favorable attributes of CO2 traps include simplicity, generation of integral (time averaged) measurement, and a simple means of capturing CO2 for carbon isotope analysis. Results from open and closed laboratory experiments indicate that CO2 traps quantitatively capture CO2. Results from the deployment of 23 CO2 traps at a former refinery indicate natural loss rates of LNAPL (measured in the fall, likely concurrent with high soil temperatures and consequently high degradation rates) ranging from 13,400 to 130,000 liters per hectare per year (L/Ha/year). A set of field triplicates indicates a coefficient of variation of 18% (resulting from local spatial variations and issues with measurement accuracy).  相似文献   

Six surface water samples from locations along Otter Creek in Southeastern Montana and a groundwater sample from a nearby monitoring well completed in the Knobloch coal were analyzed for stable carbon isotope ratios. Along the length of its perennial reach, between the towns of Otter and Ashland, Otter Creek crosses several coal outcrops, including the Knobloch coal zone. The carbon isotope ratio of the creek becomes progressively more similar to that of the Knobloch coal aquifer groundwater in samples collected downgradient from the town of Otter. The isotope ratio of the stream changes from ?10.5 to ?8.9‰ reflecting the influence of the coal‐aquifer base flow contribution, as represented by Knobloch coal groundwater, which has a carbon isotope value of +3.9‰. The dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations of the groundwater and surface water are similar (~100 mg/L), which allowed the use of the simplified, first‐order, two‐end‐member mixing equation. Using carbon isotope ratios, calculations of the fraction of water contributed by coal aquifers indicate that approximately 11% of the surface water in Otter Creek at its mouth near Ashland was supplied by groundwater from the coal aquifers that crop out between Otter and Ashland. This study was conducted in December, when Otter Creek is at low flow. At times of higher surface flow, the contribution from groundwater base flow will be correspondingly smaller. This study illustrates that carbon isotopes can be an effective, low‐cost tool in base flow studies.  相似文献   

The identification of groundwater parameters in heterogeneous systems is a major challenge in groundwater modeling. Flexible parameterization methods are needed to assess the complexity of the spatial distributions of these parameters in real aquifers. In this article, we introduce an adaptative parameterization to identify the distribution of hydraulic conductivity within the large‐scale (4400 km2) Upper Rhine aquifer. The method is based on adaptative multiscale triangulation (AMT) coupled with an inverse problem procedure that identifies the parameters' distributions by reducing the error between measured and simulated heads. The AMT method has the advantage of combining both zonation and interpolation approaches. The AMT method uses area‐based interpolation rather than an interpolation based on stochastic features. The method is applied to a standard 2D groundwater model that takes into account the interactions between the aquifer and surface water bodies, groundwater recharge, and pumping wells. The simulation period covers 204 months, from January 1986 to December 2002. Recordings at 109 piezometers are used for model calibration. The simulated heads are globally quite accurate and reproduce the main dynamics of the system. The local hydraulic conductivities resulting from the AMT method agree qualitatively with existing local experimental observations across the Rhine aquifer.  相似文献   

使用P波快速测定国家台网大震标准震级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对国家台网速报面波震级测定时间偏长和中深源地震震级速报有一定偏差的问题,采用IASPEI推荐的宽频带体波震级mB及宽频带P波矩震级MWP对2009—2013年国家台网地震速报的大震进行了对比分析。对于经过转换成MW后的mB和MWP震级来说,其结果均与我国速报地震发布的震级M有一定的偏差,一般表现为偏小。其中,对于6.0—6.9级地震,mB偏差相对较小,但离散度相对较大(整体偏差要比平均偏差大不少);对于7.0—7.9级地震,MWP偏差相对较小;而对于8.0级以上地震,由于震级饱和等原因,mB偏差较大,但MWP偏差相对较小,一般主要表现为偏小。总体来说,MW(MWP)的稳定性要比MW(mB)更好一些(线性回归的相关系数更大,标准误差更小)。对于综合mB和MWP震级来说,由于采取分段平均的方法,结果的稳定性有了一定的提高,但较大地震仍以偏小为主,如果在综合震级MP上加0.2,则可以得出与M震级较为接近的结果。通过MW(mB)、MW(MWP)、MP(M)、M与MW(GCMT)的对比,可以验证综合标准震级MP(M)和国家台网速报震级M具备一定的可信度,而MP(M)可作为P波快速测定的震级,所以用MP(M)作为大震速报初报震级,在某种程度上是可行的。  相似文献   

The potential environmental impacts on subsurface water resources induced by unconventional gas production are still under debate. Solving the controversy regarding the potential adverse effects of gas leakages on groundwater resources is therefore crucial. In this work, an interesting real-world case is presented in order to give further insight into methane multiphase and transport behavior in the shallow subsurface, often disregarded compared to the behavior in the deep subsurface. Multiphase flow and solute transport simulations were performed to assess the vulnerability of an existing shallow unconfined aquifer with respect to a hypothetical methane leakage resulting from a well integrity failure of a former deep geothermal well. The analysis showed that migration of gaseous methane through the aquifer under examination can be extremely fast (of the order of a few minutes), occurring predominantly vertically upwards, close to the well. By contrast, dissolved methane migration is largely affected by the groundwater flow field and occurs over larger time scales (of the order of months/years), covering a greater distance from the well. Overall, the real concern for this site in case of gas leakages is the risk of explosion in the close vicinity of the well. Predicted maximum gaseous fluxes (0.89 to 22.60 m3/d) are comparable to those reported for leaking wells, and maximum dissolved methane concentrations may overcome risk mitigation thresholds (7 to 10 mg/L) in a few years. Therefore, surface and subsurface monitoring before decommissioning is strongly advised to ensure the safety of the site.  相似文献   

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