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Subslab soil gas sampling and analysis is a common line of evidence for assessing human health risks associated with subsurface vapor intrusion to indoor air for volatile organic compounds; however, conventional subslab sampling methods have generated data that show substantial spatial and temporal variability, which often makes the interpretation difficult. A new method of monitoring has been developed and tested that is based on a concept of integrating samples over a large volume of soil gas extracted from beneath the floor slab of a building to provide a spatially averaged subslab concentration. Regular field screening is also conducted to assess the trend of concentration as a function of the volume removed to provide insight into the spatial distribution of vapors at progressive distances away from the point of extraction. This approach minimizes the risk of failing to identify the areas of elevated soil vapor concentrations that may exist between discrete sample locations, and can provide information covering large buildings with fewer holes drilled through the floor. The new method also involves monitoring the extraction flow rate and transient vacuum response for mathematical analysis to help interpret the vapor concentration data and to support an optimal design for any subslab venting system that may be needed.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is effective for removing volatile organic compound (VOC) mass from the vadose zone and reducing the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) into overlying and surrounding buildings. However, the relationship between residual mass in the subsurface and VI is complex. Through a series of alternating extraction (SVE on) and rebound (SVE off) periods, this field study explored the relationship and aspects of SVE applicable to VI mitigation in a commercial/light-industrial setting. The primary objective was to determine if SVE could provide VI mitigation over a wide area encompassing multiple buildings, city streets, and subsurface utilities and eliminate the need for individual subslab depressurization systems. We determined that SVE effectively mitigates offsite VI by intercepting or diluting contaminant vapors that would otherwise enter buildings through foundation slabs. Data indicate a measurable (5 Pa) influence of SVE on subslab/indoor pressure differential may occur but is not essential for effective VI mitigation. Indoor air quality improvements were evident in buildings 100 to 200 feet away from SVE including those without a measurable reversal of differential pressure across the slab or substantial reductions in subslab VOC concentration. These cases also demonstrated mitigation effects across a four-lane avenue with subsurface utilities. These findings suggest that SVE affects distant VI entry points with little observable impact on differential pressures and without relying on subslab VOC concentration reductions.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability of indoor air volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations can complicate vapor intrusion (VI) assessment and decision-making. Indicators and tracers (I&T) of VI, such as differential temperature, differential pressure, and indoor radon concentration, are low-cost lines of evidence to support sampling scheduling and interpretation of indoor air VOC sampling results. This study compares peak indoor air chlorinated VOC concentrations and I&T conditions before and during those peak events at five VI sites. The sites differ geographically and in their VI conceptual site models (CSM). Relative to site-specific baseline values, the results show that cold or falling outdoor temperatures, rising cross slab differential pressures, and increasing indoor radon concentrations can predict peak VOC concentrations. However, cold outdoor air temperature was not useful at one site where elevated shallow soil temperature was a better predictor. Correlations of peak VOC concentrations to elevated or rising barometric pressure and low wind speed were also observed with some exceptions. This study shows how the independent variables that control or predict peak indoor air VOC concentrations are specific to building types, climates, and VI CSMs. More I&T measurements at VI sites are needed to identify scenario-specific baseline and peak related I&T conditions to improve decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on slab vibration and a horizontal‐vertical coupling effect observed in a full‐scale 5‐story moment frame test bed building in 2 configurations: isolated with a hybrid combination of lead‐rubber bearings and cross‐linear (rolling) bearings, and fixed at the base. Median peak slab vibrations were amplified—relative to the peak vertical shake table accelerations—by factors ranging from 2 at the second floor to 7 at the roof, and horizontal floor accelerations were significantly amplified during 3D (combined horizontal and vertical) motions compared with 2D (horizontal only) motions of comparable input intensity. The experimentally observed slab accelerations and the horizontal‐vertical coupling effect were simulated through a 3D model of the specimen using standard software and modeling assumptions. The floor system was modeled with frame elements for beams/girders and shell elements for floor slabs; the insertion point method with end joint offsets was used to represent the floor system composite behavior, and floor mass was finely distributed through element discretization. The coupling behavior was partially attributed to the asymmetry of the building that was intensified by asymmetrically configured supplemental mass at the roof. Horizontal‐vertical coupled modes were identified through modal analysis and verified with evaluation of floor spectral peaks.  相似文献   

Generic indoor air:subslab soil gas attenuation factors (SSAFs) are important for rapid screening of potential vapor intrusion risks in buildings that overlie soil and groundwater contaminated with volatile chemicals. Insufficiently conservative SSAFs can allow high‐risk sites to be prematurely excluded from further investigation. Excessively conservative SSAFs can lead to costly, time‐consuming, and often inconclusive actions at an inordinate number of low‐risk sites. This paper reviews two of the most commonly used approaches to develop SSAFs: (1) comparison of paired, indoor air and subslab soil gas data in empirical databases and (2) comparison of estimated subslab vapor entry rates and indoor air exchange rates (IAERs). Potential error associated with databases includes interference from indoor and outdoor sources, reliance on data from basements, and seasonal variability. Heterogeneity in subsurface vapor plumes combined with uncertainty regarding vapor entry points calls into question the representativeness of limited subslab data and diminishes the technical defensibility of SSAFs extracted from databases. The use of reasonably conservative vapor entry rates and IAERs offers a more technically defensible approach for the development of generic SSAF values for screening. Consideration of seasonal variability in building leakage rates, air exchange rates, and interpolated vapor entry rates allows for the development of generic SSAFs at both local and regional scales. Limitations include applicability of the default IAERs and vapor entry rates to site‐specific vapor intrusion investigations and uncertainty regarding applicability of generic SSAFs to assess potential short‐term (e.g., intraday) variability of impacts to indoor air.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aerobic biodegradation in the vadose zone between a subsurface source and a building foundation can all-but eliminate the risks from methane and petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI). Understanding oxygen availability and the factors that affect it (e.g., building sizes and their distribution) are therefore critical. Uncovered ground surfaces allow oxygen access to the subsurface to actively biodegrade hydrocarbons (inclusive of methane). Buildings can reduce the net flux of oxygen into the subsurface and so reduce degradation rates. Here we determine when PVI and methane risk is negligible and/or extinguished; defined by when oxygen is present across the entire sub-slab region of existing or planned slab-on-ground buildings. We consider all building slab sizes, all depths to vapor sources and the effect of spacings between buildings on the availability of oxygen in the subsurface. The latter becomes critical where buildings are in close proximity or when increased building density is planned. Conservative assumptions enable simple, rapid and confident screening should sites and building designs comply to model assumptions. We do not model the aboveground “building” processes (e.g., air exchange), and assume the slab-on-ground seals the ground surface so that biodegradation of hydrocarbons is minimized under the built structure (i.e., the assessment remains conservative). Two graphs represent the entirety of the outcomes that allow simple screening of hydrocarbon vapors based only on the depth to the source of vapors below ground, the concentration of vapors within the source, the width of the slab-on-ground building, and the gap between buildings; all independent of soil type. Rectangular, square, and circular buildings are considered. Comparison with field sites and example applications are provided, along with a simple 8-step screening guide set in the context of existing guidance on PVI assessment.  相似文献   

大多数建筑结构由梁、柱、支撑、剪力墙、地基和楼板等主要结构组成。一般而言,楼板对建筑结构的抗震性能可以忽略不计,所以进行建筑结构分析的模型是无楼板的。因此,楼板被刚性隔板代替,以提高分析效率。本文提出的建筑结构抗震分析解析模型考虑了楼板抗弯刚度,该模型采用超级单元、刚性隔板和子结构技术来减少自由度。通过实例分析,验证了该模型在多层建筑结构抗震分析中的有效性和准确性。且此模型能够显著减少计算量,提高分析效率,振动周期和响应时间等分析结果的精度与精化模型的结果非常接近,说明该模型的提出是合理的。  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion (VI) occurs when volatile contaminants in the subsurface migrate through the vadose zone into overlying buildings. The 2015 U.S. EPA petroleum VI guidance recommends that additional investigation of the VI risk from gasoline hydrocarbons at the underground storage tank (UST) sites is not necessary where the vertical distance between a building and a vapor source exceeds a recommended vertical screening distance. However, due to the lack of soil-gas data on the attenuation of ethylene dibromide (EDB), additional VI investigations to evaluate VI risk from EDB are recommended at UST sites with leaded gasoline releases containing EDB. We analyzed soil-gas and groundwater concentrations of EDB from eight petroleum UST sites using a new analytical method with soil-gas detection limit <0.16 μg/m3 EDB (VI screening level at the 10−6 risk level). The analysis included (1) assessing the frequency of EDB detections ≤0.16 μg/m3 at various vertical separation distances and (2) predicting vertical screening distances for EDB using the U.S. EPA PVIScreen model for different soil types in the vadose zone above dissolved-phase and LNAPL sources. Ranges of estimated aerobic biodegradation rate constants for EDB, air exchange rates for residential buildings, and source vapor concentrations for other constituents were combined with conservative estimates of EDB source concentrations as model inputs. Concentrations of EDB in soil-gas indicated that the U.S. EPA recommended vertical screening distances are protective of VI risk from EDB. Conversely, vertical screening distances predicted by modeling were >6 ft (1.8 m) for sites with sand and loam soil above dissolved phase sources and >15 ft (4.6 m) for sites with sand soil above LNAPL sources. This predicted dependence on the vapor source type and soil type in the vadose zone highlights the importance of soil characterization for VI screening at sites with EDB sources.  相似文献   

A value of 0.001 is recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for its groundwater‐to‐indoor air Generic Attenuation Factor (GAFG), used in assessing potential vapor intrusion (VI) impacts to indoor air, given measured groundwater concentrations of volatile chemicals of concern (e.g., chlorinated solvents). The GAFG can, in turn, be used for developing groundwater screening levels for VI given target indoor air quality screening levels. In this study, we examine the validity and applicability of the GAFG both for predicting indoor air impacts and for determining groundwater screening levels. This is done using both analysis of published data and screening model calculations. Among the 774 total paired groundwater‐indoor air measurements in the USEPA's VI database (which were used by that agency to generate the GAFG) we found that there are 427 pairs for which a single groundwater measurement or interpolated value was applied to multiple buildings. In one case, up to 73 buildings were associated with a single interpolated groundwater value and in another case up to 15 buildings were associated with a single groundwater measurement (i.e., that the indoor air contaminant concentrations in all of the associated buildings were influenced by the concentration determined at a single point). In more than 70% of the cases (390 of 536 paired measurements in which horizontal building‐monitoring well distance was recorded) the monitoring wells were located more than 30 m (and one up to over 200 m) from the associated buildings. In a few cases, the measurements in the database even improbably implied that soil gas contaminant concentrations increased, rather than decreased, in an upward direction from a contaminant source to a foundation slab. Such observations indicate problematic source characterization within the data set used to generate the GAFG, and some indicate the possibility of a significant influence of a preferential contaminant pathway. While the inherent value of the USEPA database itself is not being questioned here, the above facts raise the very real possibility that the recommended groundwater attenuation factors are being influenced by variables or conditions that have not thus far been fully accounted for. In addition, the predicted groundwater attenuation factors often fall far beyond the upper limits of predictions from mathematical models of VI, ranging from screening models to detailed computational fluid dynamic models. All these models are based on the same fundamental conceptual site model, involving a vadose zone vapor transport pathway starting at an underlying uniform groundwater source and leading to the foundation of a building of concern. According to the analysis presented here, we believe that for scenarios for which such a “traditional” VI pathway is appropriate, 10?4 is a more appropriately conservative generic groundwater to indoor air attenuation factor than is the EPA‐recommended 10?3. This is based both on the statistical analysis of USEPA's VI database, as well as the traditional mathematical models of VI. This result has been validated by comparison with results from some well‐documented field studies.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination associated with two former industrial facilities in Denver, Colorado, has led to concerns about vapor intrusion into residences adjacent to the facilities. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA), 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE), and trichloroethene (TCE) are the main contaminants of concern in groundwater, with trace levels of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) present at one of the sites. Indoor air monitoring programs have been ongoing at these two sites since 1998 and recent results have suggested that background, indoor source, 1,2-DCA has been increasing in the frequency of detection, and median and maximum concentration over the past several years. A lines of evidence evaluation was undertaken for both sites in order to document the predominance of indoor sources of 1,2-DCA. Evidence utilized included spatial evaluation of 1,2-DCA in indoor air; comparison of 1,2-DCA concentrations in mitigated and unmitigated homes; a phone survey to evaluate the potential for smoking to contribute to indoor air 1,2-DCA levels; evaluation of mitigation system effluent data; and an evaluation of volatile organic compound (VOC) ratios in groundwater and indoor air. The results of this evaluation indicated that smoking had no demonstrable influence on measured indoor air concentrations. In addition, it appears that consumer products have had a markedly increased influence on indoor air concentrations since 2005. Data from one of the industrial facilities at one of the sites also indicated that polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and vinyl composite floor adhesive used in a building remodel in 2005 apparently generated elevated levels of indoor 1,2-DCA and vinyl chloride, which have been sustained up to the present time.  相似文献   

总结采用梁有效翼缘来考虑楼板及配筋对"强柱弱梁"机制形成的影响的实验和数值仿真研究.基于SAP2000采用三种侧向加载模式对RC框架结构不带楼板、不带楼板考虑梁刚度放大、带楼板的三个模型进行pushover分析,对力与位移的关系曲线、塑性铰的出铰顺序以及顶点位移与层间位移等方面进行探讨.结果表明:三个模型的"强柱弱梁"...  相似文献   

An increasing number of seismological studies indicate that slabs of subducted lithosphere penetrate the Earth's lower mantle below some island arcs but are deflected, or, rather, laid down, in the transition zone below others. Recent numerical simulations of mantle flow also advocate a hybrid form of mantle convection, with intermittent layering. We present a multi-disciplinary analysis of slab morphology and mantle dynamics in which we account explicitly for the history of subduction below specific island arcs in an attempt to understand what controls lateral variations in slab morphology and penetration depth. Central in our discussion are the Izu-Bonin and Mariana subduction zones. We argue that the differences in the tectonic evolution of these subduction zones—in particular the amount and rate of trench migration—can explain why the slab of subducted oceanic lithosphere seems to be (at least temporarily) stagnant in the Earth's transition zone below the Izu-Bonin arc but penetrates into the lower mantle below the Mariana arc. We briefly speculate on the applicability of our model of the temporal and spatial evolution of slab morphology to other subduction zones. Although further investigation is necessary, our tentative model shows the potential for interpreting seismic images of slab structure by accounting for the plate-tectonic history of the subduction zones involved. We therefore hope that the ideas outlined here will stimulate and direct new research initiatives.  相似文献   

Site closure for soil vacuum extraction (SVE) application typically requires attainment or specified soil concentration standards based on the premise that mass flux from the vadose zone to ground water not result in levels exceeding maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Unfortunately, realization of MCLs in ground water may not be attainable at many sites. This results in soil remediation efforts that may be in excess of what is necessary for future protection of ground water and soil remediation goals which often cannot be achieved within a reasonable time period. Soil venting practitioners have attempted to circumvent these problems by basing closure on some predefined percent total mass removal, or an approach to a vapor concentration asymptote. These approaches, however, are subjective and influenced by venting design. We propose an alternative strategy based on evaluation of five components: (1) site characterization, (2) design. (3) performance monitoring, (4) rule-limited vapor transport, and (5) mass flux to and from ground water. Demonstration of closure is dependent on satisfactory assessment of all five components. The focus of this paper is to support mass flux evaluation. We present a plan based on monitoring of three subsurface zones and develop an analytical one-dimensional vertical flux model we term VFLUX. VFLUX is a significant improvement over the well-known numerical one-dimensional model. VLEACH, which is often used for estimation of mass flux to ground water, because it allows for the presence of nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in soil, degradation, and a lime-dependent boundary condition at the water table inter-face. The time-dependent boundary condition is the center-piece of our mass flux approach because it dynamically links performance of ground water remediation lo SVE closure. Progress or lack of progress in ground water remediation results in either increasingly or decreasingly stringent closure requirements, respectively.  相似文献   

Subslab or shallow soil-gas data are often compared with indoor air concentration data in vapor intrusion (VI) evaluations. If no indoor air data are available or confounding sources are present, or if future scenarios are considered, the soil-gas data may be used to estimate the indoor air concentrations due to VI. The typical approach in risk assessments is to use the 95th percentile values from a set of concentration data. For VI studies, however, this rarely is an option because the data sets tend to be quite small. Therefore, various guidance documents urge the use of maximum soil-gas values. This may be reasonable for small residential buildings, but can lead to very conservatively biased estimates if applied to large industrial buildings with localized areas of contamination, especially given that the sampling locations may not be randomly selected and instead are biased toward worst-case locations. By this approach, VI guidance implicitly tolerates a large percentage of false positive decision errors to minimize the number of false negative decision errors. In this paper, implications of using maximum values are discussed and illustrated with data sets from a number of large industrial buildings at various sites. An alternative approach to using maximum soil-gas values is proposed that serves to reduce the number of false positive results while controlling the number of false negatives to an acceptable level.  相似文献   

Different types of data can be collected to evaluate whether or not vapor intrusion is a concern at sites impacted with volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination in the subsurface. Typically, groundwater, soil gas, or indoor air samples are collected to determine VOC concentrations in the different media. Sample results are evaluated using a “multiple lines of evidence” approach to interpret whether vapor intrusion is occurring. Data interpretation is often not straightforward because of many complicating factors, particularly in the evaluation of indoor air. More often than not, indoor air sample results are affected by indoor or other background sources making interpretation of concentration‐based data difficult using conventional sampling approaches. In this study, we explored the practicality of compound‐specific isotope analysis (CSIA) as an additional type of evidence to distinguish between indoor sources and subsurface sources (i.e., vapor intrusion). We developed a guide for decision‐making to facilitate data interpretation and applied the guidelines at four different test buildings. To evaluate the effectiveness of the CSIA method for vapor intrusion applications, we compared the interpretation from CSIA to interpretations based on data from two different investigation approaches: conventional sampling and on‐site GC/MS analysis. Interpretations using CSIA were found to be generally consistent with the other approaches. In one case, CSIA provided the strongest line of evidence that vapor intrusion was not occurring and that a VOC source located inside the building was the source of VOCs in indoor air.  相似文献   

With the opening of ancient Tibetan structures to visitors worldwide, human load has become the principal live load on these structures. This project studies the properties of the floor structure of an ancient Tibetan building and its behavior under human-induced load effects. Tests were conducted with static and dynamic crowd load, including stepping and jogging by people at a fixed position. The tests show that the floor structure does not behave as a continuous slab. It takes the load from local areas with minimal load transference properties. The acceleration response shows significant peaks when the footstep frequency is close to the natural frequency of the structure, but the human jogging excitation frequency does not have any obvious effect on the structural response. The elastic modulus of the Agatu material is estimated to be close to zero from the measured natural frequency of the slab. The Agatu material is concluded to be a discrete compacted material with insignificant contribution to the structural rigidity of the floor slab.  相似文献   

文俊  蒋友宝 《地震工程学报》2020,42(2):326-331,367
为测试高层钢结构建筑抗震性能,在有限元模型中以某高层钢框架结构办公大厦作为研究对象,测试其横向支撑地震动力响应状况。选取地震峰值加速度为200 cm/s^2的El-Centro波作为地震波输入,采用瞬态动力方法分析不同楼板厚度下建筑地震模拟响应,得到建筑顶层位移时程曲线;在SAP2000结构软件中分析建筑工程添加横向支撑前后的反应谱,记录各楼层垂直与水平方向位移与层间位移角。得到如下结果:高层钢结构建筑在地震响应下产生的位移不随楼板厚度的增加而增大,楼板厚度为100 mm、170 mm时位移波动显著;添加横向支撑后,建筑水平刚度显著提升,同理,添加横向支撑后横向层间位移角的最大值变化较大,且低于1/250,符合相关建筑标准。  相似文献   

This article describes a simplified method to calculate a building-specific subslab to indoor air attenuation factor using data collected during pressure-field extension testing similar to industry standards for radon mitigation. It also describes a simplified method to calculate the radius of influence for a conventional suction point using a mass flux-balance model. The analysis is based on three simple measurements: (1) the extraction flow rate, (2) cross-slab applied vacuum at a radial distance of 3 feet, and (3) cross-slab applied vacuum at a radial distance of 10 feet. The intent is to provide a practitioner with a rapid and useful screening-level assessment of whether the benefits of reduced mitigation system costs warrant an investment in a more detailed mathematical analysis of the flow and vacuum data. In addition, this may also help a practitioner to make real-time decisions regarding placement of communication test points during pressure-field extension testing.  相似文献   

跨度20 m以上的混凝土楼盖结构装配化方案优选是重要课题,对同一工程,分别采用混凝土井字楼盖、混凝土空腹网架楼盖、钢空腹夹层楼盖及焊接钢管桁架加混凝土板楼盖4种结构方案,分别进行了施工图设计与综合效益比较。结果显示:以焊接钢管桁架作为下部肋梁,上铺钢筋混凝土薄板组成的"吊装焊接钢管桁架加混凝土板楼盖结构"新体系安全性能高,造价低,可用性强,且适用于装配化施工,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

克拉玛依市通讯新村12号住宅楼风振原因及减振效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从克拉玛依市通讯新村12号住宅楼所处的自然环境条件、风振测试、楼房风荷载计算等方面,分析了12号楼房动力特性、楼房风振影响程度以及引起楼房风振原因。造成克拉玛依市通讯新村12号楼风振的原因是,该楼楼房基础互不相连,整体性差,而且楼房楼层高,基础浅,抗风能力差;其次是结构突出的0.5 m纵墙外挑墙垛,增强了风振响应。对该楼房采取减振措施后取得显著的减振效果,减振率达82%。  相似文献   

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