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雄安新区:如何建成生态与创新之都   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设雄安新区,是千年大计、国家大事。为落实中央决策,我们突出强调将雄安建设成为生态与创新之都。来自地理学及人居环境科学领域的16位专家,以笔谈方式,对此开展了深入讨论。认为雄安新区的发展,应该坚持和秉承以下观念。一是宜居安全观,需要优化调控区域资源环境承载力,突出安全第一,切实防范洪涝灾害、环境污染等风险,以创建宜居宜业宜游的城市为目标,走全面宜居城市之路。二是生态城市观,应积极采用低碳生态技术,有机组织城市区域生态系统与空间布局,建设绿色基础设施系统,保证城市生态系统良性循环,走系统化的生态城市之路。三是创新核心观,应该以科技文化为灵魂,推进科技创新、文化创新与管理创新等全面创新,突出科技创新核心,建设新一代可持续发展的科技创新之都。四是区域统筹观,应从流域视角、区域一体化视角,统筹新区建设,注重区域协作,共享共生,互动互补,带动区域转型新型发展,走区域深度协同发展之路。五是文化城市观,重视历史文化保护与城市文化艺术发展,倡导文化包容与和谐,探索中华人文生态特色新型城市风貌,走文化特色城市发展之路。六是综合品质观,强调城市生态经济社会全面高水平发展,突出全面高质量与高标准发展理念,建立国际领先的质量标准体系与规范体系,发展智慧城市,全面加强综合质量监测评价与督察,结合文化品质追求,配套先进的社会公共设施与保障系统,走综合高品质发展之路。七是典型示范观,努力将雄安新区打造成生态创新的城市示范区和新型城市化的样板城市,促进京津冀建设生态与创新型世界城市群。  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展和北京市非首都功能疏解政策实施状况是当前学术界和政府关注的热点。城市功能的分布和互动格局是刻画城市群协同发展和治理策略成效的重要内容。本文在阐述城市群内城市功能之间互动原理基础上,引入偏离—份额分析模型、改进土地生态位模型、扩展引力模型和GIS技术,耦合构建了新的城市功能互动模型。以京津冀城市群为研究对象,基于2010年、2016年、2019年3期POI大数据提取不同类别城市功能区,从时空两个维度揭示京津冀城市群功能的互动格局特征,分析协同发展和北京市非首都功能疏解政策实施状况,并有针对性地提出了治理策略。结论显示:① 2010—2019年间城市群建成区城市功能区总面积增加1.5倍,其中混合功能区增长最快,增加1.7倍;② 北京市工业功能、商业功能正在稳步疏解,但是居住功能、科教文化功能、公共服务功能仍在聚集与强化;③ 廊坊市、唐山市、天津市、保定市等中部城市在非首都功能疏解中发挥了“二传手”作用,成为功能互动的主要驱动城市;④ 石家庄市吸纳的疏解功能主要来源于天津市和廊坊市,具有接力特征;⑤ 京津冀城市群城市功能疏解在治理策略上需要关注功能互动格局演化趋势来进行精准施策。上述结论表明本文构建的城市功能互动模型可以较好地揭示和解释京津冀城市群城市功能互动格局的变化特征。  相似文献   

将城市不透水地表盖度产品应用于城市群空间结构研究具有重要价值。本文基于多源遥感数据提取了“京津冀”与“波士华”城市群近40年(1972-2011年)亚像元级不透水地表专题信息,构建了城市群空间结构对比分析数据集;并引入引力模型和景观格局理论,利用引力指数、景观格局指数以及空间结构参数等,采用地理信息系统空间分析方法,从城市群与城市两个尺度对城市群空间结构进行了对比研究。结果表明:① “京津冀”城市群不透水地表快速增长,而“波士华”城市群较为稳定;② “京津冀”城市群空间结构经历了城市孤立发展阶段、双核心城市群阶段、城市群组阶段以及城市群网络化阶段,“波士华”城市群空间结构较为稳定,空间结构呈现出“点—轴”带状分布;③ 中国城市不透水地表盖度“高—高”聚集区呈现出典型团块状“摊大饼”形态,而美国城市呈现出一种“多中心集聚、分散成组”的态势;④ “京津冀”城市群生态、生产与生活用地不透水地表面积占比均高于“波士华”城市群。最后,基于两国城市群空间结构的对比结果,从空间布局优化角度对“京津冀”城市群的发展提出了初步建议。  相似文献   

在京津冀协同发展上升为国家战略以及雄安新区战略提出的背景下,检验京津冀城市群大小城市间的经济增长关系,可以为地区协调发展提供学术依据。研究发现:核心城市抑制了周边小城市的经济增长,存在集聚阴影和"环京津贫困带";小城市之间也存在经济增长负面溢出效应;与长三角城市群相比,京津冀城市群内核心城市辐射和带动功能明显不足,区内城市间的发展差距更大。未来应实现多中心空间发展战略,抓住雄安新区建设的战略契机,在政府积极引导和尊重市场规律的前提下,打破行政分割,促进区域协调分工,形成大中小城市合理有序的城市群空间结构体系。  相似文献   

雄安新区:地理学面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后,雄安新区的设立被认为是又一具有全国意义的新区,其设立也是继规划建设北京城市副中心后又一京津冀协同发展的重大战略决策。相关研究重点集中在其战略意义及开发建设目标的一般性解读与探讨,有关雄安新区规划建设的总体思路与面临的挑战还需深入分析与冷静思考。集中四位对京津冀协同发展与长江经济带长期研究的地理学者就雄安新区的战略意义、城市发展定位、产业与土地利用规划、体制机制创新以及面临的行政与土地管理模式与生态保护等问题的观点与建议,抛砖引玉,希望引起地理学者进一步深入思考,为雄安新区的规划建设提供咨询与建议,为中国区域一体化理论研究的完善进行新探索。  相似文献   

魏丽华 《地理科学》2018,38(4):575-579
区域协同发展的过程,本质是经济领域相互作用,城市群经济联系不断增强的过程。从经济联系的视角通过对京津冀城市群与长三角地区沪苏浙城市群的对比分析发现,无论是从经济发展的梯次结构还是与中心城市的经济联系,沪苏浙地区都优越于京津冀。立足现实,深化对这一问题的思考,借助雄安新区的规划与建设,就改变京津冀城市群中北京“一城独大”式的发展模式以及带来的一系列负效应,构筑梯次良好、经济互通密切的城市空间布局提出对策建议。  相似文献   

在京津冀协同发展战略背景下,以建设京津冀世界级城市群为引领,遵循城市发展规律,优化城市空间布局,明确京津冀城市群等级结构及其空间特征具有重要意义。本文以京津冀城市群156个区县为研究对象,从经济中心性、交通中心性、信息中心性、人口中心性4个角度,利用4种空间聚类方法进行5个等级的聚类分析,并基于克氏中心地理论对京津冀城市群等级划分结果进行空间结构分析。结果显示,自组织特征映射神经网络算法(SOM)较适合京津冀城市群的等级划分;京津冀城市群正从以北京城区为单核心的圈层空间结构向3条带型空间结构转变,其中京津都市发展走廊发育成熟,沿海都市发展带也初具规模,而包括雄安新区在内的京石都市发展带正在孕育。  相似文献   

雄安新区生态安全格局识别与优化策略   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
雄安新区的设立对于调整、优化京津冀城市空间结构具有深远的历史意义。面向“生态标杆”的新区建设理念,生态安全格局识别及优化是保障雄安新区生态安全、实现可持续发展的基本空间途径。本文基于雄县、容城、安新三县生态本底特征,选取并定量评估粮食供给、产水、土壤保持、生境维持和近水游憩5种生态系统服务,识别生态源地;利用VIIRS/DNB夜间灯光数据修正基于地类赋值的基本阻力面,并运用最小累积阻力模型识别生态廊道;最后基于现状生态安全格局,探讨绿色生态宜居新城目标下的生态安全格局优化策略。研究结果表明:雄安三县生态源地占到全区土地总面积的41.88%,包含14个生态源地斑块,主要分布在白洋淀周边;生态廊道总长度107.21 km,分4大组团呈环状分布;现有生态源地辐射面积占到全区的70.6%,在雄县县城周边新建辐射面积为227 km2的生态源地可满足全区85%的源地辐射面积规模要求。本文提出的生态安全格局优化方案可为雄安新区开发建设提供空间指引。  相似文献   

京津唐城市群不透水地表增长格局以及水环境效应   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
匡文慧  刘纪远  陆灯盛 《地理学报》2011,66(11):1486-1496
不透水地表(Impervious Surface Area,ISA) 时空格局是城市化与全球环境变化交互影响下的土地利用/覆盖变化-生态系统过程-区域气候变化相互作用机理以及导致的环境效应研究的重要内容。如何快速准确地实现区域尺度不透水地表遥感信息的获取是上述研究面临的重要瓶颈问题。本研究嵌入中国LUCC 信息改进了基于MODIS NDVI 与夜间灯光指数(DMSP-OLS) 提取不透水地表信息的方法,反演了2000 年与2008 年京津唐城市群2 期250 m不透水地表信息,进而分析其变化的时空格局,结合子流域单元与河流污染物监测数据评价其对海河流域地表水环境的影响。结论表明:受环渤海经济区,天津滨海新区开发等政策的影响,京津唐城市群在21 世纪初8 年不透水地表沿着城-乡梯度带、城市交通廊道及海岸带高速增长。城乡建设用地不透水地表增长呈现显著的时空差异特征,由于北京市受人口-资源-环境的压力,产业发展不断向周边地区转移,天津与河北唐山、廊坊、秦皇岛三市具有更快的不透水地表增长速度。京津唐城市群城市高密度的不透水地表分布对于海河流域地表水环境产生严重影响,不透水地表的增长加剧了流域河流水质的污染程度。同时也发现,子流域不透水地表面积比例与COD、NH3-N浓度均值呈现显著的线性关系。  相似文献   

雄安新区是千年大计、国家大事。新区以特定区域为起步区先行开发,起步区面积约100 km2,中期发展区面积约200km2,远期控制区面积约2000 km2。深入分析雄安新区土地利用的现状空间特征,对于科学选定起步区、推进新区高起点高标准规划建设具有重要意义。本文基于多时相Landsat–TM/ETM+/OLI遥感数据解译,分析了雄安新区土地利用的总体特征,并重点研究了建设用地节约集约利用的潜力和耕地质量的区域差异,提出了雄安新区起步区的三个可能备选方案,并分析了其各自利弊。研究表明,雄安新区土地呈"六田、二建、一水、半分林"特征;现状建设用地占比较高,农村建设用地节约、集约利用潜力较大;耕地质量及其利用强度的空间差异较大,容城、安新耕地质量好,复种指数高,分别达1.92和1.87,雄县耕地质量较差,复种指数明显偏低,仅为1.32。综合考虑功能区域的完整性、未来发展的可拓展性、与周边县市的兼顾性和防洪安全性,统筹权衡优质耕地保护和建设用地征用拆迁成本等因素,先期规划建设的100 km2起步区可以有三种备选方案,位于容城县东部、兼顾安新县和雄县的"中方案"是现阶段作为起步区相对合理的方案。针对新区建设需要大量占用土地的现实需求,本文建议优先通过农村(含乡镇)集体建设用地的征收与节约集约利用解决;新区建设不可避免会占用耕地,建议优先安排占用等级较低的耕地,尽量保护优质高产耕地;同时指出,雄安新区大部分地势相对较低,新区规划、选址和建设需要高度关注防洪排水问题。  相似文献   

Development of Xiong'an New District (XND) is integral to the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) Integration Initiative. It is intended to ease the non-capital functions of Beijing, optimize regional spatial patterns, and enhance ecosystem services and living environment in this urban agglomeration. Applying multi-stage remote sensing (RS) images, land use/cover change (LUCC) data, ecosystem services assessment data, and high-precision urban land-cover information, we reveal the regional land-cover characteristics of this new district as well as across the planned area of the entire BTH urban agglomeration. Corresponding ecological protection and management strategies are also proposed. Results indicated that built-up areas were rapidly expanding, leading to a continuous impervious surface at high density. Urban and impervious surface areas (ISAs) grew at rates 1.27 and 1.43 times higher than that in the 2000s, respectively, seriously affecting about 15% area of the sub-basins. Construction of XND mainly encompasses Xiongxian, Rongcheng, and Anxin counties, areas which predominantly comprise farmland, townships and rural settlements, water, and wetland ecosystems. The development and construction of XND should ease the non-capital functions of Beijing, as well as moderately control population and industrial growth. Thus, this development should be included within the national ‘sponge city’ construction pilot area in early planning stages, and reference should be made to international low-impact development modes in order to strengthen urban green infrastructural construction. Early stage planning based on the existing characteristics of the underlying surface should consider the construction of green ecological patches and ecological corridors between XND and the cities of Baoding, Beijing, and Tianjin. The proportion of impervious surfaces should not exceed 60%, while that of the core area should not exceed 70%. The development of XND needs to initiate the concept of ‘planning a city according to water resource amount’ and incorporate rainwater collection and recycling.  相似文献   

Under the background of China’s rapid urbanization, study on comparative analysis of the spatial structure of urban agglomerations between China and the US can provide the policy proposals of space optimization for the Chinese government. Taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) and Boswash as study area, we mapped the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. Further, landscape metrics, gravitational model and spatial analysis were used to analyze the differences of the spatial structures between the BTH and Boswash. The results showed that (1) the area of the impervious surface increased rapidly in the BTH, while those remained stable in the Boswash. (2) The spatial structure of the BTH experienced different periods including isolated cities stage, dual-core cities stage, group cities stage and network-style cities stage, while those of the Boswash was more stable, and its spatial pattern showed a “point-axis” structure. (3) The spatial pattern of high-high assembling regions of the impervious surface exhibited a “standing pancake” feature in the BTH, while those showed a “multi-center, local aggregation and global discrete” feature in the Boswash. (4) All the percentages of the impervious surface of ecological, living, and production land of the BTH were higher than those of the Boswash. At last, from the perspective of space optimization of urban agglomeration, the development proposals for the BTH were proposed.  相似文献   

Under the background of China's rapid urbanization, study on comparative analysis of the spatial structure of urban agglomerations between China and the US can provide the policy proposals of space optimization for the Chinese government. Taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) and Boswash as study area, we mapped the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. Further, landscape metrics, gravitational model and spatial analysis were used to analyze the differences of the spatial structures between the BTH and Boswash. The results showed that(1) the area of the impervious surface increased rapidly in the BTH, while those remained stable in the Boswash.(2) The spatial structure of the BTH experienced different periods including isolated cities stage, dual-core cities stage, group cities stage and network-style cities stage, while those of the Boswash was more stable, and its spatial pattern showed a "point-axis" structure.(3) The spatial pattern of high-high assembling regions of the impervious surface exhibited a "standing pancake" feature in the BTH, while those showed a "multi-center, local aggregation and global discrete" feature in the Boswash.(4) All the percentages of the impervious surface of ecological, living, and production land of the BTH were higher than those of the Boswash. At last, from the perspective of space optimization of urban agglomeration, the development proposals for the BTH were proposed.  相似文献   

乔治  贺曈  卢应爽  孙宗耀  徐新良  杨俊 《地理研究》2022,41(7):1932-1947
近年来全球气候变化已经影响到人类生活的所有地区,气候系统变化的规模和现状是数千年来前所未有的。与此同时,中国城镇化进程显著加快,尤其以城市建设用地扩张主导的土地城镇化最为突出,导致城市热环境脆弱性加剧。已有研究探索了特定类型土地利用变化对于城市热环境的影响,但忽视了全球气候变化背景下自然气候和人类活动共同作用城市热环境变化的双重过程。因此,本研究提出一种基于土地利用类型的城市热环境变化贡献度算法,旨在厘清自然气候(表征为土地利用平均温度变化)和人类活动(表征为土地利用类型转变)对于区域热环境变化的单独贡献。本研究使用中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,MODIS)地表温度及发射率数据,定量计算2005—2020年四季和昼夜京津冀城市群各城市土地利用类型平均温度和面积变化对于城市热环境变化的分别贡献。该算法计算各城市四季和昼夜地表温度变化与MODIS LST产品误差在1 K以内。2005—2020年各城市地表平均温度大多数呈增长态势,其中冬季白天增温幅度最高。耕地、城市建设用地和农村居民点对城市热环境变化的贡献度较其他土地利用类型突出。京津冀城市群中各城市人类活动对城市热环境变化的单位贡献强度远高于自然气候(4.03~648.07倍),而人类活动的贡献总量(-0.25~0.92 K)低于自然气候(-2.40~6.50 K)。研究结果对于京津冀城市群空间协同发展和适应及减缓气候变化等具有重要的科学意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

Urban land cover has major impacts on a city''s ecosystem services and the inherent quality of its urban residential environment. The spatio-temporal distribution of impervious surface area and green areas in Chinese cities has exhibited a significantly marked difference in comparison with USA cities. This study focused on monitoring and comparing the spatio-temporal dynamics, land cover patterns and characteristics of functional regions in six Chinese (n=3) and USA (n=3) cities. The study data were collated from Landsat TM/MSS imagery during the period 1978-2010. Results indicate that Chinese cities have developed compactly over the past three decades, while development has been notably dispersed among USA cities. Mean vegetation coverage in USA cities is approximately 2.2 times that found amongst Chinese urban agglomerations. Land use types within Chinese cities are significantly more complex, with a higher density of impervious surface area. Conversely, the central business district (CBD) and residential areas within USA cities were comprised of a lower proportion of impervious surface area and a higher proportion of green land. Results may be used to contribute to future urban planning and administration efforts in both China and the USA.  相似文献   

城市内部土地覆盖结构对城市生态服务功能和人居环境质量产生重要影响。中国与美国不同发展阶段城市不透水地表和绿地时空分布格局存在显著差异。本文基于Landsat TM/MSS影像获取1978、1990、2000、2010 年城市内部土地覆盖和不透水地表分类信息,监测并比较中国和美国六个特大城市扩展时空动态、土地覆盖结构差异及城市不同功能区特征。研究表明,在过去30 多年以来,中国城市以相对紧凑形态发展,美国城市较为离散;美国三大城市植被所占的比例是中国的2.21 倍;中国城市内部结构土地利用功能类型更加复杂,不透水地表密度更高,而美国城市CBD和居住区功能相对独立,特别居住区以镶嵌式低不透水地表和高绿地比例结构为主。  相似文献   

近30年北京市ISP-LST空间特征及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于琛  胡德勇  曹诗颂  张旸  张亚妮  段欣 《地理研究》2019,38(9):2346-2356
本文聚焦长时序地表的不透水与温度特征,利用Landsat影像数据,获取1991—2015年北京市的不透水地表盖度(Impervious Surface Percentage, ISP)与地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)数据,构建不透水地表盖度-地表温度(ISP-LST)二维空间。结合标准差椭圆法,对ISP-LST空间密度分布的聚集特性进行分析,定量化表述各时期的特征与变化。研究发现:① ISP-LST二维空间特征表现为三种类型:弱相关、非完全正相关和显著正相关。② ISP-LST标准差椭圆的方向性和离散性均值为11.26和2.87,空间聚集性良好。随时间推移,高温现象受不透水地表的影响过程趋于复杂化。③ ISP-LST聚集区是城市热环境的重要表征,其在各功能区年际增长率为:功能扩展区(2.97%)>核心功能区(1.75%)>发展新区(1.63%)>生态涵养区(0.18%)。聚集区在东南方向增长明显,研究时段内累计增长14.77%。④ ISP-LST聚集区的斑块密度及形状复杂度的景观格局变化不大,但斑块连接性随时间推移有所降低。本文研究结果可为缓解城市热岛效应、制定生态环境调控政策提供相应参考。  相似文献   

As a very important part of the urban ecosystem, the urban green space system plays an active role in maintaining the urban ecosystem stability, providing ecosystem services, and improving the quality of the urban environment. In order to deal with the problems brought about by the deterioration of the urban ecological environment, it is necessary to study and analyze the spatial distribution pattern, evolutionary characteristics and ecosystem services of urban green space to maximize its ecological benefits and comprehensive functions. In this study, we took Beijing urban area as an example, and based on the spatial distribution data of urban green space and remote sensing data, we first calculated the urban green space type transition matrix, landscape pattern index and ecosystem services. Then, we analyzed the changes in urban green space landscape patterns, ecosystem services and their spatial distributions from 2000 to 2020, and studied the interactive relationships between landscape changes and changes in ecosystem services. The results showed three key findings. (1) Beijing’s urban green space construction has achieved remarkable results from 2000 to 2020. The area of green space has increased by 77.41%, mainly from cultivated land and construction land. (2) From 2000 to 2020, the amounts of dust retention, SO2 absorption, NO2 absorption, cooling and humidification, carbon fixation and oxygen release, and rainwater runoff reduction in Beijing's urban green space have shown continuous increases in general. (3) There is a close relationship between urban green space landscape changes and green space ecosystem services, and total area (TA) has the highest correlation with ecosystem services. Except for rainwater runoff reduction, the correlation coefficients between TA and ecosystem services are all higher than 0.85. This research can provide theoretical guidance for optimizing Beijing's green space and determining how to maximize the effect of green space for improving the ecological environment, and ultimately provide a scientific basis for the construction of Beijing's ecological environment.  相似文献   

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