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The Early Triassic is a critical period in earth his- tory. A series of events such as volcano eruptions[1,2], sea-level fluctuations, changes in environmental con- ditions[3], mass extinctions[4,5] as well as global negative carbon isotope excursions[6-9] have been discovered in the uppermost Permian or across the Permian-Triassic boundary. Large scale sea-level rise[10-12], restoration of environment conditions, re- covery of ecosystem[13], including gradual carbon iso- tope rise[14] occur…  相似文献   

After the severest mass extinction event in the Phanerozoic, biotic recovery from the extinction at the Permian–Triassic boundary required approximately 5 my, which covers the entire Early Triassic. It is important to obtain information on the superocean Panthalassa, which occupied most of the world ocean, to explore paleoenvironmental changes during the Early Triassic at the global scale. In order to establish the continuous lithostratigraphy of pelagic sediments in Panthalassa during the Early Triassic, high‐resolution reconstruction of the Lower Triassic pelagic sequence in Japan was conducted for the first time based on detailed field mapping and lithostratigraphic correlation in the Inuyama area, central Japan. The reconstructed Early Triassic sequence is approximately 9.5 m thick, consists of five rock types, and is divided into eight lithological units. For the reconstructed continuous sequence, measurement of carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter (δ13Corg) was carried out. Stratigraphic variation of the δ13Corg value shows large‐amplitude fluctuations between ?34.4 and ?21.0‰ throughout the sequence. In order to establish a higher resolution age model for the reconstructed Lower Triassic pelagic sequence, we correlated δ13Corg records in the Inuyama area with high‐resolution isotopic profiles of carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) from shallow‐marine carbonate sequences in southern China based on the similarity in general variation patterns with age constraints by radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy. The result provides a high‐resolution time scale for the pelagic sequence of Panthalassa during the Smithian and Spathian. The age model suggests a drastic increase in sedimentation rate during the late Smithian, which should have been caused by the increase in terrigenous input to this site.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous was revealed from Torinosu‐type limestone, which was deposited in a shallow‐marine setting in the western Paleo‐Pacific, in Japan. Two sections were examined; the Nakanosawa section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian age (Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Japan), and the Furuichi section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Berriasian age (Ehime Prefecture, Southwest Japan). The age‐model was established using Sr isotope ratio and fossil occurrence. The limestone samples have a low Mn/Sr ratio (mostly <0.5) and lack a distinct correlation between δ13C and δ18O, indicating a low degree of diagenetic alteration. Our composite δ13C profile from the two limestone sections shows three stratigraphic correlation points that can be correlated with the profiles of relevant ages from the Alpine Tethyan region: a large‐amplitude fluctuation (the lower upper Kimmeridgian, ~152 Ma), a positive anomaly (above the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary, ~150 Ma), and a negative anomaly (the upper lower Tithonian, ~148 Ma). In addition, we found that δ13C values of the Torinosu‐type limestone are ~1‰ lower than the Tethyan values in the late Kimmeridgian. This inter‐regional difference in δ13C values is likely to have resulted from a higher productivity and/or an organic burial in the Tethyan region. The difference gradually reduces and disappears in the late Tithonian, where the Tethyan and our δ13C records show similar stable values of 1.5–2.0‰. This isotopic homogenization is probably due to changes in the continental distribution and the global ocean circulation, which propagated the 13C‐depleted signature from the larger Paleo‐Pacific to the smaller Tethys Ocean during this time.  相似文献   

We established a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy for the late Pliocene–Pleistocene by analyzing a 242 m-thick, continuous sedimentary succession from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1146, Hole A, in the South China Sea (SCS). A total of 14 calcareous nannofossil datums were detected in the SCS succession. They are, in descending order: first occurrence (FO) of Emiliania huxleyi, last occurrence (LO) of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, LO of Reticulofenestra asanoi, FO of Gephyrocapsa parallela, FO of R. asanoi, LO of large Gephyrocapsa spp., FO of large G. spp., FO of Gephyrocapsa oceanica, FO of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica, LO of Calcidiscus macintyrei, LO of Discoaster brouweri, LO of Discoaster pentaradiatus, LO of Discoaster surculus, and LO of Discoaster tamalis. The FO of E. huxleyi was not precisely detected due to poor preservation and dissolution of nannofossils in the underlying strata. We refined the previous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in the SCS by identifying Gephyrocapsa species and four evolutionary extinction events of the genus Discoaster. The proposed calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy correlates with those reported in other terrestrial and marine areas/sites and global benthic foraminiferal δ18O records. The age–depth curves based on nannofossil biostratigraphy indicate a significant increase in the sedimentation rates at the LO of R. asanoi (0.91–0.85 Ma). The timing of this increase corresponds to reef expansion in the Ryukyu Islands linked to a stepwise increase in Kuroshio Current intensity. This timing is broadly coeval with a sea surface temperature increase of ∼2 °C in the northwestern Pacific due to expansion of the Western Pacific Warm Pool towards the north and south subtropical regions. This can be explained by increased weathering and erosion of terrestrial areas in glacial periods and increased rainfall causing higher sediment transport in interglacial periods, which were both linked to Middle Pleistocene Transition-related climatic changes.  相似文献   

Seven Miocene Pacific Ocean Deep Sea Drilling Project sites from four different water masses (planktonic foraminiferal biogeographic regions) have been correlated using 18 prominent carbon isotopic events defined in the benthic foraminiferal δ13C records in DSDP Site 289. The correlations are based on the assumption that there are global or at least Pacific-wide controls on the δ13C of deep-water HCO3?. Each of the individual δ13C records is correlated to Site 289 based on the shape of the curves in a manner analogous to that used to correlate sea-floor magnetic anomaly patterns.The results of this correlation experiment confirm that planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and carbon isotopic stratigraphy are consistent within the tropical surface water mass and precise to ±100,000 years. Correlations between surface water masses suggest that the precision of foraminiferal biostratigraphy is on the average less than ±200,000 years due to the lack of cosmopolitan marker species and diachronism of species occurrences. Carbon isotope stratigraphy used in conjunction with biostratigraphy has the potential to provide an easily utilized, globally applicable, correlation tool (with an interregional precision of ±100,000 years or better) as more continuous and undisturbed deep-sea sections become available as a result of the Hydraulic Piston Coring Program.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopic records from Southern Ocean sediment cores show that during the last glacial period, the South Atlantic sector of the deep Southern Ocean filled to roughly 2500 m with water uniformly low in δ13C, resulting in the appearance of a strong mid-depth nutricline similar to those observed in glacial northern oceans. Concomitantly, deep water isotopic gradients developed between the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean; the δ13C of benthic foraminifera in Pacific sediments remained significantly higher than those in the Atlantic during the glacial episode. These two observations help to define the extent of what has become known as the ‘Southern Ocean low δ13C problem’. One explanation for this glacial distribution of δ13C calls upon surface productivity overprints or changes in the microhabitat of benthic foraminifera to lower glacial age δ13C values. We show here, however, that glacial-interglacial δ13C shifts are similarly large everywhere in the deep South Atlantic, regardless of productivity regime or sedimentary environment. Furthermore, the degree of isotopic decoupling between the Atlantic and Pacific basins is proportional to the magnitude of δ13C change in the Atlantic on all time scales. Thus, we conclude that the profoundly altered distribution of δ13C in the glacial Southern Ocean is most likely the result of deep ocean circulation changes. While the characteristics of the Southern Ocean δ13C records clearly point to reduced North Atlantic Deep Water input during glacial periods, the basinal differences suggest that the mode of Southern Ocean deep water formation must have been altered as well.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the ancient ocean-atmosphere system has focused on oceanic proxies. However, the study of terrestrial proxies is equally necessary to constrain our understanding of ancient climates and linkages between the terrestrial and oceanic carbon reservoirs. We have analyzed carbon-isotope ratios from fossil plant material through the Valanginian and Lower Hauterivian from a shallow-marine, ammonite-constrained succession in the Crimean Peninsula of the southern Ukraine in order to determine if the Upper Valanginian positive carbon-isotope excursion is expressed in the atmosphere. δ13Cplant values fluctuate around − 23‰ to − 22‰ for the Valanginian-Hauterivian, except during the Upper Valanginian where δ13Cplant values record a positive excursion to ∼− 18‰. Based upon ammonite biostratigraphy from Crimea, and in conjunction with a composite Tethyan marine δ13Ccarb curve, several conclusions can be drawn: (1) the δ13Cplant record indicates that the atmospheric carbon reservoir was affected; (2) the defined ammonite correlations between Europe and Crimea are synchronous; and (3) a change in photosynthetic carbon-isotope fractionation, caused by a decrease in atmospheric pCO2, occurred during the Upper Valanginian positive δ13C excursion. Our new data, combined with other paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic information, indicate that the Upper Valanginian was a cool period (icehouse) and highlights that the Cretaceous period was interrupted by periods of cooling and was not an equable climate as previously thought.  相似文献   

Abstract Isotopic analyses of organic carbon from the mid-Cretaceous sequence in Hokkaido, Japan, revealed a 2‰ positive excursion of δ13C values at the biostratigraphically defined Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary recognized in the Yezo Group. The planktonic foraminiferal Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone, which is known to bracket the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary elsewhere in the world, was recognized in the Oyubari area of central Hokkaido based on the distribution of commonly occurring planktonic foraminifera. In the Tappu area of northwestern Hokkaido, where diagnostic planktonic foraminifera are rare but calcareous nannoplankton occur commonly, the interval coeval with the W. archaeocretacea Zone can also be established by recognizing the conjoined last appearance levels of Corollithion kennedyi and Axopodorhabdus albianus, both calcareous nannoplankton species. Carbon isotope profiles exhibit a similar pattern with comparable peaks and troughs occurring in the same stratigraphic position in the sequences. A prominent, positive 2‰ shift of δ13C values, here called ‘δ13C spike’ occurs in the middle of the W. archaeocretacea Zone in the Oyubari area and just above the conjoined last appearances of the two above-mentioned nannoplankton taxa in the Tappu area. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary can be drawn just above the peak position of the spike in both sections. The Rock Eval analyses and biomarker analyses of organic carbon indicate that organic carbon subjected to our isotope analyses is of terrestrial origin. Therefore, the observed 2%o shift should reflect changes in the isotopic composition of the atmospheric CO2. A unique layer composed predominantly of sand-grain sized spumellarian Radiolaria is present immediately above the δ13C spike both in the Oyubari and Tappu areas, suggesting an increasing availability of both nutrients and silica in surface waters.  相似文献   

Upper Devonian carbonates of the Toc Tat Formation in the Si Phai Pass area of Dong Van District, northern Vietnam were deposited in carbonate platform, slope, and basin environments. These carbonates yield abundant conodonts indicative of the Palmatolepis nasuta, Pa. linguiformis and Pa. triangularis zones, the Frasnian–Famennian stage boundary being identified by the first occurrence of Pa. triangularis. Two positive carbon isotope excursions are recognized, the lower excursion peaking in the interval of the lower to middle Pa. nasuta Zone, whilst the upper excursion peaks just above the local Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Based on the biostratigraphy, these excursions equate to the Lower and Upper Kellwasser events. Locally, tentaculitoid taxa (Nowakia, Styliolina, Homoctenus, and Metastyliolina?) are abundant in the interval of the Pa. nasuta Zone, but show a drastic decline in abundance before the Lower Kellwasser Event, and only two taxa survived into the Famennian.  相似文献   

The Holocene stalagmite FG01 collected at the Fukugaguchi Cave in Itoigawa, central Japan provides a unique high‐resolution record of the East Asian winter monsoon. Because of the climate conditions on the Japan Sea side of the Japanese islands, the volume of precipitation during the winter is strongly reflected in the stalagmite δ18O signal. Examination of the carbon isotopes and the Mg/Ca ratio of FG01 provided additional information on the Holocene climate in Itoigawa, which is characterized by two different modes separated at 6.4 ka. Dripwater composition and the correlation between the δ13C and Mg/Ca data of FG01 indicate the importance of prior calcite precipitation (PCP), a process that selectively eliminated 12C and calcium ions from infiltrating water from CO2 degassing and calcite precipitation. In an earlier period (10.0–6.4 ka), an increase in soil pCO2 associated with warming and wetting climate trends was a critical factor that enhanced PCP, and resulted in an increasing trend in the Mg/Ca and δ13C data and a negative correlation between the δ13C and δ18O profiles. A distinct peak in the δ13C age profile at 6.8 ka could be a response to an increase of approximately 10% in C4 plants in the recharge area. At 6.4 ka, the climate mode changed to another, and correlation between δ18O and δ13C became positive. In addition, a millennial‐scale variation in δ18O and pulsed changes in δ13C and Mg/Ca became distinct. Assuming that δ18O and PCP were controlled by moisture in the later period, the volume of precipitation was high during 6.0–5.2, 4.4–4.0, and 3.0–2.0 ka. In contrast, the driest interval in Itoigawa was during 0.2–0.4 ka, and broadly corresponds to the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Abstract We review the carbon‐isotope data for finely disseminated carbonates from bioaltered, glassy pillow rims of basaltic lava flows from in situ slow‐ and intermediate‐spreading oceanic crust of the central Atlantic Ocean (CAO) and the Costa Rica Rift (CRR). The δ13C values of the bioaltered glassy samples from the CAO show a large range, between ?17 and +3‰ (Vienna Peedee belemnite standard), whereas those from the CRR define a much narrower range, between ?17‰ and ?7‰. This variation can be interpreted as the product of different microbial metabolisms during microbial alteration of the glass. In the present study, the generally low δ13C values (less than ?7‰) are attributed to carbonate precipitated from microbially produced CO2 during oxidation of organic matter. Positive δ13C values >0‰ likely result from lithotrophic utilization of CO2 by methanogenic Archaea that produce CH4 from H2 and CO2. High production of H2 at the slow‐spreading CAO crust may be a consequence of fault‐bounded, high‐level serpentinized peridotites near or on the sea floor, in contrast to the CRR crust, which exhibits a layer‐cake pseudostratigraphy with much less faulting and supposedly less H2 production. A comparison of the δ13C data from glassy pillow margins in two ophiolites interpreted to have formed at different spreading rates supports this interpretation. The Jurassic Mirdita ophiolite complex in Albania shows a structural architecture similar to that of the slow‐spreading CAO crust, with a similar range in δ13C values of biogenic carbonates. The Late Ordvician Solund–Stavfjord ophiolite complex in western Norway exhibits structural and geochemical evidence for evolution at an intermediate‐spreading mid‐ocean ridge and displays δ13C signatures in biogenic carbonates similar to those of the CRR. Based on the results of this comparative study, it is tentatively concluded that the spreading rate‐dependent tectonic evolution of oceanic lithosphere has a significant control on the evolution of microbial life and hence on the δ13C biosignatures preserved in disseminated biogenic carbonates in glassy, bioaltered lavas.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic sequence of calcimicrobialite facies at the Permian-Triassic (P/Tr) boundary has well recorded the biotic and environmental transition across the end-Permian catastrophic events. The biostratigraphy, microfacies, carbon isotopes, and fossil records across the P/Tr boundary have been studied at the Kangjiaping Section in Cili County, Hunan Province. Three biostratigraphic zones, Palaeofusulina-Colaniella Zone, Hindeodus parvus Zone, and Isarcicella staeschei Zone, are identified. The excursion of δ13Ccarb exhibits a sharp negative shift in the calcimicrobialite at the P/Tr boundary, which is roughly accordant with the abrupt bioclastic decline. In addition, five types of microfacies are recognized, including algal-foraminifer bioclastic limestone, algal-laminated calcimicrobial limestone, oolitic grainstone, vermiculate limestone, and intraclastic wackstone. The results indicate that the changeover of ecosystem from metazoan reef to calcimicrobialite in Cili is a classic case of marine ecological evolution during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40830212, 40621002, 40730209) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB80640)  相似文献   

New high resolution carbon isotope stratigraphies from two basinal pelagic carbonate successions in northern Germany (Halle and Oerlinghausen, Münsterland Cretaceous Basin) resolve late Cenomanian to early Mid-Turonian carbon cycle variations at timescales of less than 100 kyr. Beside the major carbon isotope excursion of the late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 2), 11 small-scale distinct features are precisely resolved in the δ13C carbonate curve and related to boreal macrofossil zonations. The small-scale carbon isotope events correspond to secular δ13C carbonate variations identified previously in the English Chalk. The boreal high-resolution δ13C carbonate curve shows a detailed coincidence with two Tethyan δ13C curves from Italy, what demonstrates the interregional significance of the δ13C dates and allows their correlation within error limits of ± 40 kyr. Furthermore, the new δ13C curve enables the calibration of boreal and tethyan macro- and microfossil zonations. Accordingly, the Tethyan calcareous nannoplankton boundary NC13/NC14 corresponds to the boreal FO of C. woollgari, the index taxon for the Lower-Middle Turonian boundary. The cyclic appearance and the temporal spacing of the small-scale carbon isotope events suggest that orbital forcing exerted control on surface water productivity and organic matter preservation at the sea floor.  相似文献   

Immediately before the extinction of the end‐Guadalupian (Middle Permian; ca 260 Ma), a significant change to the global carbon cycle occurred in the superocean Panthalassa, as indicated by a prominent positive δ13C excursion called the Kamura event. However, the causes of this event and its connection to the major extinction of marine invertebrates remain unclear. To understand the mutual relationships between these changes, we analyzed the sulfur isotope ratio of the carbonate‐associated sulfate (CAS) and HCl‐insoluble residue, as well as the carbon isotope ratio of bulk organic matter, for the Middle‐Upper Permian carbonates of an accreted mid‐oceanic paleo‐atoll complex from Japan, where the Kamura event was first documented. We detected the following unique aspects of the stable carbon and sulfur isotope records. First, the extremely high δ13C values of carbonate (δ13Ccarb) over +5 ‰ during the Capitanian (late Guadalupian) were associated with large isotopic differences between carbonate and organic matter (Δ13C = δ13Ccarb ? δ13Corg). We infer that the Capitanian Kamura event reflected an unusually large amount of dissolved organic matter in the expanded oxygen minimum zone at mid‐depth. Second, the δ34S values of CAS (δ34SCAS) were inversely correlated with the δ13Ccarb values during the Capitanian to early Wuchiapingian (early Late Permian) interval. The Capitanian trend may have appeared under increased oceanic sulfate conditions, which were accelerated by intense volcanic outgassing. Bacterial sulfate reduction with increased sulfate concentrations in seawater may have stimulated the production of pyrite that may have incorporated iron in pre‐existing iron hydroxide/oxide. This stimulated phosphorus release, which enhanced organic matter production and resulted in high δ13Ccarb. Low δ34SCAS values under high sulfate concentrations were maintained and the continuous supply of sulfate cannot by explained only by the volcanic eruption of the Emeishan Trap, which has been proposed as a cause of the extinction. The Wuchiapingian δ34SCAS–δ13Ccarb correlation, likely related to low sulfate concentration, may have been caused by the removal of oceanic sulfate through the massive evaporite deposition.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C‐DIC) was investigated as a potential tracer of streamflow generation processes at the Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA. Downstream sampling showed δ13C‐DIC increased between 3–5‰ from the stream source to the outlet weir approximately 0·5 km downstream, concomitant with increasing pH and decreasing PCO2. An increase in δ13C‐DIC of 2·4 ± 0·1‰ per log unit decrease of excess PCO2 (stream PCO2 normalized to atmospheric PCO2) was observed from downstream transect data collected during snowmelt. Isotopic fractionation of DIC due to CO2 outgassing rather than exchange with atmospheric CO2 may be the primary cause of increased δ13C‐DIC values downstream when PCO2 of surface freshwater exceeds twice the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Although CO2 outgassing caused a general increase in stream δ13C‐DIC values, points of localized groundwater seepage into the stream were identified by decreases in δ13C‐DIC and increases in DIC concentration of the stream water superimposed upon the general downstream trend. In addition, comparison between snowmelt, early spring and summer seasons showed that DIC is flushed from shallow groundwater flowpaths during snowmelt and is replaced by a greater proportion of DIC derived from soil CO2 during the early spring growing season. Thus, in spite of effects from CO2 outgassing, δ13C of DIC can be a useful indicator of groundwater additions to headwater streams and a tracer of carbon dynamics in catchments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Closely spaced samples (285 in number) of varved sediments from the Upper Permian in Delaware Basin, Texas, have been analyzed for δ13Ccarb, δ13Corg, δ18Ocarb, Corg, Ccarb, and calcite/dolomite. δ13C records a dramatic rise from ?2.8 to +5.7‰ in only 4400 years, detected in three sections across the basin, extrapolating smoothly through a 600-year interruption by a local (west side of the basin) fresh-water inflow evidenced by low δ18O. This continuity and low Corg within the basin, both indicate that the excess net deposition of Corg, necessary to generate the rise in δ13C, took place in the ocean external to the Delaware Basin. Correlation with similar records from the Zechstein Basin suggest that the event was world-wide, although this poses obvious difficulties for the carbon cycle. The rate of rise of δ13C, and its sustained high level, must imply conversions of oxidized carbon to reduced carbon that are very large depending on which reservoirs were involved.  相似文献   

Abstract Carbon isotope fluctuations of sedimentary organic matter along the two geological traverses in the Yezo Group, Hokkaido, northern Japan, elucidate a detailed chemostratigraphy for the Cenomanian Stage on the northwestern Pacific margin. Visual characterization of the kerogen from mudstone samples shows that the major constituents of sedimentary organic matter originated as terrestrial higher plants. The atomic hydrogen/carbon ratios of the kerogen suggest that the original δ13C values of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) have not been affected significantly by thermal diagenesis. The patterns in two δ13CTOM curves are similar and independent of changes in lithology and total organic carbon contents, which suggests that TOM was mixed sufficiently before the deposition in the Yezo forearc basin for the δ13C composition having been homogenized. In addition, this implies that the Hokkaido δ13CTOM profiles represent the averaged temporal δ13C variations of terrestrial higher‐plant vegetation in the hinterlands of northeast Asia during Cenomanian time. Three shorter‐term (ca. 0.1 my duration) positive‐and‐negative δ13CTOM fluctuations of ∼1‰ are present in the Lower to Middle Cenomanian interval in the Yezo Group. On the basis of the age‐diagnostic taxa (ammonoids, inoceramids and planktic foraminifers), these discrete δ13CTOM events are interpreted to be correlated with those in the δ13C curves of pelagic carbonates from European basins. The correlation of δ13C events between the European and Yezo Group sections suggests that the shorter‐term δ13C fluctuations in Cenomanian ocean‐atmosphere carbon reservoirs are useful for global chemostratigraphic correlation of marine strata. In particular, the correlation of δ13C fluctuations of the so‐called ‘Mid‐Cenomanian event’ (MCE) implies: (i) the δ13C variations of global carbon reservoir during the MCE are precisely recorded in the δ13CTOM records; and (ii) the MCE δ13CTOM event is an efficient chronostratigraphic index for the Lower/Middle Cenomanian boundary of the Mid‐Cretaceous sequences.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes in the water molecule (2H or D and 18O), carbon, and nitrogen are useful tracers and integrators of processes in plant ecohydrological systems across scales. Over the last few years, there has been growing interest in regional to continental scale synthesis of stable isotope data with a view to elucidating biogeochemical and ecohydrological patterns. Published datasets from the humid tropics, however, are limited. To be able to contribute to bridging the “data gap” in the humid tropics, here, we publish a relatively novel and unique suite of δ13C, δ15N, δ2H, and δ18O isotope data from three sites across a moisture gradient and contrasting land use in Puerto Rico. Plant tissue (xylem and leaf) samples from two species of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla and Swietenia mahagoni) and soil samples down to 60 cm in the soil profile were collected in relatively “wet” (July 2012) and “dry” (February 2013) periods at two sites in northeastern (Luquillo) and southwestern (Susua) Puerto Rico. The same sampling suite is also being made available from a highly urbanized site in the capital San Juan. Leaf samples taken in July 2012 and February 2013 were analyzed for δ13C and δ15N; all xylem and bulk soil samples were analyzed for δ2H and δ18O. Soil samples taken in July 2012 were analyzed for δ13C and δ15N. Leaf δ15N and δ13C dataset showed patterns that are possibly associated with site differences. While spatial patterns were also apparent in soil δ15N and δ13C dataset, the positively linear δ15N –δ13C relationship tends to weaken with site moisture. Soil depth and site moisture patterns were also observed in the δ2H and δ18O datasets of bulk soil and xylem samples. The purpose of these datasets is to provide baseline information on soil–plant water (δ2H and δ18O, N = 319), δ13C (N = 272), and δ15N (N = 269) that may be useful in a wide range of research questions from ecohydrological relations to biogeochemical patterns in soils and vegetation.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopic determinations have been made of 29 species of Recent Indian Ocean planktonic foraminifera. Fourteen core-top samples were used and as many as 18 species were chosen from a single core-top sample. The δ13C of the foraminifera was compared with that of total dissolved CO2 (ΣCO2) and of calcite precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with ΣCO2. The foraminiferal calcite is always at least 1.2‰ less than the value estimated for equilibrium calcite. This carbon isotopic disequilibrium suggests the partial utilization of13C-depleted metabolic CO2. The calcite tests of several species, however, have δ13C values which are similar to the δ13C of ΣCO2 in seawater. This relationship suggests that important paleohydrographic information may be obtained from carbon isotope records based on analyses of several foraminiferal species from single deep-sea sediment samples.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic compositions (δDH2O, δ18OH2O, δ18OCO2, δ13CCO2, δ34S, and He/N2 and He/Ar ratios) of fumarolic gases from Nisyros, Greece, indicate that both arc-type magmatic water and local seawater feed the hydrothermal system. Isotopic composition of the deep fluid is estimated to be +4.9±0.5‰ for δ18O and ?11±5‰ for δD corresponding to a magmatic water fraction of 0.7. Interpretation of the stable water isotopes was based on liquid–vapor separation conditions obtained through gas geothermometry. The H2–Ar, H2–N2, and H2–H2O geothermometers suggest reservoir temperatures of 345±15 °C, in agreement with temperatures measured in deep geothermal wells, whereas a vapor/liquid separation temperature of 260±30 °C is indicated by gas equilibria in the H2O–H2–CO2–CO–CH4 system. The largest magmatic inputs seem to occur below the Stephanos–Polybotes Micros crater, whereas the marginal fumarolic areas of Phlegeton–Polybotes Megalos craters receive a smaller contribution of magmatic gases.  相似文献   

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