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摘要:以内蒙古苏尼特左旗地区两幅1:5万区调填图为例,利用ICPS-Ⅲ型微机图像处理系统,开展微机、遥感和地理信息系统高新技术在1:5万区调中的应用研究。解决了地理、地质、遥感和物化探等多元信息进入微机、图形图像处理、人机对话遥感地质解译和地理信息成图等一系列重要技术问题;推出了一个适用于区调工作的图形、图像处理和成图的工作流程;完成了2个试验图幅的遥感地质应用。研究表明,这一处理系统和工作流程对提高区调工作的成图质量、加快填图速度,为区调工作的定量化和半自动化开拓了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

The growth of exploration geochemical drainage surveys has led to the use of electronic computers to process the data, and the data must be coded into a machine-processable form. The coding scheme employed is the key to fast, efficient data processing. In practice, each geochemical survey will have its own characteristics and a universal coding scheme is impracticable. However, certain basic principles should be observed. Various methods, such as optical cards, have been used to improve the coding and keypunching of data whilst statistical processing packages and remote terminals have become common in data processing. Stream sediment data from southwestern New Brunswick and the Bathurst—Jacquet River area of northern New Brunswick were stored in a data base system. An evaluation of display mediums led to a modified version of SYMAP being employed to display geochemical data by a computer map produced on the line printer. Contour mapping was found to be more suitable for the recognition of geochemical patterns than proximal mapping. The maps, which could be produced quickly and economically, were an important tool in the display of the results of statistical techniques such as Q-mode factor analysis and discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

地质图空间数据库的建立是我国从纸制地质图件向多源地学空间信息数据库转变的一个标志,为多源地学信息综合分析和解释提供了充足的数据源。将建平幅以往大量的数据纸介质整理后进行属性数据、图形数据采集,建立了一个能够随意提取、可以不断更新的地质图件库,分析讨论了地质图数据库的特点、功能,并进行了应用。  相似文献   

锆石是在自然界中多种温压条件下能够稳定保存,并记录原岩年龄信息的副矿物。锆石微量元素能完整记录地质演化过程信息。通过微量元素分析锆石成因的研究已久,通常利用Th-U图解和LaN-(Sm/La)N图解等二元图解对锆石进行分类研究。然而,随着锆石研究的深入,以及二元图解无法呈现数据高维度信息的局限性,传统图解已经不能满足对锆石类型进行准确判别,且对已知类型的锆石出现判定偏差。因此,本文将地质大数据与机器学习相结合,训练出高维度锆石成因分类器。文中收集了3 498条不同成因类型的锆石微量元素数据,并通过测试和运用随机森林、支持向量机、人工神经网络和k近邻等4种机器学习算法,最终得出准确率为86.8%的线性支持向量机锆石成因分类器,用于锆石类型的判定与预测。这项工作为锆石分类研究提供了更高维度的判别手段,极大提高了微量元素分析成因结果的精度。将锆石微量元素数据与机器学习方法相结合,是大数据分析与机器学习技术在地球化学研究中的积极探索。  相似文献   

地质地球化学图解的计算机绘图系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据目前国内外发表的常用地质地球化学图解特征,研制了一套容纳150多幅常用地质地球化学图解的绘图系统。系统界面友好,操作方面,适用性极强,具有可扩充性。  相似文献   

Geostatistical analysis of geochemical exploration data can provide useful information for evaluating the mineralization potential of geologic bodies. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution of U and V over an area in the upper phosphorite member, the A0 unit, in Eshidiyya basin in southern Jordan. Drill-hole samples were analyzed. The geochemistry of the analyzed elements was assessed. The spatial variability of U and V was also assessed using semivariance analysis. Both U and V were found to exhibit a normal distribution as indicated by the constructed histograms and the calculated skewness and kurtosis coefficients. Exponential models with nugget effects were fitted to the experimental semivariograms. Ordinary kriging was performed to generate geochemical maps. The applied interpolation technique proved to be the best in producing geochemical exploration maps for both U and V in Eshidiyya phosphorites. The constructed geochemical maps helped visualize a WNW–ESE U mineralization trend in the studied phosphorites. This trend should be taken into consideration in any future exploration programs for U in south Jordan.  相似文献   

A microcomputer system can be a powerful interpretive tool in the hands of the explorationist, particularly for his geochemical surveys. Data entry and plotting of site parameters and/or trace-element values on 18 cm × 26 cm maps, on site, can be carried out at reasonable cost with available technology. Plotting characteristics of some microcomputer systems are the equal to those of mainframes.All geochemical data, even for surveys of 38 elements with up to four sample media, can be displayed by a large plotter as ten single-element plots (18 cm × 26 cm) on each of four mapsheets. Plotting 2000 points for ten elements requires five hours and can be scheduled for overnight operation. Elements showing meaningful variations can be replotted subsequently at large scales using character and/or symbol formats. Examples of geochemical plots are given for soil- and stream-sediment surveys and for drill-core lithogeochemical studies.The microcomputer can calculate statistics; however, large numbers of such calculations are slow. Transfer of data to a mainframe computer allows access to fast, sophisticated statistical software. The mainframe can also provide high-quality laser-printed paper copy and can be used for fail-safe archiving.  相似文献   

Analysis of geochemical maps and their legends permits the proposal of several ways of improving their information content. Firstly, coherent and comparable classification of the objects to be presented must be developed. This classification should be based on strictly defined quantitative geochemical features of the objects; natural associations, anomalous elements, rocks, ore deposits and ore-bearing areas. Secondly, the most informative features of objects must be selected and uniquely displayed with a standard set of symbols. These symbols must be clear, readily understood and logically connected. The third requirement is that maps must be prepared in accordance with the tasks they are intended to deal with, must be optimally scaled, and display only appropriate information.One possible way of meeting the above-mentioned requirements, is proposed in a system of geochemical discrimination and related map presentation methods. The latter involves black hachures for the geological base, and directed colour lines and other features of colour hachures to characterize geochemical associations. Ore deposits may be characterized on the basis of eight most meaningful features encoded in one complex hieroglyph-like symbol constructed from easily understood and memorable components. This type of construction facilitates the computerized analysis of maps and makes them far more useful for prognosis, genetic reconstruction and resource evaluation.  相似文献   

数字地质调查RGMap(RGMapGIS和MEMapGIS)系统是目前应用于我国地质矿产资源调查数字化专用软件系统,在基础地质填图、矿产资源评价领域得到推广使用,笔者应用RGMapGIS系统集成的综合数据处理模块对物化探勘查获取的测点信息数据进行相关方法数据处理,并编制了物化探成果图件。  相似文献   

A geochemical atlas of North Carolina, U.S.A., was prepared using National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) stream-sediment data. Before termination of the NURE program, sampling of nearly the entire state (48,666 square miles of land area) was completed and geochemical analyses were obtained.The NURE data are applicable to mineral exploration, agriculture, waste disposal siting issues, health, and environmental studies. Applications in state government include resource surveys to assist mineral exploration by identifying geochemical anomalies and areas of mineralization. Agriculture seeks to identify areas with favorable (or unfavorable) conditions for plant growth, disease, and crop productivity. Trace elements such as cobalt, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum must be present within narrow ranges in soils for optimum growth and productivity. Trace elements as a contributing factor to disease are of concern to health professionals. Industry can use pH and conductivity data for water samples to site facilities which require specific water quality.The North Carolina NURE database consists of stream-sediment samples, groundwater samples, and stream-water analyses. The statewide database consists of 6,744 stream-sediment sites, 5,778 groundwater sample sites, and 295 stream-water sites. Neutron activation analyses were provided for U, Br, Cl, F, Mn, Na, Al, V, Dy in groundwater and stream water, and for U, Th, Hf, Ce, Fe, Mn, Na, Sc, Ti, V, Al, Dy, Eu, La, Sm, Yb, and Lu in stream sediments. Supplemental analyses by other techniques were reported on U (extractable), Ag, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, K, Li, Mg, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sn, Sr, W, Y, and Zn for 4,619 stream-sediment samples. A small subset of 334 stream samples was analyzed for gold.The goal of the atlas was to make available the statewide NURE data with minimal interpretation to enable prospective users to modify and manipulate the data for their end use. The atlas provides only very general indication of geochemical distribution patterns and should not be used for site specific studies. The atlas maps for each element were computer-generated at the state's geographic information system (Center for Geographic Information and Analysis [CGIA]). The Division of Statistics and Information Services provided input files. The maps in the atlas are point maps. Each sample is represented by a symbol generally corresponding to a quartile class. Other reports will transmit sample and analytical data for state regions. Data are tentatively planned to be available on disks in spreadsheet format for personal computers.During the second phase of this project, stream-sediment samples are being assigned to state geologic map unit names using a GIS system to determine background and anomaly values. Subsequent publications will make this geochemical data and accompanying interpretations available to a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary users.  相似文献   

在岩石地球化学理论的框架下,用该领域专家在实际工作中的思维方法来描述岩石地球化学数据处理与分析的固有流程,以岩石地球化学参数和图解为应用研究对象,利用岩石地球化学与计算机软件技术交叉的研究方法,概括岩石地球化学数据的特征及其处理方法。通过对双变量图解、三变量图解特征的分析,将数据计算分为主量和微量元素相关参数计算、主量和微量元素标准矿物计算、同位素相关计算,设计合理、有效的算法,实现岩石地球化学图解的数据管理、分类、参数选择与计算、表达式识别、绘制、坐标转换、投点等图解成图全过程的自动化。  相似文献   

三维地质建模中的多源数据融合技术与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建模数据多源性是三维地质建模最大的特点,模型构建的关键是将这些数据有效地融合以提高模型的精度和可靠性。首先统一地理、地质、物探、化探、遥感、钻探、采矿等建模数据的坐标系和比例尺,构建原始资料数据库。然后运用等高线数据构建数字高程模型(DEM)面,以DEM面为载体实现了地表填图路线PRB(point-routing-boundary)数据、矢量地质图、栅格地质图、遥感影像图等地表地质数据的有效融合;在已有地表地质数据和地下地质数据约束的条件下,通过约束及离散光滑插值技术实现了地表地质数据和地下地质数据的融合;根据已有建模数据确定合理的建模单元,对数据库中的点、线、面、体等数据进行归类,构建与建模单元一致的原始资料数据库。最后在原始资料数据库中,以高精度地质数据为约束对物探数据进行地质解译,综合已有建模数据,并考虑地质体的三维空间展布,实现了不同精度数据之间的融合;以主要建模数据构建初始地质界面,以高精度建模数据对已构建的初始地质界面进行约束,实现了主要建模数据与次要建模数据的融合。其中,点对线约束、点(线)对面约束、面对面约束等约束建模技术在建模数据融合过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

元素协变图作为研究地球化学元素之间相关关系的重要方法之一,直观的显示出元素在岩浆演化过程中的变化趋势.但现有元素协变图在处理和分析地球化学大数据时,无法体现不同演化阶段元素地球化学行为的差异性,难以揭示大数据背景下地球化学元素之间的相关关系,限制了地球化学大数据的进一步分析和应用.为适应面向岩石地球化学大数据的元素协变...  相似文献   

刘运锷  李莉 《矿产与地质》2016,(6):1018-1023
在地质工作和测量程度低的地区开展地质调查工作时,由于缺乏基础资料,在工作设计及野外施工等方面极其不方便.本文利用91卫图助手软件免费下载工作区地形和影像数据,使用Global Mapper对该数据进行分析处理,并结合MapGIS软件能快速绘制出调查区的一系列基础图件如地形等值线图、测区沟系图、测区影像图等.在此基础上,使得测区的地质工作路线安排、化探沟系次生晕野外采集点布置更加方便,从而节约了成本,并提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

通过内蒙古表生环境中元素相容性排序检验,认为1∶20区域化探普查成果能提供原生环境中各类地质信息,尤其是普查找矿信息。区域化探元素测试结果存在系统误差,通过数据调平处理,保证了化探数据的质量。ln(wCr×wNi×wCo)等图件提供的信息,可作为划分地质地球化学分区的主要依据之一,对基础地质研究有参考价值。在此基础上初步圈定了元素地球化学成矿预测区,为内蒙古自治区提供了有价值的普查找矿信息。  相似文献   

基于3S技术的矿产资源评价数字化工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析新一轮国土资源大调查矿产资源评价项目特点的基础上,通过工作实践,提出以3S(RS、GPS、GIS)技术为基础的矿产资源评价数字化工作方法.针对矿产资源评价工作的一般特点,从原始数据的获得与处理、地质工作的数字化、项目工作成果的表达等方面出发,就资源评价工作中常见的工作内容(如遥感解译、地质草图制作与修编、物化探、地质科研、成矿预测和远景区圈定等数字化工作)中RS、GPS、GIS应用提出了具体的实施操作过程、方法、技巧和应注意的问题.基于3S技术的矿产资源评价数字化工作将是新一轮国土资源大调查工作的基本要求和发展趋势.  相似文献   

应用MAPGIS制作地球化学图单元素异常图及综合异常图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MAPGIS离散数据网格化模型绘制地球化学图,通过四种不同的网格化方法效果对比,在元素含量分析数据极差相对较小时,采用Kring泛克立格法网格化模型绘制的地球化学图效果佳。分析数据极差相对较大时,采用距离幂函数反比加权网格化模型绘制的地球化学图效果较好。两种数据网格模型绘制的地球化学图均达到化探规范中对地球化学图的要求,因此提出了应用MAPGIS制作地球化学等含量线图,利用地球化学等含量线图的属性,绘制单元素异常图及综合异常图。  相似文献   

基于ArcView GIS的矿床定位预测系统简介   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于矢量数据的"矿床定位预测系统",简称DPIS,用于对地质、物探、化探、遥感、矿产等信息数据进行集成研究,预测找矿靶区.系统充分发挥ArcView GIS图形管理、空间查询、空间分析等优势,使地质研究人员能在熟悉的地质矿产图界面上,通过简单的鼠标操作,在短时间内完成大范围的矿床统计预测工作.系统还提供了"图层自动生成"、"线走向/长度计算"、"面积计算"、"图层平移/旋转/缩放"、"图层合并"等多种实用的矢量数据变换、处理功能,使数据资料的整理便捷、高效.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(7-8):963-983
The <2 mm fraction of 605 samples of the C-horizon of podzols collected from an area of 188,000 km2 in the European Arctic was analysed for more than 40 chemical elements. The results were used to construct geochemical maps which showed clear regional distribution patterns, notwithstanding the very low sample density of 1 site per 300 km2. Some of these patterns fit established lithological boundaries. Others fit lineament structures in the area and underline the relative importance of certain tectonic directions some of which have not yet been delineated on existing geological maps. Some mark large-scale hydrothermal events and related alteration. Finally, some are connected with prominent, known ore deposits occurring in the area. However, several large deposits and even famous metallogenic provinces (Fe, Ni/Cu) are hardly, or not at all, reflected in the regional geochemical maps. In their present definitions geochemical provinces and metallogenic provinces are thus not necessarily related. Special geochemical features can occur at very different scales. The term geochemical province is so imprecise in terms of processes leading to regional-scale geochemical features that it should be avoided. Low-density geochemistry can be used to aid the interpretation of the geological evolution of large regions. It can also be used to find prospective areas within such regions.  相似文献   

地质地球化学图解自动绘制的技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍的软件及绘制技术成功地处理报目前国内文献发现的100多幅常用的地质地球化学图解的自动化绘制问题。其自动化程度、工作效率及精度均较高,适用性极强。除绘图功能外,该软件还具有扩充功能和彩色绘图及彩色输出功能。  相似文献   

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