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近200年来黑河下游天鹅湖湖泊沉积记录的环境变迁   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
根据2002-2004年洞庭湖水质监测数据,参照GB3838-2002中Ⅲ类水质标准,选用内梅罗水污染指数法和黄浦江污染指数对洞庭湖水质现状进行评价,结果表明:(1)洞庭湖水体的主要污染指标是总磷,总氮和粪大肠菌群;(2)黄浦江污染指数平均值为0.27,所以洞庭湖12个断面水质无黑臭现象发生;(3)枯水期西洞庭湖和南洞庭湖水质污染最严重,平水期西洞庭湖水质污染最严重,洞庭湖丰水期的污染程度小于平水期;(4)洞庭湖的大部分水体的水质主要处于轻度污染的状态,局部水体的水质在枯水期达到重污染的状态.  相似文献   

青海湖近900年来气候环境演化的湖泊沉积记录   总被引:31,自引:9,他引:31  
通过对青海湖沉积物碳酸盐含量、磁化率、TOC等多环境指标的分析,探讨了青海湖地区近900年来的气候环境演变。结果表明青海湖地区近900年来气候变化属于暖干-冷湿的气候演替类型,经历了5次冷湿期和5次暖干期,中世纪暖期、小冰期以及20世纪以来的升温在该沉积岩芯有清晰的记录。沉积物的磁化率和沉积速率的变化忠实地记录了本世纪以来人类活动的影响。  相似文献   

历史时期希门错湖泊沉积色素记录的古环境变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
湖泊沉积物中色素的含量,种类以及相应的参数是研究湖泊初始生产力和湖泊环境的有效手段之一。本文根据青藏高原东部希门错短柱岩芯XM9201沉积物的色素指标的综合判别,讨论了该地区过去2000多年来的古环境变化过程和特点,对比分析我国东西部气候记载及冰芯研究,探讨了各气候事故表现形式的异同点。  相似文献   

对云南洱海湖泊岩芯沉积物进行了多环境指标(年代学、色素、硅藻、有机碳稳定同位素、磁化率、化学元素)的分析,建立了近1800年来云南洱海流域气候与环境变化的序列,气候演化具有暖干、冷湿交替的组合呈些特征气候阶段如中世纪温暖期、小冰期气候特征在洱海源泊沉积记录中均有反映,洱海湖泊上沉积记录的气候暖干-冷湿交替变化规律,反映了西南委风影响下的气候演化特征,湖泊沉积记录中包含丰富的人类以的信息,磁化率,元  相似文献   

青藏高原苟鲁错近几十年环境变化的湖泊沉积记录   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王小天  李世杰 《湖泊科学》2002,14(3):217-222
通过对青藏高原苟鲁错湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量,粒度、C值的综合分析,得出湖泊流域气候近几十年来气候呈干暖化趋势。另外,通过苟鲁错附近五道梁和沱沱河气象站统计资料和湖泊沉积特性的对比分析,说明通过碳酸盐、粒度、C值等综合指标对重建苟鲁错流域古气候是可行的,这为苟鲁错流域古气候重建提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部马兰冰芯记录的近千年来气候环境变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据青藏高原北部可可西里马兰冰芯记录, 重建了该地区1129A.D.以来的气候环境变化. 马兰冰芯中δ18O记录表明, 近千年来该地区暖季气温呈上升趋势, 20世纪升温在其自然变化范围之内, “中世纪暖期”和“小冰期”在该冰芯记录中均有表现. 在该冰芯记录时段内, 最暖的世纪是17世纪, 最暖的年代是1610 s. 马兰冰芯中污化层厚度比率是沙尘天气发生频率的良好指标, 据此建立了该地区近870 a来沙尘天气发生频率的变化过程, 并发现该冰芯记录的沙尘天气发生频率变化与气温变化之间在101~102 a时间尺度上存在显著的负相关关系. 通过对青藏高原北部相关冰芯、树轮等记录的综合分析, 揭示出温湿气候时期沙尘天气发生频率较低, 而冷干气候时期沙尘天气发生频率较高. 近200 a来沙尘天气发生频率呈现明显减少趋势.  相似文献   

近百年来新疆博斯腾湖初级生产力的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郑柏颖  张恩楼  高光 《湖泊科学》2012,24(3):466-473
本研究选择新疆博斯腾湖不同区域进行沉积岩芯采集.在210Pb、137Cs定年的基础上,利用漫反射光谱分析了湖泊沉积物中叶绿素a的含量,结合沉积速率、烧失量以及开都河的径流量记录等,探讨近百年来湖泊初级生产力的变化.结果表明:开都河的径流量变化对博斯腾湖沉积速率与生产力演化有一定影响,而人类活动干扰则是影响湖泊初级生产力演化的主要原因.1950s开始的新疆第一次大规模开垦活动导致了湖泊的沉积速率及初级生产力开始上升.沉积物的沉积速率以及叶绿素a的沉积通量在1970年左右出现最高值后下降,这与新疆的第二次大规模垦荒有关,同时,周边地区盐碱地除盐方式的改变对湖泊的生态环境变化也有很大影响.从1980s至今,由于流域内人类活动干扰增强,沉积物中的叶绿素a浓度逐渐增加,湖泊初级生产力呈上升的趋势.  相似文献   

随着云南社会经济的持续发展与极端气候事件的频发,高原大中型湖泊面临着水质恶化、生态与环境功能退化的长期胁迫.为识别亚热带大型湖泊面临的主要环境压力,以杞麓湖为研究对象,在对沉积物钻孔进行物理(粒度、烧失量)、生物(色素、硅藻)等指标分析的基础上,结合现代监测和湖泊调查数据,重建了近两百年来湖泊水文条件、富营养化和环境变化的历史,并对硅藻群落结构的演化进行了驱动过程识别.沉积物粒度在1958年之前变化总体较为稳定且有较高的黏土含量;随着围湖造田等流域开发的增强,沉积物粒度组成自1960s开始频繁波动且粗颗粒组分快速增加.1981—2000年期间,随着落水洞泄水工程的修建杞麓湖的水位控制与水文调控得到加强,沉积物砂质含量降低且粒度组成变化较小;2000—2013年期间,湖泊疏浚工程的开展和区域降水的持续减少都导致了沉积物粒度组成波动较大、粗颗粒组成较高.沉积物色素记录了湖泊初级生产力的缓慢上升出现于19世纪中后期,并自1960s开始总叶绿素与蓝藻色素含量总体出现了较大幅度的增加趋势并持续至今.而在2000—2005年期间,湖泊浅水区的疏浚清淤导致了内源营养盐输入量的降低与藻类生物量的明显下降;沉积物蓝藻色素含量在1998、2008和2012—2013年左右出现明显的峰值,指示杞麓湖可能出现了较大范围的蓝藻暴发事件.统计分析结果显示,湖泊硅藻群落结构出现了多次明显转变且呈现底栖硅藻百分比长期降低的特征,水体富营养化的持续是驱动硅藻群落结构演替的主要因子,而水生植物退化、水文条件与气候变化也对硅藻群落的构建产生了重要的叠加影响.本文的沉积物分析结果表明,亚热带大型湖泊的生态治理与环境保护需要重点围绕营养盐负荷控制、水文调控优化与底栖生境恢复,并需应对全球变暖与极端气候事件产生的叠加影响.  相似文献   

了解水文过程对温室气体水平上升的响应,对气候变化影响研究至关重要.然而,由于缺乏长期的观测数据来了解气候系统的长期行为,这方面的研究往往受到一定限制.结合重建数据和模型模拟(全球气候模式和水文模型)数据将有助于更好地理解气候和水文过程在过去几十年到几个世纪的时间尺度上的变化.在本研究中,利用模型链方法研究长江上游过去千年至21世纪末的洪水变化.首先,利用四个全球气候模式(BCC-CSM1.1、MIROC-ESM、MRI-CGCM3、CCSM4)的降水和温度数据驱动水文模型,模拟长江上游在过去千年(850~1849年)、历史时期(1850~2005年)和未来时期(2006~2099年)的日径流过程.在此基础上,评估了模拟降水、温度和极值流量是否与文献记载的干湿期、温度变化和古洪水记录具有相似的统计特性.最后,通过模型模拟结果探究了极值流量从过去千年到未来的变化.结果表明:(1) MIROC-ESM模式不同于其他三种气候模式,从温暖期(中世纪暖期; MCA)到寒冷期(小冰期; LIA),温度增加,而其他模式的温度变化与历史记录相似;(2) BCC-CSM1.1模式的模拟降水与记录的干湿期之...  相似文献   

云南省拥有丰富的生物多样性,其生态系统稳定性对于发挥生态系统服务功能十分重要,但近几十年以来的人类活动以及气候变化带来的干扰削弱了该区域的生态系统功能.本文以阳宗海为研究对象,探讨了1820s—2006年间人类活动背景下摇蚊群落多样性和稳定性的变化过程,并进一步探讨阳宗海摇蚊群落多样性与稳定性之间的关系.利用沉积物中的营养指标(总有机碳(TOC)含量、总氮(TN)含量和TOC/TN摩尔比)及摇蚊分别重建了湖泊营养变化及摇蚊群落物种丰富度、均匀度、相似度和稳定性(ar1),利用PCA第1轴代表摇蚊群落以检测突变点.研究发现摇蚊群落组成与湖泊营养变化有较好的一致性,二者在1990年左右发生突变,物种丰富度、均匀度和相似度指数分别在1950s、1990s初以及1970s初升高,说明摇蚊群落组成逐渐多样化,种属分布更加均匀.通过检测发现摇蚊群落稳定性在1960s初开始降低,比湖泊系统突变提前30 a左右.摇蚊群落的物种丰富度、均匀度以及稳定性指标伴随着湖泊外源营养物质输入比例增加而升高,群落多样性与稳定性之间的相关性分析表明群落稳定性随物种丰富度的升高而降低.  相似文献   

Climate of Yunnan Plateau is mainly controlledby the system of southwest Asian monsoon, and alsoaffected by westerlies and local climate of the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau. Since the Cenozoic, a large numberof structural lake basins have formed with the uplift ofthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[1]. As the information aboutthe climate and environment change was faithfullydocumented in lake sediments, which have the char-acteristics of continuity, high resolution, abundant in-formation, lake sediments p…  相似文献   

Long-chain n-alkenes showing a predominance of n-C25:1 and n-C27:1 were detected in recent sediment of Lake Lugu, an oligotrophic alpine lake in Yunnan Province, SW China. The abundances of n-C25:1 and n-C27:1 alkenes varied considerably in the sediment core, most obviously in showing higher values during the period of 1821–1982, followed by a significant decrease between 1982 and 2012. Such variations were similar to those of long-chain 1,15-alkyl diols, biomarkers of eustigmatophytes, and a significant correlation was observed between n-C25:1 (or n-C27:1) alkene and C32 1,15-alkyl diol in the sediment core. This correlation and the fact that long-chain n-alkenes in some eustigmatophytes (e.g., Nannochloropsis sp.) were dominated by C25 and C27 compounds indicates that eustigmatophytes were the most likely contributor of the long-chain n-alkenes (especially the n-C25:1 and n-C27:1 alkenes) in Lake Lugu sediment. Chlorophytes, on the other hand, cannot be excluded as a possible contributor of the long-chain n-alkenes because these algae are common in Lake Lugu and they are known to biosynthesize n-C27:1 alkene. Productivities for some species of eustigmatophytes and chlorophytes considerably decreased when the lake water was heavily influenced by catchment soil erosion and anthropogenic sewage inputs.  相似文献   

泸沽湖近代沉积环境时空变化特征及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对泸沽湖沉积岩芯粒度、磁化率(χ_(lf))、化学蚀变指数(CIA)等沉积指标的分析,结合~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs定年结果以及区域降水和人类活动等资料,研究了近150年来泸沽湖沉积环境的时空变化特征与主要影响因素.泸沽湖沉积物粒度组成以黏土与细粉砂为主(80%),细颗粒组分(如黏土)含量与χ_(lf)、CIA之间具有显著相关性.各岩芯沉积指标垂向变化规律相似,1920s之前,沉积指标较为稳定,为人类活动影响较弱的准自然沉积阶段;1920s以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量逐渐升高,反映了风化与成壤作用较强的细颗粒表土物质侵蚀开始加强,可能与流域农业发展及森林砍伐等人类活动影响有关;约1970年以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量进一步升高,指示了流域内表土侵蚀与上述人类活动影响的进一步增强,与文献记录的1970s—1980s两次大规模的森林砍伐吻合;约2002年以来,χ_(lf)、CIA值与黏土含量降低,反映了表土侵蚀减弱,与近年来流域植被逐渐恢复及降水减少有关.与器测资料对比研究表明,降水等气候因素对近代泸沽湖沉积环境演变的影响相对较弱.空间上,各沉积指标表现出一定的异质性.黏土含量在南部和北部湖区两侧靠近洪积扇及冲积平原的湖区沉积物中较高;近50年以来,各沉积岩芯所反映的平均沉积通量为0.020~0.043 g/(cm~2·a),南部湖区高于北部湖区,主要受入湖水系分布及流域南部地区高强度人类活动导致的土壤侵蚀的影响.  相似文献   

洞庭湖流域气候变化特征(1961-2003年)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以22个气象站1961-2003年的气象观测数据为基础,对洞庭湖流域的气温、降水和参照蒸散量进行趋势与突变分析.从1970年开始,洞庭湖流域经历了一个缓慢而稳定的增温过程,1990s发生突变进入快速增温时期;尤其是是在春、冬季节,这种突变式的增温特征非常显著;秋季持续而稳定增温,而夏季气温并无明显变化.进入1990s,洞庭湖流域降水有明显增多,尤其是夏季降水突变式增加;与此同时,夏季暴雨频率也突变式增大,但是暴雨强度并无明显变化.1900s迄今,参照蒸散量持续而稳定的减少,夏季减少量尤为显著.全球变暖的区域响应,驱动洞庭湖流域水循环速度加快,夏季降水增多,而蒸发能力减弱,这是1990s洞庭湖流域洪水频发的主要气候因子.  相似文献   

In this paper, the site-specific impact of climate change on sediment yield has been assessed for the Naran watershed, Pakistan. Observed data has been gathered for period 1961–2010 and HaDCM3 GCM predictors of SRES scenarios A2 and B2 have been downloaded. Future precipitation and temperature time series have been statistically downscaled for time horizon 2011–2040 and 2041–2070. Downscaled data show both increasing and decreasing changes with respect to the observation. Potential sediment yield for future related to climate change has been simulated. The results show that the both snowy and monsoon seasonal stream discharges are expected to increase. This will lead to increase in annual sus-pended sediment yields. Percentage-wise, a less discharge and more sediment yield are expected during the early summer. The study concluded that the climate change and variability are influencing the watershed, and suspended sediment yield is likely to increase in the future.  相似文献   

Based on Argo sea surface salinity(SSS) and the related precipitation(P), evaporation(E), and sea surface height data sets, the climatological annual mean and low-frequency variability in SSS in the global ocean and their relationship with ocean circulation and climate change were analyzed. Meanwhile, together with previous studies, a brief retrospect and prospect of seawater salinity were given in this work. Freshwater flux(E-P) dominated the mean pattern of SSS, while the dynamics of ocean circulation modulated the spatial structure and low-frequency variability in SSS in most regions. Under global warming, the trend in SSS indicated the intensification of the global hydrological cycle, and featured a decreasing trend at low and high latitudes and an increasing trend in subtropical regions. In the most recent two decades, global warming has slowed down, which is called the"global warming hiatus". The trend in SSS during this phase, which was different to that under global warming, mainly indicated the response of the ocean surface to the decadal and multi-decadal variability in the climate system, referring to the intensification of the Walker Circulation. The significant contrast of SSS trends between the western Pacific and the southeastern Indian Ocean suggested the importance of oceanic dynamics in the cross-basin interaction in recent decades. Ocean Rossby waves and the Indonesian Throughflow contributed to the freshening trend in SSS in the southeastern Indian Ocean, while the increasing trend in the southeastern Pacific and the decreasing trend in the northern Atlantic implied a long-term linear trend under global warming. In the future, higher resolution SSS data observed by satellites, together with Argo observations, will help to extend our knowledge on the dynamics of mesoscale eddies, regional oceanography, and climate change.  相似文献   

This paper uses monthly streamflow, suspended sediment concentration, and meteorological data to examine the impact of human activity and climate change on streamflow and sediment load in the Pearl River basin from the 1950s to the 2000s. The influences of climate change and human activities on hydrological processes were quantitatively evaluated using the Mann–Kendall abrupt change test and power rating curves. The results showed that:(1) abrupt changes and turning points in streamflow occurred in 1963, 1983, and 1991 which were found to be consistent with global ENSO events and volcanic eruptions. However, abrupt changes in sediment load showed significant spatial differences across the Pearl River basin. For the Xijiang River, an abrupt change in sediment load occurred in 2002, and after 2007 the change becomes significant at the 95% confidence level. At Beijiang and Dongjiang, abrupt changes in sediment load occurred in 1998 and 1988, respectively.(2) The time series of sediment load data was divided into four periods according to abrupt changes. The contribution of climate change and human activities is different in the different rivers. For the Xijiang River, compared with the first period, climate change and human activities contributed 83% and 17%, respectively, to the increasing sediment load during the second period. In the third period, the variation of sediment load followed a decreasing trend. The contribution from climate change and human activities also changed to t236% and -136%, respectively. In the fourth period, climate change and human activities contributed -32% and t132%, respectively. Meanwhile, For the Beijiang River, climate change and human activities contributed 90% and 10% in the second period, the contribution of climate change increased to t115% and human activities decreased to -15% in the third period. In the fourth period, the value for climate change decreased to t36% and human activities increased to t64%. For the Dongjiang River, the contribution of human activities was from 74.5% to 90%, and the values for climate change were from 11% to 25%. Therefore, the effect of human activity showed both spatial and temporal differences, and it seems likely that the decreased sediment load will continue to be controlled mainly by human activities in the future.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物是记录气候演化信息的重要载体之一,在探讨过去气候变化过程研究中发挥重要作用.然而,沉积物中的许多代用指标对气候的指示意义存在多解性,不同指标所反映的环境信息相互之间有时会存在矛盾.为了能够更准确地解读湖泊沉积物中指标所记录的环境变化信息,开展现代湖泊沉积物指标与环境之间的关系研究,深入探讨各指标对环境变化的响应机制尤为关键.本文选取青藏高原东南部巴松措湖泊表层沉积物作为研究对象,利用210Pb与137Cs比活度检测结果建立年代序列,对沉积物中粒度、磁化率、有机质含量等指标进行分析,揭示巴松措现代沉积过程.结合沉积物粒度端元组分分析结果,并将不同指标变化与林芝气象站所记录的数据资料进行对比,得出以下主要结论:该地区沉积物来源主要包括径流搬运的冰川碎屑物质和来自青藏高原南部、西南部上空悬浮于大气中的风成物质两部分;其中,通过风力搬运的物质输入主要集中在冬半年,受季节性风向及风速变化影响明显;径流受到冰雪融水与夏季降水的补给,因此通过径流搬运的物质输入量受到温度与降水综合影响;湖泊中磁性矿物碎屑的产生和输入主要受区域降水量影响的流域侵蚀速率变化控制,该湖泊沉积物磁化率波动可以有效的指示该地区降水量变化;沉积物中总有机碳含量和总氮含量变化主要反映湖泊自身初级生产力的变化,对区域温度变化的响应显著.  相似文献   

The nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and the Pettitt test were employed to examine the change trends and shifts of runoff and sediment input to Poyang Lake between 1961 and 2013. Water balance and linear regression models were used to evaluate the impacts of climate variability and human activities on the runoff and sediment discharge changes. The results showed that runoff inputs to the lake had insignificant temporal trends and change points, while sediment inputs had significant decreasing trends, with an abrupt change in 1989. Quantitative assessment demonstrated that human activities led to a small decrease (5.5%) in runoff inputs to the lake, and a dramatic (121.4%) decrease in sediment inputs to the lake between the reference period (before the change point) and the human-influenced period (after the change point). This work provides a useful reference for future policy makers in water resource utilization and environmental safety of the Poyang Lake basin.  相似文献   

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