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浅水三角洲是当今油气勘探开发的热点与重点对象.扶新隆起带东缘泉四段沉积时期,古地形平坦,气候整体干旱,湖盆宽浅,具备发育大面积浅水三角洲的有利地质条件.为了更好地厘定扶新隆起带浅水三角洲沉积体系与油气勘探开发间的关系,利用13口井的岩心资料及近600口井的录井、测井资料,分析下白垩统泉四段的沉积特征及沉积模式.结果表明:研究区下白垩统泉四段沉积演化阶段,受西南保康水系的影响,发育树枝状浅水三角洲沉积体系.该三角洲沉积体系特征包括成分、结构成熟度中等,粒度偏细,概率曲线反映为浅水牵引流沉积特征;砂岩中发育丰富的强水动力沉积岩相;(水下)分流河道及席状砂大面积分布,河口坝不甚发育.三角洲平原和前缘亚相区,发育连片分布(水下)分流河道砂体为主体的富砂带,侧向叠置,切割严重,沿北北东向展布,向盆地方向延伸较远;受湖浪因素影响,在三角洲前缘发育大面积展布的薄层席状砂,具有沿向湖盆方向呈条带状延伸的分布模式.  相似文献   

古隆起斜坡区的不整合三角带是形成地层圈闭的重要有利区带。以塔北隆起西部白垩系为例,综合利用地震、测井和岩心等资料,识别不整合面,计算不整合面剥蚀量,进行沉积体系识别及有利区带预测。结果表明:塔北隆起西部白垩系发育2个角度不整合(TK、TE)及1个平行不整合(TK1bs);白垩系底部发育卡普沙良群、顶部发育巴什基奇克组,其中,卡普沙良群主要发育三角洲和滨浅湖沉积,巴什基奇克组主要发育辫状河三角洲沉积。卡普沙良群底部发育的上超不整合三角带是有利圈闭发育的重点部位,向古隆起斜坡区上超尖灭的三角洲砂体可作为良好的储集体,与上覆泥岩盖层形成良好的储盖组合;巴什基奇克组顶部遭受剥蚀形成的剥蚀不整合三角带也具有良好的地层圈闭条件,遭受剥蚀的辫状河三角洲砂体可作为优质储层,上覆的古近系膏—泥岩沉积可作为优质盖层。该结果对研究区的下一步油气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地天山南地区古隆起周缘砂岩储层发育的主控因素及致密化成因一直制约着该区的增储上产。综合利用薄片和阴极发光观察、物性测试、压汞分析等方法对下白垩统舒善河组-巴西盖组砂岩储层特征进行了研究,明确了制约储层物性发育的主控因素。研究表明:研究区目的层的孔隙度φ多<10%,渗透率k<1×10-3μm2,是典型的致密砂岩储层,其中辫状河三角洲相砂岩储层的物性和孔隙结构均最好(φ=12.3%,k=60.4×10-3μm2),扇三角洲相砂岩次之(φ=6.9%,k=1.9×10-3μm2),滩坝相砂岩最差(φ=6.7%,k=0.34×10-3μm2);古隆起的演化控制了沉积相的差异,同时也影响了砂岩的成岩作用,辫状河三角洲和扇三角洲沉积环境水动力较强,砂岩颗粒较粗,受胶结作用弱,因此孔隙度和渗透率较高;滩坝相砂岩沉积时远离陆源输入,颗粒较细,水下古隆起的发育在成岩阶段控制了其较高含量的碳酸盐胶结物的形成,堵塞孔...  相似文献   

川东北元坝西部上三叠统须家河组受晚期构造活动影响小,裂缝发育程度较中东部低,前人对其重视不够,裂缝发育控制因素不清楚。通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、测井解释、裂缝充填物包裹体分析等多种技术手段,对元坝西部须家河组致密砂岩裂缝发育特征及控制因素开展了系统研究,明确了裂缝类型和特征参数,建立了裂缝发育模式。结果表明:(1)元坝西部须家河组以低角度剪切缝和成岩收缩缝为主;须三段裂缝多为方解石充填,须二段裂缝以泥质充填为主。(2)元坝西部须家河组裂缝可划分为3期,分别对应晚侏罗世、早白垩世晚期和晚喜山期,前2期裂缝全充填-半充填,第三期未充填。(3)研究区裂缝发育程度受地层变形强度、至断裂距离、单层砂岩厚度和砂岩类型的控制。九龙山背斜枢纽部位和东南翼地层曲率较大部位以褶皱相关裂缝为主,在东南翼断裂附近以断层相关裂缝为主,2类裂缝区为开发评价有利区。须三段砾岩区发育由砾缘缝和穿砾平缝组合而成的、开度小、未充填的网状缝,须二段石英砂岩发育沿层理破裂的低角度剪切缝及微裂缝,也是元坝西部须家河组气藏下一步开发评价需关注的有利区。  相似文献   

为了研究火山碎屑岩的储层特征及储层敏感性机理,以塔木察格盆地塔南凹陷铜钵庙组)南屯组火山碎屑岩为对象,运用普通薄片、铸体薄片和扫描电镜等技术,结合储层敏感性实验资料,根据《储层敏感性流动实验评价方法》(SY/T5358-2002),分析火山碎屑岩储层特征及其水敏、盐敏、速敏、碱敏、酸敏的特征和形成机理.结果表明:岩石类型包括凝灰岩、沉凝灰岩和凝灰质砂(砾)岩,主要敏感性黏土矿物有蒙脱石、伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石和伊/蒙混层,属于中低孔特低渗型储层;水敏性强弱与岩石类型关系密切,凝灰质砂(砾)岩水敏为中等偏强)强,凝灰岩和沉凝灰岩水敏为中等偏弱)中等偏强;盐敏程度绝大多数为中等偏强,临界盐度为5.126g/L;速敏为中等偏弱)弱速敏;碱敏为中等偏弱)中等偏强碱敏,临界碱度为7.43;酸敏程度范围较广;水敏程度与黏土矿物总量呈正相关;酸敏程度主要受绿泥石含量影响,酸敏指数与绿泥石含量呈正相关.该研究可为火山碎屑岩油气勘探提供借鉴.  相似文献   

为明确川西地区中二叠统栖霞组有利沉积相带分布,基于野外露头、岩心和钻测井资料分析,并结合区域地质测量资料,研究岩石类型、沉积模式和沉积相发育特征。结果表明:川西地区栖霞组主要发育生屑灰岩、泥晶灰岩、"眼球"状灰岩、砾屑灰岩、云质豹斑灰岩和白云岩6种岩石类型;基于构造背景、跌积砾屑灰岩、大规模带状展布丘滩体和沉积古地貌,研究区发育碳酸盐岩镶边台地体系;川西地区栖霞组自东向西依次发育开阔台地相、台地边缘相和斜坡—盆地相,其中台缘边缘相发育厚层的丘滩复合体,为最有利沉积相带。川西栖霞组台缘带沿龙门山前广元—江油—雅安一带呈北东向展布,宽度为40~80km,分布范围较广,具有良好勘探前景。  相似文献   

Integrated studies of vertical sedimentary sequences, grain sizes, and benthic foraminifera and ostracoda, in combination with AMS 14C dating, and 210Pb and 137Cs analysis were carried out in three vibracores taken from the area of relict deposits on the western South Yellow Sea. The relict sands, which are about 0.4 m thick, overlie on the Early Holocene coastal marsh or tidal flat deposits with an evident erosional interface in between. The middle and upper parts or sometimes the whole of the relict sands have been reworked under the modern dynamic environment. The sedimentation rate varies between 0.20–0.30 cm year-1. The relict sands show a bimodal grain-size distribution pattern in frequency curves, with a sharp peak in the coarse fraction between 3Φ and 4Φ and a secondary peak in the fine fraction of about 7Φ. Of the benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages, the reworked relict sands are characterized by the mixing of the nearshore euryhaline shallow-water species and deeper water species. The erosional interface at the bottom of the relict sands is considered as a regional ravinement surface formed during the transgression in the Early Holocene due to shoreface retreating landwards. The relict sands were accumulated on the ravinement surface during the transgression in the deglaciation period as lag deposits after winnowing and reworking by marine dynamic processes. And the secondary peak of fine fraction in the frequency curve for the relict sands suggests the input of fine-grained sediments during the reworking process. As the conclusion, the relict sands in the study area are interpreted as a type of reworked relict sediments.  相似文献   

The high-mineral contents of some thermal waters are believed to have medicinal properties. Numerous spas and bathhouses might be built at these hot springs to take advantage of theses supposed healing properties such as skin diseases, rheumatism and so on. This paper is to find thermal reservoir and to classify the kinds of water. The majority of thermal springs are found discharging from igneous centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic fields of the western Yemen (research area). Structurally these volcanisms are connected to N-NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend. Temperature and pH values of the thermal spring range 37℃~96℃, and 6.3 ~8.7 respectively. The Yemeni thermal waters indicate high variability in composition since they are ofNa (K) -C1, Na-HCO3 and Ca (Mg) -SO4 types, whereas the surficial waters have the typical worldwide Ca (Mg) -HCO3 composition. Different liquid phase geothermometers,such as SiO2, K2/Mg and Na/K. Estimated reservoir temperatures ranging 70 ~ 140℃ perform equilibrium temperature evaluation of the thermal reservoirs.  相似文献   

The high-mineral contents of some thermal waters are believed to have medicinal properties. Numerous spas and bathhouses might be built at these hot springs to take advantage of theses supposed healing properties such as skin diseases, rheumatism and so on. This paper is to find thermal reservoir and to classify the kinds of water. The majority of thermal springs are found discharging from igneous centers of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic fields of the western Yemen (research area). Structurally these volcanisms are connected to N-NW faults that are parallel to the main Red Sea trend. Temperature and pH values of the thermal spring range 37℃-96℃, and 6.3-8.7 respectively. The Yemen/thermal waters indicate high variability in composition since they are ofNa (K) -CI, Na=HCO3 and Ca (Mg) =SO4 types, whereas the surficial waters have the typical worldwide Ca (Mg) -HCO3 composition. Different liquid phase geothermometers,such as SiO2, K^2/Mg and Na/K. Estimated reservoir temperatures ranging 70℃-140℃ perform equilibrium temperature evaluation of the thermal reservoirs.  相似文献   

To decipher the sedimentary evolution and environmental changes since the late Last Deglaciation, two gravity cores were analyzed from the western North Yellow Sea (NYS). The two cores (B-L44 and B-U35) were sampled for grain size, clay minerals, detrital minerals, and 14C dating. They are comparable in lithofaies, and the observed succession was divided into four depositional units based on lithology and mineral assemblages, which recorded the postglacial transgression. Depositional unit 4 (DU 4) (before 11.5 ka) was characterized with enrichment in sand, and was interpreted as nearshore deposits in shallow water during the Younger Dryas Event. DU 3 (11.5-9.6 ka) displayed a fining-upward succession composed of sediments from local rivers, such as the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and from coastal erosion, which clearly were related to the Early Holocene transgression. Stable muddy deposition (DU 2) in NYS began to form at about 9.6 ka, which received direct supply of fine materials from the Shandong subaqueous clinoform. It is believed that the Yellow Sea circulation system played a major role in controlling the formation of fine sediment deposition in DU 1 (after 6.4 ka) after the sea level maximum.  相似文献   

川西坳陷中段西部雷四段气藏沉积层序及其对储层的控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为确定川西坳陷中段西部气藏的有利储层发育层段,利用薄片、岩心、测井、地震等资料,研究雷口坡组四段(简称雷四段)沉积层序,分析它对储层发育的控制。结果表明,雷四段可划分为一个完整的三级层序和三个四级层序,其中雷四上亚段对应上部四级层序,进一步划分为四个五级和多个六级高频层序,由向上变浅的高频沉积旋回组成;井间高频层序类型相似,横向一致性对比好,表明形成环境近似。雷四上亚段主要发育潮坪相的潮间带和潮下带亚相沉积,纵向上岩性变化频繁,横向上分布较为稳定;潮间带是储层发育的有利亚相,以Ⅱ、Ⅲ类储层为主,发育于上、下两个储层段中上部,对应五级和六级高频层序的中上部;高频层序反映的相对海平面变化控制潮间带有利岩相分布,影响后期成岩作用,是储层发育与空间展布的关键。  相似文献   

The 226 Ra and 228 Ra activities of Qinghai Lake surface water,groundwater,river water,suspended particles,and bottom sediments were measured in a gamma-ray spectrometer.The sources of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were discussed according to their distribution characteristics.226 Ra and 228 Ra activities(dpm/(100 L)) ranged from 14.13±0.22 to 19.22±0.42 and 17.72±0.66 to 30.96±1.47 in the surface water of the North Bay,respectively,and from 7.88±0.24 to 33.80±0.47 and 15.73±0.74 to 57.31±1.44,respectively,in the South Bay.The surface water near the estuary had a lower salinity and had a higher concentration of radium isotopes than the samples collected further away.The farther offshore the sample,the higher the salinity was,and the lower the radium isotope activity.The distribution of radium activities in the western part of Qinghai Lake is controlled by several factors,including Buha River runoff,desorption from suspended particles derived from the river,groundwater discharge,and a small amount of diffusion from the sediment.  相似文献   

塔中隆起北斜坡鹰山组碳酸盐岩古岩溶结构特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
塔里木盆地塔中隆起奥陶统鹰山组岩溶类型多样、结构复杂。以成像测井为主要手段,综合野外露头、岩心薄片和常规测井资料,研究塔中北斜坡中下奥陶统鹰山组岩溶结构特征;根据成像测井资料对单井进行刻画,分析岩溶结构垂向发育特征,提出鹰山组岩溶为潜水面控制的碳酸盐岩岛发育模式。结果表明:研究区整体识别出溶洞、溶孔、裂缝和溶孔—裂缝4种主要的岩溶结构单元,每种结构单元在成像测井及常规测井资料上响应特征不同。溶洞发育段在常规测井资料及解释数据交会图上响应特征明显。研究区发育至少3套溶洞,分别位于距不整合面5.0~20.0、40.0~100.0、150.0~200.0m埋深处。该研究结果为进一步研究鹰山组岩溶发育模式提供依据。  相似文献   


为明确高阳区沙一下亚段湖相碳酸盐岩颗粒滩储层发育特征,基于岩心观察、薄片鉴定,结合测录井、地震等资料,研究高阳区沙一下亚段湖相碳酸盐岩颗粒滩类型、物性特征、组合规律,分析优质颗粒滩储层在测井和地震上的响应特征,明确有利颗粒滩储层分布区域。结果表明:高阳区沙一下亚段颗粒滩存在颗粒灰岩(白云岩)、晶粒白云岩、混积颗粒岩3种,整体上具有中孔隙度、中渗透率特征,颗粒灰(云)岩类储层物性最好,晶粒白云岩类较差,混积颗粒岩类最差。纵向上发育砂坝—颗粒滩、滩间—颗粒滩、浅湖湾—颗粒滩3种沉积组合,前两种沉积组合颗粒滩储层较厚、物性最好,是优质颗粒滩组合类型。优质颗粒滩储层在自然伽马曲线上表现为漏斗型、箱型,电阻率向上逐渐增大或呈齿化箱型,地震剖面上呈丘状或楔状,为中—强振幅,同向轴杂乱不连续。在西南部古地貌高地上和湖侵体系域内是优质颗粒滩储层分布区,为未来重点勘探目标。  相似文献   

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