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Analytical Modelling of Positional and Thematic Uncertainties in the Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper describes three aspects of uncertainty in geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. First, the positional uncertainty of an area object in a GIS is discussed as a function of positional uncertainties of line segments and boundary line features. Second, the thematic uncertainty of a classified remote sensing image is described using the probability vectors from a maximum likelihood classification. Third, the "S-band" model is used to quantify uncertainties after combining GIS and remote sensing data. 相似文献
The Use of Spatial Cognitive Abilities in Geographical Information Systems: The Map Overlay Operation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Spatial cognitive abilities play an important role in the use of GIS, although they have yet to be examined in a controlled experimental setting. This study aimed to develop an experimental design which measures spatial cognitive abilities in the use of GIS, specifically the map overlay operation. Subjects ( n = 134) received three map overlay tests in which they were given two of the following: input map layers, logical operator(s), or output map layer(s). Subjects were required to select the correct logical operator for Test 1, to select the correct output map layer for Test 2, and to select the correct input map layers for Test 3. Each test contained a total of 16 questions, based on a 4 ('and', 'or', 'xor', 'not' operators) × 2 (one or two polygons per map layer) × 2 (three or five polygon edges) factorial design. Results indicated a significant main effect of logical operators and number of polygons on performance; however, there was no effect of the number of polygon edges on performance. Significant two-way interactions revealed an effect of the number of polygon edges and the number of polygons using various logical operators on performance. In addition, performance was not significantly different between males and females or between GIS users and non-users. Overall, results show that map overlays in which a visual correspondence can be made between the same polygons in the input and output map layers are cognitively less demanding than map overlays in which the shape of the polygons have been radically transformed between the input and output map layers. This study helps further develop our understanding of the spatial cognitive abilities which are required in the use of GIS, and whether certain sub-populations differ in these cognitive abilities. These results may contribute to more effective and efficient GIS teaching and interface design by taking into account individual spatial cognitive abilities. 相似文献
地理国情是基本国情的重要组成部分,具体包括地表自然要素、人文地理要素和社会经济信息的空间分布特征及其相互关系。当前,我国第一次地理国情普查工作已经完成,正在开展普查数据的整理、汇总、统计分析,未来还将开展地理国情常态化监测。本文针对第一次地理国情普查工作进行总结,并对地理国情监测的若干问题进行讨论,从地理国情监测内容、监测尺度、监测单元、监测模型、监测频率等多个方面剖析开展地理国情监测所面临的问题,并提出发展建议。 相似文献
讨论了地理认知演变的3个阶段,以及地理认知演变的动力。提出地理信息人与地理认知的地理数据服务-地理信息服务-地理知识服务3个阶段相对应的各阶段任务和使命、技术支撑。 相似文献
浏览器/服务器是一种新型的计算机工作方式,而浏览器/数据库服务器技术是一种Web计算模式,它集中了大中型系统及文件服务器的优点,并具有良好的系统开放性和可扩展性,本文首先分析了相关技术的特点,然后针对Web动态技术的应用,采用ASP、SQL Server等工具构建了基于网络的地理信息采集和管理系统,并对系统功能进行了验证。 相似文献
人工免疫系统及其在空间信息系统中的应用 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
介绍生物免疫系统的基本理论,并详细介绍国内外主要的人工免疫系统模型的特点和作用,最后提出了人工免疫系统模型在空间信息系统研究中的应用前景。 相似文献
地理信息数字水印技术的实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
数字水印技术在测绘领域的应用是地理信息安全保密的重要手段。本文在对地理信息数据特征有效分析的基础上,结合不同地理信息产品的数据格式特征,阐述了利用数字水印技术建立相应的数字水印嵌入、提取理论模型的技术和实现方法。 相似文献
以新疆民政信息系统的设计与开发为例,阐述系统设计的总体结构,主要模块、子系统功能,以及系统设计的关键技术,该系统基于办公自动化、GIS、Oracle数据库技术,地理信息平台设计开发,建立地名电子地图信息系统,探索地名现代化管理和应用的新模式。 相似文献