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鲁西地区寒武纪地层发育较好,沉积记录具旋回性的特点。根据层序地层学的原理与方法,按照不同的层序界面类型、岩石组合特点及沉积相序叠置关系,在该区寒武系中识别出15个三级层序界面,划分出14个三级层序(—C1~—C14)。这些层序的共同特点是海侵体系域和高水位体系域发育较好,而典型的低水位体系域则未见及。通过分析海平面的变化规律及其延续时限,它们被归并为两个中层序(MS1、MS2),分别对应于二级海平面变化旋回和碳酸盐台地的两个发育阶段。  相似文献   

辽宁省寒武系、奥陶系主要分布于复州-大连、太子河及辽西三个小区,三者地层系统一致,岩相、岩性雷同,同处于"华北型"沉积环境,可进行层序对比。其中辽西小区共发育 8个层序,复州-大连小区发育 16个层序,太子河流域划分 15个层序,除层位缺失因素,三者层序划分基本相同,层序界面一致,其中Ⅱ级界面可以追索。通过对比,发现层序的发育与环境演化关系密切。总体而言,在环境开阔,水体能量较高区域,层序之海侵体系域较发育,而高水位体系域相对较少,而在环境相对闭塞、水体循环不畅的条件下,层序组成主要以高水位体系域为主,同时,在深水陆棚碳酸盐岩沉积中,往往发育淹没不整合事件,层序结构为 SB3+ CS+ HST。  相似文献   

川中地区寒武系洗象池群由于缺乏生物化石,岩性、电性变化小,利用传统的岩心和测井等资料很难精确地划分层序。自然伽马能谱测井Th、U、K曲线的突变点能指示层序界面和最大海泛面,其Th/U和Th/K曲线不仅能够反映沉积时的氧化还原环境,还可以反映沉积水体的变化,将沉积旋回记录下来。再通过小波变换技术进行多尺度分解,得到不同级数的小波曲线。以GT2井为主要研究对象,对Th/U曲线进行多波基分解,对比发现Dmeyer小波为最优选。结合碳同位素正漂移事件,对小波变换后得到的小波曲线Th/U-d8分析,总结出2种层序划分地质模型,并将洗象池群划分为4个三级层序、8个体系域,每个三级层序由海侵体系域和高位体系域构成。同时选取了分辨率更高的小波曲线Th/U-d7和Th/U-d6曲线对四级和五级层序进行精细划分,共划分11个四级层序和25个五级层序,分别以三级层序和四级层序刻画了沉积期的相对海平面变化。该研究有助于对川中洗象池群进行精细的层序划分,推进其沉积演化与储层发育特征研究。   相似文献   

一、地层概况本区三、四系地层较厚,约100m-390m,且由北向南逐渐增厚,属于与煤系地层呈不整合接触,下部有30m-70m的古风化破碎带,侏罗系地层由北向南逐渐加深,下部多属断裂带断层,褶皱较多,区域南部有火层岩侵入。  相似文献   

古隆起斜坡区的不整合三角带是形成地层圈闭的重要有利区带。以塔北隆起西部白垩系为例,综合利用地震、测井和岩心等资料,识别不整合面,计算不整合面剥蚀量,进行沉积体系识别及有利区带预测。结果表明:塔北隆起西部白垩系发育2个角度不整合(TK、TE)及1个平行不整合(TK1bs);白垩系底部发育卡普沙良群、顶部发育巴什基奇克组,其中,卡普沙良群主要发育三角洲和滨浅湖沉积,巴什基奇克组主要发育辫状河三角洲沉积。卡普沙良群底部发育的上超不整合三角带是有利圈闭发育的重点部位,向古隆起斜坡区上超尖灭的三角洲砂体可作为良好的储集体,与上覆泥岩盖层形成良好的储盖组合;巴什基奇克组顶部遭受剥蚀形成的剥蚀不整合三角带也具有良好的地层圈闭条件,遭受剥蚀的辫状河三角洲砂体可作为优质储层,上覆的古近系膏—泥岩沉积可作为优质盖层。该结果对研究区的下一步油气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   

单砂体级精细井间连通关系制约复杂断块油田的开发,以高分辨率层序地层学和现代沉积学为指导,综合应用钻井、测井、录井、地震及分析化验资料,建立海塔盆地呼和诺仁油田贝301区块南屯组二段(简称南二段)单砂体级高分辨率层序地层格架,刻画单砂体级沉积微相展布规律.结果表明:研究区南二段主要发育于扇三角洲前缘沉积环境,随着基准面的下降,水下分流河道的宽度和厚度增大;反之,水下分流河道的宽度和厚度减小.有利砂体主要分布在可容纳空间较小的中期基准面旋回附近.该研究成果为类似区块精细油藏描述提供有益参考.  相似文献   

Poverty is a severe barrier to sustainable human development and a pressing worldwide issue.Understanding how to accurately assess the spatial distribution of poverty in mountain areas has become crucial for ensuring that governments at all levels take suitable poverty reduction strategies. In this study,the mountain poverty spatial index(MPSI) was created by combining the digital elevation model(DEM), Luojia-1 night-time light imagery, point of interest(POI) data, and vegetation index products....  相似文献   

为认识准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系层序地层及沉积体系展布,根据层序地层学理论,综合地震、测井、录井及岩心资料,并结合各层序井—震联合标定,对准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系进行层序地层划分,建立层序地层格架。结果表明:在该地区共识别3个二级层序界面和5个三级层序界面,划分7个三级层序;二级层序界面对应侏罗系顶、底界面及西山窑组沉积末期;三级层序自下而上对应八道湾组下段、八道湾组上段、三工河组、西山窑组、头屯河组、齐古组及喀拉扎组地层;根据层序地层结构特征,将7个三级层序分为二分层序、三分层序和四分层序3种类型。该地区沉积相类型主要包括扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲、辫状河—曲流河和湖泊相,其中辫状河三角洲相是主要沉积相类型。SQ1—SQ6层序格架内,沉积相演化依次表现为扇三角洲(八道湾组,即SQ1—SQ2)—辫状河三角洲(三工河组,即SQ3)—曲流河三角洲(西山窑组,即SQ4)—辫状河—曲流河(头屯河组,即SQ5)—曲流河(齐古组,即SQ6)的演化序列,整体上侏罗系形成一套正旋回,粒度自下而上由粗逐渐变细。综合分析各层序地层特征及沉积体系展布规律,为寻找优质储集砂体、确定有利勘探方向提供重要证据。  相似文献   

Mountain protected areas are characterized by high biodiversity, which makes it a great challenge for managers to maintain a balance between their use and the stability of natural ecosystems. Maintaining that balance is particularly difficult in areas with high tourism pressure. The expected volume of tourist traffic should be considered at the planning stage of the tourist infrastructure development process. Insufficient capacity of tourist infrastructure can lead to environmental degradation, which is hard, or at times impossible, to repair. In our research, we identified patterns of tourist footpath and road functioning in an environmentally protected area with high volumes of tourist traffic. Data from geomorphologic mapping was analyzed in order to identify tourist footpath and road structures in the Tatra National Park(TNP). Fieldwork was conducted in several stages between 1995 and 2019. Orthophotomaps from the years 1977, 2009, 2017 and 2019 were used to identify and compare degraded zones along selected tourist footpaths. Degraded zones were defined as areas surrounding a footpath or tourist road with a mean width larger than or equal to 10 meters, with heavily damaged or completely removed vegetation and exposed, weathered cover, where geomorphic processes that would not take place under normal conditions are readily observable. The examined tourist footpaths and roads vary in terms of their morphometric parameters. Research has shown important differences between mean and maximum footpath width as well as maximum incision depth for the forest zone versus the subalpine and alpine zones. A lack of differences in these parameters was noted between the alpine and subalpine zones. Research has shown that an increase in the surface area of degraded zones found adjacent to tourist footpaths occurred in all the studied geo-ecological zones in the study period. However, the largest increase occurred atop wide ridgelines found in the alpine zone. Degraded zones may be an indication of exceeding the tourist carrying capacity of a mountain tourist area. Mass tourism in TNP contributes to the formation of degraded zones adjacent to footpaths, whose continuous evolution may lead to irreversible changes in local relief.  相似文献   

With the rapid development and expansion of the cities in China, the carrying capacity of resource and environment has become a huge concern for local governments. From the perspective of geological environment, geological disasters are the main restraining factor of the development in mountain cities. This study was conducted in Suide County of Shaanxi Province with a risk-based approach as followed: a hazard analysis on geological disasters based on a slope geological survey at a scale of 1:10,000; a consequence analysis based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aerial survey data; integrating the results of hazard analysis and consequence analysis, a risk zonation and analysis of geological disasters in urban areas were completed considering urban planning, land use planning and the safety of infrastructure and major engineering. Subsequently, taking the acceptable levels of human life and property risks incurred by landslides as the criteria of the evaluation of geological environment carrying capacity, a comprehensive assessment of current and future urban carrying capacity was conducted based on the results of the risk analyses. Accordingly, the prior development zone, the restricted development zone and the prohibited zone were delineated, with corresponding suggestions for future urban development. The technological and methodological system used in the study can be applied to geological environment carrying capacity evaluation of other important mountain cities, which can provide scientific basis for the optimization of land and space.  相似文献   

为研究塔里木盆地古城地区储层、确定奥陶世沉积环境并建立层序地层格架,分析古城地区中下奥陶统岩石学、地震与测井特征,并对5口井岩心及井壁取心进行碳、氧同位素实验。结果表明:古城地区鹰山组划分为两个三级层序,SQ1沉积时期发育弱镶边结构的半局限—开阔台地沉积,顶部层序界面SB2为平行不整合面,下部经历早成岩期岩溶作用,是研究区储层规模化发育的主控因素;SQ2沉积时期受到快速海侵,由半局限台地转变为开阔台地沉积,层序界面SB3的暴露规模与强度小于SB2的,对区域性储层发育控制能力较弱;层序SQ1及SQ2的分界在岩石地层单位上大致与鹰山组三段白云岩及鹰山组二段灰岩的分界对应,界面附近表现显著的碳同位素负漂移。在三级层序划分基础上,在SQ1内部识别8~9个四级层序,在SQ2内部识别4~6个四级层序,其中海侵体系域主要表现为对称性良好的加积型叠置样式,高位体系域表现为向上变浅的加积—进积型叠置样式;四级层序界面对储层的控制作用有限,主要发育准同生期岩溶作用,与古地貌较高部位叠合在小范围内并形成孤立透镜状储层。古城地区奥陶系受加里东运动影响较小,不发育隆起显著的风化壳型岩溶。有利沉积相带与三、四级层序界面叠合区是区域性优质储层的主要勘探目标。  相似文献   

Reservoir-landslide is mainly caused by changes in hydrodynamic conditions of slope interior at the time of water storage or discharge. The current study mainly focuses on the typical reservoir landslide, but the sudden occurrence of some unknown landslides brought a lot of difficulties for hazards prevention. Therefore, we proposed a method to evaluate the regional scale reservoir-landslide hazard. We took Wanzhou section of Three Gorges Reservoir (China) as the study area and systemically and synthetically carried out the reservoir-landslide hazard evaluation under the condition of water level regulation. Firstly, we made reservoir-landslide susceptibility assessment by using the methods of spatial analysis and statistics based on geological and geomorphological materials and field survey data, and then, analyzed the regional-scale slope stability based on the infinite slope model used to analyze the bank slope stability change under the condition of water fluctuation, finally, developed a reservoir-landslide hazard evaluation model based on the results of susceptibility and stability. The hazard evaluation model was used to predict and evaluate the hazard change under the role of water level regulation. The results showed that the landslide hazard of the whole region decreased during water storage, landslide hazards increased during water discharge. The faster the regulation speed, the greater the slope hazard. The results can provide the basis for hazard management and regional land-use planning.  相似文献   

依据米兰科维奇理论识别划分旋回,是对传统层序地层学的有力补充,具备高等时约束性,可实现高分辨率旋回识别与高精度等时地层格架的建立。莫索湾地区是准噶尔盆地油气勘探的有利区域之一,其中三工河组一段发育了有效的、成规模的致密气储集层。利用自然伽马测井数据,通过频谱分析等方法,对研究区目标层位进行了米兰科维奇信号识别与旋回划分。以405 ka周期滤波曲线作为基准,借助三工河组底界地质年龄,建立了浮动天文标尺。研究表明,三工河组一段存在米兰科维奇旋回。短期偏心率125 ka周期控制厚度约为29.73 m的旋回;斜率54 ka周期控制厚度约为12.47 m的旋回;岁差24 ka周期控制厚度约为5.62 m的旋回。三工河组一段地质年龄为189.951~190.800 Ma,共识别出了7个短期基准面旋回,由此划分出了7个五级层序,沉积速率从下到上,虽呈现出“减小-增大-持续减小-持续增大”的趋势,但整体变化不大;发育了B1、B2、C1三种类型的短期基准面旋回。   相似文献   

Hydrothermal fluid containing abundant matter erupts from seafloor, meets ambient cold seawater and forms chimneys. So the main matter origins of chimneys are seawater and matter which are taken by hydrothermal fluid from deep reservoir. However, because of seawater’s little contribution to the forming of chimneys, it is usually covered by the abundant matter which is taken by hydrothermal fluid. Therefore, chimneys formed in ordinary deep seawater hydrothermal activity, containing complex elements, cannot ...  相似文献   

近年来,塔里木盆地盐下已成为深层油气勘探最重要的领域之一。下寒武统肖尔布拉克组是最主要的勘探层位,目前该层段地球化学特征和古环境的分析主要集中在柯坪露头区,而盆内缺乏相关研究。以盆内巴楚隆起舒探1井为例,对下寒武统肖尔布拉克组岩石学和地球化学特征(主、微量元素,稀土元素及碳氧同位素)进行了高精度分析,重建了其沉积时期的古环境及其变化特征。研究表明:舒探1井肖尔布拉克组发育多种类型的白云岩。下部以厚层藻云岩为主,中部为薄层泥岩夹白云质灰岩,上部以细-粉晶白云岩为主。样品Lan/Ybn均值为1.09,下部和上部呈现出Eu的正异常,薄片中可见硅质胶结、硅质碎屑和溶蚀现象,表明研究区可能受到了热液作用的影响。该组中部沉积物粒度较细并富集氧化还原敏感元素,V/Cr和Ni/Co分别介于2~4.25和5~7之间,表明沉积水体为次氧化环境,而上部和下部沉积物粒度较粗,氧化-还原敏感元素含量及其比值均较低,表明沉积水体为氧化环境。肖尔布拉克组δ13C值在-1.3‰~2.7‰之间,由下自上先降低后升高,下部和中部存在2个显著的正异常及1个负异常。古环境恢复表明肖尔布拉克期古盐度先降低后升高,古温度显示出逐渐上升的特点;肖尔布拉克组顶部古盐度较高,藻云岩发育,伴随着后期的淋滤和改造作用,是优质白云岩储层发育的有利部位。研究成果可以为该区的油气勘探提供依据。   相似文献   

The data on the hillslope and channelized debris flows in the Shitou area of central Taiwan occurred during Typhoons Toraji and Nali in 2001 were applied in this paper. The geomorphic parameters, including the flow length, gully gradient, drainage area and form factor of the debris flows were determined by spatial analysis using a Geographic Information System (GIS) based on the data derived from field investigation, aerial photographs, and topographical maps. According to such determined geomorphic parameters, the threshold conditions and empirical equations, such as the relationship between the gully gradient and drainage area and that between gully length and drainage area and topographic parameter, are presented and used to distinguish the geomorphic characteristics between the channelized and hillslope debris flows.  相似文献   

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